Laidlaw chronicle. (Laidlaw, Crook County, Or.) 1905-19??, May 28, 1903, Image 1

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    Our Duly: To Publish All the News Thai 's Fit to Print - ïom Duly: To Support the Home Paper at $1.50 a Year.
21 ).
L A ID L A W ,
C O U N T Y . O R K O O X . T I I I 'R S h A V .
2 ÍI.
¡ 1 ) 0 ! ! .
W H O L K N O .U L L
One Blood, One People, United by Blue and Gray.
Twelve Pages.|
Memorial Day.
C O V Y C l O t t T . i »06 f t r t A U L
T waa a apiendid ciorn
With mushine w i l l »¿d bright.
With lary cioudlet* Muling
In their aerlai flight
How clearly I remember
That bleased morn in May.
When I kept itep with grandpa
On dear Memorial day',
Laidlaw and Entire Region
Drained hy Deschutes*
Prettiest of Rivers,
Rich in Resources.
E told mr many stont*
About the olden dtyi.
Of deedi of daring ralor
Amid the tattle'* bias«,
Ai toward the village churchyard
We wonnd our tolernn way.
When I kept itep with grandpa
On dear Me moot 1 day
.-t .e r e
Unlimited Wealth Stored
Up for Husbandman,
Lumberman and
1 «i— •
| |()TH tonicucaml p<*n an* somi* ' w' !,>s »*»'•
groaning under
tim.-s inadi*.pmte to express 1 the weight of fruit, vegetables,
the beauties of the I'niverse and hay and «rain. while in pastures
nothin« but the bm h of a , kil-
«ne beholds the sleek je r -
ful artist o*.n even faintly |H»rtr»y >• *y eow. the noble horse, th ej
N ature's «,*m of seettie beaut;.. she« p and swine.
II, fart is made rnanifett
I«ar««* *nd commodious dwel-1
in ;• n *et f'*i»eful mamn r as ijn>fs are upon every farm, with
one emerge f r" ::> the juniiw r , tj1(, ehurches and the .schtx'l hou. -
t briberop the heightsoverlookin« ,... dntted here and there in close
I nidlnw from tie* etist when the proximity. The lalnirers
dor. 0,1 twilight, for which this ia hrin«ing the product of lield and
fa m o u s , i . e:t ting its light and dairy to the busy city.
On the
shadow- o'er hill and dale. The i heights at either side and ov*cr-
sk> is dear and azur** blue and j looking the valley are beautiful
the twinkling stars, just |H***ping homes with well kept ¡awns and
r,,rMi. < omrrlnirle theirn*fh*cti«*ns «m iens, giving the «nindest and
with the light* of the villu««* in most sublime view o f river and
the > ;lver been <T river which mountain to U* found. 1'pon th e '
v. a .■ rushing through banks of * tream and lake are to,
be seen the tourid whippine th e ;
th e \
water with rod and tl v, while in
*rti 1 < r li rth
t lini
I. » • t«M iUtlg It«*
the baskets lie hundreds of the*
iH'uutiful speckled trout-
1 h<- !>«•►,:h ’ites ■.»ilej
j « >r,-g<-II, Jlisl • srt l>f 1 i
ia « • • 11 1 r
v o lca n ,-
an>i high hin fl* k , e ¡. t i ie n i
«tor, , a \*
c r a t e r * s r e n u n . eroi«*, » I o U»
» -i-c.ulo range
• Í m o u n t . , i n * .
^ and Fishing
1 i.e nearest r»: r«*a«i i - it - S h a n -
T •*
.« iiutcs river, a* well as th e
; il-', ‘J O Hai*** ilis ts n t.
I *<> rail nun
>m.< Ink« « and smaller s tre am -,
'h a v e surveys th.- -nglt tin* m i . ley ami is plentifully su p p lici a th ti*h ami it ar, Ite a ilin g th is w a y .
j is no mui.*uml th in g f..r ,,m- fisherman
i a
A C I3»
; to catcii from .>0 to 100 line trout in a
1 single aiterà, on ai-ri it is nut necesa-y
O ur m a r k e u will Ui J ’o r t U n J . anil
to go n .u *h , li any. tayom l the town*
11.rutilili it the O rient, also the lum-,, e.Ksn to la. tstahlishod.
!' !:c io ^ ' : i * * Tl •
*U‘>uniaiin, from
'* l ° “ -1.* miles d istant, are to I ks
j i nini tlcer, K, a r a m i other large game
i as well *c ducks, gr >'.ise, s.piirrcta, etc.
M.ld winters and c<jol summers,-1
with U tfi late ami early
lint .
'J he valiey I* i . p .,> «ro I rig with
f -ir • c.-i.-i 1 1 » a r m we it her Tor tne m a ­
high buttes! .-Cat'« red lx re and there
tt.ring of th«- product» of tj.e farm.
