Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, March 05, 1914, Image 3

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(From the Irish World)
United States Senator Itamsdell,
of Loulsiaoa, la a speech In the
Senate, la Introducing m resolution
proposing an amendment to the Con
stitution, that , "Absolute .dlvrce
wun me right to re-marry shall not
be permitted In the United Stiles,
or within any place wlthm their Jur
isdiction; uniform luws In regard to
marriage, and to teparatlou
without pormlHslou to remarry, shall
bf enacted lor the United States and
all places subject toNtbem and Con
tress shall have power to enforce
this article by appropriate lug.Ma
tiio, ' said:
At tl.U tiiuo I deeui It necessary
to make only a brief observation on
the treat evil of divorce. Tlio re
medy by constitutional prohibition
it drastic, but the milady Is so fa
tal that nothing- i-h tt of It will prov
efficacious. '
Practically everyone who has civ
en the subject the slightest fctudy
admits that divorce Is one of the
most serious problems confronting
our Itepubilc. In the United States
divorce I spreading with alarming
rapidity. It has premeated every
walk of life and la prevalent among
every class of people. The total
umber of divorces granted In 1887
was MIS, or 17 per cent per 100,
000 population. Forty years later
la 1906, there were 72, 062 divor
cee, or 86 per 100,000; thus In ac
tual numbers, there were more than
seven times as many divorces grant
ed la 1806 aa In 1867, or, allowing
for the Increased population, divorce
has Increased 819 per cent. To put
It In another way, In 1867 there wan
one divorce for every 3,6(6 people,
while In 1906 there was 1 for every
1. 162.
If divorces multiply nt the unnio
rate In the future as In the pant j
and tiii-ro In every Indication that
they will Increaitn fattier then, be- j
fore tho middle of this century, we j
will have annually In the I'nlt.fl
States 276 divorces per 100,000 pop
ulation, or I divorce for every 5
Our cIohc-nI competitors In Ktircitr;
are Switzerland, with 41 dlvriiM
annually per 100,000 population;
Hungary with SS, and France with
83, according to the statistics for
1910 and 1911, while Japan ha Kit
divorcee to our 86. 'To make a in-st
striking comparison, during 1901
the total number of divorces grant
ed In the United States was more
than twice as great as la all the rest
of Christendom combined; yes act
ually more than two times as many
divorces among 70,000,000 Ameri
cans that year as among 400,000,000
souls of Europe and other Chrlstaln
England stands In bold contrast
with this country. In 1911 she
granted a total of only 665 divorces,
or 1 1-8 per 100,000; while In the
United States allowed 72, 062 divor
ces, or 86 per 100,000. During the
20 years ending with 1906 Iroland
had only 19 divorces, or an aveiage
of less than one absolute divorce
per year for her population of ,-
If the United States were to write
in the Constitution an Amendment
prohibiting absolute divorce It would
not be taking such a radical step as
might at first be thought, but would
be following a beaten path.
The State of North Carolina all
honor be he forbids divorce. It Is
abnolutely forbidden In Italy, 8pain,
and two-thirds of the population of
Austria Hungary, while the Lntln
Amerlcan countries of Mexico, Ar
gentine Republic, Drazll, Peru, Chile
and others have similar laws. A le
gal separation, however, without the
right to remarry. Is recognized In all
of these Jurisdictions. In Canada
the important provinces of Quebec
Ontario, Newfoundland, and the
Northwest Territories have no di
vorce law, though divorce may be
obtained by an art of the Canadian
Parliament. From 1867 to 1909 a
period of 4 2 years those provinces
had only 140 abnolute divorces.
It cannot bo gainsaid that divorce
dextroys the home, and the home In
the hiinn and foundation of the state;
hence wo must utcp divorce or ruin
the Plata, which cannot continue to
exlnt If It ba:;o In allowed to crum
bin and full.
