Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, May 28, 1914, Image 2

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A complete Hue of
wniron ami buggy
ha rnoss, wlii
robea. bit, rlatca.
spurn, quilt, roue-
ettes, etc., etc.
Successors to S.
Daily Service Reno to Lakeview Except Sundays
No. I Arrives Lakeview at 9:3$ P. M.
No. 2 Leaves Lakeview at 6:30 A. M.
Daily Except Sunday
IMiIlman fc l.uffett Service Between Lakeview and Reno
A Gentlemen's Popular
:: Resort ::
Lakeview Steam Laundry
We give efficient service and do good work.
Send your washing and give us a trial.
may exist among those who have made a special
study of sanitary plumbing concerning some of the
details of construction and design, but the vital
things which we keep in mind and should be prac
ticed in all good plumbing are: 1st, the best materi
als not necessarily the most expensive, but the
most durable; 2nd, we isolate all plumbing and con
centrate as much as p!.ibk We are experienced
plumbers. Let us figtri-011 yuur bill.
"Eveiiy'Misg is uardwauv Artn vahm imi-lemexts"
Kverytlitug lu the
line of cnrrlaiRC
and borne furnish
ings, ltepniring
by competent
No. 732
if the stein be filled with our foam
ing fleer, which In at once a totiic
mid a thirst-quencher. You will
like the tempting odor of the froth
liut, better still, the deep draught
that brings satisfaction to the
thirsty. This is a pure and whole
some. Heir possessing great up
building properties for the sick or
anemic. Get a case of it for your
POST A KING, Proprietor
am &
This matter must not b rvprtiunl with
out vpeciul permission.
Putty may be kept from becoming
hard a n J wort li loss by storing It In a
closed pail, cau or Jnr.
Klamath county. Ore., pays n bounty
of 10 ceuts ht scalp on Jack rabbits,
but even under this handicap the rab-
Jblts seem to multiply rapidly.
Scurvy Is a disorder of the human
system brought about by rating too
much animal food and not enough
fruit and vegetables. Cure lien lu a
correction of the diet.
If you notice the frnilly cow eating
manure or gnawing at old bones or
leather boots, it Is safe to assume that
she is not Retting all that she ought
to in her ration. Increase her bran ra
tion and give a little boneuieal.
There la little use in trying to hatch
cases toe cdicks in suco eggs win uie
before the process of Incubation Is
half over, while those that do see the
light rarely live more than a few days.
The silo has uot only come to be, as
I It were, the mark of successful dairy
operations, but of most profitable beef
production as well. l'roerly balanced,'
It Is also being proved au excellent
'ration for breeding and fatteulng
! sheep.
Every orchard, whether large or
small, should have some stands of
i bees. Their presence lu the orchard nt
I blossom time Insures needed pollluu-
tlon. while the honey made Is largely
'clear profit, as there Is do charge for
! It always seems a pity when hnnd
; some shade trees are used for clothes
line posts or- fenceposts, with the re
sult that staples, hooks and wire le
conie deeply embedded in the trunks,
making most unsightly scars. When
it seems necessary to so use a tree a
block should be used to which to fas
ten wires or Hues.
Sometimes there are practical dluli
cuities In connection with game pro
tection. This Is shown In an Interest
ing manner in the case of the Olympic
herd of elk In Clallam county. Wash.,
which now numbers 4.000. The feed In
the county la so short that it has be
come u serious problem bow to feed
the animals. The problems bids fair to
become even more serious, as the elk
ore protected by law until 1020
Readers of these notes who have not
learned it from their own experience
will be interested in knowing that rats
will raid a pot or pan of tulips or hya
cinths and not only gnaw off the grow
ing stalks, but dig out the bulbs and
lug them off. The treatment of a
group of Rubra maxima tulip bulbs
In this fashion recently by the pesky
rodents has not increased the writer's
regard for the nasty pests. From this
on he has vowed unending warfare on
It will be worth while for hunters all
over the country to remember that a
federal law is now in force which
makes illegul the spring shooting of
migratory or Interstate wild fowls. Any
man who kills these binls under the
terms of the hunter's license Ifsued to
him by the authorities of his own state
does so at his own risk. A United
States marshal doesn't tare a rap
whether or not the offender is a cousin,
uncle or nephew of folks of Htandlng
la the commuulty.
