Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, January 29, 1914, Image 8

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    It Pays To Trade At BIEBER'S
Do you wonder why so many speak favora
ble of Lhis store? Do you wonder why Lhis
store adds new customers every month? If you
stop to think, you will soon be numbered among
the economical money spenders. This sLore
does not cater Lo the rich; it offers induce
ments to all people alike. There is no favorit
ism shown here. Your neighbor pays the same
price you do, and that, in itself assures you of
the lowest prices on everything you have to
buy. That's the way you are treated here, and
that's the reason why you should take advan
tage of our special offerings.
Our Dry Goods
Department Is
Open for Business
Turkish 1 1; 1 1 li Towils,
Iumvv wi'iiiht, ex vptioii il
value, . J h K) iiK-lu's,
in km
Children's I'm. mi Suits,
Sis rihUol ami
ikveed haeu. a 7"e value,
to close out at. i suit, 45c
Lathes' Auto 1 1 t s, only
a tew nunc to sell, worth
$1.0t to $Lt0, to el sc
out at. each 7Sc
Many Other Bargains to
Introduce This New Department.
llllilll BROTHERS
New Pine Creek was s lively little
city Friday evening Jan. 23rd. The
Captains of the rabbit hunt. .1. U.
Gentry and L. U. Vmyard, had select
ed this date for the annual feast known
as the "Rabbit Supper."
The hunt wa9 in progress during the
last days ot December and first days
of January. Many of the pests were
destroyed. Mr. Gentry beirg the cap
tain ot the loping side, toon the euptr
mter.dency of the banquet. Mr. Vin
yard's men did all they could to aid the
losing side.
Nothing short of a banquet descrtes
the sumptuous feast. It was one of
the best suppers that has ever Deen
spread in our city. It was served in
the Larkin Building on the California
side, almost every home from Sugar
Hill to Urane Creek being represented
at this gathering.
Between three and four hundred peo
ple were served..
Porter Bros. Construction
Outfit Did Not Move to
that Kev. Milan first approach one or
two of the wouild-be-sisters and put a
atop to the idle gossip rg which is do
, , . ' " ' I Apparently the Hem which was re-
pie irom cnurcn tnur, a luif dozen pic- i
ture tbuwi could do. j centl PUsheU number of papers
Last Sunday a w.mld-be-good sister!10 the interior part of the state, say
told tne ihurch eiement that the mnn-1 ijng that t'orter tiros had remove I
agement of the picture show had given ' from Eugene to Dend to begin work
complimentary tickets t ) - rue ot I he ' on the extension south of the Uregon
church people to keep them away irom l'runk, wa-i erroneous. A cmrection
church, lhis was a faist houd, ar d of this statement is to (he elTect thai
Fhe kr e it. From this aid i ther ! Horier Hro. were removing In North
Iale stories floating aro ir d there must j Henil. Tughy Urns, have a contract
surely be an abundance of this wtrk i for a portion of the work on the Ore-
- -- i
Dangerous Infections Re-!
quiro Precaution for!
Prevention and Cure. '
I. s. -r I mi r v liiMMi'lor
(Cnntlm od from last week)
The diseHM's or condition included '
intms Hituie are Shipping Fever,
Kipnm Pisti mper, SlranglcH and
h i!iimi" i'on'Hgi'iiiia i'nc iimoni.i, as well
a- t ' o ehi-ica' i i"K Kv'.
I in S'' infections hui all cnnf agcniiM
an ' lire contracted by hn'sos and muled
wlulc in transit trim one pail of I In '
c nt try to another, are found existing '
Mile by si te in the cmue stable limit r
the same stMbling conditions and In Ihr
dane epirootica. and as m rule on i
n'ts.-K rnnfem immiii ily, though fre-i
qucntly the animal has a second hard
If it can be shown that certain;
pHlh"genic microorganisms ore present ,
in these conditions constantly and that
the maiontv of ttal Irsiona following
these diseases or conditio) a are due In
these certain microorganisms and that
the spread of these nucroorgHnims
can be controlled, then it behooves
those most concerned to use plenty of
common se se as well as to take ad
vantage of all scientific measures
available to stop the spread of the dis
ease and check Itr ravages. The initial
cost of prevetion may seem large, but
the final ravirg is enormous. "An
ounce ol prevention is worth a pound
cf cure," and in this case it is worth
a ton, as compared with the loss in
curred if the dut'ise is allowed to con
tinue unchecked.
