Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, March 19, 1914, Image 5

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120 nt ten orr Cottonwood rrr-ek, 35 ac.reii into Timothy, Alfalfa, Grain, ami a nice
ftnrdcn, water rifcht, nn iilcal nmnll dairy or poultry fnrrn, lota of outside RraziriK, housr,
arn, tannery and other out-buildins. I 'rice, $1800, half caali. 1 1 mile from Lakeview.
H room residence in Drenkrl addition, near City Park, two lota 100 by 150, barn
and krn house. I 'rice, $2000, half cah at 6 per cent. The price in Irs than cost.
. 320 arrca good land, part into jjrain and alfalfa, near Union School, all fenced
and rroM fence, barn and corrals. Stock water in creek always. This ia a good farm,
at $20.00 per ut re. .
310 acres three mile north of Lakeview, 200 acres fine alfalfa land, about 100
acres now in cultivation, 100 acres pasture land, part of which can be planted to fruit
Warner Creek flows through the land and a nice spring that can be piped to the house
and barn. Place fenced, house and barn. Price $ 1 6 per acre.
80 acres of meadow land, cuts 80 tons of hay. At head of lake, price $15 Per acre.
6tt0 acres 8 miles north of Lakeview for $15 per acre. 80 acres into meadow, cuts
100 tons, 40 acres pasture land and all the balance is fine grain and alfalfa land, good
water ritfht, new home and large barn, 500 acres fenced. This is sure a bargain.
40 acres timber good wood claim, I I miles from town, has between 800 and
1000 cord of wood, good road and level land. Price $350.
Two and one-half lots in the Sherlock Addition opposite Dunbar new residence.
A bargain at $550. Act quick.
We have several good ranches for cattle and sheep. Send for our large bulletin
giving prices of land all over Lake and Modoc Counties
TLnftc County Ernmlncr
Til I' lt.lA Y, ',Mtm lit, I'M I
niikiy vi:tiii ii mi-oiii
For wk en llim March IS. IBM.
i. . i v "'' I . . I' v
I'Klx, .,!,, ,( Amoiinl
It I'M 't l"i y lninly
11 M :n u mi I'li ur
H I M :-n 'i.i i . r
II I in ai iih) I . r
In ' lik II II ml li ar
17 1 In i a I 'll nr
It I I I .11 II " I l . r
HtmUiD II lulli'K NnriliwiDi nl l.m vl
Tr'b liUnki'tH but ti robes, sweater:
and cloves ut the Mercantile Co.
K. (1. Mchmikt of Kort indwell
(pent several dnya In thlH city IohI
Waller Dutton wim up from Havls
Creek liiNt week mid spent n few
davi In Lukuvlew.
A Hon win born on March 2ml to
Mr. iiml Mm. Iluvn I'.uty (m- Cluru
Stanley. if Ft. Hid w-t:.
Mrs. J. V. McAulilTo returned
homo liint week after hii(IIiik a few
iiiniithM I h 1 1 1 ti k In Chicago.
T. A. Crump, u HiicceHHful farmer
of the lower Warner Valley, wuh at-ti-liilliig
to litlhliii Hrt hero u few (lil.VM
thin wc k.
liny For Sale- Ilaleil gruli and
wild 'ih.V, abto Heed barley, for Halo,
rii ii cr uddr-Hi W. It. Meriiaid. Lnkc
vlew, On-con. Mch l'i-tf
C. N. McArthur, speaker of the
HotiBn ut tho hint Legislature, Ih
euniHdate fur the Itepublii'uu noniin
utlnn for Congress from tlm Third
Oregon district.
Lnlle of the I'n Ion Sunday Hehool
ut New- 1'lne Creek will bold n pillow
llp sale Sjturduy, March L'8 I'ro
eeeilrt will Ih lined to puy cluctrle
Unlit bill a Christian Church.
