LAKE COUNTY EXAMINEIt T I M B E R L A N D S CURTIS & UTLEY, REAL ESTATE LAKEVIEW, ORECON acres now in cultivation, 100 acres pasture land, part of which can be planted to fruit. Warner Creek flows through the land and a nice spring that can be piped to the house and barn. Place fenced, house and bam. Price $16 per acre. 80 acres of meadow land, cuts 80 tons of hay. At head of lake, price $15 per acre. 680 acres 8 miles north of Lakeview for $ 1 5 per acre. 80 acres into meadow, cuts 100 tons, 40 acres pasture land and all the balance is fine grain and alfalfa land, good water right, new house and large barn, 500 acres fenced. This is sure a bargain. 40 acres timber good wood claim, I.I miles from town, has between 800 and 1000 cords of wood, good road and level land. Price $350. Two and one-half lots in the Sherlock Addition opposite Dunbar new residence. A bargain at $S50. Act quick. We have several good ranches for cattle and sheep. Send for our large bulletin giving prices of land all over Lake and Modoc Counties. F A R M L A N D S R A N C H E S 120 acres on Cottonwood creek, 35 acres into Timothy, Alfalfa, Grain, and a nice nrden, water rii?hl, an ideal email dairy or poultry farm, lot of outside grazing, house. E arn, eranrry and other out-huildinKS. Price, $1800, half cash. 1 1 miles from Lakeview. ti-room residence in Drenkel addition, near City Park, two lots 100 by 150, barn and chicken house. Price, $2000, half cash at 6 per cent. The price is less than cost. 320 acres good land, part into grain and alfalfa, near Union School, all fenced and cross fence, barn and corrals. Stock water in creek always. This is a good farm, at $20.00 per acre. 310 acres three miles north of Lakeview, 200 acres fine alfalfa land, about 100 Xafcc Count? Crnmlncr THURSDAY, JUNE 26. 1 V 1 4 VVKKKLY WKATHKIt ItKPOUT For week ending June 24, 1914 TBMIKRATlJIt I i HJV. I III AltAOTKK , Mail Mini- . , Of DAY mum uiuin Anmuol 11 NT M 0U Vlw IU 7 M 0 00 Oar J 74 M Tra- Ufar VI M M 0 lf r.' 70 1 li.oo l"lljr Cloniljr m in t O.ol rimidjr X4 fl 0 00 (loliclr Henry Stein was over from War ner Valley a few days last week. Chas. oaao ot ttcno, Nevada has taken a position with the Hotel Lakeview bur. Horn In Lakeview, OreRon, Satur day, Juno 20, 1914, to Mr. unl Mrs. Frank Paxton, a nine pound girl. A. Llebes, traveling representative for the Oliver Typewriter Co. was In Lakeview a few dnyn the flrt of the week. Cracked Wheat for baby chicks, for salo at Ualley ic Masalnglirs. 2t J. F. Hanson left for Reno Tues day morning on a short business trip. Dick Oulnee, a business man of Paisley, was In Lakeview several days last week. O. L. Huff, agent for Iluirk autos, was down from Prlnevllle last week. He was accompanied by Mrs. Huff. II. A. Ilrattaln returned to his A ten-pound baby girl was horn to , honl- al fhewaucan last week fol- Mr. and Mrs. George Deter on June 1 0Wng a trip to the Rogue River V. C. IJOTT, OlMKRVKN. Hlatluo By uillaa Ni.rlliwral nl l.akrvlfw.' BRIEF MENTION Dry lumber at Christie's mill 1 1-2 nlles north of Camas Prairie. 2t J. P. Duckworth will buy your sheep pelts paying nine renin per pound. f K. A. Pelletlcr runm In town Hut urduy from the Drews Creek iiitw iiilll where he In employed. Ivmt Last Sunday evening a bluek leather purse containing $17. Find er return to this olllee und receive re ward. J. N. Fitzgerald, who hux been here the past several duys, left yes terday for his home at Newport, Oregon. Mrs. W. A. Ioouurd route over from Klamulh Fulls hint week on a visit with her daughter, Mrs. F. I tit I laid win; MIhh Kthel Winter, formerly of Dorrls, California, Is employed as stenographer In the Fremont Na tional Foreat office. F. L. Williams, who owns a ranch on Dry Creek on the West Hide, ar rived here Saturday front Barra ntento to look after his property. Chas. Reed, well known local dairy man purrhased 16 head of Holsteln heifers from the stork recently brought frtim Wisconsin by J. K. Mr foul. ' The bill Introduced by Congress man Slnnott, permitting homestead ers to divide their five month's leave of uhHenre In two periods, was pass ed by the House. J. C. Hrorklesby came down from Paisley Sunduy and will remuln here for Bne time building a large burn for J. K. MeCoul and Hon on their dairy ranch west of town. That ronslderable Interest Is being taken In the raring tournament to be held in lakevtew July 2, 3 and 4 Is evinced by the numerous par ties getting their ponied in trim for the occasion. T. W. Gould, who routes from Pennsylvania, Im another newly ap pointed ottlrlal for the N.-C.