Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, April 23, 1914, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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AritlL 23, 1914
Summer White Goods
Our season offerings of exquisitely dainty
Muslin Under Garments
etc., trimmed with real lace, insertion and
embroidery, ruffled and plain; well made
in clean workrooms under strict sanitary
inspection, and not skimped or cheapen
ed anywhere except in the price ticket.
You should see them. Prices range from
45c to $3.00
Agency Warner's
Rust-Proof Corsets
and Brassieres
I .mlies Civic Improvement Club Serv
ed Refreshments and ResnmsilIe
For Increased Itecistration
Last Saturday afternoon the Lad
ies Civic Improvement Club pave a
Registration Tea In the two rooms
of the County School Superintend
ents office at the Court House.
Three tables were prepared and
covered with dainty linen and de
corated with beautiful flowers, choice
silver aud glassware and rare china
sets. A committee consisting of Mes
damcs Vauderpool, Everett, Bieber,
and served tea, coffee and cake to all
who called at the Court House. Dur
ing the afternoon scores of men and
women partook of the refreshments
and a large number of women were
added to the registration list. Praise
is due County Clerk Payne and his
wife for the expeditious manner in
which they handled the registra-:
While the ladies have not been
giving manv rublic functions recent
ly, their work one au 1 tvo yearr. .
ago was productive of macb good to
the public welfare, and this la t
meeting shows what may be done by
fostering the get to gether spirP. '
As the privilege of voting has been
gUen to the women this meeting a:.d :
others will be the nieanrj of eop- j
ferring with each other and with the ;
men and informing themselves Ujion
the issues to be settled at elections
i.i the future.
The ladies are to be congratulat
for the success of their first effort
to get a full registration and to
be thanked by al. who enjoyed the
lefresai lent.-.
"--n-. i ir iiiwimiisiiMii i
to be equal to any
Beer brewed. Bot
tled and on draught
at all leading saloons
Reno Brewins: Co., L.c.
ml .
Vcrk Men Oder to Pay State
for Deposits in AIkmi and
Summer I-iikes
Governor West has announced that
another proposition has been pre
sorted to the State Land Hoard for
taking the salt deposits from Abort
and Summer Lakes. Jason C. Moore,
trustee for a number of Vow York j
men, offers to pay the state $1,000.
000 at the rate of SCO. 000 a year
for the salt laden lakes.
C. M. Sain and associates now have
a leas.; with );; state covering these
lakes, under which they were to pay
the state royalties of nut less than
$50,000 nor more than $200,000 a
year, but they have been unable to
finance the project.
Governor West said on the face of
the proposition from the New York
people it did net look favorable to
the state as nearly 100,000 acres are
involved, which are worth fully $1,
000,000, and as the state gets six
per cent interest for its money the
$50,000 a year offered by the New
Yorkers would not even amount to
usual interest on the capital Involv
ed. ;
The proposition will be taken up
by the state land board for consider
ation. Salem, Ore., April 17. That the
American Soda and Potash Company,
which now has a lease with the
state for the extraction of salts (rora
Summer and Abert Lakes, will on-
i deavor to have its contract extend
ed or a new contract executed was
made apparent yesterday afternoon
when J. II. Haak appeared before
the state land board.
Several days ago Jason Moore, re
presenting New York capitalists ap
peared before the board and offered
i I I
The family of Wtn. Burgoo are
the proud possessors of a Ford auto
mobile. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Vtnynrd and
Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Green wero Lake-
view visitors last work.
Mrs. Cora Horry, Mrs. Bessie Drlles
and IS. Follett were business visitors
to Lakevlew Tuesday.
Harold Miller Is over at Cedar
vlllo at the present. The fish are
Retting a rest during his absence.
Messrs. Jeff Mulkey of Davis
Creek and Carso Crowder of Alturas
spent a few days in our city last
The Council and the Improvement
League held a Joint meeting In the
hall Friday night, when Important
business was discussed.
Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Thomas en
tertained friends Sunday afternoon
Those present were: Mrs. Dora Col
vin. Mr. and Mrs. E. Carr, Miss Doro
thy K. Carr. Mr. Ewlng and Judge
Miss Ida Sanford who conducted a
millinery sale here for a few days
and a guest at the home of Mrs. K.