MIsm Allro McUrath, rcprcsenllnK
I ho Kxamliicr PubllHlilnn Company,
Is spending a few days In tho towns
of Alturiiri, (Vdnrvlllo nnd Ft. lled
well. Cal., I:i the IntereHtii of the pa
per. Jiihoii Klder, who for the pant iev
eral weeks Iiuh been employed In
thu Fremont National Forest otllre
in Lukevlew. lu-eompanled by bin
wife, Monday returned to their home!
at 1'nlnley.
ilaker, Oregon has et-tal.lNhed a
precedent In the wa of taxation by
makliiK u levy of oiie-hlf mill on all
taxable propi rty In the tov n for a
fund for un annual Fourth of July
rolei, ration.
If. K. StrashUurner. traveling
freisht and puHHisiiKer UKent for the
Southern l'acllle with heudouiirterK
In l.ukeview, Monday returned from a
buHlnens trip down the N.-C.-O. line.
He will make a trip to Iteno thin
Fort Uo k Times : Tho lutter part
of lust week while on IiIh way to
ltend In li Ih uutomoblle. Harl Hous
ton liutl the inlHfortune to nprlnK a
leak In the giinolliie tank, it cuuRht
(Ire and the Par burned up. The
metn! frame wa all that remulned.
Considerable plowing U belns done
on the West Side, and It In nuld the
farmera are preparing to how u lurge
acreuge In that section thin seuon.
Plowing Ih ulso lielng, Hturtod on dev
eral farniH on tho eut Hide of the
vulley. and fall grain everywhere is
reported to be looking fine.
1. A. I'liderwood Ih building a
handsome residence on his Center
Street property, Just east of tho lum
ber yard. Tho house rontaliiH live
rooms with hnth, puntry, hulls, clo
sets, porches, laundry room und
basement und will surely ho u hand
some, addition to that part of town.
The presiiienl and Mrs. Wilson
have announced the engagement of
their youngest daughter, Klnnnor
Randolph, to lion. William (Jibbs
McAdoo, secretary of the Treasury.
Mr. McAdoo is B0 years old. while
MIhh Wilson is 24. lie is a widower
und hnu six children, ono sou und
one daughter being married.
In replacing a rullroud trestle re
cently burned along the north Hhore
of Grent Salt Laku, engineers have
Just found that the piles are still per
fectly sound after 4 3 years of ser
vice. Looking for the cuuse, since
these were only of local pine and
fir, they found the timbers were im
pregnated throughout with palt from
the lake.
An excellent duuee was given on
Thursday night of last week by the
members of the A. O. U. W. lodge.
About 75 members of the Hegree of
Honor and A.O.U.W. lodges, with in
vited guestd were In attendance. Sup
per was served at midnight, and con
sisted of sandwiches, saladH, lettuce,
cakea, coffee, etc. The committee in
charge consisted of K. 11. Kvarett,
John Anener, A. K. Garrett and It. U.
Curt Ih A. t tley buv fins. I'lgs for Bale, soven shoals and
For Free Sweet I'na seed Hen offer j "w- Apply ut this oHlcc).
on In 't pare of HiIh It-sue.- Horn In l.ukevlew, March 17. to
It. A. Ogg of the circulation do- Mr, and Mrs. Cltas. George, of J'liinh,
partial nl or the Iteno Cu.etto vus In a c'aiu-hter.
.iikevle v Tin Hilny. i linriK-y Gruman In In town this
Mitishali Ayres nnd wlf) last week ; week from the Jtehart runcli at
went to Fort Hid well where they ex- Crooked Creek.
pert to remain permanently. J Andrew Morris, the Warner Valley
Mr and Mrs. C. II. I'urker ami son dairyman, vim In Lakeview last week
Arthur, spent several das In tow u w Itli a load of cream and butter.
this week from their homo at Adel j For Sale Cheap- Gasoline llght
Uh hurd Guliieo passed through ' Ing plant,' fiiltablu for bouse or store.
Lakeview last week returning to his ; lniiilre at this oltlcn. Men. 19-tf
In, lim In I'aisley lifter a trip to San , Two addlli ciul relMent? .f t.i':
Francisco. Cnlled Stales Infantry wnre dlspat-;!:-
F. M. Miller returned to Lakeview ed to Ti xaa last week to allay .hu
Tuesday niglit, following a buslnes.4 : fears of raids by Mexicans along tin;
and pleasure trip to Berkeley und j Texas border.
