Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, April 23, 1914, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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AVML 23, 1914
M-.V ".1
. Our Comploto Tract Index
Insure: Accuracy, Promptness and Reliability
Snrh an Index is the ONLY Kr.LI A HLK system from which Hit
Attract can lie made, showing all defects of title.
Wo ? Iso Furnish tf&V.YJ&lc'P
iWm. Wallace, Coroner Tor Lake County)
Parlors, next door to Telephone Office
Lakeview Ice, Transfer
and Storage Co
Telephone Xo. lOl
.T. I. IUCKWOKTII, 3Ian Acer
Buss to Meet All Trains. Transfer
and Drayage. Storage by day,
Week or Month
Goose Lake Valley Meat Market
R. E. WINCHESTER, Proprietor
We endeavor to keep our market well
supplied with
5 lbs. Lard, 90c; 10 lbs., $1.80
Your Patronage is Respectfully Solicited
A Complete Record
We have made an entire transcript of all Record In Lake
County which lnanv way, affect Real Property In the county.
We have a complete Record of every Mortgage and transfer
ever made In Luke County, and ever Deed given.
Errors Found in Titles
In transcribing the record we have found numerous mort
gaes recorded In the Deed record and indexed; and many
deed. are recorded lo the Mortgage record and other book.
Uandreds of mortgages and deeds are not Indexed at all. and
most difficult to trace up from the records.
We have notations of all these Errors.
Othern aunot find ihem. We have pnt hundreds of dollars
hunting up these error, and we can fully guarantee our work.
CON BREEN, Proprietor
Special Attention to Transient Stock
Horses Boarded by the Day, Week or Month
Always Open Phone 571
Pun Linen Handkerchiefs, Sew
Pillow Tops, Scurfs and Centers.
Nun's Roll-Proof Luster Collars
for IC in broidery.
D.M.C. Threads of all kinds. Art
Linen by the yard.
Embroidery Work to order.
PHOMt 171
The Order Sent by
is taken down cimfuHx u.i
tilled W I II I lie lit most exit' Ilr-S
ut this 'inn ki t ) mi run roimi
on fitftt iniijnst ii" rlinirr u nit
us if yi'ii were In rr tn si'i' ;
rut it fur yiiii. Sn if mi niiiiii't
Ol lloll 'l rule tn mine in (
son ph in- ns what oii v nt
m il w ' I si- 1 .i mi trn it iis
uiiij wUrh you w.n.t it.
Meat, Market,
Alger Land Co.
It u ni h es City Property ICen t u Is
Tuxes Paid and Rentals
Collected for Xon-resldenta
Otter Opposite Her y ford Ruildlnu
Ttoy Do excellent Vork to
f03d Cuilding
Th National Committer en Priaon La
bor Receive! Roporta From Variout
State Indicating That the Honor
System Produces Good Reeutta.
The prnethv or putting convicts on
their honor. espeluliy prisoner! who
nre nt work constructing or repairing
highways, has been started In several
states Mini Is m.vllng with much sue
cess, according to reports received ly
the national committee on prison hi
hor. North Dakota. Oregon. New .ler
scy. Michigan. Ohio mid I'olorado nre
unions the states where the honor sys
teni has been developed to Its highest
degree. I'mler the laws of North Du
kota the hoard of control may employ
convicts on the public highways, theli
expenses to he paid hy the respective
counties in which they work The law
stipulates that the prisoners perform
their duties under the supervision of ;
skilled laborers, who net Ms guards;
hut so far ns possible, the law Ue- ,
dares, the convicts are to be placed
on their h unr. Another feature of
North Dafc- ta"s prison laws U
worded i
as folio .'. j
"Kac!i -hurt time convict worked
uion s ii l state roads shall receive H ;
credit ii on his time of ten days for j
each thirty days that he shall faith I
fully and diligently work uimui saiil '
state roads, and in case of convicts i
servins life sentences such privileges :
shall be given them as in the Judgment j
of the warden is proier. but in case ;
that any convict fails to do faithful ;
and eJheieiit work or attempts to es
cape he shall forfeit all or us many of
said credits ns in the Judgment of the
warden shall be proper."
Of 270 convicts who were worked
under the honor system In Ohio only
eighteen less than 7 per cent attempt
ed to escape, according to the report
of Preston 1C. Thomas, warden of the
Ohio state penitentiary. While these
men were thus employed there was no
harrier except their own honor between
them and freedom. Of the eighteen
men who broke faith, all but seven
were caught and returned to the pris-
on, so that the percentage of those who j
failed to serve their full sentences was
only 2'i- This record, says Warden
Thomas, compares favorably with
trusts in the outside world.
