Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, February 12, 1914, Image 3

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Manual Can Bo Had Free
From The Socretary of
Secretary of State Hon W. Oloott li
l-atilng dlgeit of the election lawa of
the ttata. The data of every event
of the election year i prominently act
out, io the pamphlet will he a handy
manual tor candidate" and the many
othera in the atate who wlidi to kr,
potted on election attain.
"ity the dlKOKt of the Inwi relating
io election." aaya Mr. Oleutt In thi
preface of tho pamphlet, "it ia Intend
ed to aperiflcally ni root I tin at II n
ol tho e'etur, tho tandl !ato for i om
Inatlonor election, and ihu e (hat huve
to do witti adriilniittertnK tnu Lw, to
The Best Automatic Farm Gate
In Use Ii Every State In Union
Willow Ranch -:- -:- -:- California
& "z
mirh provisions thereof aa relate to ' anca of the lawi relating to election'
or regulate annie art or prcurrile aome ' Among the important da tea pre
duty lo he performod on their part In 'ceding the primary" election on May 1G,
connection with the i.orninaton or I ere April I1), April 15, May 1 and May
0 111 ro aoiight, or In tho course of their 0. ;
ofllcial dutira. ( I April 10 la the laat day for filing'
"Kor example, by examining auoh nomination petitions for any atate or
dlgr.t of dat.a relating U both , dl'trlct o!lre. Thie la alio the laat
nnm.rvtn.1 r.l ..Inctlona. nUctora
W J " w
ranuldatea for nomination or election
to odlce, and public utile i a la may aacer-
tain within what time any aut or thing ( nie ror puii.cauon mine cam
required of them fall be done or pr- P-iR" pamphlet. April 15 la the laat
formed. Information concerning thB
matter relating to and to be Included
In ramllilatra' nntitlnna ran Mian h
accured from the aeveral abitract and !
aietementa tollowing. j
"Attention la directed to the f,cl
ttat thm pamphlet la not tho law, but !
oi ly the interpretation given to it by
the compilers trorn tho heat Inform.
tmn available. Much care haa been
exrrclrie.'l in ltd preparation, and It la
rept cl fully nufirmtto I to tho people
of tho utiilp, in the hope that it miiy
bu of Homo unistmico In I fie, obmrv-
You Realize
that the manufacturers of "Concord" Pianos
have taken the time to bu;M them right? This
means much to you in the selection of your
piano, for the "care" with which it is built deter
mines tone, durability and beauty. Furthermore,
The Materials
which enter into the construction of "Concord"
Pianos nr? card',' r elected, thoroughly sea
soned, and handled in accordance with the latest
and best idtus in tcicniific piano building. This7
alone, insures a f'-'U, rich, enduring tone lasting
durability of ceji it uction exquisite beauty of
design and finish. 1
For permanent satisfaction! select
a "Concord" Piano for your home.
-Exhibited By
il on wnicn cunuiUBie m.y iiib iur
itraitaand ata'ementa in their favor,
or on which opposing argument may
y on wnicn nominanng penuoo. m-x
be filed with the county
clerk for
county or precinct office.
M, 1 ,ne 0- ,he reKiatretion
"P'nnm of the attorney general.
Mb 6 lh" on wh ch lh"
""i-tary f atai. ahail torward eopiea
"" ""mlJI11" l"
Con () 'fiilli'Kl.un la in frim trade
cr I i ii Lurlniia at.d eUlca that tiie
present winter ran teen a very favor
ablu one for all Ihu cluck running there.
Some Racipae From a Recently laauad
The latent addition to culinary lit
erature contain a recipe for brown
brcud, contributed by the former
Mrs. Clevelmid: "Take one bowlful
of I lull ii n men I. one bowlful of rye
flour and ono bowlful of aour milk, one
la rue cupful of iijoIuhhch. one tenxpoon-
. ful of milt SteHui for two and a bulf
bourn am biiko from twenty minutes
to bulf tin hour, depending upco the
I bent of thi oven.
Mm. William .lennlngt I'.rynn gives
a re ln? for trnwberry connervo that
aoiinilri very good. F'onr boxes of
atrn wberiieit und ouo plneupple are re
quired. CtunIi the berrlca a little. Put
pineapple throiiKb a meat grinder, us
ing coiiTHi-st wheel. I'luce plueapplo
over alow Ore until Juice comes out;
add ben-lea. If there does not seem
to be Juice enough to keep fruit from
burning add a little water When the
fruit la tender add sugar to tante. Boll
down to tbe thickness desired. 8tlr
Mra. Albert Sidney Durleaon. wife of
tbe poatmaater general, la a native of
Teias, and she bas given a recipe for
genuine Texaa com bread. 8be says:
"Tbe best corn bread In tbe world
Is made of almple cornmeaL scalded
wltb a little boiling water and thin- I
ned wltb cold water; salt and melted I
lard, two tableepoonfnla to a cupfnl of
meal. Bake In a shallow pan Inside
tbe oven or on a griddle on top of tbe
stove. We never eat corn bread made
In any other way."
