Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, June 25, 1914, Image 4

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Lake County Examiner
PuMishwi by Thfi KXAMlSKH I'VliLlSlllXa CO.
Official Paper of Lake County, Oregon
On Year, in advance $2.00
Six Month, in ml ennce 1.23
Three Months, in advance "5
Aln fcKTIMNH RAlKti: Kondt-rm lvl nnimn. loo for lino rrh
InxTiton; Wmit .!., Ir word noh ln-rlton. I'urd of Thnkj, 1 aW.
RranlulluDi ol Comloli nee, 1.50 and ni'wrU.
PlspUy A.lvertlsttu rti- mailt- known on application.
A.tdr-. nil rommnnlratlnnt mid miikc nm!ttnc iyll lo
Examiner rubUsnltiK Co., ml not to lm muis.
Any porton iwvlviiiir thin n,l not Inirndin to pr lor It,
will confer fvor ty cotitjrinK th oitiee m once. However, nu ra
ter oi ropict lire p:d for bv friendii of t ho recipients, and in Mich In-utmif-tn
Ill's notice d, Uot uppl. It it not the im of the nioge
men l to have the Kxmnlner ko to liny plce when It n not welcome.
While Democratic Senators from wool
growing states, anxious to excuse their votes
for free wool, have been pointing with pride
to high prices, reports of imports and of the
world supply have been sweeping away their
arguments. The advance in prices 'of raw
wool is due to a short clip the world over, the
shortage in the United States alone being
about 30,000,IKX pounds. The total . world
shortage is estimated at 240,000,000, but in
spite of this fact imports to this country have
enormouslv increased.
The report of tho Bureau of Foreign and
Domestic Commerce shows increases in March
as compared with March, 11)13, in imports of
class 1 wool of 93.9 per cent ; class 2 wool, G0.7
per cent; woolen cloths, 324 per cent; dress
goods 227 per cent; wearing apparel, 3.2 per
cent; all other manufactures of wool 707 per
These figures were quoted in the Senate
by Senator Smoot as showing the disasterous
effect of the Underwood tariff on American
industry. Senator Chamberlain attempted to
answer him a few days later by quoting from
Oregon papers statements that growers have
secured this season the highest prices for
seventeen years and by quoting from what he
called "a leading Democratic paper in the
heart of the woolgrowing section of Eastern
Oregon," reports of sales at a considerable
advance over the prices of last year and the
year preceding.
Mr. Smoot promptly exjxhsed the fallacy of
Mr. Chamberlain's argument by stating that
"the world price of wool today is about three
times what it was in 1894" because of a short
age in the world's production." He added:
I simplv make this statement to have it un
derstood that if the conditions were the same
in the world's market today that they were in
1894 there would be no such articles present
ed to the Senate: If there was a duty on wool,
the woolgrower would be getting higher
prices than he is getting today.
American growers know that the higher
prices obtained for their crop is abnonnal and
last week 's Examiner a lengthy article or re
port was published giving some idea of what
the Slate of Oregon is losing by allowing these
deposits to lay idle.
Thv bond held with the stato by C. M. Sain
and associates was released on May 1, leav
ing numerous creditors who have no recourse
whatever. It is estimated that there is now-
back about $15,000 done in assessment work
and the greatest portion of the money is due
the settlers of the Summer Lake Valley for la
bor. It is upon these people that the present
condtion falls the heaviest. It would, there
fore, seem that Mr. Sain ami his associates
or others should be given the opportunity to
continue the development, and if possible let
these deserving creditors recover their wages.
It is too valuable an asset to the entire state
to keep this work retarded any longer. The
state should not sell the salt lakes but should
lease them under such terms as to protect la
bor, protect consumers and protect the state.
Their waters contain deposits of salt,
soda and potash of great values. Some es
timates place the gross value at $80,000,000.
The process of recovery of these natural ele
ments is extremely economical. Pipe lines
could carry them in solution at but a fraction
of the cost of railroad transportation to the
tide water, where refining works would reduce
them to marketable products.
As example in recovery of the-soila contents
so these lakes, it is estimated that the refined
product could be eViractcd at a cost of $2
per ton. Practically all the soda markets are
supplied by manufactured soil a which costs
$7 to $9 a ton to produce.
These valuable deposits were yielded by na
ture for the use and comfort of mankind
They ought not to be capitalized for the pri-j
rvate profit of a few men. They ought not to
be put under private monoply and their na
tural wealth be absorbed by a small group.
