Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, December 18, 1913, SECTION ONE, Image 5

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$10 per acre for BO acres of sage brush land five miles west of Lakeview. Irriga
tion tlitrli covers W) acre and some water right with the land.
240 acres eight miles west of Lakeview, has two crocks with never failing water.
Rich creek bottom land, level and good. This land is also under the irrigation canal. A ,
bargain at $12.30 per acre. No improvements.
320 acres good land, part into grain and alfalfa, near Union School, all fenced t
and cross fence, barn and corrals. Stock water in creek always. This is a good farm,
at $20.00 per acre.
310 acres three miles north of Lakeview, 200 acres fine alfalfa land, about 100
acres now in cultivation, 100 acres pasture land, part of which can be planted to fruit
Warner Creek flows through the land and a nice spring that can be piped to the house
and barn. Place fenced, house and barn. Price $ 1 6 per acre.
AO acres of meadow land, cuts 80 tons of hay. At head of lake, price $15 per acre.
680 acres 8 miles north of Lakeview for $15 per acre. 80 acres into meadow, cuts
100 tons, 40 acres pasture land and all the balance is fine grain and alfalfa land, good
water right, new house and large barn, 500 acres fenced. This is aure a bargain.
40 acres timber good wood claim, 1 1 miles from town, has between 800 and
1000 cords of wood, good road and level land. Price $350.
Two and one-half lots in the Sherlock Addition opposite Dunbar new residence.
A bargain at $550. Act quick.
We have several good ranches for cattle and sheep. Send for our large bulletin
giving prices of land all over Lake and Modoc Counties.
Xnfec County ramtncr
Christmas Tree trimmings, at Toe
The balance of our trimmed tlsts go
below cost at tha 1'arisian Millinery.
W. Lair Thompson was tilled to Han
Francisco list week tin legal business.
Lssve your order and let us mako
op your i'eanut liar for Chrlttmat.
Tha Kandy Kitchen.
Fred Snyder, a well known carpenter
of tiidwell, la now engff4 in doing
some work for L. D. Frskrs in Warner.
The game sesson in Maine clotted
December IS. The death reoord dur
ing tha season stands deer, 10,000:
men, 17.
D. Urysn, caa of tha well known
atockmen of the Clover flat seotlon,
spent seversl days in Lakeview during
tha psat week. .
M. R. KlcB..a well known attorney
of Prinevflle, was in Laievlew this
week on his way to Alturae on pro
feaalonal bualraas.
Tba recent fectio"na throughout tba
Republic of Mexico waa nullified by
the Meilcan Tbngresa and new elec
tions railed t next July.
The Alturau Plaindealer aays that
Jamra Partin kiH aold hit residence to
George Kimba, and thai be will build
another hoiia t in the Spring.
Edith M'aifta Leaning will sing sev
eral nf her iwn composition at the
Christmas atrvirea In Masonic Hall
next Sunday. Dr. Penr.ieon Cot k will
W. F. HaiTey, tbe machinist wbo
came up frnn t San ifranoisco to place
the Examine) r's linotype in operation.
Sunday morn Ing left on a trip to Pais
ley and Wilve r Lake.
L. D. Hoy, a well known rancher
of Summer 1 .ake, was in town several
days during the past week. He came
down after a big lot of grain which ba
recently pun thasedat New Pine Creek.
J. W. Emi ody, of Silver Lake, was
in town this .week on his way borne
ai where he and Mrs.
I been visitinir. Mrs.
remain in California dur
. terians bave ordered four
airs to enlarge the seat
it their eervicea In Mas
The Sunday School haa
i Its membership during
Preaa: Mrs Sherlock
iter, Ens, came in from
dav by way of Bend, and
winter at tbeir home in
daughter, Helen arrived
ties some time ago.
rise, father of Mrs. W.
arrived in Laaeviaw laat
Portland and will ro
itil atfer tha holidays.
been here the past few
eat of her daughter and
from Califor
Embody hai'
Embody will
ing the Winte
The t'renby
dozen new ch
ing capacity i
onlc Hall,
almost double
the paat aix i
andher daugi
Portland, Fri
will spend the
Paialev. Her
from Los Ang
l)r. W. A. V
Hsyden Flak,
evening from
main here on
Mra. Wise has
week, the gu
Dr. Flak.
