Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, April 09, 1914, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    AWltti 9, 1014
120 acres on Cottonwood creek, 35 acre into Timothy, Alfalfa, Grain, and a nice
f!rden, water riht, an ideol small dairy or poultry farm, lota of outside grazing, house,
arn, granery and other out-buildings. (Vice, $1600, half cash. 1 1 miles from Lakeview.
8-room residence in Drenkel addition, near City Park, two lots 100 by 150, barn
and chicken house. I'rice, $2000, half cash at 6 per cent. The price is less than cost.
320 acres good land, part into grain and alfalfa, near Union School, all fenced
and cross fence, barn and corrals. Stock water in creek always. This is a good farm,
at $20.00 per acre.
310 acres three miles north of Lakeview, 200 acres fine alfalfa land, about 100
acres now in cultivation, 100 acres pasture land, part of which can be planted to fruit.
Warner Creek flows through the land and a nice spring that can be piped to the house
and barn. Place fenced, house and barn. Price $ 1 6 per acre.
60 acres of meadow land, cuts 60 tons of hay. At head of lake, price $15 per acre.
680 acres 8 miles north of Lakeview for $15 per acre. 80 acres into meadow, cuts
100 tons, 40 acres pasture land and all the balance is' fine grain and alfalfa land, good
water right, new house and large barn, 500 acres fenced. This is sure a bargain.
40 acres timber good wood claim, 1 1 miles from town, has between 800 and
1000 cords of wood, good road and level land. Price $350.
Two and one-half lots in the Sherlock Addition opposite Dunbar new residence.
A bargain at $550. Act quick.
We have several good ranches for cattle and sheep. Send for ouf large bulletin
giving prices of land all over Lake and Modoc Counties.
Xnftc County Cramincr
TIIUKSPAY. A fit 1 1 . IBM
wickkly wn.vriiicit m:poirr
For woi'k ending April 8, 19H.
Mail- MUM-
in u hi ilium
0 l
ii. mi
r-tljr ('tumly
l"tiy ' IcttKl y
l"lly Htiuily
l"liy I loii'ly
V. C. OUTT, OlKKlivmi,
HUMmd fin ml I on Nonliwox (.1 1,lriUW.
Do you love j mo, "or I mean
Oheeto" Topsy Trrvy.
Thirty rents per gallon for sauer
kraut at Mrs. II. A. J on en. 2t
Don't forget the date, April 1 7t!i.
Doors oin 7:30; cirtaln, 8:16.
James Iloydstun was n town yes
terday from his Went Side homo.
J. V. Duckworth will Luy your
sheep pelts paying nine rents pur
pound. tf
For Kale Cheap (Jasollne light
ing puuit, suitable for house or store.
Inquire at thin olllre. tf
"Stop d:it yoiiHU chilltiiis don't
voumh huppOHO dis chiles got no f-el-Iiim,
no' how. April 17. It
Mrs. (ieorge llatchelder Saturday
returned rrom the 7.x. ranch near
Paisley and will rrmnlii here tills
The Klamath County Court re
pealed the bounty of 10 rents which
has heretofore been In forre for rab
bits In thut county.
Alturas 1'lalndnalor: Italph Day
Informs us that the XL rattle, or a
portion of them are now being shlp
ped as fant as rars run be obtained.
A contract for carrying mall be
tween Heddlng and Fall Itlver, Cal.,
l.iiH l ien awerdi'.i at $9,075 n year, u
Increase of over $3000 In the same
IttHt year.
The Raster 8ale held last Satur
day by the I.uclttn Aid Society of
the MthodlHt KplHcopal Church was
a very gratifying suorss both ho
ilally and financially.'
Three convicts were shot and in
stantly killed at Folxotii prison Sac
ramento, Saturday when thirteen In
mates of the iiiHtltutlon attempted
to eNcape by overpoerlng the
Mm. 1). F. Ilreunan and baby will
leave next Tuemlay morning for llol
yoke. Mans., on a vIhH with Mr. llren
uan's parents. Mrs. llrennan will vl
nlt with the Graven family formerly
of Lakeview. at Chicago enroute.
