Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, May 07, 1914, Image 4

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    no doubt have many qticption.H to settle, nnd if
some of the rampant economists should hap
pen to bo elected they would cither have to
violate their pledges or lest the State suffer
in consequence thereof.
Lake County Examiner
Publish! by Thf EXAM IS RR riWLtSIt ISO CO.
Official Paper of Laksj County, Oregon
" M:iSCKirriON KATliS:
One Yenr, in advance $2.00
Six Month, in ml .-niicc 1.23
Three .klniilh, in mlvHitcr 75
ALIV Mill-IMi KAIKf: KiIt, l,xil cmuinim, liw wr lln I'ni'h
tnorriinn; nt At., I- woil tft-h Inwrtlon. Curd of Thftiik. Il.uo.
Rraohitintm of Oon.lolt'ncv, II .V nt upwunU.
Mxi'l? AlTfrilln rto mmle known nn implication
Alitrrs kll emr.iunirlln n. ml- rfmltlamvi pyt.' to
Eimlii r rtiblialitng Co.. and not t Imlniituiili.
Any xrtn rwHvInu llila iwr ami not lii!'mltti t y lor It,
will nmfrr Nvor ty iiwHyitui lli etluv m enru. However, a mini
T ol copit' r id' fur ty' (n-'nU of th, rvonn"M!. ami tnurhtn
aiam-cs t it I nolii'- not ap.'lv. II la imi tue aim ( lh ihhiuki'-
mt'iil lo have tin- Kxamln r iro lo any p!iv . In n it i not wploome.
THUliSlUY. A LAY 7, 1HL4
The Oregonian mvntly submit toil to the
various candidates for Governor a list of ques
tions covering their proposed policies in case
of election. In nearly every instance "the
hook, bait and all" were swallowed and all
sorts of economical measures were to be inau
gurated. It was therefore with much surprise
that the straightforward reply of Judge Ben
nett, one of the Democratic candidates was
read. The Judge believes that business prin
ciples should be applied to public affairs, that
taxation should be reasonable and tolerable,
that all state commissions that are not nec
essary and profitable should bo abolished, that
taxes should not be paid oftener than semi
annually, that as a general rule lie would hesi
tate about urging the state to go into debt for
large amounts for any purpose. He further is
of the opinion that months of careful study
and investigation would be necessary before a
determination could bo reached as to just what
policy would be most beneficial to the
State. His conclusions are indicative of an
able mind, and in case of his election Oregon
will no doubt have an able executive.
From all reports it appears that either Gen
eral Crawford or Dr. Withycombe will be the
Republican candidate for Governor. Both are
gentlemen of high standing, and in all the dis
cussion have maintained that economy in
every branch of government is absolutely ne
cessary yet in no instance have they made
wild assertions concerning the abolishment of
numerous branches of government nor oppos
ing everything and anything that tends to in
crease the expenses of the State regardless of
its merits. The next Governor of Oregon will
Buys Sheep
Oscar Hotch kiss of Lake City, re
presenting Moffltt & Humphries of
Reno, last week purchased Tom
Sherlock's interest in the Sherlock
& Angland sheep, amounting to
2300 head. The, price paid was
$5.60 for the ewes and $4.00 per
head for the wethers. Mr. Hotch kiss
also bought 2200 ewes from Tom
Hutton of Wagontlre, paying $5,00
per head.
The new owners hare already tak
en over the stock which will be
ranged in this county.
Alleged Incendiarieti Arretted
Hugh Clopton was arrested at
Klamath Falls last week on a charge
of being responsible for the fire In
Bonanza recently that destroyed sev
eral business houses at a loss of sev
eral thousand dollars. In the justice
court at Klamath Falls he was re
leased on $1500 bonds to appear the
middle of this week for a prelimin
ary hearing. "
Mrs. Clopton. who was postmis
tress at the time of the Bononza tire
came to Lakeview a few weeks ago
and was arrested . here by Constable
Shallock of Klamath County who re
turned with Mrs Clopton Sunday.
The warrant for the arrest of both
Mr. and Mrs. Clopton was sworn to
by N. L. DeHay of Klamath Falls
who claims to have been working on
the case for $1000 reward offered
by the citizens of Bonanza for con
viction of the firebug.
Buys Dairy Ranch
John Jg. Knoblauch, of Marys
ville. Mo., while here last week pur
chased the Wm. Smock property con
sisting of 640 acres, seven miles
north of Lakeview. The deal was
made through the local realty firm
of Curtis & Utley.
