Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, February 05, 1914, Image 4

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    Lake County Examiner GOV. WEST WILL
Puhiish.'ii iy Thr i:.AM!xi:n m itLisiu.w tn, i:i:ao.x
Official Paper of Lake County, Oregon
One Vcnr. in advance $2.00
Six Moulin, in iani-c 1,2.)
Three !niitli, in advance
APVFRTISINil RATES: Ri-1or, locl column.. 10e r"' line cm-h lin.Ttlon; Vnl AU., tv
line ouch Innt-rtlon. Crd ol Thnk, 1100 Kcaolnltiitm of Condolence, f l.Ao nj upward.
nipIT Adrrrllslnc rti-t mite known on application.
Trannlont AdrertMns: and Job Printing, cash tn advance.
PutvcrltxTt wlhtn their addrcad chanfrcd. v-lone wnd both old and now tiMmi.
Lake view. Oregon, Thursday, February rt. 1014
The candidacy of Judge Benson for
the Republican nomination for Sup
reme Judge will meet with the hearty
support of the voter of this entire
district. The Judge s record in Klam
ath and Lake Counties is such that will
warrant the support of voters ot all
parties at the coming Kali election.
should he secure the nomination, of
which there terms- scarcely a doubt.
As a true interpreter ot the law his
record pmvea him to be aceond to no
other Circuit Judge in the entire State,
and the people of Oregon will make no
mistake in placing him upon the Sup
reme Bench. There ia no doubt but
his election will be opposed by' some
but it might be well to investigate the
record of the persons opposing him as
well as their motives in so doing. It
will no doubt be learned that it is
eclelv on personal grounds or some
one having c rccrh that Judge Ben
sn's candidacy will be orposed.
"But he tnat is greatest among you.
shall be your Bervant," is a saying of
the Master that is not recognixed by
some when it comes to electing public
-officials hereabouts. The more sac
cessiuia candidate may nave ceen in
his chosen field of action the more
bitter opposition he encounters it
would seem. Perhaps we are all of a
more cr less envious disposition, bat
when a man is peculiarly fitted for a
certain position it would seem just and
proper that we at least drop our per
sonal enmity for him at the time be
ing. Local pride should also be con
sidered in a comparatively isolated
community, such for instance a is
Lake County, where qualifications for
the desired position are equal between
the candidates.
In compelling Congress to quickly
enact laws in accordance with the
Democratic platform, President Wilson
has accomplished the impossible ac
eordine to all political precedents.
'What the final result will be remains
to be seen, but the President has gain
ed the respect of all persons regard
less ot politics. Incidentsllv it might
be added that his action has also re
sulted in making political ties still
mure slack, and especially in com
munities where tbe Kepublican party
is in tbe majority. There seems to
be a gereral feeling that it is best to
let the new order of things be given a
thorough trial, and if It proves satis
fsctory all well ardgood, otherwise.
other wise.
Judging from present indications the
coming political campaign will be on
a par with those that have preceded
it under the "Oregon System." There
' seems to be a lack of interest on the
part of the gereral public, and tbe
impression seems to be general that it
is to be a case ot "Well done, thou
(rood and faithful servant, " so far as it
aopl'es to officials who sek to succeed
themeelves, be they Uemocrats or
Kspc tlioar.g.
it has b?en sngeepred that since
Judge Berson is a canuidate for the
Suprerre Uencb that he shoull resign
in f avor of a Democrat to succeed him
on theCircuit Court Eerch. The sug
neftion remind at this time when the
Democrats are enaeavoring to hav
every Republican office holder ousted
is an especally timely one. it is
rea' v amu-iing.
Trie Pops, navir.g witnessed th tan
t;o, declares it stupid and litis the ban
RM tt,i will rot tend to give this
,Dari5cular:y much discussed form of
liuneing iiif-resFeu popularity as the
fretting .via fuming of a host nf An
thony L'omtocks. Jf "Three Weeks"
had been pror.'ounceJ wholesome hy its
critics we venture it could never have
reached a iecond edition.
Chiropractor Locates
Dr. C. R. l'.lovd, Chiropractor and
' Naturopath, recently of Hillsboro,
l-Oregon, arrived in Lakeview lust week
and expects to remain here permanent
ly. He baa taken quarters in Room
337 Heryford building, usinit reception
room in cnrjjncton with Dr. rink.
