Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, November 27, 1913, SECTION ONE, Image 5

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    "We Soli Tho Roal Earth"
Lake view : Oregon
City Property
Good Values for the Land Seeker
f 10.00 per Acre for a good Weet Hide 100-ncre rnnch, Improved with buildings And
(21 00 per were f'f a 280 acre ranch five miles from Lakevlnw, 70 acre la first crop
this tear; aplendld elope for irrigation and within half-mile of O.V.L.
canal. .
f I o 00 per acre for W acres fire ml lee Went of Lake view, irrigation ditch croeet
one end which gives aoine water right.
A Urge narober of JO-aere tract with five-acre water right, at right price.
$3000.00 Fur a 7-rooni liounp, lot. of fruit tm and About one ncro of choke
In ml done In. lyttmn.
f'JOOO.OA Taken n 7-room bungalow almMt now, Jot 100x150 feet good location.
Enny terms,
$4000.00 Will buy cno of the flnont home In the city. 7room modern bungalow
wlili fl flnu lot, a bargain, don't mltm It. Knsy terms.
Vacant itt tor aule lu dlfforcnt parts of the city from 125. 00 up.
Xnhc County jjamtncr
10.50 silk klmonaa at 13.95 at the
Parisian Millinery.
Nice linn of boys suit two pnlr
of puma with each autt. Mercantile Uo
M. Seeger of Davla Creek came up
to Lakevlew on Monday evening's.
Florence Keen, tosmslcr for the ZX
ranch, was down from I'aialey last
week after a load of supplies.
The bcel 35 cent hose in tfce ftate to
wear, in black, white and tan at 25
cents at the Parisian Millinery.
Now is the time to tuy your gloves
II 25 and II 60 mocbs and kid gloves
t $1.00 12.00 gloves at $1.75 at the
Parisian Millinery.
C. Kit oh cam op from Davis Creek
the first or the week on business con
nected with a desert lend entry which
was recently contested.
It la reported that L. D. Hoy of
8ummr Lake recently purchased 9000
poti ds of barley at New Pine Creek
at 85 cents per hundred.
Mlra Jessie WiUon, daughter of the
presided, and Francis Bowers Ssyre
were married at the White House on
Tuesday of this ween. Misa Wilson
lis the fifth white house bride.
JeiM Damell and wife on Monday
.and Tueidty evenings of 'his week en
tertained at their home all members of
the Lakevlew Hand, of which organ
itation Mr. Darnell is director.
At the final meeting for the consld-
eration or the 1914 budget the advisory
committee determined on .7 mill as
the road levy for Multnomah County
for the coming year. Trie levy will
raise 1 238,000 for road purposes.
Alturaa New fc'ra : The Hess Gold
Mines sent another brick to the lower
country Isst week, the weight being
eight pounds. P. A. Keegle and
James Harvey brought it to Alluraa
to deliver to the express company.
Mrs. W. A. Wise of Portland is
spending aeveral days in Lakeview
visiting with her daughter Mrs. Fish,
wife of Dr. W. Hsyden Fiik. Dr.
Wise will later arrive from Portland
ana tney will probably remain in
.Lakevlew until after the holidays.
Miss Jennie Holder of Paisley was a
guest this week at the home of the
joe Anner family. On her return
borne yesterday she was accompanied
by Charles Arrner, Herman Arzner,
M as Lola Holder and John Artner,
who will spend Thanksgiving at her
According to an interview of A. W.
Orton, former registei of the U. S.
Land Office at Lakeview but now of
Porland, recently printed in the Ore-
gonisn, he is preparing U go to East
ern ore?0" where he expects to locate
permanently. To which place in East
ern Oregon Mr. Orton especta to go la
not mentioned.
J. E. Niles last week circulated a
petition In Alturas asking that the
N.-C.-O. trsina be permitted to stop
at the crossing on Modoc street, so
that puNsengera may get olT the train,
and not be carried past the' town and
out to the depot. The citisens are
also hopeful of getting a station eg
tablinhud In the town.