Mr. Knoblauch has returned to
Missouri but will be back here in a
short time and begin preparations to
go into the dairy business. His fam
ily of wife and six sons will Jon him
here next fall.
Paisley tiirl to Graduate
An item in the Oregonlan from
Noblesville, Ind.. dated May 1, says:
Among the students who will be
graduated from DePew University
this year is Vera Conn, of Paisley,
Or., who has made a highly credit
able record. There are 103 in the
Miss Conn is a daughter of Mr.
and Mrs Virgil Conn of Paisley and
a niece of Attorney L. F. Conn of
this city.
The Embody Lumber Company
is placing a lumber yard at Wood
row and the Auger Valley mill is
reported to be locating one at Broad
view. The lumber fight is getting
to be us strong as the paper fight
but is not so much of a one-sided
affair. Fort I!oci; Timer..
tative of which
true blue Republican wants to avoid.
The southern
up such a vote
Judge that there will be no misunderstand
ing by other
that we are to
a cross between
the later being
pedition to Mexico, Secretary Bryan publish
The citizen's duty is at the polls. The pri
mary election is equal in, importance with the
general election. No citizen who stays at home
on primary day has a right to complain at high
taxes. The reason taxes are high is because
of bad voting. We get what we vote for.
Captain Buchanan Dies
Portland Oregonlan: Captain Man-!
ius Buchanan, a vetran of the Civil !
War and an old resident of Oregon, !
died at Lake, Oregon, April 19. The
body arrived here yesterday. The
funeral will be held this afternoon
at 2 o'clock form Dunning's Chapel,
414 East Alder Street, under the
auspices of Summer Post, No. 21, G.
A. R.. Chaplain W. T. Kerr officiat
ing. Captain Buchanan was 78 years
old. He had been a resident of Ore
gon for 37 years. Four weeks ago
he went to Lake to visit his son,
Martin, and while there was taken
In the Civil War, Mr. Buchanan
enlisted in the 118th Indiana Regi
ment of Volunteers and served as
First Lieutenant until September 6,
1863, when he was commissioned as
Captain of Company D. 118th Regi
ment Indiana Volunteers, his com
mission being signed by Governor O.
P. Morton.
Captain Buchanan is survived by ;
a daughter, Mrs. W W. McBride, of j
Portland, and son, Martin Buchanan,
of Lake, Oregon. ,
Paisley I'irk-l'pH .
(Chewaucan Press)
Eph Miller spent the greater part ;
of the week in Lakeview and Plush
returning home Sunday. 1
Mr. C. P. U'ren of Madras is in '
this vicinity trying to locate the j
horses which he sold to E. R. Crosby
when that party first started in the1
stage business. I
Warner Snider drove the Jones
rar over from the county seat Sun
day bringing with him Mr. and Mrs.
George M. Jones. Mr. Jones who has
been on the sick list a greater part
of the winter is much better. His
many friends will rejoice to know
that lie is able to go about a little.
Gilbert Brown, Forest Supervisor
for Fremont National Forest, spent
a few days in Paisley last week on
mutters pertaining to the new road
up ttie river. He returned to Lake
view, Friday.
E. It. Crosby who passed some bad
checks on Portland bouses last week
lias not been heard of since. He dis
appeared completely after the shady
transaction and is keeping under cov-
er. It has been learned that he did j a fun Btaff of traveling representa
not get the car for the purchase ! tlves.
tt which he wrote a check for $790. j Mr. Reader has been representing
However lie evidently got. the cash these lines for some time in the ca
for the balance of the checks or its ' r)ii( lt' ot traveling freight and pas
enuivalent. Tiekhl e hu nerann -uper ugent. with headquarter at
in Portland he mortgapied the same
horses two or three different times
giving eacn party a nrsi mortgage ,H,ar of ni(J promotIoii they will sin
Many debts were I ft alonz M'5 trail ,, r,iy regret that his trlys hero will
alxo. M, loss frequent than In the past.
The candidacy of Geo. M. Nrown for Attorney-General
is meeting with hearty approval
:!1 over the State, and it now seems certain
that he will receive the Republican nomination
hands down. His strict enforcement of the
law as Prosecuting Attorney has gained him
an enviable reputation and while for a time the
"wets" rather opposed him, yet at present
they are inclined to believe that a strict en
forcement of prohibition laws will cause many
to vote "wet" when they discover that their
little "nips" w:l be shut off at the same time
that saloons are closed.