-O. Railway. He beromes reuldent en gineer of the company stationed at Reno, and Is in churge of mainten ance of way. Joe Ambrose announces that the Mulkey Shearing ('oralis west of I,ukevlew will be reudy to receive hands to be shorn ns soon as there Is uny work to bo done. Mr. Ambrose will personally superintend the cor rals as usual and guarantees satis faction to patroith. Breeders from the Western Fed eration of Miners at Ilutte, Mont., have launched an Independent min er's union as a result of the recent split among the laborers. All peace overtures from President Moyer were rejected and little hope is held for a compromise between the two factions. Mrs. U. W. Morris, formerly of this place but now a resident of Stockton, Cal., Is here visiting with her daughter, Mrs. George Fitzger ald, at their home south of Lake view. Mrs. MorriB Is mother of U. K. Morris of the West Side and Homer Morris of Chewaucan. She expects to remain here all summer. Wni. Tallman, of Baker, president of the Cattle and Horse Breeders' Association of Orogon, has advised ). M. Plummer, manager 'df-the Pa cific Northwest Livestock Associa tion, that an Important meeting of his society wlU be held In Portland during the livestock show at the Un ion Stockyards next Fall. Stork raisers from all over the Northwest will be, expected to attend this con vention. , Col. Theodore Roosevelt Is Buf fering with an affection of the lar nyx as a direct result of the har shtps he endured In his recent Bra zilian trip, which will effectually prevent him from taking part as an orator In the political cumpalgn In tho United States this Fall and compel him to exercise the great est rare for soma months to route. 20, ut their home on the eat tilde of the vulley Mrs. J. ('has. Smith of the Parls-! Ian Millinery, Is again able to be up and attend her duties following a two weeks' illness. Valley. Last week two car loads of metal culvert were received for the county roads from the Ingot Iron Company of Portland. Miss Mable Arzner. daughter of Mrs. K. R. Patch and children ! Mr. an(1 Mr. Jonn Arj,ner ,1B8 gon6 Thursday morning left on their re- to 8.isanvllle on a visit with her un turn to Chlco, Cal., following a sev- vttdo Snyder era! days' visit here. " Assmiaor A. J.' Foster last week Houso Cleaning Time Let Dot- , returned from a trip over the north rlck repair your stoes while the j ern purt of tno courity on business hot Bouson Is on. No 'trouble whllo j f(,nncted with his olllee. the cold season Is on. M 2l-tSt ()n SaturdaV( Jun, 27 the 1. W. Rlee, chief engineer of civic Improvement Society will name the Coosa Lake Valley Irrigation tno Judges to award the prizes for Co.. lat week bought the 1912 Dor-1 the best old and new luwns In this rU unto belonging to Mrs. J. ' ! city. 2t ll.,lu..M A dance will be held at the Ant ler's Club rooms In the Heryford building next Saturday night. All members and their ladieit are expect ed to bo present. The meeting of the Trl-State Paci fic Count (jood Roads AsHoclutinn which was Hct for July 17 and 18 at Medford , has been postponed Uanm Ha lust vear I (ieorge Stork mann and family are now occupying their new home In the Watson Addition, which he re cently purchaHed from R. A. Van dervort. On June 13 Park Ranger Momyer reported at Klamath Falls that 166 visitors had reached Crater Lake park, compared with Ave at the until Monday at. 1 Tuesdrty, Ju.y 27 iu.( 28. R. J. Martin and family arrived In Lakeview Monday evening from Kansas City, Mo., und were met by J. F. Hanson and taken to the Point Ranch on the West Side where they will remain this summer. William II. Freer, new agent (or the Klamath Indian reservation, has taken up his duties succeeding Kd son Watson who has been in charge of the reservation for the past four years. Mr. Freer comes from Guth rie. Oklahoma. W. M. Harnett and wife of Wasco, Oregon, spent a few days in this val ley Inst week, having driven their cur down accompanying the party of State Highway olllcials and Judge Dr. Ida Ilehrendt. optician, arriv ed in Lakeview Friday from Paisley. She will remain here until after the Fourth and Is located at J. A. King's residence, south of the M. E. Church. The Snider opera house Is being remodeled and Improved. .. The In terior Is being covered with 'beaver board which will make a very at tractive finishing. The work (' is In charge of I. A. Underwood. At the school election last week Klamath Falls voted to furnish free text books to the pupils,, being among the first places in the state to adopt this system. Portland ' like wise voted free text books at a re cent election. n Reno Garotte r Colonel Charles Daly. Mr. Harnett Is Interested In a , HlinilIton( vlce pre8dent of the Ne i... .. i. i i vada - California - Oregon Railroad. bank at Waxco It all depends upon the patron age guaranteed, whether Fort Hld well la to have an up-to-date light ing system , says the News. Several enterprising men are behind the move and have ample funds for the purpose at their disposal. left Friday night for his home at Waco, Texas, having completed his duties here in connection with the reorganization of the road. Owing to the small pox and scarlet fever epidemic which has been pre- ! vn lent at Cedarville, Cat., the past Cedarvllie Record: The Misses i several wtrks. the committee on Georgia Turner and Hallle Gillespie lert here laHt Friday for Wisconsin where they go on a visit. George ('. Turner accompanied them as far as Reno and went on down to San Francisco on a business trip. