Laidlaw chronicle. (Laidlaw, Crook County, Or.) 1905-19??, May 28, 1903, Image 10

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C hanging a? í S tai
Tlit' :u!mlsslt>n of Okl:ili.>m.i liit<> the
I :■ l<>n Mas n«wssltntc»l tin* rcurraniR*-
input of thp stars on the r!:itj to admit
the <ymhol of tin1 now Sta'e. nisi t
ha- U'fii a blit task to rcnrrn .;*■ tin*
stars ou all the military tla.-s of the
\ urlous lilcas have lt**en atlvamssl for
the clmplideation t*f the fieltl of stars
on Old tilery
The difficulty In addin*
new stars Is that the rows art> ntsvs
anrtly made up o f uneven numbers, an.I
Q ld G lo & y
' th!« makes It lnip.'sslble to arrange a
field o f stars that Is perfectly ba!ani*ed
In order to obviate this ditti.-ulty It ha«
txvn suggested that the stars be placed
In a circle, so that no matter how many
new Stati*«
-o i n arc destined to
apply for a place In the future they
could all be provided for bv the simple
expedient of adding constellations to
the end on the circular line
This Is
i radical departure that has found
some favor with the government otfl
front yard. looking with genuine tour
1st curiosity at every little oommon-
p!a.*e thing that met their eager gaze
l»e«r. whom l » >uld not know
For this was n trnlnload of brand new
If I paas.'.l you on the street.
So long and long an.l long ago
tenderfeet from the far East, moat of
\re the days when we used to meet.
whom were stepping upon t'allfornla
■oil for the first time In their lives
Y >ii may be giad to hear
Aunt Hannah was radiant ami over­
That somewhere out of the blue
flowing with hospitality.
Before ten
< ome vague sweet dreams that bring you
minutes had passed she had .lls.*overed
an old lady troui her own town In
That I often think of you ;
Iowa, and a young lady from Boston
who had known a second cousin of
That now and then ! thrill
Ezra's first wife's nephew or some such
At a rustle in tli" dark .
That I start as the wind sweep» over the near relative. Aunt Hannah was tn her
element. Every picking chair she pm»
As I see the fire-fly’s spark
sessed and every strulght-hucked one
as well, »lie brought out Into the front
Romebodjr stepj»ed on my grave?
yard under the great dnx>pln< peptx*r
Or somebody slipped out of yours?
I esnnot tell! There are ghost* that tree, and her unexpected guests sat
around and asked highly Intelligent
questions of every official they could
\ hit of the love that endures
Noon came, and the long
— Hariier’s Magazine.
train stood [x/werless to move
I ’ n-
nceustomed rivulets of perspiration
trickled down the portly conductor's
: face as he walked up and down In Ul-
eoncealed Impatience
Aunt Hannah's hospitable soul ex-
, panded
"I'll fry every egg on the
| place." she said, "and steep that five
I pounds of coffee I've Just got. and cut
"l*car me, E zra!" said go*xl Aunt up the «ix loave« of bread I baked y e s ­
Hannah, I do wish something would terday. and open every glass o f Jelly
hapi**n ! Hand o' liberty! I get so aw­ I've got. but these women and children
ful tired of this monotonous life— not a sha'n't go hungry
S.. she bustled Ind.s.p and tb-d on
single nelghtxir less than a mile away
au' not a chick or child at home.
L her sc .id-best white apron, made a
mm o
ought to I k * ashaim-d to complain, and l
am! But I <lo wish something would
hapjieii right here in front of our house!
Something to l*K>k a t !"
Aunt Hannah. g.»sl
dreamed that lx* three hours had
passed something would happen.