After viewing the Drews Creek dam,
Mr. Hueck Uarley of Uonanea thinks
he will be able to make the construc
tion of the Horsefly proiect come to
the $25 mark, says the bulletin. There
are some minor improvements in the
aim construction that be thinks can
be made over tho Drews dam, but the
main principals will be involved in the
Horsefly dam.
An officlsl count of all the silver dol
lars In the San Francisco mint has
revealed that 122 was stolen, probably
about 1880, according to a report made
to Director ot the Mint George E.
Roberta. He says: "Several months
ago one of the bags of silver In the
mint was found to contain iron wash
era. Every bag was opened and all
the money was counted."
Following la a list of those present
at the entertainment of Presbyterian
Ad at the home of Mrs. K. R. Vender
voor( last Thursday afternoon : Mes-
dames Corbett, Webster, Bsnoers,
Longfellow, O'Neill, Dunlap. Cum-
.mins, Everett, Crosby, O. Metiker, E.
F. Cheney, Kooscr, Dora Lane, Camp
tell. M. W nor ton, Boorse and the
Mlaaes Nyswaner and Corbett. The
refreshments served consisted of cblca
en salad on craokers with cranberries,
cake, coffee and cream and cranberry
Kitra nine line of men' wool ahlrta
all eiua$125 to 1:1.60
82 Inch switches at $5.00 at the
Tarlalan Millinery.
Crit) blankets, bath robes, sweat
era and glovca at the Mercantile Co.
Itran delivered any w hern In town
at mill price for emit at Duke's Fewd
J. D. Mulkey was registered at
Hotel Lakeview Monday from Devil
Prlrea cuts no figure in millinery
we must clean up. Come and see at
the Parlaian Millinerv.
J. J. Monroe, a well known farmer
and chickeu ralier of Willow Kanch,
was a builness visitor here the first of
the week.
The Ladies of the Presbyterisn Aid
will hold a Pillow Slip asle, Dec. 13th
in the old Mercantile building on
Water Street.
Jonas Norln returned home Tuesdsy
home Tuesdsy from a trip to bis sheep
camp on the desert where he took a
band of 50 Merino bucks.
I'be office rooms of the Fremont
National Forest over the Mrst Nation
al Dank are being caloimined, painted
and otherwise remodeled which will
add to their appearance and comfort.
Walter L. Dutton returned TuedV
night after a seversl davs visit with
bis parents at Davis Creek. Walt is
now an Uncle, and when opportunity
offered, took occanion to make the trip
down to see his new nephew.
Ben Daly last week sold 2500 head
of 2 year-old mutton sheep to W. P.
Csrey, buyer of Man Francisco. The
sheep are raid to be among the beet
ever sold In the valley and broucht
the top price of $3.v5 per head.
It la not generally known, vet a
fact none the less, that Uncle Sam is
prepared to place 600,000 soldiers in
the field on very short notice. They
will consist of regulars and a national
guard recruited to their full strength.
An easy matter m event of war. .
It is said that L. A. Carriker will
not be responsible for the merchants
of Lakeview working hereafter on
Sundaya, as ha has decided that he
may come to town any dav, during the
week instead ot Saturday, as has been
bis custom for the pant 25 years.
In an article signed by J. O. Hatna
ker in last week's issue of the Bonanza
Bullet n, be Kates that it is tne issue
that he has been planning for some
time. In the future the paper will oe
under the management of J. H. Faught
and Mrs. Meyer, brother and aistcr,
old time residents of tbe Bonanza sec
Tuesday evening while cranking tbe
Norin automobile, Mrs. E. U. Rine
hart received a, fractuie of one of tbe
bonea ot her lore arm just above the
wriat. At drat, although very.painful,
Mrs. Rinehart thought the injury was
but a severe sprain and waa not aware
of the fracture until after consulting
a physician.