Medford'H commercial club has In
vited repreHentatlves of commercial
bodl4 In the counties of JackMon,
.JoHophtne and Klamath to meet with
Medford boosters and organize to
draw tourists by advertising scenic
A. M. Smith was in town Satur
day from the John. Noble ranch on
tt-.o West Side where he has been
feeding 200 head of rattle for Smirt.
& Hunting. He states that the stock
will bo put on the range the latter
part ol this week.
i The Alturas Plalndealer says that
notice has been received that Albert
(1. Outline wits duly adjudicated a
bankrupt and that the 'first meeting
of his creditors would be held at 314
Federal Ilulldlng, Minneapolis, on
tho 8th day of April. '
Dr. Coppedge of Alturus lust week
came up to New Tine Creek to ralne
the quarentlne 'on the Trumbac fam
ily who have been having a seige of
(llotherhi. It Is said that there aero
no other cases outside the one fam
ily and they have all recovered.
Supervisor Urown, Norman Jacob
son and N. White went to Paisley
Saturday on business connected with
proposed construction of the Pals-ley-Chewaucan
roud, leading up the
river west of the town. The Km
mout Forest has a fund of $750 to
apply on the cost of the road, and
the citizens of Paisley have thud far
subscribed about $250.
The musical comedy entitled "Top
sy Turvy" under the direction of
Mrs. It. A. Clark, will be given at
Snlder'e Opera House Friday, April
17. A cast of twenty people have
been rohearslng for six weeks. The
sketch TopBy Turvy is full of wit
and humor from start to finish,
and with choruses and specialties
there Mil be no tliesonie waits. It
Moiiday night the Epworlh Lea
gue hold Its regular business and so
cial meeting at the Bible rooms of
tho Cl.urch. After the business meet
ing various games were enjoyed.
Much fun was derived from the Fas
ter Millinery' department. Refresh
ment i of cake, lemonade and sher
bet were served by the Social Com
mittee. The refreshments and de
corations and refreshments were all
In green In keeping with spring. I
Motorcycle for nalo. fif.o Curtla
ft Utley. if
Mr. md Mrs. Marshall Ayres have
returned from a trip to Fort Hid
Henry Leehman was up town Mon
day from hlH ranch down the valley
near New Pine Creek.
Money to loan, first mortgage Im
proved farms a' fl per rent Interest.
Curtis ft Utley. tf
It. H. Malison, representative of
the Klamath Falls Music. House, was
here several days lust week
A. C. Hotchklss and family were
In town several days this week from
their ranch neur Valley Falls
Hay For Sale Haled grain and
wild hay for sals. See or address
W. It. Iforuard, Lakeview, Ore. tf
Oltle Howard Monday came over
from lily to attend his mother's fun
eral which was held In tills city Tues
day afternoon.
It. O. Weal, of the old 70 ranch
In Drews Valley, spent several days
In this rlty the first of the week at
tending to business matters.
Fancy Patent Flour, $2.85 per cwt
Banner Brand Bed, $2. CO per cwt.
Theso rotes become effective at the
L'ikevlew Flour Mills March 30.
A state bank will be opened at
Lupine or a little before May 1,
under the management of F. W.
Tomes, recently from Nebraska.
J. C. Morris, postmaster of A-lel,
and Andrew Morris, a dairyman of
South Warner, were here on a short
business trip the latter part of last
A news dispatch from Albany, Ore.
says thirty sacks of rye seed, weigh
ing In the aggregate of 1500 pounds,
were shipped from that place to Sil
ver Iko by parcel post.
Thirty-three I'nlted States Sena
tors are tq bo elected ths year by
direct vote of the people In the first
general tent of the seventeenth
amendment to the constitution.
