Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, May 21, 1914, Image 3

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m A
(ThltTinalUr inultiot"lo irrliitlwlth
out special tinrmlimliin.
Com lit nit rliftit for tho fattening
steer r ut!, Imt It should Ik) fed spar
ingly to prcguuiit farm animals.
Sao. a lid Mil rountlcs, In town, lust
year produced f,(K),000 bushel of pop
cern. or ninro tlmii Im grown In any oth
er state In the L'ulou.
Present appearances In a weather
way would win to Indicate favor
able maple siigur season. The warm
tfays, -old nights uud "sugar" snows
ait promise of a good flow of sup
I rem tlio angnr bush.
According tit (hn latest ociisus r
srl. Iowa lends all other ataUa In the
auiher of fuvrU kept wltlilu lirr bor
ders, tlio iiuiiiImt being &I.4K2.HKO. of
kW number three-fourths are estimat
ed tu be egg producer.
Arnold Thompson f ('anhy, a Xlln
csota I nd. wtiu some tint? ago took a
raanii In corn breeding and Judging at
the lorn I hltcti school, recently raptur
ed $12!". worth of prlxes for exhibit of
tke Silver King variety of corn.
A Ml rip of xlue put on the live coals
In tin Stove or rill'll:l'i will help ma
terially In rhhlliiu I In- Hues und chim
neys of him it , A I in n 1 r ti t of dump milt
put on tile Mir when tin chimney In
burning out will tend to xtop t lit) blase.
In tin ropier iiiIiiin of Mlchlgnu rata
seem to lie viewed 11 benefactor r ii tli
er t tin it pests, as ttiy am most every
where else. In tlm mine they serve
km scavengers. They lire protected by
the men and are often fed from their
dinner pittlH.
1'oiillry i'Xhm Ii'ih e seems to point
to the f.nt tliut seldom In It protltnlilo
to keep hens lift it they are two year
old. A pulli't will Iny more egg than
a ht-ii In her second your, but aa a
rule tlio chicks hutched from such egg
are not ho vigorous ns those from the
older bird
1 lusty n ml mildewy till jr In credited
by velorlniirliin with responsibility for
the dentil of iiiiiny horses during the
iiih two yenr In several sections from
no called blind stagucrK. The sjieclflc or
ganism retiMioKltile for tlio d Incline hits
not been Holated. but there seems to
be a very clone connect hm betweeu
eiitlng fiHid of the ubove clmriieter and
prevnloi of the disease.
('lowing may be ntrulght no fur as
(he furrow In cioieerned. jet be pretty
poor work an regnrdn the condition In
which It leaven the noil, tiood plowing
not only neaim nl might furaiiwn, but
Hint which In deep enough for the re
qiilrementn'of the crop to be rained,
the character of the soli aud the
amount of inolnture which vJII be
available. I'urt honiKue. good plowing
should lie such that It will cover all
vegetable matter turned under so that
subsequent disking or harrowing will
not dlnturb It.
While It In well to lay a good deal of
stress upou sowing or planting the best
of seed aud of giving proper cultiva
tion after a crop Is up, It la juat as nec
ennnry that the null in which the seed
Is to le placed should be In the beat
possible condition. Probably in a ma
jority of canes where poor crop yields
are received the busty and III prepara
tion of the seed bed is doubtless chief
ly renponnlhlo. This in a very natural
error and In one that the farmer who
has too many acres and too little help
Is likely to fall Into.
Wo usually think of the corn belt
farmer us the one who makes big prof
its on porkers. There are others. J.
K. Suinwley, a fanner living eighty
in lien hi nit h of SKikiiuo, Wnnh., paid
$:!0 apiece a year ago for three Berk
shire pigs at the l.ewixton (Ida.) stock
nIiow. He returned to the sume show
n year later, and 111 m young pigs won
six blue ribbons. An n result of their
ipiallty he sold fifteen of the pigs for
$:to each, or $."l!r. The owner Is now
making a tour of the country on the
proceeds from these plga
8iKTotury Houston of the federal do
part mont of iigiiciilturo ban announc
ed that a new bureau is to bo created
lu tho department which in to be de
voted to tho development of labor aav
lng power and devices for fitnuors.
