LAKE COUNTY .EXAMINER f HE liM ABSTRACT & TITLE CO, ABSTRACTS TO ALL REAL PROPERTY IN LAKE COUNTY, ORC60 Our Complcto Tract Index , Insures Accuracy, Promptness ana Reliability Such no Index is the ONLY RKLI xRLE system from whlefi n Abstract can he made, showing nil defects of title. We Also Furnish', J?IVWSSSS H. W. MORGAN, Manager, LAKE VIEW, OREGON fOSTOFFICM BOX 243 PHONK17I WA LLACE & SON iWm. Wallace, Coroner tor Lake County) UNDERTAKERS PROMPT ATTENTION AND SATISFACTION GUAR ANT WEI Parlors, next door to Telephone Office WATSON BUILDING Lakeview Ice, Transfer and Storage Co Telephone ro. 161 J. p. DUCKWORTH, Manager Buss to Meet All Trains. Transfsr and Drayage. Storage by day, Week or Month "OUR CUST03IERS ARE OUR ADVERTISERS" Goose Lake Valley Meat Market Ri E. WINCHESTER,IProprietor We endeavor to keep our market well supplied with FRESH, SALT AND SMOKED MEATS 5 lbs. Lard, 90c; 10 lbs.$1.80 B0 Your Patronage is Respectfully Solicited "&n LAKE COUNTY' ABSTRACT COMPANY Incorporated. A Complete Record v We have made an entire transcript of all Records In Lake County which In any way, affect Ileal Property In the county; We have a complete Record of every Mortgage and transfer ever made In Lake County, and ever Deed given. Errors Found in Titles In transcribing the records we have found numerous mort gages recorded In the Deed record and indexed; and many deeds are recorded la the Mortgage record and other books. Hundreds of mortgages and deeds are not Indexed at all, and moat difficult to trace up from the records. We have notations of all these Errors. Others .annot find them. We have put buudreds of dollars banting up these errors, and we can fully guarantee our work. J. D. VENATOR, flanager. Ml 7i 1 vm . . A Butcher That Knows His Business never takes advantage of the inexperience of new liouseLuep era by giving tliem fioor cuts or light weight. We' treat nil our patronm honorably ami In the samecourteons manner anil cut them the best of the kiwi that they ask for anil when we ilo that you couldn't Unit better for love or money. ; Lakeview Meat; Market HAYES A GROB. props SHAMROCK STABLES CON BREEN, Proprietor HALF BLOCK CAST OF COURT HOUSM Special Attention to Transient Stock Horses Boarded by the Day, Week or Month Always Open Phone 571 LAKEVIEW OREGON FAKE ISJNOUNCED OFFICERS OK MASOXIO I.OIKIK IUUM "FEDERATION" ! Sale of Right In KvpMiel Immtu j tinn In Canada, Result In Fine i ami lHHirtntUtn (Portland Oregonlnn) That a corterle of unprincipled men are victimizing many who would join the Masonic order by taking what fees they ran collect for admis sion to a bogus order of Masonry Is the charge of Grand Secretary Robl son. of the Grand Lodge of Masons of Oregon. Mr. Roblson says that this "confidence game" has been going on for years. Two members of the or der, which is styled "American Ma sonic Federation," Nathan B. Wlne berg and Joseph Mendel, were fined $200 each by Magistrate Shaw in Vancouver, 11. C, last December and were deported from Canada. The charge was obtaining money under false pretenses. The grand organiier of these "Clandestine Masons," as they have been called. Is McRlaln Thompson, of Salt Lake City, who, according to a letter from Alfred A. A. Murray, grand secretary of the grand chapter of Scotland to Grand Secretary Rob inson, is an expelled Mason. The organizers of the American Federation in Oregon have been A. E. Lucas and W. H. Lindsay. Lucas began operations In Portland in 1910 under authority of McBlaln Thomp son. He had offices in North End, ; where according the Grand Secretary Robinson, he pretended to confer 3 I degrees of Ancient Craft Masonry on his victims In the short time of .15 minutes, charging a fee of $35 "After he had made considerable money peddling his spurious mason- j ry he transferred the business to V. H. Lindsay for $400," paid Secretary ! Robison yesterday. "Lindsay operat ed the business for some time until he was arrested by the Portland po lice for contributing to the delin quency of small boys. He was tried in Judge McGinn's court, convicted and paroled. Then he disappeared and ha:; not been heard of