Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, February 12, 1914, Image 8

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Per Cent
on the balance of our
Overcoats-if your size
. , i
is here -you ge the
best Overcoat Value.
Our prices are always
low and with this re-
duction, you will surely
appreciate our offer.
The kind to begin the
new season with. Heavy
ribbed-combed, fleece-
back, in light and dark
colors, usually sold at
75c; our price now per
Z)) Lii.iN 1 o
Reported That Suspicion Points To-
ward liun l- or iviiiing .Man
Near Sacramento
A late news dispatch from Sacra-
mento says that the District Attor -
nfiT will ask the erand iury to in-!
diet Arthur Combs for the death of
Frank Miles, a rancher of Antelope,
near Sacramento. The Item further!
states :
vaAlra a cm fha hnH IT rtf Tflpfi I
xv " ' --lurcu
was found with his head battered j
almost beyond recognition with an
ax. Investigation by the authorities
disclosed blood-stained clothing hid
den away in the cabin of Arthur
Combs, who lived nearby. A note
book believed to have belonged to
Combs was also found in the cabin
of the dead rancher.
Combs is also said to have been
unusually well supplied with money, him is a very strong one.
shortly after the murder took place.
It Is known Miles had a considerable; Art Combs is the son of Mr. and
sum of money on hand a few days j Mrs. Pierce Combs, formerly of
before his body was discovered. This Lake County but who are now resid
money has not been located and the j ing on a ranch near Merrill, Klam
theory of the authorities was that ath county, where they have lived
j-he crime was committed for rob- since leaving here about eight years
bery. i ago.
Combs was arrested several days Young Combs was Indicted by the
after the crime and Is now held in
the County Jail pending the action
of the Grand Jury on the clrcum-
stantlal evidence wound about hirn
by detectives and the local sheriff's j
force. It is declared the case against :
mwjiywi ''''' " " ' " ' """ ' " j
to be equal to any
Beer brewed. Bot
tled and on draught
at all leading saloons
Reno Brewing Co., kc.
Dressing Sacques and Ki
monos to which we invite
your attention. These
goods are fresh from New
York manufacturers and
tasteful and correct in
style, and not, too expen-
ve for who like to
wear ready made garments
prices range from 75cts
to $3.50.
Apron Check Ginghams,
special line, yard 8c
" T - .
Dress Ginghams, flrst-
class in every particular;
new designs, yd. 10c and
Crepe, plain and fancy, aU
coorSt specially priced
during this season, yard
" " "
Ladies Auto Hats, only a
few m0re to be had, each
Ladies Ready - tx - Wear
Aprons, an exceptional
value 50c
Klamath Cuts Expenses
The County officials of Klamath
'county last week made a sweeping
order ing off bo" ,15
i from the payroll and office expenses
of the county. The order cuts n-
penses in every coifnty office except
at Qf th& gcuool SuperinUlulont i
It is said this program of
economy will be followed by ihe
dismissal of all the suits now pend-
jinfr against the payment of county!
! warrants and that the long war
against the credit of Klamath county !
will be wiped out.
-- c-
K1ien Pnivnnfwl
A Tonopah news dispatch to the j
Reno Journal says: Twelve hun-
J 1 f t ( iUA I
BUTOt ui a uauu ui .uuv uu
trail from Rhyolite to Rawhide, died
instantly at Millers, fifteen miles
from here, by drinking cyanide so
iuuon ironj me miu pouu 01 a mm-
ing company.
The sheep well be cremated after
their hides are removed. They be
longed to McGarry and Kimball of
Springdale, Nev.
Grand Jury at Sacramento Saturday
on a charge of murder. He denies of
having committed the crime, but the
Sacramento authorities claim they
have strong circumstantial evidence
against him.
c7 "mi
Star Brand Shoes
arc distinguished for
comfort, style and wear
ing qualities. The new
Spring styles arc here.
When we sell you a
shoe we want you to
know it is just what we
say of it. Real leather
clear through. When
you wear a 'Star Brand'
Shoe you will under
stand both the quality
and the comfort.
'Star Brand' Shoes are
best for wearing, best
for economy, best at all
points. Satisfaction in
every pair.
Commission Unexpired Until Xet
July, Itut Recognition Will lie
Following upon the prediction In
ls week' Examiner. K. C. Ahlstrom
s announced that he will be a
eand'date for the Republican noni-
i (nation for Cojinty Clerk.