Tluin eetlug o the I're
mont Cattle ft Horse Association was
held this week at Paisley. Super
visor Urown of the Fremont Forest
attended the meeting from lake
view. II. Ii. Strassburger, traveling
freight and passenger agent-for the
Southern Pacific returned to his
hcudquurters at Lakeview Tuesday
evening from a business trip to Reno
and points along the N.-C.-O. line.
Since the only regional bank In
the west ls to be located In San
Francisco, Portland ifl putting forth
a strenuous effort to secure a branch
In that city. An active campaign has
Frank Bogg'ers accompanied by AlCia, the little daughter of Mr.
Jim Clelond, went to Plu'di Monday and Mrs. O. B. Wood, of the WeBt
or. tho Bastern stage. j Hide who has been In tovn the inn.
Born at Crane Creek, five miles several days suffering from an attack
south f Lakeview, Wednesdny, April ' pneumonia Is re ported to bo re
8, to Mr. and Mrs. N. Waldo Taylor, i roverHg nicely and entirely out of
a dauHbter. danger The child's grandmother.
Mrs. I). C. Wood, will leave next
week for Newton, Iowa.
Mis Cornish of Alturas, graduate
Next Siifidiiy will be Master and a I
Teat m ray of Spring styles rf mii
i.nery and wonu-n'n wearing apjiur.-l
Is lool ed forward to.
Fred Longfellow has reslgnod hit
position uh clerk at the II itel J
Lakeview and Murray Heard Is now
t ill' K "to position.
lUymond Dunbar, son of 0. L
;:nlii.r left yesterday morning for
Portland win re he will lake a posl
tlen In a power plant.
Oecrce B. WhortoH. proprietor of
the Inn Saloon, Is now Occupying ttu
Drenkfrl building on the oorner of
Watr-r and Canyon streets.
Otto. M. Jones, the well known
Lake County stockman, has been
spending several days In Lakeview
from his home In the Chewaucan.
Now Is the tlmo to take Nval's
Spring bari.aprllla, a powsrful blood
purifier and best spring tonic. Get
It at Snyder ft.Jleynolds Drug Store.
Next time you get a hankerln' for
some right good candy. Ask for
Nylo ( hocolates at Snyder & Rey
nolds Drug Store. Fresh Candy Just
A. It. Miller, proprietor of tho
Fulrport mercantile store, was a
business visitor In this city Friday.
He was accompanied by Cecil Taylor
of New Pine Creek. 'x
M. S. Edson arrived here last
Thursday from San Francisco and
Friday went to the ZX ranch on
business connected with the com
pany's water Interests.
A to1' of alfalfa seed went througt'
the Lakeview postodlce the first of
tho week. The shipment was made
from Alturas' to Olene, Klamath
County, going by parcel post.
Malinger Bunting of the Lakevle
Flour Mills informs us that the mill
will dose down its present run this
Saturday, but that barley will be re
ceived and rolled all during the sum
Mre, George Johnson and cl lldren
Saturday departed for SaMa Kosu,
Cal.,- on a wltn her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Woodcock. Mrs. Jchnson
experts to remain away for a few
A warm rain which was general
over this valley fell all day Saturday,
continuing until late Sunday morn
ing. The rain was not followed by
any frost and will prove of great
of the Academy of Music In Seattle,
Is coming to Lakeview to give a
series of illustrated lectures on mu
sic under the auspices of the L.CJ.C.
If arrangements can be made Ml3
Ornish will be here the forepart of
next week. A matinee for children
will also bo given. For particulars
watch for hand bills.
Frod Shaffer, of the Falrport
Town ft Land Company, was in Lake
view Friday. He reports the recent
sales of 80 acres of land on the West
Side to H. B. Walker and l4o acres
to Carl Anderson of I'ocatello. Idaho.
Mr. 8iiaffer's,Company Is selling the
Hunte? Hewitt lands on the West
Side and he states that they expect
to dispose of tho Ontlre holdings of
10,000 acres this sun.iner.
