THE LAKEVIEW ABSTRACT & TITLE CO. ABSTRACTS TO ALL REAL PROPERTY IN LAKE COUNTY, OREGON Our'Complcte Tract Index Insures Accuracy, Promptneae and Reliability Such a Index is the ONLY KM.lAHLE nysteru from which an Abstract can be made, showing all defect of title. Wo Also Furnlshl TCRttSK NOTES BY CMIYARMTZ PA. o CORRtSPOSDENtr SOLICITED H. W. MORGAN, Manager, LAKEVIEW. OREGON POSTOFFICBBOX143 PHONKtTt (Then article and Illustrations must not bereprlnlod without spoiMul permission 0 MS OFFER WALLACE & SON ( Wm. Wallace, Coroner for Lake County) UNDERTAKERS PROMPT ATTENTION AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Parlors, next door to Telephone Office WATSON BUILDING Lakcvicw Ice, Transfer and Storage Co Telephone No. 161 J. P.. DUCKWORTH, Manaokb Buss to Meet Ail Trains. Transfer and Drayage. Storage by day, Week or Month "OUB CUSTOMERS ARE OUR ADVERTISERS" Goose Lake Valley Meat Market R. E. WINCHESTER, Proprietor We endeavor to keep ourmarket well supplied with FRESH, SALT AND SMOKED MEATS 5 lbs. Lard, 90c; 10 lbs.,i$1.80 Your Patronage isIRespectfullySolicited LAKE COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY Incorporated. A Complete Record We have made an entire transcript of all Records In Lake County which In any way, affect Real Property In the county. We have a complete Record of every Mortgage and transfer ever-made In Lake County, and ever Deed given. Errors Found in Titles In transcribing the record we have found numerous mort gages recorded In the Deed record and indexed; and many deeds are recorded In the Mortgage record and other books. Hundreds of mortgages and deeds are not Indexed at all, and moat difficult to trace up from the records. We have notations of all these Errors. Others annot find them. We have put hundreds of dollars bunting up these errors, and we can fully guarantee our work. J. D. VENATOR, flanager. The Beauty of Corn-Fed Hogs in that not alone does their flesh taste sweeter, but you feel that it is v leaner th Mi the swill fed kind (Jul hums. hacon. sHtisam , etc , come from vorn feil lions. (Jure you try them, you will never nun in lie sutis tieil with the other kind. Lakeview Meat Market HAYES A GfXZB, props SHAMROCK STABLES CON BREEN, Proprietor HALF BLOCK CAST OF COURT HOUSM Special Attention to Transient Stock Horses Boarded by the Day, Week or Month Always Open Phone 571 LAKEVIEW OREGON EMBROIDERY SHOP WOMASS" EXCUASUE Special Prices on Pillow Tons, Filet Ket Scarfs und Cushions with Material to W ord. A new lot of Pure Linen Hand kerchiefs. Embroidery Work to order. MRS. H. B. ALGER OPPOSITE UERYFORD BLUG. Alger Land Co. Ranches City Property Rentals Taxes Paid and Rentals Collected for Non-residents Otliee (ftoslte lleryford Hulldlnx FEED MEAT FOR EGGS. Kiddy doesn't chase that Juokrabblt grasshopper across the Held fur fun. Her system and etc factory demand the natural protein that's In that live ly. Juicy bug. A hen's coinl) blooms like n ros hi spring, and she Just shells out eggs, he- cause then the Insect world come to life, nml she tills up on hugs and wlg glers. The natural protein does It. l'or the same reason In winter her comb gets red. and she hustles out the high priced eggs when yon feed her meat In addition to grain. Protein In the meat stimulates her ovaries to make more yolks and her oviduct to secrete more albumen. Meat In some form when natural protein Is not obtainable should be fed. It makes young stock grow faster, stronger and larger, matures broilers Thoto by C. M. Barn It?.. PIC KIM! A SHIN HON B. I quicker, makes pullets lay earlier, ; makes hens lay more egip. cuts down ! infertility, cuts down the grain bill, promotes hen health and is a preven tive of feather and egg eating. The white of an egg Is 88.1)1! per cent protein and the yolk 30.02 er cent. and a hen requires much protein to keep up the bodily functions. Many disregard these facts and feed no meat in winter. Thus hens suffer ami eizg production is low. Most content tables ranee the protein content of meat products as follows: Meat scrap, filj per cent: dried blood. 52; dried tlsh. 44: animal meal. .",2: fresh cut tone. 18 per cent. Iried fish is generally fed to ducks. Analyses of different brands show a wide difference in composition of meat 4 -V ' t'hotu by :. M Harnltit. A GOOD BONK CUTTKK. products, and they should not be pur chased evcept on a guaranteed analy sis. Animal meal penerully has less protein and more powdered bone than ; scrap, while scrap Is apt to have more fat. Ail must be watched for taint, espe cially In hot weather, as damp and heat Hoon spoil them, and some firms are not even above shoving off tankage and slaughter house refuse on the tradev For this reason tnpny poultry men use fresh cut bone or milk prod ucts. While not so rich In protein, tbey nre cheaper, more palatable, and the fan cier knows they are fresh. Meat In these forms should be fed sparingly at first until the hens nre ac customed to It. DONT8. Don't fall to present that boy with some pure bred poultry. It will give him pleasant employment and much enjoyment. Don't be a dreamer nor a mean j schemer, To make the wheels of suc cess whiz stick to biz. Don't Join the No Advertise club, if about to do so first phone the busi ness undertaker. Don't keep more male birds than are needed for the breeding season unless rou are selling stock birds. H HE EXAMINER is pleased to announce that the manage ment has arranged to make an unprecedented Subscrip tion Bargain with the OREGON JOURNAL, one of the State's Greatest Dailies. For the next two weeks, subscriptions for the Jour nal and the Examiner, each for one year, will be taken at the exceed ingly low price of $6.25. REGULAR PRICES ARE: (ONE YEAR) Daily and Sunday Journal, $7.50 Lake County Examiner . . $2.00 Both $9.50 THIS IS WHAT YOU WILL GET FOR IB39BB3SBI Remember this Bargain Positively EXPIRES FEBRUARY 6,1914 n?TMr?7prT 2JJ EEE3 EE iy