The scientists of the department of
agriculture have decided that "typhoid
fly" is an appropriate as well as cor
rect name for the common housefly.
The designation "manure fly'' " has
Dlso been suggested as fitting because
the fly breeds chiefly in piles of horse
manure. In any case, if the average
person keeps these two decidedly un
pleasant facts lu inlud it should causo
renewed determination on bis part to
begin and continue an unceasing wur
of extermination on the miserable
pests. The swatting should begin as
soon as any of the tribe appear.
A new plan for rewarding the boys
and girls who win prizes In the com
petitive contests among members of
the agricultural clubs In several states
has been proposed by oflicials of thu
department of agriculture. Instead of
being given trills to Washington it Is
suggested that such winners be given
a year's course in practical training In
some agricultural school, their Idea be
lli,? that such a course would have a
more practical us well as lasting vulue.
The department olllclals suggest as uu
alternative uward the payment of n
week's expenses 'to the winner's Htnto
fair. For county winners prizes of
practical find educational worth are
suggested as of far more value than
speclilc cash awards.
KI.ONH. large, ripe and Juicy, are
with us ngaln. Of these the
watermelon Is one of the most
There are several attractive ways of
serving watermelon. One Is to take
Iced melon and slice hitosm It to the
depth of about nn Inch. Kemove the
rind and cut tlie solid pulp Into cubes.
dliitnoiiilM or fancy shapes. Place the
plevs lu a salad tiowl or Individual
tli-lics. srliikle with powdered sugar
ii ml serve at once.
. Fancy Ways of Serving.
Another way of serving the melon
Is I) cut crosswise in Inch slices, take
off the rind and serve the heart of the
niiivs sprinkled with sugar.
I'ii serve the melon III the shape of
h basket tie a string round the middle
oT the fruit; then, beginning nt the top
of the melon, cut it to the Hiring, al
lowing a strip nn Inrh wide to renin in.
Take oilt the cut section and remove
tlie mh'(I mill strings. Cut the pulp
Into small sections, place on lit and
serve with the pulp in the basket and
sprinkled with sugar
Watermelon Salad .- Perfectly ripe
melons are delirious Tor salads when
cut lu cubes and served iilone or with
other milt, siiih as peaches or ba
nanas. Tomatoes may Ik- used. Serve
with inayoiiuMl.-e plain or flavored or
French dressing to which Jin a been
added a suspicion nt maraschino or
serve with whipped cream. -
Sarvad In Snvrbat Glass.
Watermelon Sherbet. From the red
pulp of a melon sine the juice and
nu IhYlent pulp to flavor. 'Pake one gal
lon of the liquid to a pound of sugar
and freeze. When half rrozen add the
whipped whites of four eggs and fin
ish the freezing. Serve in sherliet
Watermelon Frappe. Itrcak the ripe
pulp or n watermelon Into tiny pieces
witti a silver fork and place It In nn
Ice cream freezer without the dasher.
Let it slainl for two hours packed lu
:ili ami hi' Serve in sherbet glasses.
Watermelon Honey - t'rush and
Ft r:i in Hie red piPji of nwaterineloti.
Cool; It with the seeds and strain,
rooking .-tL'iliu till it Is ipiite thick. It
should ne hoiled down until three
quarts ot red pulp make n bout oue
II ft It of a pint of honey. Cool he
honey. A little lemon Juice and sugar
may bo added, and then It should be
bottled like grape Juice.
Sick Headache
Mrs. A. L. Luckie, East Rochester,
X. V.. was a victim of sick headache
and despondency, caused by a bauly
weakened and delapldated condition
of her stomach, when sue began
taking Chamberlain's Tablets. She
says, "I found them pleasant to take
also mild and effective. In a few
weeks' time I was restored to my
former good health." For sale by
all dealers.
