OHMCIA 'rim"til VI, l'raititit . Honr'tarf ol siau K,.,.r.'lnrj of If ttwirntBiy ul Allfirui-v tlenrral 'u.littaUr OanM a,..rtalt ! M! H..rrlrr 0 I"1"' r,r"taiol "" Oov'tnor HMirninrf ol HUM Tramftirnr A iloriH-T '""" Sunt. I'ululo luatfi Frtitl'r ..M."-; IMlry and rood Co 0, B. Senator Congreeemen W Cblel Juaiio AeaoclataJaalloas mit r Judge .... Aiurrney.. L DIRECTORY iTiomi. Woodrnw Wllanti Tliniiiae K Maraliall William J Hrraii ill William (I MrAdoo I.lll.lu.v M darnaifl JalllH. l; III lli-rn.illl. al...... AIIhtih hiiilt-xin ,,Jia-ihiia l'nlrl lor Franklin K Un iiitura Iiavld K llmiaiua aviu ...William (!. rt-irtild ' William II. ttlieuo re l oinmlMioniT KUgar K Clark STATB. Oawald Wmi b"U W.OIrnti 1 hoe. H. KJ A. M. Crawford ... L, K. Alderman ...W, H, Imnlwat .Juhnl) Mlrkla CilBI arry 1 ai.e IVt.O. Hawlay in. t. nio null 'Micorii F. A. Moor Sober! (akla II. J. Bian O. 11. Burnett T.A. McBrlde IDlfllAL DlBTaiCI. Henry f.. Binor John Irwl lotion. i.l, joint Senator lepruaeuUllT " 0 8.L jaa. Fllmsr-aa Fred r1 Ctiummllli" roKi flllrwrt l Bniwn ... Kniaoti 1- Hillings... urmatt Jnuilou... I), F. Hri'iiiiau L.AK1 Jadge i:irk KliorlB . Treasurer Aaaraailt School Hu.l urvojror , Oommlaalonera County 4tark lneoaob TOWH OF t. K. Rlnabarl ...... e H.all I W. F. "rob I .... J. P. Iiuckwollh I U.T. OiHlMl l wlB. Wall" ' A. m'i 11 1 NJIBLATIVS W. bairThormieor. Varuou A Forba (Wealay o Hmlt AN LI OKK1CK. , Naglatai .Itmrulvat MT OKrltfc Hupitrvleoi Ural I nir Aaaieienl rurt-al AMlelant Koreal Clara teoDNTV r.. B. Ial F.W. l-ayue , W H Hnidet . F. O. A Matron A.J.Kn.tai ....:. K. Olivet ,...H. A. Muabaii F, K Audi-ren T. b. Wakvllald . ...I). KiUlloJ LAKKVICW. it. .Mayoi Ooinillroati . , , . Kemrdni ...Treaaitri-t CHURCH 1 IRIiCTORY rtWT MKTIIUiii"! Vhuol at 10 " ' 11 a. m.ua; :lJ..m. Huudr.tiliiB day el 7:ii. !" oiyUMlyi-oiaial.ln- ( 1M K( H-WCNUAT irtaliig tnirf hiiuaay al kuwirlli laaua rvvry rrajrr Mm tTur Tliuri mfi'Uiif al H:op. a iliiixlay at l:ao p, m Had to ail at-rvH't. (I. II. KKKSK. I .ainr CAIHOLK-nltB' l a:l Bil l in a.m.! " u.w.o.dayaaO.a. -VKHY h!NIA V MAW aT al 7:SU p.m. Maa 11. H-rvlc lu lha Nox KEK.N, H.J. a. I A ... t. ... .-- - V1K.W, U.-I.....1 at lll'.w A..... n hvviiiiiK Hfv- al V.1 Wi.durtMlaT.aalJ-1 iii;i II OK LAKB laaoulo Hall, humla) uriiing hMrvlca al 11 :UC 0. Hrayttr Movtinic uu 1. A II am rurdially lu KAVil-UKD. l a.u.r. Ol'L II al Hun UkKKVlKW Kl lHi:Ot; Juroi.B,"","'iV All ai rordially IiivH." :;e.atUAMaud 7 ol iwiiiih t"- ol iarb weed. All ar alUind ibcrvl a. MIKHION-Uy Kaad I "I Ilia MImIod In to Un HiiiIUIiik) OBIal niuit ai7:aoO'Cluc II OF MMkHR 1.4 KT viia. IffMblni aai 'f al ol eacb Buuila; ay H-boul al 10 A M WaiiucMiaj rvetilD. rordlally iDTllad U . K. UCKDKKHON, Classified Want Ads A Want Ad In The Lake County Examiner Repeated a few times, if ncecssary, will tind a customer for that property of yours. They arc scanned closely by intending buyers, and the cost is nominal 5 cents the line for each insertion. Special long-time rates. POK WALK- KOK HAIK Lot It 7H, O. V. L, A.Iil; rilan tn arrtm N ol Sf SH ol tox. 7. Tp 8! It, 20. R. blinr, 1442 Pearl Kt., Ik'OTur. Col. Kill BAl. IC 10 acrwi nnr Lakevlow 8of8X. Kli of BE, rVc 1, Tp J)U, KaiiKe 10, K. Prlc Ad dreuM W. I.fltner, 4Hjl No. Winches ter Avn. ChlcKi I)c. 11 rilK Lakevlew AlmtractA Title Co. In making ajMcliil prill' on Almtrct to O. V. L. C'o.'i TractM onil Town Lot. ixt i:-Dt Iouiim on firni", orrhard UikIh, city