The bill us introduced by CongroHsman
rtalney, which provides for the new
department, proposes that tho now bu
reau shall investigate into nil matters
pertaining to methods of furnishing
power on farms and nil labor waving
machinery, including tho use of elec
tricity, gasoline und stenm in propel
ling farm vehicles nnd In operating
plows, renpers, mowing nnd thrashing
machines, etc! It will look Into best
methods of heating andjlghtlng farm
homes nnd other buildings ns well.
iy I'M
Mont imy (1m y when the sun shlnea
wnrtii In tho smith wlndowa of shop
and ofllio n Ktrny box elder buit will
limber up enoiiKh to rrnwl n round In
i hIihtkImIi, llfcloi iiiuiiiier. Jimt tiow
tho buir linn mi'Vlved to the prcnent
time with nolliliiK to ent U a bit no
teilmiM 1'otiito Kidwcrn tho country over
will be Intercut ed In n recent bulletin
put out by the leiiirtiii(;iit of agricul
ture tinder thw cnptlou, "i'otuto Wilt,
lnf Itoll and Iteliitcd tllNeoNea." It
cnii bn lind freo on npplleotloii to the
United SI ill en ilepiirtmi'iit of Kilflil
ture nt WnnhliiKtou.
diked udder In milk cowa In not ul
wnyn. but In tievertlietena ununlly,
brouiilit 'oil by (iiti hlniC cold. Thlt
followa lyluii down on a damp t:thle
floor or ou tint cold ground oiitxldu.
Willi K'hmI rown nn high priced h they
are, It In MliortnlKhted III the cxtremo
to allow mull preventnblo ennea of
ciiked udder.
The counciiHun of opinion nccmn to be
Hint It In a rlxky proportion uniiig coul
tnr aa n luitterlnl for painting the
wound of young fruit tre-. 16 a
lilinilxT of liiHlnueen Which the writer
linn run acron hiteiy tree no treaird
.1 year ago are practically done for
now, and thbi la purtlculnrly true where
the con I tar wim lined freely and the
I miik completely covered with It.
That It In a very enny mutter for no
.ailed expertn to gist mixed up In the
cenery waa proven In a rather tragic
manner the other dny when a wouiiiu
who claimed l hnvo unerrluK Judg
aieiit In the miitteT of dlnllugiilnhlng
between polnouoiin and edlbl vnrletlea
it niunltroouin died ahortly after pur
Inking of Nome of the "hiLMinlnM"
uiunbriHiiun. I'nikn who dou'f7iiiv h
keener kuowlmlge than thin .wouinti
uliould feMl the cooked product to the
cut llrnt or let tho xnfT atone cutlreiy.
Apple fHine caki Is much enjoyed by
tliiwe who hnve eaten It. The follow-
j lug recipe In one thnt In published by
I ii hidy nt llhh-k Itlver l-'nlln. Win.: One
! egg. well beaten: one cupful of griiuu-
hltiil Miig;ir. one mid oilc-hillf cupfuln
of Mwin'leued npple miuee, one ncant
half cupful of In id one tennpoonful
iiii h of cinnamon, cloven and nutmeg
mid one it nd inie iinii ter teaxpiMiiifiiln
of kimIii. ilixnolved In npple nnilce; one
cupful of xeedlena ralnlnn uud two cup
fuln of Hour. I lent well and bnke In
niiHlernte oven.
I'oor condition In itgcd homes an a
renult of h bud condition of the teeth
In a common thing. fc-cnttlonnlly the
same thing In rcnoiisihli for unthrifty
condition In a growing hog. The writ
er remembers the rune of two hogn
thnt were of the same age and ate out
of the some trough, yet one flourished
and the other was thin and poor.
When comment was substituted for
Hhelled corn the runt began to pick up
Immediately. The natural Inference
from this wan that itn teeth were out
of whack.
Scores of young orchards are going
to Hit every year Ixs-uuse the owners
think they ciui work the tracts us a
calf pasture projiosltloii before the trees
get to n bearing age. The two things
don't go together, and if the calves ure
to hnve the light of way It would be
Initer to ipilt monkeying with the
trees and take a grub hoc and digtheiu
out. If. on the other hand, they ure
counted on to his'omc something be
yond sticks for the calves to scratch
their backs on the bovluen would bet
ter he pastured elnewhere.