San Francisco. Wm. LaSater, who for ihe past 2C
Jumes iledden wus in town Mini- ; months lias served as deputy Gume
day from lila farm west of here and and Flrh Warden In Northern Lake
took homo a load of new machinery ; County, has severed his connection
to begin bis spring funning.
Director; of tho I i.ltej Stiles Kx
press Company of New York voted
unanimously to liquidate Us affairs
and dissolve in the shortest possible
with the State Commission
(Jeorge WeKtlnghoiihe died In New
York March 12, following a Ion. per
iod of illness, lie wu;i tho inventor
of the airbrake and president of 30
corporations" whose arregate capl-
The new city council of K!-malli ! tork " 120,000,000
Fulls iihv decided to contribute. S0' Merrill Kecord: Mr. Harvey, the
toward tue advertising Hind winch Is ! Luke County man who was Injured
being rai'.i d by tin- Chamber of Com-! while rl Unit a bucking horse In Mcr
iiirrce. trill some week. a,'o, is slowly recov-
i, i , i ti.i cm Schroder f ! crlng. Mrs. Harvey in with l.-r hus-
Sllver Lake was successful !n secur-j Ht lv-rslde Jio'el.
In-.: the contract for carrying n.all ! City Marshal Striplin is living
from Silver Lake to Cliff. The term j notification that tomorrow will be
of the ccntriu t Is lour years, effective cleanup day on Water Street und
July 1 thls'ycar. that property owners and tenants
W. W. NauKhton. pre,.de.,t of the V to h ive all trash and refuse
San Francisco IT.-ks Club, dean of from the gutter to the middle
K. Keller nnd wife of New Pine
Creek wer visitors in Lakeview the
first of thu week.
A line of reasonably priced ladles
and chlldrens house dresncs at the
the Pacific Coast spoiling writers,
an I known the breadth of tho coun
try, died In San Francisco last weel.
from heart dlsyuso.
W. K. McCormack und family of
Summer Lake have gone to Portland
where they expect to take up per
manent rerldence. Mr. McCormack
has sold bis large property Interests
ut Slimmer Lake to Withers Bro
thers. Tho LndlcH (Mvlc Improvement
(Muli will award prizes this senaon
for the belt lawns und best flower
gurdens. The prlneH will be about
the same as given last your, which
matter will be decided definitely
N. J. Slnnot of The Dalles has filed
his declaration of candidacy for re
election C.mi-resrt from th Second
District of Oresoii. i'! na.-i adopted
the slogan: "Itural credits. i;ood
road, liberal linnet lead laws anil a
majority rule "
C. 11. Leonard of llnrns in com
pany with Thos. Alien and S. J. Hern
of the French-Glenn Cattle Company
were In Lakeview lust week on busi
ness connected with the bearing
of the above Interests aguinst W. Z.
Moss concerning the ownership of
J. Chas. Smith, of the Parisian
Millinery, has bought the F. O. Hunt
ing property on Main street, on
which Is located the building occupi
ed by the milliner store. The prop
erty has a thirty-two feet frontage,
with a two Htory frame building and
the consideration was $3000.
Cednrvllle Kecord: I). S Denehy
lust nock purchased James Williams'
Interest in the D. S. Denehy Mercan
tile Co. of this place and sold a block
of the compuny stock to Jas. Street,
Sid Street and Fred Street. The busi
ness will ho conducted us heretofore
of the street.
President Wilson last week signed
the Alaska railroad bill, which pro
vld' for the construction of a rail
roi.d Into the northern gold fields
of Vlu-ka.. The president used two
pens ono of ivory and silver and
one of ivory and gold.
Klamath County is soon to have a
cheese factory says the Northwestern.
It will be located in Langell Valley
on the C. L. Holiday ranch and al
ready Is In thfe course of construction.
The factory is exp-ictod to be In oper
ation in a few months.
