Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, April 09, 1914, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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    APRIL &, 1914
Murder Charge Placed
Note Our Prices !
. V. K.
IMINI! No 771
16 Pounds Red Beans $100
Regular Price, 7c round .
12 Pounds Choice Table Rice - 00
Regular Price, 10c Pound
California Dried Peaches, Per Pound 12?c
Regular Price, 15c Pound
4 Cans Wellman's "Park Brand"
Regular Price, 00c
4 Cans Wellman's "Park Brand" Corn. 50c
Regular Price, 3 Cans 50c
4 Cans Wellman's "Park Brand" String
Regular Price, 3 Cans 50c
Carnation Mush, Large Package
i ...!..:.. m
lxeguiar i i n-f, tvt
Kellogg 's Toasted Corn Flakes Per Pack
age Regular Price, 12 c
Post Toasties, Per Package
i?-nlor Prion. 15e
Lakeview Flour
REMEMBER: All goods listed above
are guaranteed to give perf' ct satisfac
H. M. Fleming Is the proud pos
sessor of a new Ford car.
F. L. Evans has the agency for
the Oregon Nursery Company, of
Orenco, Oregon.
Mr. &nd Mrs. J. C. Freeman spent
a few days of last -week visiting
friends at Willow Ranch.
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Smith and Mr.
and Mrs. J. L. Hampton of Paisley
are visiting reatives here.
Mrs. J. C. Miller came over from
CeJarville. Cal., and spent several
Mf fcTs'"-yi
to be equal to any
Beer brewed. Bot
tled and on draught
at all leading saloons
Reno Brewing Co., Inc.
CR Vc submit to you herewith
our price list of Groceries no
in effect. Until further notice
Cane Granulated Sugar
100-lb. sack $5.45, with orders
Regular Price, $5.75
4 Pounds Wellman's "Park Brand"
Roasted Coffee $100
Regular Price, 30e Pound
15 Pounds White Navy Beans.. $1.00
Regular Price, 8c Pound
! 5 Cans Wellman's "Park Brand" Table
I Fruit $1 00
Regular Price, 25c Can
1 Pound Wellman's "Silver Thistle'
Corn Starch
! 1 Pound Wellman's "Silver Thistle"
50c I Gloss Starch .....
Regular I'ikv, '2e Pound
35c Eastern Corn Meal White or Yellow, 10
Pound Sack
! lii'guhir Price, (i()c
10c ' 50 Boxes Domino Matches
Regular Price, :.."(
12 He j 3 Cans C. & S. Axle Grease. .....
Regular Price, 2 lor 2.x-
days vith his family here.
Richard Keller returned to New
Pine Creek one day last week. He
has been at San Jose, Cal. for a
few months taking a business course
in a college.
Three hundred pounds of alfalfa
seed v. as shipped from the New Pine
Creek Post office to Summer Lake,
Oregon by parcel post. The seed
was shipped C. O. 1).
Iiutler & Moffett, butchers, are
making several shipments of smoked
Regular Price, l'Jc Pound
per sack $1.30
meats ty parcel post. They have an
extra lot of first iass meat and there
is a bis: demand for it.
C. N Stevens who has been plant
ing trees on the streets of our city
the last week for the Ladies Impro
vement Club is some what urder
the v.vather and is taking a lay off.
Let us all look forward to the
Ladies Improvement Club drama
which will take place some time in
May pud let us all turn out and show
them that we appreciate the good
work they are doing in our city.
Dr. Coppeage of Alturas, Cal. who
spent a day or two of last week
here held a special meeting with
the improvement league. He dis
cussed and advised, the best method
of sanitation for the welfare of the
town and surrounding country.
August Dorlng had a arr,e r Kid
sign put up mile from town which
reads. "One-half Mile to New Pine
Creek, the lieautiful, by the Moun
tains. Meals at All Hours at the
P.'-tkery Mr. Dorlng also has several
mut 1 signs which lie will put along
all th-; roads.
The Parent-Teachers meeting was
held last Friday.. A short program
consisting of a talk by Dr. Garner,
Vr.'itl Solo by Mrs. Thomas, recita
tion by Lorrolne Hamniersley was
rendered, after which a nominating
committee was chosen for the annual
meeting to be held in the near fu
ture. Our esteemed citizen and post
mabler, Mr. Henry Wendt left tins
morning fir the Willamette pad Ro
gue river vallles as a delegate to the
M. AV. A. to be held at Eugene,
Or., May 6th. Hefore attending the
lodge convention he will make a
visit to his parents at Jacksonville,
having not seen them for seven
The Thursday afternoon Club met
at the home of Mrs. Gentry last week
and a pleasant time was had. Two
new members were enrolled, Mrs. J.
