Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, December 04, 1913, SECTION ONE, Image 6

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It It noar at hand to hundreds of
Lakevlew people.
Don't neglect An aching buck.
Backache ti often the kidney's cry
lor help.
Neglect hurrying to the kidney's aid
jneau that uiioary troubles may fol
low. Or danger of worse kidney trouble.
litre's Med ford testimony.
August Bets, retired farmer, 8J4 15.
Main St., Medford, Oregon, wars: I
suffered more or leas from kirinvy
trouble for Ave years. I got worse as
time passed. Sharp patus darted
through the small of my back and
sometimes they were so bad that I
nlit harillv itunn or atraiirhteii. At I
bight my back ached 80 much 1 could I
A V A .11 1 . I ...'
DUi Ink IU1U IU IJ iriifU0
Kidney Tills and 1 did. They checked
the trouble at once and soon drove It
from my system. All I said about
Doan's Kidney Pills when I recom
mended them before, still holds rood.
I have had only one sign of kid
ney complaint since anil one box of
Doan's Kidney Pills brought me relief
right away,"
For Bale by all dealers. Trice CP
cents. Foster-MUbnrn Co.. Buffalo,
New York, eole agents for the United
Remember the name Doan's and
take no other.
Hcrc is the Answervm
I New International
The riorum Webstei
i Etctt dty In roar talk and reading, at
borne, on UjesUwt car. in the office, ahop
I and school jou likely question the nx-ao-
jnr of aome mrw word. A friend asks:
Wbat makea mortar hitrdcn?" You aeefc
I theloralionof LodkfarrtMeorthepronan
i ctatioo of jujmttm. W hat is mkitt cao0
i This New Creation answer all kind of
i questionsfn Lanruav.Hitory. Biography.
Fiction, Foreign Words. Trades, Arts and
i Science, smm tnal autAorU. .
400.000 Words.
eoOO llluatrartloas.
Cast S4O0.00O. W'N
2700 Pas".
: The only dictionary ith "VW"
i the mw divided paae. char- ;
; acienzvu us asuvm ui
! Genius."
: India Paver EdHioo; t1'i
: On thin, orrriie, etronp, jriZ'SJ
: India paper. V hut a sitlia- .
: fiction loown tlieZIrmam
Webbtcr in a form so liiilit
; and so convenient to ue! t
One half the tlii. km-. nnd.
weight of Regular I
j Edition, f
pcr.W t.f ,r
Raraar Editioa s
On strung book paper. 1
144 IDs. bise Ufa i
5 mi lie.
Writ for fpcclssa pacta.
X.' tl. C ." ..va8
of po
max twii'jr.
Springfield, M
Ash r" Dnjratrt for CHI-CHES-TER'S A
blAMOND BkAND PILLS in Red tadj
old metallic boxes, sealed with Blue0
libbon. Tlti ho otski. B.r mt jmX'
nasals a.4 ask for cniXUes-TEB s V
1AMOND BKllD PILLS, for twrntT-flvS
years regarded aa Beat. Safest, Always Re liable
tw ill
-X" or
and fearing all the while during cold weather that
The Plumbing Will Freeze
and bust, thus causing you a lot of muss and dirt,
as well as expense. This is what will be coming to
you if you insist on having your plumbing done by
unskilled workmen. We use extra precaution in pro
viding against such unncsessary trouble.
Contlaned from last week
Kilham Stationery & Printing
Co. blanks 8 90
T. B. Wakefield salary and mlle-
ase 33 00
Gists ft Prudhomme Co. Legal
blanks 8 77
Mrs. VVm. Wallace Board ana
care of Rosie Mellott 6 00
L. A. Most Constable fee. mile
see and tirand jury witness.. 20 60
To be psid ont of the lieneral Koad
bailey A Matsmglll rosd sup-
plies 331 50
To be paid out of the General Fund
of Lake Co.
Examiner Pub. Co. Printing,
publishing etc. 155 45
W. B. Snider stamps etc 32 15
W. B. Snider traveling expense 152 70
J. L. Hampton fruit inspection V 45
Con Breen circuit court witness 6 10
C. V. Dent same 13 00
Carl Caldwell same 6 10
Tom Murphy same 8 60
A. M. Bogner same 13 00
Elmer Hoagland same 11 20
timer Kinyon ssme 11 20
Frank Knggers same 6 40
Chas. Pratt same 6 10
Jas. Roberts ssme 15 00
Wsrren Laird ssme 19 00
Court adjourned until 10 o'clock
Monday. Nov. 10, 1913.