The piimary cause of the disease
has never been satisfactorily proven,
although we are suie of the organisms
tat produce the greater number of
lesions. In all laboratory expermen'
and in live animals we have found the
same germ, pnssitily atliiliatetl with
man v other gernH. I his germ i 'he
Streptococcus pyogenes Eipii. Usually
x!"i'g witn this perm is the StMihylo-
ri-cu- i yogi ncs Aims, u pus proiiu
ii g org ini in. With tl
HIS is the time of the year
when attention should he
devoted to your season's
Job Printing
We have the materialwe have
the ideas. Phone your wants
to Kxaminer .loh Department
No. 522
Examiner Publishing Company
. rilONKS 1
Editorial Rooms 5LM -:-Jol Department 522
"500" Entertainments
Mrs. Anna McCrath and daughter,
Mrs. V. A. Fitapatrirk. ai d Mrs. E. C.
Ahlatrum, were hostesses lnt wiek
and this to a denes of Eive llund'e I
parties. 'Ihe first two enterlai: mrnli
last nt'fk were held at the home of
Mrs. Fitpatriek on WeilncioUv and
I Saturday, the thiril partv heiiiij held
I eitcrday ultrruon at the home ot Mrs.
i Ah'.'-tiom. Ihe atlaira it is hhi I
! tnarkeil the must HiicccH'till due ill tun-
-e to germ-J,. iimis of the dendtin.
goirg cn. It merely crtates trouble
and injures the welfare i f the town.
The writtr lie.icve-. the-e trouble
makers are mainly respoi sible, ard
thnt it the goo l pe.iole w ul I put
them out of the church that, botn il
and the ommnnity in sereral would
be benttitted greatly. The cc rrespord
ent does not w ant it understood that
he is condemning Kev. Milan for pro
testing against pii'ture shows on Sun
days, for he tehevts that ptople entuld
go to enured on that day. If the peo
ple of New fine CreeK would co-operate
and down the idle gossips, tnere is
r.o doubt but what thev could tret a
The True Source i good Minister here who w, ul i bnrg
. the people out to church. We ftel
The Kev. E. Milan, held missionary ,hl)t Kev. Milan ia . gIn,ere WLrKer
lor Southern Oregon, is still holding Ld couM have Mcom 1( .hed 0j
services at the Baptist church. The W(irk if theig goati had been
meetings are lairiy wen ettenoea out
there is not the interest shown that
gon Trunk extension, an 1 it. is now
rumored that thry are preparing to
move their construction outfit from
t'ortland to Uend.
should be. Church work has been
sadly neglected in New Pine Creek for
the past few years. Wby? Well, we
bear several reasons. By the way,
Rev. Miian gives it to the picture
bows for operating Sundays. It
appears as though he is trying to make
people believe that the shows are
keeping people trom church . But if
Kev. Milan had lived here aa long as
the writer he would see the matter in
a different light. Tne writer suggests
stopped before.
working hard in hand the nnimi I h
fever and the tir-t g rm I renks down
ihe ti-sue, while the second one digests
the blond corpuscles that ure sent to
antagonize the enemy. anl as the cor-
pu-eles Bre dige-t d manv of the germs
The theatre was crowded Hre d,ri)Ve(1 ,, tn,.n , ,h,
rr.davevenug. Mr. V emit has been re!lljlt, with swelling and then event
serving the public we I. rive reel- ,, . ,
R ' ually absresa formation. cauamg
have been run tor the same price as , . , ,-. . ,
fever, Iofb of appetite and general
thiee. 1,1.
C. E. (.Towner. Jen Mclaey and j Nuw as this germ has been rondrm
Chas. Watkins three stockholders of,nt.d by authorities as the one that
the Big Four .Mines at High tj rade, , 0ur trouli e. we have three
(pent a few days in New fine Creek
Judge H. V. Malloy and August Dor
ing made a business trip to Lakeview
one day last week.
The intantsun of Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
TroumDBCk is critically ill. Dr. Smith
of Lakeview has oeen called to ad
minister to tne little sufferer.
Harvey Benham is quite ill at pres
ent. The attending phyaician. Dr. E.
H. Ameden, is doing all that can be
done to check the child's fever.
tfWfci' at
to be equal to any
Beer brewed. Bot
tled ind on draught
at all leading saloons
last week. T. E. Sturdevant and Bird
W ade relocate I the Big Four the
first of the year claimii g that the
as?e?rment worK had not been fully
done and it looks as if a big law suit
will follow.