n'Hident ir buaini-M iroMTty, to buy, liul'il. Improve, rxtfnil or ri'luiiil mortKiii;"ii or oilier tururitli-M; torma n-OHuiialile; aMi'lnl prlvili'ii i:orrf)ion(lciire iiivIipiI. Dept. 1., tiHi coin in on wealth III. lie . Uenvt-r, Colo, or l pt. 1, 74U llvnry lildu., Ht-nttli-, U'aMti. Dec. 11-ta I.KIMI. AnVF.HTIial LlltlOHM AWIIUUAM. I. II. CL'TLKK WIMWKY AT T1IK Hotel Laievtew bar. TlwlMMtand (inrvMt wtilHlty mail. tf LOOK A.T THE NOTICE FOR HE ward IhhiuhI by the Tvlephone Compauy for dMtroyln Its trop erty. lutl 60 KtWAKU. A KKWARD of Mfty dollar! It here tiy olfered for iulortnatlon thitt will lead to th arrva' anil conviction of any peiaon wbo bug stolen wires or other property, from our Company; ad the aau rewurd la hereby oiferod lor infomiHi fin that will lend to the arrest and c iif iction of anyoue des troying tin) property nf the Company. unas. umrHtcD, Scretui y Laaka Co. TeL A TeL . Co. lriff. I.I.IJAI. AIIVKItTIMl.llla LODGE D1K lECTORV .laud moon HIMlll Uaron . April .iM.aa iinnn Caali av " """"Vial, oa t.rtlirn iV V.'w. "'h m brotn,Kec.''J'- , A. F. A A.M. Hold. . on or oeur lull 19, May 17. HpTti ally 8aiurday rr.-t-wvlcuua. Juhn L. .Khj'jt KbHHOHK UjljI lnl .iri .ind Homo in i ouir J. Hollo Arinrr, L "I C,; Aiamtala 7 i LAVlfcW KMrMtM NO . l-"v"urV nipfia ll" If" ,hlrl Thura V - ;;.. a, 4n iiu.UiB lt 0!d Pollnwa llVll lAki'vIu"".. T. Uwlall. CP., H.F. h..n.T. rHItllas . .Mr MUllid ...l. nwintb. In Maanulc a,. V. Kvrtrtt. M.W.i V Hall, lklew. ian Bn-nnan. K. I O O F LAKBVIKW IXilMlK, No.M. I . y-Jii ".Vi:,""..i7".: Hk. lro.n OoioiM! 1 rviinwa - -,,,k ,,, ... Ai.rll 1. anu a - ,Hoi,icuberlW. Kalpli Vlatlt.rlw!ri!iar April in Kooitf, N. li.i a.. U. aKHKK A II UHHiB-LAKKVlKW LOIKJK, NO Em l O O F.. nuta tha aoud and lorn Ik 2:.;:; r:.v, , h mourn iu odd Fuowa. nai i f-Vau" Arbeit. N. ! '' iTrLKS UMll.M " Land and Law OtiLc Abstractor ol 1 It'rfc Batabllahcil i-w , ('Ollll Attorney ut Law ar.d Notary Public l.i.U-vi OFKIO- -lalv Hiillrtma-. P. VENATOR Attorney at Law, Ijmit WuiwrticUiiJ OFKIDK-DalT Knlldint. l.AlRTHOM TSI IN Attorney at Law Oflice ou 3rd Floor llerylonl Wg. LiAKRVIKW, OKICl.l E. A. SHERMAN ATTORNEY AT LAW HUM) and U. S. Court Practice Omce ALTURAS, CA1.IPOKN1A rK. J. IHV1NO KUSSBLli .Phyalolan anil Suraaon SnyttCt & Hoyuold. Druff Store PHONKi Offl. Main ltealdeiwa H" T. Li. tA'ON J DENTIST No. 343 Iletyford Uldg.. Lakevluw. Off NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S HALE Uy virtue of an ixoutiiii duly it- sui'il by t lid clerk ol t lie Cirenlt Court of thel'ountv of Lake, State of Ore on, dated the 111th flay of November, Hill!, In it certain action In the Circuit Court for naid County and State whertln O. C. Kerry plaintiff re covered luriirment nKatnar. II. W. Reed for the sum of One Hundred and Forty-nix and 85-100 Dollar-. (Hfl.M-'j), and costrt aoddiabbrarments Wixed at eighteen dollarn, on the lla day of October, 1013 Notk-e Ik hereoy uiven that I will, on the 27 day of JlecvinlHrr, t13, at the frour door of the County Court Houae, in lakrview. Ort iion, fa mihI Countr ar lo clcU In the lotmiw of aaid day. Hell hi imbllc huoiUmi to the bitchcxt bidder fi.r cash the fullow- Injf lewribetl proiwrty, to-wli; oinnieuciau' at a point three hun dred ninety rwir frrt north from iln south went cirit-r r lor linir in Mei:ttnr uineti-mi, towiiHliip Urt.. olir. Si'!), rauue twenty-ona. E- V. M.. li l-aki Countv. Oreiton. runnli.it tl i.ci east oiii hiuulfeil fony-two fet; llience north tweuiy-elKhi nd one half feet; theni-e wen on iiunifRui lort'-two feet: thew south twenty eiRht and cne-baH fet to The plaiy.