Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, May 07, 1914, Image 8

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Either in union suits or two-piece
styles, of medium and light weight
cotton as preferred. The assort
ment of sizes is complete of course,
to begin the season, while the
prices are quite low.
Ladies' vests, line combed cotton 20c
Ladies' vests and pants, light weight
ribbed cotton l?5c
Ladies' vests and pants, in extra large
sizes, 35c each or 3 for $1.00
Ladies' silked vests, best value, at 50c
The Melba Mode vest at tSc each or
2 for $1.25
Ladies' cotton ribbed union suits 3 for
; $1.00
Ladies' "Cumfy" Cut union suits 65c
or 2 for $1.25
Ladies' union suits, high grade quality,
knee-length, either close fitting or
lace-trimmed, at a suit $1.25
Negligee Shirts, Crash and Silk
Hats, Oxfords, Silk Hose and
These are the most exceptional
values we have ever been able to
offer. Laces are to be used very
extensively on all summer costumes
and this is the opportunity to lay in
a supply for yoursummcr use. The
patterns are all new in design, and
with our present price concessions,
you should buy liberally.
Valencienes laces and insertions to match
usually sold at 10c a yard, arc offered
in 12-yd. pieces, at per piece 50c
Embroidery sets, all widths from 1-2 in.
to 30 inches wide, from ......5c yd. up
Stickerei trimming braids of different
designs and all colors, guaranteed
wash-proof, piece 25c
"Luciles" lace corset covers, beautifully
trimmed and exquisite in design, 75c
to $1.25 each
Registration closed last Friday with a total of 1,427 voters qualified
to take part in the primaries to be held May 15. Tollowing is an abstract
of the registration of Electors in Lake County, State of Oregon, as shown
by the books of registration bet-ween January 5, 1914, and a o'clock p m..
May 1. Uli:
Precinct Rep. Pern. Ind. Soc. Prog. Mis. Total
Silver Lake 79 46 1 126
Summer lake 20 29 1 :', 53
Paisley 73 50 3 4 3 133
Crooked Creek 20 13 1 34
North Warner 20 10 3 3 1 37
South. Warner. . 22 23 1 1 2 1 50
North Lakeew .... 82 74 6 4 11 2 179
South Lakeview 162 109 5 5 9 2 2 92
Drews Va'Iey 10 4 1 1 16
Goose Lae 28 23 3 1 3 58
Cogswell Creek 21 25 1 2 1 50
Thomas Creek...... 20 13 6 1 4 0
Lake '...41 18 3 1 63
Fort Rock 99 43 42 1 20 205
New Pine Creek 63 24 2 1 1 91
Totals "60 504 22 69 39 33 1427
Includes Prohibitionists, Prog.-Rep., and refused.
Swat the Fly
Flies. Garbage. Two very dif
ferent words, yet very closely relat
ed. The warm spring days are again
Icing ushered in with the pest,
whose annoyance we associate witli
the otherwise pleasant days of sum
r'er. How many of us know the life
history of our all too common house
fly? Its eggs, laid on garbage o
other refuse, hatch rapidly into our
common maggot which, after a short
pupa stage, becomes our deadly
enemy, the fly. How many of us
know that the hairy legs and body
of just one fly ' can carry millions
of disease breeding germs and cause
by so doing millions of deaths an
nually. When we realize that the fly must
have decaying matter in which to
breed we can realize how much we
can do to exterminate the evil by
the simple method of burning refuse
instead of throwing it out into the
A moving picture film of timely
interest, showing the fly in all stages
of its existence, highly magnified
and about its death dealing exlst
ance, will be shown at the Snider
Opera House the evenings of next
Tuesday and Wednesday, May 12th
and 18th, and every resident of
Lakeview may derive much informa
tion and interest in seeing what a
monster a fly Is when viewed with a
powerful magnifier.
Jrnor. sami IX T. itK ll ltlso
CjMidul.ite for
Republican Primary Kleition. May
IT,. 1914
To My Friends in Central Oregon:
There are four Justices to elect to
the Supreme bench. From personal
knowledge I know that Samuel T.
