Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, April 23, 1914, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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APRIL 23, 1914-
Lakeview Saddlery
A complete line of
wajron and luiKKT
harness, uliips,
robon, bit, rlates,
spurs.qullts, rose
cttes, etc., etc.
Kverj thing In the
line of carriage
And horse furnlsh
tiivf. Impairing
by competent
Successors to S. F. AHLSTROM
Daily Service Reno to Lakeview Except Sundays
No. 1 Arrives Lakeview at 9:3s P. M.
No. 2 Leaves Lakeview at 6:30 A. M.
Daily Except Sunday
Pullman & lluffett Service Between Lakeview antl Keoo
A Gentlemen's Popular
:: Resort ::
Lakeview Steam Laundry
We give efficient service and do good work.
Send your washing and give us a trial.
Sc t ABOUT I r '
is our purerefreshlng and whole
some Beer.'Jhe finest ever brewed
in the country. It has that pecul
iar "hirfip.v" J tluvor that com
mands it to the Judges of good
Beer. It is brewed by experts and
rooted by a scientific t method.
Every househrdd should have u
supply of this exhiluruting bever
age, especially us the price is very
POST & KING, Proprietor
will riot seem nearly so hard if you have the proper
tools and things. Get yours at this hardware
store and you'll get them right. Kakes, hoes, spades,
iorks, watering pots and all the rest. The kind
that doesn't break your hack to handle or your
bank account to buy.
For lite Children
Little Mint Nstuk.
Pretty Eskimo Girl.
V'- Mil
" . X I , ...
. k
(Continued from lust week.)
1.a ipkSIVt;::: ! .() f U U 1 ti I0UI.I8TS
A.uiMiri a ii if tj, ii iiiiiiih
Photo by American Press Association.
According to our Ptnndards, the Es
kimos as a people have little to rec
ommend tbeui on the score of physical
beauty, but the girl here pictured
would be pronounced handsome by the
most critical. She Is a full blooded
Eskimo, and her name in Natuk. Lit
tle Natuk was born In the far north
above the arctic circle, where ice and
snow are always to be soon. For some
time past she has been a resident of
New York eity and has learned to like
the ways of white people. The recent
arctic weather, with Its almost von
fitant snowstorms, has been a source
of real delight to the little maiden
from the frozen regions. She Just rev
eled In the snow aftd spent most of
her time enjoying it. Her photograph
was taken while she whs at play in the
park, and It shows a really sweet and
pretty girl. She is of gentle and Jolly
disposition, and those who know her
admire her greatly.
Eastar Emblamt.
Many of the emblems and observ
ances of the feast of the resurrection
are remnants of the spring festival of
a pagan period. Kastre or Oestre was
the spring goddess of northern Europe,
and the rabbit was associated with
her. The egg was an emblem of the
resurrection In pagan times. With the
spread of Christianity the customs and
emblems of heathen festivals were
often continued where a Christian
feast was coincident with them, ns
where the gayety and license o the
Iiomun saturnalia were grafted iixm
the Christian Christmas. The rabbit
and the egg lelng thus associated with
the spring feast of the resurrection.
Teutonic folklore combined them by as
serting that the Easter rabbit brought
the Easter eggs, just as the stork
brought the babies. Many a child's
first recollection of the brightly color
ed eggs is of finding them In a nest of
moss out In the garden, with the
understanding that the rabbit had
brought them. So we give Br'er Bab
bit the same standing toward Easter
that Santa Claus has toward Christ
mas a jolly little myth that adds to
our pleasures and gayety without being
permitted to obscure the greuter and
more important observances of a
Christian feast.
Court rniivrtftl In a.t lttiiiiitn..
March 30th, 18 1 4, the suina ol.lcrrs
being present, when the foilovln. '
proceedings were had, to-wit:
Claims against l.nke Countv, Ori
son were examined and alio veil nud
be County Clerk !s hereby tflrmltd
to Issue In accordance with la,v,
warrant on the County Treasurer
p:ontle out of tl;e Cent ral ' Kond
, fund of the County to the purlieu
.mi Tor amounts ns follows, to-wit:
Lakeview Transfer Co.,
freight and road work $14 76
It. J. Waumough, road work. 6 A
Jim McShane same 2 60
Hugh Denehay same 10 60
J. L. , Pickett Biuue n 00
S. A. Muithen road survey. ... 33 00
I'MInt Vernon road work 27 68
lKo. Pown same 12 06
M. II. Culdwell same 5 00
Pat Anglnnd same 96 76
Creed Pendleton same 416 45
E. II. Itrewer same 40 00
S. II. Chandler same 33 00
1). It. Conrad same IS 00
Jerry Klelly same 7 60
Ernest Witham same..., a.. 4
F. M. Chrisman road supplies. 9
Chewaucau Merc. Co., same. . 1
W. M. Crawford roud supplies.
Bold July 15, 1913 2
Stanley It. Hanson road
work i 666 25
IL L. Chandler same 38 00
W. U. Grlset same 3 60
Consolidated Stage Co. same 26 4 6
Young & Sofis same ...IE 45
George Stombaugh same.... 15 00
James Wakefield same 11 25
C. K. Driver same 27 00
In the matter of the transfer of
money from the Gen. Co. Fund to the
County High School Fund: It Is here
by ordered that the County Treasur
er be and he Is hereby authorized
and directed to transfer the sum
of $2510 from the (Jenerol County
Fund to the County High School
Fund as provided by law.
