LAKE COUNTY EXAMINER OFFICIAL DIRECTORY TIOftaL I'mndani Woodrow Wllena Vli' l'rlitnnl Tliiimaa H Maraliall Heorelerr o( stale William I Hrvea NciriUry of Trcaaury William (I MnAdim Haontarf of War ., t.lmlle M (terriann MKirnaa jenaral ,., Jaln. C Miltvynnlda l'iatmat r (Janerel., .. Albert H llurli-eiiii Kwrtr of Nar , . Jiwhna liamelt nonrotary of I nliirlnr franklin K latit Hnureiarjrof Arlultiire I'avli) K llmiaton HenrMary of ('omtnerve.... William :, Ili ililnlJ HiKiralary ol l-alxir imam II, Wlleou interstate Vouinierce l.'oiiimlaaioinr v K Clark rrT, tlowrnnr M , Oiwald wt Hrnirnlarr of State Iliii W.OIinii Treeaurer -Time, H. Kat A I tonic; Ouueral . M,i rawliiiu Hiiiii. I'ubilo luatrurilloo ,, 1.. H. Alilorioau I'rliilnr w, N. Imniw. Hairy and food Cum Jiilmli M". U, 8. Senators IV'" hberiain Harry i aim Congressmen 1 U Fv "wl.1T J N. J. Hlnnotl A. W. Uff.rty rrraiaiootiRT Chlel Justine F. A. Moore Robert Kakla T. A. MoUrlde HTM juiihiai, mrrain . Judge Henry L. Bnnann Attorney.. Julia Irwla l.nlal.TIVS Joint Henator W. f.alr Thnmaw SVtruon A Kurbae Waaler o Hmllk 0 B. LAND UKKICK. Jaa. P. Riir(n Hcgtstei Krod H Cruiluiiilllvr Kuiull r-UHHHT OKKI .K lllbort I llri wn Bnrv-rvleoi Noruiau (J. Jatmbeon Forest t.xarnitier I. r. Brenueu Chief Cira LA KK COUNTS Judge ..... B lialt tiltira r.W. rim Htixrilt W n Mtixli-r Treasurer It, A. Hawkins Aaaeaanr. . A. J . Kn.ief hornMil Hupl t:. K. Ollmi hurvcyur ,H. A. M iishru j ?; is. $,'H:zz County iuv Inarwftor.. I. I. Malluy TOWN OPl.AKI'VXW l. J. WIU-oI Mayor MO 11. . 1 J. 1. Imr.Murtli I II. A. Mink ( W. I', Dykumaii I .Councilman W. K. I'alnn ilucorrtoi A. Hn'i.i r 1 ri'"r I nil dii;i: Tonv vilthrr uifiiifMii.r l III Kl II -nl .MDA "ilnil at 10 a. in. I'rc ulilug evi-rv s uiU) al ) I . m. anil . ..i p. 'n. k j'Uiii tli I iriiKiM everj hiimlay t-T-'i'init at o:i'. rra)ir M-uti: Tliur. u.iai ..mi li. iii. i unii ihi'I-iihh Hi n.., f,, ui 1 A i. Kiery Weiln.a.lay at I "3U i. in vi i y ly i'i rt1 1 1 y luvi'e) tu nil m-r. H-. 1. II. t K I 1.. CUM. if AIMIil.l. i lll'iil II fcVI'.KV f-l . (. .1 .ir at anil III a, in. ; lUiwry at 7:) M mi wn-kilaN at 7:t.i a in. H.-rvictin lu tlin Nm t biinli. T. T. KKKS. H.J. t I H-'l I'KHln I hill A.N i II I, Id It WC 1...KIW VlKW. iii...t. in th Mawinlu Hail. Suii'la; m'IkkiI l Iu im A.M.; Mm niii SiTvli-v at 11 ;H Y wiling f"irv ir-i.t 7-:m. I'rnyiT Mivimit nn VVtMlii. ...iv at .n I'M. All r Onnllaliy III lli . I. Kl.V. iiKK. A. t HAW HiKU, I tir. I.AKKVir.H tl'lMi OIVI. Ml.x-lo-i.ay U..J HiK H.rvlina lu tlir HhII ul I tin Ml-wu.n In tin himiiiKtil l..t:.l.t:. (HiiutiiiK itmiiiin tut'i ntrrct, vvvrv hnn'tay i-iremin at U'(Uix; Al aro Liirillally liinn il. tIKHT HAl'l'HI 'lll)l:it t i.'kik l.K at Now J'lin' rrk, Ori'iiuii. frrarkliiK aoi rll'ntll A M and 7:.J'.'1 nl fnrli Hnuil n( vvur? inimili Suiiilay Hi-IhmiI al 10 A M I'rayi'f Ni-r'li al 7 : ' nil W ail a vvv.iln. ol nanli mho I mi rr rnrillaily nivitrd t atUititl he M.rt KKV. I,. K. IIKSIIKRHON, M)ik;i: iiiitKtToHV I.AKKV'IkW I.OlltiK Nil 71, A. K. A A M. Hul l' tatt'il tni'i'tinai KatMida. uu or tnifiirv lui. moon. Marc i 14. April 4. May I). 8M'lai nuwlliiK ln call. Ki unrally -aliinlay rvi'n Iiiri. VUllltiaT urvthrau arli'iinia. K. K. WiHMlrwk, W. M ; J. I'liaa Hmiib, Hev'y UfOKKK OP I'ONDK- LAKKHIIOKK 1 No. 77. I ol 11., A. O. U. W., Mm1 II at u d thinl TliuraMaya ot Mrh molitli ' Mall: loulati llii'iinan. I., ol II ; X. Bvllu A finer, t: ol t: ; Mlllo llarrli, llwonlitr. 