The most frequent causes of headaches oc
curring during or after the theater is eye
strain. People who use the full energy of the
delicate eye muscles to obtain perfct vision
are often unconscious of this strain. In the
theater, the continuous effort to keep every
thing constantly focused exhausts the nerve
centers and headaches result: The- practice
of seating the audience in total darkness while
they are staring into an intensely lighted
stage, is another serious factor. The pupils
! being widelv dilated in the flark, admit tho
excess of light from the stage, often producing
iritation of the eves which lasts sometimes for
days. Those subject to headaches , should
never sit where it is necessary to raise the
eyes to watch the stage. This unnatural yosi;
tion or the eyes is very tiresome even to most
are iretting out of the business bv selling their i who never have trouble at other times. Un-
flocks. The woolgrowers of Oregon are not I fortunately the theater-going public has not
deceived bv Mr. Chamberlain's shallow argu- insisted on proper ventilation without drntts,
merits. They know that a normal world's clip. The over heated foul air of itself lessens the
will flood the American market with cheap spectator s vitality and power ot endurance.
foreign wool, and they are getting from under. ; This followed by drafts frequently produces
1 stuffing up ot the nose, or cold in the head and
LEASE THE LAKES a disagreeable headache from internasal pres-
For various reasons it seems a shame that sure, which is usually worse the following
ffie valuable natural resources in Abort and ' morning. Journal of American Medical As-
Sumnier L;d"s should not be developed. In ' soeiation.
May Get State Hatchery Juvenile hiM.rts Program
T. K. Pollock arrived last week! Tne committee, composed of A.
rrom Bonneville. Oregon, bringing!1- Thornton, O. M. Gardner and
f'has. L'mbach, in charge, of the
about US.000 fish eggs ot the Ram- juvenile sports for the Fourth of
how variety. The eggs will he hat- juy celebration have outlined the
died iu Lakeview and the trout lib- following program for the two
eruted in variou" "r?a!r!f: through- days:
out the county. FRIDAY
Mr Pollock spent several days : T,ir,.etrl,er, contest, prize $3;
..c.u in ....uyuu. mi iin. "H'ej' ' ,, torn .1 rn ..,, 1
shoe race, 12.50
sack race. $2.00 and $1.00; Stake
race. $2.00 and $1.00; 50 yards race
for girls 12 years or under, $2.00
and $1.00; flour race, $5.00 in small
-li m 11 irt - njiil Hrivintr frtnri-Kt for
being very favorabl, impressed u 1th gMit years or ,.,., $2.00 ami
and A. L. Thornton made a trip to
the Drews Creek dam to in.ike an
inspection of the place the
view of establishing a State Fish
Hatchery, lie expressed himself as
the dam lor this purpose and it is
believed that the establishment of L
such an enterprise is quite probable.
K. J. Martin who is now in Lake
view and Chief Engineer Rice stat
ed tiieir approval and pledged sup
port for the installation and main
tenance of a state hatchery there.
Kou Signs ( inning
County Judge Daly states that the
metal highway signs to be placed
along the roads in this county will
arrive In a few days and will he in
stalled in the near future. I
The signs will be placed at all
crossroads and at either side of the
towns, following the Central Oregon
Highway from the California line to
Crook county, indicating the dls-
Anolher June Bride
Miss Laura K. Wright, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. George Wright, anJ Mr.
Arthur K. Garrett were united in
wedlock Sunday, June 21, at
First Hull Game Played
The. Paisley base ball team, so
styling themselves the Paisley Pi
rates, carne down last Sunday morn
ing and entered into a spirited con
test with the Lakeview team on the
local diamond in the afternoon.
The game was quite interesting,
the score up to the fourth inning
standing 6 to 4 in favor of Paisley,
and remained so until the eighth
inning when the home boys circled
the diamond four times giving them
8 tallies. In the first half of the
ninth the visitors gained one more
run, making the final score stand
Lakeview 8. and Paisley 7.
, This was the first game playeti by
I the local boys tills season, and the
! fact that Paisley has held numerous
practice games this spring, they are
considerably elated over the le
tory. The home hoys will journey to
Paisley next Sunday for a return
game and Darnell's Band will also go
. up on the evening before.
Those In the Paisley team were:
. Roy Smith, Karl Sultz, A. Moss, H.
Hanan, J. Madine, W. L. Hanan,
'Glen Pagley, Robt. Klliott and A.
