Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, February 12, 1914, Image 4

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    Lake County Examiner
minis!.!;! Iy Th. EXAM IX EH 1'l lU.lxU l.Xll ( ( . ..I l EYIEW, O..Vt'O.Y
CfT.cU! Paper of Lake County, Oregon
On Yrnr, in advance
Sii Xionlli. in le'cnncc
Thrrr Month, in ndvnncf.
APVKRTISINO KITKS: Rmtdrra, lool rnlamu. l pr lln roh Inw'rtlon: Wnt Aitt.,6c
iNeceftrti Inwrilon. rrJ of Thtik. II 00. Ri'lutioiu ol Condolcucr. tl.Ao ul UwM.
PlrpUT Artvcrtislnt rte made known os application.
Trantlrnt AdTf rtlnlnn and Job Printing, eah In adTano.
BaoKribm wlhln their addrwa changi-d. plea nd both old and now addr.
Lakeview, Oregon, Thursday, February 12, 1014
By Rev. Geo. A. Crawford)
The name stands in its unadorned
simplicity. Even the title President
can mid nothing to its dignity, and any
"trine cf suffixed letters indicating
conferred honors would look ridicu
lous. Washington's monument has no
name upon it, and Ahrsham Lincoln is
neoi the few immortals whose fame
is'so wide and lefty that it fills the
whole earth and any petty embellish
ment would be impertinent tinsel.
One hundred and five years ago to
day this child cf genius was born, and
the event is being celebrated as no
like event ever commemorated in this
country. There is not a corner of a
continent or remote island of the sea School. The young ladles who had
whers bis name is not known and the affair In charge, were Misses Lu
wbere the anniversary of nis birthday cue Bailey, Ruth Bernard, Ellen Ber
Joe not awaken a aympathetic re- nard and Marie McCombs, under the
eponse in human hearts. i immediate management of Mrs. H.
That Lincoln was deeplf religious, a Bailey, Mrs. A. L. Thornton and
man of faith and prayer and obedience Mrs. Chas. Umbach.
is written thru all his writings and Those present were Messrs. Dr.
bines out as a star in the darkest Daly, H. Bailey, A. L. Thornton,
tooure of his lift. Thai bis life was chas. Umbach. Chas. Oliver, P. B.
cut short as be trod the verge of final : Arant, B. A. White, J. B. Garrison,
-victory was a deep mystery of Provi-1 q. M. Gardner; Mesdames Gardner,
dence and one of the greatest griefs fmbach, H. Bailey and the Misses
that ever convulsed a nation. Like Fletcher, Church. Hostettler, Smith,
Moses he saw the promisel land, bat Hall, Vernon. Snelling, Knight, Bur
was not permitted to enter in. But gOSS ies nd Wolf. Mr. Harry Bai
this. also, was divinely ordered, ana iey acted as host and Dr. Daly as
possibly he served the nation as much toastmaster.
in his deatn as m his life. The supper eontlued until 10
Ovei a century has passed since this o'clock aud many speeches were
son was born of humble parents in a maje suitable to the occasion, and
log cabin, and tc-dav the undivided tue tlme nmit 0f three minutes was
Tiation he saved stards still to honor not enforced. Dr. Daly, Supt. Oliver
bim and the whole world joins in the and Mlss Fletcher were the promin
bomage. He has grown greater with ent speakers.
the years and we are only beginning to Everyone voted (including the
take his measure and graso the mean- ladies) tnat the entertainment was
ins of bis mission. He looms op as a Bpiendi,i success and those who
one of the loftiest figures of history had tne arrangements in charge were
and overshadows all our national life. 0ften and highly complimented for
His worit abodes, being dead lie yet
s pes a s, ana every one oi us is me
richer because be lived
Bat his work is not vet done. He
stood for national nnity and human
brotherhood: the first of these is now
secure, but tne other is yet only par
tially realized. The black man is not
yet regarded by as as our full brother,
and aliens of other races still meet
'with anbrotherly and unjust treatment
in this land. "It is tor us," said Lin
coin at Gettysburg, "that we here
highly resolve that those dead shall not
have died 'in vain." The lame mes
sage still rings from his lips to this
generation, that we be true to the
same principles of human brotherhood
for which he wrought, and highly re
folve that he shall not have lived and
died ip vain.
