Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, December 18, 1913, SECTION ONE, Image 3

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Christmas Hint
Christmas Hint
Christmas Hini
Christmas Hint
Here's a Useful Clft tor
Dainty Clrls
Christmas Hint
Christmas Hint
Present the Confirmed
Tourlrt Will Appreciate
Just the Thing For the
Children' Stocking
Odd Little Last Minute
Suitable Jewelry Gift
For Mother
Fetching Boudoir Cup For
the Pretty Girl
A. very attractive nd useful arlft Is
seen Id the lllustri.fcon--n wrlat bag
which may be securely fastened to tho
wrist by a leather brarelct to which
la attached tin- band ban. When trnv.
ellng a bait of this aort la a Joy
Christmas Hint
C4ft Tor the Girl Who
Mas Lverytlinitf
Kor 1 ti friend who tum eicrvthitic
snd whose r i ft must Ik- i lili of tin
giver's hiindl ni k lather than ?i lilt:
lice of her pi kcl lieoli one cf tin- new
high necked ira-.M.-.s fur wenr nicici
too tf-i iimii rt tit frocks wight be a - !
. .All over line evclct embtoldcr.. in ike
te lower portion of (Ik- In i -i. ! i
which Ih Joined to the KUlmpellke sec
tion with n wide ItciidliiK. through
which rllibuu In run.
Christmas Hint
How to Make Attractive
Class Tea Trays
Little glass covered trays ure nttrac
U gifts, and If umdu nt Uouiu tlio
ooHt la trtlUnK. Huy a chciip ptcturo
with a frame the alze mid slinpe you
gealre for the tray. Ucmove the pic
ture and lit h piece or xny cretonne or
embroidery under the kIhms. Kepliice
the buck and glue u piece of green
felt under the frame, which will at
once umke the trny neiit and prevent
It from scratching the mirfuces ou
which it la placed.
Llillu braua baudlea, which can be
bought ut t hardware ah op, will make
a pretty Oalab If the addltloual ex
pense need not be considered.
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; v. VV.
I ii wl; w.PV; fr i;
lao't tble the cutest little candy kid
you ever aaw? Ile'a tbe product of
the fertile brain of a Vassar girl who
Drat made him fur midnight "spread."
The little fellow would be Just the
thing for the rblldreu'a Christmas
How la he made? The easiest thins
In the world. (let a goodly supply of
at runs toothpicks. aotiiH large raisins.
marMhuiallow. almond and (Iks. Then
on are ready for the Frankenstein
trick um king a mini.
It In bout to begin on the legs and
arm first. To niuke tli legs stick
1 ?T J.
two of the raisins on two toothpick,
and to the ends of each place nn n 1 -niond
for n foot I he urin.H ur- in.nle
in the anio wuy: except for t hi- iimnta
the aliiKiiidn are blanched. Now run
two lUttMlMinlloWx 1 1 1 1- 1 1 1 j-1 ( H toulll
pli k for the iiiiiii'h Ii.h. Me Ii:im. i
a ii neck llavt rtvuli me mi'liiil
ch'M-oiiite and dip rtti iHHiinn slick In
I th'a ml I un- uml Mllh It omke liirh'e
i dolN for the liulloiiH nn ( 1 1 corit hihI
for bin fm lul feiiturt-N Now ntlnch
arum it ml .(-us. and lu-n a kooiI izcI
fl tilth been m U IkIiI.v pliiced on IjI.h
1 heiid for a the limn ih ready for the.
-- Daily
Christmas Hint
This Poppy Pincushion Is
Extremely New and Smart
This plncohhloa Ih mnde over a wood
en hut Btiind. ThcNe wooden foruia are
purchased at any funey work Htoru.
The huiie flower forms are Rood lad
tutlons of In rue popph-M The top Ih a
sum Her poppy.
