0 HAS THE CIRCULATION- -PRINTS THE NEWS- REACHES THE PEOPLE THE EXAMINER IS THE OFFICIAL RARER 0F LAKE COUNTY VOL, XXXV. LAKEVIEW, LAKE COUNTY, OREGON, APRIL 23, 1914. NO. 17 ALLTUHNOUT ON SATURDAY A Mi CITIZENS AUK URGED TO OBSERVE GOOD ROADS DAY A I'llll. 2th CITY WILL FURNISH TEAMS lYIurlpid Work Id Town Will lie Confined to Dullard Street Street Conimltee Will Overaeo The Work Moral am) physical support In hn Good Roads day inovcuici. t has 'icon pledged by tho city oltlcVbi of Lake vlow. Tho work hero .viil !) in flinrco of the Street Committee coin poped of Count-Union Leo Jleall and H. A. Funk, and next Saturday, April 25, they will bo mill on Milliard street, pick mid shovel In luind. Thero aro varlotii reasons fur cen tering next Kutunluy's work on thin street, particularly among which Ih the petition presented to tho tdty council nuklim fur tho crowning of this street wltli gravel. Tho poti tlon was signed by a hundred or more IhihIm'hh men and residents of tlio town. Ktroni;ly manifesting tlio general desire for thin improvement. Thero Ih iiinuHirh nt money In tho turret fund to coriplcto thin work, and therefore, tho citizens and es pecially those signing thn petition aro urged to lend tho movement un limited moral and physical support In gulling tho work well started. Another plausible reason for work lug on Dullard street Ih tho fact Mint tlio gravel wiiHhcd through the flume li mar (it band, end with fiW tonniH, and many men It inn be quickly and easily placed. It would bo unwise to attempt to haul this to another part of town whi n It Ih now E within a stone's throw of tho needed, trout the limited Bin of teaniH ohtuiuublo It would bo un wIbo uIho to attempt to haul gravel from any distance, hh men will be more plentiful than teaniH. And t It Is would have to lie done, In order to Improve other streets, unions It would bo taken from the end of tho Hume where It Ih now near Milliard. However tho Street Comnilttoo and otlierH advocating thin plan do not wish to bo understood ah being selfish In tho matter, or tryliiK to acconipllHh uny selfish ends, but lire basing their action principally upon (Continued on Pugo FlKht) SALTPETER DEPOSIT IMI'OKTAXT DIHIOVFKV IS KF POKTFit AT DAVIS CltFKK New Vork Man Takes Option on Properly, Pricol at .Vl.ooo Valuable fi.r Inveiilioii Within tho piisl few dayn consl Uerablo excitement him prevailed at tuo usually ijub t littlo town of Davlu Creek, because of the opening of a larr.o body of oro rich in Bait peter, and poHfilbly ubio la puhl and silver, ny: the Modou Itepublican. 1'ho story dates back to the dis covery of tlio proHpect by Joo Illack, uu experienced miner uud proBpeitor, several yearn ago, and who, nt a luter date had Interested local capital to liuanco and promoto the property. TIioho engaged with Mr. Mhuk aro Jamea T, Neglcy, li. V. Lynlp, and Anion Jjeonard. A nluety day option was secured Homo time ago by A. white, of New York, tho purchase prlco being 10,000. This option would have expired In May, but an extension of tlnift has boon granted until the middle of July. This will give ample time to determine whether or not oro will be found In ample quantities suf ficient for his particular purpose. Mr. White controls a peculiar com pound known as Flrox" of which Halt peter Is one of the principal In gredients. Flrex, as we understand It is a fireproof paint aad objects coverod by It are not destroyed or affected with heat. We hear that he is negotiating with the Federal do, eminent to cover United States Cur rency with Flrex. If the mine at Davis Creek proves satisfactory! .It ran readily be seen what It will mean to Modoo County. Parrel 1'oat Cannes Ixm T. F. Dunaway, General Manager ! of the Nevada, California and Ore gon Kallroad, stated to a Sacramen to Men representative that nix tons of malt wan shipped out ovor that lino In ono day from Reno. Thin great amount In due to the Parcel Pout. For years the mall leaving Heno on thin lino seldom amounted to more than COO pounds In a day, ho stated. From Alturas one day a ton and a half of alfalfa was shipped over this line by Parcel Pout, and all the dices shipment pro made In this mnnner. Dunaway flKuro that t, Parrel Post has diminished the business of tho lino to tho extent of about $600 per month. HOLDS PRIOR RIGHTS v. ii. mckendrek secures TIIK ltKJIITH FOR PROJECT Considered One of tho Largest and Most Feasible Scheme In West -It. J. Martin Interested 11. McKcndree returned home l:i;it wecK from San Francisco where hj went to complete filings on tho water rights of the Fall Klver Power Project which bo lias been working on for Hlmo tlmn. Mr. MeKendreo now ha established prior rlnhts to tho project for thu next twelve months, which will doubtlesH give ample time to complete arrange ments for llnunclng Mm construction. A brief description of tins project was recenl'y published in tho F.x (Uiiner, mid bm Klateil before it la coimlderini; the