Bend Bullet
formerly casliit
bank at AahlHi
examiner, Bpen
was hia 3 rut vi
cial and he ma
ion on the local
Cedarville R.
of Lakeview, a
and la vitiiting r
He has iust reti
mento valley, i
have been havir
there and the g
Frank Koger
Injured a couple
explosion of sort
for Rsno to recc
eye specialist,
bv Dave Cleland
friends sincerely
lose bis eyesight
able to return b
ered from bis In
Samuel A. Je
arrested Monde;
complaint charg
vault with a dan
J. H. Young, and
Umbsch Justice
trialjwas set fur
tinued until Fridi
Reno Is just a
150-mile postal r
rate will be 2 oen
view and the 20
work against bei
Portland are In thi
2-cent rats appllt
place, although pi
travel nearly 1000
In: Lloyd L. Mulit,
ir of ttie First National
id but now statu bank
t MondHy in Mend. This
lit here as a state olti
U a favoruble impress
banking people
word : Wm. Metzker,
rrived here last Friday
natives for a few days
lined from the Sacra
ind reports that they
g some fine rains down
round is well soaked.
s, who was so seriously
of weeks ago bv the
ie caps, yesterday lett
live treatment from an
He was accompanied
i. Mr. Roggers' many
hope that ba will not
, and that he will te
, me aoon fully recov-
' Juries.
tmore ot Alkali was
f of this week on i
ing him with an as
geious weapon upon
. brouohtbe fore Chas.
of tba Peace. Tba
this morning but con
V morning.
. few miles outside the
one, and hence her
ta per pound to Lake
pound limit will also
Saoramento and
I same tune, and the
is from tin) latter
leksses will hve to
oil lea to get here
82 Inch switches 17.60 kind go at $5.00
at the Parisian Millinery.
Crib blnnkets, bath robes, sweat
ers and gloves at the Mercantile Oo.
For Hale Two tboussnd pounds of
candy at the Kandy Kitchen for holidays.
Many attractions pro ml Med at the
Grand Mask Hall, Pnlder's Opra
Hun mi Xmaa night. 2t
A. V. Oliver, of the Core Ranch on
the Went Side, waa in Lakeview this
week after supplies.
There will be a Fancy Work "ale
held by the Ladies Ail of the M. tl.
Church about Kaftter time.
K. I. Kverett, tiibbard. Spencer,
Bartlett & Co. 'a Coast representative,
Is making hia regular aeml-snnual
visit to Lakeview.
No need to mourn. We have the
gooda we bave the prlcea we have
the service. This beats hot air. try
us. Pioneer Jewelry Store.
John Branch, a well known stock
man of the Valley Falls section, was
in Lakeview several ssye during the
paat week on a bnaiaeas trip.
Gordon Robertson locsl representa
tive of the Rero Brewing Co. was dis
tributing some handsome calendara
among tha buaineae bouses this week.
J. M. Peters departed Monday for
Wichita, Kansas, on an extended visit
with relstives an4 old time friends.
He will return to Lakeview next
C. Henkle returned from Paisley
Tuesday evening. He waa unable tc j
make a satisfactory deal (or the Hotel j
Chewaucan bar, but greatly enjoyed
a several days' visit with oil time
"Red" Crosby made a trip to Bend
(luring tbe past week, returning Tues
day evening. He reports the roads in
excellent shape, although there is some
snow on the mountain between here
snd Paisley.
Ward West, who tor tha past several
years drove the stsge from Ccaarville
to Eagleville, committed suicide Isst
week by shooting himself in tbe head.
Continued ill health is assigned aa the
cause of tba rash act.
J. D. Mariner, of fe Mariner Music
House Reno, was looking after his
business interests here a few days
last week. He was accompanied bv a
piano tuner, who was kept very ousy
during their stsy here. j
Barney Gruman, one of tbe well
known old timers of Lake County, has
been spending a few days in Lakeview
this week. Barny haa a host of
frienda hereabout, and he aUays re
ceives a royal welcome on nis infre
quent visits here.
The parrel post rste from F cm Hand
sfter Jsnuary 1 to Lakeview will be 2
cents per pound, while the freight rste
is about 4 cents. It will be ineresting
to sscertain wbo pays the difference in
the cost, or will freight rates make a
horizontal redaction?
K. M. Chrisman turned in a fire
alarm one evening laat week and soon
had the entire hotel force hunting
over the hotel for tire, says the Silver
Lake Lesder. A hssty exsmination
was made and a search revested the
fact that F. M. was on fire himself.
Cauce match ignited in his pocket.