- of tx-nlnuinn. Also com rot-Dei a r t point, .r.ir buiKlreil wfoty ajtad ooe- nal' r north of the nouth went corner or Utt four iu section tv.actveo, lownehip fortv-one Boutb, ang twnty-one, E. W. M-. in LaH t oauty. Oregoo, and running themw ean one liundred forty-two Ket; thence nottb. twenty five feet; thence west one hundred forty-two feet; tbnee south twenmy II v feet to plitce ol lMpiiintng: Also coniinenci two hundreii thirty on feet north ol the south wee corner of Lot lour m section nineteen towusiilD lortv-oiirt Houtli, raiwe iM-iii-ono. E. W.M.. In Lake County, Ore on. and lUliinnil thence imrtlk ttllfeet: mat thirty feet: thence aouUi Hixtv Icct. thence west tbirty feet to the jiluce ol beiuuiuK. AlM COIUnieilClim wvm mni'.pv. f.irt v feet aodlh liolll the norubWwHl corner of Lot four lu section ntneiuuii. township fortv-one Buuth, range-tweiity-mie K.W.M., in Luke Coiuiu , Oregon, ami ruuulni; thence east woe buudred tlilitv-three lift; theme south lilty feet; thence cast ci;hty onc and one-half feet; thence north one hundred seventy-tlve feet; thence west two hundred lourieen anu one halt feel: thence south one hundred untv rive feet to the ulace ol be- cluidug. , , Also commencing at a point four hundred lorty five aud one half feet north and one hundred forty-two feet east of the southwest corner of Lot lour In seotlon nineteen, township ..-,,-..nA. smith, ran ire twenty-one.. l' u M in l.iitKI UUDIV. ounuu. aim .nnii thenoe east seventy-two and .u.hiilf feet: thence south two hupd- r..rt f.mrtiwu and one-nan iwei; inauw wpst seventy two ana obh-huu thence north two hundred fourteen and one-hall feet, to the place of be- ginning. . . 1U AISO tne eouiimsBi. ni"'" northeaat quarter ol auction twenty Heven township forty, south ranBe w. M., in LM.K.V uouuiy, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION (Not Coal Lands) U. H. Land Olllce at Lakevlew, Ore gon, November 10, 1UI3. Noi Ice Is hereby itlven that Ifirry Adraln Utley, whose poatofhVe'addrea Is Laseviaw. Orrxon, did, on the Lilt h day of H4-ptemlM-r. 1913. file In this olllce his Hworo Utatetnent and A poll tion. No. OtlU.'U), to purchase the ii NK4. Section 83, Township 38 H. Ranvr 1!) E Willamette Meridian, and the timher tbrreon, under the provi sions ol the act of June 3, 1878, and acts amendatory, known us the "Tim. Iht find rftone (.aw" at such value as nilulit Imi fixed by apiraieinerit, and that, purauant to ruch applica tion, the land and timher thereon have lii-en nppraUed, at a total of two hundred and seventy-five dollar thfil tirnlirr estimated 340 OOtl board feet at 7.rc per M. and the land 2n 00; that said applicant will ofb-r final proof in support of his application and sworn statement onth Uth dy of Jnnuary, 1014, In-fore the R'Klster and Receiver U. fi. Land Ofllca- at Lakevlew, Ore Kon. Any person Is at lllerty to protest this porchase before entry, or initiate a contest at any time before patent Issues, by tiling a corroborated affi davit In this office alleging facta that would defeat the entry. JAM. F. BURGESS, Register. t.V.UM. ADVKRTItlM for a purloii ol six iiioiitlia. A. M. IIOUNkI and A. L. HIGH FILL Hy A. M Rogner NOTICE OF BHKRIFF'H SALE Ry virtue of an execution dnly tasned by the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the County of