J. F. Kimball, representative of
the Weyerhauser Timber Co., ac
companied by his wife arrived In
Lakeview yesterday evening on the
western stage from Klamath Falls.
They came as far as the Tull ranch
In their auto but foun-1 the mountain
this side Impassable with a machine.
They will remain hero several days
or: business connected with the leas
lug . f grazing lands to local stock-meii.
Attractive Window Displays
We note with much Interest the
way some of our enterprising local
merchants are putting forth every
effort this spring to make their lo
cal stores attractive. Among the
stores that are paying particular at
tention to their windows are the
Lakeview Mercantile Company, Bai
ley & Masslngill and A. Bleber.
An attractive window display
brightens up the appearance of the
whole store and draws much atten
tion from passerR-by. It has the pro
per effect upon prospective buyers as
well as making a good impression up
on outside visitors.
already been started to attain that I benefit to all vegetation.
The Northwestern states that ac
cording to plans formulated by the
Klamath Falls Blks Lodge, open air
dancing will be a part of the enter
tainment offered visitors at the third
annual Blks Hodeo to be held in that
city July 3, 4. and5.
Mrs. (ieorge Chandler, who for
the past several days has been suf
fering .in attack of appendlr-ltin, will
leave for Keno next Saturday to un
dergo an operation. Dr. and Mrs. fc.
11. Smith of this place will accom
pany her on the trip.
Dr. und Mrs. J. H. Dennlson Cook
returned to Lakeview Thursday of
last week from a trip to San Fran
cisco, and will remain here this sum
mer. Dr. Cook's mother who was
here with them last fall, continued
to her home at Chicago.
Sheriff Klzle Smith of Modoc Co.,
Cal., came up from Alturas last week
to get .Hoy ltamer who was being
l.eld here on the charge of the lar
ceny of a horse belonging to the
Clark Bros., of Modoe. The prisoner
waived extradition and returned to
Alturas with Sheriff Smith Satur
day. Word has been received that Bis
hop Paddock of the Episcopal Church
has been laid up with la grlppa.
He is now Improved but In order to
hasten complete recovery will spend
a few days under the care of the
Oood Samaritan Hospital in Port
land. He requests to be remembered
to the people of- Lakeview.
Easter Sunday will be especially
observed at the Methodist Episcopal
Church next, Sunday. In the morning
special music; and a sermon having,
for its subject, "The Resurrection
Power of Jesus ChrlBt" will be
preached by the pastor.. Children
will be baptised at this service. In
the evening a cantata will be sung
by tha Church choir.
Mr. 'md Mrs. J. W. Mlkel returned
last week from Southern California
wbere they spent the winter. The
trip was made principally for tho
benefit of Mrs, Mikr-l's health, but we
regret to report that she found lit
tle relief In the change. Mr. Mlkel
states 'hat they made a quite thor
ough Journey over the soutnem part
of California, going as far south as
the Mexican border.
W. P. Lyon returned to his home
at Rock Creek the first of tbe week
after staving In Lakeview several
days for, treatment for a fractured
ami and other injuries sustained by
a hore falling with him.
Upon the report of the discovery
of a man's body east of Rock Creek
In Harney County, Sheriff Snider ac
companied by Chas. Newman, who
rer-orled the find, today left for thai
place to make Investigations.
O. E. Wood was In town Satur
day from the West Side. He states
tluit ail Indications are favorable for
a prosper us season for f aimers In
his section, and 'hat tS.: receut
war'i ruin will prov a grunt boon
to crops.
T. S. Farrell, A. J. Foster, H. P.
Welch and C. E. Lonzway spent a
few days the latter part of last week
fishing at Dry Creek, but say that
they never caught a fish in that
stream. They afterwards went to
Drews Creek where they had slight
ly better luck.
U. E. Winchester of the Goose
Lake Valley Meat Company, has add
ed a cold storage room to the rear of
his meat market. This will be con
nected with the Lakeview Ice Plant
which is being installed by Gus Sch
lagel on his property at the corner of
Main and Bullard streets.