In the matter of the trunsfer of
mo:uy from the Geroral County
Fund to the County School Library
Fund. It is hereby ordered that the
Co. Treasurer be und he Is hereby au
thorized and directed to transfer the
sum of $160 from the County Gen
eral Fund to the County School Li
brary Fund, the same to be appor
tioned by the County School Super
intendent as by law provided.
The books and accounts In the
County Clerk's office In relation to
fees, were examined on this date
and found to be correct.
j thereupon ourt adjourned until
nine o'clock, April 1st, 1914.
County Judge.
In the County Court of the State
of Oregon for Lake County.
Wednesday, April IbI, 1914
nud supplies K3 ;I5
It. N. lluchwalter drawing
Justice Jury lint J 00
A. A. Farrow Mine.. 3 00
W, W, Hampton saino..,,,. 3 01
Court adjourned until nine o'clock
a. m., April 2nd. 1914.
.County Judgo.
In the County Court of tho Slalii
of Oregon, for Luke County.
Thursday, April 2nd, 1914
Court convened pursuant to il
Jourument of April 1st, 1914, tho
same officers being present, when
tho following proceedings were had,
In the matter of tho establish
ment of Justice of tho Peace And
Constable Districts for Luke County:
It being deemed necessury, desirable
und expedient that the Justice of tho
Pence und Constable Districts In Lnkj
County, Oregon, bo ro-ostubllshed :
It Is therefore hereby ordered thut
a Justice of tho Peine and Constnhle
District be, nud tho same is here
by, established In each of tho elec
tion precincts of Lake County to con
form to the boundaries of each said
said election precinct as now consti
tuted; and It Is hereby further or
dered that the name of each of
said Justice of the Pence and Con
stable Districts shall be the same as
the election precinct with the boun
daries of which It Is co-extenslvo;
and it Is hereby
Further ordered that each election
precinct hereafter established shall,
without further order In that re
spect, constitute and be a separate
and distinct Justice of tho Peace and
Constable District and bear the
sume name as the election precinct
thus established.
In the matter of appointing Hod
Supervisors: It Is hereby ordered
that the following persons bo ml
they are hereby appointed Koad i:u
pervlsurs, to-wit:
Silver Lake. Uoad Dlst.. Nj. 1.
E. II. llrower.
Paisley Koad District, No. 3, D. II.
Crooked Creek. Koad District, No. 4,
S. B. Chandler.
South Warner, Koad Dlst., No. 6.
M. II. Caldwell.
Drews Valley Koad Dlst., No. !,
A. M. Smith.
Goose Lake Koad Dlst., No. 10,
L. A. Carrlker.
Cogswell Creek Uoad Dlst., No. 11,
Flint Vernon.
Thomns Creek Koad Dlst.. No. 12
Creed Pendleton.
Fort Hock Koad Dlst., No. 14.
Geo. II. Harrison.
Court adjourned until nine o'clock
a. m., April 3rd. 1914.
County Judge.
Common Inl Clubs nil Over Htt are
"iettliit Husy" Along Ievelop.
liient Lines
, Portland, Oregon, April 14. Dur
ing tho punt week representatives
of four of tho great railroads travers
ing this territory Joined with tho
cotniiicrclul orKunlutlous of Port
land, Spokane, Tucomu and Henttln
In t tut preparation of plans for ro
terly presenting tho uumorotw at
traction of tho Purine. Noriliv.nt
o tho tourists who will next yenr
iniike a pilgrimage to tho ex;o i)l Inn
at Francisco, Another confeioiMV
will be held In about two week ht
which time the deiulls of some co
operative scheme will be worked out
It Is prohuhle that a tourist bureau
will ho established nt some Central
point III the Middle West from which
efforts will be mado to Induce tour
ists to purchase tickets over lilies
serving the Northwest states. The
expenses of such u bureau will be
borne Jointly by tho railroads and
the commercial clubs.
"Commerclar Clubs of Oregon nre
getting busy," said Tom Hlchardson
after a visit to numerous points
throughout the slate. Hale in hi a
notable example of community union
There Is no discord at the Capital
City, the entire ellUeiiHlilp Is a
chorus In Its Commercial work. K'
ceutly the Club has almost doubled
In membership and Is planning many
new undertakings for tho benefit of
the surrounding country as well as
for the city. Tho Cherry Fair es
pecially Is to be made bigger and bet
ter thun ever."
Whin Springtime Comes.
Spring la on the way! You can beat
her whispering to the brook to break
up the Ice along the border so that the
tender green spike of grass and dowel
cun push through and telling the buds
on the treetops and the flowers that
nestle on the ground that they may
stretch themselves a bit. for she Is
coming to stay.