Very quaint are tbe recipe furnish
ed by Mrs. Champ Clark, wife of tbe
speaker of tbe bouse of representa
tives, for some of them date back to
revolutionary daya. Here la one: "To
dreaa beef sufficient for two gentle
men, with a fire made of two news
papers. "Let tbe beef be cut In slices and
put on a pewter plntter. Pour on wa
ter sulQclent to cover tbe slices, salt
and pepper to tiixte and cover wltb
another plntter. Inverted. Place tb
disb upou a Mtool. bottom upward. tb
legs of such a lentrth as to raise tbe
platter several tnelw from the txiard
Cut the ueVMp:iperi Into ntnp. licfii
with a candle anil apply ttrein itihIii:ii
ly, so an to keep it mu the oiiOi-i iiif
whole dish 'iVIieo tli" paper
doue tile -'f'. vvl'i nc Ui'tH- I'.'f
may Im- -t i: Uf' - is to m.iKe it sirm
Mm. Clark Is nio tlie Hippy puHSew
nor of Mantiii 'nliliiirtu' recipe for
pear prexerres:
"Ye pears sboiild lie very freshe.
WuHue and put yliem into boiling lye
for s Uilnu!t Keuioi'e und plai-e ybem
In cold water Next put ye fruit Into a
prepared alriie or aiiirar aud water.
Use bnlf a ikiiiihI of sugar for everle
pound of ye fruit; water to dissolve.
Now cook for a quarter of an bour.
Remove and put on plates to cooL
Boyle miliar down to one-half Its orig
inal quantetie. Put ye slrupe and pears
Into Jars and add brandy. Seal wblle
Mra. Joseph us Daniels, wife of tbe
secretary of the uavy. Is a native of
North Carolina, and she gives tbe
recipe for tbe famous North Carolina
white fruit cake. It U as follows:
Cream together one pound of butter
aod one pound of Biigar. Add tbe
beaten yolka of ten eggs, two grated
eocoanuts, two pounds of citron, sliced
tbJn and cut In little pieces; one pound
of almonds, blanched and broken In
small pieces. Dredge fruit wltb flour.
Flavor wltb mace and nutmeg and a
wineglassful of brandy. Fold In tbe
well beaten whites of tbe eggs. Mix
for pound cake.
8eallopd Oystare.
Drain tbe liquid from a quart of
stewing oysters and set It aside. In
the bottom of a buttered bakedlsh
strew a layer of crushed cracker
crumbs; season with paprika and salt;
dot wltb butter and wet with oyster
liquor and milk In equal quantities.
Next put a layer of oysters, seasoned
In like manner, then more crumbs, pro
ceeding thus until tbe dish is full or
you bave used up all the materials.
The ton layer ohould be crumbs wltb a I
double allowauce of butter. Pour In
the rest of the liquor, cover closely and
buke. At the end of bulf an bour or
when tbe surface begins to bubble re
move tbe cover and brown lightly.
, Date 8uat Pudding.
Stone and cut Into small pieces one
pound of dates. Chop six ounces of
fresh beef suet and mix wltb It three
quarters of a pound of fine bread
crumbs. Sprlnklt a small cupful of
sugar over the dates and then add
tbem to tbe suet and crumbs. To one
well beaten egg add one-half cupful of
sweet milk and stir Into It a half cup
ful of flour, that bas been sifted wltb
one teuspoonful of baking powder.
Mix all well together, flavor with a
wlneglnsHful of sherry, turn into a
well greased mold uud steam for three
buurs. Serve with a hot eggnog sauce.
Indian Cutlets.
Mix with quarter of a ptut of milk a
tenspnonfiil of coriander seed, the same
of powdered ginger and a small onion,
finely chopped. Take two pounds of
teudei veal, cut into neat cutlet shaped
piece and soak In the above mixture
one h.iur Then roll and fry a ligbt
brown. Sprinkle a little salt over each
and squeeze a little lemou Juice ovet
them the niomeut of serving.
