Lake view Saddlery SMtf - A complete line ol f '' 1 1 fl Kvcrythl.i In the wagon nd bum I if - 1 .f ca"l??e robe, bit, rlatea, 1 1 V J ? spurs.qullta.roae- II competent ettes, etc., etc. J! f I mcn 77E flESr VAQUERO SADDLE ON THE MARKET AHLSTROM & GUNTHER, Inc. Successors to S. F. AHLSTROM NEVADA-CALIFORNIA-OREGON BY. Daily Service Reno to Lakeview Except Sundays No. 1 Arrives Lakeview at 9:40 P. M. No. 2 Leaves Lakeview at 5:40 A. M. Daily Except Sunday Pullman A BttffettService Between Lakeview and Reno C. W. CLASS, AGENT :: LAKEVIEW, OREGON THE PALACE BAR O'CONNOR & DUGGAN - - PROPRIETORS A Gentlemen's Popular :: Resort PHONE 32 CHOICE BRAND WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS Lakeview Steam Laundry HARRY C. HUNKER, Prop. We give efficient service and do good work. Send your washing and give us a trial. TELEPHONE No. 732 SIT DOWN AND TAKE IT EASY and, if you are tired, have a little of our famous Whiskey it will he refreshing toy ou if fatigued. You'll enjoy the flavor and appreciate the bracing properties of the liiptor the purity of which la guaran teed. As a stimulant and restora tive it cannot lie beaten In medici nal quality. And so seldom you get high grade goods at such I rices. KENTUCKY SALOON POST & KING, Proprietor MAKING A GOOD JOB OF IT is an easy matter it you do it with our tools. We have the tools for everybody, the pratical mechanic or the clever amateur. Tools for the boy, tools for the household. If you are a judge, you'll know their goodness. If not, our reputation is a guarantee of quality. T. E. BERNARD "EVERYTHING IN HARDWARE AND FARM IMPLEMENTS LAKEVIEW, OREGON I HERN .! THKIIK Announcomonl Just boon made I that approximately 46,000 r.cris cf land adjacent to Flora, Lour Creek. ' Monument, lloech Creek. Enterprise : and Maker has been xet aside for homcstcuding. This In claused as 'scnit-artd land and will bo subject I to t ho enlarged homestead act. It will be ready to be niod upon on and after March 9, and original entrymen will have the right to file on 32o acre. Supporters of Thontaa II. Kay for re-election to the office of State Trea surer will be caused some confusion in casting their ballot at the May Primaries, u Thomas Kay, a special agent of Governor West, haa filed his petition declaring his candidacy for State Treasurer on the Republi can ticket. The names and politics being alike, electors should remem ber the "Thomas D." If they desire to re-elect the present incumbent. Nitrate of silver is pronounced as a sure cure for the cigarette ha bit, according to W. P. Hale, superin tendent of the tte trtuln school for boys. One treatment is said to put an end to the habit for the time belnn, and a number of treatments are declared to end the desire for the weed. if it i'riiv.-s ..j 1 NOTES CNIYAUNITZ urvrRsiPE pa. o kTORKt SPONlVTNTt SOU t IT tl IJ .rris) tThoe artlclra and Illustrations must not be reprinted without apecliil permission. Hood Klver has decided to orga nize a co-operative creamery. Two thousand dollars of the $5,000 of stock voted has already been taken and 275 cows have been signed up. It is estimated that 400 cows will be sufficient to make the proposition pay, and no difficulty In getting this number is anticipated. Ft. Rock Times: The Fremont cheese factory is expected to start as soon as there is enough milk to warraut it this will bo on or before April 1st. With the Increased mar ket made possible by the new par cel post laws and the splendid pros pects for good prices throughout the year and with larger quantities of milk, better prices can be paid for It. Oregon Journal" Dissatisfied with condition in Canada and believing better opportunities await them in Oregon, 100 English families are figuring on coming here in a body this spring or during the summer. Their representative Is now in Fort laud looking into the possibilities of securing a body of government land of sufficent area. He has already found tracts he believes will pove satisfactory. Joseph Fels, millionaire soap man ufacturer end advocate of the single tax died of pneumonia last week at his Philadelphia home. Mr. Fels was probably best known as the great single tax advocate of the present generation although his name is equally well known on two contin ents as associated with his soap business. In a bulletin which baa recently teen Isaued the department of agrlcalture knocks the wind out of the claim which have been made for the Saabon pea, as