Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, May 21, 1914, Image 5

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' E
. 120 ncrci on Cottonwood creek, 35 acres into Timothy, Alfalfa, Grain, and a nice,
garden, water riht, an ideal amall dairy or poultry farm, lots of outside grazing;, house,
barn, granery und other out buildings. Price, $1800. half cash. 1 1 miles from Lakeview.
tt-room residence in DrenkeT addition, near City Park, two lots 100 by 150, barn
and thicken house. Price, $2000, half cash at 6 per cent. 1 ha price is less than cost.
320 aires Rood ,nd, part into Krnin and alfalfa, near Union School, all fenced
and cross fence, barn and corrals. Stock water in creek always. This is a good farm,
at $20.00 per acre.
310 acres three miles north of lakeview, 200 acres fine alfalfa land, about 100
acres now in cultivation, 100 acres pasture land, part of which can be planted to fruit.
Warner Creek flows through the land and a 'nice spring that can be piped to the house
and barn. Place fenced, house and barn. Price $16 per acre.
60 acres of meadow land, cuts 80 tons of hay. At head of lake, price $15 per acre.
680 acres 8 miles north of Lakeview for $15 per acre. 80 acres into meadow, cuts
1 00 tons, 49 acres pasture land and all the balance is fine grain and alfalfa land, good
water riffht, new house and large barn, 500 acres fenced. This is sure a bargain.
40 acres timber good wood claim. I I miles from town, has between 800 and
1000 cords of wood, good road and level land. Price $350.
Two and one-half lots in the Sherlock Addition opposite Dunbar new residence.
A bargain at $550. Act quick.
We have several good ranches for cattle and sheep. Send for our large bulletin
giving prices of land all over Lake and Modoc Counties.
Xnftc (Eountp Ernmlncr
For (k iiihIIhk May 20, 1914
Mail I Mini
in ii in i iii ii in
' 41
It K4
(i it
:. v. iorr. uwvm
Wlttlon fly tnllit Kortbwtwl of l-kvl!W.
For Sato, horses and mams, cat-
ue ana nogs. U. L. Hopkins.
J. W. Kltiwator was In town Tints
tlsy from lils hoiim on the Wost
O. T. McKendrnn last weok con
tracted Tor K. A. Kltxpati'.ckVs 19H
Top of wool.
K. W. Kollotl who Iish the f. C.
Cannon plum li-ax), whh up from
Now IMnn ('ri'k Tuonday.
AT K. Klorcneo left yntirday
tuornlnr on u IiukIuckh trip to Han
KranrlHt'o und otlu-r California
C. A. Moiir. of fallow Valloy Iium
rented thf J Ii tt A. W'yutt Iiouho Jiiht
Houth of town, sod Iium imovimI Into
It with his family.
A bill niHkliiR It 111. 'Kul to work
more than hIx Iuvh njit of sovon hits
I ii 'en pr-pnri'd for pukmik" by the
next Oregon Li-Klhluturi-.
The addition to Ulllmrt I). Drown' t
house on West Slrn-t In rapidly
Hearing coiiipli'tloii. Four carpon
tors are now workliiK n the Job.
V. A. ChrlHtfiiHen und wlfo arrived
hero yiat'rday from Seattle Mr.
fhrlntenm'n Is tliu owner of the old
T. K Hwruurd timber cultura claim
on the West Bide.
Alturas New Kra: J. II. Partln
has purchased the Hulck runabout'
uuto formerly owned by Dr. Glottoa,
and will hereafter scorn to travel in
anything "Slower than a buzs wagon.
Hort Pratt, an employe of the
N.-C.-O. Hallway, formerly of Lake
view, but now of Ueno. arrived here
with his family the flrht of the week
and will visit neverul days with Mr.
und Mrs. Cordon Robertson.
Ten meii lost their lives and three
Injured In an explosion Friday which
blew the plant of the Mexican Crude
Uubber Co. of Detroit, to pieces. The
explosion of a large vat of molten
rubber caused the dlHuster.
John II. Wyatt has traded his 160
acre tract to Hobt. McOowen of
Grants Pass for some property at the
latter place. Mr. McGowen has ar
rived In Lakeview and expects to be
gin Improving the trait Immediately.
A baby girl was born In this city
on Sunday, May 17. 1914, to Mr. and
Mrs. 8. It. Hanson. Mother and babe
are doing nicely, and Stanley Is the
inont proud and happiest man on
these two hemispheres with all the
planets thrown In.