All Turn Out on Saturday
(Continued from First I'age)
tho public sentiment carried in the
petition asking for this particular
piece of work.
There are numerous places in the
streets In want of Improvement I
nnd nil citizens are encouraged tojral director, unci her clliclcncy as
do s. rr.e work on the rtrcets or roads i such was highly commented upon,
i.n i.Ti'ti r whore, and this spirit for during tho entire program no
should bo manifested throughout j "breaks" of any kind, ns we ordin
the entire county and state as doubt- ! ary individuals term It. were notlce
1 ss wi l bo the result. This being! able in tin least.
the i'r-'. oeiasio:i of the kin I ol- ' .'. cry seat was taken In tho house,
sorxed in Lakeview, it would be best 1 w li irh fact shows that the cnN-rtuln-to
eoncvitr.ite the work to some par-I mem was admirably managed, t'or
tioular piece of work, and this could
be carried out from year to year in
o'jsorianeo of Good Heads Pay.
Six or eight teams will be secured
to v:ak on Milliard street Saturday,
and r.!l men with ph-ks and shovels
are iirge,l t() turn out and get coed.
leal e ore iso as v. oil as hoip a
'. "
ii i:-' iittle merit. The work
uiil start at 7:;'.0 a. in. and end at ".
Silver Lake Ittins
'coin the Leaih
I Mrs.
i ccess !"'!'.
i I-iil:e di
I Judge
. L. Iteff closed a very siic
term of school In the Thorn
trie t last Friday.
Paly passed through town
Wednesday. He was
Pond and took time
and say a few words
Word was received
on his way to 1
only to lunch
to old friends. :
from the K. S. i
Miles telephone crew this morning
below the McCormack ranch on low
er Summer Lake saying that they ex
pected to be in Paisley for supper
Saturday evening. Wednesday four
new men were added to the crew and
from now on it will be but a few
days work. The major portion of
the private city 'phones in Lakevlew
will require overhauling, but we are
assured that in ten days Sliver Lake
and Lakevlew will be connected' with
a perfect telephone service.
Silver Lake should take some ac
tion toward advertising the land
which will be open for settlement
hext month. Nearly every article
published in the outside papers calls
attention to lands Just close to some
place but not Silver Lake. The busi
ness men should call the, attention of
their daily papers to this unjust dis
crimination. It should be made plain
to tin; outside world that there are
within ten miles of Silver Lake over
100 sectionr, of land that will bo open
for entry this coming spring.
K!;:ri.iith North western : Mr. Kd--oii
Wi'ts'.n. Indian agent and II.
11. Sparha v. k. Federal stock In:-pei -tor
l'.r Oregon, returned yesterday
l'r'.v a trio through the eastern part
of Klamath and Lake Counties,
where they have been inspecting
MiU'on? recently offered for sale t
the Govern rni:iit for the Klamath.1
Will Panio Tonight
Members of Lakeshore I,odge, No.
77. Degree of Honor. A. O. V. W.,
plan to give a dance and supper this
evening in the Masonic hall. Pano
ing will begin at 9 o'clock und will j
continue until 2, with supper ut mid
night. All members of tho Workmen I
and Degree of Honor Lodges are re
quested to be present, and In vita- i
Hons have been extended to a num-,
ber of guests. The affair promises
to be well attended and a successful
one. The committee on arrange
ments lias worked hard.
to pay $1,000,000 for the use of the
lakes, the sum to be paid In yearly
payments of $50,000. The offer was
made in view of the fact that the
contract of tho American Soda &
Potash Company expires May 1.
According to Haak, C. M. Sain,
who seems to be Identified with him
has obtained the water rights neces
sary to carry on the venture, and Is
negotiating with Moore, and this
has complicated matters, as without
water rights the company would lie
handicapped In performing Its work.
Keller returned to her home Sunday.
She carried a nice lino of millinery
and did a nlco business while here.
Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the
Parsons Wooing or "Topsy Turvy"
which was presented by Lakevlew
homo talent hero Saturday evening.
Every member received great ap
plause and tho children' songs and
drills wero worthy of special men
tion, especially the Clark children.
