Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, February 26, 1914, Image 4

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    Lake County Examiner
ruhllslwtl hy 7Yie EXAMIXER rCULlXHJXU (T J., LA KKYIEtt , IWKUttM
Official Paper of Lake County, Oregon
One Vrnr, in advance $2.00
Sis loulii, in ml i Alice.... 1.25
Tlirfc Months, in advance .75
ADVERTISING RATKS: Ridrr, kol coUimnn, 10c purlin cch Intorllnn; Wnl AiU., 5c
line etch Inw-rtlon. card ol Thun. Krtoiutioiu oi louauu'uce, tua urnis.
Plplr AJTrrtlnlnt rate tni1 known on application.
Tranatcnt Advertising and Job Printing, cash In advance.
f ubneribf r wtvhlrut their ddm chanced, pleiuw end botb old and new addrvm.
LAkevtew, Oregon, Thuisriay, February SO. 1014
There seems to be a wonderful
crop of Republican office seekers
tills year. Perhaps it augurs well
tor Republican success but never
theless there seems to b-j no opposi
tion on the part of our friends, the
caemy, to turta'l the aspirations of
any of the would be servants. Tho
fact is that the success of either of
the opposing parties is based upon
internecine warfare in the Republi
can ranks, and the more candidates
that appear in the party the better
the chances for the success of the
opposition. If all candidates would
promise their support to the success
ful nominee, as does Hon. R. A.
Booth, candidate for United States
Senator, then there would be no
doubt as to the result. Heretofore
it has been the general custom to
continue the scrap to the finish, with
the result that Oregon U now repre
sented in the United States Senate
by two Democrats and also a Demo-
rratlc Governor. As the late lanient-
ed Hancock stated, the Tariff is a lo
cal Issue, and such being the case,
it cannot seriously be contended that
Democratic success conserves the
. best interests of the State of Oregon.
IiAND IX 1915
Plans Will Be Definitely Determiu
exl At Meeting Next Month
All Counties Invited
"The Lakeview Herald, in a labor-
ed attempt to justify its course in
opposing Judge Daly cites the new
road to Warner as a bit of ill-advised
work. The instigator of the article
is perhaps the only person in all of
Lake County who is unable to see
the great benefit to accrue, by reason
of that particular piece of road and
the ear marks of the article indicate
that it was conceived through ma
lice aforethought rather than other
wise. If any fault is to be found
with that road it naturally would
be because of the fact that it was
not built long years ago. It not on
ly shortens tlie distance between two
sections of the County very materi
ally, but eliminates the very worst
portion of the road in crossing the
range-of hills between. The new
At a great development conven
tion held in Eugene on February 19,
it was the unanimous opinion of the
delegates that there would be a state
wide exhibit of Oregon products
maintained at Ashland during 1915.
A meeting to discuss and definitely
determine the cost and other de
tails of such exhibit will be held in
the Green Parlor of the Portland
Commercial Club on Thursday, Mar.
12. All of the members of the last
Legislature who can make it conven
ient to be in Portland on that date
are urged to attend. Also state of
ficials. Representatives from all the
commercial clubs will be welcome
and all of the communities repre
sented at Eugene last week will
name special delegates.
School Notes
The entertainment was a success.
The net proceeds were $52.35, which
was turned over to the school board
Our basket ball team will play
their first game with Al'uras March
One of the greatest needs among
our school children Is the proper
care of the teeth.
The primary department gave a
Lincoln - Washington program last
Friday afternoon. The excellent pro
gram was enjoyed by the manv visi
tors. .
Miss Ruth Bernard gave a wed
ding breakfast in the Science Room
last Tuesday evening in honor of the
road affords an avenue of easy com- annlversary r tlle wedding of Prof.
raunlcation between Warner and
-other sections of the County at prac
tically all seasons of the year some--thing
that was not possible for about
six months out of the year when the
only thoroughfare was through War
ner canyon.
It is quite refreshing to read the
platform of Hon. R. A. Booth, who
aspires to the Republican nomina
tion for United States Senator to suc
ceed Senator Chamberlain. It is de
void of buncombe and sets forth in
a straightforward manner many
things of an uplifting nature In
which all are interested. Among
other things he points out the ne
cesKity for scientific aid for the far
mer and for a system of rural cre
dits under Government auspices by
which the farmer may borrow mon
ey on long time at low interest.
takes a stand for the reclamation of
waste land, both desert and swamp,
and favors laws to better the condi
tion of the laboring man. Mr.
liooth has opened headquarters in
Portland, and later on will make a
tour of the State. His candidacy is
meeting with the approval of many
citizen in all sections of the State.
and Mrs. O. M. Gardner
Th-s school paper, "The Echo" is
just off the press and Is being distri
buted to the patrons or the school.