Lake, State ol Oreuvin. dated the IfUh day of Novmher 1913, In a certain action In the Circuit Court or anid County and Htate wherein the First National flank of Alturas, a corporation, as plnlntiff, recovered Judgment nanlnat II. W. Reed, for the sum of Bli Hundred, Hlxty-flve and 30 100(fl.f)30) Dollars and costs and dlshuraemeata taxed at Twenty-ettcht (128) Dollars, on the 14th day of Octo ber. 1014. Notice Is hereby kilven that I will, on the 27 day of December 1913, at the front door of the county court bouse. In Lakeview, Oregon In said county, tit the hotir of 10 o'clock, In the forenoon of said day. sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the following described proper ty. to-wlt: (Commencing at a point three hun dred ninety -two feet north Irom the southwest corner of lot four In sec- Hon nineteen, towm-bip forty-one, south, rane twenty-one, E. W. M.,in Lake County, Orc-uon, and runnlntr i hence east one hundred forty-two feet; thence north twenty-eight and one bnlf feet; thence west one hundred forty-two feet thence south twenty- club' and one-half feet to place ol be iriuninir. A l-o commencing at a point four hundred twenty and one half feet north cf the southwest corner of lot fonr. In section nineteen, township foity-nne, south ramge twenty one, E. W. 'M., d l ake County, Oregon, and running thence east one hundred forty-two feet theoee north twenty ffve feet thence west one- hundred forty-two fcet, thence tooth twenty five feet to the place of beginning. Also commencing two hundred thirty-one feet north of the southwest corner of lot four In section nloeteen, township forty one south range twenty-one, E W.M., in Lake County, Oregon, and running tbrnce nonh sixty feet; theoee east thirty feet; thence sooth sixty feet: thence west thirty feet to the place of beglnaing. Also commencing seven hundred forty feet south from the northwest corner of lot four hi section nineteen, township fortv-one. south, range twenty-one, E. W. M in Lake Coun ty. ()rrinano running tneoce east NOTICE OF BHKRIFF'H BALE By virtue of an execution on a Judg ment dtilv inHoed by the 'lek of the Circuit Court of the County of Joseph ine. Stute of Oregon, dated the 25th day of Movember, lillZ, in a certain ac'tiot) In the Circuit Court of said County and State, wherein L. A. Robertson, lia plaintiff, recovered jud- j OIUj hsudred thirtv-tbree feet; thence uient against W. fr . Hum. K I . John. fhence sooth fifty feet; thence east on ii ml . N. Wood lor tne sum oi ' Hhty-one and one-hair feet; thence Th'ee Hundred and No-100 (f.'K)) Dol-; r,rth one hnodred and seyenlv-five Isrs aud cin-ts ai.d disbursenients tax- ; fret; thence west twohondred fourteen ed at Sixty aud N-1C0 () I) illars, ; and one-half feet; thence sonita oDe on the 14-th dav of October, 191J. i linndrerl twewty-ti ve leet to tBke plaoe Notice Iw hereby gVven that I will, on i or Ivetrinnlng. the 3rd day of Jauuurv. 114. at thej Also commencing at a point four East Jen t run ci to the Court Hoime In ! hundred forty-five and one half feet Ij.LbvIk IjiIio Cutitv. On iron, at ! feet north and" one hnndsed forty-two in nVlrvk in the forenoon of said dav. feet enst of tke southwest corner of sell at public auction to the highest bidder lor c tab. the following deserib- ed protierty. to wit: WX NW, xyt 8fVU', Section Three (:), Township Forty one (4C), Bouth Rang Sixteen (16), E. W. MV, in I Jitse Cooaty.Ore- bmi, taken and lev ten upoa as sue prijeTty of