1. O. . K.-LAKKVIKtt KNt.'AM I'.MKN 1 NO. I I. (). ll. K.. iih i'I tlm Drat ami ihinl Ttm r lay ovi'titiiita u( fai ti innn'h I'i O.lil Krllwi Hail. Uknvmw. U. II. Hi' mil. O. f K f ( bunv), nvrlbe. A O. I). W.-LAKKVIKM UJLHih, M. ... Uru c'Ttiry aecoud ami lourtb I buradar oi ach mnnth. In Macmlc liall, Lakeli H K. Vn"viirt. M.W ; Han Krvnnan, H. A.O. II. -DIVISION 1. I.AKKlHIUNTY, MfcVKTH vary cimd ami Imirtli Mouday ol each mnnth, In I. O. o. K. Hall, lktviw. P. J Bulllvan, County I'm , 1). A. U't'.oiinor, 1'rca. l)an Breunau, Btcjr. A.O. P.-OUHT HNKWOOl) No. HAJO, JIKK1H arrry Ural anil third Mouday oleach nioinb InUaaolilcllall. K. P.t'ln n jr.C.K.iO. Bretiti, H, C. K. W. Arinur, K.S.; K. 6trlillii, K. B. I. U. U. P lJtKEVIKA LOIlGK, No. (a, 1 O. P., meoti every Haturday rvanlnf o Pellowa Hall, at 7:30 o'olock, Iront Ooto. m I to April 1, and at S olclock Iroin April 1 ,r BeptemborW. W. e. V'urnun, N. (i.i E. II. Clark, kKMTetary BKBKKAM I.OIMIK- LAKKVIKW LU1K1K, NO H, l.O. O.K., ineela thn aerood and lourik Prldaya ol racb nioiiin mi Odd Pellowa Ua.l Mia. II. Halley, N.U.: V. U. Moea.r-c,y. IIUPKHHI()NAL OA It UH nAKLEb UMUACI1 Uand and Law Olllc Abstractor ot Title KaUbllahad IHMI Lakavlew.Or. L. F. i:onn Attorney at Law a ad Notary Public liBtkrvlnw. Orrf OPPIC'R-Dalv Bulldlntr. J 0. VENATOH Attorney at Law, l-anri Hattora MptMlait OP'HiK-Daly Bnlldtut. W. L'AiB THOMPSON Attorney at Law Office on 3rd Floor IJeryford Bldg. - Lakkvikw. Oreuon ,r? A. 81IEKMAN ATTORNEY AT LAW State and U. S. Court Practice Office ALTURAH, CALIFORNIA DKS. RUSSELL AND FOX Phyalclane and Bnrcoona Of fine i Snyder & Iteyuolds Drug Store rilONKi Offtoo, Main " Ke.l.lenoa 7T J. L. LYON DENTIST , No. 343 Heryford Bld., Lakevlew, Ore. W. HAY DEN FISK DENTIST Suit337'339Hryford Bldg. . PHONtl Otttom 8H2 Woarfonoo 954 Classified E333 A Want Ad In The Lako O-ructy Examiner Kcpeutcd a fuw times, if ucc-ssury. will find .1 customer for that property of Tours. They are sen lined closely by intcndinir hnyza, and the cost is nominal 5 cents the line '.or each insertion. Special lon-time rates. I'Olt HM.K run HALE 10 acrtxt of good land located 8 of the 8Vi of Nli'A of the 8W,4. 8oc. 8, Twp. 38, IlftiiKO 20, E. W. M.; bIho lot 34, Mock 72. Uenrgo JameH, Dag Kett, Calif. Jn. H-t4 VllK Lnkeview Almtriict 4 Title Co. Ih makina hmcIhI iirliat on Abut rai'ta to O. V. L. t'o.'a TractM n,i Town rtn. waxti;i BIX I'EHCKNT KAKM AND CITY LOANS May be obtaliifd to re pay iiiortKUKi'H, rcniovi' ncuin britncPH, purchaHO or lmprova n-al Htato, from one to tt-n ywtrH' time. Spot'lal prlvllKnn; rorreH poridciico Invlti'd. A. C. Ci-ntTal Afffliry, 767 Can & Electric Ulilif., Denver, Colo., or 440 I'helan Kan KranclHco, Calif. Jn 18-t4 M EN, VITRO - VIGOR CURES WEAKNESS AND LOST VITAL ITY. NEVER KAILS. MAIL $1, OR STAMPS. VITRO-VIOOR CO. 1200 CLAYTON ST., SAN FRAN CISCO, CAL. M 14 YOUR FUTURE Send Jilrthdate, JO qticHtltiH, 10 cents. Nellie M. LcwIb, Silver Lake, Oregon. I Vt'OltS AM) 'K..K.S I. 