Card of Thanks
To the many kind friends who so
kindly assisted us in the time of our
bereavement, we extend our heart
felt thanks. Such acts of human
kindness helped to lessen the heavy
burdens of sorrow cast upon us.
Let us again add that our deepest
.appreciation is given in return.
Frr.nk J. Struck and Children
t'ard of Thank
We wish to extend oar heartfelt
thanks to the many friends who so
kindly reridert-d their assistance and
kindnesses during the illness and
death of our beloved husband and
father, Jesse Hoagland Carey.
Mrs. Krmiiu Carey and Children.
I have nold Chamberlain's Tablets
for several years. I'eople who have
tided them will take nothing else. I
can recommend them to my custom
ers aa the best laxative and cure for
conHtlpttion that I know of," wrttes
Frank Strouse, Fruitlaud, Iowa. For
. le by all dsalers.
For week ending February 11, 1914.
, Vlaii Mini-! . ... t DAY
te; mllU) mum Amotim
J 33 8! 0.00 Clear
2 33 5 0.00 Clear
3 35 5 0.00 Clear
4 36 14 0.00 Ptly Cloud
5 37 15 0.00 Clear
6 32 8 0.00 Clear
7 36 7 0.00 Clear
8 41 13 0.00 Clear
9 54 9 0.00 Clear
10 40 28 Trace Cloudy
11 35 28 Trace Cloudy
C. C. OO'IT, Obmkhvlk.
-ctlon Hve mill's Northwest or Lakeview.
.. 1.23
All lakeview Teachers and lfcmrd of
Directors Entertained IVy
A most enjoyable timo was spent
last Saturday evening at the homo
of Mr. and Mrs. Harry ilailey, where
the entire teaching force of Lakeview
School District were euvlted to a
splendid supper which was arranged
by the wives of the Hoard of Direc
tors, and so ably assisted by four
young ladies of the Advanced Class
of Domestic Science of our High
the pieasure obtained, and it was sug-
Eested to the Board of Directors that
an order be entered, that entertain
ments of this kind be had at month
ly intervals.
At the conclusion, the party were
entertained with a solo by Mr.
White, and Mr. Arant as pianist.
Motor Vehicle Law Valid
Judge Calkins of the circuit court
has handed down a decision in the
case brought to test the validity of
the motor vehicle law as passed by
the legislature of 1911 and amended
by the legislature of 1913. He de
clares the act to be valid on the basis
of the state having a right to regu
late traffic upon its highways. He
holds that the complaint of "double
taxation" Is not sustained inasmuch
as a tax and a license are radically
different. He cites the difference in
definitions of a tax and a license and
cites many authorities. The suit was
brought by the Jackcon County Auto
Protective Association Henry Hoy
den of Med ford submitting to arrest
in order to test the legality of the
law. A mooting will be called by
the autoists soon to decide In regard
to appealing the case to the supreme
I'ourt. Ashland Record.
Picture Films Barred
Moving picture films, because of
their inflammability, art barred
frouj shipment by parcel post, ac
cording to an order jmt issued by
Second Assistant I'ostmaster Gen
eral Stewart.
The postal iaws prohibit admis
sion to the mails of explosives and
inflammable articles, and the Inter
state Commerce Commission has
classified the celluloid motion pic
ture films as dangerous along with
dynamite, nitroglycerine and gaso
line. The order will bit motion picture
concerns because the postofflce of
ficials say that the parcel post has
been used extensively, in making
liourue May lie Candidate
According to several late newspa
per acounta the matter of whether
Jonothan Bourne will enter the lists
as a candidate for the Republican
nomination for United States Sena
tor in still problematical. In a long
letter made public in the Portland
papers the point is made that this
matter depends upon the attitude of
the voters of Oregon.
Let the Examiner figure on
your next Tob Printing.