In accordance with section four
of the Federal reserve act. the re
nerve bank organization committee
designated the First National Hank
of Portland as the Oregon branch In
xtltutloii of Federal Reserve Hunk
DlHtrlct No. 12, San Francisco.
G. K. Jackson, deputy IT. 8. Mar
hIibI arrived here from Portland Sun
day evening and arrested Phil White
head (colored) on a charge of selling
liquor to an Indian of the Klamath
Reservation. He was taken to Port
land for trial before the Federal
A. Campbell of Los Angeles is
now In Fort nidwell and will take
the conract of running a tunnel
through the mountain to make an
outlet for Cowhead lake, through
which Us waters will be taken to Ir
rigate many acres of land In North
ern 8urprlB6 Valley. '
Although many senators are yet to
apeak on the bill to repeal the ex
emption clause of the Panama Canal
act Senator Kern, majority Leader,
expresses confidence that the debate
will close in another week and that
a vote will probably be taken by
M?y "5- It 1 believed that the bill
will be passpd by a safe muJorUy.
Members of the local Division,
Ancient Order of Hibernians, and In
vited guests, should not forget the
bocIhI dance and supper which Is to
be given on Monday night. May 25,
at the Odd Fellows Hall. Dancing
will beEin promptly at 9 o'clock, and
good iuuhIc will be furnished fur the
occasion. It la expected that tlio at
tiiiidunco will bo large.
Rrsn for salo nt Ilnlh y &. MitHsln
Kill's store.
J. P. Duckworth will buy your
sheep peltH pnylng nine cents per
pcund. if
Castlo Gate coal delivery! to your
door In ton lots Ioomo $13.60 a ton.
J. S. Fuller.
Henry Foa and family were vltdtors
In town Kulurday from their home
on the Went Hide.
J. J. Monroe, prominent farmer of
the Willow Itancli section, Hpent sev
eral duys In Lakeview the first of
the week.
George Noliind, former Circuit
Judge of Lake and Klamath Coun
ties arrived Ihto yesterday from
Klamath Falls.
County Treasurer Hawkins Is jiow
,a member of the Society cf Mahoots,
he having purchased Mrs. K. K. Itlne
hart's Oakland car.
The Northwestern says thst Guy
Nyswaner has returned to Klaroa'.h
Falls from Wostwood, where he has
spent the past few months.
Marlon Yount, father of II. I).
Yount of the Hot Springs Hath
House arrived here last week from
Rogue River and will remain during
the summer.
Louis Gerber, the well known beef
and mutton buyer Hpent a few days
In Lakeview the flrht of the week
From here ho went to Hrnoy County
In (uest of cattle.
U. H. Stock Inspector H. H. Spar
hawk 4ind family left week for
Merrill, Kluiiuitli County, where he
will engage In the stock buslncHH
with J. 1'rank Adams.
All members are, reiiii-hti-l to at
tend the Sequoyah Club Dance ut
the Snider Opera house tomorrow
evening. This will be the hint dance
of the club this reason.
Deputy Sheriff K. K. Rinehart and
wife left Monday morning for 8an
FraniiHCo on an extended stay dur
ing which time Mrs. Rinehart will
enter a hospital for medical treat
Henry Lccliman, the well known
farmer and stockman ot New Pine
('reek, came up from his ranch Sat
urday In a new Ford car which he
recently purchased through Auten &
Mm. C. R. Anderson and step-son,
wife and son of C. Ross Anderson
of this city arrived here last week
from Rosevllle, Cal., to Join Mr.
AuderHon who has charge of the tin
ning department of the Hernard
hardware store.
J. P. McAultfTe came In town the
first of the week from his sheep
camp. His sheep are now being
brought from Klamath County to
Drewa Valley where they will be
shorn. He reports a 90 per cent
crop of lambs this year.
A. G. Hranson, former newspaper
nan, and wife are now stopping
In Lakeview, he being employed In
the olllce of Curtis & Utley, during
the absence of the latter who is visit
ing In the east. Mr. Hranson spent
the winter trapping on the desert.
The official returns and canvass of
the vote In Lake County at the pri
mary election was made with all
promptness and dispatch. The count
of all precincts was made and re
turns mailed from the clerk's office
to the Secretary of State Tuesday
Counties desiring to avail them
selves of any portion of the $170,
000 balance In the Oregon State
Highway fund must be con
struct hard-surfaced roads, accord
log to the policy of the State High
way Commission, as it was decided
at a recent meeting in Salem.
