THE LAM ABSTRACT & TITLE CO. ABSTRACTS TO ALL REAL PRCFtTiTY IN LAKE COUNTY, CRlGO Our Complete Tract Index tnsurosi Accuracy, Promptness nnd fioliability K 1 Such an Index is ;be M.Y K J. 1.1 MU.K r stem from which mi Abclr.iet ran l' male, t-huvv inc nil defects of title. Wo Also Farnish sVrlTArS jHGlKF KUNl'MK OK YVKKIv'S ! TIVITIKS OYl:ll STATU A I '- I'ttetorlo., Pnj rolls nn.l llntoi prise Tluil Will Ftnploy Labor ami leol..i Oregon H. W. MORGAN, Manager, LAKEVIEW, OREGON POSTOFFICC BOX 343 PHOMM t7t WALLACE & SON i Wm. Wallace, Coroner for Lako County) UNDERTAKERS i rKOMPT ATTENTION AND SATISFACTION CI A K AM'KKH Parlors, next door to Telephone Office WATSON BUILDING i ( Pr.-par. .! ninl furnished liy tho State j Pureau nf Industries uiul Statistics i at Salem) Tho Supr. mo Court during tlu 1 ;ist week has again decided iiKttint-t l,nl)ir Commissioner Hofl' in his ef- fort to enforce tho Hsiit hour law in 'nil statu Institutions. Woolen manufacturers at Cologne. ; Germany, nro seeking to contract for it lie Oregon grown tensol ami that 'industry is reviving, j Catholic people at L;i Grande aro planning a $:?. 000 cntlmdral. j Tho Milton box factory is being en ilarged to 500.000 capacity. ' Tho now Southern Fa. I lie brldg.' pvi r Coos Hay will cost $S00.O0O. A logging company at Knanpa will extend its railroad three miles. i I..u-i-:h- Fruit Growers A Iris en'ors for ? 10.000 of ( ! proc mt. Mien .itii: pkopfuiv Miur.s mm: siiowinu V. ilnc Is Ptvilnlo.1 ii I'lijiuu, Mini Smvv I IVo tt Oxer The DiMrlet t I.I) LOCAL OPTION LAW in: Ki:il i Homo llulo Association ITi'min; 4 ,i l il :i i u. it to 0iM." I 'l i 'bib. ( inn M". i -ill l' Is Gooiv.e Maupin rotun oil several Pori'uml Juuniul: I'ihI.t tlio ill 1 duv.s a m from tlio tliUC Civ. do mill- r,"'n'' ' '"o Or. . oil Homo 1 ! I lo lis i.... .n...,:. i i,.. I,-,. ,i..m ! relation which. It Is r. i. I. il!I bo I'l 'it '..ui l.'.i il wiliilu a nlmrt llliio, milling interest-, alter s, veal la ;,., llMl, , ,.,.,,., ,,,,,,. ,,,,,,. looking nvcr liis claims ays tlio Ft. M ,o Novomber ballot Cm Mate-! llldwill News While tin to ho o- wide prohibition measures mo ..inK ; niuimd tho Cirreno which Mimm s. j circulated tlitoiihont tl o illiquid Kent iinu Mason are ueveiopm i; iiii.i : , . t 1 1 . winter, ninl sas: "They nro nniiilu,' 1 'nI(. p.-tu,,.,, s.-is f. rt.i I :at th.-re a tunnel to strike tho vein at a lit It , - ur,. ,,,) in . isteiirV u law luiown of atioiit l.'iO toot from tho t in-race, , ns tho lo. al .mtioii I iw wiih li in rmlts niiv con' i ii i it It y to iloi lilo tho 'Mt or iliv iiuestloii for Itself noil (hill w,cll HtKlo of nhln, HIT T.iIpiIii. t.lH-,l (VtlMr. . I tmili J. rhriicr iimki'" i'"il " ' liarlnor n Ilm nn i'f f. fl'i'iii' . !' Im Iiii.Iiiim In llm I'llr "t T.'lnl.i. I'll" I f l"l HlKln l,f,.n.lil. Hit llml ""III "l I'"' iii piini i.r iink in snnni imm.i.aih i i-nrh mill ri-rr iim ..f i nlnrih t IimI rmiiB.t ! turi'd liy Mtm lio ( Hull i lirh I'iiik. t HANK J. riiicNrr. pw.irn o tu-roro n mil .it'rrllsl lnmf llilB mil liny