The old, old law of growth, "To tlieiu
that hath shall lie given." holds just
as truly In the feed lot and hog en
aa It does among trees In the forest,
among men In business or In the ease
of tho Individual In tho building up of
physical, me n tul and moral forces.
Itecuuse of this fact precautions should
lie taken to see thnt the weaklings
have a place where they can get the
fed they need' unmolested by older
and stronger iiuimnln. UulesR such aid
Is given one might just about aa well
knock such runts on the head.
The first step that should bo follow
ed in restoring the fertility of a run
down farm should lie to Increase tbo
numlier of animals kept ou the place.
Cattle, sheep and hogs ure better than
none, but the dairy cow In the best
fertility restorer of the lot. Kvery ef
fort should be made to increase the
inauurlal product of the farm. Anoth
er aid In to grow the clovers ns green
manures. After thin a crop should be
raised which will require clean culti
vation nnd dispose of tho weeds. Clo
ver should be sowed again and plowed
under or may be used as a meadow for
one season and then plowed under
with n cultivated crop following. As
tho sot! becomes richer the clover crop
will not have to be produced so often.
Hog feeding experiments which have
been curried on by the Iowa experi
ment station diiriugNhc past six ycar.s
seem to prove conclusively that an u
general rule tile time spent lu grind
ing corn for hogn Is worse than wast
ed. From weniiln:.' time until late In
the fall lots (if spring pigs ou pasture
were fed rations of dry ear corn, soak
ed (shelled) corn, dry cornmeaf and
soiiked cornmcal. Tho amount of feed
required for KM) pounds of gain lu tho
different lots was as follows Dry ear
com, -110 pounds; soaked shelled com,
4 (IS piwinils: dry cornmcal, 54U pounds;
soaked corn men I. ,VJi) pounds, lu mak
ing rapid gain the dry ear cord was
also the nioxt economical with the pigs
np to i.'iMj pounds lu weight. For pigs
larger than this the cheapest cuius
were made on soaked shelled corn.
The II. n k will not be disturbed
by the Hlt of I lie rcgulnr at
teliibint. Klrtliiuern fcliould In)
kept (inuy fl'olu tliu lliK'k at
hiiiibliig limn.
An the Ininbn grow the ewes
mIiouIiI be fed to keep up till!
(low or milk to meet tliti de
liuiiiiln of tho liinty In ml).
Improved nhecp pny growers
the moHt profit. There are more
wool, more mutton mid three
1 1 men the antlnfiictioii In the Im-1
provt-d breed.
The (lock uliould bu fed )iy the
clock. Irregularity or conftiHlon
In mont detrimental to k Herein In
hnndllng nlieep.
'1'he Innilm when two weeka
old ahotild begin to ent gruln In
n aide pen. from which tho ewen
fire exclude.
Pointers as to ths Car of 8ow and
Litter at Farrowing Tims.
It In conceded by all experienced
breeder that for the llrnt three days
of tho young plg'a life its duui should
be fed very moderately on thin slop,
writes W. K. I'urdue In the National
Htockinan Heavy feeding at this
tltuo will produce u greuter tlow of
milk thuu the little fellows can consume.-
leu vlug the surplus to fever and
curd In the udder, which In turn will
prove dimiKttoun to the life of the pl(
The feeding of sour swill while the
pltn are young will ulo produce bud
yo-ults. unually causing dysentery, and
when thin trouble once ansumcs an ag
gravated form It In almost Hurir to
clnllli noiue of tlie Isfst of the litter.
It i probable that more pigs aro lost
by Improper feeding of the sow the
fli'Kl week of the pig's life than from
any other caune. About a week in re-
More weiittit tan ,,e l'ul ,,n ttia
Hriksltlre In a given time than on
miy oilier hog 1 know of. ' an
Idaho furnier In American Agricul
turist. The sow iimke the lcat of
mothers and raise more plK to the
litter than other breeds. Their Krent
mimciilar power and vltullty make
them leus IfuMe to dlHefine und nc
cideiitn. Then, loo. they are very
active, und Kith tlu-lr stronx diges
tive end NSKhuilalinK power they
return a maximum quantity of II cull
and fat for food consum.d. The
iiows, beslden producing lurite lu
tein, are careful mothers and guod
surkli-ra. Ttie nig are always strong
and active after birth und ure less
liable to iiimhaps ao common when
young, iiciildc tlielr nuturat tend
my to fa I ton very eaady, their
n-nll Is of highest quality and
ronlnilia a larger portion of mar
bled lean und fat than that of any
uiher breeds. The Illustration shows
a pure bred llerkshlre boar.
quired to bring the sow up to full
feed and then rush the whole family
along until weauing time.