The one great event in her monoto­
nous life was the daily passing of
the overland passenger trains, which
brought their eager tourists to Califor­
nia or carried home returning wander-
**rg nack toward the rising sun
e ll's Intrusted with the work of re
im a g i n g the flag, but It luta not I w n
thought e\|Ksllent to adopt the Idea
without appeal (o Toogress an.l through
i o n gross to the nation. f.*r It I» felt
that aneli an luiimrtnut matter as the re
designing of Old lllory Is a matter of
full national consideration
Tar sivlng dtU ei s have |M>lutcd out
that In time the addition of new States
and the unavoidable division of single
States Into double or treble common
wealths will so crowd the field of stars
as at present arranged that It will hx>k
.•lanisti»* an.l lafnotory
greater tin* niniiN-r of stars the smaller
will be the hv mimi*, for the comparii
tlve size of the field cannot Is* changed
without spoi l k the flag and destroy­
ing the ap|»*aramv of the finest banner
on earth or sei
Ibis problem 's being
dismissed by patriotic |x’r*on* who take
an Interest t:i i allena! matters, and a
number of designs are on tile at till*
war otfi.s* that alia to provide an ar
flat le and striking irr:.- gement of stars
that, like that *• -igg *c.-d by the circular
array, will pert it ..f the addition of a
great number . f -onatellatloiis without
making tin* (tag look at a little dtatanee
like a strt|s*d banner with a Ja»*k of
pur»* white, as iv.'Ulii lx* tin* ens»* were
the blue field crowded with stars •
Williamsport • I’a i Urli
A' ,>*. !
Hannah's nx.klng Instend of the eoi
orisi chef's i passed tils official .up and
gathered In a shining shower o f all
ver. which he presented with a neat
little s|xxx h to Aunt Hannah
Then the ever present tourist cameras
came Into action, nini Aunt Hannah
was taken with her big white apron
on by at least a dozen amateur*. Then
there were other snapshots, to»> I n
cle Ezra in Ills overalls, the great pep
[X'r tris*, the disabled engine, the |x*r
spiring conductor, ami even old I >. h-
bln himself
The ol.l Indy from Iowa and thv
young lady from Boston Insisted ui“ »n
helping with the illnhes. and there en­
sued a merry clatter from the kitchen
Some o f
the young folks gather*«!
around Aunt Hannahs parlor organ
and sang old (.<-«[>«| hymns, or looked
over Aunt Hannah'« plush-covered pho­
tograph album on the marble-topped
center table
At last the conductor wljied his
streaming brow anil shouted “ All
aboard !" and Aunt Hannah’s beanti
fui party was over
There were hur
rled handshake«, and one or two Im
pulsi ve hugs and kiss.« f,‘,r Aunt Han­
nah. many cheery words o f thanks and
appreciation, nnd then they nil ran tie
ward the cars and «. rambled nlx.ard
Aunt Hannah, looking and feeling
twenty year« younger, stoini on the
porch and watched the long tr In as It
got Into motion and slowly pulled out,
waving her white apron In responsi» to
a score of waving hindkerchb-fs. and
cn u h l s c a rc e ly s,.,- i|. ni for t?io tears
which dimmed her kir; I oypfi.
And thus »he mt <.■ •<I »J* d io !«»ng r r n lt
entered the cur nnd - •w ’> d is i ;•« arod
frum view.
She and Ezra bega: fo carry fhe
eh airs Into th ■ le »
Aunt Hinnnh
w'tiD a If trío tr«»mii!o’:s fn> r.i **\< *• rnont
“ Kara/* slo* said
hen I wished this
mornin' that
ii "i*
- would happen
I didn’t really wa t t ' .• in. e riami
•hou d break d< mi, but I
It d id !”
I di
r when I e* ei
did have such n g.«..| time' And, Ezra,
here's $-7 that conductor t<x»k up in
his cap
\\ hat in merry m name, can
I do with so much money'■ oh, I
I know!
! i pay Ella's fare
out here Klin s and the baby's! Seems
like I ought to use it some way like
that, seeing my opposition restaurant
took a lot o f customers away from the
dining enr on the Overland
New O r­
leans Times Ilemocrat
U Im i
M rN
I •«»••**
a iiw h
*1 Ilo Mllll'l'HH llttolullng Ilio UH* of
■ llilg«* II» tho «htlry hi|H|n« h has . roat«*«l
himli Ititor« -t ttinoug ÌM*«*f « atti«» iii «» ii .
Slitta«* f»imlah«*s a ai)« vul«uit
f « m *» I,
w tildi I h « i i i 11«* • ss«'iil lai t«» tlu» «IIIry
h «* w hi )g«*«*|diig tu r «llgt'HtIvi* *•> m |«*ni In
g*««*«| « n untitI«> ii
I lio Nani«* v* 11! ho f««und
trtn* f«»r tlu» h««*f iinlinal
J '
iy i
( hmiiu I h «»f niItig«* |*or day wlll supply
ti11 III«» l*ulk nini wat«T in«»h*l III n
fattonlng imbuì
I ho othor r«»ughngo
iniiy miiMlm ««f olth«*r long fo«l«lor or
% A.iii«' for (hr H u n t l»oor »«**>.
mix•*«I lui«
Ilio «ssiiininy «*f indng
le -.
