acres now in cultivation, 100 acre pasture land, part of which can be planted to fruit Warner Creek flow through the land and a nice spring that can be piped to the house and barn. Place fenced, house and barn. Price $16 per acre. 80 acre of meadow land, cut 60 ton of hay. At head of lake, price $15 per acre. 680 acre 8 mile north of Lakeview for $15 per acre. 80 acre into meadow, cut 100 tons, 40 acres pasture land and all the balance i fine grain and alfalfa land, good water right, new house and large barn, 500 acres fenced. Thi is sure a bargain. 40 acre timber good wood claim. I I mile from town, ha between 800 and 1000 cord of wood, good road and level land. Price $350. Two and one-half lots in the Sherlock Addition opposite Dunbar new residence. A bargain at $550. Act quick. We have several good ranches for cattle and sheep. Send for our large bulletin giving price of land all over Lake and Modoc Counties. I M B E R L A N D S F A R M L A N D S R A N C H E S CURTIS & UTLEY, REAL ESTATE LAKEVIEW, OREGON ( 120 acre on Cottonwood creek, 35 acre into Timothy, Alfalfa, Grain, and a nice Eartlcn, water right, an ideal email dairy or poultry farm, lot of outside grazing, house, arn. granery and oilier out-building. Price, $1600, half cash. 1 1 mile from Lakeview. 8-room residence in Drenkel addition, near City Park, two lot 100 by 150, barn and chicken houe. Price, $2000, half cah at 6 per cent The price i le than cost. 320 acre good land, part into grain and alfalfa, near Union School, all fenced and cro fence, barn and corral. Stock water in creek alwaya. Thi ia a good farm, at $20.00 per acre. 310 acre three mile north of Lakeview, 200 acre fine alfalfa land, about 100 Xnftc Count? Cyamtncr TUUKoDAY. KMiUUAKY . ltU. BRIEF MENTION "Curtis 4 Vth'T u, fur. N. 13 Oil) ttlunkrta, lath rnbea, sweat vra and tilove nt lliu Mercantile Co. J. and N. A. Webb of Tolo, Oregon, Monday were registered at the Hotel Lakeview. Oregon. Hut the Bulletin foret our neighbor, Catherine I'rebrn of the Merrill Kecord. Dates for the 1014 I'endluton Kounrt Vp have been definitely selected as Ueptemhcr 24-20. tinyder & Reynold guarantee every Fountain Hyringe & Hot Water Bottle sold st their store. the I'ortlsnd Lumber Company of South Portland sustained a $125,001) lots from tire Isst week. George Chandler and wife'spent sev eral day in own tbe first of the week from tnclr home at Abert Lake. W. K. Scammon, lately of Modesto, Cel., this week returned from Plush where he ha been viaitlng the past several dsys. Tbe subject oT the aertnon to be delivered next Sunday evning by Rev. Feeseof the M. K. Church will be "The Evil Effect of Non-Enforced Law." Klamath Falls papers report that Antone Cattel, a former Klamath res ident and well known to aome Lakeview people, committed suicide re-ently at Tort Costa, Cai. A. E. Florence Tuesday came over from Adel where ht has been for some time oo business connected with the store at that place. He exoects to re turn there in a tew days. A. E. Nelson, who is ssid to he locating pariiea on lands in the vicinltv of Rabbit Creek in Northern Warner, and parly returned to Lakeview Mon day after a trip of inspeeton to thst section. Mr. and Mr. R. K. Funk, who have been visiting in Los Angeles the past few months, have instructed that their Examinor be sent to Decatur, 111., where they will remain with relatives for several weeks. Frank Toler, formerly of Lakeview, i. i uhn fnr the naat few veara has I been residing at Tort Angeles, Wssh.. J yesterday arrived in Lakeview. he having made the trip down, excepting between I'ortlsnd and the Dalles, in a Ford car. Bend Bulletin: We observe that the rnnevillle Keview is now being .conducted by Mrs. A. H. Kennedy snd take the opportunity to extend our greetings and wish her succors. Mrs. Kennedy is the only womsn publishei in Crook county if not In the state or time the oold snso of the tint of this week, the ice harvest is now on and a considerable tonnage Is being stored from both the Drenkel pond south of town and the Reed pond on Slash. The ice cakes are from eight inches to one toot thick and of fiiir quality. Gerge Whorton, of the Examiner otlioe. returneJ home IhbI night trom San Francisco where he has beun tne past two months completing a course in the Mergenlhaler Linotype school for operators. Mr. Whorton will now operate the new Mergenihaler rtcently installed in this ollice. The regular monthly social ot the local .Encampment order will be held tomorrow evening In the I. O. O. F. hall. Dancing and carda will be the order of entertainment after which light refreshments will be served. All Odd Fellows and families and Rebek ahs and families are requested to be in