I Mr. Ahlstrom is the present post-
master of Lakevlew, having held the
po8itlon since hls appo,ntnient by
Prestdent Taft In 1910. His com-
, , . . vlr until Julv
this year but his resignation will be
submitted immediately. A change in
the nostofflce will be reerettabla bv
,, , , ... ,, ...
all patrons as in this capacity Mr
'Ahlstrom has served the public in a
most creditable and satisfactory
manner. His resignation grows out
of the improbability of reappoint
! ment to the position owing to the
change in administration. Hut if ef
ficiency and popularity, not politics,
were considered his hold on the job
would be everlasting.
Elmer was born in Marysville,
Cal., but came here when a mere boy
growing up with Lake County. He
has been a permanent resident and
prominently identified with public
affairs and businesses for the past
26 years. He is the eldest son of
the late S. F. Ahlstrom, who was a
pioneer resident and businessman of
Lakevlew, and Mrs. Mary Ahlstrom.
By marriage Mr. Ahlstrom Is con-
! nected with one of the most prom
inent families of the county, being
a son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. S. 13.
Chandler. Mr. Chandler is one of
the largest land and stock holders
in this portion of the state.
Mr. Ahlstrom, with his brother, F.
O., former County Treasurer, for
.several years conducted u mercan-til-
business in Lakevlew, the
j lihhiiient growing from a small pea
; nut .stand to one of the leading stores
of this section, lie disposed of his
j interest in the business about two
i years prior to appointment os post
master. In all lils connections in
public life Mr. Ahlstrom has main
tained the high esteem of the people
for his integrity and ability in handl
ing business affairs, aud should the
electors of Lake County decide to
place him In the office to which he
' OL-r.Ipf.u Mint will Va aucii,ail s.F n ,.w...
courteous and elliclont official.
Lakevleiv Ciiautuuijuu Circle
The Lakevlew Chautauqua Circle
will meet with Miss Minnie Vernon,
Monday, the ICth, at 7:30 P. M. Pro
gram: Roll Call, Current Events
Subject, Studies in the Poetry of
Italy: Part II. Miss Flynn, Introduc
tion and Karly Satire. Miss Hall,
Qulritu: Iloratius Flaccus. Miss
Snelling, Aulus Persius Flaccus,
I Miss Mabel Knelling, Declmus JunluH
I.ibraiy .Meeting
The annual meeting of the Lake
view Library Association will be
held March 7, 1S14.
j Feb.5-t3. Mrs. A. L. Thornton, Sec
In Score of BM to Bit High School
lloyt Ixuts to Town
Friday night In a game charactcr
Uod by a sllppory floor, frequent
shootlnK. and little scoring, the
Lakevlew Atheletlo Club lUsket
Hall team scored a victory over the
High School quintet by a scoro of
28 to S3.
Local fans had the club scheduled
for an easy victory. However the
"dope" can was upset, and the game
remained In doubt until the final
whistle. The High School took the
tip off and ten swonds later had re
gistered a field goal. They maintain
ed this lead until the end of the
first half, the score standing 13-12.
In the second half a climax wus
worked up which ended only with
the final whistle. The Club tightened
up their guarding system and un
covered a burst of speed which the
High School lads were unable to
cope with, taking the lead away
from them and holding It to the end.
The close score to which the High
School held the Club, was due to
superior team work of the school
boys, and to the lightening passing
and foot-work of Corbett and Hart
ling, followed up by Dunbar" con
sistency In finding the basket.
For the Club, no one man In par
ticular starred, although the consis
tent playing of Walt Dykeman at
forward, and Carl Fetch at Center
should be mentioned.
The game throughout was hard
fought but clean. From start to
finish the enthusiasm of the specta
tors was Intense, while from the bal
cony came the frequent Rah Itahs
of the High School Rooter Boctlon.
The lineup:
L. A. C.
Walter Dykeman ....
Chester Dykeman . . .
Carl Fetsch
. Forward
. . Forward
. . .Center
Kelton Cunther Guard
Krnest Fetsch Guard
L. II. S
Kaynoml Dunbar Forward
Held Corbett Forward
Carl Pendleton Center
Harold Thrustoii Guard
Roland Dartllng Guard
Summary: Field goals: Dunbar,
7; Dykeman, 5; K. Fetsch, 4; C.
Fetsch, 3; C. Dykeman, 2; Corbett,
1; Pendleton, 1; Hartllng. 1; Free
throws, Hartling, 4; C. Fetsch, 1.
Refereo, Gardner.
West's Kfforts Futile
Governor West was notified by At
torney Goneral McReynolds that no
delay would be permitted In the pro
posed suit by the Government to dis
solve the Central Pacific and South
ern Pacific merger. The Governor
contended that such action would
bo extremely detrimental to the
State's interests, but in reply the At
torney Genenl declared tho merger
was In violation of tho law and It
was his duty to enforce the law In
every particular, whether such en
forcement was against the Interests
of the country most affected or not.