The Thursday Club was royally
entertained lit Mrs. E. Kellers's
beautiful homo last Thursday after
noon from 2 untU 4 p. in. Tho af
ternoon was too soon over and
many b"utlf'il pieces of work were
completed. Miss Ida Sandford. Mrs.
Everett RoiM. and Mrs. Thomas en
tertained the crowd with piano so
lections after which a delicious
lunch consisting of Spanish Cream.
Marshmallows and Cnke were served.
All cVp-irt-'d pronouncing Mis. Kel
ler a charming entertainer. Those
present wore? Mesdnmes J. C. Free
man. 1.. Heed. M. Wade. L. Miller,
L. IVLong. P. W. Pora Col
vln. W. Fleming. M. Gentry. Misses
i Ida
Dorothy E
O. Thomas
Topsy Turvy Was Enjoyed
(Continued from First Fare)
trice Clark, Vera Vnndervort, Kuth
loon O'Neil. Cindy.- Chandler. Abner
Ousley. Ernest Fetich. F. Maltland
and Chester Pykeiunn.
Miss Hosteller olticlated as uuisi-
l; is
not every
arumt n t
out to si
favor the
one t ii : '. has t h
irolU' the p.-,
e an "a aatriir
opU' to
dorTs ifs h
and t :sts
public villi
adgear to
that they
n similar
'lotion in (ho
near future.
l e troitp went to
where the enter
cited the venture
from all Mand-
Saturday night
N w Pine Cr. . 1c
t:i m Olelit W as pre;
p!o int. a : I'. i e-pl-ilitS.
They w ili go
Ait urns next Sat-
i n g a
the N'.-C -O. K.-iilway giant-!
vry low rate for roundtrlp
tickets. The tickets
nr no v on-wile
at the Hotel Lakevlew, and thosf,
wishing to Join in the trip ran
F. P
a rrangem
nts by seeing Col
S en s of I lie oi tli Kml
f Ft. Pork Times )
re- I
in a
game here Sunday
score of S to :j In
favor I
of Fremont. The Fremont
: seems to have some very good
i ers this year.
J. K. Darling of Tacoma, Wash
i ington hai made a desert entry on
1 SO acres of land located on the
east side of the G. Prlggs home
stead in Cougar Valley. He intends
to set out an orchard of about ten
acres on this land the coming fall,
i Rlckemeyer brothers have pui
I chased a Wallace tractor. It Is now
j on Its way from Clevelnnd, Ohio, and
is expected to bo here on or before
the first of next month. They Intend
to plow, grub sage brush and do
other heavy work with It.
We notice that J. II. Harrison Is
advertising for seed rye in the Bo
nanza Bulletin to bo shipped here
by parcel post. The seed question
has been somewhat perrdixlng hero
all spring. What Utile seed grain
one Ii able to buy at u.l Is selllni
from ." to j cents a pound.
County ( 'om mi: sloner F. 10. And
erson has been in Fort Rock for the
past two days. Mrs. Anderson U
visiting with Mrs. II. C. earmark
while Mr. Anderson is looking over
the proposed new road from Fort
Hock to P.end with Geo. Harrison
who Is now road supervisor for this
district. 'J
J. H. Wenandy and Leo Loach
left for Portland last Friday to
bring in a new auto trurk that has
been built for tho Wenandy Livery
Company. They propose to run the
truck between Bend, La Pine, Fre
mont, Fort Rock and Sliver Lake.
New Wool Kales Dates
Bend Bulletin: On his visit to
town last week, J. II. Hardy of tho
Oreiron Trunk, pavn out ft revised
,lfjt of the wool HaleH datft8 whlch ,
expected to bo final. The Bend sain
will occur on July 7 and another
date will also be named If condition
at the present time warrant it.
The new list is as follows:
May 21, Pilot Rock; May 22,
Kcho; May 23, Pendleton; June 2.