The flowers at the tuitte arc three in
number. Around n pndded siilln cover
ed center are the petals. The center Is
niHde by a bull of cotton, the silk
curved over It mid sewed ut the hiise
Pink rlhlion is UHthcred one-fourth of
an inch from the edj,re Kllibon Is st
tached to the Imse of the padded cen
ter, und the rlliliou Is wound a lion t In
three layers. This gives the petal ef
fect. The three forms are placed around
the buso after the stem is wrapped by
the rlLbou lioni biibu to top. A long
piece of ribbon Is shirred, us lu the
(lower forms, und wound around itself,
as the swirled roses tire made, the
lower ediie drawn and sewed fust to
the top. Tut plus with black, whlto
and colored tops iu tbe centers of each
flower at the btise and you will have
Qnlshed us pretty u plncushlou as you
will see.
These floral plucushlous ' may be
uiude to represent other flowers than
popples, of course. It Is a good Idou to
scent them with sachet powder. Tbe
sceut should. If possible, be suited to
the flowers, ii rose cushion belug per
fumed with rose powder, etc. If you
happen to know what la tbe favorite
flower of tho ono for whom tbe gift Is
Intended use It lu dcslgulng tbe pin
cushluu. A gift of this aort will be
appreciated und kept loug after the
useless trllles so often got up In tbe
paroe of fancy work are discarded and
There Is always a Mend or two who
at the Inst minute bare not been sup
plied with a Christmas offartng. This
person does not occupy a prominent
plucM on one's list. 81111 something
must be provided In tbe shape of a
For a woman tho tittle necdlecaae
Illustrated will be just the thing you
pi'iffe f f 111
Lrf if
n mnke for the hurry up rlft. Aa
you see. It is a sunbonuet affair. Tbe
1 1 Mil lion Is aeparatcd In the middle
of the front and on the Inside nre
leaves of white flanuel for the needles.
The liounel pictured la of yellow satin
dittl with bluck. and the puffed
crown nod hood are of yellow silk.
Christmas Hint
If In Doubt. Give Her
n Smart Bat
M iny nre the ways thnt un!l piece
f leftover lure cim tie utilli-d In tbe
niaUins of holiday clfts. UM'fui and ut
the .iini- time oriiailieiit ll The.v are
tlniiL'H that will dellclil the heart of
(tie ni'iM faslidioim won. a ii The bug
pictured Is oce of those dainty confec
tions thnt lend themselves to any kind
of rather heavy lace. Silk cord is used
for dm wiui: up the bug. und it la pret
ty when lined with either rose or pale
green i lit ii silk, hut it Is safest perhaps
to use a white chluu silk liniug.
Christmas Hint
What to Give the Man
of the House
"What shall I give Tom. Dick or
John?" Is the question that Is ugituting
inn n y feminine minds at the present
minute Now. ludies, why not set
your queries ut rest by snlectlng one of
the useful till here illustrated?
One of theiu Is a .very substantial
and mannish looking necktie bolder In
leather and nickel, and to make this
gift lndlwduul the owner's initials lu
gold uiuy be added. The secoud girt
pictured U u pule of pocket sclssoin
aud uull fllo lu a ueut leather case.
I 9 i -"Mil mXoTi
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The little pincushions that are made
out of tiny bflsketa are most attractive.
Huy a little lHkt iu uuy sho-lt costs
ibont 2.' crnts-atufr It with bran,
rover tbe top with any color silk, tbeu
pnlnt the basket with white eniimel
paint or gild It with Ihjuld gliding
which comes for thia purpose. He sure
to let this paint dry thoroughly.
Next tske a yard of tiny rotehiid
trimming and drape it around the bnn-
ham '
die of the basket like a garland. Sew
another garland of tbe rosebud trim
ming around tbe iuslde of tbe basket
and when a few ttllt hairpins have been
stuck In the piucushlon yon have tbe
cutpnt little gift to send to tbe girl with
golden hair.
Christmas Hint
Bachelor Girls and Matrons
Will Like This Gift
The quickest thing to turn off when
lime Is hhort Is a Kuest towel. nd
every housekeeper is Klad to have
plenty of these dnlnty little towels.
