Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, November 13, 1913, Image 8

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Ladies1 & Misses' Skirts
A beautiful line of Tailored Skirts manufac
tured by the Capitol City Woolen Mills.
We are the Distributers of this Celebrated
Make ot Skirts in Lakeview and invite your
inspection. The most up-to-the-minute line
of Misses' and Small Women's Skirts, from
$2.25 to $3.50
Ladies' Skirts from $4
These are the Best Values in Woolen Skirts
Ever Offered to the Ladies of Lakeview.
Butterick Fashions for December on sale now
Attorney -General Later
Revises Opinion and Act
Now Effective.
Attorney-General Crawford has ren
dered an opinion in which he states
that the insurance feature of the
workmen's compensation act 'will not
become effective ontil June SO. 1914.
Notwitbstading this opinion, the Com
pensation Commission, which has been
organized since the measure was op
held at last week's election, issued a
statement announcing that the act
woo Id become effective unless the
courts ruled otherwise. Attorney-General
Crawford in bis opinion held that
the provisions of the act could not be
applied until June 30, 1914, according
to the law.
Governor West is a strong exponent
of the Compensation law and a late
Salem dispatch says that the governor
has virtually announced tnat if the
courts should hold that the act cannot
be put into operation at once because
of the alleged defects, he would call
an extra session of the legislature to
correct them. Governor West eonteuds
that the strong vote of approval of the
act would justify his action in calling
the extra session.
in a statement later issued Attorney
General Crawford modified his opinion
relative to the time the Workmen's
Compensation law becomes effective.
Be says that an employer can notifv
the' commission at any time that he
to be equal to any
Beer brewed. Bot
tled and on draught
at all leading saloons
Reno Brewing Co., Inc.
Nefirro Uses Knife
In a sodden frenzy of passion Walter
Stoddard (colored) who baa been
operating the grill next the kn Saloon,
laBt Monday evening assaulted his wife
(slso colored) with a large bread
knife, inflicting a dangerous wound in
her arm. After a few angry words,
which it is said grew out of an argu
ment over a "tip" which the woman
received while waiting tibia in the
grill, Stodiard slashed at her head
with the ugly knife. To protect her
sell she raised her arm receiving in
that member a deep gash several
inches in length. The woman ran to
the street and soon attraoted attention.
Had not the woman been given med
icai attention immediately, it is
believed she would have expired from
the lots of blood.
Sheriff Snider appeared on the scene
snd took the negro in charge. He waa
given a preliminary hearing yesterday
afternoon before Justice of the Peace
Umbsch. The defendant waived ex
amination and was bound over to
avait action of the grand jury.
Wreck on W. P.
Train No. 1, westbound, on the
Western Paciho railroad, known as the
Panama-Pacific Express, plunged into
a landslide which had covered the
tracks with tons of rock and earth and
was wrecked 32 miles north of Oroville
last week.
Engineer John McGraw was perhaps
fatally injured and Fireman K. A
Jones was seriously hurt. None of the
passengers were injured. The loco
motive plunged into the Feather river.
The taggage car was smashed and
six ccachea were derailed.
elects to come under the act, unless
they elect not to become subject
K. L. Wade la working op at High
Mrs. Urb Gentry it reported much
better at thia writing.
Mr. and Mrs. Bart Rusk are occupy
ing the Geo. Hammersley property.
A splendid time was had at the
social dance after the show Saturday
There is scarcely a vacant house in
town at present which sounds good for
the town.
F. M. Green returned Ssturdsy
from a two weeks' business trip to
Chas. Larkin and family were enter
tained at the home of Mr. and Mr.
J. C. Freeman Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Wiltfong return
ed home Sunday. They spent the
summer on the west side of the lake
where Mr Wiltfong was working on
the O.V.L. irrigation ditch.
Miaa Ida Sanford ot Fandango has
been a guest at the home of Mrs.
Jessie Carr for several dayt where
she ia having a delightful time. She
is a very clever girl and we hope she
msy mske New Pine Creek visits
It is reported that the cook at the
Modoc mine want on a strike last
week. Mr. Uuvot is going to get
another building and hire a new cook.
There are loada of supplies going op
to the Modoc which convinces oa that
the miners will be kept working all
Mrs. J. T. O'Connor was entertained
at the home of Mrs. D. U Berry
Sunday. As Mrs. O'Connor ia to take
her departure soon she waa planning
the work for the Civic Improvement
League. Mrs. O'Connor will be mis
sed in the League. Her enthusiasm
ontinued from first page
pentation act yea 35,. no 13. Total
vt,te, 50.