C. Miller and Miss DeLong. After
delicious refreshments consisting of
cake und coffee, the meeting adjour
ned to meet In two weeks. Those pre
sent were Mesdames Carr, Hammers
ley, Green, Keller, Thomas, Reed,
Wade, Miller, DeLong, Gentry.
The special session of the county
court adjourned Saturday morning
and County Commissioners F. K.
Anderson and T. H. Wakefield Sun
day l-ft for their respective homes
at Lake and Warner Lake. The next
regular term of county couit will bo
held in May.
A dlstputch tinted March SO, from
Gold Reach. Or., to tho Oregonlnn
ShorllT Rnllcy has returned to Gold
Poach with George Li Mayer, who is
charged with the murder of Wlflard
K. Isenlinrt at Choteho, Or.. Inst Feb
ruary. At the time tho killing wan
supposed to hnve been ucetdontal.
Maver was minting, und shot Ison-
hiirt, mistaking him (or a wild rat.
so bo declared nt the time.
A Coroner's Jury acquitted Mayer
nt tho time of the accident, but re
sidents of Cheteho evidently were
not satisfied with the decision, as u
complaint was sworn to recently for
Ills arrest and he wn located III
Coos County. Mayer waived tho pre
liminary heariliR and the case will
come up before the grand Jury at the
April term of Court at Hold Heat-It.
Wlllnrd Isetihart with his parents
formorl) resided In Lakevlew, they
leaving here last year. An account
of his sad death wns Riven In tho
Kxamlner several weeks ago.
Odd Fellows to Entertain
(Continued from First Page)
monle-t of the order. According to
tentative arrangements the pro
gram will be as follows:
Invocation ... Kev. Geo. A. Craw ford
Sons Quartette
Selection LaKeview Hand
Oration . Kev. Geo. II. Fceso
Souk Cunrette
Selection Lakevlew Hand
Henodictlon .... Hev. Father Murphy
Grind Hall in the evenliiK.
At Snider npe. a House
(Licensed Films I
The Water Ht
A Stllg feature in two reels.
A stirring and picturesque mys
tery play full of action and Infl
dept with Mtspense tMualllitK sen
sation. Thox? Troublesome Tresses
.'itaraiii Comedy
Two Men or the iHwrt
Mlogi apt: Drama
Kvory Double CiiiWh Trouble
Patlie Comedy
liclili.c's Long Trouspis
First Aid to tlie Injure. I
1Mb on 'miii'il v.
Tin Coast of Chance S lit
A studied druma of IiIkIi life In
whiit a rennirk.'bl' sapphire rlnti
play - the crux ot the mystery.
Puttie Weekly
Important events of world wide
I Wilt n ilass-s are not Glasses
Sell.; Comedy
Suspect Is Caught
(Continued from First Pane J
from the Sheriff at Mt. Vernon. II;..
culling for his arrest. Knowing that
he was returning to Lassen County,
the local authorities communicated
with the .sheriff of that county, and
the an est followed.
Pioneer Lady Called Home
(Continued from First Pane)
The funeral services were held
Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock
from the M. K. Church In this city.
The services, conducted by Rev.
Geo. II. Feese, were most Impressive
and the. multitude of people In at
tendance manifested the love and
profound respect in which the lady
was held.
Mrs. Howard was a member of the
Methodist Church. She was not onv
faithful to her church but Just an
faithful in believing that it was her
duty as a Christjlu to do the will of
her Master at all timer. The beau
tifying Influences of a pure religion
were spread over a lifo and clia'ac
ter as spotless and ( harming as was
ever possessed by any of the noble
women who have lived and died dur
ing the ages that are gone. Her's
was a busy and useful life, filled
with many charitable deeds and acts
of kindnesses. Tho last and parting
words to her loved ones were In
spired with love and hope, drawing
each by a thousand tender cords, to
ward the haven of rest to which she
has Journeyed; and from that clos
ing scene will come a "still small
voice, ' and as the years go by It will
remind them of her Chrlstaln hope
and trust, and tell them of a "peace
that pusseth human understanding."