(J. Sclilngel rim-en Order For Plnnt
To lie Here About the tlrt
of April
Allan W. Marks has boon lu town
this week. Aud when Mr. Marks Is
in town there is something dolug.
He represents the York-California
Construction Company whose busi
ness Is the manufacture, sale and In
stallation of refrigerating plants.
As a result of Mr. Marks' visit to
Lakevlew we are to have an Ice and
cold storage plant of the first mag
nitude; in other words Gus Schlagle
has placed an order for an 8-ton
plant which will arrive about the 1st
of April. It. E. Winchester will also
install refrigeration in his meat mar
ket, and it is likely that Hayes &
Grob will do likewise.
In addition to the Ice plant Mr.
Schlagel will have cold storage
rooms for the convenience of mer
chants and others desiring to avail
themselves of the same. The Instal
lation of the plant means much for
Lakevlew, for It will ufford a means
of preserving fruits, vegetables and
general produce, including meats,
butter, eggs, etc.
Silver Lake Items
(Silver Lake Leader)
Stanley Gray of Talsley and Gil
bert Brown of Lakevlew were at the
Hotel Chrisman Friday last.
Mrs. R. H. Story and daughter
have returned to their old home at
Fleetwood after a month's visit here.
Mrs. Story will teach the Fleetwood
Thos. McCallle, a pioneer of the
Fort Rock country died in Portland
this week. Deceased Is well known
In northern Lake county having re
sided just west of the Rock for a
number of years.
There was a small rabbit drive at
Arrow last Sunday. Only 21 per
sons took part, but 200 of the pests
were rounded up, branded, doped
with "smelling salts" , and turned
loose to innoculate their brothers.
There will be another rabbit drive at
Arrow Saturday one half mile east
of Mr. Ellis' place on the stage road.
The meeting place will be at Mr.
PaUlcy PUk-Cp
(Chewaucan Press)
Mrs. E. Linnville who has been
spending the last few weeks with
her mother, Mrs. Hartlerodo and sis
ter Mrs. J. E. Harper returned to
her home at Uutte City, California
last week. ,
V. O. Mlnkler of Montesana,
Washington, who has been visiting
with the J. N. Taylor family since
the middle of November, returned
to his old home Friday. Stanley
Gray took him as far as Bend, by
Mr. Geo. S. Park sustained what
is feared to be a broken rib when
a plank broke beneath him and he
fell upon the fence at the rear of
V. Conns store. He has been a lit
tle the worse for wear since the ac
cident. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Moss will leave
for the home of Mrs. Moss' father
at Holtvllle, California, near San
Diego. Her father, J. It. McCor
mack who is well known to many
Paisley people Is reported to be very
111. Mr. Moss expects to return
about April first but Mrs. Moss may
remain longer.
Thornton Drug Company
Articles of Incorporation were fil
ed last week for Incorporation of
A. L. Thornton's Drug Store, and
hereafter the business will be con
ducted under the firm name of the
Thornton Urug Company. The
capital stork of the company Is $10,
000 fuljy paid, with A. L. Thornton,
Mrs. A. L. Thornton and W, J. Ar
chfr as incorporators.
Presbyterian Church
Rev. George A. Crawford, Minister.
10 a. m. Bible School.
11 a. m. Preaching. Subject: "What
the Patriot owes to the Church of the
7:30 p. m. Lecture on "Abraham
Lincoln: His Religious Attitude."
The quartet will sing both morning
and evening. Vioiinduet in the morn
ing and violin solo in the evening.
Come and bring your friends.
Many people rely upon Chamber
lain'n Cough Remedy liupllclty in
canes of colds and croup, and it never
dlwappolnts them. Mis. E, II. Thorn
aa, LoganHport, Ind., writes: "I
have found Ghamherlaln'a Cough
Remedy to le the best medicine foi
colds and croup I have ever usud, and
never tire of recommending it to iuy
neighbors and friends. I have alwaya
given It to my children when suffer
ing from croup aud It has never failed
to give them prompt relief." For sale
by all dealers.