South Warner: University repsir
fund yes 8, no 3; University new
building appropriation ves 8, no 3;
sterilization act yes 3, no 10; county
attorney act yes 5, no 6; compensa
tion act yes 9. no 3. Totsl vote, 13.
North Lakeview: University repair
fond yes 6, no 14: University new
building yes 15, no 16; sterilization
act yes 2a, no 34; county attorney
act yea 46, no 16; compensstion act
yes 39, no 15. Total vote, 56.
South Lakeview: University repsir
fund 87, no 28; University new build
ingyes 84, no 31 : sterilization act
yea 49, no 63: county attorney act
yes 83, no 22 ; compensstion set yes
73, no 42. Total vote, 115.
Drews Valley: University repair
fund yes 2, no 3; Unlversitty new
building ves 1, no 4; sterilization act
yes 4, no 1 ; county attorney act
ves 4, no 1 : compensation act yes 1,
no 4. Totsl vote, 6.
Goose Lake : University repsir fond
yes 2, no 10; University new build
ingyes 2, no 10; sterilization act-
yes 1, no 2; county attorney act yea
8, no 3: compensstion act yea 7, no
Total, vote 12.
Cogswell Creek: University repair
fund yes 15, no 13; University new
building yes 14. no 13: sterilization
act yea 17, no 12; county attorney
act yes 22, no 7 ; compensation act
yes 18, no 15. Total vote, 29.
Thomas Creek : University repair
fund yes 1, no 6: University new
buildins yes 2, no 5; sterilization act 6; county attorney act
yes 4, no 3; compensation act yes 5,
no 2. Total vote. 8.
Lake: University Repsir fund-
yes 15, no 1; University new buildirg
yes 13, no 2; sterilization act yea
6: no 8; county attorney act yes 14,
no 2; compensation act ves 12, no 2.
Total vote 16.
Fort Rock: University repair fund
yes 34, no 19; University new build
ing yes 31. no 22; county attorney
act yes 49; no 6; compensation act
yes 84, no 19 sterilization act yea
81, no 22. Total vote, 64.
There were three precincts in the
county where there was no election
held, namely Crooked Creek, North
Warner and Summer Lake. There
were but 412 votes csst In the entire
county. Election table of official re
turns in Lake County follows :
Stale IJnlrertltr Bulltllng ItopalrVuuiI
300 Yes 263
301 No 125
Msjority for 138
Statu I'nUerUltr Maw Building Appro-
302 Yes 218
303 No 138
Msjority for....' 80
Sterilisation Act
804 Yes .T... 18
305 No , 193
Msjority against..... 175
and perseverance have made her a
very helpful member.
The writer took a walk down Into
Fleming Bros. Addition last Tusday
and noticed seversl ohsnges, there
now being six new residences there.
We also noticed that Mr. J. M. Alex
ander is putting a coat of paint on his
hnuae which looks quite attractive.
Fleming Addition is a fine residence
section and we will no doubt see msny
houses go up there next summer.
Pine Creek School
The Parent Teachers Association met
at the Pine Creek School Friday after
noon. There was a good attendance
and much interest is beina shown
Mr. James Vincent, our wo'thy true
tee was present. A special progrsm
is being prepared for the next meeting
which will be of special interest to
the gentlemen.
Monday afternoon Mr. Aldridge, our
popular trustee, came to give bis
assistsnce in cleaning the basement.
Much praise and gratitude ia extended
to Mr. and Mra. D. V. Amick, Mrs.
Wsde, Mrs. Benham and Mr. Aldridge
for clesning the concrete play room
It waa in an onsanitary condition, due
to the lime dust.
Misses Owena Wendt, Theresa Kel
ler and Opal Reld, apent Saturday
afternoon cleaning the principal'a
room. The room Monday morning
waa so tidy, it waa evident that much
labor had been apent. The girls are
taking a great Interest In the school.
The Union Sunday School waa well
attended last Sundsy. Many young
people take an active part and
every organisation will meet with
success. Not long sgo, the Union
Sunday School numbered one hundred,
let the good work be aupported again
as it wss then.
Continued from tint pane
served for a short time as president of
I the North Bank and local Hill roads,
; will have charge of construction work
'on tne California extension, which pre
sumably will be built out of Bend, con
necting there with the Oregon Trunk.