Richardson is one of the best quali
fied lawyers in the State for one of
the places and ask that my friends
vote for him.
Yours truly.
925 Veon liuihling, Portland. Ore.
Register V. S. Land Office. Lakeview,
Oregon, from 1909 to 1913.
Colorado Hostilities Cease
Colonel James Lockett, command
ing the Kleventh L'nited States Cav
alry, has arrived in Colorado and
has taken supreme command of the
strike situation in that state. A
special session of the State Legisla
ture was begun Monday, and while
no agreement between the opposing
factions have been entered into hos
tilities have ceased. One of the most
important bills brought before the
special session will, if passed, pay
the expenses of the military cam
paign of the state militia and give
I the governor additional authority in
times of internal strife.
Absolute responsibility for the fa
tal battle at Ludlow, Monday April
20, was placed upon the Greeks of
the strikers colony at Ludlow, by
the military board.
to be equal to any xEs
Beer brewed. Bot
tled and on draught
at all htJjv saloons
Reno. Brvh Co., luc.
II. W. Morgan Kick
II. W. Morgan, of the Lakeview
Abstract & Title Co., is very ill at
his home in this city, having been
bedfast since last Saturday. His
condition was considered so serious
yesterday that his father and bro
ther, who was visiting here but re
cently left for Portland, were sum
moned. Dr. Kverett is attending
physician and Doctors Smith and
Russell were called in consolation.
Mr. Morgan has been suffering inten
sely, but it is reported that lie was
resting considerable easier this
morning, which glad tidings will be
received with much delight by his
many local friends.
Roy Kurner Acuittel
Alturas Plaindealer: Thn Superior
Court, Judge (,'. A. Raker presiding,
convened promptly at 10 o'clock
Monday for the trial of Roy Raymer,
charged by indictment with the lar
ceny of a horso. Practically all the
jurors summoned answered roll call
and no time was lost in drawing a
jury. By 12M. a jury had been drawn
and one witness examined and ; the
case submitted at 4 o'clock p.. m.
The Jury returned a verdict of not
Contracts Arc Offered
(Continued from First Page)
Intention of 'the govern meuT"t6 dis
continue the slag line between
Lakeview and lily. The Klamath
Falls-Lakevlew route Tins always
bn considered one line and con
tracts for carrying mall let under
one contract. From the Alturas pa
pers we note that a similar condi
tion exists In Modoc County, where
notices are posted asking for kids
to carry the mall from Alturas to
Can by, with no mcutlou of Adln or
other points In the west end of the
Envoys Will Meet May 18
(Continued from Flrpt Page) '
pate In thn mediation negotiating,
although the mediators further ex
plained their position to General
Carrama and are still hopeful that
ho might bo represented. The Ameri
can government lias not yet chosen
Its representative.
Persistent reports continue to
come from Mexico that General
Iluerta Intends to retl.-e from the'
provisional presidency on condition
that he 1e assured a safe conduct
to a port and placed on board a for
eign warship, and the latest accounts
from Vera Cru give the rumor that
quarters have been held for several
days on board a foreign cruiser for
some high Mexican official coming
from the federal capital, presumably
Iluerta and Genera' Hlanquet or
possibly both. It seems to be quite
generally agreed that Huerta Is rap
idly laying his plans to fleo.
There has been no serious fight
ing of late between the rebel "and
federal forces, although plans are
said to be continuing for future
movements. The report that Villa
with his forces would Immediately
advance upon Mexico City, Is denied
In later dispatches which state that
the rebel commander may not make
his Intended descent upon the cap
ital before a Upse of another three
Goose Lake Valley Irrigation Co.
vs. Hewitt Land Co. and II. A. Hun
ter Kmlnent Domain, continued.
Goose Lake Valley Irrigation Co.
vs. Hewitt Iand Co. Kmlnent Do
main, continued.
tang A Co. vs. Fred 8. Fisher
Action to recover money.