Now Ready-Spring Styles
from the Mill that for 50 years has Specialized
in the Production of Dress Goods
and nothing else
The b feature of our Opening Display of Spring and Summer Dress (loods which
is going to impress you most is its remarkable completeness.
To design, reproduce and then distribute the thousands upon thousands of yards
of Dress and Wash Goods required by the dress loving women of America is n
gigantic task. And, when at the Opening of the Season, the result can be truly
referred to as being COMPLUTIJ, the announcement deserves your undivided
attention, interest and action at this time.
Our Dress Goods Section these Opening Days is a veritable How cr of Springtime
Color and Ileauty an Authoritative Style Exhibit aud Fashion Bureau all rolled
into one, and if you have the slightest desire to obtain first-hand suggestions on
matters of Dress we invite von to come and enjov the new creations with us.
In celebrating its 50th An
niversary of Dress Goods
specialization the La Forte
Woolen Mills have produc
ed a line of distinctively
new and beautiful fabrics
for every possible occasion.
These delightful creations
are now on display for the
first time in any store and
we urge you to see them.
Spring Styles
Shoes and Oxfords
on Display
Churle H. Itulh Dead
Cedarvllle Record: Charles IJ.
Ruth, for years a resident of this
place, where ho at ono time conduct
ed a drug store, died in Rocklln
last week. He was foreman of the
S. P. yards there and while working
on a piece of machinery, a heavy
chisel fell striking him on the head
and fracturing his skull. Ho was tak
en to the railroad hospital, but only
lived a short time. His many old
friends regret so to hear of his
Mr! Ruth was a brother of Mrs.
George C. Turner and Mrs. Mussel
man of this place, and all deeply
sympathize with them In their be
I hereby announce mytelf a candidate
for election to the othre of Count'
Clerk of Lake County, Oregon, subject
to the deelnioti of Democratic party,
at the Priimiry Klectton to le held oo
May loth, 114. K. W. PAYNE.
I hereby announce myself a candi
date for the nomination of Clerk of
Lake County, Oregon, subject to the
decision of the Republican party, at
the Primary Eloctlon to be held May
15, 1914. E. C. AHLSTROM
FOIl SH Ell J Ft
1 hereby announce my sell acandidate
for the office of Sheriff of Lake County,
Oregon, auliject to the declHion of the
Repuli lruu primary, to lie held May
15. P.tll. W. II. SMHEK.
1 hereby announce myself a can
didate for election to the office of
County Surveyor of Lake County,
Oregon, subject to the decision of
the Republican party, at the Pri
mary Election to be held on May IS,
1914. S. A. MCS1IKN
CAME TO my place Christmas day,
brown geldiuK colt, branded HC
on left shoulder. Owner
call and pay charges and adver
tising. Chas. Sears, ono mile up
Kelley Creek, one mile nortli of
New Pine Creek.
TO MORTGAGE 40 acres near
Lakeview, Oregon. SW SWVi
Sec. 11, Tp. 39. Range 20 E.
Would like to rent same or might
sell. Mrs. Brown, 114 E 13th
St., Des Moines, Iowa. F 12
for permanent position on our
sales force. Previous selling ex
perience not necessary. Require
ment must be willing to work
and follow instructions, with a
desire to better your condition.
We teach salesmanship. Pacific
Nursery Co., 306-308 Stock Ex
change lildg., Portland, Ore. FCt4
FOR SALE S'4 of 814, SW4 of
NE Vi , Sec. 33. twp. 39, R. 19; al
so lot 38, block 52, O. V. L. Add.
Price $300. Address Daniel
Sargunas, Pocatollo, Idaho. F 6-t4
A special communication
ol Lakeview Lodge, No 71,
A. F. & A. M. will be held in
Masonic hall this Saturday
evening. February 14, at 7:30
Uy order of E. E. Woodcock,
P. M
W. M.
See the Exquisite
Printed Effects. The
New Brocaded
Styles in Silk and
Cotton Fabrics,
Crepes and Ratines
MerchnnlH Awake
The Prlnevlllo Review gives the
follow Ing bit of advice to their mer
chants about evils of parcels post:
The Ax Billy Department storo
in EuKeue recently received a mull
order from E. F. Chapman of Silver
Lake for a sack of sugar. Local
merchants should lose no timo In
taking advantage of the opportuni
ties offered by the parcel post to
reach out for the trade in the rural
districts. If they do not, branch
houses of the mall order companies
will be established In every princi
pal city to handle this trade.