\N fit'll (I h * I ii iu m stub!«* i »| h » iim Into j Dilago f«»r fattcìitng piirp*s«‘s In w«»ll
flu* buggy r* m »ui und it is iHHVNMitry t«* Inoiight «»ut h> rr«»f \ M S*mlo *»f
k«s*p tlit* dt«or o |* mi for \ out lint Ion, I i tlu* \ Irglnla Mt.itlon. wln» I i . ih ntat«’«! th«»
timi i Nintt 11 unto iNMiMtruotod «if j ftdl«>w hig « *‘m*h:Hl«»tiH
light tini t oriti I Is mi oMollont |»r*d«v
,*Ttn»u* w iin u dlfTor«*tn*r «*f fr«»m t
11«*li against In I s «* h getting 1 « h > jm * at»«! to
**f u |»«»mi«I «*f gialli por h»Mnl |N*r
Injuring th«» buggies
rito «ait tioro | day In fiivtir of ili«» h Ilago f«*«| «•atti«*
% tell k ! i «*\\ h a Muli! «jut«» wo ha\«» In uh «* Ihov i no flnlMho«t «»ut lK*tt«*r nini hi
tu «*iir I»orno t»urn
It In vory simple I iiny dinorttidiiathig tuiirkot w«*ul«t «*« t
In *»«>n*tru*'tl«*ii. t»|it s«»rv«*H a vory Im
talnlv 1 11ng a tH*tt«»r prl* «* tinnì Ih«»
|H»rtaiit purix»*«*
Were It not f«»r thin I «lr> f« «| « atti«»
light gat«» wo would find It no«M*Hsury
O f ilio dir«*«» foruiH *»f r«»ughag«» fini,
to k«s*p tin* «I« «»r otoso«I l**tw«*eii tho i ih«» Dllagt» w ii h « mi t « * 11 wlth th«» gr«»ntoDt 1 dH Henry IV • »f I'rmit r pr«*rnulgnie<|
h«*riM* »fahl«» nnd buggy r«H*ni. thus rvllHli. nud tlu r«» w a« ahHi*lutoly iio
the Pdiet of Nantes
shutting off \ out Hat Ion
, '«»HH. w ho r« MI a wlth th*» Ht«*\«*r Iti«» I ohn HUTS Pugilati ar■tilers arrived at NrVS
III«» unto I h hinged onto tho rolling
11 a « el», < 'olili
ititotint« d t«» lit.r» | ht «*«•»»t and w 11 !» Iniv
d »••r with light strap !tingt»H «»xplaitis » I I « ’* | nt ««•ut
Wltoro u largo uuhi I nt 1 • Id Ihe 1 high *h und-r ttie Htlke of
wrltor In tin* 1’ralrlo Ktirtuor. ha * that
< ‘umbri lu ml *h*f«,nle«| the S*s*tt l"t»
• f ntihnalH uro f«»«| ililn wonld niiik«* a
vi lion th«* gut** I h not In us«* It hw lugs • •«•UHI«!* r.ihh» «llffor«‘tii*» In III«» yont of
td*ds|i*«| l*\ ttie voting Pretemler
nt the batti«* of t'ulluden. »*•<»? In
radon, o\«vpt flint th«» Nhro«hlo«l *»t**\**r
veri»« ns.
1 • ni I n - utili/.« d to u«l«aid.ig«» for tu*«!
17 li» lini
«vu r *«li 11* I *• »»**»r <>k • W ft*«*ll r
near I*. I» Su» l*. «Ih I*** • f x d » «
M ’.igo IH h \s pili llp to«hlV I h hot
h**r i re«
I t«*r than wtirn di*’ prin tl««' wiih flrat
I «r Si* ii hi i * I .futili .n’ ’ "HI« i irtnnf)
I hhh I Dilago «*f «*«*ru I h hi oh*
• *f tlu* I i .*h h I • muli»!*’' putii ìn I iim I
whon fli«- gr illi lum p o hi «| th«* milk
1 «•*”• I lr»*t li* \* ?|m |.«r m whnt m n«*««r
Htago and 1 » iih ootiiin« n< « d lo glax«* ii Ut
ftie Proviti« •• «*f Olitili •» iNHit«*«| « |
tlt» Sllngo I n ii od«* a!**o frolli Norghum.