For all practical purposes a cubic
foot of silage In the lower half of a
alio will weigh about tlfty pounds
Hence to ascertain the weight of silage
remaining In the silo It Is only neces
sary to get the number of cubic feet
This is determined by multiplying the
diameter of the silo by itself and the
result by .78. which will give the area
in square feet of tho surface, and mul
tiplying; this result by the depth lu
feet of the slluge will give the cubic
contents. The total weight of silage
would be got by multiplying the cubic
contents by tho weight per foot fifty
Will sell special occasion round trip rates to'the East
from Lakeview, Oregon, as follows
Denver, Colo, Neb
Chlrnso, 111
Muy 12, 14, 13,
June 1, 2, 3, 5,
July 2, 3, 7, 8,
August, 3, 4, 11,
September 4, 5,
- C.oing Urn It fifteen days from date of sule anil Journey must com
mence on dute of sale. Final return limit In all cases three months v
from dute but not luter than October 3Ut, 1014.
' Stopovers will be allowed at and west of Chicago, Kt. Ixmis, Mem
phis and New Orleans on going transit limit null uu return trip within
finul limits, except (but no stopovers will bo ul lowed in California on
going flip.
J. M. FULTON, Asst. Cen'l Freight and Pass. Agent, RENO, NEVADA
Kooot For th Fat.
M u.Ming I lie diet of those
Hitlcilim from obesity, a Callfor
iiln health authority says:
"All I lls, Miipir and starchy .
foods 'ire to Ik- avoided. Fatty
incuts, such hs goose, duck litid
pork, tue on the forbidden list,
us ni-v also fully ilsti, light far)
inn coils puddings, potatoes, cms.
ben 114, butler, (-renin, sweet Jams
Lean meiit and lean Hiultry are
allowed In extreme moderation
by nn ancient authority, mm nre
also tlsh without rich sauces, lull
with lemon and vinegar; green
vegetables, cress and Icittiec.
fresh fruit lu small j im it It
dry benteu biscuits mid gluten
bread Tea and coffee are nl
lowed without crenm or sugar
Only one and a luiif pints of vn
ter nrp allowed to tie drunk In
twenty-four hours Hot water
drinking has a tendency to re
duce flesh, and the writer can
recommend the use of butter
milk. Illil climbing for several
hours cut h day. or long walks If
climbing Is nut piwsllile. mid long
horseback or bicycle rides are
salutary uieasuns. Frequent hot
baths nre nlo a great help In
the right direction. Hut what
ever measures the subject adopts
he must pemlst In patiently day
after day or he cannot exited
to be restored to a tioruinl.
healthful condition."
Investigations whUii have been car
rled on of late Into the hablta of the
table or "horsefly" the one that bltea
ecru to Indicate that thla parUcular
fly is responsible for the spread of In
fantile paralysis among human beings
and a disease closely resembling thla
which has hecu fatal to horses In
so mo sections.
The Importation of eggs Into this
country from Russia and China duty
free Is sure to decrease the price which
the poultry raisers of the country will
recetvo for their eggs, but It will also
put a crimp In the gnmo which the
cold storage chaps lu large centers
have been playing for years past of
buying eggs of the country merchant
nt from l. to IS cents per dozen In
the warmer months of the year and
getting from -in to cents per dozeu
for them In the winter.
A satisfactory formula for milking
grafting wax Is as follows: Take one
pound of tallow or linseed oil. two
Kuuds of beeswax and four pounds of
rosin. Melt these Ingredients together
slowly and iour while still hot Into a
tub of cold water. When the mixture
Is cool enough to handle It should lie
molded Into balls of convenient size
with the bare hands, and tho balls
should be wrapped In greased paper
and laid away for use. If tho weather
during which the wax Is to lie used
should be warm the amount of rosin
should bo slightly Increased.
That farmers In northern France the
past season produced os high as sixty
bushels of wheat per acre did not
come by chance, but wns tho direct re
stdt of an adequate understanding of
the principles of soil conservation.
France maintains 4.1.000 rural schools,
which have agricultural departments
In the shape of gardens and small
fields, on which scientific cultivation
nnd soil conservation Is taught Some
of the wheat fields that produced fifty
and sixty bushels have been cropped
continuously for a thousand yeara.