Dr. Bloyd is a graduate trom tbe
National School of Chiropractic of
Chicago, and also from the Palmer
Gregory School of Oklahoma City,
Okla. He came through the Goose
Lake .Valley forty years ago when
there was no evidence of a town
where Lakeview now standi. Mrs.
Uloyd and children remained at Hills
tooro. but in tbe event the Doctor
decides to remain in Lakeview. they
will join turn here in tne spring.
Politicians Will Find Some
Very Remunerative Jobs
In Oregon.
This will be a lively vear for politics
tn Oregon, fifteen officials are tn be
chosen by voters of the State at the
general election November 3. Candi
dates for all these offices will compete
for nominations at the primary clec
tion, May 5. That explains the present
activity on tbe part of political ambi
tiont in getting into line.
Here ts the list of officials to be
elected from the State at large this
year, and the salary of each :
United States Senator, at 17500 a
Governor, at $5000 a year.
Memters of Congress from First,
Second and Third districts, at $7500 a
State Treasurer, at $4500 a year.
Attorney-General, at $3600 a year.
Four Justices of Supreme Court, at
$4500 a year.
State Superintendent of Public In
struction, at $3000 a year.
State Labor Commissioner, at $3000
a year.
State Engineer, at $3000 a year.
One Kailroad Commissioner, at
$4000 a year.
This, it will be noted, does not take
intD account members of the State
Legislature, who are elected at the
same lime, city members of the
lower home and 15 of the 30 Senators
must be chosen on November 3.
Tbe terms of W. O. Smitn of Klam-
and V. A. Forbes of Crook, representa
tives from this judicial district will ex
pire. According to report Mr. Forbes
will be a candidate to succeed himself.
but Mr. Smith will not. Senator
Ibompson's term does not expire until
1916. and as he is ot Lake county, it is
left for the two Representatives to te
chosen from Klamath, Crook and
Grant, the remaining counties of thia
Carroll Gets Legs
Harney County News: Wm. M.
Carroll, whose two legs were am
putated below the knees on January
13, 1913, has received his artificial
limba ordered some time ago from
Ericksen of Minneapolis, and pat them
on for the first time Monday. They
are quite comfortable and he is prac
ticing with their use every day so aa
to be able to navigate in good shape
with the advent of good weather. Those
who remember Ihe terriDle sufferings
he ard his neighbor, John Koontz.
underwent for six days at the bottom
of an 85-foot well on Carroll's claim in
Catlow valley, with Mr. Carroll's legs
Doth broken, the long siege of patient
prostration and tioslpital confine
ment since, will rejoice to see him
again able to he around on his "pina''
even tho' the lower half of them are
frostproof. Mr Carroll has teen
utilizing niB time and relieving the
monotony of bis experience by taking
a correspondence course in business
training and exercising hu talent for
drawing in which he is quite an artist,
fo he will be quite well equipped tor
office work He has shown himself an
excellcent character, bright, cheerful
and philosophical, and the News hopes
him future success.
Increase Is Slow
Cedsrville Record: Accordirg to
Keeorder Ballard's report the people
are not placing any more con
fidence in Roosevelt's theory of race
suicide than they do in any other point
of his political "buncum". There
were 92 births out ot a population of
6,191, and 44 deaths, which leaves a
net gain of 4B for the year. At that
rate it will take a long time to settle
up Modoc as it should be, and tne
necessity of getting in settlers' from
the outside is evident if Modoc cumes
to be what it ia entitled to be.
Hot School Lunches
Ashland Record : Miss Alma Gould,
teaching three and one-half milea
soutn of Jacksonville, in District No.
77, serves a hot lunoh each noon, or
at least tbe pupils serve it under her
direction, soup being made daily. The
boys aa well as the Kir Is are learning
cookery and how to wash dishes by
tbia method. Sucn co-operative hot
lunches might be served in every
country school in Oregon during the
winter sessions.
Now Conceded That The
Present Incumbent Will
Not Be Candidate.
(Portland Telegram)
Fulfilling a prediction, made in The
Evening Telegram several months ago,
to the effect that Governor West would
not be a candidate to succeed bimiclf,
hut that h would support Dr. C. J.