N •• w a r k i \ i ii g a r .1 )
• *H*rti nini «>»\*iH*nH ami p« n \ I ii «* d
0 »
' l-J.lj
1 s< 1 I
« » f
I ruiue
1^1 * * «>tiim«*<li»re I »* • alar »• f thè Pnltisl
« «»«»i*
S‘ .ii* » ii i \ « . ,* j ■ ir.*d I wii Alg«,r»nt|
rii«* «l«»nhlo l*i«NHllng « iH.j* h I iow ii In
n •«fi« (in*l «’/ ni pri«M>iier«
th«» «traw h ig I h fo u r f«« •t H*i»tar«* ii vi«t
l*'*«^* ltritl»h
I' irI niitt-nl
| t*■•«•«! fh«»
thr«H* f«*«'t h ig h at r«»ur. tW«> Ditti Oil«*
ItoiriMn I ' n IH h IÌ« telirf tali
h.ilf In front It may !>«• built of totigu*'
and gr«H»\••«! httitT **r atralgtit « h I^** I ^ • • I in; *r*»r nini 1.1 » » 1 • r • nj » mi Ih*»
I ; en. h arri«e*| m Ktiilond ro »h«lt
iM'.tnla «un* ti.ilf «*r ttins* four!ha hu t»
N1.Ar u n n i r taxi«
fJu.H’ti Vk4*t«»rin
thick The hliigtsl
I i «I h h T i «» u I«| hav«« tw«*
ar.iuud nnd fastens to the large .|.">r
cl«*atD each t*» make thetu firm
In I'’ **' t *r Snn«*n It< rtit%r*t na)tiitlMl *f
out o f the way
T..r material Iti uiitk
i >• Y Ig.lltl**) 1 Ur lite of I *»«i »
f»*«*iit Is a on«» Inch n»«Nh wir«* ii«’ttlng
mg the gate w • ii «* Inch strips of g"*"l
N A|M»lr«fti
and at tin* «Hlg«*s ir«* strips **f three
pine f..r the horizontal plisx-s
Che lip
tlirprr «
«|uart«»r hv «*)»•• at»«l «»ne half Inch stufi 1 ! s* i ] « i»lif«*U r « I. •
right pbs-es ar*- light strips gotten nut j
to liisur*» rlgMlty
In « uh » «t»rn«T a**
f..r fen is* pickets
I find a tight gate
sh«»wn. I« th«» n«*at, f«»ur ln h«*a «|«»«»p Is**’ I 1 « ii *«* dn Ijiri-tl sur «fNifY«M thm
" f this character a g.H«| thing to kix-p
W* «lenii gt» v«*rtuiient
nin! flft.s u **r elgtitcvn In« tu*a attuar«*,
¡»■ultry out o f the IcirIt during the SUMI
1 *v . Puff!.* «*f <'olii tnhiM. In^t eenfllrt
w«MMir«ll»'g fi* tit« ni * i*f th«* hens k«*pt
.•f thè « Tv 11 Wnr, fought rn»! ®f tl»«
mer months
Mie I m .. iim | fl«»«»r. « \plulns the Orange
M UHMippi rlver
t'iiior» flax r«-
If*«* I oluHf 1*1« I« .
l*in*e«i «»ti I «»rt Sumter
If y..u want vigorous chickens an.l
1 s «. h Hnt • t» tr<MTY|M« nnder Hir Rahert
hen* that lay do not overcrowd them
N.«pi»-r f«H*k Mngilnln, n Htronglj for
Forty or fifty lu one are suffi
tifi* I !*!••« in Ah)«tain n
eieiit. I f you have more than this Hutu
t*t74 II m .I v • »f l.miiKilont-. thè tifk a *
1 s t by nil means make a citatile, for
Infermi m Wr«*tiiilnif«r \f<t^y
jour chickens are pro)»ably mating you
Iv.M Treni? f>*r »he «ielimitaf»oa af th«
ui*»re Uniti they are worth
I f you do
Hriti*«h an«l Ifnlmn «flirre« af tattu
not care to sell any of your birds then
«n<e in Kant Afri«-a «i(nwl ni Rnm»
*tar: into the chicken business ou flic
| un » Tr-H.j.« «i ni t*> t ‘«»meli h « n W m i
colony plan
Divide your fl.s-k Into
« l i f i l r r r o u n t? .