The Lake County Telephone and
Telegraph Company line is now m
good working order between Lake
view and Silver Lake, and under tin
new management it is expected that
It will be kept In that condition frori
now on. Mr. Miles, the ticw lessee,
expects to continue the lino from Sil
ver Lake to La Tine, and thus fill
a long felt need.
William Prlner, until recently em
ployed by the O. V. L. Company, ex
poets to leave within tho next few
days for Paisley, where he and a
crew of men will commence work on
the Paisley-Chewaucan road. This
road is to be built from the
fuuds of the Forest Service and
Lake County, and donations by citi
zens of Paisley and the surrounding
Hand Hulletln: Word has come
In ot tie first forest fire of the sea
son which burned over about 60
acres lu the neighborhood of Fort
Rock early last week. It was a
ground Are entirely and did but lit
tle dumage but it Is regarded by the
forest olllcials as an indication of
tho dryness of the season which wilt
make patrol- work necessary very
K. S. Herney and M. L. Wilde ar
I rived here Monday from Fallon, Nev
Win, J, mill), a pioneer resident of
: N;:w Pino Creek, was a visitor In
IIiIb city Tuesday.
Hay For Sale Haled drain and
wild liny for shWi. See or address
w. R. Horuard, Lakeview, Ore. tf
Kli Miller is now acting as d
I puty sheriff under Sheriff Snider
I during the absence of K. K. Rinehart.
1 It Is learned that "Grandma"
Cloud of New Pine Creek who re
cently suffered a stroke of paralysis
Is slowly recovering.
Miss Kllen and Mrs. Delia Cobb re
turned home last weijk from a six
weeks' visit In San Francisco. They
report a very enjoyable trip.
House Cleaning Time Let Det
rick repair your stoves while the
hot season is on. No trouble while
the cold season Is on. M 21-t8t
W. Paul Johnson, one of the pro
moters of the Klamath Development
Co., accompanied by his wife made a
trip from Klamath Falls to Lake-
view last week.
The Dodson automobile which was
sold at public sale last Saturday was
purchased for O. T. McKendree by
F. M. Miller. The car was a Dorris
end sold for $300.
A new aerial ferry Is now in op
eration between San Francisco and
Oakland. This Is the first hydro
aeroplane ferry and went into regu
lar service last Sunday.
O. T. McKendree. wool and mut
ton buyer, left Sunday for his home
In Ilerkeley, going by way of Klam
ath Falls with F. M. Miller. He will
return here about June 1st.
Klamath Falls' latent bond Issue
$7291.43. for the sewer system has
been sold at par with accrued Inter
cut and $30 premium. The rate is
6 per cent. An eastern house
F. M. Miller left on Sunday for
Ilerkeley on a visit with Mrs. Miller
and son, Hobart. He went by way
of Klamath Falls and took over the
car belonging to Wm. Harvey who is
at Merrill. ,
Juntura Times: Tracklaylng has
been pushed rapidly the past ten
days and at this time the steel Is
within about seven miles of River
side where it Is held up on account
of putting in a bridge or two.
Word has been received from Ire
land that Pat C. Murphy, a former
businessman of Plush and well
k"i In Lake County, waa recently
married to a daughter of Dennis P.
Shine of Llsrobln. The marriage
took place at Cork. .
Hums News: Parcel post Is com
ing to Catlow at an astounding rate.
When Mr. Bryan took the present
mail contract, less than a year ago
he could carry all the mall In a lock
pouch on horseback and now It takes
a six-horse load per week.
Water-borne freight began passing
through the Panama Canal on Mon
day of this week when five barges
carrying about 2100 tons of miscel
laneous cargo waa towed from Bal
boa, the Pacific end, to Crlstobald,
at the Atlantic end of the Canal.
J. C. Rutenlc, a prominent Klam
ath Falls Attorney, and E. R. Willis
arrived here Saturday on busiue.48
before the circuit court. Mr. Rutenlc
is an attorney for the plaintiff in the
case of Willis Furniture Co. against
the Horticultural Fire Relief Co., of
Salem. '
Joe Ambrose announces that the
Mulkey Shearing Corrals west of
Lakeview will be ready to receive
bands to be shorn as soon as there
Is any work to be done. Mr. Ambrose
will personally superln'end the cor
rals as usual and guarantees satis
faction to patrons. M 7-tf
T. H. Yernon ntt8 received notice
of his appointment as postmaster
of the Lakeview office and he will
take over the office as Boon as' his
bonds have been approved. He and
con, Grover, are now working with
Postmaster Ahlstroni and it is ex
pected that the change will take
place about June 1st.
