V FOUR ITEMS OF SPECIAL INTEREST! Ladies' Khaki Skins Middy Blouses For Outing or Ruling, A splendid variety of dU- nudc exceptionally ferent materials and sizes strong of heavy materials trimmed in the ncuc-t at clTeet at $1.25, $2.50 and $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 $3.50 and $1.75 Silk Hose Silk Floss Pillows 2 strong values, Ladies' Light, FlutTy and S.ini- Silk Hose, black or tan tary colors Size, 18 inches, 35c ea. 50c pair Size, 22 inches. 65c ea. Easier April 12th THE QUALITY STORE NEW PINE CREEK DEPARTMENT DEVOTED TO LIVE NEWS NOTES OF THE STATE LINE TOWN SPECIAL CORRESPONDENCE O. Wiltfong is having his home nl-'.ely painted. i F. O. Bunting and family were ' down from LakeTiew in their auto last Sunday. i Dexter Amick and family have moved 10 their home on the lake front for the summer. Walter Fleming spends his Sun days in Oregon now as the climate and scenery appeals to hi-n up here. , Harry Heryford moved his family , Sunday down in California. He ex pects to work for Wade Williams this summer. A power pop corn popper was re ceived at the Wendt Candy Kitchen and our citizens are enjoying fresh poped buttered pop corn. Among those who made trips to Lake view thi wee!; we noticed N. E. Guyot, J. H. Miller, Geo. Wendt, Dr. J. L. Carner and F. M. Green. Hon. G. W. Wise of Fairport, was shaking haru' with his old friends in town one. day last week. We are always glad to see our old friend. Governor. Mr W. Tyree came over from Bldwell Monday and moved his wife and babies ever there. They expect to take up their residence there as he is engaged in business. Miss Cjra Berry accompanied her father, D. C. Berry over to their ranch on the west side of the lake. She is keeping house and cooking while he is putting in the spring crop. The manner .-ment of th Picture Show will put on four pIjows a week commencing May 1, 1914. Tl . y " ill show the following nights: Saturday. Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday, with an entire change of program each night. Tuesday nighi. March 10th was the first time that the N.-C.-O. train has been in on time for the last several weeks. They had on board X. K. Guyot aud H. M. Fleming, who were returning from a business and pleasure trip to San Francisco. The management of the Wei i V's Candy Kitchen is making prepara tion; fcr a good summers run. Sev eral ice cream packers from 1 quart to 5 gallons have been ordered and as they feeze ice cream by gasoline engine they will be prepared to fur nish the prodi'ct in any quantity on short notice. The "Thar-day club- met at th iijme of Mrs. 1). V,'. Thomas last wck, frore 2 to 4 p. in., and a plea sant afternoon was spent. Three new members were taken in, Mrs. J. ('. Freeman, Mrs. Lillian Ke'-d and VUs Nita Ured. Refreshments consisting of ice cream and cake were served and Ms. Freeman and Mrs. Gentry proved themselves equal to the occa sion in the contest. The aftern jon ttus too soon over and adjournment caiiK-. Evry one is anxious for the next meeting in 2 weeks. Board signs have been placed at tiie corner of each street this week, giving the name of the streets over our city. The Ladies Improvement Club is having a large sign painted to b;j stretched from Fleming Bros. Store to J. U. Gentry's Barb'-r shop across the Oregon ami California State Line which will read. "Oregon High School Notes Scver.il .undent are aoscnt on ac count of sickness. The class lit rudimentary luutlc finishes the ten lessons next Moudiiy night. The Fotnny Class spent a session on the hillside Tuesday penrehltis for flowers. The t'txck team Is now praetlclnx fo- the I. eld meet at Alturas, May It and I rt. Work h.is beisiin on the Annual number of the Sagu Brush Kcho. This will bo a