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Moore, former residents of Lakeview but now of Ashlund, arrived here lust week and will remain several days visiting with relatives and friends, having made tho trip over In their auto. Mr. Moore Is city attorney of Ashland. A buhy girl, weight eight and one liulf pounds, wits born to Mrs. Johnson, wife of G? W. Johnson as sistant cashier of the Hank of Lake view, on June &, at Santa Rosa, Cal., where she is visiting her parents, Mr. und Mrs. W. 1). Woodcock, for merly of Lakeview. The Kxamlner erred lust week In stating that Mrs. A. L. Thornton and son had returned home with the party of lodge delegates and others who went to Portland. They will re main several weeks visiting with re latives at Mrs. Thornton's former home at McMlnvllle. Lassen Advocate: Geo. Winches ter Is off on his annual vacation, and this time he will go as far north as Paisley, Oregon. He took a com mercial traveler with him, and will be gone for two or three weeks. He Is a brother of R. G. Wlncherter of the Goose Luke Valley Meat Co., of Lakeview. 12. A. lleames and wife and F. II. Hopkins were here from Medford last week, Mr. Reames having come over on a water contest between the Chewaucan Land & Cattle com pany and the Brattaln estate. Mr. Reams was formerly District Attor ney of this district comprising Lake, Klamath and Jackson Counties. The first freight vessel to be tow ed through the Panama Canal was the Grace liner, Santa Clara, carry ing a cargo of Pacific Coast products 90 per cent of which was loaded at Portland, nearly all of which will be discharged at. Now York. The vessell is comparatively new, this Fourth of July celebration has decid ed nut to held any cflebr. on there this year, says the Record. Mrs. K. H. Clark and son and Mrs. D. H. Remis returned home Satur day from a several week's visit with Mrs. Clark's sister in Portland. They were met at Klamath Falls by Mr. Clark and Paul Drenkel, who brought them back In his automobile. F. II. Lord spent a few days In Lakeview last week, having come up from Reno with Herman Struss burger, traveling representative ' of the Southern Pacific. Mr. Lord is agent for the Grand Trunk Railway with headquarters in San Francisco. Darnell's Bund will go to Paisley next Saturday afternoon to give a dance. They will go up In auto mobiles and will stay for the ball game Sunday afternoon between Lukevlew and Paisley. There will likely be a concert In that city on Saturday evening before the dance. Comptroller of the Currency Wll lalms estimates that about $500, 000,000 In national banks through out the United States is available tor farm mortgage loans under the provision of the federal reserve act making It possible for national banking associations to lend money on Improved farms. Fourteen Progressive candidates and two Democratic candidates tied for State Senator and State Re presentative at the recent election according to the canvass made ot the vote by Secretary of State 01 cott. He has notified all of them to appear before him on the afternoon of June 25, either personally cr by Attorney, and draw straws to deter mine who shall obtain the nomina tion. A bountiful rain which will do much toward reviving all grain crops from the injury they have suffered from recent frosts has been falling In this valley almost In cessantly for the past 4 8 hours. The rain begau Tuesday night and up to this time the precipitation will probably equal two inches or more. being her third trip to the Pacific , The moisture will also prove a Coast. I great boon to range conditions. The Ladles Aid of the M. E. Church will serve refreshments on July 4th. The place and details to be announced next week. Mrs. F. M. Miller arrived Tues day evening from Berkeley and will remain here this summer with her husband and sons. E. II. Lamb, traveling represen tative of the Northwestern Railroad with headquarters at Sacramento, was In Lakeview the forepart of the week. W. C. Hammett, engineer for the Chewaucan Land & Cattle Co., was up from San Francisco last week on business connected with the com pany's holdings. Miss Nellie O'Connor, arrived at this place last week from Barsto, Cal. and will remain on a few weeks visit with her brother, Dan E. O'Connor. With the Inauguration of the change In passenger service over the N.