'iT CUTLER WIIIMn V AT THE Hrrtfl ltkevlew liur. Tile IkmI II lid Iiiirvr wlilxky iiutile. i' TELEPHONES LOOK AT Til E NO l'l K roll RE- wurd Ihhiii'iI by the T l'-jilione ( iiinpaiiy for dt'Htroy Iiik 1 1 jrnj. rtv. l''tf fM KENNAKD. A KIOWA I! I) 'if "y l l!n n 'nrrp I ' V offerer! for In ortni.tinn tht', wl!1 1 mad to the Hrroa an1 convictinn oi l in J- iiomnn wi' h.ih stolen irii or j other property troiu our Cuinpnuy ; i nd the shui" ceward Ih hereby ottered I for Inf iiritiH' mi that will IhhiI to the arrt-Kt and nvletloi) of auyoue des troylnK tn property of the Company. Chin. UmbHtth, decretal y Lake Co. TeL A 'lei Co. r.ft I.KJ.L ADYEHTISINC PETITION FOR LIQUOR LICENSE To the Honorable County Court of Lake County, Oregon.: The undersigned legal voters and uetuaj retddentfl of North Warner Precinct, No. 6, In Lake County, State of Oregon, who have actually resided In said precinct at least 30 days Immediately preceding the date of bIriiIuk thlH petition, renpectfully petition the County Court of Lake County, State of Oregon, to grant a lleeiiHe to A. L. HlghfUl of PIubIi, in Httld precinct, county and state, to noil In a legitimate bona fide hotel, xplrituouB, malt and vinous liquors iu Icbb qluantltles than one gallon In Bald ' North Warner Precinct, In Bald Lake County, State of Oregon for a period of six months, as In duty bound we will ever pray. J. J. VanKeulen II. A. Nesblt O. A. Curtis Tim J. Murphy Edward F. KrlBBling Peter Duane William Wlnteni Ora Polndexter J. H. Turpln Phil 8. Barry J. W. New J. II. Deboy C. H. Dcboy I0rnent Obernolte Tim Twomey R. B. Grlsel D. F. Lucas W. O. Grlsel Harry D. Rlggs E. A. Prlday W. R. Hammersley W. B. Daniels Frank Calderwood Lamar Thorn G. V. Lane Jack Gee Chan. George C. C. Hendrlckson Francis Anderson Lou Hicks A. M. Bogner II. J. Stlne P. E. Taylor W. L. Pope Cecil McKee II. Polndexter Richard Allen R. P. Andrews T. J. Sullivan C. L. Scott W. E. Schuster J. T. Flook M. M. Barry F. M. Lane County of Lake. IN STATE OF OREGON, A. L. Hlghflll, being flrst duly Bworn, upon oath says: That the foregoing petition contains the sig natures of an actual majority of the vTliole number of legal voters of North Warner Precinct, No. 0, In Lake County, State Oregon; that each of said signatures are genuine that each of the persons whose sig natures are signed to said petition is an actual resident of said pre cinct at the date hereof, and has actually resided In said precinct at least thirty days immediately pre ceding the date he signed said pe tition and also of the filing of the same. A. L. IIIGHFILL Subscribed and sworn to before me this 8 day of June A. D. 1914. J. J. VANKEULEN Notary Public for Oregon. CITATION In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Lake. In the matter of the estate of Henry II. Hahn, Deceased. To Annie F, Hahn, Geneva Grae ber, Myrtle WatBon, Viola Enlow, i Want Ads MiUAL AIn:iniH!NO Clarence Hahn and Tims. 8. Farrell, guardian ad litem of Clarence J lull n, a minor, and to all unknown heirs and all others unknown claim ing any IntereHt or eittate whatever In the hereinafter deHcrlbed real properaty, Greeting: In the name of tho State of Ore gon, You and each of you aro here by cited and required to appear In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Lake, at the Court Room of Bald court", at Lakevlew, in the County of Lake, Htato of Oregon, on the lllh day of July, 1914, at the hour of 10 o'clock In the forenoon of ald day, then and there to nhow catine, If any exist why an order of Hale of the here inafter described real property should i.ot ho made, as prayed for In tlio petition of t!i Executor of the estate of Henry II. Hahn, de ci'iiHca), on file herein, nald real prop erty being described as follows, to wlt: l!i"giiiiilor at a point 712 feet nortli (from tho Northeast corner of the KW'.; of SW',4 of Sec. 10, T. 39 S., R. 20 E., V. AL, in