Ralph Williams should receive the vote of
every Republican in the State for member of
the National Committee, lie has been tried
and not found wanting, and by placing him
on the committee Oregon will have a represen
she may be proud. He stands
high in the opinion of the Republicans of the
Nation, and to turn him down in favor of some
untried politician who may possibly turn the
organization over to the opposition, as was
done in California, is something that every
part of the State should roll
for Judge Benson for Supreme
portions of the commonwealth
be reckoned with. No doubt
every Republican in Lake County will mark
the Judge's name and number,
While the government was preparing the ex
ed an article in the Commoner saying: "Brute
force is not the level upon which this nation
settles controversies today." The Chicago Inter-Ocean
says that this is why Bryan should
Forty eight new chairs have been
received during the past week by
the Presbyterians to bo used for
their.speclal services.
Judge Herbert S. Gale" arrived
Friday from Klamath Falls on busi
ness' connected with the Lakeview
ranch west of this city.
George Conn was an arrival here
Saturday evening from Berkeley.
He will remain in this vicinity until
after the present term of court
Mothers Day will be appropriately
observed at the Presbyterian Church
in Masonic Hall next Sunday morn
ing. An interesting program has
been arranged for both the Sab
bath School at 10 o'clock and the
church service at 11. Oott's or
cheBtra of ten pieces will play.
The Northwestern says the first
car to make the trip to the Falls
from Lakeview was that of W. D
Morse of Philadelphia and Joe Stein-
er, the well known traveling man
The car was a Cole. They reported
that the worst places in the roads
were at Drews Valley and Quartz
The May numbet of the Irish
News was the final issue of that pub-
licatlon according to the announce-
ment of its publishers. The Irish
News was established in October
1912 and has been printed monthly
gince. The paper was started for
the benefit of the Irish residents of
this county, and the publishers give
the reason of too much personal
business to keep it going,
Warncr Lake Item
( Correspondence )
Mr. Caldwell had begun work on
the roads. He is doing most excel
lent work, and at present Is improv
ing the road between Warner Lake
and Round Mountain.
Miss. Rachel Clark is making
quite an extended trip to Lakeview.
Mr. Jas. Gore of Ft. Bldwell visit
ed for a number of days at the Gib
son home this week.
Header Headquarters in ltno
On May 1, the Gould lines, West
, eru Pacific, Denver & Rio Grande,
Missouri Pacific and St. Louis, Iron
Mountain & Southern Railways
opened a freight and passenger
agency in the Washoe County bank
building at Reno, with E. 8 Reader,
general aeent. in charge assisted by
I Doyle, Cal. He frequently made the
I Lakeview territory, and while Ills
'f'uiany local friends will be glad to
ITU the sun shining, birds singing and
has taken on a real spring-like briskness, keeping the movement of
goods well up with the advancement of the season. The complete
ness of our carefully selected variety of spring merchandise is lending an
additional incentive to the buvers.
Novelty silk and leather
handbags. $1.25 to
$;ux) '
Fine lawn and voile shirt
waists, from 1 .50 to
Muslin and nainsook
princess slips, $1.75 to
Muslin underskirts,
elaborate embroidery
trimming, $1.25 to $2.50
School Noted
We are nearlng the end of the
The School Annual and the inter
class debates make current topics In
About thirty sketches and pictures
have been sent away for cuts for the
The regular eighth grade State
examination is in session this week,
the test being given by Margie Iler-
nard. 1
Rev. Reuben Cyril Thompson of
the Nevada State University, visited
qur school Tuesday examining our
work with a view of according our
schdol In the university. He went
through, the work thoroughly and
expressed himself well pleased with
the work visited.
'Last Friday afternoon a very de
lightful May-Day program waa ren
dered by the various grades of our
school. The entertainment was giv
en in the Auditorium and the room
was filled to its utmost, there being
about 400 persona present. Each
number on the program was well pre
sented ' and the audience was well
pleased from the first piano solo to
the final winding of the May-Pole.
Last Monday morning our friend
and neighbor, Mr. Sparbawk made a
splendid talk to the High School on
the subject of bacteria.
The regular teachers meeting on
Tuesday evening was spent in discus
sing three chapters of the book "Ci
vics and Health."'
All the pictures which were to be
purchased from our picture exhi
bits have arrived and the Manual
Tiaining department is busy making
frames for tbem.
Quite an amount of interest in be
ing manifested by the students in
regard to the debate for the class
cup. Material is being gathered
from every available source and
while debating work Is new to the
students, they are sure to put up
some food argument on both sides
of the question.
Wm. Stlmpflg was rusticating In
Lakeview several days last week
having come down from the ZX
ranch near Paisley where he In em
ployed on the dredger.