O. Sshlagel rs, N. A. McCurdy--Action
to recover money.
F. P. Land vs. N. A. McCurdy
Action to recover money.
R. II. (loodkind vs. F. M. Chris,
iiitin Action to recover money.
Eugene McAullffo vs. Tim O'Con
nell Action to recover money,
F. 10. Sturdevant vs. August Por
ing ---Action to recover money,
W. Z. Moss vs. W. K. Hurry- - Ac
tion to recover money.
Karl Forrest vs. Stanley Gray
Action to recover money.
E. (). Lnmb vs. Maurice Murphy -
Action to recover money.
Null m lii Equity
L. G. Thomas, I.ewU P., McCulley
and Klmer McCulley vs. E. C. Thrua
ton Injunction, continued.
Frances 10. Hampton, executor, vs.
C. W. Withers. C. L. Withers and A.
A. Wlthnm Injunction, continued.
Mnnlus Iluchanan vs. Mary A. Ilu
chanan divorce, continued.
Ada taughlln vs. P.. IK Olson-,
suit to forclose tax lien, continued.
R. A. Hawkins vs. Addle L. Jack
son. G. W. Johnson. Charles Garner
suit to foreclose mortgage, contin
ued. Johnnne Graf. Daniel Graf. Jr.,
and Florentlna Graf, minors vs. 10.
Carlon suit In equity for Injunc
tion. William Prescott and Cassle U.
Prescott vs. Pan L. Kimball and Fay
ette I!. Ross --suit to cancel and set
aside deed.
Mlnnlo I). Mctiker vs. John O.
Metzker divorce, continued.
M. K, llrant Lane vs.-11. F. I,ane -divorce,
W. R. Hammerifley vs. Ana Huni
mersley Suit for divorce.
Chewaucaii Land & Cattle Co. vs.
II. A. Ilrattaln. et al-snit for In-
Kclicvc the discomfort
nvoid the serious complica
tions n neglected cough often
lends to, by usinjj
Rexall Cherry Bark
Cough Syrup -
We sell more of it tluin nil
other couh syrups combined .
It is extremely pleasant to
take. Kneli bottle contains
more than most eouh reme
dies sold at the same price.
We guarantee it to relieve
your coujjh or your money
back. Sold only by
The Thornton Drug Co.
John M. Walsh vs. O. L. Stanley,
It. M. Russlll, et at Application for
Judgment foreclosing tax lien.
Kdger L. Young and Lena M.
Young suit to cancel mortgage.
T. F. Calderwood vs. John A. Mor
ris and Palsy Morris suit In equity
to foreclose.
May Snider Swift, formerly May
Snider vs. Frank Lucas and Francis
J. Pcvlne application for Judgment
foreclosing tax leln.
W. R. Heryford. trustee vs. Na
thlnel A. McCurdy and Addle Mc
Curdy to set aside conveyance.
George Wlnkleinau vs. Thomas
Scrlbner, Myrtle Scrlbner. et al suit
In equity to foreclose mortgage,
Charles A. White vs. Pauline M.
White suit for divorce.
J. F. Hanson vs. 11. F. Wilkes- suit
in equity for Injunction.
Km in ii Rich vs. John Rich divorce.
tOiiJoyuhle Ptinie
One of the most enjoyable fune
tlns held lately was the Antlers Club
dance last Friday nht In the Club
rooms In the Heryford Pros, build
ing. The members and guests present
totaled nearly 200 p-cple. 80 couples
participating 'in the irrnnd march.
The entertainment was conducted by
a committee composed of Mr. and
Mrs. H A. Funk. .Mr. and Mrs. F. P.
Light. Ir. Ly;in and Mrs. Pewey. I.