Lake County, Oreiron, and running thence North ;!2 ruU; thence E ht and parallel to the Nortli boundary line of the NE'i of SVU of liaid Sec. 10, to and Intersecting the we:-t boundary ,111:0 of the County Road run i.inp from Lakevlew to the Town of Paisley, Lake County, Oregon: thence Southerly along the West boundary lino of said road which is duo eijst of the point of beginning; thence west end parallel to the South boundary line of the NEVt of SKU of said Sec. 10, to the point of beginning, con taining approximately 5 acres. Said petition prays for, an order of said Court to sell Raid real property upon the following terms, to-wit: Said property to be sold at private Halo for cash in hand at the time of sale. Witness the Honorable II. Daly, Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Lake, with the seal of said court af fixed this 10th day of June. A. D., 1914. B. DALY, County Judge. Attest: F. W. PAYNE (Seal) County Clerk. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE IN FORCLOSURE In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the. County of Lake. T. F. Calderwood, Plaintiff, vs. John A. Morris and Daisy Morris, Defendants. Under and by virtue of an execu tion in foreclosure issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Or gon, for the County of Lake, on the 10th day of June, 1914, to me di rected and delivered, in a suit n said Court for Bald County and State wherein T. F. Calderwoood, as Plaintiff, recovered judgment against John A. Morris and Daisy Morris, as defendants, in the sum of one thousand nine hundred thirty-six and 42-100 dollars ($1936.42), with interest thereon from the 14th day of May, 1914, at the rate of eight per cent, per an num, and one hundred and ninety four dollars ($194.00) Attorney's fees, and the further sum of twenty three dollars ($23.00) costs and dis bursements, and also a decree of foreclosure and order of sale against said defendants, and by direction of said order ot said court and said execution, I am commanded to sell the following described real prop erty, to-wit; Beginning at a point twenty-one rods east of the north east corner of the southwest quar ter of the northwest quarter of Sec tion twenty-one, In Township thirty nine, south of range twenty-four, east of the Willamette Meridian, in Lake County, Oregon, and thence running due east nineteen rods; thence running due South twen ty - five rods; thence running west twenty rods; thence In a northerly direction directly to the point of beginning, con taining in all three and 64-100 acres, lying and being In Lake County, Oregon, for the purpose of satisfying said judgment of said plaintiff and the costs and expenses of such sale. Notice Is hereby given, that on Saturday, the 11th day of July 1914 at the Court House door on the front and east side ot the Court House ot Lake County, In the State of Oregon, In the Town of Lake view, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, I will sell at public auction, to the highest bid der for cash? all the right .title and interest which the said Defendants, John A. Morris and Daisy Morris, or either of them, had, on the 31st day of October, A. D. 1912, or have thereafter acquired, In and to the lands hereinbefore described, or so LKOAL Ain WtTIHIXO , much thereof an may be oeceaitary , to ftatlHfy aald Judgment and the ' coat and expeniiea of making auch Bain. Dated this 11 tli day of Juno; 1914. W. H. SNIDER, Hherlff of Lake