since. After Lindsay's disappearance the business of the Ameiican Federation was transferred to A. J. Court, G. B. M. -So mmer field, S. H. Haines, J. A. Wheeler, P. A. Johnson and others, who are still pretending to organize lodges and confer Masonic degrees on anyone that they can prevail upon to put up the money. "These self-constituted officials i pretend to confer any degree of ma sonry from the first to .the 33d de gree, and many other degrees not re cognized by legitimate Masons. As long as their victims ' have th money, these impost r& will give them some kind of degrees and call it masonry. And of course if any of these victims come to any of our lodges we cannot admit them. They cannot be recognized by any Mason ic lodge in this country. "There have been about 20 vic tims of this bogus Masonry in Port land. T. C. Hunt, who recently was admitted to the bar In this ctty, Is one of them. He sued the organlz era for securing money under false pretenses. The case was tried before Judge Kavanaugh. The jury stood nine to three for conviction. At a second trial the organizers were ac quitted. It was shown by their at torney that no fraud was intended In proof whereof he pointed to a sen tence in small type on the bottom of the certificate which read: "This does not give you the right to attend any other rite." A stack of letters four inches high In the possession of Grand Secre tary Robinson, most of them from Lucas to Lindsay, and some of them from Thompson to Lindsay throw some light on the operations of the organizers and where a greater part of the feH Kent. Following is a letter written by Grand Secretary Robinson in answer to an Inquiry made in regard to the "Clandestine Masons": "In reply to your question: "What standing will my friend, Mr. EMBROIDERY SHOP FANCY WOIIK KXCllANCi: Pure Linen Handkerchiefs, New J'illow Tops, Scarfs anil (.'enters. Nun's liotl-I'roof Luster Collars for Km broidery. D.M.C. Threads of all kinds. Art Linen by the yard. Embroidery Work to order. t MRS. H. B. ALGER OPPOSITE llKllYFonU 1SLDU. Alger Land Co. Uu nrh es( 'i ty Property Ren t a Is Tuxes Paid and lUntals 'ollecteii for Noii-residehts OWce Viifoslte lleryford Hiilltlltig have in the Masonic fraternity and will he bo permitted to visit lodges of the Ancient Free and Accepted Masons in Oregon if he should Join a lodge of the American Federation? I have to inform you that he would have no standing in, neither will he be permitted to visit or he recogniz ed as a Mason by any member of any lodge of A. F. and A. M. of Oregon or any other state or country in the world. "The 'American Masonic Federa tion,' like many other imitators of Masonic bodies, are known and and branded by all A. F. and A. Masons as clundeutlnes or fake Ma sons. "None of the persons you name, Ito-wlt: McUlaln Thompson, A. J. Court 0. H. M. Sommerflold' 8. II. j Haines, J. A. Wheeler or P. A. Johii I son, have nhy authority from any ' lodge or grand lodge of the A. F. and A. Masons in this or any other coun ; try to establish lodges or confer Ma- sonic degrees. "Any persou joining the 'American j Federation' expecting that they are I getting legitimate masonry or expoet- Ing to be recognized as Masons or I permitted to visit or ntnilnte with i the lodges of the A. F. and A. M. will I be badly disappointed, j "No, it la not true that the Courts of Oregon have pronounced the 'Am j erlcnn Federation' a legitimate body One of their own victims (F. C. Hunt) when he found that he lyul i been buncoed had them arrested and : tried for 'obtnlnlng money under I false pretenses.' and they only oscap ! ed conviction on a technicality, j "On February 16 two of the agents of the 'American Federation' at tempted to force their spurious Ma sonry on some persons in Vancouver, U. C. They were arrested, tried and convicted and fined two hundred dol lars and warned by tho judge that a repetition of j tho offense would be more severely dealt with and punish ed with a prison sentence." The fraternity of A. F. and A. j Masons are In no way connected with or responsible for the claims put forth by the avove named clandes tine body calling themselves