Mrs. D. H. Bemls and Mrs. E. II.
Clark and eon, Friday left for Port
laud by way ot Bend. Mrs. Bemis
will attend the Rebekah Grand
Lodge at McMinvllle as delegate from
Lakeview Lodge, No. 22, and Mrs.
Clark will visit for a few months
with her sister in Portland. They
were taken to Bond by Paul Drenkel
In his car.
Deputy Sheriff D. T. Godsil left
for Salem Friday with Walter Strod
der who was sentenced to a term in
the State Penitentiary for assault on
hlswlfe with a dangerous weapon.
Mr. Godsil before returning will at
tend the state convention of the Odd
Follows' Gruud Lodge at McMinvllle
to which he waa elected delegate by
the Lakeview Lodge. No. 63, I. O. O.
The Tea Cup Club will meet with
Mrs. K. C. Ahlstrom, Friday, May
A son wus born 011 May 14 to
Mr. and Mrs. L. Webber of Crooked
The Plalndealer reports that taere
ar several cases of whooping cough
In Alturas.
C. C. Harris and family of Summer
Lake were visiting In Lakeview the
forepart of the week.
'. V. L. Heebe returned )A Lake
view last week from Holland, Ore
gon, where he spent the winter work
ing In the mines.
Fred Longfellow and wife have
moved to the Drews Creek sawmill
where Mr. Longfellow will be em
ployed this summer.
Uidwell News: E. O. Pratt, II.
W. Prough, W. H. Leebmann. O.
Vernon and Steve Down autoed
over from Lakeview Sunday return
ing Monday morning.
Mrs. S. A. Mushen and two child
ren departed Monday morning on a
several months' visit with relatives
and friends at Pawtucket and other
points In Massachusetts.
. Congressman Raker of California
has Introduced a bill providing that
any woman residing on a homestead
who has been abandoned by her hus
band can make final proof.
Horn in Lakeview, Oregon, Wed
nesday, May 20, to Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Keene, of Summer Lake, an 8
1-2 pound boy. Mrs. Kecne is a
daughter of Mr and Mrs. M. S. Barnes !
of this city.
An auto party composed of G.
Poncln and wife and Miss H. Wood
of Seattle, Miss Sally Fox of San
Francisco, and driver, passed
through Lakeview Saturday. They
took dinner at the Hotel Lakeview.
Henry Wendt, postmaster and
businessman of New Pine Creek re
turned home last week from Eugene
where he went as delegate to the
state convention of the Modern
Woodmen of America from his home
lodge. He also spent several weeks
visiting friends and relatives in the
Willamette and Rogue River Valleys.
Since this trip Mr. Wendt states that
he Is more thoroughly convinced that
Western Oregon has. "nothing on"j
this section.
Wm. F. Paine&Co.
"You must dress, therefore attend to it; not
to rival or to excel a fop in it, but in order
to avoid singularity, and consequently
Brought up to date,
this is just another way
of saying: wear
For Men and Young
men, $18.00 to $25.00
At Opera House, Tonight, May 21st
Second and last showing in Lakeview of this great sensational six-reel pro
duction which is enlightening and warning people everywhere to the crushing
danger of the cocaine habit. ' ' ..
The Drug Terror is produced under Lhe auspices of Lhe Sociological Fund
of the Review of Reviews of New York City, the play being enacted by the besL
talent of Lhe Lubin Company.
Aside from its strictly educational side, the story itself is one of intense dra
matic appeal. Ambition, love, pathos and heroism are interwoven in a way to make
this picture absorbing from beginning to end.
Presented in Lakeview under the personal direction of Hurst Bros, of the Majestic Theatre,
Reno, Nevada, and at the same prices charged in that city.
The New Silver Brand Shirts
$1.00 and $1.25
Have Just Arrived
Every man who appreciates good shirts will
certainly like this.
"Better than ever" was our first thought in tak
ing them out of the cases.
You'll say the same when
you see them.
No use trying to describe the shirts here except to say
that every good shirt cloth is represented and there
are styles and patterns galore.
Every ske and every sleeve length; every splendid
quality that makes a good shirt good. AH that is
newest and best in shirt making. Perfect
in make and finish, in fit and comfort.
See the shirts while the assortment is
at its best. Today's the best time.
Lakeview Mercantile