V . fo ^ fir fl n
co .nie» of alsuit forty fowl* each nini
• trlke of Ilnlmii
lai** r«rs
Fin «
is »1 III » lUioOD « «N*|*
build bous*st for them lit different parts
Infernnfioiinl K\;M*mtl"n » ;^r»«<l
of the farm. For Insta ms*, If you have Judd Farmer, i» cov . t . h ! with sawilust l'N»4 A1 irinpte«| »*•* n»«inntiun of
one hen house on tile east side of tin* or annd.
í ‘« m *«| and drink nr«* more
Maura «*f St*nm
burn, ¡nit another house on the west r«*«<llly Diipplltsl through th«* «loor, pN».“> M*ir*•*-«’<• rrjo tfil 1 he t
Then If you have enough birds whh-h pr«*f«*rat»ly lift» In front, us
fnrm dernaml
put another house down by the i n If lot shown
P.DlT Nafionnl N ri* 'nidori and F««ra
and another to the farther end o f the
1 i»ngr*H«i oj * m * m I ki \* w York
1 o n t
I *-»»*11 n *4 W r » ( r r n
< r«»| *
eartlxpinke <l* *«f n*\ *-.l ( fui pm ntlugn
burn yitr»l \ dozen different pht.x-t will
T h e Htatisth*al h u r r a ii o f th«* l*nl«»u
a n i 4 *ti 11 n | • :« ft»wr|C' * f M e lic o , wl f h
SUgg>***t t il.’llisel t es If you l.s.k f*>r lie
r.i« Ifl«- pnsHi iig*T « le piirtiiien t I ddìi «-a n
¿:reat !«*«s **f 11fe
cation* on your farm
I f you have
Il r«»«**l 1 1* tf
s ta te iiu 'iit
fro m
mude a failure In ruining chickens nr
r«*|M*rtH s h o w in g th e valu«* o f
fa rm
your hen* "don't amount to uuich." 1
pr«Hlti«’ta In D«*v«*1it<*en S tates west o f
try this method
It will surprise und
th«* M i- s ls s ip p l In I'. mi T to have I h *»» h
please you. V e i r Item* will is- healthier,
$ I «*ÍM iNNi.iMH»
Cun» leada In pr.Hlu
will lay better und will rispiir»* lm<
t ion. I**mg value«! at n e a rly h a lf a
f<ssl Tin* prison for this w ill lx- easily
h lilio ii d o lliirs .
W in t e r wh«*at I n nex*
six-tt when you have o ik s * trbsl If
\ allied at 5J»N*,iNNi.«mn. and donieatl«
• 'hi'-kens, .»r anything el*e for that mut
hay was vnlne«| nt only
I«* sh
ter. cannot stand crowding. Alsn the Ity«». oats. Iiarle> Mini potato h follow
colony [lian g ves the fowls wider range In ori!«*r
I h«* r«*|»ort als«» atiows an In
und emouragi-s tin* Idr is to hunt for «•r«»MHe In 11v• • st*** k «*f *jf»o per «•«•nt
tlielr living
aluce IsTti
w e--'’ («H.LL 6 L »
'H id • tp!«»HÌ»»n «*f n p*i\s<l« r rnncrNmn«» Nt
• 1
* * » f 1» •• in fue
« • f
u n itr r H itr
huitdingN and guv«» the n«*igl»l»orN • g rent
I I fright.