The pigs may be weaned when be
tween eight uud blue weeks of age by
removing the sow to another lot, or
they may ln allowed to ruu and feed
r.ith their mother until ' about ten
weeks old, at which age they will
practically have weaned themselves.
When the sow Is to be bred for a fall
Utter If the sprlug litter arrived lute
it la necessary to wean the pigs at an
early age; otherwise It does no harm
to let them run with the sow until
they weiiu themselves.
' Causes of Stringy Milk.
Usually the cow is uot to blame for
stringy milk, the trouble being due to
bacteria (bacillus mucosusi In the milk
Utensils. Sometimes this in traceable
to contaminated washing water or to
coiitumlnuted stables or setting the
milk in dusty pluces. Cleuu up. disin
fect and whitewash the stables. See
that the water Is pure. Perfectly scrub,
cleanse and sun dry the milk utensils
and set milk In a clean place whore
there Is a current of fresh air. When
the milk comes from the udder in
stringy condition garget in present and
probably has como from bacteria lu
feeling the udder. Isolate such u cow
and in I Ik. her three times a day. Do
uot let the milk get ou to the stall
floors. Massage the udder ateuch milk
In time uud nt night rub with a mix
ture of equal parts of fluid extract of
poke root and belladonna leaves and
lx parts of warm sweet oil. Uive two
tcnspoonfuls of saltpeter twice daljy In
drinking water for four or five days a
week. Kimball's Dairy Farmer.
Contracted Hoof.
Treat U cqnlracted hooTby soakiug
in cold water for aiMunir tvicu a day
and then smear with simple greasy
foot dressing t'nuilnuo this for it
month, then clip the hair from the
bool'lieail anil blister once a month or
so with cerate of cautliaridcs to eu
couraae new growth of horu. Have
tli hoes reset once a month, but nev
er iet the smith cut Hvuy tho solo or
fros, or rasp the walls of the hoofs.
If possible, let the horso stand on nn
earth tloor when lu the stable, nud
keep It clean uud well bedded. Farm
i -Tfc l
The question of whothe to make
the start with the Vnt' h of arfalfa In
spring or late summer Is likely to de
pend upon the moisture conditions,
which are roost likely to prevail im
mediately following seeding. Where
conditions seem to warrant the spring
owing the seed should be sowed a
soon as the soil can be put lu good
condition after the frost is out of the
ground. If tho soli Is not In a good
condition of fertility It should be well
manured aud then plowed to a medium
depth. It should then be harrowed! ao
us to make a One aud mellow seed bed.
While It Is not absolutely necessary, It
aids In getting a stand of alfalfa If the
Held Is Inoculated with soli from an
established alfalfa field or a spot where
sweet clover has growu. Such soil
may be scattered thinly from a manure
spreader or mixed lu a couple of layer
with the manure ' While tho practice
of sowing u nurse crop Is commonly
followed with red clover. It Is best not
to do so with alfalfa, as the rupldly
growing grain smothers the young al
falfa plants which have little or no
chance If dry weather comes Immedi
ately following the harvest of the
grain. The piece of ground to be used
should be well drained, should be
sweetened witb'lline. If it Is Inclined to
be sour, and should be as free as pos
sible from weed needs. The alfalfa
seed should be drilled lu to a depth of
about nn Inch and a half and at the
rute of from fifteen to twenty pounds
per acre. Where the August sowing Is
preferred (nnd it lx in many sections)
the ground selected for It should lie
sown with un early maturing small
grain crop, and as soon as this Is oft
the ground the tract should be plowed
and disked at frequent Intervals until
about the middle of August If the
soli is not rich the manuring should be
given as in the esse of the spring sow
lug, also the same luociilntlou and
method of seeding. Where fields of
alfalfa In tlielr second yenr will yield
five tons of the finest bay per year In
even northern sections, the question of
getting a start with the crop Is one
thnt should Interest a good many more
farmers. It Is usually best to start
with a few acres and get familiar with
Its culture.