»ml in nntr.v j.:m-.-s lava r.w-k edges
»ml surface rock are plentiful am i
p ro m in e n t. Much the greater l a u ­
«'velours and hu-d wind storms are
t i ,>n is p ractically level and easily
lie.-,- unknown, «-tc-.-pt as we read of
miseeptulilc of irrigation
ili,*t*i in oilier pi ic,*s.
Storm s.
z r
In the heart o f the city, built
<he islands which dot the
The «iunt mountains
stream, a most beauti- •
: < ven in number, sieiw
found and hundreds
and white as «hosts, lift
b »art heads above thedark «r«***n of visitors arc onjoyin« th e cool'
line " f pine and juniper w hich shail** of tile spreadin« tr«***s
extends from th**ir base to the while tin* children romp upon the
narrow valley in which th»* littl«* «rassy hanks amid the fra«rant,
village li**s n**stl<*<l. Th«* lofty bright lined flowers, while the
snow cover,*d ran«e a|ipe:trs to «ruceful swan swims slowly to
«•xtend in th** form of an almost shore for the «laintv
to e.x-
perfect crescent about lb«* valley
and tb** . trip of gm*n appears
N- where in th e world can liner
1 he soil ¡S .1 \
J,il; il, compì .sltion
road» W* made th a n iu this »alley and
very r;> h : i mineral iv.att. r, hut gr w
this is l e i n g early looked after.
mg l>. 1 1 • -r v> ith cultivation and the
never have mud and th e dust does not
1 adding oí v> g,*tahle matter.
g‘-t deep and tine as it does in many
other place*.
- V
but a narrow rib b o n , so cl**ar is
Thus as one sits in the twi-
the atmosphere.
li«ht and gazes upon the village
mountains beyond he dreams
A s o n e s i t s in r a p t u r e an d g a z e s
th«* future and beholds the
upon th,* s c e n e w h i c h lies below
of the Deschutes.
a n d imyund in o n e ’s m i n d ' s e y e
and the town of
t h e c y c l e s o f t i m e p a s s r a p i d ly ,
a n d In! o n e b e h o l d s t h e n a rro w
CARRIED blaommi Sranobea
From motuar » lilac trve,
And every cue had dower*
A* far as eye could see.
And bands made lovely music
As we pursued oar way,
■?7heti I kept step with grandpa
On dear Meworicl dav.
v alley e o v e r e « l b y a b u sy c i ty , peo­
ple r u s h i n « h u r r ie d ly »«> and fro
F o r 5 ta tc S e n a to r.
a lo n g th e crow d ed s tr e e ts , m a s ­
s i v e s t o n e s t r u c t u r e s cov«*r solid |
b l o c k s «if g r o u n d an d th** p u ls e r*> ill** people of Hie 17 th Senatorial I
o f e n t e r p r i s e is th r o b b i n g an«L district <>f Oregon
THOUGHT of that this morning
When down the nllag** street
The yearly i*d prtxosslos
V.’ent on with reverent feet;
I thought, as they without him
Funned thrir scletrn w.**y,
b e a t i n g , R e n d in g t h e M wn I , i f l
Bw|lWt f,„
ini.-llig.-uc« »u«i |
Ira*!«* an d c o m m e r c e to ¡til th«* , i , Hirc- t.> »< rv*- tour h<*»t interest», im -1
w o rld . oUl* s u g a r , f r u i t s
a n d pells me In declare my platform tin- I
v e g e t a b l e s a s w ell a s g r a i n s , lu ve the statem en t No 1 plan is th, J
l u m b e r un«l m a n u f a c t u r e s a r e in ¡only practical w»y to accomplish th,*|
d e m a n d ; t h e b e a u t i f u l r i v e r is * lection ,,f l s senators by the people,'
h a r n e s s e d an«l g i v i n g i t s po\V,*r |
•" therefore the gateway to a llj
to tu r n th«r c o u n t l e s s w h e e ls o f
n.ttijiiai reforms,
m ill nml f a c t o r y , p ro p e llin g d e c -
rim people of Oregon are entirely I
t r i e t r a in s , g i v i n g light a n d h e a t j «*ompetcnt to elect their representative!
and performin« the many serv­ I iii the l S Senate. Oregon livestock i
n r AT E
ices which «e no rated power may breeders, Oregon fruit grower» „re
It M C am *
t*. H HcUftlrir
world famous. Oregon's resources are
un»urpu««c<l. Let un muli Oregon tlie
Glancin« toward the northwest
*tute for «<....1 »*.*, 1 », good
in th<> direction of Mount . l e l T e r - 1 school*, pure foods, honest weights and
son one can see rusllin« toward measure*, honest political method* hy
him a Ion« train of heavily laden : intelligent, systematic co-operation.
passen«er coaches, filled with bet a* advance every interest Push
e a « o r p a .s s e n « e r s
U|H1I1 both | *or Oregon. ruP for Oregon.