All Enter Parade
The committee in charge of the
the Grand Parade for July 4th announce
home of the bride's parents in this; that all business houses, fraternal
city. Only a few immediate relatives ; organizations and other institutions
tance between different points, and ' una friends attended the ceremony are requested to be represented with
also along other roads in the county. ' which was performed by Judge Daly, floats In the parade. It Is entirely
They will be attached to iron posts,! Mr. Garrett has been a resident of i discretional with those entering
also ordered lor the purpose, about Lakeview for about two years and
seven feet from the ground. This ; conducts a barber shop In the Flynn
distance is considered most ad-! nuiiding on Water Street. Doth of
rantageous to travellers In either
autos or wagons. The letters are
two inches In length and counter
sunk In the metal plate, being eas
ily discernible, as well as practical
ly indestructible.
the young people are well and fa
vorably known and have numerous
friends who Join In wishing them
many happy years of wedded life.
They will continue their residence
J in Lakeview.
floats or being otherwise represented
us to the manner they choose. The
parade will bo made up of autos, wa
gons, mounted horses and pedes
irulns and all are requested to join.
A valuable pri.e will be offered for
the best float.
Rinu-mb'x the Celebration, July 4th
Fourth of July
The man who would he carefully
and comfortably dressed on July
4th will' find it an easy task to se
lect his suit from our large stock
of Hart Schaffner & Marx Good
None but the latest fabrics, and
only the better styles arc among
our assortment. The prices are
within your reach. Suits,
$22.50 to $30.00
The Season's Newest in Hats, at $2.50
and $3.50.
Soft Shirts in many fine fabrics at 1.00
to 2.50.
Kverythlng to use, eat and wear.
MC Calf Killed
C. D. Parker, superintendent of
the MC corporation ranch in Warner
and son Leland were here a few
days this week and yesterday left
for Alturas where it Is reported that
Harry, ,11111 and Len Tony are to
plead' guilty to the charge of having
a stolen calf, property of the MC
company, in their possession.
Last week Mr. Parker found the
hide and portions of the carcas of
a 'calf on the Hill ranch In Cole
man Valley,' Lake County. The
brand had been cut from the hide
but Hie throttle on Its neck, ur.ed by
the MC corporation, was not remov
ed, revealing the Identity of the
property. He proceeded to Cedar
ville, f here he found the remainder
ot the, calf in possession of Hill and
Tony. Attorney Wylie of Alturas
was here Tuesday to represent the
defendants, hut It is stated that they
would not return without requisi
tion papers, but had agreed to plead
guilty to the charge of having the
property In their possession.
High-Noon Wedding
A pretty wedding occurred yester
day at high-noon at the home of the
bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. T.
Cochrun at their home a few miles
southwest of this city. The contract
ing parties were victor C. Drown and
Miss Geneva A. Cochrun. Mr. Drown
Is of Provolt, Jackson County, Ore
gon, where they will make their fu
ture home. He was here about a
year ago during which time he made
many friends. The bride is the eld
est daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Coch
run who have resided in this valley
for the past few years. The many
friends of the young folks wish them
bon voyage as they launch their bark
upon the matrimonial sea.
The ceremony was performed by
Uev. Geo. A. Crawford of the Presby
terian Church, surrounded by imme
diate relatives and friends of those
entering into the nuptial bond.
After the ceremony all sat down to
a fine wedding dinner which was en
Joyed by all.
Miners Kntombed
A teriffic explosion, coming with
out warning, Friday entombed 197
miners employed in mine No. 20 of
the Hlllcrest Colliers, Ltd., near
Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada. Of the
total number entombed but 94 men
were rescued, leaving it is believed
103 lives lost in the horrible dis
Two hundred miners were also
entombed in a mine at Liege, Iiel
guliu the day following the explo
sion at Hlllcrest, Canada,
W titer ('uses Ileing Heard
James T. Chinnock, Superintend
ent of Water Division No. 1, arrived
in Lakeview last week and will be
here several days hearing a large
number of claimants to water rights
tributary to the Chewaucan River.
He has already heard a number of
cases in the court house here and
some are set for a woek in advance.
Mr, Chinnock is accompanied by
Rhea Luper of Salem, his assistant
and Miss Jessie Masten, stenographer.
llanel-lteid Nuptial
New pine Creek, June 23. (Spn
cial). Last Sunday Mr. Iewls F.
llanel and Miss Neta Kay Held were
married at the home of the bride's
parents in New Pine Creek. The
Rev. L. K. Henderson performed the
Mr. llanel came here from Hood
lomKor TrrniN Wanted
To make the terms of County
Clerks, Treasurer, Sheriffs, Coro
ners, and Surveyors four Instead of
two years is the purpose of a con
stitutional amendment which baa
been submitted to Secretary of State
Olcott for approval as to form. Alt
other County officers now have a
River about a year ago and has rour Jrear term, and the object or this
worked for Fred S. Fisher since amendment Is to equallie the terms
coming here. He is a honest, sober for a" County officers. It being In-
and straightforward young man and 'Haled by It. P. Hassuiussen. of Cor-
has made many friends iu this vld- W . M- Davis of Portland..
nlty. The bride Is the youngest dau-
Petltlons have been received here
ghter of Mrs. John Held. She was "" signatures to get It on the ballot
horn and raised In Goose Lake Valley
and is a pleasant and charming
young lady.