Three yards of damask will make
four towels, and the scalloping and
Initialing may be' drawu with pencil
aud dune by band in almost uo time. -
The guest towel illustrated is of
huckaback done in a cross stitch.
Christmas Hint
The Bride Will Think This
Centerpiece Lovely
The bride who has just gone to
housekeeping and is collecting u sup
ply of table linen to add to her trous
seau stock will appreciate the center
piece shown In the cut.
The material used Is u grayish tan
crush of a soft pliable quality,
The conventional design, which is not
unlike part of a polnsettiu (lower, is
curried out In the present lustnnce
with shaded "embroidery silks lu delft
blues, but to get tbe holiday spirit tuto
tbe gift Christmas shades of red uilgUi
be used wlih flue effect
Tbe luce edging of the centerpiece la
Of cluny colored to match tbe Ituen.
Sfeu Vi V-aAcS
Jewelry that Is nuefol and at the
same time bandsomo is always an ac
ceptable gift for mother. In thee
days, when antique and French Jewelry
Is much In vogue, there are charming
ornaments to be bought at reasonable
prices which greatly delight the older
KM .y V J
in- .
woman nnd ;idd to the finish of her
The purse illustrated I a very up tr.
date addition to a woman's jeiv.-lry
case The design is an Egyptian si-arab
carried it in antique silver.
Inside there are two compartments
for nickel and dimes, aud tbe Iwetle
la attached lo the finger with a chaiu
Christmas Hint
Present For the Woman
Who Does the Mending
"Button. button who's got a burton?"
will not be the cry if a bag like the one
illustrated N given to the member of
the family who does the household
mending Nothing more inixvitunt in
the way of materials is needed thau a
quarter of a yard of denim and s.uuc
bright colored cretonne The denim is
used for the outside of the oblong strip,
and on the inside are compartments
for scissors and spools of thread. In
the ciuter Is a bag of the cretonne for
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holding the buttons The entire bag
is iHuind with ribbon, aud the Dandles
are of heavy cord wrapped with the
A yard "f lawn or dimity makes
pretty remnant bag Cut a strip eight
een inches wide und sew into shape
Sew lace about the edges and work
a buttonhole at each side for the rib
bon to run through, make a casing and
ruu Inch wide satin ribbon In, leaviug
enough to make a bow ut each side
This bag is especially useful to a
young mother for holding scraps of
white trimming she accumulates for
baby's use.
' Needles of all sines used lu sewing
on buttons should accompany the bag
Many of the ordluury needles uie too
thick to slip conveniently through the
tiny eyes of small buttons. A pnpei
of needles tested to make sure they ore
the proper sl?,es will he appreciated.
So, too. will 1 breads especially stout,
but Uol too cuui'ae for tbe needle. As
a rule, llaeu thread Is the best for this
Boudoir caps Instead of declining In
popularity are on the top wave of
fashion this year. The fetching little
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3 v.
model pictured Is Just tbe thing to give
tbe prettiest girl of your acquaintance.
It is made of all over shadow lace
with a plaited rudle of tbe same laco
in a double frill about tbe face and
tbe quaint curtain effect t tbe back
of tbe neck.
Christmas Hint
Playthings For the Baby
Always Acceptable
If tbere is a baby In the bouse to
be provided with a Christmas gift its
mother will appreciate a pretty creep
ing blanket like the one pictured.
It Is of gray canton flannel. Interlin
ed with sheet wadding and another
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piece of the tiaunel to make tbe blan
ket a protection from tbe drafty
floor. Animals and all kinds of toys
are cut out of cretouue or calico and
appliqued on the tiauuel with red cot
ton in catstitch. The blanket Is hem
med and catstitehed about tbe edges.
Christmas Hint
Fabric Bags Still In
Fashionable Favor
Tbe bag seen in the cut is of heavy
tan colored linen in a soft weave. It
is a capacious uJuir, being neurly half
a yard long The bowkuot design Is
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worked iu beuvy outline stitch filled
In with French knots.
Pink silk cord run through celluloid
rings draws op thia pretty bag, which
la lined Inside with pink cblna silk.
ft K 7