County, Orpjcon. NOTICE TO CREDITORS I in uie county t'ourt of the state of Oregon for the County of Lako. In the matter of the estate of Eliza Drink water, Deceased. To All Whom It May Concern Notice Is hereby given, that the un dersigned, Thomas Henry Drink water, has been duly appointed exe cutor of the last will and testament of Eliza Drlnkwater, deceased, by an order of Honorable I). Daly, Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Lake, duly made and entered in said court In the above entitled matter, on June 9, 1914 All persons having claims against said decedent or said estate, are hereby required to present the same duly verified and accompanied by the proper vouchers, as required by law, within six months after the first publication of this notice, to said executor, at the law olllce of L. F. Conn, in the Town of Lakeview, Oregon. Dated and first published June 11, 1914. THOMAS HENRY DRLNKWATER, Executor of the Last Will and Testament of Eliza Drlnkwater, Deceased. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION (Not Coal Lands) Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office, at Lakeview, Oregon, May 23d, 1914. Notice Is hereby given that Bar tholomew Dins, of Lakeview, Oregon, who, on Jan. 4th, 1909, made Home stead Entry, No. 0959, for NW, Section 28, Township 39 South, Range 18 East Willamette Merid ian, lias filed notice of intention to make Final five year Proof, to es tablish 'claim to the land above des cribed, before the Register and Re ceiver U. S. Lend Office, at Lake view, Oregon, on the 26th day of June, 1914. Claimant names as witnesses: Pali Chandler, George Holiner, J'.m Woods and John Campbell, all of Lakeview, Oregon. JAS. F. BURGESS, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION (Not Coal Lands) Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Lakeview, Oregon, May 23d, 1914. Notice is hereby given that Bar tholomew Dias. of Lakeview, Oregon, who, on Jan. 28th, 1911, made Des ert Land Entry, No. 04320, for EM E'i, Section 20, Township 39 South, Range 18 East, Willamette Merid ian, has filed notlco of Intention to make Final Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before the Register and Receiver of the U. S. Land Office, at Lakeview, Oregon, on the 26th day of June, 1914. Claimant names as witnesses: Dan Chandler, George Ilohner, Jim Woods, and John Campbell, all of Lakeview, Oregon. JAS. F. BURGESS, Register NOTICE OF CONTEST Department of the Interior, United States Land Office, Lakeview, Ore gon, June 5, 1914. To Herbert S. Pillsbury, of Gen eral Delivery, Portland, Oregon, Con testee: You are hereby notified that Chas. Olson, who gives Bend, Oregon, care of C. S. Benson, aa his post office address, did on May 13th, 1914 file in this office his duly corroborated application to contest and secure the cancellation of your homestead en try. Serial No. 03121 made March 8th, 1910. for NH SW, NVi SEVi Section 13, Township 26 S., Range 18 E., Willamette Meridian, and as grounds for his contest he alleges that said entryman never established residence upon said tract, never cul tivated or Improved the same to any extent whatever and has wholly abandoned said tract and said en try tor more than two years last past. You are, therefore, further notifi ed that the said allegations will be taken by this office as having been confessed by you, and your said en try will be cancelled thereunder without your further right to be heard