The same appeals as of Governor
West have been made by publicity
bodies all over Oregon and Califor
nia but it would seem that the At
torney General Is determined to
force the Issue without delay.
Continued from first pae
at once. The general conditions In
the East, according to ndviceH Just
at hand are described as follows:
"In view of tho fact that last year
was notable for the lack of contract
ing, the movement of the past week
finds no parallel for two years or
more back. The conditions at pre
sent seem favorable, provided it is
the intention to make a quick turn
over of the wool secured. Stocks of
territory wool are rapidly disappear
ing, so that buyers ought readily to
be found for good selections from
the 1814 clip. The fact that foreign
market are bo firm assures control
of the domestic markets by the home
woolgrowers for a period longer
than had been anticipated.
"Furthermore, the goods market
Is favorable to a good demand for
some time. Confidence is much
greater now than when the new tar
iff rates became operative on goods,
which finds reflection in the demand
for mils for the raw material. The
principal buyers continue to be re
presentative of tho large mills. It
Is said that they have bofipoken sub
stantial lots of desirable woohi.
Now lines of heavy weight woolen
goods are Just being opened and tho
trade feels hopeful of tho results,
which tho wool trade also is Inter
ested to Hoe."
The situation In Nevnda Is thus
summed up by the Reno Gazente:
Much cry and llttlo wool seems to
be the statement of the :mrlet In
Nevada according' to the gossip fiout-
D. C. berry it In Alturai on busi
ness. Quite a large crowd of young people
went skating Sunday.
Kev. S. K. Milan Meld missionary for
Southern Oregon, who held meetings
Mr. ana Mrs. Wade Williams are
slopping In Nsw Pine Creek for the
Dr. Anisilcn who has hud sn attack
of pneumonia is reported better st this
J U. (lentry and Wm K. Larkln
made a buiinras trip to Lakevlew last
Mil. Tors Horry and itr Mrs.
Hritea are expected home from Darin
Crerk the latter part of this wrvk.
V. L. Snelling. II. K. Walker and
Mr. Fuller of Kairport were In New
Pine Creek tor a few hours Inst Mon
day. Mr and Mrs. Lou Henderson and
daughter, Jane, ot Davis Creek aprnt
Sunday with their daughter's family,
Mrs. Walter Kryaet.
Leonard Henderson and llsvea
Mulkey who have been ovor in Drews
Vallry trapping fur two or three
months returned borne Saturday.
Ihe Calico Ball which will be given
by the Ladies Improvement Club ot
New Pine Creek this Friday night,
Feb. 1, promises to be the Hsil of the
stsson. Tickets to dance 11.23.
Wade Williams, general manager tor
Leland & Meyers, informs us thst his
company expects to ship aDout fifteen
cars ot esttle from the Pine Creek
station the last of the week.
"Grandpa" Follett met with quite a
painful accident Tueoday aa he was
entering the houe sfter having been
weighing a load of hay. In ome way
he fell brunirg his hand quid badly,
at our Kaptlxt church fur four weeki
is now holding meetings at the Willow
Kanch fchciol houc. Mr. Milan n
in New 1'ir.e Creek last Tuesdy and in
formed the writer ttiat he m having
some large rmwd ut Willow Kanch.
The old lard murk, the eld giant
pine trie whirh stcod near the llianche
CannP huUHO et cf the I'.lurti n
Hotel, was cut down by Ehb Kolli tt
the first of the week. It made covcra!
curdri of wood.
We had some what of a diphtheria
scare here last Wednenday. It "
reported that the infant child of Will
It. Trum'jBck who has betn sick forja
long time hsd diDththena. The houBe
was quarantined. The child Is doing
nicely and Dr. darner is fumigating
the house ami will soon raise the quar
ing around about Keno In tho past
week. Wool "scouts" are already in
the territory feeling out the disposi
tion of the Mock-masters but no wool
to speak ol' Is being sold and the lo
cal men are In no hurry to press the
Already one of the keenest buyers
from the Huston market is In the
territory sizing up the situation and
It is said he has run against a practi
cal unanimity of sentiment that wool
will not go out of this vicinity under
14 cents. Kuyers have Intimated a
wlllngness to talk business around
12 and 12 1-2 cents but there has
been little of that sort of conversa
tion. This condition In view of tho fact
that last year's prices around this
time ruled in the nelgoborhood of
14 1-2 cents does not cause tho lo
cal wool men much worry over low
prices. It Is said that one shipment
of 35,000 pounds went out of Hum
bolt county last week ot 10 cents
but it is added It wus old wool, twice
handled and showed signs iu the
bales of depreciation.
