Lakeview Saddlery vJrf " robes. Muriate, ! J s,ur,..I..iH..n. Vi competent Cos,. -to., etc 1 UM,m t'fylf - - 77YT EST VAQUEHQ SADDLE ON THE MARKET AHLSTROM & GUNTHER, Inc. Successors to S. F. AHLSTROM NEVADA-CALIFORNIA-OREGON RY. Daily Service Reno to Lakeview Except Sundays No. 1 Arrives Lakeview at 9:40 P. M. No. 2 Leaves Lakeview at 5:40 A. M. Daily Except Sunday I'ullinau Uuffett Service Bet wtvo lakeview and Reno C. W. CLASS, AGENT :: LAKEVIEW, OREGON THE PALACE BAR O'CONNOR & DUGGAN - - PROPRIETORS A Gentlemen's Popular :: Resort :: PHONE 32 CHOICE BRAND WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS Lakeview Steam Laundry HARRY C. HUNKER, Prop. We give efficient service and do iood work. Send your washing and give us a trial. TELEPHONE No. 732 if m fOJ ATHLETE nothing is more satisfying, stim ulating, nourishing, than our pure ii ml wholesome Deer, lire wed, us it is, strictly in accordance with scientific principles from the purest in'gredients. This heer has a sparkle and a tl.ivor that are peculiar to itself It quenches thirst and makes fresh at the same time, helping also to build up the muscles and general strength. KENTUCKY SALOON POST &. KING, Proprietors FOR, FINE CABINET WORK the very best tools are required. You can get them here of a quality not surpassed on earth. They take and hold an edge like a razor because they are made of razor seed. If you take pride in your work you'll use our tools and take pride in them too. T. E. BERNARD "EVERYTHING IS HARDWARE AND FARM IMPLEMENTS LAKEVIEW, OREGON MUKUtlitK LtUlilll ai.m:;k.i i.?.;i:uors man iiki.i. IN MOIKH' Ilelietod tu ln lllingMwii-lli, Nlnjod OMwr Wnlkcr Twelve Warn A man positively lilt'iulficil nt. II Uv:vvnrtJi, wh.t kUloil t)(Ilotr Iti-rt Walker nonr A tit 11 twlvn jc:irs u;i lnl resisting arrest, wan fupturtul by S'u rUT A. K. Smith Inst Tuesday !Ui 1 loi'.cil In me eouiity jiiil, mvs Hut no xooix-r Iwul they ilono so tliun Porl.'ml openm: llro upon tliii fiotn the Villluvva ItllrMH worth. iot n.vtiy In the n.Hco, niul Joined Poiliiutl In t l.o shoot I mi. A bullet utruck n mlr of hmiili'iifla In Helmuts holt nml Knock cil him down in tlm nieiuitluip Wild .litek rnu to tlu. vuKon niut Ink- .... 'lint n l Iflo front the driver, run up 'cioso io mo imiko or mo wiiiowm and I. It..l I .1.. ..I It... .1... .1 II.. riivit I'iriiiiiiu in aid iiiiv wit i ill, n Savn-0, wiiii now to Jack nml hu i-o:.UI not I tat Ipiiluto t'.in IoikHii;; np uirii(us, nml thnnvtn It down out frr A1 ( n for In'lp nml n lain. After tlm sliootliir of Wnll cr, Holt- j reus mailo no further nttoiupt to tho "tn:n, but wnlloil until n crowil nrrlvod from Adin. Moun jwhllo Walker lay In tho ,iiii, iilowly j tili-'iti'! to dealh. lie mim taUen to j th ltiir;!s riaiiulonler, W. S. Painter stw tho nu n. ami n ho hud seen mi l tall.e.l Itli I llinsw erth tho iHy u.'! or the lenrder, was po.-l-tiV'. tf h's idonliileaMen. lie ti(ti:e. ed tie- t-':'ri;T who iii turn told Mr. I'al'iter (vi tao a pood look at the ma'.i iu d maho Mire ho was rl;;ht. lie v.l unco teh phoned to Mr. SuiI'lt v ho l"'t no titi'e in j.'olr.j to Surprise nml making tho urrost. Tho man had boon working on n ranch near l.ako I'ity and Tue.uiay inornin;-: ouit nml ntnrted townn'.H Codnrvlllo. beinu overtaken by tho ShorlfT on tho road, llo donlod bo ins Illiimswortli nml nppoaroil great ly Ihistrntod when arrested, llo ad mitted going under various nttuioK, hut denied bcinc Illingsworth, if he Is not the murderer of Itert Walker he Is a bad character ut any rate. Old citizens have not forgotten the circumstances ntterdins the death of a bravo officer. Uert Walker was te!eirrnph rrjiorator nt Alturns as well over k as Constable. Ho had cone down the use. line to Adin to make some, repair nr.d thrre met Sheriff M"herons of Shast County who was in pursuit j of two Jail breakers. IllhiKsworth and norland. IUrt Volunteered to assist the Sheriff In capturing the' criminals. They employed Wild Jack ! an Indian In f.ndint; the hiding place of tho men Jack went t.p the creek nnd through the willows and pre tended to be fishing. On finding the: camp of the men he w as to come ' out of the willows and pretend to be j looking for grasshoppers for bait. Fludlns the tamp ho came out and one of the men volunteered to help him catch the hoppers. The man. Illiugsworth. was then covered lth the rifles of Walker and Behrens. died f hortly utter hi urrl Adin but , v:,l I. i After norland was ki'.'ed by Jack UliiiCKworth. knew thnt ho hnd nov el';.! lmrdrid dollars Kowod up In his ; j vest cut It pen and fled to t!in mmm .tains. Tho Ffory of bli pursuit will cot be seen f u -cotton by those who i n : n .sod in It. Tho fir.: It I vo houvvci escaped, only to wander hack twelve 'years nfter, almost to t ho Koeno of hhi crime to run Into the arms as It ; w i re of the SlierlfT. district Attorney lluhlwli: hn telephoned to ejt-J'horl(T llehrers nml Wild Jack to come hero nnd Identify thi prisoner and Miey are ejected to arrlvo this week. HOTEL LAKEVIEW F- Z;M2.HT 3 A 1 Mi 111 - . JUJ" ' vim v-. - - r- j Lnr crtD IN tooo Snmpti Hoom tor Commorclat Trawlers Motlorn Throughout, First itcemmcrfatoni -- GENEPAL Fr.M NOTES. bo galnlmt Winter .i.mi jni: . In favor. Nw iluil the a. 