Lake County Has Big Area
(Continued from First Tage)
advanced in construction to make a
general statement of the price of
Within the territory embraced In
these irrigation projects already
many farms are operated under pri
vate irrigation systems and for many
years have been raising profitable
crops of grain, hay, alfalfa, pota
toes and other root crops. At Lake
view and Summer Lake fruit growing
la already an assured success, many
varieties of winter apples, pears,
cherries and other fruits being
M. K. l,nm Aid
Tho M. K. Ladles Aid wit enter-i
tnlni'i at Mm. lmn Chandler's, April
1st. by Mrs. A. Leonard and Mrs.
Chandler. A most pleasant after-
noon 'v as enjoyed. A linhiue fea
ture was tho serving or niresn
ments according to a menu made out
llko tt laundry account, as follows:
"All Fools' Day. 11)14"
"Tho M.K.L.A. Laundry"
"In Account With"
"Suds and clothespins (tomato
soup with whipped cream), Flat
Work (Fremh Toast). RoiikIi Dry
(Lettiue with French Dressing ).
Soap (Spotme Cake, Iced), Starch,
(Whit" Hlunc Mange and Cream I,
llluelng. (Crape Juice). A gale ot
merriment accompanied each coin ho.
Among those present wee: Mes
daiuen Arthur, Florence, Prlddy,
Sparhawk. Feese, Dent, O'Noll.
Smith. Kuhl, Cheney, Robertson.
(Ilbbs. MrCnbe. Hunting, Magllton,
McKej. Corbett. Kehart, Combs. Sr.,
Simmons, Woodcock. Harris, Dyko
man. Fetsch, Purges. Mantes, lllgby.
T. K. Poniard. MeCombs. Russell.
Traecy. Reynolds. Jas. Ilernard. (Hu
rler. ICverett, Howard. Chandler.
Loonaid. Misses Lees aid 'pa!
Chan ller.
Ten Cup Club
Mm. W. It. Ileryford. Friday af
teniooii entertained tho members of
the Tu Cup Club of the Rcbekah
Lodge. After the usual form of busi
ness the members engaged lit fancy
wotk. Light rdr 'shinet.ts were serv
ed, hollowing the custom of the
Club, the members presented the
hostess with a hitndsoiue llavljand
China cup and saucer. Those resent
were: Mtsilames Sne'.llni:. F. P.
Lane. .Voss. Punting. MitKllton. Jack
sou. Iteiuls. Dura Lane, Taylor,
O'Connor. A. i:. Cheney, Corbett,
Ahlstront, Jaeobson. (iroh. Simmons,
lleryfotd. Mini Misses W.,lf ai'd II"m
Presb) lerliin jnliet Ahl
Members of the Ladles Aid vf ''
Presbyterian Church will be enter
tained this afternoon at the home of
Mrs. It. T. Ilahlwin on Main Street.
O. V.. S. elle Club
Mrs. W. Lair Thompson will h"
hosleM to the O. K. S. Needle Club,
at her home this Friday afternoon.
The Wi.imN
Tlie regular Saturday niKht dance
grown. The Summer Lake section
lias many fruit trees over twenty
oars of age. including apricot,
p e a c h : a n d other soft
and delicate fruits, which have made
wonderful records for prodm tloii und
regularity. Tnese districts net d only
more settlers and a railroad to in ike
them .'winn;' the most prosperous and
productvo in Oregon. With develop
ment tlieo lands are miic to advance
rapidly In value to prices that pre
vai' In other irrigated sections. Not
a pound of grain or feed need he
shipped as thoinani's of head of cat
tle, horses and sheep may be sum
mered on the range and fattened on
the products of the irrigated home
rai ches, having tlie choice of market
either in Portland or San Francisco.
Lakevlew, the county seat, Is es
timated to have about 2,000 people,
possesses substantial business and
public buildings, and has a bright fu
ture as tlie great are;i of Irrigated
lar.i!" surrounding it lit developed.
Tlie United States Land olllce for t! c
district embracing all of Lake. Klam
ath and southern ('rook counties Is
located here.
Fort Rock, Sliver Lake and Sum
mer Lake are readied by Mtage
either horse or auto from Mend each
being small trading centers with
stores carrying complete lines of
Fort Rock lies In tlie northern
portion (if Luke County, in the west
ern i nd of what is known us the
Christ ma's L.ilo Valley. It is tin
center it n I trudirg point for a large
area l' recently nettled homestead
country, level land of rich volcanic
soil which promises to bo one of tho
leading grain and alfalfa sections of
Central Oregon. Rich bunch gruss
range, with ample fuel und timber, Is
close atjiand, and stock raising and
dairying promise to be Important in
dustries. Already the farms ore snp
plylng milk to cheeBe factory at
Fremont, which is unable to supply
J ....
l,j i-..
of the WUitrds will bo In Id tltbt Sat
urday night In tho Opera House. A
(he Antlers Club will not hold any
dance this week. It Is understood
that it number of Antlers and their
ladles will attend the Wir.arcis "
liivUat'i.ii this Saturday evening.
llecrcal lott Club
Tim Recreation Club will meet on
Frlditv afternoon, April 10 with Mrs.