While many excellent people nrr
divorced, iitid Home of them make
new homcii, the Inevitable trend of
divorce In to brenk up many more
honieit t!i un it builds up. and to mil
terlnlly reduce the number of child
ren. When marrlace Ik dlns.,lvcd the
true homo ceases to exint, the par
ents and children arc separated, and
the seet ties that bind father and
mother to their offspring and to each
tther are broken forever.
As long as the Ilomans of old
looked upon marriage as sscrel nJ
held the sanctity of the homelrfvlo
late, their arms were (invulnerable,
and Rome became mistress of tbe
world. Put with tbe accumulation
of colossal wealth came great lax
ity of morals, marriage became "traction so far as engineering In
Just and chlldbearlng a useless bur-, Mnulty can Insure It,
den. The luxurious Romans lost all Th Britannic, Intended for the
Del fast, Ireland, Feb. 26. The
launching today of the Britannic, the
80,000 ton White Htar liner, marked
aa Important development In con
respect for female chastity, the her
ole virtue of their early years were
trans-Atlantic service, bad only been
laid .down when the Titanic dlnas-
forgotten, and the Empire fell, th'ter occurred and the plans of the
victim of luxury and dUngard for,new ,lner. " almost completely
the binding effects of marriage. remoaolM- A complete inner skin
Shall not the United States take
warning from Rome's example?
I appea. to all patriotic citizen
extends to a considerable height
above the load line, the most vulner
able portion of the vessel, and the
good men of very creed and of no nelght and number of bulkheads has
creed to unite in urging the adop-iDeen Increased,
tlon of my amendment, which has) It Is claimed for the Britannic that
for its objoct.the preservation of the Bhe ould b b, to float with six
home, ayo. sir, the preservation of compartments filled with water,
the RepuMlc: home which gave usi Tne ,nner k,n consists of heavy
our earllost and best lessons In mor-'plating, extending from the water
allty; home, where we were taught t'ht bulkhead in front of the for
te love, honor anil h our narnntn. ' ri boiler room to the after end of
and all lawful superiors; nome,
where we received our first lessons
In government, a little state. In which
our fond parents were the rulers and
we, their children, were willing sub
jects; home, the greatest protection
from anarchy, the strongest defense
against Socialism, and the chief bul
wark of society; home, the maker pf
good citizens and the model on which
every wise government la founded.
Irish Wot Id.
the turbine engine room It Is con
nected with tho outer shell by longi
tudinal tubes and angles, with es
pecially strong connections at bulk
heads and watertight divisions. An
extra watertight bulkhead has been
Introduced and tbe existing bulk
heads have been carried up to the
biidye deck.
University Degrees
Hon. William Dillon, formerly edi
tor of tbe New World, the official or-
I'ndertaJcA Big Project ! gaa of the Diocese of Chicaro. us
At a recent meeting of the Burns recently received his title as Doctor
Commercial Club a plan was inaugu- of iw, oy the National University
rated which It la expected well pro- of Ireland. At a meeting of tbe Unt-
i '
ersity Senate last December, it was
deeded to confer degrees upon those
students who for conscientious rea-
i sons refrained from attending instl-
vide for the Immediate relief of that
ectlrn from Its present Isolation.
The plan provides for preliminary
work In reference to construction of
a rallrond from Burns south to con- 'tutlons where they could have ob
nent with the proposed branch or J talned a university degree, and in
the Western Pacific at Bid well, Call-1 ola'c.e thereof resorted to the Catho-
fornla. a distance of approximately
ISO mlloH.
The road would run through the
enter of Harney valley, up the Dun
dor and Iilltzen valley and across one
"lid of tho Oatlow valley. Maps,
data ami exhibits from the territory
affected will he prepnred and reprc
irnlntlveB of tho Commercial organa-
11c University of Ireland, which was
unable to grant them that privilege.
Mr. Dillon is the brother of Jolyi Dillon.