Farmers who are Interested In rais
ing dual purpose cattle which will not
only make a creditable showing in milk
return, but on the block ns beef, will
lie luterestinl In nn experiment which
Is lielng conducted at North Oaks.
Minn., through the co-operation of
Jnmes J. Hill, president of the Ureat
.Northern railway. und Professor
Thomas Shaw, the well known live
stock authority I.nt year Mr. Hill
purchased in Kiiglund some of the
most Mrlect representatives of the
dual piirMjse milking Shorthorn. The
Importation lucludiw twenty -three head
of cows, ranging In age from two to
six years, nnd three bulls. The cows
have milk records running front 6.0(0
to 10.000 pounds each yearly, while
the bulls have been noted prize win
ners in Kngllnh shows. With many
others who sense the meaning of a de
creasing beef supply and also that dai
rying Is the let means by which soil
fertility may be maintained. Mr. Hill
Is financing the above experiment for
the purpose of solving the twofold
problem. The results will be noted
with a good deal of Intercut uot only
by stock raisers, but by many others
wb,o are interested in the future pros
perity of the country.
Sweet neas have us felw insect ene
mies us any of the common garden j
flowers and from the standiniint of
both beauty of bloom and fragrance
give a woiiderfully large return for the
pulnn taken lu raising them. Tne
small amount extra needed to purchase
the very best quality of seed is return
ed many fold In the larger and hand
somer blossoms. The seed should be
soaked In tepid water for about twenty-four
hours before being planted.
The soil for the row should be rich
and mellow aud located where nearby
sod will not absorb the moisture need
ed for the peus when the drier weather
cornea ou. The seed should be planted
at the bottom of a trench five or alx
Inches deep and covered with a couple
of Inches of mellow soil. As soon as
they have come through thin and have'
made a growth of a couple of Inches
the rest of the soil should be added to
fill the trench. Sweet Has will make
the bent growth and give the best re
sults if tbey are kept free from weeds
and given frequent hoeing. The trellis
ou which the peus are to grow should
bo put in place early so that they will i
bare something to cling to as soon as j
the tendrils begin to reach for a sup- i
The seriousness of the situation In
regard to the shortage of beef is ap
preciated not only la the advauclng
prices for cuts of meat ou the local
market, but in figures which have been
compiled oil the beef Industry of the
country. The per capita consumption
of tueut has dropped from lt2 pounds
In 1001) to 152 H(fiids in 1913. or ten
pounds lu four years. In the past six
years, from 1!W7 to 1913, tho uuinber
of beef cattle in tho country has drop
ped from 51,5'jd.OOO head to 30,030,000
head, llhsed ou figures gathered In
plants where there Is federal Inspec
tion, there has been a falling off lu
the number of animals killed of 1,419,-
000 cattle, or 780,000,000 pounds oi
beef, in the Interval from 1010 to 1913.
Sew Opal Bel
Odarvllle Ilecord: T. If. Uorln
known as "High Grade Shorty" came
from the opal fields In Nevada one
dny last week and brought -fn. some
fine looking gems and expects to get
a large quantity of them In the fu
ture. These gems are genuine fire
opals and some of them are very
valuable and it Is probable that min
ing for them will soon be carried on
In a systematic way. The opal nlnes
are about 70 mites east of Cedar
tille and some of our citizens are
talking about going out and locating
. o
For Torpid Liver
I have used Chamberlain's Tablets
off and on for the past six years
whenever my liver shows sign of
being In a disordered condition.
They have always acted quickly and
given me ifhe desired relief," writes
Mrs. F. II. Trubua, Springfield, N. Y.
For sale by all dealers.
Hail Ank Nc Trial
Attorneys for F. O. Hall, the Quin
cy editor who Is serving a sentence
In San Quentln for the killing of At
torney Boyle of QuJncjMast summer,
last week appeared before the appel
ate court and asked for a new trial
for their client. The ground on
which the argument for this trial is
based Is that the district attorney of
Plumas county gave perjured testi
mony when he took the stand an n
witness in the cane and that in the
conduct of the trial he was guilty of
misconduct. He is charged with be
ing largely responsible for the quur
rel between Hail and Boyle.
Kick Headache
Mrs. A. L. Luckle, East Rochester,
N. Y., was a victim of sick headache
and despondency, caused by a baoly
weakened and delapidated condition
of her stomach, when she began
taking Chamberlain's Tablets. She
says, "I found them pleasant to take
also mild and effective. In a few
weeks' time I was restored to my
former good health." For sale by
all dealers.