C . ¡sp ring* r,
pleasure and business lient. Ail
about one sees «rent t racts of D em ocratic car.,lu íate for S t a t e Ken-
land reclaim'd from the d e se rt1 *tor.
I ’o n g r o w R in in
O II a wi r.T aii «1 W K. MIU
JuRtlfi* of Huproiut* Court
K. ft. K r»u
l»nlr> und >ot»«l Ci>tnmu*Moin'T
... .it. H H aii it
XitllroAil UommUfiouer.
I ’ l.T W i: B . .%I T T * 1105
If 1* IIKLV 4 4 F
J»»tnt WeuAtor. 17th t>t*frt»*t
I n t h e v a l l e e a r e a b o u t 4" * Mil»I a c r e s
Water Power
* of irrigable lands and am ple » >te-
1 f..r tln-m, some storage reservoir« l a ­
ng rtapiired.
T h e D ,« ch u tes river i* considered
1 the fine*! »ati-r power stream in the
¡ T n i l e i l State*, a- its flow never . u r ­
lìi * more than from iv»,*lve to eight*
-ell inel.e* atei the fail is vrrv great,
llu-re la-ing liuuierotia lall» ill l i e riv-|
cr of from ten to th irty iset » I n e r ì
drop, besides numerous rapids.
W ith Iriigatioii Urge yields of ramw
hay sti -li a- t i m o t h y , a are
made. Hi tie grass does well, us do
many other vu* i -tics. All of the g rains
du well e x ce p t corn . U,K>t crops ure
exceptionally prolific and of the fiinest
ipia ity. F'otatoes are large, well fl , r . and good keepers. S u g a r heels
make a very large yield and tests
made »how them to lutva n higher
p e rccu ta g e of suga r than those raised
in the sugar producing «,-ctiom. Sun-
ar m ak in g will undoubtedly la*a lead­
ing industry. Herries do well arid
while the orchard« are ti«> young t*,
la* In hearing th e trees make a g o a l
growth and old orchard * ill seatter,-d
•eel ion» " f tliov.xilrv raise I lie llue-t.
..f Iriiil. I'.n ry i'ig will also la*.i lead­
ing indu stry .
W ater.
The water i* tlu* l>r»t to I»* found
in any country, clear, cold and pure,
(im * p h y s i c i a n is ti.ov s e r v i n g * c o n * * l just from the |s*rpetual snows of the
It is soft and free from
j m t i i i t t ) of fro m t w e n t y t o t h i r t y m i l e s ; mountains.
. in e s t e n t .
T h i s s p e a k s m o r e for t h e I all alkaloids.
p ’luTiil h m l l h
iti l*v
um .
th at i
A* a h o.tlth f r a o r t ,
Prices of Land.
♦"•]*ootHlIy j
Tin* country is new; settlement •*«■-
i for lung
umt hrn* ti:e invalid gan about three or lour years ago,
if r. rt »i* nmv romiMtio rocri*:iti«»n with ir 1«!ti^trv and choice lauds can now bu had at
F f c L ikins ¡ . n u t jf m w i s a r y ho ^ » v u n n i t * o n m p o
from fl."» to fail per »cr«, d,*|K*udi»g
,W*KirN H hitwr
t i*i ice ms will u^K-iuK m t o r t il to health* upon location, improvement» and
F K:*o
number of .»ores irrigable . I hes,- prices
r K. PâVT.*N
Coinity .I f.It*'
St»* riff
iMtltity rtrrK
\ N*«**"»«>r
vVho *l S*aj»rrini m*lr
iw rtvfo F
T K H« nh.AUl)
U. K L’.'nn
F mki » A. Kt« »«
J awkm Kt- k
J. a n c r ail
jut,ir. ar tot- p.-at.
................................. .W imsav O. Butts
CosiM bla
thin o i u m t r y will l*t*
rtu n e t* m r
K kki » V. WlbMF
Urpr<‘«*»T'r«♦ ii »*. M»i Dt.-tnrt
D ism rer
P tarocu U »4 At;«rney
The valley I* largely coveted wittl jun
¡per Mini Kir, a -peons of e, dar, which
makes ¡-plcmh.l ¡ire n s si and iene*
po*>. *hi tlie mountain slopes and
up. : the tipper live, un* AlO.iasi acres
;• ci:. •« pin,- umÌK*r excellent tpial-
sty. Ili, industry will be
■ trge,
.........................Cfoaoc v e r e »
inclini,• water right.
The scenery of the (.‘asead** mount*
, .un» and of the Desclmte* river and its
. tributaries is unsurpassed anywhere
There arc eight amali towns and
Numerous lakes lie ucstlcd among the
ottico», most of which receive
: mountiiiiis and foothills, many o f
, wliicfi arc of great depth, clear as
I crystal sud teeming with hs'u. L x tio e t
Ct»ulla-!e<! ta t o t » 1 .'.
Tow ns.