said F. F. Johnson, or so insch tbereoi as msy be necessary to satisfy the said Jadgniant In favor ol 1. A. Kobertsun aitainst saH W. F. Horn, P. r. Jobnson anW. . wood with interest thereon, together skth all eneta and dUborsemeats tbt have or rutty accrue. xheyiff. ntfl at Iikrv4e-w. Orrgou. Deeeau- ber 1I3. PETSTIO.V FOR UQUOR LICENSE To the HonorivWe Couaty Ourt of Luke Comity, Oraco : The uiioVmigned legal vot and actiiah nwideiitH of Nrth Warner Pre:irnt Nu. 6. in Lake County-, State of Oreiiou, who bre- actuailly seslded In seirt precinct a least Dhlrir daya linmedialely preceediug the date of siiit ing tbis petition, rvsptrctf uJ4y peti tion the County Court ol Lake-County Statt of Oregon, to grant a lieeose to A. M. liogner andA. L. ttiganit. oi Flush, lu said precinotv. oouoty and etnte, to sell In a Ugiumaier, oona tide hotel, spirituous, malt and vin- . .... .. .1. n uUH lliiunrs in iet qunm- iiitau o..m a rU.uk in aaldi .North arner pre- i-incr. In an ill Lake Count v. State or. Orngon. for the period or six montn. as In duty boundiwe will ever pray. C. N. Robinson II. F. Roberts Cou Fitxgcrald Ernest Obernolte Tim Burke R. B. Griael Frank Movnahan. M. M. Barry lot four hi s-ctlon nineteen, towr.sblp-J forty -one- sooth, range- twenty-one, E W. M., In Lake County, Oregon, and running thence east seventy-two and one-half fc?et; thence? south two hundred fourteen and one-half feet; thence west seventy-two and one-half feet; thenoe north two hundred four teen and ene-hdrrl feet, to the place of beginning. Also the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter rl aection twenty seven, township forty, south, range sixtven K. W. M., in Lake Couty, Oregon. Taken and levied opon as the prop erly of H. W. Krmk or so much there of as may be nesary to satisfy tbe sld Judgment in favor of the First Nation.nl Rank f Alturas, a corpora tion agHii'st sal H. W. Reed, with In terest tlireon. fe'gether witball oosts asd disbirrr-eniemts that have or may aecrue. W. a. SNIDER. Bberlfl Hy B. E. Rinebart, deputy. Dated at Lakevlew. Oregon, Nov ember 2. 1'J13 nes. The grouch ia a vic'oas Christ mss spoiler ; a sulky, sour-faced person (no matter what the provoca tion), who moves among the happy hearts of the family on this day, as a poison snake among the strawberries. Extravagance spoils any day, and none more than Christmas; for it ia not love, bat mean pride and self-dis-plsy that lurks under gifts beyond one's means. The simpler Christmas U kept, the more genuine it ia. Final ly, to get the most out of tbia festival, we ought to celebrate it at nearly a possible aa the children do, by play and laughter and a whole-hearted en joyment of existence. MRS. McCLAIN'S EXPERIENCE WITH CROUP. "When my boy, Ray, was small be was subject to croup, aod I was always alarmed at such times. Chamber lain's Cough Remedy proved far bet ter than any other for tbla trouble. It always relieved Mm quickly. I am never without it in the house for I know It is a positive cure for croup," writes Mrs. W. R. McClain, Blairs vllle, Pa. For salt- by all dealers. Delinquent Tax List, 1912 This advert!! lift of delinquent taxes for tbe year 1912 Is in pursuance of an act of tbe State Legislature, which la embodied in Chapter 275 of the Laws of tbe 1911 Session. The taxea on tbe following adver tised real property became delinquent on Apvil7. 