Also in Michigan, where nil persons
convicted of drunkenness or vagrancy
are sentenced to work on the roads in
stead or to Jail, the practice of trusting
prisoners has been found successful.
Not only that. but. according to W
M. Hryaiit. good roads commissioner of
Michigan, the sentencing of convicts
to work on the highways tends to elim
inate much petty crime. It was In
Colorado, under Warden Thomas J
Tynan, that the honor system was
first employed among prisoners at work
on the highways, and It Is In that
state and Oregon that the system has
been most extensively developed. Gov
ernor West of Oregon. In a statement
to the national committee on prison
labor concerning the honor system
among prisoners nt work on the roads,
"Our road gangs are made up of from
fifteen to twenty-five men. with a free
man as foreman, who lives nnd works
with his crew. Ills word Is law in
camp, nud his report as to conduct of
the prisoners curries great weight with
the prison ollieinls. it Is most essen
tlal. therefore, that great care be ex
ercised in the selection of these fore
men. We have hud unexpected suc
cess in the operation of our road gangs
Some have been maintained ns far as
?X) miles from the prison, nnd nearly
all In the hills and mountains, where
every opportunity was given to escape.
At first we lost a number of men. due
largely to the novelty of the plan nnd
unjust newspaper criticism, which
made many of them fear the abandon
ment of tle policy and their return to
prison There hns been less newspa
per erltlcUm of late, and the public,
eelng the merit of the system. Is ac
cepting it ns n settled nollcy.M
liver INti.tKHi sipiare yards of
different types or roads for ex
perimental ami objn t lesson
purposes were construct, d dur
inu' the tlseal year liu.' Kl mi
tier I he super1 Islon or the olllee
of loads. I IHlcd States
department of iiki'u ii lure, ac
cording to I tu lift I n .W of the lie
pariuieiit. making ti total of over
I.ihhi.iuhi Mpniiv yards of road
constructed under the sltpeivl
Men or this olllee since I'.Kl.'i.
The types of roads Iml t were
brick, concrete, oil eeineul ion
elite. bllnniiuoUH concrete, bl
luminous surfaced concrete, bl
luminous macadam, surfa.c
treaiuieut. macadam, nsphilt
ln:. ob asphalt gravel, oil yi.iv
el. oll-eoralliiie, gravel-macadam.
Kiavel. sluu. sand clay, sand
KIiiuIhi. burnt clay, shell and
earth The object lesson and ex
perimental work diirlm; Hie a.-t
year was done nt il cost to the
local coinmunitle of $i:!'.l.S I.S'.I
Tlll-i does not Include the sa.a
lies and expenses or the dj-part
incut engineers. Tin' road w.irli
durlnji the year was done In
Arkansas. I'lorida. tieoryla. Ken
tueky. Maryland. Mississippi. Ne
braska. North t'arolina. Sou ' h
liaUota. Telinessei", Texas. Vir
nil. la. Wlseoiisln nud the lis
trlct of t'oliimbla
Tho Countiaa Tak Advant.iga of
State Aid.
All the counties of Wisconsin are'
taking advantage of state ni l for tin '
Improvement of their roads this year '
The Increasing popularity or tills plan I
Is described by John A. Ila.ehv oo.l, J
chairman or the Mate highway com j
mission, as follows:
"Wisconsin embarked upon a policy J
of county aid for highway Improve- j
uiMit or the principal roads In the j
counties of the state by nil enactment j
of the legislature In l'.)i7. and under
the policy or county aid twenty conn
lbs in the state accomplished a great j
deal of g I prior to r.ipj j
Tu l'.UI the Wisconsin legislature;
d.s ided upon the policy or state aid In i
addition to the county aid provided for j
in l'.;i7 and made an appropriation of i
it iih annually to carry the under I
taking along. I'urii g the year 11- j
sixty live counties out or seventy one :
nt-ked and received county and state j
aid. Last year sixty eight out or the
seventy-one have received county nud
state aid roc highwav betterment. i
-The legislature or I'.'lo. apparently j
ipprecli'tiug the success and popular!
ty or the state ai.l provision over that I
of the county aid policy, appropriated ,
f l.UHil.iMiO annually to carry along tin
good roads work. In t'.ill. by a nar I
i row margin of one vote, the stale tip i
propriatloti was made for the new poll i
cy. wliile In l!)l:! every vote In both i
houses of the legislature, with the ex j
eeption of seven, 'was cast for tin f I. .
JOiUMMi appropriation.
"Since the legislature adjourned th-
j three counties not engaged in good j
j road work prior to this time have vol I
; ed to come under the provisions of tic-
; state aid policy. L'onseipienl !y in 1!1 1
j the entire state Is carrying on road iia
proveinent under the state aid policy."