attendance. The Ladies Aid of M. E. Church gave a pleasing musioal and entertain ment in conjunction with the regular motion picture program at the Wizard Hall Saturday evening. Among the number wai singing by Mrs. Farrell, Mr. Norm, Mr. Gardner and Miss O'Neill, and a piano duet by Mis lileber and Prof. Arant. J, J. Monroa, one ot the prominent rancher of Goose Lake Valley was a business visitor in Alturas Saturday, ay th Plaindealer. Mr. Monroe reports everything getting on nicely in hi section. Tbe schools especially are in a. flourishing condition. The principal industry ut the present time is th feeding of the cattle, and nearly every ranch between Willow Kanch and Lakeview i feeding their share. Last week there were V cars of cattle and 4 cara of hogs shipped from Willow Kanch. Nice line of boy mlt two iwilr of punts with each suit. Mcnantllo Co. K. M. Green waa a visitor in Lake view Friday from bis home near New Pine Creek. Robert Morris and wife were visitors in town Saturday from their borne on the West Side. Attorney Chas. H. Combs marfe a business trip to New Pine Creek Fri day of Isst week. II. C. (Joff, a firmer of the Vslley h alls section, csine down Tuesday on a short business visit. Horn in Lakeview, Oregon, Febru ary 6, 1914. to Mr. ant Mrs. K. S. Arnold, of Clover Hit, a boy. Lakeview Creitmery butter la now 70 centM x-r two pound print at the leading store and Creamery. t-2 W. K. Barry, one of Lake County's substantial stockmen, arrived in Lake view from the range the first of the week. Sheriff W. B. Snider left on Satur dsy mernlng for Berkley, where he will remain a few weeks with his wife and relatives. Frsnk J. Struck and children have removed from the W. K. Mernard bouse on Slash Street to T. H. Bill house In the Walter Addition. It is atsted thsi work hat been tem porarily abandoned at the Cons Lake Valley Irrigation company's saw mill on Drews Creek, owing to deep snow In the canyon. Gilbert D. Brown, aupervisor of 'the Fremont National Koreat, 'Ihursdsy left for Portland, by way of Bend, to attend the annual convention of For est hupervisors. John Burke, of the Arm of Burke & Larkin, Friday departed for San Krsn Cisco in compsny witb John Flvnn who wss called there on account of tbe death of hi brother. Tommy Flyun. AUCTION RALE JAN. 31. Balance of Kt-ilon Stock ol Ladlea' and, Child ren's ContM, will go to highest bid der. NKiouiiiK nt 1H0 I. M. 1st door Sunt h of Embroidery Shop. H. II. Alirer. J 22-2 1 In subscribing for the Lake County Examiner, .'. K Schubert, of Hilo, Hawaii, writes: "This will give me an opportunity to renew a former acquaintance which waa interrupted wnen I left Lakovew in 1891." The many local friends of Mr. and! . It L. . f U.' I . L. .. .. u, I mm. uiii. u. "en, wiiii me iiuw ai Susanville, Cal., will be pleased to learn of the birth ot h babv boy to them, wheh occured January 25, 1914. The young man has been named Robt. L. Junior. II. W. Drenkel end wife returned home on the delayed train Saturday from a several weeks trip to various points in California. Their niece. Miss Althea Drenkel, who accompanied Mr. and Mr. Drenkel from here, returned tn her former home in Dickinson, N. D. Salem Statesman: The people who will not help in getting permanent highway ought to have ta remain stuck in the mud. But they will not be. They will enjoy them hs much as the rent of the people, and will be pointing with pride to them, after they are built. Colonel Charles W. Thatcher, the good roads advocate, who wss recently reported lost on the rosd from Klam ath f alls to Baker, has turned up at Ontario. In a long story to the Ore gonian the Colonel recounts some ot the experiences and hardships in the snow bound hills of Eastern Oregon. Senator Cnamberlain has offered an amendment to the agricultural appro priation bill, appropriating f50O,UO0 for expenditure bv the Postmaster-General in the improvement of roads used by rural carriers, provided the loesl authorities furnish double the amount needed lor the improvement of tbe road selected. A social danoe will be given at the Crooked Creek dance hall Friday night, February 13. Mrs. J. fcibchhammer will furnish tbe supper, and Mr. Steve Shellhmmer promise to haul out a load ot partiea from town and back for 60 cent each, providing ten or twelve couple will go. Arrangement can be made by calling phone 704. The regular business meeting of the Epworth League of tbe M. E. Church was held Monday evening, at which eight new members joined the League. After the business tession exercise were given by the different depart menta of the organisation. The par tlcipant enjoved a delightful sleigh ride, the evening being concluded witb an oyster supper