Smith, Democrat, of Portland, the Ex
ecutive dictated a letter to Dr. Smith,
stating that he would not ba a candi
date for re-election, and complimented
Dr. Smith on his stand tor law enforce
ment, the Executive declaring it would
be the 'battle cry" in the coming cam
paign. The Governor's letter was in
tesponae to one received from Dr.
Smith, in which the Utter said that he
was considering becoming a candidate,
but that he would not enter the race
should the Governor desire to bo re
elected. Further, it was predicted then that
Governor West would support Dr.
Smith because the latter would favor
the Executive's law enforcement pol
icy, and in Dr. Smith's letter he In
dorses it, and rsvs that it la essential
that tbe right ba continued, and the
Executive in turn showers him with
Tbe final announcement that Gover
nor West will nut be a candidate for
re-election has revived a rumor in pol
itical circles that he will seek a seat
in toe Senate. Should It happen that
Senator Chamberlain should not seek
re-election there might be a possibility
of this, but as long as Senator Cham
berlain is in the race, tbe Governor
will not enter it, tor friendly relations
exist between them, and only recently
the executive declared that he would
give Senator Chamberlain all the sup
port st bis command.
Dr. C. J. Smith, now a resident of
Poitland, waa formerly a practicing
physician at Pendleton, where he ser
ved as Mayor. Dr. Smith also served
in the Legislature as State Senator
from Umatilla County.
High School Notes
School work in the grades is pro
gressing very satisfactorily.
New supplementary readers have
been ordered for the first four grades.
Pupila using the number pada are
acquiring a real probciency in the lour
fundamentals. It would do you good
to hear Ihe cnildren sdd.
The eie-bth grade pupils are reading
"Lady of the Lake" and by reading
this classic piece of literature tbev
may gain some time in High School
The flowers of the High School build
ing are growing nicely and from time
to time boquets will be sent to the
primary rooms where the nights are
too cold to permit them to grow
flowers. Tbe sick of the town will
also be remembered bv sending at
times a few blossoms of good cheer.
The basket ball game last Friday
was a success. The crowd was good,
the game good and the teeling was
The High School boys will play the
town team next Friday night, come
tor a good time.
Practice is on in full force for our
High School enterainment to be given
Keb. 20.
Tne following new classes nave been
organized this term: Plain Geometry,
Higher Arithmetic, Greek Hiaory,
beginning English. '1 wo classes in
Kotany, Advanced Bookkeeping, and
Algebra. With so many classes start
ing and so few finishing it crowds our
teaching force beyond the limit.
The music class Tuesday evening
grew to 26 and still there is more
room. Come next Tuesday night at 7
P. M.
The first pupil recital of the depart
ment of mueic will he given Friday
evening Feb. 13. The program will
consist of both vocal and instrumental
numbers making a very pleasant eve
ning. Chatauqua Circle
The Chatauqua Circle will meet with
Mibs Vernon next Monday evening at
7:30 o'clock P. M. Program; roll call,
current events.
Subject: Studies in the Poetry of
Italy. Tbe Beginnings of Roman Lit
erature and Old Roman, Tragedy,
Miss Vernon; Later Roman Tragedy
and Benaca, Mrs. Bailey; Roman Com
edy, Mrs. Everett.
Dog Tax Due
The dog tax ia now due and the citi
zens of Lakeview who are anxious to
have the town cleaned of dogs can do
much more good in asBtisting in the
work than tbey can by sitting in a
warm corner and "roasting" the Mar
shal. Anyone caught putting out
poison will be prosecuted to tbe full
extent of the law
R. T. STK1PLIN, City Marshal.
Laces and Embroideries
Spring 1914
The season's fnd in laces
is wiile shadow flouncinjjs.
We have just received a
line of these popular laces
also All-Over Shadow Lace
Price, a yard, from 65c
to $1.50.
Silver Lake Items
Silver Lake leader
The stage from Lakeview failed to
get in Tuesday evening. It was report
ed to be anow-bound on the mountain
between here and Summer Lake: the
driver camping out all night.