Automobile! and Heavy Auto Trucka
Make Road Problem Harder.
The astonishing results of a census
taken recently on a secondary thor
oughfare leading out of London show
ed only 3 per cent of horse drawn ve
hicles. The exact count was fifteen
vehicles of the latter class to f00 ve
hicles propelled otherwise than by
ImniAV fTi.piiIri Ilea nil fT I illl 111! t Inn of
t,)f, fa'nure of tl)e pul)llc uuthorIli.-s
generally throughout the world o
maintain roads nnd streets In good
A similar example of the extraordi
nary change that has occurred in the
use of roads In recent years Is that of
a furniture manufacturing concern in
Eastern, Pu., which delivers on its own
trucks to New York city Instead of
using the already constructed steel
roads namely, the railroads. This
concern uses the ordinary roads. A
considerable tonnage Is thus trans
ferred from the steel roads specially
constructed to bear It to the country
road not constructed for any such
weight or friction. It has thus enme
to pass that the science of engineer
ing, which was called upon to furnish
experts to railroad companies, is now
also called upon to furnish experts to
road building authorities
Colorado Good Roads Association,
During the recent convention of the
Colorado Good Koails association It
went on record as favoring greater de
velopment of the state highways along
the plun mapped out by the state
highway commission and as advocat
ing a state levy of one-half mill for
road building. There was considerable
debate on the relative merits of the
half mill levy and a bond issue of $5,
000.000. The advocutes of the former
succeeded In carrying, the convention,
and It is stated that steps will bo tak
en by the association to Initiate nt the
November election a bill to make funds
available for litis. "
Plan Highway Improvement.
Plans for highway Improvement In
Cedar Falls. la., in 1014. ns suggested
by the Cedar Falls Commercial club,
contemplate the construction of a high
way, entering the city from the north
west, across n long stretch of river
bottom, aud the erection of a bridge
across the Cedar liver.
o .
(Tlirn nrtlclrs nml lllimtrntlniia tiiiint not
lM'tirmsl milium nircliil pirmiioii 1
Vj The live special egg producing rand
lies of standard fowls are t tilled the
Xi Mediterraneans and comprise the Leg
! horns, Spanish. Illue Audalushins. An
Ij. conns and Mlnoinis. Their names all
t;algnify that they originated In the
X j sunny lands along the beiiutirul blue
X ! Mediterranean.
! ! Of these wonderful tribes of white
' egg layers the Mlnorcns have woii the
; distinction of laying the largest egg.
j Of the Minorca then are three varb
' etles-. Single fomli Itlnck. Single t'ouib
j White. Hose I'otub Itlnck. While a
I ISose Comb While has tiecn bred by
I some. It has never been popular nor
I Htauilard. The single combs are very
' large, and an objection Is that they
often frcer.e.
While proper care "III often curry
them through the winter unscathed,
of course the ItnseConib has n advan
tage III tills respect, which Is specal
Ph.. i.
KOHE colli; I
' h M I i .ill A ('HI, I I It l
ly imi
.1 o
j collll s
ihn t ioi
I low r r
have pi .,
They -.l
i . ered
dipped into the n!ci
ves-ol. and at
be prei'ente I by a I ";
massing :i gid in: ui
trouble may
ling ciiit:iin or
or of 1'nivN on
the roost, ilielr eoinliiiied licit pievent
lnglrnl. The peculiar Minorca shape
charai Icrisi li s are the sniiie in the
three varieties.
There is Hie long body, lint across
shoulder, s Hping to the tail.
The breast prominent and round,
deep; the f" i IT short, the plumage tight
titling and smooth, tho bluish legs
strong, firm and set square under the
Photo ly
tin rail.
ltosr. com ti i;t,ACK minium a iii.x.
body, nil so well constructed for a big
digestive system nnd large egg capac
ity. The Itose Comb should be a brilliant
black with beetle green sheen, free
from ull purple nnd the tall held ut an
angle of forty degrees from tho hori
zontal. The Minorca Is larger and a better
market chicken than the Leghorn, Its
ilnk flesh being close grained nud de
Pounds. Pounds.
Cork il Hen 6
Cockerel C Pullet 1
The rtoseand White Minorca weights
are similar, and one pound less than
the Single Comb Itluck.
Iou't crow yourself
winning a cup. Hack
hoarse over
the winning
with good advertising and your ud.
with n square deal for success that's
Don't let chickens run In the stable.
They steal old Kan's feed and make
her feed box filthy.
Don't spend your lifetime chasing
Dame Fortune. Fortune comes to
those who learn to labor and to wait
and may be Just now turning to your
gate. So work and wait and honest
be and e'er long she will favor thee.