Miners Dynamite Hall
The front of the Western Federa
tion of Miners Hall at llutte, Mont.,
was blown out Tuesday night with
dynamite by a mob ' of insurgent
miners and their sympathizers dur
ing a pitched battle between 8 0
armed deputy sheriffs In the hall
and Insurgent miners stationed In
the tops of adjoining buildings. A
score of charges of dynamite were
exploded, and one bystander was
Instantly killed and three score In
jured when the deputies began fir
ing over the heads of the mob. A
meeting, called by President Moyer
of the Western Federation, was be
ing held with the purpose of settle
ing the strife between the warring
factions of miners.
1 o .
Pine Creek People Wed
K. W. Follett and Mrs. Com Per
ry, of New Pino Creek were married
In this city Tuesday afternoon, June
23, at the Methodist parsonage, the
Rev. Geo. II. Fecso officiating. Only
a few Immediate friends were pre
sent at the ceremony.
Both of the contracting parties are
well known and highly respected re
sidents of this valley. Mr. Follett is
farming the large C. C. Cannon place
Just north of New Pine Creek. The
bride is a very efficient school tea
cher, having taught several success
ful terms iu both Lake and Modoc
Counties. Site is a daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. D. C. Ilerry of Davis Creek.
The Examiner Joins with their
many friends in extending congratulations.
at the coming election. In event it
should be atlopted County officials
elected at the coming general elec
tion would hold their offices for
four years.
MiiNt Iterund Money
Many thousands of dollars must Im
returned to wool growers of the west,
principally Wyoming Utah. Nevada.
Idaho, Colorado, New Mexico and
Montana, by rnllroads which have
carried their clips to eastern markets
at freight rates which the Interstate
commerce commission has held excessive.
Hai veys Are Home
The many friends of Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Harvey are indeed glad to wel
come them home after an absence
of several months during which
time Mr. Harvey has been hovering
between life and death as a result
of serious wounds received by being
thrown from a horse at Merrill,
Klamath County last February. For
eighteen weeks he was In bed and
had to undergo several major opera
tions. He has not yet entirely regained
his strength but is able to be up and
around the house, and stood the
auto trip over from Merrill in good
shape. Doth Mr. and Mrs. Harvey
aro high in their pralsu of Dr. Pat
terson of Merrill, who attended him,
and to whose skillful cure is due
his safe return home.
Remember the Celebration, July 4th
Cost Of Colorado Htrlke
As a result of the strike In the
coal fields of Colorado which has
been going on since last September,
eighteen strikers, ten mine guards,
nineteen mine employes, two militia
men, three non-combatants, two wo
men and twelve children have been
killed, it Is estimated that the loss
amounts to between $10,000,000 and
$1 2,000,000.
i i i .
Oregon Pioneei-N Meet
What was probably considered
tho most venerable aggregation of
men and women ever assembled In
the west was the session of pioneers
who met In Portland last week in
renewal of former friendships and
bridging the gap that lies between
the dim and distant era of early con
quest of the wilderness and the pre
sent time.
A total of 812 pioneers of the
Oregon Historical Society registered
at headquarters of the Oregon His
torical Society, with a combined ago
of approximately BC,840 years, the
average age of each of the patriarchs
being 70 years. None of them was
under 55 years, and only those hardy
settlors who came to the state or
were born hero before Oregon was
admitted into the union in 18C9 are
eligible In this roll of honor.
Speakingjif the reunion, the Port
land papers state that while it was
enthusiastic and spirited as ever was
smaller this year thun in the years
gone by, and when the boys and
girls of Old Oregon sat down to an
elaborate banquet given in their
honor not over 900 seats werefllled.
Only a few years ago the attendance
ranged from 1200 to 1B00.
FOR SALIO A nice home of (our
rooms with good cellar and stable
lot 50x270, one block outside cr
city limits. Good place for chick
ens and dairy. Free, range. In
quire of J. Clias. Smith & Co.,
Purlulun Main St. J a 25-4t