Along this Hue of maintaining the fer
tility of the soil the majority of Amer
ican farmers have a great deal to
; . . .$73 80
78 WO
Ot 3f
Kunsus City, Mo $7S 80
Ht. Louis. Mo 88 80
New York, N. V 127 30
10, 10, 20, 21, 25, 2(1, t 1014.
0, 8, 0, 10, 11, 13, 10, 17, 18. 10. 20,
0, 10, 11, 11, 13, 10, 17, 20, 21r 23,
12, 17, 18, 20, 21, 23, 20, 27, 28. 20,
0, 10, 11, 1014. -
t l t t 4 "-
Mil voi y I'utili-T ,j,
T Itilkril I'nlllliii'll
J, Tt'MMnl Uruttii IMi'Sil III lefiovr.
b. Oncki-K.
'livnr '
f i '
- - -'(' ---
P.VTTIKS uie Im.uikI lo lie culinary
fa I lures unless the putty shell Is
good. Those purchased ready for
Use may or may lint bo satisfactory.
Hew to MU lh C.
F.xccllctil putty shells may lie madu
according to these directions: Take rt
good I'd IT paste mid roll to one fourth
of an Inch hi thickness. Then cut Into
rounds with n plain or Muted cutler
w hich has been dipped Into Hour. Cut
the centers from half of these rounds.
Ilriish the edges of the whole round
with cold water mid press the rlints on
them. Chill on he and bake for twen
ty live minutes. Hake the center, cut
from Hie rings for covers. Take out
un.v uncooked paste before lilting.
Saioiy rattles. -To every quarter of
n iM.uiid of cold i hU l.e.i or fowl allow
two ounces of bam, half a teaspooiiful
of uilnccd lemon peel. Season with
poper ami salt to taste Mime to
gether finely. Line some patty pans
with puff paste, add stitllclent mluce
to fill each nicely, cover with a lid of
paste, brush over wllli the yolk of au
egg and cook In n moderate oven.
Rich Pstti.
rattles With Trultlcs Make eight
putty cases out of any good niff pastry
and keep them hot. Heat up four eggs,
season with salt und a little grated
nutmeg. Peel nnd cut two trollies Into
small dice. Melt one ounce of butter
In a pun. put In the fniille stid rook
for a few minutes: then add the egg
nnd two liililespooiifuls of cream "r
milk. Stir on the fire till Hie mix
ture Is thick and creamy. Neatly !ll
In the rns with u teaspoon, heaping
the mixture njllicr high. Sprinkle a
little chopped irullle on each n tut serve
Chicken and Ham.
I'ii t tics With Hum and ('lib ken.--Mime
Hue Hie white meat of cold bull
ed or ro:i-tid chicken. Mix with half
the quantity of minced ham. Cut lu a
saucepan with half veal stock ami h:ilf
cream, the Juice of half a lemon, the
skin of half a lemon grated, a paste
innde of a tablespoonfiil curl) of but
ler and flour, rubbed together, and suit
and red or white pepper to taste. Put
on the fire nnd cook for ten minutes,
constantly stirring. When conked It
should lie of the proper consistency to
fill Into putty shells.
A community co-operaUve laundry Is
to be establlNhcod lu Folk county.
Wis., lu connection with the local co
operative creamery. This Is the result
of the offer of $300 for such au enter
prise by a local banker and u like prize
by I'rofessor Henry of the State Agri
cultural college. The laundry la to lie
organized along the same lines as the
one at Chat field. Minn., which has been
in successful operation for the past
Celery cabbage Is the mime of a new
horticultural product which has lately
appeared In some of the larger mar-
I kets. It resembles Inrge stalks of eel
! ery, with the exception that the tops
look like head lettuce. The taste Is
chiefly that of cabbage wllli a slight
celery flavor. The vegetable Is used
for slaw, salad, in soups, cooked with
meat and for garnishing. It may alsu
be eaten raw with salt or cooked like
22, 23, 20, 20, 30.
27, 28, 20, 30, 31.