... ;
C M.
iu:i i:,i, or i hi i; TUM.H
Inchlenta of Hues Canal Given
Way of I'ompwilsoil lllu K
police In IIciUiih1
In tho (IIhcushIuu of the 1'uuuina
I tolls mutter much of the arguinc-it
hits been biiuiulul as woll aa of tho
, "starry-banner" variety. There lias
' been lltllo of ucliliil detail printed
1 about the investment represented,
'. the revenue necessary tmr tho tou-
lingo expected for tho canal. Tho fol-
lowing Information from tho Clucln
; nut I Knqulrer will bo of use In cou
' tddcrluK tho flniinclal problems In
j vol veil :
"The Hue canal Is owned by a
i stock company, with shares of stork
numbering 370.U41.
"Since 1 S 76 tho Ilrlthdi govern'
incut has bo' ti tho owner of 17(1, 002
of these shares, for which It paid
"Through Its holding of these
1 shares the llrltlsh government exer
; -Inch n controlling Interest lu tho
Sin' canal.
"The canal cost about $127,000.-
tioa. Is 103 miles long, about 1!K
.Yet deep, and It takes 17 hours for
. e-cls to pans through It.
! "During tho year 19IOvthe Sue
i canal was traversed by 4f33 vessel.-t
with a total net tonn lite of lCfiKl,
?,'.)$ nud the toll charges were 1 1 .30
I per net toii for vessels with cargo.
' S" cents per net ton for vessels In
1 b.ilhibt aud $1.93 for each passcuger
1 1' ears of ago.
! The total receipts of the cull a. I
company for the year amounted to
$.'."., lliS, 400; the coats of mainten
ance and operation to $3.857,40:' ;
, payments for fixed cIiutkcs nnd In re
tiring capital obligations aggregat
ing $'"..072,602.
"The company's net profits were
5 1 r..!Mis.4 1 It, permitting the payment
of a dividend of 31 per rent on the
c.uinl company's share
"The outstanding capital olilli
tl.iiis amounted to $!)2,4M.."i I I at
the i lose of the year 111 10.
"The Panama ennui Is owe b'
the people of the I'llltcd S'.Ttn.
It ll cost approximately $.".76.
ciin, nilO hen completed.
, "It. will he T.4 miles long, 41 feet
i'"ci and vi In will ho ahlo to go
through It from ocean to ocean In 12
houra. v To pay for this canal the
I'nlted State'! Covi riiiucnt has Ihsii
ed bonds to the value of $S4,fi31.
!'S0, hearing Interest nt the rato of 2
per cent nnd jr.o.uoD.OOO u ie,n(H
l.earlnft Interest at tho rate of ,i pur
"Tin' expenditures on account of
the canal In excesa of the money re
ceived from sales of theso bonds
have been paid from the I'nlted
Metes, Treasury.
"A trallic export report tnade to '
President Taft estimated that during
the year 1U15 10, COO, 000 net tons
would pass through tho Panama ca
nal, of which amount tho coastwise
trndo of the United States, now free
from tolls under existing law, was
estimated at 1,100,000 tons.
"The rate of tolls as established
by President Taft is to ba $1.20 per
net ton, this being 10 centB per ton
less than the Suez canal collected In
the llrltlsh controlled canal.
"Our constwlso trndo being free
the tolls, to bo collected from the
other tonngoH, ns per this estimate,
would amount to nhout $11,300,
000. "Tho costs of maintenance nnd
operation Is was thought would not
he more than that nt the .Sue,, say
?4, (ton, 000, which would leave more
than $7,000,000, or about 2 per cent
upon this entire Investment of our
"No ono that has studied the trade
statistics of tho world but appreciates
Hint as the years succeed each other
tho tonnages passing through the
Panama canal will show largo annual
increases und experts believe that
by 1920 the net income from tho ca
nal will bo Hufticlent to enable the
payment of Installments upon the
original sum Invested in the con
struction of this great enterprise."
Persl stent Kickers
Cedarville Kecord: Tho people of
Susanvlllo never tired of abuslug tho
N.-C.-O. railroad when thut rond car
ried their freight and passengers.
Now the Fernley-Lason road runs to
Suuanvllle, und Its advent wus hulled
as a thing of Joy forever. They,
however are now howling about that
rond, and are endeavoring to arrange
the Southern Pacific's business for
their own convenience. Verily, they
must have some perslsteut kickers at
Si y. anvlllo. They kick about tho
nuuie of their town, they kick about
the railroad and even kick about
their Jail In fact it seems to be one
merry round of kicking over there.