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Sprague, for
merly of Lakeview but who now are
residing on their homestead on Mud
dy a few miles west of Lakeview,
were in town Saturday. Jhey have
erected a neat four room house on
their tract, and have cleared several
acres of land which will be sown to
The Ladles Civic Improvement
Club v ill give a Registration Tea In
the County School Superintendent's
office In the court house In the near
future. All ladles in town and vici
nity are invited, and a special invita
tion is extended to the gentlemen.
Date will be announced in next
week's Examiner.
L. A. R. Elchler, editor of the Su
perior California Department of the
Sacramento Bee, was here the first
of tho week in the Interests of his
publication. He stated that the Be
was making an effort to co-operate
with local business firms In direct
ing a good poition of the tourist tra-
Jvel through this pait of Oregon.
Wm. Harvey Improving Hlowly
By private communication receiv
ed here from Mrs. Harvey it is learn
ed ttr&t her husband who received
serious injuries at Merrill is recover
ing slowly, and Is yet In a precarious
condition. The news given In the
letter Is not entirely encouraging for
Mr. H:Tvey's permanent recovery
but the many local friends of the
famllv hope for the best.
Rogue River Has Freeze
While the Rogue River Valley
is considered a very favored locality
with the best of climate and soil
for fruit production, the fact that
growers, have their difficulties is
shown in a lengthy article in the
Medford Mall-Tribune giving an
account of a heavy frost that visit
ed that section on Wednesday night
of last week.
"It was a freeze rather than a
frost and extended well Into the
foothills,' states the Tribune. The
smudge pot was resorted to, and en
ormous oil used in prevention
of frost to save the million dollar
pear crop. It is estimated that
$5000 worth of oil Was burned in
the one night. A. C. Allen alone
burned 6000 gallons at Holly or
chard and 4000 pots were consumed
at 401 orchard, with other orchards
burning in proportion.
Piano Recital
A popular piano recital will be giv
en In the High School auditorium
Wed. evening, April 22, by Perry
Burton Arant, instructor in piano
and theory of music. Mr. Arant has
spent several months In the prepara
tion of a program that will appeal
to all lovers of popular music. The
numbers selected present a variety
of style and mood for the refined ele
gance of the famous Humoresque to
the stormy defiance of the Revolu
tionary Etude and the frenzied ex
citement of the Sixth Rhapsody. An
interesting feature will be a descrip
tion of each number printed on the
Some press comments on Mr.
Arant's work follow:
The program of an hour's length,
represented a variety of composers
and styles, and from the opening
measures of the rythmic Bach down
to the brilliant and thrilling pas
sages of the 'Erl-Klng,' Mr. Arant
was matter of himself aud his hear
ers. His playing was marked by its
clearness and exact technique and by
a virility and certainty of touch that
Is characteristic of all his work."
(Weekly Index, Pacific University.)
Admission: , reserved seats 50
oents; general admission, 25 tentn;
children and school 25 cents. Seats
may be reserved at Thornton's Drug
Store on and after Wednesday, April
Wm. F. Paine & Co
w m w ii a
BMUMIin riUl
TON Correct Clothes for
men and young men.
Priced from $18 to $25.
Authoritative style in fab
rics that will give you long
service, and form that does
not need the sad iron to
keep it permanent
Let Your
Easter Suit
Be a Benjamin
. Along with your new suit
you: will want to be correctly hatted and shod. In our stock
of GORDON Hats and WALK-OVER Shoes you will find
just what you want
New "E & W" Shirts and Keiser and CHENEY Cravats.
Sincerity Clothes
For Men and Young Men
Let as show you whati we can offer at
$18.50 to $22.50
& IS"
Here's where you compliment your own good taste
in choosing correct shirts, ties, collars, gloves and
hosiery. You'll need the very pick of these to match
your suit; we have them here.
Lakeview Mercantile Co.
i f i
s -i