Ilet Treatment for Constipation
"My daughter useed Chamberlain's
Tablets for constipation with good
results and I can recommend them
Izatlnn will be Bent to California to; highly," writes Paul B. Bab'n, Brush-
enlit interest In the move. I iy( l. por Baie hy all dealers.
p "i.'Win up ' iij"K'j.JlK,Muw'r'liiT'W'iW iiviJ'ii'iiiJ.WLiiitw'Jll'Wi''""i"'. i- n ' , mi l ippaaaeaepaPFwapewTa mmi , 1111 umMiuiunumwi
We honestly believe we have the best remedy in the world for indigestion
and dyspepsia. We were you to try it at our risk. If it doesn't relieve
eta til a 1 a 1
you as we leel sure it win we 11 fnve pack your money witnout a word.
You know us your family drumrist. You know we wouldn't dare recommend anything we didn't
know about, nor dare to break a promise. Therefore, when we recommend any remedy it is because
we believe it to be better than any other to relieve the ailment for which it is made, and when we
Jirove our faith in it and our sincerity toward you by promising to give back your money if it '
oesn't relieve you and in every way satisfy you, you have no possible excuse for doubt or hesitation, t
W m
Present System of Payment Is Vn
Jut to Taxpayers, and County
la Not Benefitted
best remedy made for Indigestion, Dyspepsia and all
other Stomach Ills
are, we honestly believe, the
We Know They're Good Delays Are Dangerous You Risk No Money
Rexall Dysprpsia Tablets, in addition
to other ingredient, contain Pepsin and
Bismuth, two great digestive aids used by
the entire medical profession. They
soothe the inflamed stomach, check the
heartburn and distress, stimulate a
healthy secretion of the gastric juice,
aid in rapid and comfortable digestion
of the food and help to quickly convert
it into rich red blood, and thereby into
flesh, bone and muscle. They relieve
stomach distress promptly, and, used
regularly for a short time, tend to re
store the stomach to a comfortable,
easy-acting, healthy state. They aid
greatly to promote regular bowel action.
Don't neglect indigestion, for it fre
quently leads to all porta of ills and com
plications. Tbe pain and discomfort is
not the most unfortunate part. The fact
that when the stomach is not acting
right, the material needed to repair the
wastes that are constantly taking place
In the body is not being given to the blood
either in the proper condition or fast
enough is far more scrims. Nothing
will cause more trouble than an unhealthy
stomach. The blues, debility, lack of
strength and energy, constipation, bil
iousness, headaches and scores of other
serious ailments result from the failure
of the stomach to properly do its work.
Our willingness to have you use Rexall
Dyspepsia Tablets entirely at our risk
proves our faith in them. We always
sell them this Way, and it is because
we know that they have greatly ben
efited scores of sufferers to whom
we have sold them. There's no red
tape about our guarantee. It m cutis
just what it says. We'll ask you no
questions. You needn't sign anything.
Your word is enough for us. We know
that when they hi") you you will con
sider it money well spent even if they
had cost you ten times as much. If they
don't help you, the money you paid for
them is yours, and we want you to have it.
Sold only At the more than 7,000 Rexall Stores the World's Greatest Drug Stores. In convenient boxes three sizes: 29c, 60c, $1X0
The Portland Telegram offers the
following pertinent suggestions re
garding the tax question:
Paying taxes this year Is causing
more howls and complaints than us
ual. In tbe first place they are too
In the second place, there is a py
ramiding penalty ' for every month
that they are not paid.
In the third place, money Is
And In the fourth, fifth, sixth and
other places, it is not contended that
there is really ur need of dumping
all that tax money Into the County
Treasury In a lump when the county
doesn't need the money far imme
diate use.
There Is steadily increasing de
mand that taxes be paid quarterly or
semi-annually, instead of citizens be
ing forced, under penalty, to pay the
taxes in a lump.