therein, either before this of fice or on appeal, if you fail to file in this office within twenty days af ter the fourth publication of this notice, as shown below, your answer under oath, specifically meeting and responding to these allegations of contest, or if you fall within that time to file in this office due proof that you have served a copy ot your answer on the said contestant either in person or by registered mail. If this service is made by the delivery of a copy ot your answer to the con testant In person, proof of such ser vice must be either the said contest ant's written acknowledgment ot his receipt of the copy showing the date of its receipt, or the affidavit of the person by whom the delivery was made, stating when jnd where the copy was delivered; if made by reg istered mail, proof of such Bervice must consist of the affidavit ot the person by whom the copy was mailed stating when and the post office to which it was mailed, and this affi davit must be accompanied by the LEOAL ADVERTISING postmaster's receipt for the letter You should state in your answer the name of the post office to which you desire further notices sent to you. JAS. F. BURGESS, Register. Date of first publication, June 18, 1914. Date of second publication, June 25, 1914. Date of third publication, July 2, 1914. Date of fourth . publication July 9, 1914. NO FUNDS AVAILABLE CANNOT IIRINO CRIMINALS FROM OTHER STATES Klamath Sheriff Cannot Go To Wyo-; inlnK After Criminal at the Slate's ExMne "There being no state funds avail able to cover tho expense ot return ing Simmons from Wyoming and un der the present State officers not be ing able to audit such claims so re quisition papers are not being is sued." The above is a statement given Sheriff Low who has returned from Salem by Governor Oswald West, says the Klamath Falls Northwest ern. It bears on the attempt by the lo cal authorities to bring J. R. Sim mons back from Sheridan, Wyo., where he was arrested recently on a warrant issued by the local Prosecut ing Attorney's office charging him with wife desertion. Simmons has been a fugitire since last Fall. At the time ho left here he had been married only about 10 months and went away ostensibly to secure em ployment. He wrote from Ashland several times and then word ceased to come. The next heard was from Sheridan a few weeks ago when Sheriff Low got trace of him. The Wyoming officials were notified to arrest him and then arrangements were made to bring Simmons back. That Governor West would not is sue requisition papers for the return of criminals was not known until Sheriff Low reached the State House at Salem. Simmons is still being held and it Is possible that other arrange ments will be made to cover the ex pense of bringing him back to face trial on the charge against him. If this is not tfone at once word will be telegraphed to turn him loose. ' Tribute to New .Manager That the new manager of the N.-C.