vt Inh-fiiiIht, A. I.. ixsii, dr.l. A. W. (il.tmiil. , .S.iurf I'lilillr, Tntnrrh Clir l tnkl Inl.rnnllr ml Irla llir.s'lly upon ilia I I -"I n.l mm ' I ( tho j-lrlli. (oml It i llliiimll. P. J. rillNK.V A I'll., T.ilnti. f. , H"M l r i.iiml-l. TV, T.Tko ll.ill t t amllr I'lIU fur i.nallmllHu .S.H'i.itil.l vir 1 t 4 where (ley oieneil up tlio lluo t'how -in:; l.i't fall. Tho tunnel when they reai h this point, w ill bo about 100 feet. At a illstaiteo in of about l.0 feet, tiny h.ivo elu'oillitereil mHiio very I. no ore. Pannlns show somo very i n.use as well as some very lino ohl, b it in hU opinion tliey nro not as j.'t t'i l!ie main tnnly, but ho be lieve; ('lis wlii lead t'.ieni to it. which oiu'li; to happt a In aiiothor ('.0 i. i t. Lakeviey Ice, Transfer and Storage Co Trloprumo Xo. 11 J. 1. DITKWDItTII, M.sakk Cuss to Meet All Trains. Transfer ' and Drayage. Storage by day, Week or Month 0- "OCU CUSTOMERS AKE OUK ADVKKTISKKS" and ho een -iil"ls tli's sii.iw iiu' luor. til mi em oi) ra i ii i a i It inillcnte:'. I 'i !.,, . We.-t l.lun. I' County, w ill j strongly the c I'i'.iu.iin w ith ileptii J w ,, reit a ,''.,"'.000 city hall. 'vt too tine ore iioilv th, ni .tever j North H"ii.l seiiool hoaril i pian-!eil on tho .surfaco. j ( . i Mr. M.iupin i.!s a .aw Moiil'l ileprio tlio various com milnic le:' of homo rule or local op lion. It Is uri'eil that contlnuoil agita tion oi' (lie liniiir i inn ninl (t i in lection into uellv . politics Is harm ful not only t fin .huso of trim leni ie".i!iie leu .i tho bll:-!ni ss Interi-vt-an, I Iiii'usi rl. 1 'lev elopim": of tire IIMoi, a' o .- t.i'es f ; it ' hil'lt Ion w . i it lil f I'-i.w I . el ompliit iiieilt, wiuil I i In Hi I. a'eiibli' ;-i-i -.or! v i new Inch s.ho..!. Ami .Mr. M.iupin,. . t bat , ,,-,,,-, , Uu al.o oi nil .,,p ,1 Is to have a fl O.OOO , !' v a- in lormeu i;s.u i :i- m -m ie as u ,,uj j ,i, ruoo hotel aiul bank buihlins. Sprlnc'ieiil ami llood Kiver slink suhs.rilie.l lor canneries. Tho Wilbur Woolen Mills at ami ban i looklin; In Iter every ' . y ser.t were coll I'm in c ihem.ilvr sloiui i re ffin the tl foul I Si-iv-iatul w.-ro mm to e"f.'ss-cut to ct levniie 'Uti on .iii.l 1 1 v ami 1 ii in iiKr nt i - Mi-n m a i : v I IHMIN Mil 1 III-ll.N Hid liuN ONE TO 12,000 ACRES OF LAKL COUNTY BEST LANDS l-'nr mill' villirr lor Win A ( i ft 1 1- Clllt lint I IM'KI.SI'Ai. J. W. MAX WH L A CON LAHtVli W, VKI HON $1000 Dollars Howard Wo, W. K I'etert mot W. I'. 1'nlu'. HWII I'll tin1 entile ll.imleil '.'I I nr Xli anil f.iiiiii lli nwm! I i.v i " .V Chirk Mini the lie- I 'l l 1 il 'I it I n l'U Cmiipttnv. I'lie-o initio iiiv nuw on tli I'm.:.." i-l Miii u- nml l.nnsi-ii C.iiiiii'i i. I 'nr in ', .i m i t inn Ol'lIl L I.I till- '1'l mi,! 1 . O' le: Ion l'r, thereby imitet l illy Im-n a t:i - a 1 v eln Goose Lake Valley Meat Mar' et P . E. WINCHESTER, Proprietor We endeavcr to keep our market well supplied with FRESH, SALT AND SMOKED: MEAT i 5 lbs. Lard, 90c; 10 lbs., $1.80 EST Your Patronage is Respectfully Solicited ton will bo enhirced nml a warehouse ami matross factory milled. Tho Kverfrosh Food Products Co. at Siitln-rlin will or.larco its plant to (I iiih'.o cauio'ity. Tho Uiin'er Mineral soap factory at .