Consider the poor taxpayer. Per
sons who have not ready money to
pay their taxes and yet who wish to
avoid the heavy penalty, must bor
row from the bank. The average
individual in this position must pay
the highest rate of Interest, 7 or 8
per cent, for Instance. The borrow
er may get the money from the
bank in tbe morning and pay the
taxes, and this money may be back
In the bank by 3 o'clock in yie af
ternoon. The County Treasurer tak
es the 'money which Mr. Taxpayer
has borrowed at 7 or 8 per cent, and
puts it back In the bank a few hours
later, and the bank pays 2 per cent
to the county for the privilege. - So,
the bank makes 6 per cent, or some
thing like that, for allowing a few
dollars to be taken, out of the vault
for less than a day. If the trans
action is by check It may never
leave the bank at all.
No urgent necessity of the county'
demands the immediate use of the
tax money. The tax monej is rolling
in, and will remain, for the greater
part, in bank for months. There
Is an agitation on foot that the tax
es be paid quarterly, so the burden
will fall more lightly on the taxpay
ers by giving more time to meet the
rates, and the county, receiving its
tax fund in four Installments, will
not be inconvenienced, but will have
the money as it is needed. Quarter
ly payments will not work a hard
ship on anyone, and will do away
with the necessity of borrowing by
the taxpayers.
( nf OblA. ntf it Toledo, Lamia Cenptr.
Frank t. Ilwr piakea oath that ha a paa'r
Partner or tk arm nt V. I. C'hnaf .,
ln bpatfMHM In tha ( Itf of T"IV. Vmmly
Xialp aforaaaitf, aM that M Arm will par
tha mm t ON Ht NOhKI) MrU.AKft tnr
Park an4 pvary aaaa of Tatarrh that rannot kaa
carp ky tk pap pf Uslt's Catarrh Cur a.
epipsj t fcarofp SMI Pn4 aiirwinHj! tip pip
araaanrv, thla otk tf pf iMwanbrr, A. P., !WH
am. a. w. nr.KAso.
h'otar lUbUav
tun's fatprrb Car Is tataa Intrna! pax!
ptp eiraetljr ppm tkp bVwwt anr mnmn pan
Itrtn pf 14 ajritKP. 4nd fr tc-atlnopkafefc
' F. 1. CIIKKKT CO., TolrSny X.
KM by PB Drpftlats, TV.
Take Bairs FsaiUy mis for eonattpatioi
THf 'OM)tflT BRTAttlTaniD KKAL7T
For tale either tor stock or gri
cultural parpone.
$1000 Dollars Reward
We, W. F. Detert and W. D. Duke,
own all the cattle branded 70 or
XL and formerly owned by Cox St
Clark and tbe Heryford Land V
L'attle Company. Tbeee cattle are
now on the ranges of Modoc and
Las sen Counties. For information
leading to tbe arrest and conviction
of any party or parties Illegally
branding, killing, driving off or dis
posing tit naj of tbe above cattle
we will pay ONE THOUSAND, DOL
LAB 8 and tbe coeteof arrest and
prosecution. Send all informatioa
to E. II. Day, A It eras, Modoc county
Cat., or to os at Latrobe, El Dorado
Connty, Cel. It guilty party might es
cape, i-romptly notify the Sheriff of
the connty fa which tbe Illegal act
was committed and advise as by
wire at onr 'expenee.
loadoal know now ram rau raraon w
an tmka out oil rainy U? una! you bav
The mh alkker with the fasnona ReSez EAf
(pat'd) th pn-renta water from running; io
at the Front. Made for hard perries. Two
colore black, or yellow.
$3.00 Everywhere.-
aTowerCaitxtan LfajttoV
Torailo tots
vrc M k
pgcsV I Rvw l At
PaorecT You a
Homestead Credit Asked
Money troubles of homesteaders
in the West were pictured to the
joint committee at Washington on
rural credits by George W. Fisher,
of Redfleld, S. D., who asked
Jongress make provisions for loans
to entrants on homestead lands. v
At pressnt he declared, tbe poo
homesteader who endeavored to
make a start in a new country with
out sufficient capital was "victimiz
ed by Shylock bankers, who strip
each advancing wave of homestead
ers and lie in wait for the net
White Scotch Collies
I have a number ofwhtte collie pup
pies, both icxri, that are from the best
bred kennels in the world. They are eligi
ble fcr registration. Papers furninhed with
each sal. The b-at ar.?p and cattle dog.