This number contains 32 papes of
school life, society, athletic, jokes,
etc. Be sure to get a copy at the
Post Office Store.
Dr. Van Fossen of Ashand visit
ed our school Monday morning and
read several selections from Will
Carlton and Whitcomb Riley. The
numbers were carefully selected and
well read. The student body greatly
enjoyed the treat and hope frr an
other visit in the near future.
. . I I w -- 1- ! .
Rev. George H. Feese of the Me
thodist Church Tuesday afternoon
officiated at the wedding ceremony
which united in marriage Mr. Soron
He Peterson and Mrs. Louise Christen-
Hilver I.wke Items
(From the Leader) !
The rabbit drive at the Carr ranch
near Arrow List Saturday resulted
In the death of over 1000 rabbits.
Dr. Thorn reports an pk1 t imwh-I
boy arrival at the home of Mr. K.
O. Bulck on Wednesday, Feb. 11.
C. A. Whltely, who has been
spending the winter at his old home
In Jackson County, returned last
On Sunday evening a temperance
meeting was held in connection with
the regular church service and a
good program was rendered.
The parlors of the Chrlsman hotel
was the scene of a very pleasant so
cial event Wednesday afternoon.
Miss Vida Chrlsman. who leaves in a
few days for Fremont, Nebraska
where she will be married to Mr.
Oliver N. Hill was the guest of honor.
rUley rirk-l'pa
(Chewaucan Press)
Chas. II. Combs, the Lakeview at
torney was a business caller in the
city on Thursday, stopping at the
Hotel Chewaucan while here.
County Stock Inspector, It. II
Sparhawk and Carl Fetsch and A.
J. Ousley, his two assistants were in
Paisley this week, coming up from
the county seat Tuesday. They are
making a thorough inspection of all
stock in this section.
Clarence Young and Frank Young
came down from Alkali Lake in the
auto truck, Tuesday. They will spend
a few days here on business and
pleasure. Mr. and Mrs. Thornbrue
accompanied them in from the Lake.
Mrs. F. L. Young and bod Henry,
came In Saturday. Henry is suffer
lng from an abscess on his throat.
Tho Recorder of the Town of Pals
ley has decided to put the "lid on
right In this place and Incidentally
keep It on. Developments in near
by towns and in fact all over the
state is said to have prompted the
move, and those in authority will
spare no efforts to see that all the
state laws are enforced hereafter.
The reformation of Sam Blythe,
Ihe noted writer in the Situr.lay
Evening Post, as outlined in i -c-(
pnt issue of that maaine h.'H is
ntie to believe that Sam i;i !n Ilia
flotage. Not content with dealing
John Barleycorn a body-blow Sam
must herald his remarkable feat to
Jhe world. And just to think that
ne downed six highballs in one short
evening, which presumably continu
ed from about 8 o'clock p. m. until 4
o'clock the next morning. Sam cer
tainly must have gone some in his
..J. M. Sullivan and Art Moss Sun
day came over from Plush. They re
port little snow in Waruer Vailey
Vt ay there Is plenty in the hi'U.
For week ending February 25, 1914.
sen. The wedding occurred at the
Methodist parsonage in this city.
Mrs. ( C'lristensep ) Peterson came
to Lake County, recently, with her
daughter and soninlaw, Henry L'righ
Mr. Peterson arrived here about four
months ago from Racine, Wis., and
purchased the Chas. Sherlock prop
erty about eight miles west of Lake
view, where they will make their
. 4axl Mini-
Date mum mum
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Oregon Sheep in Demand
A news dispatcli front Pendleton
to the Oregonian says:
That Eastern Oregon sheep are
likely to be in demand this year has
been freely predicted for some time
by those who have been watching
conditions carefully. This predic
tion apparently is partly fulfilled
inasmuch as J. II. Chrlstenson, a
Crook County rancher, is experienc
ing considerable difficulty in pur
chasing 2000 head of sheep with
which to stock his range.
He started out in search of last
year's lambs, but has abandoned
that idea and is now willing to take
older sheep, if he can get them. As
a final resort he has enlisted the aid
of the Pendleton Commercial Association.