It Is termed. The claim fa made for this pea that three and a half acres produced seventy tons of hay and 250 bushels of seed. The pamphlet states that this bo called pea, for which such a claim is made, is nothing more nor less than the asparagus or yard long bean, being a chase relative of the cow-pea. As a forage-crop tbL bean la inferior to the best varieties, of cow peas. The American farm hund who gets from f'!0 to $40 a month and; board haa a big advantage over the German farm lalorer, whose average suaimer wage Is $2.87 a week, or $12 per auontb, with free lodging and potatoes. Inning- the same season bla wife caa earn $1.87 per week. In winter their wage are $2.25 and $1.K weekly. The weekly expenditure of a farmer lu eust Prus sia runs as follows: Thirty-two pounds of rough rye bread, $1; two pounds of lurd. 30 cents; six quarts of rnilk, 17V4 cents; Hire herrings. 2Vi cents; meat, siilt, onion, coffee, wood fuel, petro leum and soap. 5Ti cents, or a total of $2.0:1. Mrs. John Arzner ies A dispatch from Koseburg to the Oregontan says: Mrs. John Arzner, aged 72 years and an Oregon pioneer of 1847 died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. W. F. Harris, in Roseburg, Febru ary 22. The funeral was held at Canyonville on Monday. Mrs. Arz ner was born in Missouri and cross ed the plains with her parents in the year 1847. They first located near Dallas, Polk County, later moving to Roberts Creek, Douglas County. Roberts Creek and Roberts Mountain both well known and picturesque spots of this locality, derived their names from Jesse Roberts, father of Mrs. Arzner. Mrs. Arzner Is surviv ed by two children, Mrs. F, W. Har ris of Roseburg, and Mrs. John Arz ner, of Riddle. The deceased lady was an aunt of Gabriel, John, Joe and X. Arzner of THE DORKIN08. If there was a dispute as to which cock crew thrice when Petor denied his Iird. the Game or the Dorking, we rather think the evidence would say the lurking, for, though the Game Is of great antiquity, the Dorking wns in particular a Roman favorite, borne by them side by side with the Roman eagle and made the fowl of the land added to the empire by coiujuest A peculiarity of the IHirklng is the fifth toe, and this ecullarlty In one reason for their mention lu ancient history by Pliuy and Columella. The fowl's antiquity was attested by the excavations at Pompeii, de stroyed by earthquake 70 A. D. There a large mosaic was unearthed contain ing the perfect picture lu stone of the V.-Vi P9 Photo by C. M. Barnlts. B1LVKU OR4Y DOKKtNO COOK. MBD. Dorking, showing that It was a fa vorite with those ancients. Kngland ia the modern home of the Dorking. Caesar bore It there C& R. C. when be i-onqiiertHl the ancient Krltona. and. though they bated Caesar, they esteem ed the fowl and made it the national breed, naming It after Darklug. now Dorking. In Surrey. Ancient pictures and the mosaic from the ruiim of Potnpeil show the fifth toe and shape characteristics of the Dorking a they apKr today. The varieties are the Colored. Silver Gray and White, the last with- rose eemb. All along donu the centurlea the Dorking has leen prized as 11 menty. 1 Ptioto by :. M. t-:a?nltz. SILVKH OliAT DOltKIfHJ HKH. market fowl, and, well lired and well fed, it Is burd to beat It is large, with u long, broad, low set body, full wide breast, deep keel aud Is short legged, solid, compact. It has white shanks aud the white skin and pink tlesh so popular with the lOuglish. It seems specially con structed for meat development aud the production of big eggs. The Silver Gray is most populur. and the Colored DorkJug Is largest DONTS. Don't be weary of the way. Remem ber the hosts who have passed on who thought nut of themselves alone, but tried to make the path smoother and brighter for those to follow them. We pass this way but once, so let It be with good cheer und noble deeds. Don't forget that there is a golden mean In feeding. It's not the amount a beu euts. but what she digests and asslmilutes. that brings the protlt Don't tackle HUiliry 011 u large scale until you have made It pay on a mod erate plant Don't expect bony, skinny stock -to escape the detection of the city buyer. He will often class the whole ship ment by a few such poor birds. Don't ship live poultry In undersized crates. It Is cruel, poor business pol icy and unluwful. Don't use any kind of an old box for shipping dressed poultry nor old, stain ed, musty crates for egg". They de