-'. lit-ieiis h is mmlo arranteiuents to i i onto this year, star'in this lllnll'.i The l.i.'k'T bask.t I'.n 'oiy at IFlls horo . :'l enlari;-Ml and add a litn of v i hi r .-hairs. , ! ,iii.;il cultivators manuf.-.eti.r.- ' ,-t 1U- Hallos aro s'lipeed ea t li , t!;e curl tail. ; Tli- i "o'il-' o:' Turner voted to in stall a uvrly of pu-o sprint water. The -'ril 'm oper;'.tives in shincle 'iniiis in Or-i;on and Washington are : hi iui? ro-ph'.i e.l by non-union lima. Th sa' and federal com inlssim; ' its i n di v ' '.opinent t.f Tl'.o Hallos 'water ;iow t proj-et visitod th.' prounds the week to si loot u I site. I The KiiKono Kxeelsior Plant wiil'm,r m tl: '1 'Vol. the ill-.Inw .'IHl fool h vol ilii atioli.- are that the M"i'.oc to make a inine. Tl'.ero are o,;ne a numli'T of men Up tll-te developllli; their various claims, but ov in.; to the vol y deep snow it was ii'iposjb!" to .;ei around very much. i tin w hi e tin" are mi v. o ropi i. a ri ioi it' i:s a ki:mi:v r cos ; i nipi i: 1 ' , won Id turn n u ay I n many desiriililo soil I. r much needed to Impr lauds. li is sd that it w ould i auso the vac. uu y of 'fillO buslne- s stores nml I. '.no dwellings In the city or Port land, (auslni; a i;re,it ,- - In r- ii'.il i The petition states that strict regu lation of i ii j in r tratlic In iiii coiii numltli s Is favored. Ju- t .vheii tho roof : iiil.'-itliui of the I jI'i-kiiii llumo Unto a - delation w ill t ike place Is m t d. i lil. d. hut lo cal affairs aro now in the hands of A. S. Until, who was nctiv.- In (ho j. ' or'MtJ.atloii of th Ilium' I'l l" e. soi i. ii inn in i i ii. I in reisod Coiiunis-io.i -. Iloai N, S-v Ihiiblins and M i y Koasoiis I'm lv.'iiiec t , ti' LAKE COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY Incorporared. A Complete Record We have raarle an enrire trannorlpt of all P.eoords In Jake Connty which In any way, affect Kt al Property la the cciunty. We have a complete Il-oorl of every MortsrnKe and trauHfer ever made In Lake County, an'l ever Deed ilven. Errors Found in Titles In transoribintc the reeordii we have found immeroii'i mort paKes recirilod lu the Deed record and indexed; arid many deeds are recorded In the Mortjraiie record and other books. Hundreds of mortiiaes and deeds' are not Indexed at. all, and rnoet difficult to trace up from the records. We have notations of all these Errors. Others annot find them. We have put rmtidredn of dollprs bunting up thewe error. and we can fully jfuarantee our work. J. D. VENATOR, Hanager. double its plant and in a now fire proof bnil din!? hopes to have a pay ! roll of $10,000 within a year. Then is ; j Oretron hn.s i;one too far in proiTres- sive lee'sUU!n tnat tiannicaps in dustries. Lane County manufacturers met Tuesday, Man Ii 10th, to consider a state industrial convention ami coun ty exhibit. A SO.OOO office building will be en-etcd at Iiaker City for Louis S mi mers of Portland. The Swedisli Lutheran Church of Portend well erect a hospital. The Fucene Iron Works Is plann inz to hecin the manufacture of n .liimlio 1iih' Motive shiaud lli'cotd : .1. W. Ko.