U. C. CiOTT, Ohmsbvkii.
station live mile Northwest o( Lakeview,
Lukeview Chautauqua Circle
The Lakeview Chautauqua Circle
will lueet with Mrs. Harry Bailey,
Marc'i 2nd. at 7:30 P. M. Program:
Roll i'all, current events. Lesson,
(Ireadlng of Chautauqua article VI,
The Game of Diplomacy (February
7, 1914, Chautauquan.)
A Pleasing Entertainment
That which was the most pleasing
entertainment of the winter season
was given last Friday evening In the
auditorium of the Lakeview High
School. The various numbers prc-
ejied by the students evinced care
ful training and marked ability on
the part of those who participated
in the program. ' '''
That which was probably the most
pleasant surprise for the audience
was the music by the high school
orchestra. This combination of
musicians is composed of C.A.White,
cornet; Raymond Dunbar, claironet;
Mrs. Gardner, bass; Lorena Bailey
and Dayne Lynch, violins; Ruth Ber
nard, piano; and O. M. Gardner di
rector. Each part of the program
is worthy of commendation, and Its
presentation as well as the order
speaks voulms for the school work
along these lines.
Surprise Tarty
A farewell surprise psrty was
held Monday afternoon by the Pres
byterian Ladles Aid in honor of Mrs.
W. Webster at tbe Webster home.
A delicious lunch was served, and a
touching prayer was offered by Mrs.
Crawford. Mrs. Webster was the re-
ipient of a handsome present in
tho form of linen from each meni-
ur.r of the Aid.
Those present were: The Mes-
oames Crawford, Lane, Corbett, Bur
gess, nark, O'Neill. Metzker, Mor
gan, uanaom, wincnesier, nose,
Dunlap, GIbbs, Everett, ISoorse, Re
hart, Campbell, Vandervort, Koorer
and Whorton.
ItiNfiop Paddock Here Sunday
telephone message has been re
ceived from Bishop Paddock of the
Episcopal Church, that he will arrive
in town on Friday evening of this
week. Notices of the time and place
that ne will preach will be posted
in the postoffiee. He also expects to
remain in town until Wednesday.
Further plans in regard to h!s visit
will be announced by him on Sunday
during the services. All candidates
for confirmation or baptism are re
quested In the meantime to give no
tice to the Secretary or Lay Reader
of their desires In this regard.
Would Abolish Land Board
A movement has' been started to
InitlLU' a measure at the next elec
tion to abolish the state desert land
board, the state water board and the
the state engineer's office, and put
the business handled by theso three
dpirt-uints in charge of one board,
thus effecting a considerable saving
to Mi taxpayers.
Governor West states that at the
recent meeting of the Oregon Irriga
tion Congress in Portland, delegates
from Central Oregon put the propo
siti.! up to him and asked for his
approval. He said that he favored
the movement and would give his
support to tbe proposed measure.
He said that a large saving would be
made by such a change.
Correct Styles for Spring Gowns
The Style Leadership so jealously maintained season after season by
this store is your guarantee of satisfaction whenever the question of
Spring Dress Problem is approached.
For style, quality, character and all-'round service of our offerings, wc believe
the reputation enjoyed by the Dress Goods Section of this store cannot fail to reas
sure you that the fabrics shown are absolutely correct, and in strict accord with the
ideas now being displayed in the Fashion Centers of the land. Our display of
Dress and Wash Goods
are replete with helpful and worth-while Springtime apparel
suggestions and if you arc on the lookout for suitable ma
terials for your Spring Outfit you cannot 6pcnd a more
profitable half-hour anywhere than here and now.
Prominent in this remarkable exhibit and deserving of
special mention because of their distinctive styles and ex
ceptional qualities are the very newest ideas in Brocaded
Crepe dc Chine, Epongcs, Printed Silk, Silk and Wool,
and Silk and Cotton Fabrics, Compose Klfects.
As these arc all La Porte Styles, representing the very
best qualities obtainable, wc specially suggest that you ex
amine and compare them carefully before making final
Prices 35c to $2.00 the Yard
A prial communication
oi Lakeview Lodge, No. 71,
A. F. A A. M. will be held la
Masonic hall this Hatunlay
eveuinj. February 2S. at 7:30
Work In Third Dexree. All Maoon
in Rood standta" rod1ally invited.
By order of K E. Woodcock. W. M.