Masons. "These clandestine or fake 'Ma sons' have been exposed so many times through the public press and otherwise that it Is astonish In any Intelligent person can be so shame fully imposed upon by thorn. "If you will call atthls office I wilt show you letters from one of thlr members to another of their mem- ' kar. uhnra thnv illvlilmt thn IllnneV obtained from Bome of their victims and where one of them bought from another of their agents the (pre tended right to establish lodges In Oregon. "Also I will show you letters from the Grand Lodge of Scotland denying that It (the Grand Lodge of Scot land) ever gave the 'American Ma sonic Federation' any charter or :ui thorlty to establish lodges tu Ameri ca or elsewhere. "No Masonic Grand Body of Scot land or any other country can legal ly form Masonic lodges in America. "Hoping I have made this so very plain that It can be understood, I am fraternally your. JAMES F. ROBINSON. "Grand Secretary Grand Lodge A. F. and A. M. of Oregon." Following are extracts from ami copies of letters from Grand Secre taries of England and Scotland beat ing on the standing of McBlal i Thompson and others connected with the American Masonic Federation. Extract from letter of Albert A. A. Murray to W. H. Lindsay, a member of the "American Masonic Federa tion": "Edinburg, Scotland. Feb. 15, 1911. "W. H. Lindsay: I have received your letter of January 27 "Fourth Its active members are, so far as 1 know, of no standing what ever. "Fifth The Supreme Court Royal Arch Chapter of Scotland, which is the only legitimate Royal Arch body In Scotland, does not recognize the Council of Rites. "The latter has no authority what- fever to confer the Royal Arch de gree, either in Scotland or out of it. "In no circumstance will Thomp son or his confederates, In my opin ion, be recognized by the Grand Pri ority" (Knights Templars). "They have absolutely no right to confer the degrees. Degrees con ferred by them or by their authority will not be recognized by any of the Templar jurisdictions throughout the world. "Neither Spence, Thompson or Jamison have the thirty-third degree. "(Signed)" "ALFRED A. A. MURRAY." "Gxund Secretary Grand Chapter, Scotland." Copy of letter from Grand Secre tary of grand lodge of Scotland: "Edinburgh, Scotland, Nov. 8, 1912. James F. Robinson, Grand Secre tary, Oregon: I have this morning received your letter of the 24th ult. making inquiries, in regard to the authority of McBlaln Thompson to establish lodges and to confer de grees within your grand jurisdiction and that of other grand lodges of America. "That person has no authority from the grand lodge at all. Nor has he any authority from any regu lar and recognized Masonic body. "His nefarious work is engineered bv himself and a few others of his wiiiu, aim iiiu auvuuui; i-1 1 i. tic i u- lies on Is derived from himself. (Signed) DAVID REED. "Grand Secretary Grand Lodge of Scotland." Copy of letter from A. A, A. Mur ray, grand secretary, Grand Chapter of Scotland: "Edinburgh, Scotland, Nov. , 1912 Jan. F. Robinson, Grand Secretary I beg to acknowledge your letter of 24th October and I beg to reply of ficially and categorically as follows: "The Supremo Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Scotland never did Issue any authority to Mathew Mcltlaln Thompson to organize or confer any of the degrees under Its authority conform to Its constitution, "H did not and doe not now hold either ns an Individual or ns a deputy or in any other capacity what ever, any Huih authority from It tq confer such degrees In ony part .of tho world whatever. "lie does not possess now, and has never received from any of the bod ies recognized as legitimate Masonic bod ion by the grand lodge, or the Su preme Grand Chapter of Scotland any authority to confer Masonic de grees. "(Signed) ALFRKD A. A. MURRAY "Grand Secretary. -Grand Chapter Scotland." This letter Is also of tho date No vembor. 