-rs ha rived a l.-itor fr.'in I-:. II. LoiKu : at Plush I'otitaltiliiK some lioix-fu I miiiini' ii.-vvs. "Tho n,l .1 n m l mine Is working four nun at ilri ' 'wo i w avs ir on b .ttom of shaft n i i; i J I line. Th'-v epoet to pi t op a mil' ' I in: ..,!'; I, - Tn.. I'. .ii.. i. ... .. ,,.iii -t-irt up .!-.t ! h-i-o cc.t iiiliout threi' of free mllliiu: oio in the Km;; now ami it Is cettln:; richer viih every round of shot and I tl I t . . V . I i ii'i'.r i.i-.'i.,,. Ill ... ived as p. ens, s and indirect tax i ,, , ... . ,, , , I 1 1 ' . 1 1 1 III'.. .J ' I 111 in.. I- I ' I HI it . I 1 11 U If .1 - ir piriVs i'ichIIv dilvii ' Ii or .lh f I hi r I -. - v i en lilo oi: riiiii swi) mil,. t bo cut ot nrreht mi,) i'in i n 11 I ii I. it ii i i ; i, oi t tiny p H ty ti'Hinlli'u. killing iii-dli;i ol MII.V i will pny I. A IIS nmi pri is. cm I. oi In F. II. P i.v Altnr.-iH, Mi.ii.n' oniniv l ill , ir ,i us lit l atin'". II I' ool i Coiitity, CmI. I f irulll v "irl iidnlil cntH, .rompt ly nut i'v tie Vl.r fi ol r In' county In vv hlch the IIIckuI net wiih commil tod ami ndvl-e in In Ire ii t our ox ienw. W. I'. M. i I ; i, W. I. I'l KF. dpi ' if r lac-ease Hhi'-' lh. thai: d-'U - 1 - i !nl.". 'he ( o: t ( ; a to KO I I' men t hii: t h m I'm) in r i ell'. ! popiii ition lias I '. , ! iiiiin bled. In liio.'i ami 1 : ' tiie t:ixpay j erf cntrili ited to the State Tri- isMi y ,.,...r,.l sentil'iei.t that -I '-'l''l OI I ... I. . U '1 -J HI..! Wi.- rec e.s a total of 5 :ti'.774.7 2 durl'iK tho two v.-ars, ii-aMiis; a t -tal for :ill state i xpenses of $2,01 1', 774. TJ. Hons wo vvli; h;ive fiv( mills mi! lamp this vear. in ll.l.i ami 1JH for the Ktme 0 Su. (.)ull ,-,,,,,,, .l(X purposes the taxpayers will oontri-. owner.s of nutoirobile,. in C.ilifor. hute a total of $r..:'S7, 1 I, and there j nil, mnn, t!ul;i 100 ft00 nf f,,,,,,, ill will be rollected from oilier .source .,,,,. ,,, ;n,y , .,, S(,(t(. ;l ll(,rKl.. ,,.. about tSSS.L'HO. makiiiK a total ' ,.r tax on their cars, ram tm; from $.1 $fi.l"3.47-l for the two-year .erh.d. , ?;. .,,- ,rlvrH r . ...i.j,.,.., ;r In other words Ii will cost $1,1 tin,- t uin i, i ,. ii... ..,.. r.... ..t I hey will have lo start In rliMit lOOJiloro In riim:i!'-. tin- .i'.t" i;ov eminent durini; ti.o ii'i-y.-ar period endiiiK Ueicmber ' 1 , 11.14.. that It ? - a c portable ratm-e for mountains and i '"-'t "f t'"J -'"" pu - '. --s in lyo military purposes. and 1&0C. O. L. Clark of Marshfleld will erect Tho causes are numerous, but aro too. fur the new la", to that ef- t. enacted iy tlio o I Le;; i la 1 1 re and . ffeetivo laii.K'.rv I of tuts joar, cl!l he enforced f irl h vv It h . the .Su preme Court of the State li:t viliK do- I t M 1 -'I '!"' ' I B ran I..1 CI tm wont a I tl4MIi I So v i j ! i i mi rATt 1 1 1 1 u r v i knitw (tnw nmi ti rrl ritftirl you ut oi ttny day until you TOWER'S FISH BRAND REFLEX SLICKER amy al t k-f with Utnnu Hrflri Fxltf r d nil. for harii crvu J wo -i4m k or yrllow. $3.00 Everywhere. S A l l; FACTION CUAKANTrXD. A. J. TOWPR CO. BOSTON 1 TowrtC.nailiM LifnitttL Ioii.iiio IO. 1 N --4w-t! w.. ptf-.