The Christmas dinner at Hotel Lake-
view promises to be as successful ss
that given Thanksgiving day, and a
number of reservations have already
been made. The menu will be tully up
to that of Thanksgiving, and all who
partake can be assured that it will be
satisfactory from a gastronomic point
of view.
Calendar orders taken by the Exam
iner will be distributed this week
The few days delay in getting these to
our patrons was occasioned by not re
ceiving the stock indue time, however,
we trust that our customers will bear
with us tbis time, and in the future
we will be more familiar wMh the
handling of this line of goods
Volume 1, Number 1 of tba Sage
Brush Echo, a publication issued by
the students of tha Lakeview High
School, was printed this week on tbe
presses of the Examiner. Tha booklet
ia attractive and well edited, present
ing a most creditable initial edition.
Tbe students expect to get out two
more numbers of the Echo during this
school yesr. f
Cedarville Record: ' It is an old
ssying that when tbe East experiences
a "hsrd" winter, the winter in tba
West is correspondingly mild. If that
is really an indicator of climatic con
ditions one would be led to believe
that from the blizzards and floods sl-
resdy bad in tha East during the past
Oranges, Lemons and Bananas at
Tba Frost for the holidays.
tfc'eC 'vT. Combs for your eontamee
for the Msiik Ball on Xmaa nigbt. 2t
Tbe bsnd dsnce will be given on
New Vesr's eve at the Snider Opera
We can show yon as swell a line of
esndy as can be found anywhere, at
the Kandy Kitchen.
CiirllH & VlU'y buy fun. N. 13
Hce our lino ol heavy coatings and
drt4S good. Mercantile Co. ' ;
The Pioneer Jewelry Store conducted
bv (J. Sherman Easter will be ojn
evenings up to Christmas.
Save the w.orry connected with prep
srstion of your Christmas dinner by
eoing to Hotel Lakeview. Price 75
cent a plate.
E. J. Davis, a well known rancher
of Paisley, apent several daya in Lake
view during tbe paat week attending
to business mstters.
Ths balance of our corsets will sell
$3.50 kind at $2. BO. $3.00 corset at
12.25. t&fiOit al.75. 11.525, $1 bO at
II. 0g at tbe Parisian Millinery.
Miss Mattie Lehmann, of New Pine
Creek, Is taking the teacher's exam
ination. Miss Lebmsnn is one of tbe
graduates of the Lakeview High
Mrs. A. W. Bryan, of Clover Flat,
bas been visiting Lakeview frieros
during the psst week. She
a guest of her parents, Mr
S. P. Moss.
Est your Cbristmss dinner at tbe
Hotel Lakeview. 75 cents a plate.
Nice line of boys suite two pair
of pants with each suit. Mercantile Co
Mocba and kid gloves $1.25. and $1 60
kind go at $1.00 at tbe Parlsisn Millin
ery. Grand Msnk Ball at Solder Opera
1 1 on He on Xmaa night, Tboraday,
December 28. 2t
Only one week on til Cbristmss. If
you did not "shop eirly" voa sboud
get busy immediately.
Holeproof silk Hose the $1.25 kind
go at fl.00; the 12.00 kind go at $1.50
at the Parisian Millinerv.
Wstch our windows for a display of
hnlidsy candy that will do credit to
any city, at the Ksndy Kitchen.
We are turning out a grade cf csndv
of our own make tbat you can't beat
any where. See oar window. Tbe
Kandy? Kitchen.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert P. Welch are
now occupying tbe Geo. B. Whorton
residence on Wster street, having re
cently removed thereto.
Homer E. Curtis, of Valley Falls,
made final proof on his homestead last
week. His witnesses were John
Brannh and W. P. Curtis.
Harvey Dsrst ana Milly Cload of
New Pine Creek were married in Al
turas last week. After the ceremony
they lett for Missouri where they will
haa been spend the winter.
and Mrs. j W. D. West, of Silver Lske. wss
called to Eagleville, CsL, last week by
brother. Mr. West
few days since on
Wm. F. Paine & Co.
E. O. Lsrctt the light-weight cbsulT- jthe desth of his
erof Paisley, waa in town the latter iss in Lakeview a
last week. He reported tbe ': "is return home.
few weeks, that the winter here would
be very mild.
part ot
roads in moat excellent condition for
this time of year.
A late Washington dispatch ssys that
sfter numerous conferences of Inform
al nature, a tentative agreement was
reached to begin voting on tbe cor
rency bill in ita .final form on Tbuis
dsy, Dec. 18.