at the home ot Mr. and Mr. O. M. Gardner.' Mrs. B. Clnpton of Bonanza arrived in Lakeview Tuesday evening on the western stsge. James Dooson returned to Lskeview Monday evening from a t'lp to various California points. Sleighing psrties and sleigh riding ban been in order during the cold snsp the past severs! days. The New Era reports the birth of a baby girl to Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Dunlap at Alturas, January 22. George Panosea, of Los Angeles, who recently ourchsned the Isrge lowers rsnch at Joseph Crek, wss an arrival Saturday. Walter Leehman yesterdsy brought up a load of hogs from hi father's farm near New Pine Creek for tbe tiooae Lake Valley Meat Market. Soioetbing new In the soap makcr'a art, Nyal'a Toilet Soap la at once san itary, hygienic and delightful In use. Ten oents the cake at Snyder & Rey nolds Drug Store, J. U. Ulsir Tuesday came down from tbe Cbewaucan Valley where he ha been the past tew months. He will remsin here an indefinite time receiv ing medical treatment. The entertainment given by the Presbyterian Churen Thursday night st tbe Wizsrd Hall hsd a large atten dance, the building fund being in creased about 150 by the receipts there from. The next dsnce of the Sequoyah Cluo will be held Friday evening, February 13, at tbe opera house, tne regulsr meeting nights of club being the sec ond and fourth Fridsy evenings of etch month. O. L. Dunbar, of the Lakeview Mer cantile Co., accmopamed by bit wife and Miss Amy Hervford, isst week returned home trom Portland where Mr. Dunbar went to purchase the spring line of merchandise for tbe store. McKenaree & Arthur Tueslav morn ing shipped eleven cara of' mutton sheep which they recently purchased here. The stock was transferred at Doyle and taken to San Francisco over the Western Pacific, Mr. McKendree accompanying the shipment. Merrill Record: Ueorge Cannon brought his sheep out from the lavas , Ssturdsy and has been holding them along the hills at Lower Klamath lake, j He has 2700 head in the band, and unless weather conditions improve be will bring them to a teed lot south of town. The annual ahort cou-se in agricul ture and its allied interests will be held in Burns from Februsry 16 to 21 inclusive. Effort will be made to assist the new settlers who hsve come from other states and have found clim atic conditions to which they are not aocustomed. George Edgecomb, who witb his wife came here last fall trom Topeka. Kan ass, snd purchased the H. L. Northup place a few miles northwest of Lake view, Isst week disposed of bis house hold effect and farm implements, pre paratory to returning to Topeka where he has taken a position witb a school supply firm. Forty-nine souls were lost in the icy waters of the Atlantic early Fri day morning when the Old Dominion liner Monroe was rammed amidships, practically cut in two and sunk in less than 10 minutes, by the Merchants and Miners liner Nantucket. The 49 lost comprised 25 passengers and 24 members of the orew. It ia announced that the Oregon Short Line has taken over operation ot the railroad between Vale and Juntura, a portion of the Oregon Eastern line being constructed across tbe stste. Tbe Juntura Time reports that indi cations point that the O.-W. R. & N. will have charge of the construction of the road west of that place. Burna Times Herald : C. M. Faulk ner of the Eastern Oregon Engineering Co. has ordered a Studebaker Six car to be used in connection with hi busi ness. The company has been using a Studebsker since 1911 and the excel lent service received from it was a trong factor in selecting the latest production of the Studebaker corpora tion. The Altura Plaindealei report that there is being quite a shitting of stock cattle back and forth from different sectiona for feeding purposes. Fred Huffman moved a large band of horse to the Uleason ranch, and Ralph Day brought back from Surprise a band of stock cattle to feed on tbe XL ranch. Other change are being made, but hay is abundant and no uneasiness is felt regarding the future. Kctraeement and remarking of the entire Oregon-California boundary line is advocated by Comissioner Tallman in his annual report to Con greta recently issued. Frequent com plaints from homestead entrymen and mining men bsve brought to the notice of the department the fact that the apptoved plata of survey do not repre sent the actusl stste of the trscts. That sslaries of teschers in Oregon sre gradually Increasing is shown by a bulletin recently istued by Stste Hop erinterdent Churchill. For the school year ended last June tbe average mon thly sslsries . were as follows: Msle teachers. 