most feiudble and lius all pos!hllltl(:M of developlnt; more power than any In cxlstenco 111 tho western country, K. J. Martin of Kanpas City Ih interested in the project bin present vlidt out hero be ins partly in thl.s connection, he h.ivliiK imit Mr. MeKendreo In San I rani hu'o and accompanied him to l,nl;evlew. SUSPECT RELEASED MAN IiKIXtJ IIKUl IX MOIMH' KS T.tltUSIIKS HIS l.NNOCKXt'K Accused Slayer of Hert Wulkrr lrov imI He Wat In New Vork When Murder Happened Last Monday morning tho man held In the county Jail an Illlng.j worth, the murderer of Ilert WiH-or, was released, says the Alturas Plain dealer, lie proved a complete and positive alibi, leaving no shadow of d.uiht as to bin identity as Jr.li.'i Kr.uiclH .'sey of New York. After tee man had been examined by ex-Shf-itff MehreiiB of Shasta County rod the Indian, Wild Jack, he was lo..dy ijiiestioncd by Plstrlct Attor tii y llaldwiu and Sheriff Smith. They obtained a story of his whereabouts at the time of the murder, as well as tho various members of bis famly, v here he wits working mid other facts. Ho was then photographed and a detailed description sent to (!. It. Smith, Chief of Police, of (Jlo vuvsville. New Yolk. That ollicer made an exhaustive In vestigation of r.ll the facts nnd found them to- bo true;. Allldavita were obtained from two sisters. Mary A. Casey, of Oloversvitlo und Murgaret Dunn, of New York. Moth testified that at the time that Walker was killed, who bo was working for and to the various scars on his hands and body and how they were made. They could not have known all these facts had they not been telling the truth. An altldavlt was nlso made by Chas. Dunn. All Identified the photograph as that of John Francis Casey. Under these circumstances there was nothing to do but to turn the man loose. Hut when wo consider his remarkable likeness to Dllngsworth, his size, complexion, and the scars on his fuce which Wild Jack described before seeing him, and which no one before had observed, the enso pro Bents one of the most remarkable in the annals of crime and criminals. No stone was left unturned by both the District Attorney and the Sheriff to solve this mystery, and these of ficers are surely to be commended for their roal and energy In unravel ing the tangle of this man's llfo, who Appears merely to have been unfor tunate In having a double in the per son of the murderer, Illngsworth. As soon as released the man left for the west apparently glad to get out of his unfortunate dilemma. !e annnn inmin rnnrrn MLAIlu .11111 rUnlcd TO REPEL VERA CRUZ, GATEWAY TO MEXICO CITY NOW IN THE HANDS OF THE UNITED STATES FORCES MIKADO URGED TO Four Americans Killed and Twenty Wounded During Seige Mexican Loss Supposed to bo Heavy U. S. Senate Upholds Wilson's Stand in Vote of 72 OFFICIO (1AZETTK, KEXO, NFVA1M, AT XOOX, APliIL 'SI. (Kpt'cial to tlio Explainer.) Following u state ment Kent to Nocrotary. of State Bryan last night by General Carranxa that ho considered tho notion unfair and is forcing Mexico into an unequal contest, th announcement came today that r-l)cls and federals have joined forces to repel tho Ameri cans at Tampico, although tho American battleship and tor pedo Fiotilla have arrived there. American refuge at Tampico have been taken out of the city by German and JlritUh cruise rs, and Charge O'Shaugh nessy intends to leave Mexico City tonight or tomorrow and Charge Algara has demanded passports from Secretary Bry an, saying he intends to leave for Europe today and loaves Mexican n flairs at Washington in hands of French Embassa dors; that Americans in Mexico are in danger of mob violence and thtvt-aii'i American dcmrrstrr'.ns are frequent. There is the report from tho American Capitol that all British subjects in Mexico, numbering about 700, have boon warned by tho British Ambassador.to leave that country. General Mans former Mexican General in command at Vera Cruz is gathering his forces for an attack on the Ameri cans. Four troop trains, ono train of horses and a train of ammunition left Chihuahua last night for Juarez nnd the American Commander at Elpaso has asked the War Depart ment for instructions. The embargo on munitions was re established this morning. ' Many Japanese papers this morning urge the Mikado's government to sieze the opportunity to force America to set tle existing difficulties between the two countries. Hl'MMAHY OF SITUATION At Vera Crui four Americans were killed and twenty wounded when n dc-'aclmient of bluejackets uud marines from tlio American llect M-Ued tlio customs house and raised tho American IImr.. Tho fiulitinK be gan tiliortly after 0 o'chx'k in the moriiiiiK and continued for an hour. Tho demand for the surrender oi Vera tYuas wus con eyed by t'onsul Canada to General Maas who refus ed to comply and asked tor a parley, which was denied.. Tlie marines ini- mclhiloly beu.iu to land in whale boat. When tho Americans ivaclied the customs