The birds have known for a long
time of spring's coming, und the wood
land rings with their voices. The blue
birds gossip softly as they preen theil
beautiful feathers, mid the goldfinches
sing "Perchlcoraee" as they hound
through the air. A solitary robin
perches on the warmest brunch of a
fir tree and rather forlornly calls,
"Here, here." but nobody answers him,
for his brothers nre wiser tluin he and
will stay where It Is warm and com
fortable for some time yet.
What river is that which runs be
tween two seas? The Thames, which
flows between Chelsea and Itattersea.
What sort of n young woman would
you like to swallow on u cold day? A
little milk made (milkmaid) hot.
Why Is a coal charity the best of all
charities? Ileeause it makes the re
ceivers grate full (grateful).
in Mm fount v Court of the State
Court convened pursuant to ad- , , , ,, .,,
. ... . . . 1 of Oregon, for Lake County. i
Friday. April 3rd, 1914
Court convened pursuant to ad
journment of April 2nd, 1914. the
same officers being present, when
the following proceedings were had
Claims against Lake County, Ore
gon, were examined and allowed and
the County Clerk is hereby ordered
to issue. In accordance with law,
warrants on the County Treasurer)
At Eugene. M. J. Duryea has been
elected Commercial Club secretary
for another year. Ho Is devoted to
his work and Eugene appreciates
him. Judd Fish has retired from
the secretaryship at The Dulles and
his place will be filled by E. H. Hill,
en experienced man.
Journment of March 31st, 1914, the
same officers being present, when
the following proceedngs were had
Claims against Lake County, Ore
gon were examined and allowed and
the County Clerk is hereby directed
to issue, in accordance witli law,
warrants on the County Treasurer,
payable out of the General Fund of
the County, to the parties and for
amounts as foiows, to-wit:
Glass &Prudhomme blanks.. 12 77
It. T. Baldwin, repairs on
plumbing 6 85
Lakeview Herald publishing
notices for School Supt... 5 65
W. D. Snider traveling ex
penses 70 50
vanced for rare of Indigent
poor . 30 00
A. L. Thornton supplies... 20 66
Myrtle Payne clerical assist
ance, Murch 1914 70 00
Alfred Smith same 27 60
Wm. F. Paine same 60 00
Anna M. Nellon same 60 00
Kathleen O'Neill same 60 00
T. IJ. Vernon same 60 00
And It Is further ordered that the
County Clerk Isuue a warrant, on the
County Treasurer, payable out of
the General Koad Fund of the
County, In favor of A'. P. Koozer
for $12.00 In payment for road work.
In the matter of designating Pol
ling places for the various Election .
Precincts of Lake County. Oregon
It is hereby ordered that tho Pol
ling places In the various election
precincts be and they are hereby es
tablished as follows:
The election Precinct of New
Pine Creek, No. 16. In the town hall
In the election precinct of Cogswell
Creek, No. 11, in the school house at
Crane Creek. The poolng places In
all other election precincts In said
county shal remain as heretofore established.
In the matter of confirming tho
payable cut of tho General Fund of ( judges and Clerks of election here-
the County to the parties and for tofore appointed: There being no
amounts as follows, to-wit: I objections or remonstrances filed it
E. D. Everett, professional i Is hereby ordered that the Judges
services attending Tleatrlce J and Clerks of election heretofore ap-
Strodder 67 60 pointed be and the same are hereby
Dank of Lakeview cash ad- I confirmed.
Hunting Easter Eggt.
Hunting egKS at Raster is the best of fun,
And when lvel nt our house here's the
way It's done:
Papa always hides them after we're In
In whatever places come Into his head
Under chairs and tables, corners on the
Pack of sofa pillows and behind the door.
Then on Easter morning we begin to look,
Siiarch the rooms to find them, peer In ev
ery nook.
Till they're all discovered, when we give
It o'er
And sit down together to count up our
And if one's unlucky and don't get his
Mamma makes us give him enougn to
make It fair.
Will sell special occasion round trip rates to the East
from Lakeview, Oregon, as follows
Denver, Colo $73 HO
Omaha, Neb 78 80
Cliicu'o, III 1 a
Kansit.s City, .Mo $7H HO
Ht. liouis, Mo 88 HO
New York, N. V....:. 127 :0
May 12, 14, 15, Hi, 10, 20, 21, 23, 20, 31 1014.
June 1, 2, 3, ft, (i, 8. 0, 10, II, 1ft, 10, 17. 18, 10, 20, 22, 23, 20, 20, 30.
July 2, 3, 7, 8, 0, 10, 11, 14, 1ft, 10, 17, 20, 21, 2.1, 27, 2820, 30, 31,
1014. - v
AuKust, 3, 4, II, 12, 17, 18, 20, 21, 2ft, 20, 27, 28, 20, 1014.
September 4, 5, O, 10, 11, 1014.
(ioing limit fifteen days from dale of sale and Journey must com
mence on date of sale. Final return limit In all rase three months
from dates but not later than October 3Ut, 1014.
Ntopovers will be allowed at and west of Chicago, Ht. Louis, Mem-.,
phis and New Orleans on going transit limit and on return trip within
final limits, except that no stopovers will be allowed iu California on
going flip.
J. M. FULTON, Asst. Cen'l Freight and Pass. Agent, RENO, NEVADA