'i.i p t he In" hiil i Ml- t'l il I'el.l work la sre idee Iii dully I!. il Ii, I iii-:. ir. i i ! I in-ii'd una! Iilid . . I.I i-lio-; h i :e- ."1" eve" 'lit 1'iT tillrei s for Ii is1. r. t.i!in-s This Is n uiiod lim.. to i over tie- li.iro spots in the pas'iire; illi ma'niio. tu bo needed early net sprim; Since iill.riii Is n permanent crop, the ground should bo prepared with more euro than ordinarily, nml.iiiy It level, free from stone- or other cnonm In n lu es. Clover Is rich in nitrogen, nnd In homogeneous wills It develops tubercle, which uttraet nitrogen from the nlr. whore it Is storisl In InexhnUHtlhle quuiitlties In large pastures the nnlimils roiuii from one rnpoliilly nttmetlvc pati h of grass to Knottier, traveling nil over the field, nnd trampling down morn than they can eat T Ll I IIS is the time of the year when attention should he devoted to vour season's Job Printing We have the material--ve have the ideas. Phone vour wants to Examiner Job Department No. 522 Examiner Publishing Company niONKS Editorial Rooms 521 -:-Job Department 522 f ii ilmWrtiMiiiiiiimnit J rw ai iinniimin nt mmwii i hiwiib mrri-imfi mm urn n ii -t :-.-JixMMan dtirv 1. 1 .saar?m''i 14 T HIS simple rule cf Iicalth in daily called attention to ly every tloetor in llie land, vhoM?(irt quesher lo the patient almost invariably is, Are your lKveIs regular.' let there s not ore person in hfly wlio takes proper care of the bowels. And the result of this foolish neideet is nine-tenths of till ill-henltli. If today you are unal.le to free your body of waste matter at the usual time, or if the act causes strainim', pains and discomfort, don't let that condition occur ajuin tomorrow. Vnless vour lowels can carry aw:y the waste materials left after food is digested, decay sets in, the poisons of which, taken up l y ti e blood, inenvsv the risk of Typhoid lever, Appendicitis, and many other serious diseases. In treating constipation, there is u right way and a icrong way. The wrong way is to take harsh purga tives which even though they do clear the bowels, cause griping and nausea, injure the delieate tissues, an.l. so disturb the normal functions as to cause the return of constipation. The right way is to help Nature lo produce natural movement, without pain or discomfort, by using LI More Than One Hundred Million Were Sold Last Year This enormous quantity was used with good results by Lusy men who suffered from constipation, due to lack of exercise, or indigestion caused by overwork by children whose aren ts realize the harmful effect of com mon purgatives -by old people whose sys tems cannot stand anything .harsh by women during nretmancy, and after child birth, wlien any medicine with a violent action would be particularly dangerous. Many of these people are your neighbors and friends. Ask anyone who has ever used them they'll tell you Itexall Orderlies satisfied and helped them a gentle laxative in the form of n chocolate-tasting tablet. One of these tablets eaten just belore going to lied will help to restore your bowels to normal activity at a time when, your body being utrcst, the medicine can do vh bent mirk. Asa remit of taking that tablet (or say two, if your case is ob stinate), iwr bowels will move randy and itnturully in the vwrninij. The use of Itcxall ( )rJcrlic.s for a few nays fitterwanl will restore nor mal regularity, liven chronic consti pation is benefited by them, and 1 13 not nccessaTii to continue the trcutment for a i mg time, be came, instead J driving Nature, they simply help her to help hcrmj. Sold only at the more than 7,000 Roxall Stores and In this town only by us, In vest pocket tin boxes, 10c, 25c, 60s This Ic Our Guarantee You Risk No Money If Itcxall Orderlies do not make your bowels act right, tell us so and we'll give back your money without asking a single question. There is no red tape to this guarantee. It means just what it says. You sign nothing. We won't hesitate, or ask you any ques tions. Your word is enough. If Ilexall Orderlies do not do all you expect them to if you don t feel better after using them and find that they are the pleasan test-acting and best laxative you have ever used, we want you to tell us and get your money back. Tfiioritoifii Bras Co O OREGON LAKEVIEW