Coontv Judge.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Lane County, Monday,
Nov. 10, 1913.
Court convened pursusnt to adjourn
ment of Nov. 8, 1913 with the follow
ing officers present:
Hon. B. Daly, County Judge; P. E.
Anderson, County Commissioner; F.
W. Payne, County Clerk and W. B.
Snider, Sheriff; when the following
proceedings were hsd, to-wit:
In the matter of claims against Lake
County, the following claims were
examined, allowed ana ordered psid,
as by law provided out of the proper
funds, to-wit:
To be paid out of the Fund of Road
District, No. 5:
F. Crump. rosd work 17 50
Burke & Lsrkin cash advanced
tor rosd work , 16 25
Flynn & Heryford sams 7 12
Court teen adjourned until Tuesday,
Nov. 11, at 10 o'clock a. m.
County Judge.
In the County Court of the State of
Orogn for Lake County, Tuesday,
November 11, 1913.
Court convened pursuant to adjourn
ment of Nov. 10, 1913 same officeri
present, when the following proceed
ings were had, to-wit:
- In the matter of claims against
Lske County, Oregon. The following
claims were examined, allowed and
ordered paid out of the different funds.
as by law provided:
To be paid out of the General Fund
of the County.
J. C. Oliver, juror 60 00
Tom Watson tame 57 10
Al Cheney tame 57 10
W. H. Drenkel same 57 10
Andrew Hotchkisa same 62 40
Cliff Smith ssme 59 80
Waiter Butler same 64 00
H. O. Kuhl eame 57 10
A. M. Hardiaty same.- 57 10
E. E. Woodcock same 57 10
J. S. Fuller same 67 10
L. P. Klippel ssme 48 00
through the Hiiowand sleet to get
h Kujtiily of our inutchlenn Liquors
hecuuHH they ure very necennary
thiuifH durhitf the chilly, frosty
weather. We waut you to try h
huiiiijIo bottle of our fumoiw Rye
Whiskey. We know you will never
be without it in your house utter
the first trltil, especially when you
learn thatwe price it so reason
POST A KINO, Proprietor
Peniions for all persons In the
United States who have reached the
age of 60 years, and who have been
citisens for at least 6 years, amount
ing to 96 a wek, are provided In a
bill introduced In the House recently
by Representative Lafferty, of this
state. The measure asks for an ap
propriation cf $1,000,000 to provide for
its first )ar of operation. The task
of putting the new law Into effect
would devolve upon the Secretary of
the Intetlor.
Mr. Lafferty has framed his pro pot
ed lsw so thst it would exclude all
persons ' who have incomes of $6 a
week. Persons having an income of
less than 6 a week, would receive an
amount sufficient to bring the totsl
up to that figure.
The announcement from San Fran
cisco thst the Panama exposition
buildings will be completed months
before the opening dste. Is refreshing.
If that is accomplished it will ue
something new in expositions.
Of all our big expositions, tbe centen
nial, in Philadelphia more nearlv met
tbe expectations of preparedness than
any other, lhe Chicago and St Louis
expositions were roth postponed escb
for a full 12 months beyond the proper
anniversary of tbe event commemorat
ed. Even then there was much work
to be dons in each ease after tbe open
ing dsy. The Jameatown exposition
wat never finished.
It is necessary to tbe auecetstui
opening of an enterprise of this kind
thst the exhibit buildings shall be
completed a sufficiently long time be
fore the opening to permit tbe proper
installation of exhibits, 'lhat is s
kind of work ibst csnnot well be done
while the building is in course of con
struction. San Krancieco will deserve
congratulations if it can come up to
the present announcement.
Smiths in Evidence
Didyonevtr hear of the Smitns in
Congress? In the Senate there n
Smith of SSouth Carolina, Smith of
Maryland, Smith of Georgia, Smith of
Arizona, and Smith of Michigan. The
man from South Carolina baa cotton
! balls sticking' out sll over bim be is
such an authority upon tbe queBtion.
Smith of Maryland is a lumberman,
while Smith of Ceorgia is the same old
"Hoke" Smith who was Secretsry of
the Interior under Cleveland. Smith
from Arizona is "Uncle Mark," a
typical product of a typical new state,
Smith from Michigan has two large
froni handles to bis name: William
Alden. He has been important in in
vestigating tbe Titanic disaster, the
Mexican situation and looking after
the afflictions of the Republican party
in the Senate. In tbe House there
are seven Smitns, of whom two are
from Michigan.
