THE i I t LAKEVIEW ABSTRACT & TITLE CO. ABSTRACTS TO ALL REAL PROPERTY IN LAKE COUNTY, ORISON Our Complete Tract Index nur Accuracy, Promptnm and Reliability Such no Index is the ONLY It hi. I ABLE system from which itn Abstract can be made, showing all defect of title. MA A C,,-ntah SVmiTY moOSani INSVKANCM H. W. MORGAN, Manager, LAKEVIEW, OREGON rosrorrict box s rwowi m WALLACE & SON (Wm. Wallace, Coroner for Lakm County) UNDERTAKERS PROMPT ATTENTION AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Parlors, next door to Telephone Office WATSON BUILDING Lakeview Ice, Transfer and Storage Co Telephone No. 161 J. P. DUCKWORTH, Makaoeb Busa to Meet Alt Trains. Transfer and Drayage. Storage by day, Week or Month "OUR CUSTOMERS ARE OUR ADVERTISERS" Goose Lake Valley Meat Market R. E. WINCHESTER, Proprietor We endeavor to keep our market'well supplied with FPJLSH, SALT AND SMOKED:MEATS 5 lbs. Lard, 90c; 10 lbs., $1.80 8" Your Patronage is Respectfully Solicited0 LAKE COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY locorporared. - A Complete Record We have made an entire transcript of all Records In Lake County which In any way, affect Real Property In the county. We have a complete Record of every Mortgage and transfer ever made In Lake County, and ever Deed given. Errors Found In Titles In transcribing the records we have found numerous mort gages recorded In the Deed record and indexed; and many deeds are recorded In the Mortgage record and other books. Hundreds of mortgages and deeds are Dot Indexed at all, and most difficult to trace up from the records. We have notations of all these Errors. Others annot fin a them. We have put hundreds of dollars banting up theHe errors, and we can fully guarantee our work. J. D. VENATOR, Hanager. 2,000 NAMES HOMESEEKERS i We have that number of people writ ing us about Goose Lake Valley that number of people who are thinking about changing their location YOU MIGHT GET ONE OF THIS NUMBER TO PURCHASE YOUR RANCH-OR AT LEAST A PART OF IT. Perhaps you are trying to farm a larger acreage than you can farm profitably why not let the other fellow buy half of what you have and place your self in a position to make the half you re tain more profitable? You can list the property for sale with us and get the advantage of all this ad vertisingan advantage that will appeal to you at once. We are in close touch with these homeseekers. DROP US A LINE AND ASK US FOR, LISTING BLANKS. We will explain every fea ture fully. Address: The Fairport Town and Land Co. FAIRPORT, CALIFORNIA tloi TPRn nr. SWEET POTATOES. rknow the sweet Htitto at It bent one must have eaten It In Dixieland, where isrtw sweet pot a too that are said to far excel the famed Jersey sweets and where cooks are skilled In way of serving this de llghtful food. Sweet potatoes should be cooked lowly. Much of the flavor la Impair ed by cooking tlioiu too quickly. Some cooks think an hour In the oven la not too long to bake them. Th Secret of Boiling Them. Rolled Sweet Potatoes.-Wash the potatoes well without breaking the kins. Put them In a kettle of boiling water and let them cook until wit bout being soft they can be pierced to the center with a fork. Drain off the wa ter and act the kettle back on tlio atove or In the oven, with a cloth thrown over the top and let strain about Ave minutes, then they will be mealy. Peel them at once and serve plain with roast pork or beef. When served with fried or broiled fish, ae- couipany them with a drawn butter sauce or cut them in thick slices, but ter and set in the oven a few minutes. Glased Sweet Potatoes. Bern It the potatoes, put them Into boiling water and boll nntll tender. Remove the akin, cut In halves, put tn the oven for ten minutes: then pour over each half a little melted butter and sprin kle with granulated sugar. Place In a hot oven and bake nntll brown, bast ing with the butter In the pan. Cooked a la Caeterole. Baked Sweet Potatoes. Steam four sweet potatoes until tender or slice them raw and cook In a little boiling water for ten minutes. Drain from the water and place a layer In the bot tom of a casserole dish. Sprinkle with sugar and spread with butter. Add another layer of potatoes, more ugar and butter. Fill the dtah up In this manner with sugar and butter on top. Then nearly cover the potatoes with the water In which they were holled and place In a hot oven fori three-quarters of an hour. . Sweet Potatoes a la Maryland. Take some boiled sweet potatoes while fit 111 hot. brush them over with melted butter and roll In sugar. Place them In a pan and put them Into the oven. Let them stand until thev heoome verv brown: then remove them and set the pan containing them on the top of the stove. Put the potatoes Into the serv ing dish. Add some boiling water to the melted butter and sugar. Let It cook down to a brown sirup and pour it over the potatoes. GUPBOARD STRING BEANS. DINNER MENU. Cream of Onion Soup. Roast Beef Stuffed Potatoes. Frlcase1 Beans. Coleslaw. Neapolitan Klancmense. Coffee. TO test the freshness of string beans break a pod and see If It la brittle. The strings should be delicate and the beans small. They should be boiled In merely enough water to cover them. Young beans may be cooked an hour, old beans two to three hours. Salad of String Beans. Marinate two cupfuls of cold string beans with French dressing. Add one teaspoonful of finely cut chives. Pile In center of salad dlKb and arrange around the bane thin slices of radishes overlapping one another Garnish the top with radish. Fricasseed Beans. String and break the beans into inch lengths and boll until they are tender In plenty of salt ed water. Drain In a colander and dredge Hllglitly and evenly with sifted flour. Put a tahlcspoonful of butter In a frying pun iind when hot drop In the beans. Turn often so that all will be heated and mixed with the butter. Novel Combinations. String Beans and Sausages. Take one pint of conked green beans and chop them fine. Season with half a teuxpoonful each of salt and pepper and place a layer in the bottom of a deep casserole dish. Pour In one cup ful of in I Hi. I'rlck the casings of one pound of sausages and lower them In a frying basket Into a kettle of boil ing water. In a minute remove and lay over the beans. Pour a cupful of thick while sauce over them and the j remainder of the beans, with a layer I of cracker crumbs on top. I,et bake i for about fifteen minutes. I String Benns and Onions. Poll the beans and when (lone drain and set ' aside. Cut a few onions Into dice j shaped pieces and place them In a saucepan with a little butter. Conk to a golden brown and add a little flour. Stir well and moisten with white broth, continuing to stir till It j bolls. Season with salt and pepper, i Add the cooked beans with a clove of crushed garlic. Cook for ten minutes. place on a hot dish, sprinkle with chopped parsley and serve j r ii m. ii m in TheJNewspapers in the Country Towns of the United States if Properly Used are Positively the elling Agents m America Copyright by F. J. Milnes 31 lfZ3 c o6St S 33