1W3, aod are subject to a penalty of 10 per cent and Interest at tbe rate of 12 per cent per annnm until they shall bave been- paid. Any day after the expiration of aix months after the taxea charged against the following real property are delinquent tbe sheriff kt author ised upon rJemaad of any person mak ing application, to issue to them a certificate of delinquency upon payment of the taxeey penalty, lnteiest and cost of advertising. Certificate of delinquency shall bear Interest from the daie of Issuance un til redeemed at the rate of 15 per cent per annum. W; B. SNIDER, Sheriff. VOLUME NO. 1, 1912 1-14 Allen, J. G,.S SWU, Sec. I, T 35, R 20 3.40 1-2B Allen, A. L. P lots 2 and 3. Sec. It, T 39, It 21; lots 12 and 12. Sec. 19. T 39. R 21 3.78 I.KUAI, Allvr.RTIMIhU foet to place of . beiar. In town of Silver 1-Ake i 13-10 Ilran.ion, Mrs. Elisabeth, "( NW. Peo. 1, T 25, U 14 ; J4-1S llrynn, A. W., B NEV4, Sec. 3, T 25. ft ill; KKV. Bee. 2. T 3i, Tl 1: N4 B, Roc. 1, Tim 19; 8!4 NW4, Beo. 6, T 36, R 20 , : 18- 20 Carver, James, lot 9, block 1, Watson's 2nd, add. to Lake view , 19- 10 Chrlstman, F. M., BKM. fiec. 12, T 29, R 14, lota 1, 2, 3, 6, block V, lota 1, 2, 3, 4, block O, lota 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 6, 7, block U iota l, 2, 6, 7. f block A, Iota 1, 4 block B, lota 11, 13 block D, lot 1 block H In town of Silver Lake :-29 Chrlsman, F. O., Eart., lota 1, 2, 3. 4, 5, , 7,, , 10, 11, 12 block 1; lots 1, 2, 2, 4, 6, (, 7, , 9, 10, II, 12 block I; lots 1, 2. 3, 4, I 6, 7, I block S; lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, , 7, 8 block 4; lots 1, 2. 3, 4 block S; lots 1, 2, S, 4 block 6; lota 1, 2, 3, 4 block 7; lot 1, 2, 3, 4 block S; lots 1, 2, t, 4, 6, , 7, g block 9; lots 1, 2, 8, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 block 10; lots 1, 2, 3, 4. 6, 6, 7, 8 block 11: lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 7. 8 block 12; lots 1, 2, 8, 4, 5, 8, 7, 8 block 15; lots 1. 2, 8, 4, 6, 6, 7, 8 block 19; lots 1. 2. 3. 4, 6, 6. 7, 3 block 20; lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. 7f 8 block 22; lots 1, 2,3,4,5,6,7,8 block 23; lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. 7, 8 block 24; lots 1, 2, 3, 4, E, 6, 7, 8 block 25; lots 1, 2, 2, 4, B, 6, 7, 8 block 28; lota 1, 2 3. 4, 5, 6. 7, 8 block 27; lota 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. 8 block 28; lot 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 block 29; tot .1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 block 30; lot ' 1. 2. i, 4, 5, S, 7, 8 block 31; lots 1. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. 8 block 32; lot 1, 3, 3, 4, 6, 8, 7, 8 block 33; lota 1, 2, 3, 4, S, 6, 7, 8 block 34; oil 1, 2, 3, 4. S, , 7, 8 block 36; lingers Add. In town of Silver Lake, SE'a SW BM NEV4 SWU, less acres, Sec 22, T 28, R 14 28-18 Clark, Lw, SK, Sec 28, T 28, R 18 0-23 Clelland. Nellie, Beg. 264 feet W and 98 feet S of, . NE cor. of SWU 8W, Sec 28, T 36, R 24; S 208 feet, W 208 feet, M 208 feet, E 208 feet In town of Plush.. 21-1 Cloush, J. P, NE?4 NEK, See. 16. T 23, R 19 21-11 Coleman. J. U, SV4 SW14 NEU SE, Sec 36, T 36, R 17, Nfc NEVi, Sec 2, T 37, R 17.. 