Whv be content with anything but
tbe best when you can bave tbe best in
tbe greatest variety of jewelry, cat
glass and silver ware at the least cost
during the holidays at the Pioneer
Jewelry Store.
In many directions tbe roada are in
as good condition now aa any time dur
ing tbe Summer. This is accounted
j for bv the lack of preoipitation aod tha
cool weather, ss tbe roads oo not cut
up but are worn down smooth.
Operator Welsh is now tbe proud
possessor of a Hsrris typewriter. He
becoming very proficient in the op
eration of tbe machine, and will prob
ably enter into some of the world's
speed contests in the near future.
Hotel Lakeview is now revelling In
ths pleasures of storm doors, which
prevents cold drafts entering the
lobby. Manager Light is also con
templating putting in a number of
easy chairs tor the accommodation of
hia guests and friends.
Congressman Hawley has introduced
a bill to create uregon caves national
Park, setting aside 480 acres in Jose
phine County for that purpose. Haw
ley also introduced a bill placing all
veterans of Indisn wars prior to 1880
on the pension roll at $20 monthly.
Joseph H. Young resigned last week
as president of the Hill lines in Ore
eon and the S. P. & S. to accept a
position with another large company.
It is rumored that be will be succeeded
by L. C. Oilman, assistant to Presi
dent Carl R. Gray of the Great North
ern, now stationed at Seattle.
A few high-class sports (not high
browed) spent a few bours last Sunday
with Prof. Chas. Cotton the letter's
homestead north of town and amused
themselves with shooting a few snow
shoe rabbits. The rabbits are quite
numerous in tbst seotion, although few
of the festive jack tribe seem to in
habit tbat seotion.
C. O. Metzker, formerly owner of
the Examiner but now Coast represen
tative of the Unitypa company with
headquarters in San Francisco, was in
Surprise valley daring tbe past week
looking after tbe Interests of hit com
pany. His many Lakeview friends
are greatly disappointed because he
did not extend his trip to this place.
On Frldsy evening ot last week
Mrs. Anna MoGrsth bad the seripus
mufortune to almost sever the middle
finger of her left band and to also
inflict a bad wound in the finger ad
joining, while cutting kindling wood.
Fortunately enough of tbe skin and
flesh was left which with the aid of
a number of stitches the member was
sustained. The wound has cautedjmuch
pain but she is recovering as nicely
aa could be expected.
The Board ot Supervisors at its last
meeting awarded tbe specifications of
F. J. DeLongrhamps, ol Reno, for
bailding the new court bouse at Al
turas, and work on tbe building will
commence about March 1st and will ne
finished bv January 1st 1915.
John Ward, who is known to fame
as a homesteader on the West Side
just south of tbe State line, paid Lake
view a business visit this week. He
ie one of those persons like Fred Han
son who traveled considerably nature
landing in Goose Lake valley, and then
settled down.
HHB -'
Bath Robes and Smoking Jackets
Gordon Gloves
Shawknit Socks
Combination Boxes Cheney Cravats with Phceniz;
Silk Socks to match, also Silk Hand
kerchief with Cheney
Cravat to match .
A splendid assortment of Neckwear
Mufflers in Broadsilk, also Bradley Knit Mufflers
Bradley Coat Sweaters
The Children's Shop
You have not seen the finest gifts for chil
dren unless you have visited the Children's Shop.
Ask those) who have been, there. All so
moderately priced and such execeptional values
for the money. A host of instructive, comical
and joy producing toys, of which the following
is only a partial list
Dressed Dolls
Undressed Dolls
Doll Heads
Rocking Horses
Picture Machines
Kitchen Sets
Fire Engines
Automatic Toys
Pop Guns
Only One More Week Until Christmas
Despite the large amount of goods already sold, we are, at the same time, able to
offer you practically unbroken lines as we are receiving fresh shipments every
day. However, we urge you to shop early, and select the cream of the offerings.
Genuine Spanish Leather Upholstered
Rocker Will Be Given Away
Our Furniture Department, including all sorts of house furnishings, has
met with a cordial reception from Lakeview people, but to introduce our
second-floor stock to many who are unacquainted with it, and with the
extent of our offerings and their conservative prices, we are going to give
away a Genuine Spanish Leather Upholstered Rocker, worth $22.50.
With every fifty cent cash purchase from this department we will
give a free coupon, representing a chance to win this handsome piece of
furniture. The Rocker is now on exhibition in one of our west windows.
Drawing will take place December 31st and coupons will be given until
The Lakeview Mercantile Company
- j