Maurice O'Keefe has sold out bis in
terest in the Paisley Hotel and Bar
Room to Dick Guinee, by whom the
business will be conducted from now
on. We have no doubt about Dick
making a success of it. He is a good
business manager.
Tom Mulkey aame 67 00
John Noble aame 69 00
A. N. Bennett ssme 67 10
J. P. IJuke same 58 40
Wm. Hampton same 65 00
Frank Wilson same 59 00
Eli Restaurant lunch for jury in
re O'Connor case.... 3 90
J. B. Auten supplies 17 45
Henry Troemner supplies for
sealer of weighta 1!)6 71
Town of Paisley use of council
room for election. 5 00
Geo. Johnson witness circuit
court '. 4 00
Ernest Obernolte ssme. .. 11 00
Wm. F. Paine clerical assistance
to Clerk 9 00
Mrs. K. O. Bunting rooms for
Jury iu re Highfill case Vi 00
Wm. Wallace canvassing elec
tion returns 3 00
Chas. Umbseb ssme 3 00
Wm. Wallace sign boards 7 00
Court then adjourned until 9 o'clock
Wednesday, Nov. 12, 1913.
County Judge.
In the County Court of tbe State of
Oregon for Lake County, Wednesday,
Nov. 12, 1913.
Court convened pursuant to adjourn
ment of Nov. 11, 1913 same officers
present, when the following proceed
ings were bad to-wit :
In the matter of claims against Lake
County. The following claims were
examined, allowed and ordered paid,
aa by law provided, to-wit :
To be paid out of the General Koad
Fund :
Paisley Lumber Co., lumber... 63 22
To be paid. out of the General Fund
of Lake County.
F. E. Anderaon salary and mile-
ge County Commissioner. 82 00
Tom Watson janitor work 27 60
From Thi '"h Newa
Andrew Carnegie has occasioned
much amusement in England by hit
assumption of aeml-roval state, not
only at Skibo cattle but eltewhere.
Hit habit of notifying celebrities
with whom he ie but alightly, or not
at all, acquainted, that he dines at a
eertaln hour and that It will be hit
pleaiure to admit them to hospitality
has subjected him to many indignant
rebuffs. ,
But Carnegie is untnubtable. He
recently Informed a newspaperman
that wben in Rome he "called on the
King of Italy, but 1 did not call on
the Pope." He omitted to explain,
however, lhat the reaton he did not
"call on" the Pope wat lhat the Vati
can saw no reason for according him
a epecisl audience.
Chsncing to meet John Burns, the
well-known Liberal cabinet minister,
one dsy In the House of Commons,
he extended his hand, saying "Andrew
Carnegie offers his hard to John
Burns." The ex-labor leader viewing
with his mind's eve the bloodshed
that accompanied the quelling of the
Hnmestesd strike, replied: "And
John Burns declines to tske it."
Agricultural Spirit
The Michigsn sgricultursl college
haa Ihp?"ral thinff" in rolli-cre tunas
anditgoee just as well at a fooib,i,
game as if it had no meaning at all:-
Hurrah for the harrow.
Hurrah for ths plow,
Hurrsh for the cabbage,
Hurrah for tbe cow,
Hurrah for tbe turnip,
Hurrah for the pea,
Hurrah for the roller
From M. A. C.
Instructive Signs
Un the bank of a amall ritrr in lr.
land is .stone bearing the following
"Wben this stuns is out of sight
it is not safe to ford the river."
But this Is surpassed by the famous
post erected some years aao tv the;
surveyors of rn Knglb-h road. It
. ..
to raver-
reads :
"This is the bridle path
sham: If you can't lead this vou hsd
better keep on the main rosd."
... .
Didyou ever notice the large boxes of Cigars which
sets on Lhe case in Lhe average Cigar Store; Lhe
one labeled "Havana Smokers or some similar
name? You asked the salesman if they were 'real,
sure enough Havana Cigars. They look so invit
ing that they actually resemble the Len cent straight
variety. But, being an honest man, told you what?
Exactly This:
"Well, yes, in this respect: They are the cutt
ings left-over from the 10 cent goods. It is the
short-filler' of course, and b a fine 'nickel cigar.
No, it doesn't compare with our long leaf Havana
pure Lobacco cigars aL Len cenLs."