Heppner; June 4, Shanlko; June ti,
Baker; June 8-9, Ontario and Vale;
June 1C, Pilot Itock (second sale);
June 16, Hunt's Ferry; June 17,
Madras; June 19, Shanlko, (second
sale); June 23, Condon; June 25,
Heppner (second sale); June 30,
Joseph; July 1, Fnterprlne and Wal
lowa; July 2, Baker (second sale);
July 7, Bend; July 9, Shanlko (third
Naval o
Tha United States has 14 mod- o
ern battleships or ttreadnaughts o
and 5 more building. 25 n
battleships , 6 first class mils- o
era, IB third-class cruisers, 28 o
gunboats, 9 monitors, 63 torpo- o
do-boat destroyers. 27 tropedo o
boat i, SO subinarln.s. (14,780 ':
officers and men. Including 7.- o
626 In tho Naval Malltlit. o
Mexico boasts of 6 gunbortts o
armed with four-Inch guns, 'i o
o destroyers, several transports o
o and 1,200 officers and men. o
Army o
The Itegulnr Fnltod States o
Army, enlisted strength, stnff o
anil line, numbers S4,8r! men o
exclusive of tho hospital corps o
and provisional forco. There o
ure 4.74 R officers. Tho M II It In o
consists of 113.279 actually en- o
listed men and 16,00 4.6 SI re- o
serve tulllthl subject to call of o
war. '
The Mexican Government o
claims a standing army of 107 o
o Generals, 6,236, officers and 49,- o
o 332 men. Huerta has In tho o
o p;iHl asserted he could raise an
o army of l.lO.OOO men. Mex'" r o
o nntloiial debt Is $219,324,264- o
o .23. o
o o o o o o o o o o o o o n o o
Candidate for Legislature
The candidates In the 2 li t repr
sentatlve district, comprising Lake,
Klamath, Crook and Grunt Coun
ties, for representatives to bo voted
upon at the coming primaries are
Vernon A. Forbes, republican, llond;
Wesley ). Smith, republican, Klam
ath Falls and P. II. Hetieer. demo
crat, I'.end.
l!epresi-ntatlves Smith and Forbes,
with Ktato Senator W. I.nlr Thomp
son of Lakevlew, whoso term dons
I this
expire until I'.Ut'i. repri tiled
dh-trlet at the last Legislature.
Piilsley Plrk-Cp.N
( Chew ain an Pre.-.- )
trip I
A. llarrower relurtit
the Oregon no t fopol
from n
the fin.1
of the W eel;.
C. U. Potts, Manager . f th- Pais
ley Lumber Company was In Paisley
for Mtpplles tho r.rst of tho week.
A. II. Finley, a mining man of
Gehl'iehl, .oad.l stopped nt the fTo
tel Co- .vniiran Saturday nlglo. He
W.e; eiilollle to ll'iril:,.
Frank Jamison piin.l through
Pa sl'-v Saturday evening. st?ppln.
.t tho II .tel Chcwauraa that night
and leaving for hla home ut Silver
I. U
; i t r.iv
the in t m irn'.iig. I lo wiih
lit -- In I I- o i i ai
I". Pitman and family moved to
1 omi ,te nl in rt a f low n Ihe
of the week, their I. -use on the
! Paisley having e.iplied. Mr. I'll
:::. erected a I'.no dwelling and
so mi ina'e u tiei t homo of the
I -
i lotr
wil! s
11. Tucker assumed tho man
li t of the Hotel Paisley this
unil It will hereafter bo con-
ducted by he and Mrs. Tucker.
ure making a number of minor
i hangos about the place und are go
ing out after their share of the trim
slcnt us well us the permanent hotel;
business of Paisley.
Last Friday three auto loads,
of purchasers on the Paisley Project j
arrived from Bend. They came from j
all po'.nts of the compass especially I
to see the wonders of this section
and of tho Paisley Project here. Sev
eral of tho party stayed over for a j
few days to vlsl. u round. They have ;
all expressed themselves us highly
pleased with the future here. If tiie
Townsito Company complete their j
dam this year and get ready to do-,
liver water tho coming spring as I
seems to be the present plan, this
I country will ho tho best little spot
! in Oregon, as this move will bring
! Increased population and Increased
' land va lues for all.