--' - I SS"T . llil-l CHflPiHW i, ll.ll.Jt ltvC HcgUturtid White Scotch Collies 1 I avc a hutut'rr of whir e lite pi:p irn, tmlh inn, ttc lit in H e bckt f rr d kmiirU in Uir world. 1 I uir r hri - hlr lor r --tut t al ir c . ' ni I t.i rd with t-u Ii lr lir In s t ii hi t p and in'Hf (lo k k Muiwn, Crfti r.l ip iiirm by mrriM. Writ for pru f ai d ( :i u lii t i (K. u. Stair itt v w in led. Gn LuUilirUe . i rii.cville.Ora ia three story apartment f.O by 100I'""1 principally in the various slat. -iti w eek that tlio la v h j fp(, j departments ami tne nuall army ot I Amon? new brick buildings fr i new boards, commbsions. o'hce.s, de ! 1914 are a school house at Silverton ; ; partinents ami jobs created by the on htitutlonil in nil :iiirtlciilar; For Every Meal of The Day ice arc :ihvi. s reiiri-t tosiii Jily u vtirkly nl :i fiio;ri;i re in e ;i t n or irovislns Suftur vtirri Imroii, riiiin rimsis nml filirflllriit cliti'.s lir strtiks liff only a .u t of tin- t-lioirf this iimrkrt nlTnnls A nil soil nt onlinury I'ccs . triul will ctjnviiwf yon tln-y nvi not orilirmry tm-uts hy uuy n if tins. Lakeview Meat Market HAYES AIGKOB, props and a city hall at Woodburn. Corvallis Odd Fellows plan the erection of a three story temple. Molalla is to have a $25,000 elec tric power plant. Two concrete business buildluKs are j-'oin? to be built -it once ii, Kueene. Veatch P.rothers of Cottase Grove I will erect ft new store building. The Attorney General sustains the injunction puit of the Fmployers As-SO.-iaMon against r inning the state I printing ore as a closed nhop. but ' holds the state can pay tlio 1,'nion ( scale ot waires. j All sub-contractors on the Willa ' inette Pacific are planning tn start SHAMROCK STABLES CON BREEN, Proprietor HALF BLOCK AST Of COURT HOUSK Special Attention to Transient Stock Horses Boarded by the Day, Week or Month Always Open Phone 571 LAKEVIEW OREGON EMBROIDERY SHOP WOMAXS" EXCIIAXOi; Special I'rlces on I'lllnw Tuis, Filet Net Scurfs uiul Cushions with MaWriul to Word. A new lot of Pure Linen 1 1 mid kerchiefs. Embroidery Work to order. MRS. H. B. ALGER OPPOSITE IIEKYIOIW III. DO Alger Land Co. lluncliiH-( 'ity I'rnjiityUiutuls Tuxih t'uld uiul llintuls Collected for S'on-rculdciits (Jllice I iifusitc Ih-nford Hnildlnu work at once. Reasons for 15ein Poor The following Is Rolnj? the rounds of th". press: A western farmer wondering why so many of the farmers were bo poor, paused by the wayside one day and reasoned It out this way: The nverage farmer et up early of a mornlnu with the, alarm of a Connetlcut Clock, buttons his Chica go suspenders to his Detroit overalls, puts on a pair of cowy hide bnotn made In Cleveland, wanhea In a Pitts burg ba.dn, uses Cincinnati soap, and dries on a cotton towel mad