largo paper and will roijulrc much cf.'ort on the part of tin- stall' and school. The "Swastika" Lit. nary Club have regular moot lugs and are hav inr xplend d times They have or dorod pl of the SwutUka pattern having on the letters L.H.S. A calendar Is being arranged for the remainder of the school. The following dates have tu on placed: April 10: Public Dinner nt 6 V. M.. Given by cooking Classes. April 17: Piano Recital by Prof- Arant. May 15 &16: Field Meet at Alturas. Mav T9 Pupil Recital. June -': Senior Play. June 3: Ci minenconient. o Charles A. Johns, Kndnrsrtl TO WHOM IT MAY COXCKRN; Charles A. Johns was a continuous resident of Baker City for twenty four years, during which time he served four terms as Mayor and eighteen consecutive years ns School Director. As Mayor he gave the city an hon est, offiflet't administration, find it.t fuiancl.il affairs were couducted on a close, safe, economical basis and at the very lowest expense to the taxpayers. As School Director ho always worked for the het of results and for eiot.oti'v ia :dr.in!stra'.lon, with out impairing the lii-Th standard of Baker City schools. In our judgment as Governor, ln could and would do the same thing for the State. Daed at Baker City, Oregon, this 7t i day of March. 1314. First Xatlonal Bank of Ba ker City. Win. POLLIWN. Its Prelde-,t. Citizen's Xatlonal Bank of Baker City. F. P. BOD1NSON, Its Pre?iderjt. iVtV.or Loan & Trust Co., H. A. SOXXK, Paid Adv. :t. Its Cashier. Lower Rates on Livestock (Continued from Flrnt Page) This action on the part of the South, rn I'mille Is Indicative that It appreciates Uui business of Uooso Lake alloy and Is wilting to smut concessions In rates whoro such ro- j ducttoit Is possible. j II. I'. Swingle for t'onunixloiier ! Northern Lake County has for the pust month or two been looked over, and combed thoroughly for homo. man who Is willing and lit the same time the rlslit innn to rim tr ' OoiinM Commissioner, sa the Fort j Hock 'l imes. A man well fitted for 'the nns'tfi n has nl last boon found and t.il'. d to, coaxed ml thrcati'iicd. ! but now ho Is roped, branded and slated to run. This Is H. F. Swingle i of Coir.-,nr Valley. Vote for him ! lie will run on the Republican tic-I i ket. I o Moving on Land While lt Lakevlew Tuesday, C. L. Shaffer informed the Kxamlnor that W. T. Bennett and family of Sioux Falls, Idaho, would this week move on their SO acres of land on the West Side northwest of the Hanson place, which he recently purchased from the Fairport Town & Land Compauv. Their furniture and ef fects will be taken across the lake by b at from Fairport. o Will Settle Hunter Lands t Continued from Flrt Paget A big boat Is to bo built lit Fairport this season which will bo used f"r transportation purposes of both passi M-ers and freight across tin- lake. The settling up of the West Side mens much for the progress of Lukeview, as Its future greatly do pond.: upon the development of that section, Iriac.mueh as praetlcalb time-fourths of the entire farming area of the valley from whleh Lake view draws ts s-ittiat' .! on the wet side of Gooso Lake. tho tnrtnniod stomach llninn. help In fort. Wo bellevo them to b th tho secretion of gastric Juice, check best remedy tundo for dyspepst and heartburn nn I dh tress, proinoto re. Indlgi stlon. Hold only nl tho moro gular bowel action and innl.e It pes- than 7,000 Rexnll Stores, and In this slhlo for vi n lo oat whatever you town only nt our store. Three size, Win, with tho comforting insurance I'i'h. r0c nnd 11.00. Thornton Drug tint there will bo no bail nfteref- ,'o., Lakevlew, Oregon. STOMACH HEALTH OR NO COST! JO YOU :ind California State Line." Mrs. L. C. Vinyard, president of the Club informed the writer a few days ago that the Club has decided to gi.o an entertainment some Cme .n V.i and that they will v-ive ttit entire proceeds toward paying for the h;i ter fountain that will be installed the State Line under the large '; I ifornia and Or gon sign. The L .'