FOR 8ALE Lot 33, Block 66; also
NU of the 8H of the NWVi of
the SWV. 10 acres, Sec. 36, Twp
39, R. 19. E W. M. J. II. Warn-
ke, Attica, Kansas. M 7-t2p
YOUR FUTURE Send BIrthdate,
10 questlns, 10 cents. Nellie M.
Lewis, Silver Lake, Oregon.
On Government land. Crook or
Lake County. Give particulars as
to location, soil, improvements,
water and price. Guido Marti
nuzzl, Gen. Del., San Mateo, Cal.
Emma Rich, plaintiff vs. John
Kith, defendant.
To John Rich the above named
In the name of the Etute of Ore
ron: You are hereby required to
Ratines, crepes and
piques that")will wash, a
yard, 25c and ltc
Fine brocades, crepe dc
chines and silks, a yard,
75c to $1.25
Big assortment of ladies'
house dresses just in,
$1.25 to $2.50
Ladies' comfortable
house shoes and slippers
at $2.50
appear and answer the complaint
filed against you In the above enti
tled Court and Cause, within six
weeks from the date of the first
publication of this summons, which
date Is hereinafter stated, and you
are herby notified that if you fall bo
to answer Bald complaint as here
in required, plaintiff will take a de
cree against you as prayed for in
her complaint, to-wlt: Dissolving
the bonds of matrimony now exist
ing between the plaintiff, Emma
Rich, and the defendant, John Rich;
and for such other and further re
lief may be meet in the premises.
This summons Is served upon you
by order of Hon. Henry L. Benson,
Judge of the Circuit Court of the
State of Oregon for Lake County,
which said order was made on the
6th day of May, 1914, and which
order requires that this summons be
published In the Lake County Exam
iner, a newspaper of general circu
lation printed and published weekly
In Lakeview, Lake County, State of
Oregon, for a period of six succes
sive and consecutive weeks.
Date of first publication of this
Bummons Is the 7th day of May,
Batcbelder & Combs,
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Notice Is hereby given that the
State Land Board of the 8tate of
Oregon will receive sealed bids un
til 10 o'clock. A. M., July 14, 1914,
for the following described lands,
Sections 16 and 36, T. 26, S R.
Sectin 16 and 36. T. 26. S. It.
Section 36, T. 27 S. R. 16 E.
All bids must be accompanied by
a regularly executed application to
purchase and check or draft for at
least one-fifth of the amount of the
ifriHiurrffrni r ft iM
(In Two Parts)
An Essanay Drama of exceptional merit, having to do with the un
doing of a man with too much trust in his fellow-man. A power
ful dramatic sermon teeming with exciting situations.
Thursday, May 14th at 7:30 P. M. ai
Saturday, May 16th at 7:15 P. M. Admission 10c
flowers Moomimr, trade
(lingham and percale
aprons, including the
overall style, (55c and 75c
Ladies' fine pumps and
sandals, all leathers, 11)1 1
styles, $3.00 to $4.00
Little girls' wash dresses,
lawns ginghams a,nd
percales, 75c to $1.85
;Littlc girls' parasols, in
light colors, at 35c
The right to rejoct any and all
bids Is reserved.
Applications and bids should bo
addressod to G. G Brown, Clerk
State Land Board, Salem, Oregon,
and mark'od "Application and bid
to purchase state lands."
Clerk State Land Board.
Dated, May 1, 1914.
In the matter of the estate of
Morris Wlngfield, deceased.
Notice of sale of real property.
Notice Is hereby given that under
and pursuant to an order of the
above entitled Court made on the
29th day of April, 1914, the under
signed, administratrix of the estate
or Morris Wlngfield, deceased, will
sell at private sale for cash, or un
der a contract of sale, and subject to
the confirmation of the above en
titled Court, on the 30th day of
May, 1914, at the Court House In
the town of Lakeview, Oregon, all
the right, title and Interest of Bald
Morris Wlngfield at the time of his
death and all the right, title and In
terest that the estate has, by opera
tion of law or otherwise, acquired
other than on in addition to that of
said Morris Wlngfield at the time of
his death, In and to the following
described property, to-wlt:
The Nft of the NEVi. and the
NB of the NWU. or section 16;
the W of the 8E,. and the
8WK of the NEVt. and lot 1. In
section 19, all In Township 39 South
Range 24 East, W. M., In Lake
County, State of Oregon.
Date of first publication May 7th,
Administratrix of the es
tate of Morris Wlngfield,