I’ln* fac-ulty « » f I *l«*rte*i»n •••.'*/••. *’1*11»
« lllltr
l »f
' not», s. i*., im* «• « p«*u«*(i : îo :. Htiiifrrii* in*»
Ilrrifiriic I t i r i i f r
T I h t «* i . h no «lift«*r«‘iH «• ln t tu* « *»l«»r " f rnUHi* of an nil f***!*' «l«*> pr ink . ih«*r
'J’I iíh ni«'th*.«l wlilN» <h«*M|»ly
VI h « n |
fin» y«»lk *»f th«* «V-JH la b i by « 11 fT«-r**n t r*uimiin’«l away fr*» 11» «trill nnd « I nhhch *»rt
1 h »is«*«l v«*ry «*IT«H»tiv#»ly In hra<»lng *i*r
I s.» an a f»ra<*«» a |»ol«» nin«* br«*c«ls. n**r ln«Ii\ululili/ Put tt»«* «•«»;«»r April I
In Aunt Hannah's dally life this sim­
Ity the ««ill <»f I >r John Or«lron.iiiv
<»r t« ti f«H»t long, four or Hv«» 1 iï « ! i «* h In «*f th«» h I m ’II h a matt« r «»f l*r«H*t| mid
ple passing of the train« grew to he an
fh»* «tim «»f $'t«M»o«» i h I.ft to nid r«-tir«*»|
cilaiu#*t«*r ami M|tiaro at I m «tfi «»rnN Kit*
iin inherH *if tin* I »artin«'Uth • ill*
event o f Importance
Phe could catch
«iijM »•!»«! of i»«>!#• to tl»*» iH*Ht half way g»»v«»rn«H| hy 4 !»«• f.Hal given. I f»«* nv«T 1 Ih«* rest of hi* ••Hint«» 1* «I»Mtnhtifed
tantalizing glimpses of women's fair J “ i n<» >•. --.¡t • o u r r i i t . x o -.*. ovijt H A r m .
b«*tvs«*«*11 its nildfll«* an«! top :m«l pln«*e ng«* l«»ngth «»f .« In ii s «*gg I h L.VJ 7 lir*h«*s; 'Among «ArifYiiH rhiiritir*
faces and the laughing eyes of little
other «*!»•] of bruce on a flat Dt«»ne S«* «Ilom«*f«*r ul th«* l»r«»:««! «»ml I 7l! Ifich«’a ;
fire nnd set things going In her usual
children as the Overland flashed by.
I The regents **f th»* Miiirie*M»fA tmiv**r
<»ur«* on«* end «»f a wire around I my t tom weight, nlsuit «»ii«* «’»ght h <»f a ; » mi ii«t
'•apahie way
"B a n d !" she said
" I t ’s
■ity have given th«* i*rof**HH«*r* nnthoril?
not three riels from her own front door
of |MM)t, then take It t«» outer «ml «»f
a long time since I had such n run
I Yo use their «liaeretion ill regiird to th«
I h r in
Not **«.
Sometimes she waved a snowy dish
brace and t>a**k t«> post again, fasten
o f company 1 <»f ix.urs*- they eoubl get
Alfalfa m *««I Is now selling In many ! 1 m port it t i«*n of rare t*o<*k*. < hnrts nnd
towel at them ns they rushed past and
lug jM»«-urely. With a «hört atout afiele
other aida to fu-hool «««»rk
their dinner on the train, hut mebby
parts of the Went f«*r lo to l‘J « i n t i a
looked wistfully after them till the
good home cookin' 'll taste good to 'em!
twist \vlr«-H together until very tight
Prof O’Shea «*f the M i*< onsin Stai«
long cut hid the curving train
Anyway, It wouldn’t look right for rue
I uni vernit v, in ni» n«Mr** s to the tendiera
But on this particular day Aunt
Egyptian cotton hunt prodm-cs nesrlv ,,t
comity. S D told them Hint
an' Ezra to act down arid eat an' not
Hannah's heart almost stood still In
four times as nun h |«-r acre ns Ihut of „ „ nlm-nlioli hi nil is fur Ix’llrr than His
ask ’em !"
her ample bosom.
For the Overland
tills «MUintry
I mechani«iiI training *0 fre«|ti«ntly f«»utnl
Art In Spnnlxh H mii W Notes.