W. F. Crob at hT home on Main St.
Seiio)idi Club
Tho reuu tir semi mommy oauco
of the Seiiuoyah Club will be held lit
(he Opera House tomorrow nlislit.
ink's Pali
Pron ptly at nine o'clock last rrl
.iv .,v.nlilir the Klk's Annual Hall
opened III the Opera House with tho
(iriind March led by Colonel anu ftirn.
F. P. I '.ght. Tho affair was a glowing
sin ccess a largo nun raw."1
crowo being In attendance. Tho mu
bIc war. furnished by th entlrerLoko
vlew band of sixteen pieces, under
the r'otlclent leadership of Prof.
Darnell. The musical organisation ac
quitted themselves In u most credit
able c.anner rendering sotno of the
latest nd most popular dan-l'iK airs
In perfect time. A "d Inter
est In leuturo of the affair was the
b) in t of nominal asMesseinenU
on the members of the ordr
present for their vari
ous faults und Idiosyncrasies. 1 hi
was done by the continued flashlm;
on a bulletin board of the nauio of
the Individual "fined' together with
the charge and the penalty. 'I hl
was done during the regular course
of the progretn. N partiality was
soown among the 'Plllii In this per
forin nice, ami the churges agalnsi
some I the few tnorv, serious of
fenders' were such iis. Dr. Smith, foi
electloueei lug among the ladle.-.. Col
onel Light for whispering. Hon. W.
Lair T'ioiiison, for parting his .t.ilt
In the middle, (i. W. Rice for being
a "dam ' engineer and Ieo Mnll for
running a dairy In the city limits
without a license. The highest fine
assessed wan Upon "Dad" lleryford
for bulldltu: a church In his- back
A number of t! - ptrt I'ipants se
cured lefreshments at the cafes and
retaiir: ntH while some private sup
per parties were arranged. Th"
dance was thoroughly enjoyed, in
deed, Mel pronounced the best of the
season by all attendants.
the local demand with Its product. A
largo nrea'of free hind Is available
for homestead entry Immediately
east from Fort Rock und Is being
rapidly taken It Is nec.-ssary to go
upward of twenty to lirty miles for
vacant laud at this time.
In the southeastern part oi 'rook
county, the northeastern part of uiikn
County and the udjolnlng portion of
Harney County. Is an Immense roll
ing table land covered with sage
brush, from .'l.f.eO to V.'OO feet above
sea level, where :i and ItiO acre
homesteads mar I"' II led under the
Fulled Stales Homestead Laws. Ill
these three counties are moro than
3.r00,000 acres of public land class
ed as tillable land. For tho most part
It lies from 75 to 1!00 miles from tho
present terminus of the railroad.
These lands, where cultivated, aro
producing profitable crops of rye,
wheat, oaU, barley, potatoes and har
dy vegetables.
Bank Cities Are Chosen
(Continued from First Page)
Its stork in tlie rservo bank In Its
district. Kach bank must subscribe
fl per cent of Its combined capital
and surplus nnd tho capitalization
announced for each district Is bas
ed on this six per com subscription.
Tho payment of subscriptions by
banks will be, spread over many
months, but In the uo-nuilum Presi
dent Wilson is expected to a n, ion lice
the five nit inhers of the Federal Re
serve linard.
Although various ntcp: must be
taken before the new Federal re
serve banking system begins opera
tion. Treasury ' olllclals expect that
tho VI regional reserve banks will
open for business within three
months and that tho revolutionary
change in the Natlou's financial ma
chinery would be an accomplished
fact within that time.
Give Him His Head
hiii let hi in fro tt your home
wears n net of huriwsH of our
lirovUllnir- I'on't he Hfrild of
Htriifm hreiikhiff, nt Itches r
I'liift or InirkliN jmrtlng, Our
hurmsH Isn't, hnllt that way. It
In in ii ile tor nervlre anil plenty
of It. It In no more Ac mull
order hiirnemt than polished
steel In like tin. We sell real
harness not pictures of tt. .