I hereby announce mytelf a candidate
for election to the office of County
Clerk of Lakr Uouoty, Oregon, subject
to the decision of Democratic partv,
at the Primary Election to l held no
May 15th. 1U14 F W. PA YN K.
the ofilce of the anderslgned, referee
of the above court In Bankruptcy, at
Klamath Falls, Klamath County,
Oregon In the district aforesaid, at 3
o'clock in tho afternoon of March
1 9th, 1914, at which time creditors
may attend, prove their claims, ap
point a trustee, examine the bank
rupt, and transact such other busi
ness as may properly come before
the meeting.
Refuree of the United States
niBtrlct Court for the Dis
trict of Oregon for Klam
ath and Lake County.
I hereby announce myself a candl-
Continued from firm piign
date for the nomination of Clerk of, (lre are copied clorely after the style
Lake County. Oregon, subject to the . . .. .. . .
decision of the Republican party, at UHHd ,n tlre being a
the Primary Klectlon' to be held May spacious landing and two large
15, 1914. L. C- AHLSTKOM swinging doors for entrance and exit.
1 herehv announce mvcelf acandidate
for the office of Kherlff of Lake County,
Oregon, subject to the decision of the
Rrpuollcan primary, to be held May
15. 1S14. W. I. SMDEK.
The floor Is well Inclined so as to
afford a clear view of the curtain
from all positions. Comfortable fold
ing chairs with hat racks have also
been installed.
Mr. Smith made the announce
ment that while he Intended to main
tain a ten cent house, he was nego
tiating for some feature films that
would require an Increase In prlco of
admission. These programs, he stat
ed, would be given twice monthly
providing the venture Justified. He
has made arrangements to secure
the films for "Checkers" a popular
raring drama, which Is shown In
five reels. This he experts to pre
sent In tho near future.
All in all the enterprise Is deserving
of praise and doubtless the people
Mill manifest their appreciation In
according it liberal patronage.
I hereby announce myself as a
candidate for the office of Sheriff of
Lake County, Oregon, subject to the
decision of the Democratic party.
at the Primary election, to be held
May 15, 1914. O. W. DUNCAN.
Owing to the earnest solicitation of
a FEW of my rnentiB i nave (at
LAST) consented to become a can
didate for the ofilce of Kherlff of
Lake County, Oregcn, and announce
myself as a candidate for that office
on tbe I'KOUKteBiVK piattoim,
subject to the approval of the voters
of Lake County, Oregon.
1 hereby announce myself a can
didate for election to the oflice of
County Surveyor of Lake County,
Oregon, subject to the decision of
the Republican party, at the Pri
mary Klectlon to be held on May 15,
1914. S, A. MUSMKN
1 hereby announce myself a can
didate for the office of Treasurer of
Lake County, Oregon, subject to the
decision of the Democratic party, at
the Primaries to be held May 15,
1914. It. A. HAWKINS.
TO EXCHANGE 80 acres agricul
tural land EH of SEVi Section 13
Tp. 36, K. 23 E. W. M. Also Lot
9, Blk. 32C, Lakeview Addition for
property in Richmond or cities or
towns around San Francisco Hay.
Address. Chas. K. Wilson, Tal
mage, California. Feb. 26-tS
acres tracts, east of Warner Lake,
T. 36, R. 25, Lake County, Ore
gon. Write W. M. Greer, Wan
neta, Chase Co., Nebr. Box 195.
F 26-tlp
In Re Nathlnel A. McCurdy,
To the Creditors of Nathlnel A.
McCurdy bankrupt.
You are hereby notified that on
the 6th day of February 1914, Na
thlnel A, McCurdy was duly adjudg
ed a bankrupt, and that the first
meeting of creditors will be held at
Styles That Are Becoming,
Distinctive and Correct
We have just placed on display the magnificent
Spring and Summer styles, the creations of the
world's foremost designers, showing everything that
is smart, snappy and up-to-the
Our line of new samples in
all the latest patterns and
colors is larger than ever.
By going through this
wonderful display with its
profusion of styles and
fabrics, you have the oppor
tunity of choosing from a
wider range of woolens, a
larger assortment of beauti
ful colorings, a more at
tractive and up-to-date dis
play of models than you
could by shopping in a dozen
stores combined.
Absolute style perfection,
guaranteed workmanship
and satisfaction in every one
of our tailor-made garments.
Tailored to your individual
order by
Smith's Parisian Millinery
Main Street West of Court House