'l iie young lady from Boston tied on
came Into sight, running more and more
! «•*■**J ,n
l” s’ls <•« 'he country Tho
s!owlv, and finally coming to a labor­ Aunt Hannah x very best white apron,
fntter, he «Inirns. unfitN a c*luld f*»r the
■ec i » r«* a prog«»ny of n«*;»rl> l.ragi.iaai A j
I k 'tIi numerous and euiu.lng Iti Madrid,
ing. clanking stop aUnost at her very beautifully Ironed and smelling o f old
protileniN of life and rtila it «>f nnv intli*
do«* rahhit pro«lu< « h as umny dm m*v«»n
fashioned lavender, and carried plates tlip Bank of Spain lias pursued the
« itluality it nisi« «»lh«Twi*e | m »* m * nh
and cups and forks and spoons out to
I he Virgin In hiirh *« I uh »| «1* hniing t **n in
Such a thing had never happened be­
Msiny 1 1111 m »rt»111 f «h ilmigc pr«»J«s ts un hnn t'liiilleriKfd th* \i*rlli Snh* high hc I hm *!
the waiting travelers under the great
vi 1 1 fio r» «>r h r \( 1 . n o .
fore. ainl Aunt Hannah was filled with
fast as ¡Hixsllile, says the New Y'ork
pepper tree.
under wn> in thè iiuirsti lami in f^»11 lean) «*f Minneu|H»lis in nnoth«*r Joint *!e
wordless excitement
Something had
I d I jidm whhdi w III nit innit«*Iy nmk«» it l*S)te, t tie teams to 1 linir/«* sides, |ti em­
And when Aunt Hannah's famon« Sun.
happened at last! f'nole Ezra was stir­
1 lie hard, hi.-1 now determinisi on a «•rs* Review. Thla hra««* <»orn«»N In line a gr«»nt i»grh*ullur;»l ««umtry.
ploy the mm m«* judg« and Minn- «|M»liH to
coff'x began to send forth Its enticing
ring around near the house, keeping a
It has pared an order with your fetide and hy fastening y«»ur
Delect the tin»«* and plai •
111 the recent
fragrance, one by one the men came, new plan
watchful eye upon old Oobbln. the
too standing around looking xh*x-p!sh- for a series of notes with an English wire «»r hoarrlv to It prevent* It fr«»in «»ut froni I, ii fsiy«*tt.*, futi, i*mer«»tl .V h i J debate the Judges \• »1 «*«1 two t«» one in
white horse, which was patiently walk­
favor of Virginia, hut the dire« tors «• f
concern nnd It will rely for safety slipping ahleways.
ly ex|K*etant.
mlles 011 th«» M«»tioii r«»ut«», unti l.otai
ing never ending miles In the treadmill
th«* Stsit«* Rebating I .«sign«' get aside th«»
[n a d ­
They sat on the [Kirch steps nnd wjHiti n s[»s.| .| c o lo r p r o c e s s
which pumped water for the house and
waited patiently for empty cups Then dition the notes are to ¡»resent pictures
lloK» for tiilin m i d Mrilri»,
«lelivere«! frtilll thè «sirn
garden and the neighboring orchard of
The f ’arri'gie Found »ti'*n hi»* res[M»nd
the big pan of d ugtnuts went around,
Sum»* of tin* enlist country fnrmcrs
The S tru m e n to \alley. In ( ‘allfor et| to the appeal of the St tie uni versifies
young orange tries.
and generous «'i <■-. of Aunt Hannah's ecuted with h perfection that will defy while visiting tiiilvcston m i w timi muli)
nisi, h I i ipped t»ver
;.«■■».«MNi worfti «*f for adniisnion of their professors to tho
Aunt Hannah R[**otllly Informed him
fresh bread nnd golden butter and d<- counterfeiting.
hogs from lUatant ¡silnts in Tcxiis und oruiig«'* hint >« ar, and th«» growers of l^nai«»n fund with the amloun^emenf that
of the great event, and Uncle Ezra, a« llclous da Im of Aunt Hannah's finest
"The pictures are to he so beautiful Okhilioiiiii were Is’lng Mi i i [ »f «< x 1 to ('nini
tlisit MM'tion « Hi limit«* licit Hi«» ii «» w «Top
* arnegie has inereased the fumi hv
wonder-filled as she. walked down to Jellies and preserves.
tlisit amateurs will is* tempted to frame und Mexico nnd rctumisl home im
$.»,tM>,iMni, funking the t«»tul for this pur­
will I n * worth ^1
the railroad track to s«*e what might
pose $ir»,tmn,nno.