known. Can ship them by express. Write
for prices and photographs of dogs. . State
sexwanted. Guy Lafollette, frineville.Ora
Byron Graves, familiarly mown ia
"Bud", has returmd to Chicago after
spending most of thew inter months in
'lennessee, Louisiana nd other south
ern states. Mr. and Mrs. G. rl. Graves
biiu ..... mj v. v . i a . t n nuu i n i u
ily ate at present residing in Chicago.
The fact that there is less dyspep
sia and indigestion in this communi
ty than there used to be is largely,
we believe, due to the extensive use
of Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets, hun
dreds of packages of which we have
sold. No wonder we have faith in
them. No wonder we are willing to
offer them to you for trial entirely at
our risk.
Among other things they contain
PepBin and Bismuth, two of the
greatest digestive aids known to
medical science. They soothe the in
flamed stomach, allay pain, check
heartburn and distress, help to digest
the food, and tend to quickly restore
the stomach to its natural, comfort
able, healthy state.
There is no red tape about our
guarantee. It means just what it
says. We'll ask you no questions.
Your word is enough for us. If Rex
all Dyspepsia Tablets don't restore
your stomach to health and make
your digestion easy and comfortable,
we want you to come back for your
money. They are sold at the 7,000
Rexall Stores, and in this town on
ly by us. Three sizes, 25c, 50c and
$1.00. Thornton Drug Co., Lake
view, Oregon.
fcT Cutter', Blaoklet PM". Um
prtnM. Iiafl. rellahlu: lrr. 'reii Itr
Wmtein stockmen because tt-y pra
taet lire ethar vaaeinea fail.
Wrlt for booklet and irti'r.onlaU
IO-iom pitta. Blaeklaa Pilli ll.Oa
St-Sete pkte. Blaokle, Fill 4.S0
Vina .ii 1 n i.Wnr luit PnffM', h t
Thp tupwterrtr at Cottar pnKlurta la rtua ta or-r It
are or eperiaiiuaa. u oaocieaa pea earuau aaiy.
i.m,t aa tuner, it JtiMMnaw-t. order dlrert.
THE CUTTER LABORATORY. Berkeley. ;CaJlterpiki
Scores of Lakeview readers are
learning the duty of the kidneys.
To filter the blood is the kidneys "
When they fall to do this the
kidneys are weak.
Backache and other kidney ills,
may result.
Help the kidneys do their work.
Use Doan's Kidney Pills the test
ed kidney renie'dy.
Proof of their worth in the follow
ing: Frank Turnsate, C St., 'askson
vlUe, Oregon, says: "I have used
Doan's Kidney Pills personally and
they have been used bv another
of my family. I can say that they are
a fine remedy. Doan's Kidney Pills
did me a great deal of good, when I
was suffering from kidney weakness.
They deserve endorsement."
"When your back Is lame Re
member the name." Don't simply
ask fora kidney remedy ask dis
tinctly for Doan's Kidney Pills the
same that Mr. Turngate had. 50c all
stores. Foster-Mllburn Co., Props..
Buffalo, N. Y.
$1,000 REWARD
Tbe Oregon CsU
Itornia aim Nevada
1.1 vs Stork FotBc-
Iod Aiaoutptou, of
which tbs uuder
lKuelt member
will kIvp eMUOOO
reward tor evldeuce
leading to the r
'real ud conviction
ol say periy or par
tieaatealluK borate.
cauieor mules be
loutflugtoauj of Its
a addition to the shove, tbe undersigned
Mere on tbe same condition H 0.00 for all bora
's branded bono shoe bar ou both or either
la Brand recorded In elgbt couullas. Kan
darue. Las aud Crook oouullea. Horace
'euted wben sold.
Sou but grown borsea sold, and only In large
"Uhche W. W. bJtowM.Flltt.Uiugou.