house the Mexicans opened with lillo and artillery lire. The transport Tralrie Immediately benau tihelliuit the Mexican ositioiis, driving them out.. Tho Mexicans fought from tho housetops and along tho streets, posting sharpshooters in towers which were destroyed by American shells. The capture of the customs house was ordered by the American gov ernment to prevent a big shipment of ammunition and guns from get- ting Into Iluerta's hands. BKNATli SUSTAINS THESIDKNT Washington, April 21. The 'sub stitute of the Senate's resolution up holding President Wilson in his ac tion toward Mexico, which passed by that body by a vote of 72 to 13, reads: "In view of the facts presented by the president of the United States In his address delivered to Congress In joint session on the 20th of April, 1914, In regard to certain affronts and Indignities committed against the United States in Mexico, be It, "Resolved that the president Is justified in the employment of the armed forces ot the United States to enforce bla demands for uniquivo- AMERICANS DEMAND SETTLEMENT to 13 cal amends for the affronts and In dignities committed against the United States. Be it further Resolved, that the United States dlselatm ttny hostility to the Mexl can people to make war upon them." VKKA t'lil'Z TAKEN Vera Cruz, April 21. Vera Cruz tonight is in the hands of forces from the United Sitaies warships, but the occupation of the port was not accompanied without loss of Ameri can life. Four Americans, bluejackets and marines, were kiled by thb fire of tho Mexican soldiers, and twenty fell wounded. The Mexican loss is uot V.nown but it believed to have been heavy. The water front, tin? customs houe and all important piers, Including those under the ter minal works, from which extended tho railroads to tho capital, have been occupied. Vera Cruz is the gateway to the Mexican Capitol. o Extension Assured i nat the Fernly-Klamath road will be speedily built no longer admits of a doubt, reports the Alturas Plain dealer. Besides the 40 miles of road bed already contracted to the Utah Construction Company, this week the Southern Pacific paid into the For esters office the estimated value of the timber on the surveyed line from Lookout to Klamath Falls. The only news received from the Vole, or Mal heur extension, is to the effect that a large crew of men are laying rails on the road bed completed to or near the eastern boundary of Harney County. .... o Harry Thaw's Writ tJranted Harry Kendall Thaw's petition for a writ of habeas corpus was granted by Judge Edgar Aldrlch of the United States district court at Concord, N. H. The court said, however, that no order would be Issued for the prison er's discharge from custody until ar rangements could be completed to . take the case to the United States supreme court of appeals. Many Coming . ; Bend Bulletin: Settle he Central Oregon homestead la.' f i tinues at a rapid rate, iiumbSr. of newcomers arriving weekly and go ing out Into the interior to look up lands not yet filed on. For the past few weeks the business of this na ture has been unusually heavy, due to the low homeseekers' rates of fered by the railroads, which expire April 16. In the two weeks ending on Mon. day O. C. Henkle, of Henkle Sc Ryan, located 18 settlers on homestead land, chiefly in Lake County. They came from the middle west largely, the greater number being from Iowa. All have returned for their families and will come back to settle on the land as soon as possible. CHILDREN WILL JOIN PUPILS REQUESTED TO OB SERVE GOOD ROADS DAY School Population of Oregon Esti mated at 100,000, Who Will Ac complish Results Saturday Portland, Oregon, April 21 (Spe cial) In connection with the efforts of the grown-ups to improve the con dition of Oregon roads on Saturday, April 25. it has been suggested that all the school children of the state be requested to turn out and assist in the good work. As there are about 190,000 school children In the state. It has been estimated that each will be able to remove at least 100 looe rocks from the road near est their home. It will be equal in value to the efforts of a thousand men and will remove 1,900,000 ob structions from the roads of the state. The suggestion is also made that the good women of each district throughout the state serve road lunches or a hot dinner at the eranpe. "w-liooTfioufe or cd ex--local meeting place to actual workers on - ly. No workee, no eatee. o- OPERATION SUCCESS ALL HOPES ENTERTAINED FOR W.M. HARVEY'S RECOVERY Dr. Patterson Accomplishes Wonders in Medical Skill in Treatment of Lake County Man Merrill Record: Last Tuesday Dr. John Patterson performed the final operation of a series that have been the means of giving Wm. Har vey a chance to remain among the living and possibly to enjoy good health for the rest of his days. The case Is one that Is a wonder of sur gical skill and careful attention that can scarcely be understood by the average person, but in medical cir cles the achievement of Dr. Patter son will be given unstinted admira-. tion of the best surgeons of the world. Mr. Harvey is past sixty years of c?o. He was injured by a bucking !