' A good mnny Important discoveries
of one kind and another have been In
a large measure hci Mental. In the
way of HIiiHtriitlng the truth of this
mny bo mentioned the attempt which
will ho made the coining season on a
considerable scale to grow cotton In
northern California. Less than a year
ago the Southern Pacific employee who'
bas charge of tbe pumping station at
j Ilosevllle, Cal., 107 miles from Ban
! Francisco, got a bnndful of seed from
a carload of cotton that was side
i tracked at the point mentioned en
! route north from the Imperial valley.
, He sowed the seed In a garden ot
: near the staUon and was surprised to
note how thriftily It grew. The bolls
iwpped open, and the branches of the
' plant bent tinder the weight of the ripe
cotton. Neighboring ranchers and oth-
era heard of his success In growing the
! cotton and have contracted for seed,
wltb the Idea of extending the experi
ment. TIiIh Is likely to prove nu Inter
esting phnse of the development of the
cotton growing industry of the Golden
Ktatc. whose output of cotton, chiefly
from the Imperial valley, bas increased
from 100 bales In PJ09 to 100,000 bales
tbe past season.
SONS. That largest crop yields do not al
ways net tbe grower tbe most money
is shown very emphatically In a com
parison of some of tbe staple crops of
1912 and 1013. In tbe case of tbe corn
crop the total yield for 1913 Is 22 per
cent below that of tbe year previous,
yet tbe growers will receive 6 per cent
more for It, and this amounts to $100.
000.000. In the case of potatoes, tbe
past season's crop Is about 30 per cent
below what It was In 1912, yet It will
net tbe growers S40.000.000 more than
did tbe preceding year's crop. Cotton
furnishes an even more striking In
stance of tbe truth mentioned. Al
though tbe yield of the past year's
crop Is put at nearly a million bales
less than that of 1912. a decrease of 5
per cent the growers wUI receive for It.
at 14 cents per pound. 22 per cent more
than they did for the 1912 crop. This
amounts to a cash increase of $125,
000.000. CIDER SI5UP.
An experiment is being made at
Hood River, Ore., this winter that will
be watched with much Interest by ap
ple growers everywhere who bave the
cull apple problem on their bands. In
the experiment In question the sweet
c'.der as It Is extracted from tbe ap
ples is evaporated until tbe residue is
of ubout the consistency of thin sirup.
This is canned and is said to keep for
an Indefinite time. On being diluted
wltb water It Is said to tie in every re
spect equal to tbe original cider from
which the sirup was secured. This
matter of keeping cider sweet without
preservatives has been a knotty prob
lemIn fact. It hasn't been solved and
If the method referred to proves as sat
isfactory as tbe claims made for it ap
ple growers of the country will bave
grounds for feeling elated.
That painstaking care In tbe spray
lug and thinning of fruit and In tbe
selection and packing of it at harvest
will pay in the New England states as
well as out In Washiugton and Oregon
Is shown in tbe record of prizes won
by a Mr. Sawyer of Salisbury. N. H.,
during two successive years on an ex
hibit of a single barrel of Baldwin
apples. In trophies and casb these
two barrels of apples have netted their
owner $308. The fruit shown was
from trees twenty-five years old thut
were set out by the owner when be
was a lad In high school. About the
only observation that need now be
made concerning these prize winning
apples is that the orchard that pro
duced tbem was not run as an inciden
tal, side Issue, calf pasture proposition.
A contributor to an agricultural pa
per tells of an experiment be made
In the feeding of sklmmtlk to poultry
that proves its value in a very definite
way. He divided sixty pullets Into
two even lots. One lot was fed skim
milk as a part of tbe ration, and the
other was given water. The test be
gan Nov. 1 and closed May 1. In this
period of six mouths the flock that
had been given sklmmtlk produced
"- 5? worth of eegs at a cost for
feed of $18.97. The flock that had
been given water produced $30.i4
worth of eggs, while their feed bill
wss $23.72. Buttermilk Is nearly ns
good as skim milk and either should
' be fed to the hens whenever It can be
I had.
A report recently Issued by the bu
reau of animal Industry of the fed
eral department of agriculture calls
attention to the serious nature of con'
tnglous abortion In cattle, a malady
that ranks next to tuberculosis in the
Inroads It makes In the cattle raising
Industry. The cause of tbe disease bas
been discovered, and It bas been
found that the virus ran be Intro
duced Into the body of a cow In sev
eral ways. When a cow becomes in
fected wltb the disease ber milk be
comes poisonous to her offspring. A
further Interesting discovery in con
nection with the disease Is that germs
mny be given off for years In the milk
of cows that no longer abort.