j A complaint was tiled in Justice
'Court 1 t week charging Bill Paitln
I with a:o iclt and batery upon the per
Jhoii of W. H. Kendall. The a':;.ault
occurred just north of Paisley noon
I the county road April 7h, P ir'.ln
I was arrested ut the Jack 1'nrtl'i
home on Summer Lake Monday of
ithls week und brought to Paldoy by
Deputy Sheriff Keeder of Sliver Lake ask for a kidney remedy ask dls
Purtln appeared bc-foro JtiHtico Lu'h- tlnctly for Donn's Kidney Pills the
waiter und plead guilty and was as- same that Mr. Kasshafer hnd. GOc
sessed a fine of $25 and cots wnlch all stores. Foster-Mllburn Co.,
u mounted to $12. CO. j Props., Buffalo, N. Y.
don't dare neglect a
Kclicvt? the tlrounfort mid
n void the serious com plica
tions n tu'j.'Kctnl couli oltcu
Icntls to, y usinjj
Rcxall Cherry Bark
Cough Syrup
We soil more of it tfmti nil
ol her conli s I tips combined
It is extienulv jilenMint to
take. Iv.ieli liotlle contains
motctlmu most ei uli nine
dies sold nt the same pine.
We liiir.'intic it lo itheve
your eouh or vour money
Iwick. Sold only ly
The Thornton Drug Co.
Totnl KcjiUtratlon
In giving tho registration of tho
voters of Lake County last week, tho
Kxamlner omitted the precincts of
North Lakevlew and Hummer Lake,
which made the total full much low
er than It should have read.
I'p to (ho first of Ibis week the
total registration In the county wiih
1,1 IS, tho totals lu euch precinct be
ing given below:
Silver Lake 75
Summer Lake (12
Paisley 117
Crooked Creek 31
North Warner 11
North Lakevlew ltlo
South Warner 37
South Lakevlew 17 I
Prows Valley If,
Goose Lake t7
Coirwell Creek 4
Thomas ( took 3J
Lake 4
Fort pock n;r
Pail) for Snipil-e Vallcv
Pr. W 11. Patterson of 'oirpi l-i-Valh
y, Modoc county. C l'i 'ul nl i.
who U a ;Mo st ;. tho Kiwi; 'do. Pn-t
Iterlitly inaile 11 d' ill by w hich he
will lease hW "ton) acre much to J.
II. Bc llatl of Ihtmholl county. Cali
fornia, who will exlddl.-h a mam
moth dairying Ihimih-ss on the prop
etty, says the Keno Caotto. The
lease will l tin for 1" yearn, heglnn
lug November I , Pill.
Three big lams for the cows wil'
b. bllllt, tile 111: t one during the
coming nimmer, this one lo accomo
date :'0i- io'v i. A creamery will also
I constructed with a concrete lloor
!..! the in.;.: modern "iilpmcnt In
! i.e with, the demand of tho Califor
loa sto'e dairy commission. This !s
to be operand by the dairyman and
tin- doctor jointly, unil a largo Influx
of Sw Iss-Ilalian dairymen s expect
ed on account of the enterprise.
Alturas Plaindealer: Key ltaymor,
the young man urrest-d on 11 charge
of grand larceny, was arraigned
Tuesday morning In tho Superior
Court nnd entered a plea of not
guilty. The trial wa.i set for Monday.
April 7. C. S. Baldwin appear
ed for the People and F. A. Sher
man for the defense.
People Ar
How It Cuil
be Done
Its pretty hard to attend to duties
With a constantly aching back;
With unnoylng urinary disorders.
Poan's Kidney Pills mnke work
easier for many a sufferer.
They're for had hacks.
For weak kidneys.
Here Is convincing proof of merit.
Frank Kasshafer, bailiff County
Court, Applegate Itoad, Jacksonville,
Oreg., says: "For years I was u
miner and the work caused kidney
nnd bladder trouble. The pain first
attacked mo lu tho small of my back,
especially when I Vrti ent up In the
morning. I also had trouble with
the kidney secretions, poan's Kid
ney p I I.i soon removed the com
plaint. Vim may eotitlue using the
endorsement I have given Poan'n
Kidney Pills before."
"When your back Is lame-rie-mi'inber
the Name." Don't simply
a horse If our harness has been
trind on him. Ho wilt stand
quiet ns a lamb to bo hitched
for ho knows the harness Isn't
going to chafe or gall him in
tho least. If your old set is
about done stop in und seo
what a line one you can got
hero ut a very moderate price.