-r'rsf a number of weeks aco. His r"M ic b ne va broken in three nlic. . a hole torn hi the bottom of hfs lijuiiler and the passage from that nrTiva torn completely asunder, with ether injuries of adjacent parts. The first operation was for the pur icr? cf v.-ir'ng the relvle bone toge ther, providing for the drainage for tho fluids collecting iu tlia abdomin el cavity and to close the gaging wound In the bladder itself. The next operation provided a temporary means of taking away the contents of tlio bladder while the severed pas sage from the bladder was restored by surgery and last the one closing the temporary drainage after the healing of the proper canal allowed the bladder to be emptied of its con tents in its natural way. Briefly this is told in plain words so that an understanding can be had of the wonderful skill that has made each step of this series of operations suc cessful for a failure In any one would have meant defeat in all. As it is, Mr. Harvey, since the last operation, is making wondorful strides toward recovery, and it is now only a question of time until he will be restored to good health. The joy of his devoted wife who has been constantly at his bedside thro ugh his ordeal of suffering, is an other manifestation of the love she has shown by her faithful services during his illness. All citizens are urged to observe Good Roads Day, April 25th. ITOPSY TURVY WAS ENJOYED ENTERTAINMENT GIVEN BY LO CAL TALENT SURPASSED EXPECTATIONS WILL GO TO ALTURAS All Members of Cast Acquitted Themselves Admirably, Reflect-"" Ing Much Credit Uion Direc tion and Management "Topsy Turvy; of the Courtships of the Deacon," a musical comedy produced at Snider's Opera House last Friday evening by local talent for benefit of Presbyterian church under HuT direction of Mrs. R. A. Clark, assisted by Mrs. L. F. Conn and Miss Dorothy Bieber, was by fcr the most pleasing entertainment that has been given in Lakeview for a long time. To be appreciated it is necessary that one must have wit nessed the performance, for it is im possible to give a description of the many amusing situations that arise. The singing and dancing was especi ally pleasing, and tho participants gave evidence of having been care fully drilled by an efficient instruc tor. Mrs. Norln and Chester Cjke man rendered "Are You Going to Dance" in a most artistic manner and were heartily encored, while "By Wireless" by four young couples was rendered In a manner creditable to professionals. Paul and Beatrice Clark made a hit with "I Was Not Mad at You," and numerous ot.h';r specialties were equally good. As Deacon Jones, Carl FeUch plead his case most admirably with the coy M,8g SprigKS thlJ part lalog taken by Mrs. C. '.V. Reynolds. Many amusing situations arose, and when Chester Dykeman, as Lord Clarence, Miss Bieberf as Topsy Tur vy, and F. Maitland. as Frank Gol-. den, became mixed up in the affair the fun became fast and furious. And to add zest to the occasion the colored gentleman. Ned, who in every day life Is R. H. Rogers, be came mixed up in all sorts of esca pades. ' Miss Wolf, as Mrs. Claren don, and Mrs. Norin as May Claren don acted their parts most admir ably. The chorus was composed of Mildred Heryford, Marie Rehart. Floy Bernard, Erma Sharps, Bea- (Continued on Page Eight) MARfiffllMVIEW HEAD OF IRRIGATION PROJECT INSPECTING WORK Iromoter is Optimistic Over Future Outlook May Return in June With Family K. J. Martin, the man who spoilt a mUliou dollars iii Lake t'ounty in sub-dividing large tracts of land and installation of the irrigation pro ject which will irrigate 50,000 acres of the West Sic? lands, arrived here Thursday of last week from Kansas City, Mo., coming by way of San Francisco. Mr.. Martin states that his present mission is merely to go over the work of the project, the construction of which has been under the super vision of Chief Engineer G. W. Rice. The work, he says, has been done in an entirely satisfactory manner and it reflects great credit upon Mr. Rice. This is Mr. Martin'3 first trip here in over three years and he notes many changes and Improvements in the country and particularly In Lake view. This country he thinks, has a great future in store, and will de velop into a prominent and prosper ous agricultural center. Speaking of the affairs of the country In pa ernl. Mr. Martin states that a conservative era in financial and industrial lines is notlcaeble due from heavy invest ments and operations in the past few years, but does not think it signi fies any great depression in the fu ture. Mr. Martn will remain here for two or three weeks on iiU present visit and probably will return wltit his family in June to remain during the summer. i n