1912 from Mr. Murray to Mr. Robinson: ' Nenrly all of .the descriptions you quote in connection with Thompson are preverslons of 'the truth. In tho sense that he Is an wxpelled Mason, and that hn Is not a member of the recognized Ma sonic bodies in Scotland bearing the descriptions quoted by you. "I think that you should not hesi tate to publish as widely us possible the fact of the expulsion." Copy of letter received from grand secretary, grand lodge, England: "London. March 24th. 1914, James F. Robinson, Grand Secretary: In re ply to your Inquiry in your" letter of the 10th Inst. The Grand Lodge of England knows othlng of the body styling itself "The American Masonic Federation, and has never recogniz ed or exchanged representatives with It. "tSlguedl K LKTVII vVOKTH, "Grand Secretary Grand L .d." K:ig-laud." NARROWJSCAPES Hudson Maxim Has Figure In Somo Perilous Incidents. LUCKY AT CHEATING DEATH. Paisley lick-l (Chewaucan Press I Perry Banister sold the ('hum berhilii ranch consisting of 160 acres located on the Chewaucan River to B. F. Cannon, last week. The rumor has been spread about that this part of the county must have a candidate In the field for County Commissioner Btid as n result many friends of Zed Harris are coup ling his name ith the position The home of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Webster was fno scene of a merry surprise party last Friday evening when about twenty-five of their friends and neighbors gathered there bringing music and a basket lunch. Lunch was served at twelve and danc ing was enjoyed up until a late hour. Everybody "reported a line time. C. R. Potts Is making some big Improvements at the Paisley Lumber Company mill on Summer Lake among which Is a long tramway from the mill to the top of the hill above the planer, From this point he is building a chute to the planer a distance of 3200 feet with a fall of 800 feet. When completed the company will use this method of transporting all their lumber to the bottom of the hill where It will be easy to haul away. Little Arthur Harper, sou of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Harper, was badly bitten about the hand and arm bj a dog last week. His arm was very painful for some time and Is still swollen. O. H. McKendree, one of the pro moters of the Fall River piv cv pro ject, i'l'i' a resident of Luke was In Pali-ley attending to business mal lei n -ast Thursday. At a meeting of the Chewaucan wpKon roud committee held May 2. at which bids for the different divi sion!' were received It developed that to complete the road according to the bids would require an expendi ture of $3261.25. This was consid ered excessive and aJl bids were re jected although some of them were reaonablo and If the other bids had hern such that the road could huve been completed with the money and work available the contracts would have been awarded. Secretary of Agriculture Houston will call a conference of Western woolgrowers and wool manufactur ers of the country to meet at Wash ington In June. 1) Chaiiiberlalii's Liniment This preparation is Intended es pecially for rheumatism, lame back, sprains and like ailments. It is a favorite with people who are well ac quainted with its upleudld qualities. Mrs. Charles Tanner, Wabash, Ind., says of it, "I have found Chamber lain's Liniment the best thing for lame back and sprains I have ever used. It works llko a charm and re lieves pain and soreness, It has been used by others of my family us well as myself for upwurds of 1. .vonty years." 25 and 60 cent baM'es lor sale by all dealers, On One Qun Tilnfl Oooation Sud den Impulua to Run, Whloh Ht Obty d, Was the Maans of Saving Hi Life A Magazlnt That Got Its 8o- end Wind. One of the most t lirlltlntf adventure In my experience took place at tho gov ernment proving ground at Sandy Hook, N. J., when tho United State government was tehllna iimxlmlle be fore adopting It. Near a light frame building in which I was ailing shells with miiximlte, a teu Inch gun was being tested. A num ber of shot bad been llred from tho big gun. Just a 1 bud concluded my work nnd started for tho wharf to take the government tu for New York, the Igual was sounded for another shot I via walking alone a stretch of rail way track directly behind the gun. At that instant I remembered that several year lefore. when one of