Silver J.ake is figuring on a sewer
and water system. It will be installed
this coming summer. Meantime if the
city wuuid establish grades and paaa
an ordinance setting forth just wnat
is a lawful sidewalk, the property
owners probably would tuild some. '
E. Mark of Arrow, has been spend
ing a few days in town thia week. Mr. j
Mack is a homesteader near Arrow, ;
and while ha ia a new comer, he has f0
acres in cultivation, and la raising some
stock. He says L. E. Roman, a neigh-1
hor, will have in 200 acrea of rye this !
year, and Walter Peteraon about 50
Carl Pitcher has just finished haul-
Ing aeveral tons of aalt from the aalt
depoaita north east of Silver Lake for ;
W. N. Kitredge and Cbas Pitcher. '
This salt ia said to be as high as 90 per
cent pure. Stockmen have been using
it for years to salt their herds, but in
many places where it was essy of
accesa the homesteader has taken up
the land and is trying to raise potatoes
alreaady salted. He has succeeded so
well that the government has given
him the land.
'1 his week Jamison Drcs. of Silver
Lake started for Bend with a bunch of
20U head of calves which had been con
tracted for by Hud Cram of Trout
Creek ari'i Crook County. These calves
wil be shipped to Metoiius by train
and from there taken overland to Mr.
Cram.'s home ranch. I he price paid
wbs said to have been around $35.00
per head. Last spring the Jamison
Kros. had about 100 head of cattle but
lately have Lien disposing of them at
intervals until this number haa been
materially reduced.
Governor Goethals
Secretary Uarrison hag announced
that Col. Goethals signified his inten
tion of accepting the governorship of
the Panama canal zone to be proffered
him by President Wilson. As chair
man of the Isthmian canal commission,
Goethal ia paid f lb.000 a year. The
Panama canal act fixes the salary of
the governor at $10,000, but a bill has
been introduced in the U. S. Senate
to make the aalary of governor $15,000
yearly, ao long ss Goethal holds tbe
You will flod that Chamberlain's
Cough Kemedy has recognised ad
vantages over most mtdnclnes in use
for rouliH and rolila. It doea Dot
suppress a conti but Ioohcdh and re
lieves It. It aid expectoration and
opeua the ttecretioiiH, which enables
the syatem to throw off n cold. It
counteracts any tendency of a cold to
result In pneumonia. It contains no
opium or other narcotic, and may be
given to a child as confidently aa to
an adult. For sale by all dealem.
These beautiful laces are
shown in many new pat
terns, in white, cream and
ecru shades, in widths up
to four inches, a yard
10c to 50c
Ordinance No. 123
Ths People ot the Town of Lake
view do Ordain as Follows :
Section 1. It is hereby declared un
lawful for any cnild under tbe age ot
fourteen years to frequent any public
street within the limits of the Town of
Lakeview after nine o'clock P. M, dur
ing the months of April, May, June,
July, August or September of any year
or after eight o'clock P. M. during the
months of October, November. Dec
ember. January, February or March
of any year unless aucb child be accom
panied by an adult or shall be on an
errand of necessity.
. Section 2. Any person found guilty
of a violation of this ordinance ehall
be committed to tho 'town Jail over
Section 3. Any and all ordinances
in conflict herewith and particularly
Ordinance No. 28 are hereby expressly
WHEREAS children under tbe age
or fourteen years are In the habit of
frequenting the streets of the Town
after tbe hours hereinabove set forth
and in the judgment ot the Common
Council this ordinance ia immediately
necessary for the preservation of the
health and morale of auch children,
thia ordinance ia hereby excepted from
the operation of the referendum and
shall become of full force and effect
from and alter ita passage, approval
and publication or posting.
Passed at the regular meeting of the
Common Council Feb. 3rd, 1914.
D. J. WILCOX. Wm. K. PA 1 N E,
Mayor Town Recorder.
Crawford Loses
liecauae Attorney Ucnetal Crawford
failed to make a showing of damaaes
sustained by the state, Circuit Judge
Kelley of Marion County, auatained
the attorney tor the state board, fur
judgment on the pleadings in tho pen
itentiary revolving fund case, where
in Crawford brought suit to recover
from Governor West, Secretary Olcott
and Treasurer Kay, approximately
UC, 000 alleged to nave been spent fur
the state illegally. The action waa dis
missed. Crawford aaya be will appeal
to the supreme court.
Practical Dyeing
Where then- lire iiiun.v ilillilren In
the family II U economy to lo cunuld
erablo dvt-iuu Miiny n tmlcd muslin
ran l imi! i niptni' In u fri'Hh color.