tract from the upcu ranee of the goods and put the shipper in the bughoasw class. mm im case Ti'oiti:v .i:M:it ii m m;h aw.uvst iiomi: PKOltl ( Kits Ctitmn Siigur Allowed to Kntcr the I'nlliMl States at less Than Other Sugars Loiilnlana Migar growers lont die cond round of their fight to keep up thu duty on sugar hint week when At torney General Mcltcynolds handed down an opinion that Cuban sugar is entitled to enter the United States at all times during the life of the present treaty, In payment of a duty of twenty per cent less than other sugars. The Louislanans contended that there waa a conflict In the new tariff law between Ua reaffirmation of the Cuban reciprocity treaty, which pro vides for a twenty per cent preferen tial for Cuban sugar, and that part of the law which provides for a general reduction of the duty on sugar of 25 per rent, beginning March 1, They hoped that the attorney general would find that there could not bo a reaffirmation of the treaty and a re duction In siuar duties. The attorney general's opinion, however, will result In an almost Im mediate reduction In the rate on Cu ban sugar, keeping It as now, twenty per cent under other sugars. After March 1, Cuban "ninety-five per cent" sugar will be admitted to the Cnlted Stales on payment of a duty of about one cent per pound. Any furlier action by the sugar growers probably will be In the Su preme Court. Suit might be brought to determine Judicially the conflict oa which Mr. Mclteynoldf has ruled 8. P. (ilven More Time An extension of time to March 31 waa granted Monday by Federal Judge liean to the Southern Pacific Company in the forfeiture suit of the Government against the Oregon and California: Railroad. The record goes to the I'ulted States Circuit Court of Appeals In San Francisco for the use of that court In deciding the defendant's appeal from Judge Wolvcrton's final decree of last Jaly 1, forfeiting 2. 300,004 acres of land in the Willa mette Valley to the Government be cause the company In disposing of the land was alleged to have violated the term of the grant. Prohibition In View v To give the Governor power to remove any sheriff or district attor ney that tho Governor believes Is not performing his duty, and to appoint his successor, Is the object of a mes sage which tho People s Power lea gue lutendri submitting to the voters of Oregon, This announcement was made at the Central Library lit Port laud by W. H. IJ'Ren, who said that the long lie has enough work laid out to keep It busy for the next five years. Mr. IJ'lten announced to hj au dience that If tho people adopt the proposed Initiative giving the Gover nor such power as outlined and then elect IJ'Ren as Governor ho will maka Oregon absolutely dry. Went Plan to Retrench Because of the demand for the re duction of the rot of conductl'ig the state government, Governor West states that be will appoint a commu te of. seven to determine what stale commissions, department and offices could be abolished or consolidated to muke retrenchment possible. The Governor announces that committee will be composed of grangers, busl ntms men, labor leaders and all class es. It Is believed that the Governor will direct the work so as to hit State Treasurer Kay and State Kn gtneer Lewis, candidates for re-election who have opposed many of his policies. Canada Haa Parcel Fcwd Canada has Instituted a parcel post system based on American experience and It may be that In a few years postal cooperation between tr-e to countries will cover this phase of service. Hates are higher than In tho United States and for the flrnt three nonlhs pucXaget ovr alt pounds in weight will not be accept ed. o Wool Hale Hate The Shanlko Star gives tho follow ing as wool sales dates for 1J14: Shanlko, June 4, June 19. July 9; Pilot Rock., May 21, June 16; F.cho. May 22; Pendleton. May 23; Hepp ner, June 23, June 25; llaker. May 6, July 2; Ontario and Vale June 2. 8, 9; Condon June 17; Madras June 23. July 7; Joseph June 30; Enter prise and Wallowa July I; Rend July 7. TIIF. KX A MINER FOR J.OB WORK HIS is the time of the year when attention-should he devoted to your season's Job Printin We have the material-wehave the ideas. Phone your wants to Examiner Job Department No. 522 Examiner Publishing Company PHONES Editorial Rooms 521 -:- Job Department 522 HOTEL LAKEVIEW F-S;A!StiT e ERECTED IN 1900 Sample Room for Commercial Travlora Modern Throughout. Flrnt Cla Aooommodatlonm Lakeview.