184.25: female teschers. $01 74 : teschers in one-room buildings. tGO. 60 assistant teachers In buildings of more than one room, S6M.43; prin cipals, C95.16. City Superintendente were paid sn average salary of SI 929. 69 a yesr. County Attorney O. C. Ulbc aud Atty. W. Lair Thompson last Fridsy went to Pine Creek on legal business. D. W. Thomas, a ealoonman of that place had enured a complaint against W. S. Dopont, a druggist, tor selling liquor without a license. Tbe principal question arising was that concerning Jurisdiction of the atate court over liquor license in an incorporated town. Th fsets were etipulsted that Dopont did sell liquor and bad no license, and the matter will be brought before the circuit court. Lakeview experienced tbe coldest night of the year Sunday night. Both Saturday and Monday night were also quite cold but the weather has moder ated considerably since. C. C. Gott, westher observer, report Jtbat tbe thermometer was five degrees above zero Sunday night at bis place five milea from here, but the various small thermometers did not register colder than eight above in town. The freez ing anap bad some effect on a few water pipes, but it proved a great boon to those depending on nstural ice. Ashland Record: An old-fashioned stsge boldop occurred on the muntain road between- Yreka and Walker last week. Two masked men in ragged overalls sprang out from a clomp of bushes, covered the driver and ordered him from hie teat. They rifled bis pockets, securing forty-five dollars, tied bis bands ttgether and plsced bim inside the cosch. There were no pass engers and the mail waa untouched. Before leaving the bandits started the horses down tbe mountain, but tbe driver got his hands free in time to prevent an accident. There Is no clue to tbe bighwsymen. . 1 Wilson Lifts Embargo ! A Washington dispatch under date of i Feb. 3, state that Preaident Wilson, J by an executive order made public at the white bouee that date, removed all ; restrictions against the exportation of i munition ot war into Mexico from the United States, placing the contend ing elements on a basis of equality i with respect to the purchase of arms j and supplies in this country. The executive order emphasized that it was the desire of the United States to be in the same poaition of neutral ity toward the contending faotions in ! Mexico, as were the other powers. Since this action, we predict that the Rebels will soon be in control of the i Southern Republic. . Swat Cigarettes By making boya who smoke cigar ettes ineligible to capital prizes offered in the Industrial Fair contests, Stste Superintendent of Public Instruction Churchill hopes to be able to wage an effective war on cigarette smoking among boys in the schools ot the state. These cspital prizes consist in a trip to the State Fair and free entertainment during the fair to two boys from each county winning the highest prizes at the local industrial fairs, and in a trip to the Panama-Pacific Exposition for boy ranking highest in the State Fair contest. No boy who smokes cigar ettes will be eligible to these contest. The plan further calls for these win ner to wage war on cigarette-emoting, and they will adopt a slogan. Would Protect Clerks The postoftice appropriation bill, carrying a record-breaking total ot $305,000,000 was passed laat week by the bouse. It Includes an amendment which extends to postoftice cieras, letter carriers, rutal free delivery carriers, mounted letter carriers and postoftice messengers, for injuries received on duty, full salary tor one year after injury, witb an additional half salary for another year If necess ary, and $2000 lump sum payable in case of death. Wm, F. Paine&Co REAL ESTATE LAKEVIEjW New Neckwear CHENEY Tubular Four-in-Hands, all new patterns, regular 50c Ties, special .'. Three for $1.00 New Crystal Weave Four-in-Hands, just out, price 50c Keiser "Barathea" Neckwear in Four-in-Hands and Bows, all plain colors, price : 50c We are exclusive agents for H. M. Marks and Alfred Benjamin Tailoring Lines. Samples for Spring and Summer of 1914 just arrived BRITTEN & YOU By Buying for Cash EGINNING January 1st, we inaugu B rated the policy of allowing a discount of 5 per cent upon all cash purchases made in our store. The arrangement went into effect without special announce ment and met with instant favor among our customers. UR prices have always been extremely reasonable, and as low as consistent with the quality of the goods. Our aim always has been to carry the best O of everything in its class. Our constantly increasing trade is a pleasing index to the satisfaction we are giving, The 5 per cent discount is offered entirely as an apprecia tion of cash in hand. Lakeview Mercantile Company -:- OREGON ERICKSiON SAVE o o