Don't Buy "Stock-Filler" Clothing
IL is "pure wool" in this respect: It contains Lhe
"short cuttings" the "shoddy" and left - overs
which the better grade of Lailorsand clothiers like
THE MATCHLESS STORE refuse. You cant
get the long leaf Havana nor superior long wool
fibre for "short-filler prices. Clothing'of this class
doesn't even represent "fairly good' clothes. Yet,
cerLain over -anxious dealers offer -you inferior
clothing at lower prices than ours. The cigar dealer
Lells you Lhe "shorL-filler cigar Isn'L as good as
the long leaf Havana. See Lhe difference? Come
in and let us prove it. Any time!
Ettlmaiee ol nmotiote to lie raiaed by teiatlou, by Lake County, Oregon,
for the your 1914, prepared and published under the provisions of Chapter 834
lienors.! Laws of Oregon 1913,
.' iivn.t nonrt .10000 00
Vtr ('mini and Juvenile Court
For Justice Courts
For Sheriff Office:
() Biliary of Sheriff 2WX) 00
(ti) Salary of Deputy WO 09
(ol Tmvellnir exnenee allowed by etfttute 500 00
id) Office expense
For Cletk'a Otlicet
(a) Hulnry of Clerk
(b) Clerical iiaalMtiince
(d) Office supplies
For Assessor's OUlce:
fat Baliirv ol AsMcaaor
(b) Clcncnl Assis'iiiice
(t ) Office supplies
For County School Superintendent's Ofllce:
(s) Biliary of School Supt
(1) Statutory traveling expense
ti) Olllce supplies
For County Treasurer's and Tax Collector' Ofllce:
(n) Salary of Treasurer 1000 00
(b) Clerical iisst-tance. 00
(c) Olllce supplies im 00
For County J mine's (Hike:
(a) Salary of County J udn' 700 00
(b) l nice Supplies 20 W
For Olllce of County Bealei of Welkins nnd Measure:
Olllce expense 120 00
For Ofllce of Couoty tV.roners
Fwa ol Coroner and expuns.) ol holding inquests 350 00
Kurt mice of Htock Inspector. slry
i For County Fruit Inspector, r tbein
For County Health OUl-:er, Salary
For County Commissioners, per diem nnd mileage WW W
For County !llrl School Fund r'00 w
ForScsIp Bouuty Fund 4ri00 00
For per dietu nnd mllesgo l County Surveyor anil rxpeuss of estab
lishing couuty mads 4000 w
For County road, nod ... . ...
'or County printing and pul.ll.blnK
For Clreuit Court Library 00
For fuel, lights, water, furnliure, Jaultor hire, tssuraoce and npiilrs)
of Court House 70 00
r..lit rat Inn nf voter nod election.... 1(100 00
For farm deinotiHtraliou work . . .
! For t'ouuty Schools.
; For County Library .
KorStatw Tax
For exrrttiK county records
For core ol county pour uu I lumiue
For Widow's reunion
I l,,,"rd .,b,'r l'T"HC ' ',r,m"'M
; Iteoipts of money from sources, oilier
Tux to hccollictrd by town of I.nktv.e. (Irciion, tor city iiiiiposes
as pt-r tax rate on file with County Clerk 3(34 30
i mi in ilm !.,.. i,t i- It, hi, I. Si lux. I nnd (lelicisl Fund III thelinnds
; 0 the County TieuMiirer, I.ns wurruuts ouistaudliiif, nx this datv... 12230 OH
v...i.... i. i,..r..i. ..iv.m i!mt Contv Com t wid uu et at l.aac
Notice Is hereby given Cmt ilie Co.inty Com l wbl imet at l.akeview,
m...,.i ... ti... mi. .i..v ..I li.i-rinlM-r. iwll nt the hour of ten clo
'in. In the ChamlH-rs of flu". County Court, for the purpose of an examlna.
turn of tliefoiegiliiteeiuiiaiea and the citU.-u. o -I I Couuty are hereby
, tllic(, t1 ,m.,.t w, lhrt mrlll.T. of the County Court for th puriioae f ills
v. in. .,.1.1 i...rt tli m uti
I t .Hkelew, Oregon, this
1 Atti-st: II.
p v I' Y VK County Clerk F.
... 600 f
410 U
800 00
1800 00
1800 00
850 00
1500 00
32 w
850 00
1300 00
900 00
2M 19
400 00
nud tiaveling expenses 20 00
100 00
ziHta vi
uent taallsl IMW UO
2000 00
32791 10
150 00
J'1' w
60 00
100 0()
1000 00
000 0
thao taxation 11000 0t
k-k a.
lien-Ui Hindu .
13t)i .lay i.f NovajrImt. lld.
DAl.Y, County Jude.
K. ANUKIISUN, County Coinutlmdouer.