A meeting of the Ladies' Civic im
provement League was held at the
I home of .Mrs. O'Neil, Saturday. Much
important business was transacted,
Several warrants were dran, plana
for th Valentine Calico Ball were
completed. Ihe Secretary, Mrs. Motfit,
has drawn a petition which will be
circulated on the Modoc aide, memor
alizing the Board of Superivsors to
establish the County Library.
We note that Bird Wade is staying
on the Oregon side of late. He tay
that the California climate dues not
agree with him. He vould not even
go over on the Cat. side to the big
Kabbit Hunt supper. He sent one of
his friends over who brought tack a
goo l, big teed for him. The Big Four
people tell us that it is is not the Cal
ifornia climate that disagrees with
Hird. We will tell you more about it'
Ihe writer wi.-hes to make a correct-,
ion m the ittm written about the rn-isk
ball Jan. 1. We mentioned about u
man corning in lo the Opera IJout-e. and ,
fraid to Ihe management that it he
bought ti ticket ne would dance with;
out a mask. Ihe (gentleman wereterr-,
e l to f:an.e to us and convinced us hat
there was home miHundernlandiiig, and
the management of the Opera House
regrets that they gave the item to the i
corn spunuent.
'Jh fcecnnd election of the officers i
for t-e Student Body Leaguo ot the
New il'ir.e Creek Grammar School was 1
held :
cera ieie elected: Breaident.
Theresa Keller; Vico-president,
We ml i
i rider.
tt Fri;a. The following olti-
Miss i
Mhb I
b it-her ; Secretary, Miss Owena I
prevertive measures:
(1) I-olilion of infected animals,
followed by well known approved
methods f antisepsis.
(-) i'ra' tical disinfect inn imd lumi
gation of slat les, htockyardn and rail
road cars.
(3) Preventive vaccination before
exposure, an I curative vaccination ot
infected ones.
The first and third methods can be
carried on with very little trouble or
cost. All that it necessitates is
determination on the part of the owner
and in case of shipment, the shipper,
and a certain degree of intelligence on
the part of those detailed to carry on
the work.
The second method ia not so easy,
however, to secure favorable action
upon, for it at once imposes a conditior
on those not directly interested, and
tnerefore, if anything from that source
is ever brought about, it would be
years before results could be obtained.
it is not an absolute impossibility to
properly disintect and fumigate all
railroad cars in which animals are
shipped ant perhaps some dav this will
he demanded, although at present in
many so -k yards where cars, known
to carry infectious disease", the rail
road companies are compelled to clean
and dimfect ihe ears immediately
after unloading. Experience ard ex
periments have proven to us that an
animal infected with the! diseases
(under discussion) eliminates and
spreads the germH from secretions,
excretions and discharges from the
infected animals, and therefore, Isola
tion of the animal together with care
ful handling and antii-eptic precautions
are the best means available for pre
venting the infection. (Taking this
subject up from symptoms, the dis
cussion will be concluded in next
j The invitation list for the three
parties included the fidlon g: .Mes
ilarncs Msgilton, Mos, lluntiig, Kunl,
('onitis, I' . I'. Lane, .Snelln g. Jarnb
soii, II. llHiiey, Hi mis, McKetiiuc,
Cre sler. W K. Heryfnrd. Welch,
Dewey, Urattmn. Heall, Funk, (itob,
Steele, Norm, Harrow, Join son, K. II.
('liKk, Kisk, hoozer, S. K. Ilanron,
O'Connor, Schlagel, Dunlap, Rusel,
Thompson, Thornton, .Stone, Florence,
(John. O'Neil, Farrell. Mu-dien, K A.
Clark, Crosby, (Tonemiller, I'mbach.
Schminck, E. II. Smith. Dnra Line
and the Minses Flynn, Cobb, Fletcher,
Wolf, II,, Metier and Hall.
Resolutions of Condolence
lieHilutinn by Oriental Chapter No.
f Order of Eastern Star in the DcmIIi
of tSisier Elizabeth J. Venator.
To the officers and members: We,
your Committee heretofore appointed
to draft suitable resolution, big leave
to sbumit the following:
Whereas, our Heavenly Father in his
infinite wisdom called to His heavenly
realm our beiovcd Sister Eliazbeth J.
Venator, a member of our chapter, and
one of the most respected ladies in
our community.
Resolved, That while we deeply de
plore her demise, she lias earned tne
entrance into Heaven by her untiring
activity during her eighty-three years
of constant devotion to her Home,
Familv and Friends ;
Be it further Kesolved, That these
Resolutions he spread upon the Min
utes of our Chapter, a ropy furnished
the bereaved Relatives, and a enpv to
the newspaper for publication.