It Ih now stated that the sole ambi
tion of Villa, the one time bandit, is
to become president of Mexico, and
that it will remain so until he U
either dcud or president. If Mexico
could possibly he any worse ofT than
at present. It would be for Villa to
take Huerta's place.
i W. D. Trout of Iteno, who comes
highly recommended VIII give a pub
! lie lecture In the M. E. Church
Wednesday. March L'5. at 7.30 p. m..
on the subject of "Masonry." Ad
mission will be free, but collection
will be taken up at the end of the
meeting to defray incidental ex
peiiHes. U. A. Hooth of Eugene lu.s AM
his declaration as an aspirant for the
Republican nomination foi United
Stales Senator. He asks that the fol
lowing twelve words be published
after his name on the ballot: . 'Cre
dit restored. Labor employed. Pro
duce protected. Lands reclaimed.
Oregon developed. Homes protect
ed." Portland's harbor front tuflered Its
most devastating conflagaration In
history lust week when two mammoth
grain docks laden with wheat were
completely desroyed, and two large
vessels were ruined almost beyond re-
Lakevlew Mercantile Co.
Horn at the Lakeview Hospital In j
Lakeview, Oregon, Tuesday, March ,
17. 1ft 14, to Mr. and Mrs. Clyde
Cogburn, a 94 pound boy.
.Mrs. George Chandler Is reported
to be qutte ill at her home at Abort
Lake, suffering from an attack of
George Hentz Is now the pos
'icsMor of a Ford car, he having
purcha.M!d one this v.eeu from Au
ten tc. Jei.nings.
County Attorney O. C. GIbbs, Mon
day left by horseback on a business
trip to the nortnern part of the
The many friends of J. B. Blair
were glad to see him upon the streets
this week following an operation re
cently performed by Doctors Smith
and Everett.
Dr. W. Hayden Fisk is now the
proud papa of a fine baby girl, who :
made her arrival at the Lakeview
Hospital Tuesday, March 17, Mrs.
Fisk and daughter are doing nicely.
The baby weighed Dine pounds.
The petition of Wesley O. Smith,
of Klamath Falls, who will be a
candidate for re-election to the of
fij of Representative from this
judicial district, is heinn circulated
an-on,-; the voters of Lakeview.
F. P. Lane has ordered a new
1914 Model Cadillac automobile;
throup-h Auten & Jennings the local
dealers in Cadillac and Ford cars.
It is expected that Mr. Lane'scar
will arrive today or tomorrow, be
Ins driven down from Bend.
Catching thirty fish, a broken ear
and a walk of sl or eight miles
were some of the experiences of the
party, composed of Harry Bailey,
A. L. Thornton, F. P. Light and W.
F. G.-ob, who went to Drews Creek
Tuesday In Bailey's car.
Lakeview Encampment Lodge, No.
18 will confer the royal purple de
gree on six candidates in the I.O.O.F.
Hall tonight. The Initiating cere
monies are to be followed by a ban
quet and a large attendance of mem
ber is requested.
under the name of the D. S. Denehy pulr and a dozen buildings were more
Muiv-intlln Co r less scorencu oy urivms nun.tra
Leo Huael has purchased the
house and lot belonging to Chus.
Cmbuch on Dewey street, formerly i
occupied by Mr. and Mrs. C. E.
Lonzway, und will take possession
immediately. Mr. and Mrs. Lonz
way have taken rooming appart
ments in the I'mhach building on'
Canyon street.
This will be onu of the most pros
perous years in the history of Silver
Lake. Is the opinion of the leader,
which bays that there will be more
business buildings erected ant', more
new enterprise atarled than in many
yeurs, und thut more now homes will
un elected and more city work com
menced thun In any year In the past
The corner lot. west of the W. V.
Heryford residence, on Dewey street
has been purchased by the Presby
terian Church of Lakeview and plans
are now under way for the erection
of a church building on the prop
erty. The church owns an Inside
loi In the same block und it is saia
to be for pale since making this last
Bid well News: Geo. 11. Ayres, lo
cal representative of the Modoc Co.
Irrigation Company was served Fri
day with a $10,000 attachment of the
company's charts, surveys and office
equipment. This Is the first step tor
the early commencement oi ,ork on
the Cow Head project, as this move la
made to force the company to do
The total loss caused by the fire is
eftiiiialed a' nearly a million d.Mui&.
A jury trial of John Duncan vs.