Surveys lor tne proposed line soum
of Bend have been completed. The
grade will aicend gradually to a point
about 60 milea aouth of Bend, where
it attains its highest elevation. From
that point it descends gradually Into
the Sacramento Valley. The maxi
mum grade on the entire route between
Portland and San Francisco will nut
exceed, 1.3 per cent. An alternative
route offers by connection with the
Nevada. California, Oregon at Lake
view, Or.
It is probsble that tht Hill party
will te in Oregon for three or four
days. They plan to psss Sunday here.
"Bill" Hanley, "the ssge of Oregon,"
who bss been one of the elder Mr.
Hill's closest friends for many years,
will be here Saturday to join the visi
tors. If tne bsnquet is held he will be
one of the guests.
The fact that aeveral officials of the
Northern Pacific which road is joint
owner with the Crest Northern ot the
locsl Hill lines are members ot the
psrty adds strength to the theory that
the California invasion is one of the
questions receiving serious considera
tion on the present trip.
Quite naturally we did not expeot to
bear of any definite atatement regard
ing the California invasion after the
Hill party reached Portland, but the
announcement which lenda color to the
above rumor is the statement in
Sunday's Oreeonisn that Mr. Mill and
party will make a trip of inspection
over the Oregon Trunk, and also the
Empire Builder's statement that the
Hill interests are preparing to operate
fast steamers to ply tetween Portland
and San Francisco. The steamers are
now being built and it is expected to
have them in operation within a year.
Portland and numerous Oregon
citizens paid generous homage to Mr.
Hill and party on their present trip
west. This tbey should have done,
because James J. Hill bss done more
than any other one man, to liberate
the forces that have made an emnire
of the Pacific Northwest. This is Mr.
Hill s first visit to Oregon in two
It Is his road that Lakeview wants.
The Hill lines do not wait for the
country to develop, thia tbey bring
about with the actual conatruction of
railroads, and this line through Lake
view, the Exsminer believes, is only
a matter of time.
Count? Attorney Act
806 Yes.
307 No.
Msjority for.. 216
Workmen's Compensation Act
308 Yes 251
809 No 127
Majority for 124
Federal Law Prohibits the
Slaying of Birds In Late
Thst which will probsblv affect local
sportsmen, inasmuch aa It will prohibit
late evening bird shooting, la the table
given below ahowlng the exact hours
to which the shooting of migratory
birds is limited. The tsble is tsken
from the Oregon Sportsmsn, an official
publication Issued by the State Came
Commission, ami Is reprinted by re
quest of Deputy Ws'den McKimens
The new federal gsm Isws provide
a closed season on all migratory game
birds from sunset to sunrise. For the
guidance of sportsmen the following
is the official lime ot sunrise and sun
set: Sunrise Sunset
Sept. 28 0:06 6:67
Oct 5 6:15 5:44
Oct. 12 6:24 5:31
Oct. 19 6:33 6:19
Oct. 26 6:43 5:07
Nov. 2 6:63 4:66
Nov. 9 7 .-03 4:47
Nov. 16 7:13 4:89
Nov. 23 7:23 4:33
Nov. 80 7:32 4 28
DftQe 7 .t.ee7 40eeaeeess4 2&
Dec 14 7:46 4 26
Lee. 21 7X0 ......4:28
Dec. 28 7:bS 4:33
Jan. 4 4 :76 4 '89
Jan. 11 7:61 4:47
Jan. 18 7:47 4X6
Presbyterian Church
Ueo. A. Crawford, Minister.
10 a. m. Sabbath School.
11 a. m. Preaching. Sublect. "Un
deniable Facta."
Musicsl Progrsm : i
Trombone duet, "Nearer My God, to
Quartet: "Crown Him King of
Plsno Selection.
7:30 p.m. Subject. "The Control of
Musical Program :
Song Service.
Trumpet solo with piano aceompain
ment. Quartet: "Awakening Chorua."
Pisno Selection.
Visitors welcome. Mske this your
church home.
Services every Sundsy In Mssonlc
Hsll. .
Presbyterians Meet
The Presbyterlsn Ladies Aid met
last Thursday and were entertained
by Mrs Cummins and Mrs. Webster
at the home of the latter. Alter the
business meeting refreshments, con
sisting of ssndwiches, pineapple ' snd
cream, coffee and cake, were eerved.
Those present were: Mesdsmes Mor
gan. N. Roberts, Ssnders, Campbell,
Dora Lane, Corbett, M. Whnrton,
Crosby, Crswford, Everett, Koozer,
Vandervoort, O'Neill, Dunlap, Ran-
don. A. L. Metzker, K. A. Clark,
Hopkins, Sparhawk, Simmons. Glszier.