In the County Court of the State
of Oregon, for tho County of Lake.
In the mutter of the Estate of
Thomns C. Flynn, Deceahed.
To all whom it may concern: No
tice is hereby given, that the under
signed bus been duly appointed Ad
ministrator of the estate of Thomas
C. Flynn, deceased, by order of Hon
orable II. Daly, Judge of the County
Court of the State of Oregon, for
the county of Iwike, duly made and
entered in said court In the above
entitled matter on February 10th,
All persons having claims against
said deceased or said estate, are here
by required to present the same ac
companied by the proper vouchers,
as required by law, within six
months after the date of the first
publication of this notice, to said Ad
ministrator at the Law office of L.
F. Conn, In the town of Lakevlew,
Lake County, Oregon.
Dated and first published Feb
ruary 12th. 1914.
Administrator of the Estate of
Thomas ('. Flynn, deceased.
It's up to us to make room for our New Spring Mil
linery, so we concluded to discontinue these
Corset Covers. 75c kind, all that is left, 3 for $1.00
White Underskirts, $2.00 and $1.50 kind for. .$1.15
$3.95 White Uuderskirts, now $2.45
50c Ribbed Pants, now 25c
$1.25 and $1.00 White Waists, now 75c
$1.50 White Waists, low and high neck, now $1.00
$1.25 and $1.50 Mocha and Kid Gloves, now $1.00
Ladies' 35c Hose, best made, now 25c
Everything in the house goes regardless of cost.
Now is the time to lay in your supply.
Our Book of Fashions has just arrived with 250
Samples of the newest creations. We are now
ready to take your order for your suit, coat or dress
The Parisian Millinery
Main Street West of Court House
These Styles which repre
sent the same I, a Forte
Qualities and Service you
have always looked to us
to supply, are exclusive.
They cannot be found in
any other store outside
of the larger Metropolitan
cities, nor will it be pos
sible for you to find their
equal in quality for the
prices named by us.
Pictorial Review
for March
In the matter of the estate of Morris
Wliigfleld, Deceused.
In the name of the State of Oro
Kon, To Nudle Wlngfleld, Ruth
WlnKfield ami Naomi Wlngfleld,
heirs at law of Morris Wlngfleld, de
ceased, ami to all known heirs of
said Morris Wlngfleld, deceased.
Ily an order of the above entitled
Court duly made and entered on the
4th day of February, 1914, you and
each of you are hereby rltml to ap
pear In the above entitled Court ut
the County Court room In the
County Court house In the Town of
Lakeview, Lake County, Oregon, on
the 14th duy or March, 1914. at tho
hour of ten o'clock A. M., of said
day, and then aud there show cause.
: if any there be, why un order of this
Court should not be made author
izing and directing Nudle Wingfield
I as administratrix of the estate of
Morris Wlngfleld, deceased, to Hell
'at private sale In the munner pro
vided by law the following described
real property belonging to suld es
tate, to-wlt: NV4 of NE'i, Section
16; W' of BE i. 8W of NE14.
aud Lot one. Section 19; NEV of
NW'i, Section 16. all In Township
39 South, Range 24 East, W. M.
It In further ordered that this ci
tation be served upon the non-resident
and unknown heirs and de
visees by publication In the Lake
County Examiner, a newspaper of
general circulation printed and pub
lished In Lake County, Oregon, for
four successive weeks prior to the
14th day of March, 1914.
Witness the Hon. B. Daly. Judge
of the County Court for Lake
County, State of Oregon, with the
seal of said Court affixed this 4th
day of February, 1914.
Attest: F. W. PAYNE.
County Clerk.