Kehart Borthers, a suit for wages
uniounting to $128, was held before
Justice of the Peace Chas. Umbuch
last Monday. While a case of this
nature should ordinarily be decided
In favor of the wage earner, the
jury considered the claim of the de
fendants that the plaintiff was gross
negligent and returned a verdict in
their favor.
Dr. Smith was called to the Mc
Culley ranch west of town Saturday
night to attend Clareuce Anderson
who sustained quite serious injuries
from falling from his wagon near
that place while returning home
from Lakeview. The following day
he was removed to his home on the
West Side, and wliLe his neck was
injured quite seriously, he is report
ed to be recovering as well as could
be expected.
George B. Whorton, proprietor of
Ye Olde Inn returned home Monday
from a trip to Stockton, Cal., where
he visited Mrs. Whorton and child
ren. He also made a slioit trip to
San Francisco. Mr. Whorton has
taken a lease on the Drenkel build
ing on the corner of Water ard Can
yon streets, now occupied iy the
Combs Pool and Billiard Hall, and
will take charge April first. Mr.
Combs states that he is undecided
about re-openlng in another building
Will Investigate Kates
Sacramento Bee: The State Kail-
road Commission Has begun an inves-
tlgatlon on its own initiative into all
the rates of the Nevada, California,
Oregon Railway; and a public hear
ing will be held before Commissions
Gordon at Alturas, Modoc County, on
March 27th.
Scores Votes For Women
George Wlngfleld, mining million
aire, is quoted in the Sacramento
Bee as declaring that if women are
allowed to vote in Nevada by the
adoption of the Suffrage Amendment
at the coming election he will close
up his interests, including farming,
banking and mining and leave Nev
Unemployed Army Diserslng '
With the food supply rapidly di
minishing, and a raw north wind,
making life unpleapant on the Yolo
County, Cal., saud levees the "un
employed army" around the Califor
nia capital is said to le rapidly dis
Integrating. Only about 300 out of
the original 150a now remain.
Chautauqua Circle
The Lakeview Chautauqua Circle
will meet with Miss Hall at the home
of Mrs. Bailey, Monday, March 23,
at 7:30 p. m. Program, Roll Call,
current events. Subject, Studies in
the Poetry of Italy, Chapter VI. The
Renaissance and Ariosto, Miss Hall;
Chapter VII, Tusso, Miss Knight;
Chapter VIII. The Period of Decad
ent e and the Revival.
Martial Law
Although no proclamation was Is
sued, martial law existed at Sun
Diego the first of the week along
the border for miles each side of
Tecate, Cal., following the destruc
tion by fire of the penerril store con
taining the United States postoffice
and customs ofllce and the murdei
of Postmaster Johnson, Saturday
night, by three men declared to be
Anti-Mxlcan feeling is said to be
aroused to fever heat In thut vicini
ty of California.
Destroy Trash
All trash about the farm should be
burned during the first dry weather.
Weeds, rodunts, insects, germs, and
bed air find refuge in piles of decay
ing plant and animal matter. "An
ounce of prevention Is worth many
pounds of cure," says A. L. Lovett,
crop-pest specialist at the Agricul
tural College.
"Troy's Best Product."
Take a look at our Spring Showing
of these high grade Shirts.
Priced at $1.50 to $3.00.
The Rival of any $5.00 hat on the
market. Price $3.00.
All the New Spring Blocks.
The last word in Underwear man
ufacture. Try a suit to be convinced
of the comfort of a perfect fitting
Union Suit.
Priced at $1 .50 to $3.00.
The World's Largest Factory
Making Women's Fine Shoes
1 700 PAIRS
5.127 PEOPLE
Nothing but merit in the article made can build such a busi
ness as this an organization of shoe specialists with but one
ambition: To Make Better Shoes Every Day.
It means just what the mame implies
The Queen of Quality. This name on a
shoe is your guarantee of Excellence in
Style, Fit and Comfort. It means the
last word in beauty of design and fashion
We are showing the new Spring
Shoes right now. It is a feast for
the eyes a showing of beauty
and real art in shoe making.
We want you to come in and
take a look. You don't have to
buy all we ask ia to show you.
You will understand why we are
so enthusiastic when you see
what we have on exhibition. .
Prices $3.50 to $5.00
Lakeview Mercantile Company