Nearly 17.t)00 acres have just
been added by act of congress to the
Caribou national forest, Idaho. This
Is one of the first of such additions
through congressional action, and is
the largest so far made by direct
Merri'l Record: Dr. O. F. Vnm
orest. the dentist, will move his fam
ily back to Merrill from Cottage
('.rove about the first of June. They
ill occupy their residence now rent
ed to A. F. Clubine.
Art Acord, one of the best known
and ablest cowboys, of the West is
now at Klamath Falls and will have
charge of the Elks Rodeo to be held
there July 3, 4, and 5.
rxiwR ajh'
The Firwst Hotel anil Cuisine Itetween Salt Luke City 'anil Spokane,
Washington. The Sunday "Troutfet-t" of Trout JHnner at 60 cents
Iter il.Hte is the talk of the three states. Motoring Parties, Fishing
1'arties and ail visitors given every possible attention.
Fall-port is the Glory Spot of Golden California one of the most
delightful Slimmer Jiesort Points in the Entire Xorth. Bathing, boat
ing, fishing, motoring and tvery pleasure for you and your friends.
srxnAY nixxEfts fifty cexts each, rooms axd
.V. C. DOXXELLY, Manager
il : K 5. j.
Sample Room for Commercial Traveler
Modern Throughout. First Class Accommodations
Northern Auto Stage Line
Leave Lakeview 7:00 A. M.
Arrive Paisley II :00 A.M.
Arrive Silver Lake 6:00 P. M.
Return to Lakeview 5:00 P.M.
Fare to Paisley, $5.00; Round Trip. $9.00.
Fare to Silver Lake, $10.00; Round Trip. $18.00
Reservations made at Hotel
J.' s. fuller.
Tostal Kxnmlnnt ions
In compliance with an order of
the president. May 7, 1813, requir
ing examinations for postniastera at
ail fourth clasif post offices where
the annual compensation Is as much
as $180 and where the present In
cumbent was not appointed In ac
cordance with t'ae civil service re
gulations, examinations In this ter
ritory will be held on the following
dates this year:
June 9, Lake view; June 11, Sum
mer Lake; June 13, Fort Rock and
Klamath Agency; June 15, Ia Pine;
June 23, Andrews; June 25, ttanlo.
From the examinations mentioned
above the position of postmaster at
the following named t,OHtofTlces In
this territory will be filled: Andrews,
Bly, Crescent, Denlo, Fort Klamath,
Fort Rock, Harney, Klamath Agency
New Pine Creek, NarrowsJ'lush and
Summer Lake.
Applicants may be examined at
any of the examination points and on
the date mentioned without regard
to location of the post. ofPce at
which appointment is desired. An
applicant for examination for ap
pointment at any post office must re
side within the territory supplied
by such post office.
e.v Pontal Hut en n Heeds
The following new postal rates on
seeds and various plants are now ef
f. ytive:
Seeds, cuttings, bulbs, roots,
scions and plants shall hereafter be
embraced in and carried as fourth
class matter, and for the same rates
of postage: Provided, That all
packages thereof containing eight
ounces or less shall be charged for
at the rate of 1 cent for 2 ounces
or fraction thereof. The rate of pos
tage on parcels of seeds, cuttings,
bulbs, roots scions and plants weigh
ing 8 ounces or less, is once cent for
each 2 ounces or fraction thereof, re
gardless of distance; on parcels
weighing more than 8 ounces the
pound rates shown In paragraph 1,
section 458 (regular parcel post
.rates) apply. These rates apply
whether, the articles are for plant
ing or other purposes.
x Whooping Cough
"About a year ago my three boy
had whooping cough and I found
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy the
only one that "would relieve their
coughing and whooping spelli. I
continued this treatment and waa
surprised to find that It cured the
disease In a very short time," writes
Mrs. Archie Dalrymple, - Crooks-rille,
Ohio. For sale by all dealers.
-All dances in the State must close
by 12 o'clock Saturday nights or the
promoters are subject to arrest ac
cording to an opinion rendered by
the Attorney General, who Bays a
State law provides for their closing
at midnight Saturday night.
Lakeview or at the Stage Office.
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