The football championship -of the
easi was won by Harvard in tbeir
game with Yale last Saturday at Cam
bridge. Mass. Harvard went into the
contest a pronounced favorite in the
betting, although football experts de
clared that the teams were on such
even terms that tbe contest was
practically an even money proposition.
Cedarville Record : Joe Shirk some
time ago traded his ranch in Oregon
for property in Fresno county, and last
ween MtB. J. L. Shirk, accompanied
by her little babes and Tuck Alcar
left for the lower country. D. L. Shirk
and son, Joseph and daughter Olive
also left tor the lower country, taking
with them two carloads of horses via
Patrons of Smith's Picture House
last Sunday evening were very much
pleased with the three reel film,. "The
Iconoclast." The scene was tsken in
Mexico and the atory waa more com
plete in detail than the usual dramatic
pictures. The parta portrayed by
tbe Priest, railroad workers, the per
sona employed on the large Mexican
ranch, and the Indiana and fatal bat
tle, contained really more interest than
tbe girl, sculptor and the destroying
of the toon, as the title implied.
The latest advicea from the trouble
center in Mexico state that General
Salazar'a command ia completely sur
rounded south of Saragosa and bis
capture ia expected momentarily.
General Villa, commander of the con
federates, bat ordered his soldiers to
take Salasar alive so that he may be
publicly executed aa an example to
federal officers and federal sympathis
ers, f ierce fighting between the two
forces Is continuing and reports would
indicate that Villa and hla followara
are rapidly gaining control.
Curtis & Utloy buy fura. N. 13
W. Z. Mobs of Warner Valley was
here seversl days last week.
$2.60 corseU at $1.75. $3.b0 corsets
at $2.60 at the Parisian Millinery.
A few of our silk uodcrskiru left.
$4.96 and K5.60 value, enly 13.95 at the
Parlaian Millinery,
uii. a ..,.,. n... i -,m
nitu en, ii 1 1-1 iuru vm uiubh win v
Hold at a big reductiou during the
Uolldsyeat Duster'" Jewelry Store.
Lost, one rubber boot, between
Llkeview and the peninsula. Finder
can have mate by calling on C. 8,
Dr. E. M. Smith was called to the"
J. F. Hanson ranch on the West Side
Mondsy night to attend Frank Nelson,
who is quite sick at that place.
Miss Agues Tracy, formerly of
Lasevlew, writes the Examiner that
she ia now in an office in Sacrsmento,
and ia located at 4327 Stanford Ave.
Every saloon In Dea Moines, Iowa
must close immediately according to a
decision banded
Supreme Court.
down by the Iowa
The deciaion ends
the appeal of the liquor interests in
thst placs. J Easter, the Jeweler, carrlea Llbbey
Mlaa Alvln, one of tbe rnoet beaotl-ji:ut Olttsa, Holld 8ilver Goods, Souve
ful and accomplished young ladles of ' n'r fpw. Jewel Boxea, Kbaviog
New York City wlli be In attendance ! SSeU' t'onklln Koutitaln Pebt, kbd
at Eus:er's Jewelry Store during the j "'" other articles that make nice
Holidays, and will handle the Btlver- i ChriKtinas DreHente.
ware department. j The Lsaeview C.L.S.C. will meet
A. J. Ilickerson returneJ . home ne,t Mondsy evening at 7:30 o'cloc
Tuesdsy evening from San Francisco ' at tne Bome 01 MiM Minnie Vernon',
where ho went to undergo an operation j Profrem : roll call; current events,
for appendicitis. While be Is quite j "Where Civilizstions Meet," 111 The
weak, Mr. Ilickerson is greatly 1m-! Chaulauquan) Miss Hall,
proved and has all hopes for an entire j Eheritt W. B. Snider returned home
recovery. . TueMj.v eveninir from a triD to Sslem
Chas. C. Mabsn and family left on
Monday morning for Fallon, Nevada,
to locate
permanently. Mr.
hss taken a five-year lease on
a farm
belonging to E. S. tierney near that
place and will engsgo in fsrming and
County School Supt. Oliver will
this week lesve for Silver Lake where
a teachers' institute will be held next
week. Ue will also spend a few weeks
In visiting the various schools in tbe
nortbern part of the county, and in ay
continue to Salem tefore returning
to Lakeview.