In hi* let t «»r Hill king
¡irvsscd willi lim Idea thill If II p.iid H k *
The two dozen eggs did not last long,
be wrong
It I m « st• unit«•« 1 that If th«* cattle nhI(► kriown this gift Ctarn«»gle niiv * ".Xhtst
but Aunt Hannah helped opt with crisp "H ardly," rejoins another, "tin* cost of North Texas and Oklahoma f.irnn*ix to
Aunt Hannah, from the porch, heard slices o f home cured bacon, which, as the set will be 1,h7•*. pesetas, voll sec " raiw* hogs for tin* fuban and Mexican prra of Iowa Minced in «»rtahllMhlng grateful nin I to le privileged, ns friistea
th«»lr « IsilniM agaliiMf the mllromlM for nl this wealth, to «levnte it to «udì use.'*
him say hospitably to the conductor: the blue uniformed conductor said, went T o the Spnnlsh mind $Xis rgi is n great inarkcls, it would [m.v the const conn
ex«s»DMlve Mhipping dnirge>* hi < hh sigo ! There ur«* U dì ««»lieges now on Hie p«uiHÌoa
"W hy, yes, we've got a telephone. Come right to the K|s»t.
deal of money.
try farmers to do the same thing,
they w ill g«*t hn»*k fu lly a h a lf milll«»n list.
right In an' use It.”
The white-capped waiters served a
(»■iveston New*.
Norman W. Harris, n riii. ago hanker,
And In a few moments that won­ few select souls In the dining ear of
They were having (lie usual family
who was l«orn in the village of ticket.
derful creature- the blue-uniformed, the Overland, hut Aunt Hannah's was
it V o n U n o tit II, T r » I*.
Mass., has offered to pay the oxp*»nseD to
brass-buttoned conductor o f the Over­ by fur the more popular lunch, she quarrel. As was also usual, she could
A man once (sicked himself for a j«»ar SIU.lit P.lifNi.fMg) bushels «»f apples,
tin* amount of $."» a week to every mitiv«»-
land whs standing on Aunt Hannnh's bustled nlxnit, flushed and happy.
It of she argued.
large amount, which he suhsix|iiently oti«»-half «-f w h ld i e«»m«» fro m th e f Tnlt- horn h«»y «»f tin* pine«» «« ho will attend tha
bright rag carjiet and talking In crisp, was like a great beautiful party a
«•«I Stsit* s
f ’ann«1a s«*mls o ver a bo ut local high st hool *»r g«» to «silloge.
lost, to move an ordlnnry brick attach
“ Didn’t I go to school, stupid?” she
curt, masterly tones to some unseen de­ surprise party!
hiish els and A u s t r a lia n e a rly
Something had hap­
<xl to two miles o f <*ord along a level
flue of the niniihers of t ’ohnntiia** team
linquent at the city ten miles behind pened at last.
In the d*»l>ating contesi ««¡H» (Virnelt nt
road outside Chichester. He failixl to a ll th«» r« sf.
"Ve*, dear, you did,” he rep;led rnlm-
It sppeared that some one had blun­
Out of the abundance o f her gener­
move the lirh’k. nnd It may l>e roughly
An effort. I« Iwlng ma<le to «’MtahllMt» Ithaca was a full Mood«*«! f'hinatnnn, V.
"And you came back stupid."—
ous heart Aunt Hannah hnd fix] the
estimated that flic friction o f the coni in th«* Ozark region of Missouri an «*x K. W. Ko**, n junior in the college, K«*o
The Bohemian.
The passengers swarmed out o f the multitude, hut the multitude was not
on the road Increased the weight o f fhe tensive l*r«su||ng station f«»r farm an has won faine ns a publie speaker, ami is
cars and wandered aimlessly along the content to have It so. The brass but­
Make your services so useful that brick (about seven |smnd») and cord finals. Th«* prnjoet has the at»proval of ■ Is«» prominent in literary 1 »f«» among tho
track. Then the women and children toned conductor himself (w h o had set employer* will hunt you In the day­ to a dead weight o f not far short o f a Se*»r«*lnry Wlla**n ami hr Melvin, of undergraduates, lie I n a managing editor
<»f the Columbia S|M»ctntor and an editog
began to struy Into Aunt Hannah’s a very had example by eating o f Aunt time with a lantern.
ton.- F ry’* Magazine.
th«* Iturcaii «»f Animal Indimtry.
of the ( ‘oluinhia Literary Monthly.