A. I'mlcrwood and W. H. Snider. At I
midnight refreshment were served
by the committee In the banquet
room. The music was furnished by
C. C. Gott. Chas. Wallace and Miss
Krma Sharps.
klttniuth FuIU Flection
T. F. Nicholas was re-elocted Mayor
of Klamath Falls at the election
Monday, by a plurality of 100 over
K. J. Murray, his nearest opponent.
A. L. Leavltt was re-elected Polic
Judge and Capt. J. W. S'imens was
re-elected treasurer. Keports say
the real issue in the election cen
tered on the Mayor's office between
Nicholas and Murray.
SpringTermliasConvened j
(Continued from First Page)
It Vill bo remembered th;it Uay
nier was arrested by Sheriff Snider
and Deputy Arthur of Lake County a
few weeks ago at Ahert Luke, upon
instructlns from Sheriff Smith of Mo
doc County.
1 hree not true bills were returned
i Iso, they being the cases of Harry
Vernon, S. A. Jetmore and Walter
S. Pupont.
Following is a resume of the cases
on the docket:
Criminal Actions
State of Oregon vs. James Clifford
Indictment for rape, continued.
State of Oregon vs. Peter Kscal
lier Order for contempt, continued.
State of Oregon vs. Uert Potree
Indictment for assault with attempt
to commit rape, continued.
State of Oregon vs. Hugh Rey
nolds Indictment for burglary, con
tinued. Stat- of Oregon vs. W. G. .Mile
- Obtaining money under false pre
tenses. State of Oregon vs. James P. O'
Connor and Philip P. O'Connor
Larceny of a mare.
State of Oregon vs. James P. O'
Connor and Philip P. O'Connor
Larceny of two geldings.
State of Oregon vs. Walter Stod
der Indictment for assault with in
tent to kill.
State of Oregon vs. John Cogburn
Indictment for failing to support
his children.
t hand yen somethiM new
in the soap-maker r art
Christie 'Mac Donald . the
famous actress, says
"'". ,Y. '. Faff Cream S;nft it fcrfrct,
1 ;:, a, u' i l i'.-.c ...r.,'' :.'.'(. ::se
ai. i,'li! k y(.! s the r. u ;.' ; . .'..,
porti.l $ 1 andS.i idrj i::':iif ! have tried. ''
Yes it's loo tr.u. Nynl's Iviiv Cto;;m Sonp
is v.istly superior to ::!! oi'-.t m:p It iltunsca
and purifies the sLi:i, l.epiujl it dear, rosy,
velvety anil clastic.
It in fragrant and subtly sweet. . No it will not
smart the most tender skin. Really it's the prido
of particular people why don't you use il?
Of course, you value a beautiful, healihy sUn,
then use Nyal's 1'ace ('ream Soap. It is the
acme of the soap-maker's art because it I'iyes a
soft bubbly lather and is fragrant as the flowers.
It costs twenty-five cents the cake and well
worth it. Nyal's I'ace Cream Soap will improve
your complexion. Come to our store get a
cake today. This is the one soap you've been
looking for.
Actions at Law
Dominique Verges vs. Louis Veys-
sade Action at law to recover
money, continued.
Jonas Norin vs. L. 11. MossAc
tion to recover money, continued.
Richard Willis and K. R. Willis vs.
Horticultural Fire Relief of Oregon
Action at law to recover money,
O. C. Hale vs. W. II. Snider ac
tion for damages, continued.
W. K. Harry vs. Harry Rlggs
Civil action to recover money, con
tinued. Goo. Conn vs. J, D. Farm Civil
action to recover money, continued.
C. P. Danborg vs. Geo. 1 lank inn
and Clarenco Rinohurt to recover
personal property, continued.
J. A. Morris vs. Novnda-Callfornla-Orcgon
Railway Action to recover
damages, continued.
Margaret C. Daldwln vs. Vlda J.
GunUiur Attlou lor slander, con-
Nyal's Face ("ream Soap
kHii .J -
should havo spunking good
harnosH. Come here and Bee
what wo mean by that term,
Wo ure showing both single
and double harness that 1
worthy of the best horso
or horses ever bred. It Is per-'
fed in appearance, perfect In
fit and perfect In finality.