Light t'voiilin; frocks run lie dyed a
darker slnulo mid nerve for school or
afternoon m ear. lieini'iiilier to dye at
the hiiiiic Hint! tiny exlrn pieces of ma
terial to nrrv for altering or patch
ing, lis it is aliuoHt Impossible to
match n (l.v( (I material.
White or (-renin colored ribbon or
flower iiim be clven a beautiful
shrimp pink alinde by dipping in water
Into which red Ink baa been dropped.
Ordinarily liquid wiih(i bluing used In
the name iviiy will tint feathers, wIiikm.
etc.. n pretty pule lilue.
A regular communication
ol Lakeview Lodge, No 71,
A. F. A A. M. will lie held ia
Masonic hall this Saturday
evening. February 7. at 7 :30
I'. M.
Hy order o( K. K. woodcock.
J. I'll AS. SMITH, Hecy.
W. M.
lidpntf a n tl Insertion.
These may he had in Swiss
or Cambric.
Ivdginjj and Insertions,
from 1 to G inches wide,
a yard, 5c to 25c.
I'loti ncinisand All-Overs
a yard, 35c to $1.00.
Many people rely upon Chamber
IhIu'h ( oinh Keint'dy liupllclty in
caHm of folds and croup, ami it never
dUappolnts them. Mis. E, II. Thoui
aa, l.oK'inMport, Intl., write: "I
have lound Cliieiilirrliilii'H Cough
Remedy to bit the brat niediclue fol
colild and croup I have ever uaud, and
never tire of recomuiendliii; it to my
tlrlitlibora and friend. I have always,
given It to my children when suffer
ing Irocii croup and It hut never failed
to give tlirm prompt relief." -'c r sale
liv all dealerx.
run yytyj'y yi-jw
1 bereliy annouiii-r ui.vself a (-aiiilidatn
tor election to the ollii-e of County
Clerk of l.nkr County. Oiegon, MllJeit
to the dei-laion of Dni(arnt If purty,
at the Primary Election to Im- held oo
May 15th. liH. K. W. 1'AYNE.
fWMni '
1 lierehv announce myself acaudidatx
for tho office of Slicrlfl of Lake County,
Orefcoo. Hiiliject to the decision of the
Republican primary, to le held Muy
1.'., 11)14. W. H. HMDEK.
"AGENTS WA NTKI) Write) today
for iieimaneot ponltion on our Hale
force. Previous hcIIIuk experience
not hr(YHary. lUculreiiicn t . imi.t
le williujr to work and follow In
st ructloiiM, with a ileaire to U-tu-r
your Condition We teach aalei
liiiiliMhip I'Mcllli: Nnrnerv '., !(0U
Stock Exi-hatiKu HUlr . Port
land, Ore." .. r, , 4
Notice U hereby given that the'
umleraiuDcd, Admlniat raton of the
I'nrtnerHlilp Katste of H. F. AliUtroiu,
diciUNMd, and Win. (iuntber, did on
the 2nd luv of February. 1UU. hie,
tliolr rlniil Account as Mich AdiuiulH
tritora In i he Couniy Court of the
Mate of Oregon, tor the County of
Lake, nml the Honorable. H. Daly,
Judtte of aald Court, ou said date,
did lix Saturday the Tth day ol March,
l'.lll, at the hour of tMl o'clock in tbe
forenoon thereof, aa the time, and
the County Court room lu tho County
Court bouHe in Lakeview, Lake Coun
ty, Orr Roo, as the place for the bear
ing ol vaid Final Account, and any
and all objections thereto, and for
aett lenient thereof.
Now, ull persons Intereatcd therein,
and having objections! to said Final
Account are herrby required to proaent
tho name according to law on or be
fore tho above d,te and hour net forth
aa tbe time, for heariujr. of said object
ion.! to Hntd Final Account, and tho
aettlemeut thereof.
Dated this 2nd day of February,
1914. '
F. M. MILLER, and
Administrators of tho Estate of H,-
F. Alilstrom, (Ifceaaud, aud Win.
(iuntber, f5 6t
' I have Hold Chamberlain's Tablets
for several years. People who have
used them will take nothing else. I
can recommend them to my custom
ers aa the best laxative and cure for
conHtlpktion that I know of," wrltea
Frank Stroiise, Fruitland, Iowa. For
salo by all dealer-.