Ft. Rock News: In digKina: a well
on his homestead four miles
east of I
Fort Rock, Dolpb Smith found a five
inch liyer of pure sea shells. Many
people claim that this vslley is an old
lake bed and the finding of a layer of
pure shells ought to convince many
more that it is such.
Smith, Emery & Company of San
Francisco, which has charge of .the
wcrk of developing tbe soda deposits
of Alkali Lake, calls tbe Examiner'a
attention to an error in a recent article
on the deacription and development of
the project. In atating that tbe lake
bed covers an area of 600 acres. It
ahould have read 5000 acres.
Tbe Examiner haa received notice
that the Bargain Day rate of 75 oents
per year for the Weekly Oregonian
will be continued until January 1. 1914.
after which time tbe price will be ad
vanced to the regular rate of $1.50 per
year. Parties desiring to take advan
tage cf this low price for tbe weekly
should lesve their orders at this ottice.
The Lassen Mail predicts the early
extension of the Lassen Fernley rail
road north through Big Valley to con
nect with the Modoc Northern, and
bases ita prediction on the fact that
the construction company has ordered
a large lot of suppiiea for early spring,
and tbe mill baa been busy sawing rail
road ties. Surveying parties have been
working north, and it is said that
orders have been issued for the build
ing of 50 miles of road.
Geo. H. Ayres of Ft. Bid well has
been in Lakeview for several days the
past week. Mr. Ayres is a former
resident of this place and retains busi
ness interests here. He Is promoter of
tbe Cowhead Irrigation project, which
will irrigate a large acreage of land
in the northern part of Surprise Val
ley, and ia resident agent of tbe
Provident Investment Co. of Lot
Angeles. While here he was tbe guest
of his daughter. Mrs. Jesse Darnell.
The Modoe Republican atatea that
quite a number of prominent Alturas
Masons are intending to apend Thanks
giving In Lakeview thia year. Tbe
Lakeview Lodge haa some work to
do and has extended an invitation to
tbe members of the Alturaa Lodge to
assist in the eeremonlea. Among
those of Alturas Lodge who will prob
ably go "are Ispeotor K. C. Bonner,
Past Mastera T. L. Denson, R. A.
Laird, Acting Master Wm. Keene and
many other prominent members ot the
I Now is the time to buy millinery at
' the Parisian Millinery.
j Heo our lino of heavy costings and
dress good. Mercantile Co.
For Rent Iloomy bourn; and barn,
$7 50 per month. Enquire Fred
KpanKeubiirk;. Oct. 23-tf
! N. Fins and wjfe and Mrs. Joe Fine
! Pltia k aeasa tiAt tr Ki i ar n a, a fa taV
or f man were nert on
( t
daJ' 'st eek
A. V. Oliver, a arrival from j
' La Grande but now of the YMt Hide,
naing to cus.ncij meters .n
" yeaterday,
I Lost, in Lakevlew, gold locket con-
1 taloln tnr(" a G' J
: F'nder leave ai Ibis Offli'e fitid
'"lve rewurd.
j A. 3. Mathews, auperintendent of
i tne Oregon-California Telegrsoh Co.,
j ,n1 E- L- Na8h were UP f'on Alturaa
jiiunaay on uueinesa conneciea wan
the local office.
A complete etock of Rodger tiros.