-O. Company, Ramsey M. Cox, for merly of Waco, Texas, Is a man to make friends for his company and he accomplishes the things which make for mutual prosperity of rail road and people, is indicated by the following editorial from the Waco Tribune: "The Tribune has made mention of the pending departure of 'Mr. Ramsey M. Cox and his estimable wife and family from Waco. They go to far-away Reno, Nevada, to stay there. Mr. Cox will be gen eral manager of a line of railway out there an important line. Our fellowcitizen Colonel Charles Hamil ton is vice-president of the same road, but we are glad to say that he will not leave us. "Ramsey Cox 1b one of the cap able railroad men of Texas. He had bis training in the old Texas Central Railroad, and made good, too. He has plenty of property, extensive in terests, but he could not resist the 'call of the rail' and will go. He and his family will be distinct gains for Reno and Nevada. They are good people for any country and carry with C:em the hearty esteem and good will of this people, among whom they have lived for so many years virtually all their life." Suit Sustained by Supreme Court The decision of the Circuit Court, in the Buit for criminal libel brought by the Benedictine Sisters of Mt. Angel, Oregon against J. E. Hosmer, editor of the Silverton Journal, was sustained by the Supreme Court. The opinion of the Supreme Court was written by Hon.' Chas. L. McNary, Chief Justice McBrlde and bis asso ciates concurring and confirming the unanimous verdict of the jury which found J. E. Hosmer "Guilty of Crim inal Libel." The Benedictine Sisters of Mt. Angel are entirely vindicated and Hosmer must pay bis fine or go to jail. For an Impaired Appetite To improve the appetite and stren gthen the digestion try a few doses ot Chamberlain's Tablets. Mr. J. H. Seitz, of Detroit, Mich., says: "They restored my appetite when Impaired, relieved me of a bloated feeling and caused ot pleasant and satisfactory movement of the bow els." For sale by all dealers. i kit AGENTS WANTED DUNTLEY PNEUMATIC SWEEPER COMPANY 6501 S. State St. Chicago Indigestion and Constipation "About five years ago I began tak Ins Chamberlain's Tablets after suf fering from indigestion and consti pation for years without finding anything to relieve me. Chamber lain's Tablets helped me at once and by using them for several weeks I was cured of the complaint," writes Mrs. Mary E. McMullen. Phelps, N. Y. For sale by all dealers. SLACK 1 ic:s"3 s-JsziY prrEKn: Dn-''nrcc t t W n itclar.eii twciiiiao they pro- txt wher vaccines fail. - J V x". fur Vi't r d f4ftjiror . 'V "35 t0-do pit-. B'a'H-Q $..00 a4t &i.4tr pk.n. Blreklfi PIMt 4.t0 V a a." ,': Ciiter'n TY imparl irlty nf f-'tijr ...ucm Is to orr If of ti in vi.CT;ii?w and aerumi rfljy. on C'.ttw'. it tm'.r''T;:-?r. a r fVp--t. THE tUT:t LABORATORY. terteit: CcHforii TH3 OCDEPT ESTABLISHED EE ALT V FIRM IN SOUTHERN OREGON ONE TO 12,000 ACRES OF LAKE COUNTY BEST LANDS For sale either for stock or agri culturnl purposes. J. W. MAXWELL & SON LAKEVIEW, OREGON $1,000 REWARD Th Oregon Cal ifornia and Kerada Live Stock Potec Mon Afsoclaton. ot which lb under algaediaa member will Rive ) ,000 Os reward for evidence t leading to the r real and conviction . Ijot any party or par IF: ties atealins noraea. v-1 cattle or mulea be f lonicingtoanv of lta member. .n addition to the above, the underalcned ffera on the lame condition JACO.OO for all bora a branded lionw-afaoe bar on both or either aw. Brand recorded In eight conntlea. Eange iarnej. Lake and Crook countiea. Horaea "nted when aold. None bat grown horaea aold. and only In large ahca w W. BaowK.FUe. Oregon. Eli Cafe GEE WINQ FAUN - MGR. Lakeview, Ore. Meals Served at All Hours with every ' thing the market affords $6 Meal Tickets $5.00 Special attention given to Family Din ners and Ball Suppers Lakeview Hospital Under Bupervinion of Trained Nurse Hospital Rates $3.50 per day Phone 77a WEST STREET , LAKEVIEW :: OREGON