. started to plant shade trees l.i: i Wednesday morning. They ec.-t to plant trees on each side f t'. e State Line from F. M. Green's to G. H. Hamrnersley's place. Good sized trees have been offered - the ladies by F. M. Green. Ebb Foliett. G. If. Aid ridge and others. o Dr. K. D. Kverett this morning went to Al'uras to attend the organ ization of a Modoc-Lake County Medical Association. ' V.-ry likely others have mlvUi'il yon t" use Kox.ill Iy;nop-da Tablets, because sfn-vs of people in this com llHIi itv believe them to lie the be.-. I reiuidv ever made for Dyspcp),' i nnd IndipesMoii. That is whet we think. I too, because we know what the 'have done for others and wliat they Jure made of. We have so tam-h f-'i'i' h' them that we urge von to ; try tiiein at our rh-k. If they don't help .u they won't cost you a coat j if they don't do all that yo.il want ithefi to r'o--if they don't n-stor-' your .sin much to health and make ' your digestion ea-y -jn-t tell us no! I've will che baek your in-ni-y with out a word or iiie:-tlon. Containing Pepsin and P.l.miiith. 'two of the greatest digesttlve aids ! known to medical si lence, the sooth Lakeview Hospital fuller Hii..-r IhIhii of Tmlni-d urm Hospital Rates $3.50 per day phone 772 WKST STKtKT LAKEVIEW :: OKKGON GUARANTEED to be equal to any Beer brewed. Bot tled find on draught at all leading saloons Reno Brewing Co., Lx. . The Tariff is Off Owing to the fact that we are LONG on Wheat end Flour and SHORT on Kcney, we make the fol lowing low prices on Flsu'r for Lhe next. 30 Iays and possibly longer. Commencing Monday, March 30th we will de liver in Lakeview: Fancy Patent Flour per cwt. . . . , Banner Brand Red per cwt. . . . . We will ship Parcel Post, at the above prices, plus $1.08 per cwt., any place within 150 miles of Lakeview. These prices are strictly cash. Money to accompany orders. The Lakeview Flour Mills By F. O. Bunting $2.60 THE ANTLERS CLUB WILL GIVE AN ALL-NIGHT DANCE AT THE SNIDER OPERA HOUSE FRIDAY, APRIL 3rd, 1914 MUSIC BY ENTIRE LAKEVIEW BAND TICKETS, $1.50 -:- SPECTATORS, 50cls THE PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITED AUCTION SALE! THE REMAINDER OF THE Neilon Stock of Ladies, Misses and Children's Furnishings Consisting of Coats, Suits, Skirts, Waists, Summer Hose and Underwear, besides many other articles,, will be closed out to the highest bidder at Public Auction on SATURDAY, MARCH 28 at the Office of Alger Land Co., one door North of Auten's Hardware. Everything will bo offered for scb and will positively fcc struck off to the highest bidder. - H. B. ALGER, Agent fcr the Creditors. - Tt . . - - I . " "H 1 rm.-ry SONGS YOU HAVE HEARD "TRAMP! TRAMP! TRAMP!" Once you've worn a LAMM Suit you'll be sentenced for life with their make of Clothes. We show ovc 50') Spring and Summer Fabrics, so why tramp around locking eKewhere, when. we have thj v.ry Jiing you wane riht h;re. By the way stripes are all the rage this LAKEVIEW TAILORING CO. Cleaning; Pressing and Repairing L, l IMi ':. VH .V -' . w .nil " - t i.-T ... 1 .1 in I -it (i 1A , '1" Give Him His Head ucr. . (' Irl hllll frit if nlir lllilNI irvi.s' , m l nf hiriifSH nl dnr Itrnyiilintj: In n'l lc niruiil nf ulrlis li ru IJ ni; slirluN lii liliii? nr InifU's i.iii inir Our Imniiss isn't 1, ih.it 11 i.r. It is iniilf lor ( 1 ii r iiml iihuty of It. It is nn limit' 7,r inill onlff Ii.iiiiiss tilin nilishnl t-toil Is Ac tin tin ,s, t;,,,! luiiin ss nut fur, ,,fn . F. CHENEY 1 LAKEVIEW OREGON ISM I. I '