Id New Hampshire, sits down to a Grand Ra pid tble, eats breakfast fofd from Ifattle Creek, hot biacrdte made from Minnesota flour; Kansas City bacon and Indiana grits fried in Omaha lard on a St. Louis stove Irish pota toes. I'rown in Michigan, end canned fruits put up in California scmimcd with Kliodo Island spices, fills his pipe wiih Kentucky tobacco puts on his hut made in Philadelphia. Har nesses his Missouri mulo fed" o-i Iowa com. with Vew York harnem', and plow his farm covered with a Mas-Ha-huKo ts mortgage, with an Indiana pi .vv. n night he crawls under a New J'-sey blanket and is kept awulcr 'iv a dog the only hoipo pro duct of lie place, and wonders why he keet-. o poor." Fxehaiigc. Legislature since 190.1. Fvery ses sion of the Legislature has seen new departments or expensive commis sions formed to increaie taxation. These new features of the govern ment form tlio backbone of the In creases. ' Primarily, with many of the hoards, their promoters la the Legis lature figured they would take care of themselves In a financial way by special taxes or assessed licenses. K. pectations along tli is line have not materialized, however, because in spite of the fact that special taxes have been Imposed so generally that revenue has increased from JDiiJ,- 77 1.72 in 190.1-06 to $SSC,2B0.fi9 in i l'Ji3-M. direct taxation ha." lucreaii- Led from $1,050,000 In 190.1-06 to $.1,287.48 la l'Ji::-14. Cigarette Cure Here Is tho cure for tho cigarette habit, as given out by W. S. Hale, superintendent of the .Slate Training School for Hoys, who -says that it has been elllcaclous in every case tried at the institution. Home treatment Two per cent solution silver nitrite (not silver ni trate). Garglo at nlglit three times a week for a month. Will not be able to smoke next day after first gargle and will be cured after taking treatment for one month. Demand Greater Than Hupply Announcement has been made by State Printer Harris that a second edition of COO copies of the 1911 session laws, and 800 second edition copies of the 1913 session laws will be ready for distribution. Under the law only 2410 copies can be print ed for the first edition, and this proving insufficient to supply the de mand, second editions became neces sary. It is poKslble that an effort will be made to prevail upon tho next Legislature to amend the law so that buiflcient copies may be printed in the Crst Instance to supply the demand. School Notes Itecelve.l too late for publication last week. Friday nils tho tdxth month of school. A new class was formed In book keeping this week. Field vv. rk has begun u d on. of the boys vaulted over f feet. Mr Garrison has ordered a cornet and expects to become a musician. A basket ball game with A Hums next Saturday night at Knld'Ts Op era House. Don't miss it. Our assembly room Is said to be on; of the bc:.t iirra.ig"! ami best I decorated in the sti'te. Some hoys play marbles for "keeps" ami thou hoiu.i don't play -until they get more marbles. Miss Ilostettler Is Improving rapid ly on tho cello