-C.-O., It Is announced that the di vision point will be changed from Likely to Madeline. Bid well News: Mrs. J. Darnell and little brother Harry Ayres, ar rived Monday from their home at Lakeview and are the guests ot their father, Geo. 11. Ayres and family. A party of lour candidates, com posed of A. J. Foster, II. O. Kuhl, W. P. Curtis and D. It. Patterson left this morning for Klamath Falls to be initiated into the Elks lodge tonight. Mrs. Winters, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Burgess of this city, arrived here Monday from her home at Ghakenberg, Nebraska and will remain on a several days' visit with her parents. Adln Argus: James Poore had the misfortune to get his foot dislocat ed Thursday morning. He was at tempting to mount a fractious horse and' the, animal while bucking fell with, him with the above result. , C. H. Brown has been appointed travelldg freight and passenger agent for the Southern Pacific Com pany for this territory taking the place of H. Straasburger . who has been transferred to Nevada terri tory. " I 'Nydenta Tooth Paste cleanses and polishes., the teeth, prevents discol oration, .retards decay, benefits the glims ' and leaves the mouth clean 'and ' healthy. Twenty-five cents the tube at Snyder & Reynolds Drug Store. Miss Emily Clark, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Clark of this place, and who has been In San Francisco the past three years arrived last week to spend her vacation. She was accompanied by her cousin, Mrs. Phlllis O'Donnel. George B. Whorton last week re turned from a trip to Stockton, Cal., where Mrs. Whorton and children spent the winter. His son, Malloy, returned home with him and Mrs. Whorton and daughter arrived on last night's train. Mrs. W. A. Leonard and daugh ter, Miss Billie, mother and sister of Mrs. F. Zini I aldwin of this place came over frot.i Klamath Falls last week. Mrs. Leonard returned home Wednesday, i,ut Miss Ionard vtU remain here on a several day's visit with her sister. Eph Miller has identified himself with J. B. Auten iu the hardware, grocery and furniture business, the business change taking effect the first of the week. , Mr. Miller was at one time postmaster of Lakeview, but for the past few years was man ager of the Chewaucan Mercantile Co., of Paisley. Hair naturally soft and luxuriant needs careful attention to preserve its natural beauty and color, while hair that is thin should be given constant treatment to make it abundant and luxuriant. HIRSU TONE is excellent for either pur pose. Two sizes 50 cents and $1.00. For Sale at Snyder & Reynolds Drug Store. , Alturas New Era: The corner stone of the new court house will be laid under the auspices of the Masonic lodge of this place on July 22nd, with appropriate ceremonies. It is reported that Hon. Wni. T. Cressler, of Cedarville, and Reuel A. Laird of this place will be the prin cipal orators, and the program prom ises to be an interesting one. Harney County Nowb: Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Snelling returned Sunday morning to their home in Lakeview, after a visit with their daughter, Mrs. C. M. Faulkner. Mrs. Snelling had spent two weeks here and Mr. Snel ling came last week. Accompanying them to Lake County were the two oldest children of Mr. and Mrs. Faulkner, and their mother will fol low them In a short time for a sum mer visit at her old home. Wm-F.Paine&Co REAL ESTATE LAKEVIEW -:- OREGON WW .VA t 4 ih imroordonHa' 4' Gordon Hats GORDON Sennits, high and low crown, price $1.50 GORDON Woven Porto Rican Straws, price .....$3.00 GORDON Natural White Finish Panama, an excellent quality $8.00 GORDON Fur Hats, in all the best novelties, price $3.00 Benjamin-Washington Clothes Walk-Over Shoes BRITTEN & ERICKSON Mlu - .airy j yysftHirahttM'f't' Save Your Buildings Unprotected lumber rots, cracks, splits and soon goes to ruin. Paint is the only protection. It's money saved and money made to keep your home well painted. ACME QUALITY PA I NTS AND FINISHES are made to last. They will stand years of service and exposure to rain and sun, heat and cold, and still look better and protect better than cheaper paints after only a few months' service. You will be surprised to know how lit tle it really costs you. We carry a full line of Acme Quality paints, var nishes and stains suitable for covering every kind of surface, and if you prefer to personally do the odds and ends of retouching about the home, we can ad vise you the kinds of material to use, and these ready mixed paints assure you finishes of the highest quality. Lakeview Mercantile Co. i