tbee gun wn being tested, the breechlock bnd blown out. passed through the bombproof slid killed six olUcer and men. but I argued with myself tbst tuo (bunco was Infinitely remote tbst the hreechlock would be blowu out of the present guu on tbl discharge at the very Instnnt I ws lu rauge. but upon a Miiddcu Impulse I run with all uiy might. The gun vs discharged. I looked round Just lu time to see the bilge breechlock pas through building ticnr the one In which I had been at work. It came up the track, striking and breaking one of the rll over which I bad passed. It ricocheted agulnst the lop of the old granite fort and gluuced high Into the air. A shower of atones and debris fell over a wide areas ud many fragments struck the ground close to me'. I walked back to the scene of the oc cldcnt and found that the window In the little building where I bad bi-en lllling inaxliulte shell were completely riddled with partly burned c Under of smokeless powder Unit had been blow n from the gnu 1 once hud another curious expert eiK-o ut Sandy if.s.k during some trial or the .Maxim aiKoinntle machine gun. Among the severe test ti which the gun was siiIjIccIimI w:ih one Intended to simulate w hat iniu-ht occur lu making a lauding upon the seashore, where the mechanism of the gun might gel filled with mii nd. The test Is known a the sand test " The guii iH-liig te-ti d at the time w of the kind il-im: black gunpowder eiirtiidges. for It was before the Intro duction of HiuoLcle-e powder. There was so in uctl energy In the recoil of the barrel Unit a meat deal of snud could be thrown Into the mechanism without Interfering with the woiklug of the gun. The couiimindliii: oltlcor did liot ar rive to see Hie gun llred until after the hoard In charge hud- completed the test lie then appeared mid demanded that the tiling should be continued tor bis benellt. The liinlrmau of the experi mental ImmM ilciiiuiTcd. saying that the uiiu had passed through the test admirably and that It was too bud to ire It more than was absolutely neces sary, with Its mechanism tilled with Miiud. But the commander insisted. A schooner was approaching near (he line of tire. The commuiider said he only wanted to see n few rounds tired and that the tiring would be coiu-plc-l before the schooner would come within range. Accordingly a belt of :!.'13 1-0111x1 Was Inserted, and the Bring; begun. After peiiiups fifty rounds were fired the command whs given "Cea filing," but the gnu kept right on. It afterward proved tliut the trigger wa blocked by sand, so that It was Impos sible to stop the gun. The schooner cume lutu range, iiudMhc bullet flew over and around her. My assistant, w ho was tiring the gun,, did his best to work the trigger andi stop It. It did not occur to hliu on the Instant to itulimber the gun uud swing. It round so as to bring the schooner out of mime. As Hie gun fired ut the rute of Triii shots a minute Hie nrLng was till over Inside half a minute. Fortunately no damage was done. When the same gnu was uudei'gbing U sand test ut Annapolis. Md., 1 CSmn very near being killed by It. The gun had passed successfully through ii severe sand test, but tho officer lu charge wanted to see wheth er be could put enough sand Into the gun to stop it. So lie had the gun box tilled full. The guu fired about 150 rounds uud then stopped. My assistant threw down the safe- that Is to say, locked the trigger, so that It could not be pulled and Iiclmii clearing tho gun box. Thlnkhfc; that the guu was safe, I was Just about to step round lu front of It. Suddenly It tired n or more shot so close to tno that my clothes were seared by tho powder 1,'ases. One of the tests made at Annapolis wim to Ire a Maxim gun vertically Into the nlr. We had find a couple of hundred shots In this manner, when Hoilitthinn struck very near us. It then occurred lo tin olllcer In chargo that what goes up must necessarily come down. Flrlmr censed, and we sotibt corer for a few minutes to a vol.! the Ir.-ub'i' rain - Hudson Maxim ill Youth's- Coni;r"iloii. T'.-'.' !,'if ivm edv for wrongs dons i;i Is to forget th"iu i'.i i'ini. 'HIE EXAMINER FOR JOB WORK