21-1S Combs. E. P beg. 30 feet N and 22 feet E of SE cor. of SW14. E 112 feet N 264 feet, W 112 feet, S 264 feet. Sec 10, lis' .89 CM 28 .86 13.14 Continued on page 9 30.9 6.88 W. HAY DEN FISK DENTIST 8ult9337-339Horyrord ttldg. Office 652 fMONBl Rwmldmno 9?4 sixteen, L. Oregon Taken aud levied upon aa the prop yl v of snlil 11. W. Reed or so mu: thereof its nmy be necessary to satisfy t ho said Judgement in favor of D. C. Berry against said 11. W. Reed, with Interest thereon, togctner wuu cosis aud disbursements that bave or may A-ctue. w K SNIlEK SnprUf Uy b, itineiiart, Deputy. Dated at Lakevlew, Oregon, Novem. ber 21, 1013. Fram-la Yerlluir O. V. Muhan Ned Barry James D. O'Connor P. E. Taylor Chaa. Cleland Pat Bury Hurry B. Kifga. J. B. Burns I. J,. VanKeult'tt j J tunes Thorn E. A. Friday , W. S. Lvon V. t. Alleu I .1. K. Knqulst J . S Alleu j .s. W. Young F. A. Calderwood 1,. W. Prates K- 11. Lofllus Hurry OaldoBwoodWillls B. UrUel Frank Chlco Frank Tully Wurren C. Laird 11. L. Kreaa Fraud Anderson. Pat D. Qululan R. L. Ackeraiau C. M. Wallace Jo Jones J.H-Greso LI .J. Stein Ueo. Mtkiilid State-ol Oregon ) County of Lake ) A, M. Bwgner, being first duly awurn apon oath says: That the foregoing petition contains the signatures ot au actual majority of the whole number of legal voters of North Warner pre cinct No. 5, lu Lake County, State of Oregon, that each of said signatures are geanine, that each ot the persons whose signa tures are signed to said oetltlon is an actuaL resident of said urecinct at tne aate uereou anu una actually resided in said precinct at least thlity daya immediately precea lug the date be signed said petition ad also ot the filing ot the same. A. M. BOON ER and A. L. HIGH FILL By A. M. Bogner. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 21 day of November A. O. 1913. J. J, VAN Kc.UL.Cci , Notary Public for Oregon. Notlce'is hereby given that the un dersigned will apply to tbe Honorable County Court ot Lake County, Btate of Oregon, on the 7th dav of January, 1U14. tor a liieime to sell spirituous, malt and vinous liquors In loss qnan. titles IIihu one gallon, In North Wur oer product, Lake County, State of Silver Lake Items ('Silver Lake Leader) County Sups. C. E. Oliver came 041 from Lakevtew Saturday.' He has been visiting our school and also get ting tbe machinery in order foe Uia in stitute which ia being held this week. Some time ago a subscription was taken. to raise money to boy wire for rabbit driving and also to pay trans portation on trout from Bend. Those who have contributed to either of these funds can have their money back bv apDlying te Adin McCall, as both deals have been called ott. . it will prob&blv be of interest to many tojknow that there has been some Improvement added to the southern stage. More horses bave been added, I ana different drivers are now at the I Helm. Also they have put in a change lot hoiaee at the White bill ranch, and at J. F. Wvman'i on this aide of the I Bummer Lake hill. ! A party of mining, ixperts from Tacoma, Washington, stopped in town over Monday night on their way to Paisley to examine the Klipple-Camp-bell mine near there. Assays bave been made several, timea of the ore and if tbe mine ,'shows up aa well aa tne experts think it will, a sale ia assured. While bat little has been said about this mine, the rock bai been known to be phenomenally rich in value. Tbis mine has been developed without hot air on any boosting. The owners have worked until tbey can show the values. 1- 28 Allen Brothers, NW, Sec 31, T 27, R 17; SEVi, SW4. S14. NEVi. SE',4, Sec. 1, T 28. R 16 5 2- 1$ Anderson, Thoa. B NK. SWU N'i NWi SEU, Sec 1. T 28, R 16 1-23 5-12 Bannister, J. K. P. Est, E 1 SW14 W SE, Sec 33, T 34, R IS 10.54 5-15 Barham, J. AM lots 2. 