These w a Cannot
Rr.FLEX Edges v Run N At
PpotectYouoIV The Front
Waterproof Dusablk
satisfaction guaranteed
$3.00 Everywhere rfrVF?'c
and f lckn nr ao more nr-o
r.uiry thnr Sm -illpo. Arrriir
xrwdiraJ experience ha dm
onstratd the alrruxt mtracu
Ima fficary of an'ltyphoio.
arefnation. Be Taccinatetl
bow by your physician, jrou
and your family. Ask your
phyilclan or dntfrlft, or vM to ua for (riformartloa
concerning Tpboul Vaccine and results from us uae.
oDucavcciaisa aiiUHt uaaca tj.a.uctaa m:
Orllit. Aflft4tmia, Mnalsl mm4 (Vrmmmrtml
aottrvw. Fcoltf trftiswl In lattititiaM af
America and EimtM. W hlp ttidenti to Mra
M air owm way. Ltormltnrr for clrla. Chrlrtta In
fl ao Trel lmt snrmt-n r!1 rigs. Kw pdftwstjt
fad of Qoartrr million dollar. W KIT at
H. M. CKOOH H. rrUlTit, AltM&r Cull
Albany, Orfla
For sale either for utock or agri
cultural purposes.
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured ,
with LOCAL APPLICATION'S, u tbrj nnnot
reach the w, of tbe dleae. Caurrb If a MochI
or conitltottuaal disea, and to ortl-r to cure it
yoo 01 tut take Internal remedlea. Hall'a Catarrb
Cure Is taken Interoallr. and acts directly opou
tbe blood anil aiocuus surfaces. Hail's C'atarrb
Cora Is not qnark medicine. It was pre
scribed bj on of the best pbyslciana In this
country fur years and Is a regular prrwriptloo.
It is compo'l of tbe beit tonics known. cod
bTned wltb the best blood purifiers, actios; dl
rectly oa tbft mucous surfaces. Tbe perfect
combination of tbe two ingredients Is wbitt pr
duces such wonderful results la curing catarrh.
Bend for testimonials, free.
P. J. CliBNEI It CO.. Props., Toledo, O.
Bold by Dragglsts, pries 75c.
Taas UaJTs family Pills for conatlpttloa.
SIOOO Dollars Reward
We, W. F. Detert and W. D. Iuke,
own all tbe cattle branded 70 or
XL and formprl.v ownd by Cox &
Clark and the Htryt!rd Land &
Cattle Company. Tliece tattle are
now on th rafiqea ni Modoc and
Lnsrien Connties. For Information
'parting to tbe arr6t and conviction
f any party or part ten Dlfgally
trandin, ktllliig, ilririnj; off or rile
liohlni; cf Mny of th above cattle
we will pay ONE THOUSAND DOL
LJMtS and the costs of arrest and
prosecution. S-nd all Information
to K II. Day. Al'uras, Modoc county
Cal., or to uh at Latrobe, EI Dorado
County. Cal. If guilty party might es
cape, promptly notify the Sheriff of
the county In which the Illegal act
was committed and advise ns by
wire at our expense.
Strayed or Stolen
Strayed or stolen from Abm Lake
on the 15th of March, fthrte horses of
the following description :
One grey gelding, branded 2L and
horeehoe on If ft shoulder; one grey
four-year old mare branded quarter
circle lazy Sou riuht rifle: and one
bay uiare with white hlud leg, brand
ed quarter cbcle D upside down.
A liberal rewurd will be given for
the recovery of same by Jerry I.
Kgan aod Dan Sullivan of Plush,
t trecon. D '8
$1,000 REWA&D
be Oxtfivn Cal. -ttornla
auti Nevada
livm mock totco'
w w 'Ion Affcx'iatou, of
. VK whitib tbe uuder
!" siKueoj'lsn, member '
x reward tot evUleogu..-
. leauiiiK to tbe
fa reht and iionvlntliiaj
of any party or par
ties slealtuK boraea.
rattle or mules be
longing to any of it
la addition to tbe above, tbe undersigned
liters ou the same conditiou Ji 0.00 tor all bora-
branded home shoe bar ou both or either '
aw brand recorded in eight counties. Rauge
Uruej, Lake and Crook oouniles. Horse
'euiod wbeu sold.
Nooe but grown boraea sold, and only In lar
inhchet w. W. Bbown. Fife. Oregon.
"Coining events cast their shadows
before." This Ii especially true of bit-
ious attacks-. Your appetite will fail,
you will feel dull and languid. If you
are subject to blllou attacks take
three of Chamberlain' Tablets aa
aoon as these symptoms appear and
the attnek may be warded off. Fori
ante by all dealera.
8 lAV
. 1 i vm