From now on until about the mid
dle of March the Ho:, ton buyers and
the sheep men will play a little guiue
of hide and seek. The buyers are
scouting around now to see how
gloomy the Hockmasters feel ubout
tho tariff as a sentiment and they
mean to work on such feelings with
an eye to advantageous buying.
fl lCTii.
I 11.' Aa-NflZiLb:,
Ice harvesting was the main Issue in
New rins Creek Isst week : llutlsr
A Moffitt put up about 85 tons; D W.
Thomas, 40 tons: Henry Wendt Jr.,
OS; butler, Moffitt A Wendt, 80 Ions:
Aug. Dormg, Vtons, Cecil Taylor, S
tons; Geo. IUmmcraley, 8 tons; Jsmes
Vincent 6 tons; Fred Fisher, 6 tons ;
J. II. Leehmsn, 8 tons.
We are sorry to announce that Miss
Cora D. lle'ry has resigned as trscher
of the primary department at the Ore
gon schoid and will shortly leave tor
Krno, Nev. She will be great ly miss
ed by Ihe school children and people of
this community aa she is a good work
er and always rrauy to help at any
thing for the 1'ublm good.
Wm. Tyrre came over from Fort
Hidwrll last Monday, lie aays that
Ihrv treat him fine and dannv at Kid
well and is enjoying a fairly good
business. He Is running in runiieo
tion with Candy store and pool hall, a
aaatirg rink and also experts to put
in an up to date moving picture out
fit in the near future. Succeas to you
Mr. 'lyree.
We cava been told that eouple of
parties have hsd considerable to ssy
about the Item we wrote about the
good would-be sister. No the writer
wants it unosrstond tnat it was In
tended lor the guilty party only, and
we wrote it because we honestly feel
that Ibis false gossip is the msln draw
back to our churches snd that it causes
great deal of trouble in our commun
ity The good would-be-sister referred
to is the one who msde tha remark in
church leforo the services beg sn one
Sunnay evening. Mhe aaid the man
agement of the firture Show hsd
given out complimentary tickets on
thst dsy to church people so ss to
keep them from going to church. The
writer did r.ot hear the remark but
was told by a reliable man who heard
it. Kill re did not nuntmn the name
and he did (.ot inform us wrethrr she
was a Methi.dist. Knptiat, Christian,
Seven Day Advent, r any church
number at all, but we look it to be a
wuiild b-Mter of some denomination.
Kut anyway wht ever die was she
wan a trouole nmkcr and it is our lion
et! t opinion that it is juet this kii d of
worn that is causing so much pulling
und hauling and as lung as this got a on
I it is impossible to gel any minister to
take chaige here. If the people would
I get together and trace thia down to
the rcaponaible paruea and put a slup
I to it Ihe whole community would be
j greatly benefited. Let us get busy,
good people.
I lot fused Wum A Pluueer Kcshlciit
of Nurprlso und Gimiso Luko
Word was received in Lakevlew
last week of the death of John Cal
vin HoMt, which occurod at Salem,
Oregon, February 4. Mr. liest was
born in Cloveland. Ohio, and at tho
time of his death was 90 years, 7
months and 10 days of age.
In lhfi.'! with his wife he crossed
the plains. They located In Surprise
Valley settling on a farm, In 1874,
luter removing to this place wheru
he resided until a few years ago.
He was the father of eleven child
ren, eight of whom, besides his wife
who lives with her daughter, Mrs.
It. A. Hawkins, in Lakevlew, are
left to hiirvive his loss. The c hildren
are: Mis. A. K. Kineliarl, of Cednr
ville, Cal.; V. L. Itest. of liiirus.
Oregon; Mrs. It. A. Hawkins, of
Laktivb'W, Oregon; .Mrs. Joseph
Street, of Fife, Oregon; A. V. liest.
of Fairbanks, Alaska; Mrs. G. W.
Duncan, of Lakevlew; J. M. Host, of
Itlchmoiid, Cal.; and Mrs. K. M.
Ilrattuln of Lakevlew.
The funeral services were held
last Friday ufturnooii ut Kalem.
The Hard to Harness
l.i often JUHtlilfii in liln ni tloti.
Mast likely tho Imriiens elmles
or khIIh lihn. Thut doesn't
happen when our luirnenN Is
used. It Is us jierfect lit ting uh
you ti nut your own elothestn
lie. llet n set of It mill in like
your horse eomfortnhle. It
will not he Ioiik hefoie ha will
he ns easy to harness us you
eoulil iisk.