and expects to play In the sishool orchestra soon. Pupils In tlio eighth grade who make a required average In tho work may be exempt from the state exam ination. Our high school basket ball boys played at Alturas last Saturday and were defeated but not downed, for they aro up and ready for another game. The ninth grade cooking class gave a business men's luncheon to the following lnv'ted guests last Wednesday at noon: Harry IJalley, A. L. Thofnton, Chas. Umbach, O. M. Gardner, J. A. Warren, Andrew Foster, Itev. Geo, Feese, Klmer Ahl strom, Dan O'Connor and It. Van dervort. Tho teachers' meeting Tuesday evening was attended by all the teachers and somo time was used in discussing the abnormally bright child In school and the teacher's duty to him also, nervousness of teacher and pupil and how to over come it. Tho general school Avork was discussed and conditions aro very good and the year's work is in tended to come up to grade in all departments. iosjes siirc.v i r.i.'.'.MitU Cullrr UL.It-Q ec'1 I..,. , i. I,, -li. ii-... i i . I '. n .1 ' . :.,tu ,1,.. i in.' 1 1 irt...ii., li, . or. Irtl wti.r. . Ill cr .,'ili.i.l luil. Will f.T I...I 1,1 .,,. i, ii,,imiU1,. 10 dot. pig.. IUjcI t '''I', il HI SO Hum pk',. Hueklr. Pi... 4.00 I'- nnv .iilwti"-, .i. ( iiivr. ihI Th unrl"dir nf r r it.i.I'i. 'i I. .li,., "i o..-: it Jfi-am .f ,'Ultli,2 l'i UHlIM and l",'UPl only. Inlltt n Cutt.r'1 lr 'in. ,1,1, in'. V. ,.r,;-r ,'ir.v THE CUTTIK LABOHAIOHY. Dcrk.Uv. Cilllwa.a BLACK ? LEG DOING TllllIK Dl'TV Scores of Lakevlow readers are learning the duty of the kidneys. To llili-r the Moid is tho kidneys' duty. When they fall to do tlila the kidneys aro weak. liacki.Chii and o'ler kidney Ills may result. Help the kidneys do their work. I'ho 1 loan's Kidney Pills- the test- .ed kidmy remedy. Proof of their worth In tin- follow ing: Fraijk Tuiio;ale, c r't., laskson vllle, Oregon, mys: "I have uboiI I loan's Kidney Pills personally and they have been used bv another of my family. I can suy that Ihey are a lino remedy. Dunn's Kidney Pills did me a great deal of good, when 1 was suffering from kidney weakness. They deserve (indorsement." "When your back Is lame Re member the name." Don't simply ask for a kidney romcdy-r-nsk dis tinctly for Doun's Kidney Pills the same that Mr. Turngate hud. 50c all stores. Foster-Mil burn Co., Props., Iluffalo, N. Y. $1,000 REWARD i'ho Ori' '! Ifornltt .tnl VS. I.I vc Hl.i.'k l'ult'O. jK Moll nl ftf v Js wl'lcli tlm iiiirtiT 3 ' 'R IkudU U a m.'iiitwr I r . I ' will Klve II.IKIUU0 ruward (oi avldvnuo . l' ill.iK to Him r o li.,""t '"' iionvlctlon Vj. Jnl tiny I'Hrtjr or pur tle al.-klliiK hnraei, c.Uleor Diuli.i bo liiiiKliiRlomi ollta uii'in uer. in (1ilitl(in to Hi iiliove, Him tiiii1iiriilKn1 Jflor.inr thu tionn ' iillillllon ht 0.00 fur nil ti brmiileil linmi' uliii" bur on both or rliluer jiw. hrnrt rei .ir'li d In nlKlil t-.iii.illc. Kciikh Hrn.i, lk .ml Crook oouutlc. Uor.o uu ted wUbii xilil. Nou butirrowu bor.i'i lolit, and only In lmriro "DUvlius W. VT. aHowM.Flfi.OrKou, ' .