Burgess, Fetsch, Fuller, McCombs,
Boorse, Leonard, and the Miases Hat-
tie Nyawaner and Gwendlyn Corbett.
The trial of Wileon Duke, charged
with a murderous asssult upon the per
sons of Game Wardens Cadv and Net
lingan, waa brought to an end Tbura-
dsy night at Susanvlile by a verdict of
the jury finding him guilty of assault
with a deadly weapon, says the Advo
cate. The caae against the other
Indians who were implicated in the
asssult on the Game Wardena is now
in progress.
Ladles' Siniitury (Jurments.
Gold lifiiils for nwklucvH.
('tuny Lhvh uihl Frlnfv.
Citrlson Currlrr Silks, .Vui'a Doll
proof Lustre Cottons,
llnml-mntlo Artfolrfi.
Embroidery Work to order.
Fancy Work Exchange-
Ont door South of Matchless Store
E. F.
Up to Huerta
To tbt United 8tates request that
he resign from the Presidency of
Mexico Husrta has replied that he
cannot rsalgn becauas there Is no one
to whom he can present his resigns
tlon: and that he la the only govern
ment In Mexloo end must rstsln hie
England hss also warned the Mexico
President of his ahortcomlngs and
made It plain that there would be no
antsgonism bstween the British Isles
and the United States ovsr the lttar'
actions toward Mexico. It Is now
bvllevsd thst Husrta will, be
forced to understand that ha lacks the
support of civltisrd countries and th-t
he will seek a way out of the diffi
culties himself.
Continued from ttiKt pagfl
It ruta off the political pslronsgs these
District Attorneys hsve formerly en
joyed in sppoinllng deouties foi the
vsriuus counties.
The workmen's compensstion set
createa a State Industrisl UommUs
lon, rompored of three member a, to
provide fund for the compensation
ot Injured workmen employed In
hasardoua oceupstlons. The fund Is
raised partly by employers, partly by
the state and partly by employes.
The commission Is to determine the
amount to be paid any person on
secount ot injury received In course ot
All these meesurea take effect at
once. The constitutional amendment
providea that "any m.ssure referred
to the people shall take effeet and be
come the law when It la approved by
majority of the votes caat thereon,
and not before.
In Oregon a bov sixteen years of
sge csn no longer be sent to the re
form school. The. only place for male
offenders of that age is in the jail or
atate penitentiary. Thia change waa
made by the 1913 legislsture but wss
not generslly known. The new pro
vision Is an obsoure ctsuse in a bill
establishing the stste bosrd of control.
Celebrated Chinese Herbalist
Offers Treatment of Native
Herbs Absolutely Free
To tfn men or wwtni'n in t-m-h Ira)ity will be
Riven fmo a proof irruttnuni of lo K. hin'a
wonderful Chtiiie Hoot, Ilitrl; and llirha.
Thia proof treatment, wtiirh im offnred without
otte cent of rout, has been lined in tuna fur over
four thousand year ami has eurud more turn
ait I wo mm thau any known treatment now in
xiateiire. To prove whut ihi-m wMitirful
re i mm Umi will iJa we are offurmg a free treatment
no that the nkept.ral may va ami the douhlera
be convinred.
A curad patient la ft doctor'- boat dvertle
inmt No mutter how n i tin v oilier treatment you
have tried, no matter now ninny tortnri have
failnd, lee K. Chin atanda ready to prove to you
at his own ex,Mno that the, rvinediea will
(to the work. Hit down now ami writ to
U'IIiiik iu your own won In jum now you feel ami
from what you aulTtr imot. He will then aend
you a treatment prepared to meet the reuire
rneiita of your ram, ami which will convince you
that you are not iu the iumiralile atate. but can
and will be run I. Thin treatment will be sent
you in a plain wrapper with the pontage paid.
Don't nut thia matter off until tomorrow Juh
borauae there inn't paper or peuril handy. Iook
one up DOW and wnte immediately. Thin in
jour opportunity to get well. Won't watto it.
If we don't have what you
want we will get it
for you.
Good Dairy Ranches
for Sale.
no matter whut they drive, up
hold our harness. You're the
man we're looking for, because
we are a hit choice In our way
of turning out things for the
horse ourselves. Every strap
and buckle of harness we supply
Is Inspected and tested before
It leaves our doors. The price
la right and so Is the harness.