3 and ,. NE NWU, Sec . T 34, R IS. E4 NEVi SE4. Sec. 25, T 53. R 18 16.58- 5-26 Harrington, Geo. SWU NEU KW'i fEii. Sec. 25, T 40, R 20 24.14 V12 Barry. Phillip K. Sv, S NEW NEU SE4, Sec. 2, T 38 R 22 8 6" -12 Barry AVm. Kepple, NWU SE4 N-i SWU SWU SWU, Se. 26, T 37, R 22. T-2t Bixry, Howard;. E4 WU. Sec. Is. T 38, R 2i Ii-7 Blair, W. S., lot 3 block A, town ef Paisley, lot 4, block A, town of Paisley, lot 5, block A, town of Paisley 11-10 Blaha, F. J., Iota and 10. glock 5, Watsons- 1st add. to Lakevlew 11-14 Blurton, Mrs. Anna, Beg. 2909 feet S and 6'0 feet W of N. Cor. of Sec. 24. T 41. K SO, S 400 feet W 90 feet N 400 feet E 90 feet to place ol beg. in New Pino Creek 11-29 Boone Bras., Beg. 327 feet N and 57 feet W of , SW cor of SF.i, Sec. 10, T 39, H 20; N 151 fet-t, E 146 feet, S 157 feet. W 146 feet to place f leB- in" town of Lakeview 9.43 12-27 Bradley, Ira, Big. HlOVi feet from the SW cor. of tKU NWH of Sec. 22, T 28. R li; K IS2 feet. X 23 feet, W 12 feet, S 2: $1,000 REWARD be Oregon. Cal ifornia and hevada Live Stock Potae Mon Aaaoetaton, ot. which l ha under signed Is a member will Rive 11.000 0 reward lor evidence leading to tbe r real and eonvlctloa ol aay party or par ties atealins hones. 1 eaiue or mules be- i lunjriusioanyoiiia members. la add) Hon to the abova, the onderataned alter on the same condition t5C0.O0 lor ail bora aa branded horav-ahoe bar on both or either law Brand recorded In eight couuilea. Hanga Barney. Lake and Crook eonntiea. Horsea rented when Bold. Noue but rrown horaea aorU, and only In larga tvbonr w Vt. Baowa. File. Oregon. Notice To Stockholders Notice Is hereby given that tbe un- I derslgned. Incorporators of Jaslng 1 land Milling Company No. 1. have ! called the first meeting of tbe stock I holders of said company, for tbe pur 2 TO j poi-es of organisation, to be held in 1 the office of W. Lair Thompson, in Lakeview, Oregon, cn Saturday, tbe 20 tb day of December, 1913, at tne hour ot 7:30 o'clock, P. M. All sub scribers to tbe capital stock of said company are notified to be pre Bert at said time and place to participate in the organization of said company .' and election of directors. T. E. BERNARD (J. SCHLAGEL I N. 13-14. HARRY BAILEY 23 9.43 I Registered White Scotch Collies I hava a number of whita collie pup piea, both acxea, that are from the beat bred keonela in the world. They are eligi ble for regiatration. fapera furniahed with each aale. The beat ahcep and cattle doga known. Can ahip them by cxpreaa. Write for pricea and photographa of doga. State aex wanted. Guy Lafollctte, Frineville.Ore. HOLIDAY FARES From All Stations on the Oregon-Washington Railroad (& Navigation Co. Christmas Spoilers (December Woman' World.) These are aome ot the spoilers of Christmas, that many a time have turned tbe day of gladness into a day of gloom. First ot all is self pity. Five minutes of indulgence in tbe lux ury of feeling;rsurry for yourself is enough to eloud the whole 24 hours Then coma our righta : on this day wipe out all your rights, our dues and claims: just live and tblna lor other people, and be content to be neglected: otherwise fyou cannot un derstand the Christmas kind of.happl- Sale Dates Dec 18 jo 24 1913 Final Return Limit Jan. 5th I 1914 To ' Ul Points in Oregon, Washington and Idaho and return The First Time in the History of the Northwest That Holiday Kates have been la effect Take advantage of the Low Fares and spend Christmas and New Year with your frtunds. Ask Particulars of any Agent of the O-W. R. & N.