If 47 goods, "ellver ware that weara"
. ol wry pattern will tm eold at Eaat
len Je'ify Store at Kreatly reduced
' P,,ce8' 'urlng the Holidays.
'where be recently went with three
! prisoners sent to the penitentiary from '
: this county. He returned by way of
Berkeley. Cal. where Mra. Snider hss
been the psst two years.
' Samuel Gompers waa re-elected
president of the American Federation
of Jabor at the close cf the convention
Isst week et Sesttle without opposi
tion. ' Frank Morrison was re-elected
secretary, and Philadelphia waa chosen
aa the next meeting place.
Mondsy, December 8, baa been set
by the county court aa tbe day when
taxpayers may meet with it and dis
cuss the budeet of expenses for the
coming year and aid that body in de
termining what levy is to be made for
1914. Tbe list of estimsted expenses
is printed elsewhere in this paper.
S. Feeler was visiting relstives here
the first of the week from his home
stead In the canyon above New Pine
Ureek. Mr. Feeler secured 60 acres
i of land along the creek, about 35 acres
of which be says ia adapted to farm
ing. He baa aeveral stands ot bees
which produce considerable honey.
. At a recent meeting, in Portland, of
representatives of the Willamette Val
ley Exposition Association, it was de
termined to make the San Francisco
exhibit in the nature ot a diversified
farm display. It is expected this will
require a apace not less tnan 20x100
feet and that sufficient material will
be provided to occupy a similar area
In the Oregon state building.
Indian John, one of the very few re
maining redskins of the Piute tribe, is
in Lakeview on one of his frequent
visits from the Klamsth reservation,
having made the trip over on his pony.
John has a regular circuit of travel
over Klamath, Lake and Northern
Modoe Counties, and bis wide ac
quaintance throughout thia section
always elicits him a cordial and civil
reception from the ordinary citizen.
Mrs. N. Tracy and eon. Koy have
purchased the Holbrook ranch '.in
Barnes Valley, Klamath County. Tbe
property consists of 685 acres, and pro
ducing considerable hay ia considered
well adapted to the stock growing
business. Mrs. Tracy and son recent
ly went to Crook county to reside, but
have given up the idea and will locate
in Barnes Valley. It will be remem
bered that tue Uoose Lake Valley
Irrigation some weeka ago bought the
Tracy holdings in Drewa Valley.
A real estate deal of considerable
importance waa transacted here last
week; when Jerome Lerwick of San
Francisco purchased A. L. Goodman's
ranch, consisting ot 240 acres of valley
land. The deal waa consummated
through the realty firm of Curtis &
Utley and the price paid waa $35 an
acre. Tbe property ia aituated a few
miles northwest of Lakeview. Mr.
Lerwick will remain on the ranch this
winter and will be joined by his wife,
who Is now In San Francisoo, in the
spring. He will engage in general
farming, but will devote particular at
tention to tbe'dairylng bualnesa.
Wm. F. Paine & Co
Popular Walk
"DOC" A shoe built for comfort; broad toe,
low heel; correct in Platinum Calf ...$4.50
"BLAGER" A Popular Young Men's Model;
medium, high and wide toe; fairly high
heel; carried in black and tan; lace and ,
button, in grades at $4.00, $4.50 & $5.00
loses 1 re
ELASTIC tarda of Lastikops
Weliliiiiif aero. -.a hips and upf er produce extreme slendernest
vhen you stand and perfect ease
v lien you sit down.
Fine white coutil; medium bust,
vorv long flexible skirt, Bizea 19 to
Security School Shoes
for children are the proper Shoes for this time of
the year. Good, solid leather, button and lace.
EXTRA GOOD line of heavy Boys' School Shoes that
stand the knocks. Let us show you this line. .'" '
- Over Models
We Also Have
No. 319 for medium fig
ures, at. $3.59
No. 409, tall-stout, at .
No. 506, low
bust, at
There is no better
Corset in fit and
quality than the
Sold the world over at
the same prices.