Fratemallv Submitted
El. I. EN E. COIil!
I.. J. MACI l.'l ON
ciias. c.iii.cii ;
(Jilbert I). Brown, Supervisor ot the '
Fremont National f orest will leave the. '
latter part of this week for 1'ortbmd i
to attend the annual meeting of For- i
e! t Supervisors. Mr. Brown expects
to be absdnt about two weeks. I
I'onllniied ft inn flrnt pua
with Ihe best faculty available,
grounds, buildings and means of teach
ing so many vocations or trades that
no one, who desires a practical trailing
fur the work In future life, will err by
atieii'lit g it r c I i i coming protlcirnt in
one of Ihe msny coorei offered. It
was ermilvitg t" htiir the faculty
peak ol the Lake county boys Willi
such prai'c. Though we are repre
senlid ly but few none are doing
better work. Ihe I ovs are personally
kn w n to all Ihe pn ft sors anil hive
aetai veil proimi i-in e In their Work.
This college is primarily a working
school in all arts, mechanics, agricul
ture, stoek raiinng, poultry etc.
A Iter coinplet ing my wnrk on thu
examining board 1 went to Spokane to
visit a sister who was seriously ill in
the hospital. I visited other relatives
at W alla Walla and I.Hdrande. One of
the great pleasures of the trip was to
meet no many of rry former pupils.
Several si In ids wi re visited and
much data gathered which I leel ron
ton nt will beii tit the schools nf our
c itinty. 1I:csicihI wnrk to I e done
w ill le n ent on ed trom tune to time
in 'he press and by circular letters.
Wishing all pupils and t achers a
happy at il prospermia year and booing
to bear from nil is tne w ish of your
County Supt. of Schools.
The Record states that J. W. Mo
AfTee and wife are visiting in Cedar
ville from lower California.
$1000 FREE
l... CIlAOAUIir l...
r "" " ,-- I ..-.-jum; w -i- l
N.i X
liny nr oiIh-i wiiillr
3-Juy ii hi ii I t-H
nr SORE on the III
nr ln.ilv l"'H in CANUtK
It Nevor PjIms Until
Stiio. 120 PACE BI,l.K
ent Irrr: K-kl iilimi in In
ul IHOUiANDS cunr o
Any Lump Wcmaia's Dreast
I BELIE VC IS At WAYS CANCf R, ami AlWiYS pahonl
degp gland! In tin niniiit anil KILLS QUICa LV
I iwaar wa have CUHf D 10 ooo. Co laa lomo
"SOIdDr.&Mrs. CHAMLtY iiVii
AB 436 Valencia St., SAN IRAHCISCO, CAL
KINDLY MAIL this to sonioone with CANCER
Reno Brewing Co., Inc.
; I ie ihurer, .Miss HeBHie Alex
, 'ihe jouifj people are taking
In'tfit mttrcht, in theiir achool.
Many uhvu remarked that thev enjoy
atieiiOii!,i k-IiooI thiH vear more than
evir. '
Don't; foifet the old time Hall ut
Ne i'(ine ( nek this Eriday mkIiI.
Jan !!' I'JM. We held one of these
nuj dames Dec. U:jrJ. which pro
ved toj Le the l;iht ot any r.eld in a
loij; I'ltne. We have hea'd a few
complaints from young men that some
younj ladies had refused to dance with
The Hidwell New-i reportH that a
saloon license waa granted to S. C.
I'uinier at Lake City, this hcing the
only Lin. ze rn f.'.r i u m at that place
nincc the wet and dry election laat
fall. Kt. 1'nlwfcll now haa three aal-oona.
tht-rn. Here is a tip from tfie writer.
It a young man wi.shes to have a good
time at our danre-i, he Letter hlay in
the hall and not get too much firewater
aboard as the ladies are making it a
rule not to nance with any one who is
somewhat "tipsy."
The Hard to Harness
Is oftrn Jusllliril in his net Inn.
Must lilirly I hit liiirnrKN cltufis
or ffiills hi in. That ilnvsn't
Iiiiiivii whi-ii mir luiriH'ss Is
llsiul. II Is ns iicrfiTt lilting lis
.you ii mil ,imr own viol Ins to
III', (irl il si lnfil mill null!'
.your hoist' romloit iihh: It
will not hi' hmn hi furi ha will
hi' us I'nsy In hnrnrss ns .uii
I'lllllll isli.
E. F.