"We Sell The Real Earth" O'NEILL & DUNLAP GENERAL REAL ESTATE Lake view : Oregon Good Values for the Land Seeker M0.O0 per acre for a good Weet Bide IGO-ncre n.nch, Improved with buildings and orchard IDMO.OO ForaT-room houm, a lot of fruit trees and about one acre of choice lnnd clone In. l:sy irrina. 2(XK).0() Taken a 7-room bungalow almrwt new, lot 100x150 feet, good location. Kim terina, 14000.00 Will buy cne of the lineal homes In the city. 7-room modern bungalow with H flno lota, a bargain, don't ml an It. Eaey terms. Vacant lota lor aale In different parte of tbe city from 125.00 np. 21 00 ptt acre for a 280 acre ranch Ave mih-e from LakevWw, 70 acre In flrat crop IIJll 1 canal, this rear; eolendld slope for irrigation and within ball-mile of O.V.L. $10.00 per acre forSOaeree Are mtlr Weet of Lakevlew, Irrigation dit.h croeace one end which glvee aome water right. A large namber of JO-aere tracta with five-acre water right, at right pricea. City Property Inftc Count? Cjramincr TIIUUKDAY.NOVKMHKK 13. 1913. BRIEF MENTION N. 13 dreaca Curtis A. Utley buy fura. Oood lino nf lad lea wool jnat In. Mercantile Co. W. B. Kouaton, a aheep buyer of Kt. Bidwell, wai In Lakevlew this week. For ftrnt Itoomy bonne and barn, 17.60 per month. Kunutre Fred ftpanireoburK. Oct. S3-tf Uus Schroder returned to hia borne at Silver Lake last Baturday after apending aaveral daya In the county aeat. County BuDerintendent Oliver Sun Ja? wont to Palalay to attend a apec lal meeting of the acbvol board at that place. A new aide walk baa been placed along" the eouth aide of the Jammer thai and Umbach buildings on Canyon street. C. F. Sholti, who Uvea at Clover Flat, paaaed through town laat week on hie way home from Busanvllle where he haa been the paat aeveral weeks. Mra. Blanche Weill, lately of San Francisco, la temporarily located at the residence of Mra. James Judge and ia prepared to do dreasmaking and embroidery. Mra. C. K. Peterson end daughter of Ontario, Oregon, this week passed through Lakevlew on their way borne after visiting with relatives at Fort Bidwell. They will return home by way of Portland. The plant of the Hash and Door fac tory at Rend wae destroyed by fir. last weea. The Bulletin alatea that the origin of tbe fire ia unknown and tbat the losa waa about $30U0, one-bait of the amount being covered by Insur ance. Stantey Hanaon and wife were In town a few daya the first of the week. He etatea that tha team work on tbe Sooth Drewa canal will be com plated thla month. Mr. and Mrs. Han aon will live In town this winter, occupying the Cbaa. E. Sherlock resi dence. . Mra. Blanche Wells la a late arrival from San Francisco. She will locate here permanently engaging in dress making and giving instructions in embroidery work. At present she ia located at the residence of Mr. and Mra. James Judge on South Water atreet Art Garret, a local barber, is ex pected borne today from Portland where he recently went to take an exmination before the State Board of "Carter Examiners. Mr. U arret will Iso purchase new furniture and fix tures and fit up a flrat claaa ahop at hla old stand in tbe John Flynn build ing. Tha item in last week'a Examiner referring to R. II. Boydatun'a yield of potatoes erred in stating that be aecured 65 1-3 bushel per acre. The number of pounda on the total of 3 1-2 acrea was correct, and figured out would show 165 1-3 bushels per acre, as it should have read instead ot 65 1-3 tmehels. Deputy Sheriif E. E. Rinehart yes terday departed for Salem taking Ray Yarbrough, Len Parker and W. II, Mills, all of whom must rerve terms in the state penitentiary. Yarbrough ani Pnrker were convicted of rape aid were sentenced to serve from three to twenty years, and Mills, convicted of forgery, ws sentenced frcm ore to five years. Soren Peterson, who with his son .recently came here from Racine, Wia. last week purchased through Curtis & Utley the Chas. Sherlock ranch, .consisting of 170 acres, near the Drews lisp about ten miles west ot ' town. Mr. Peterson and ion will lm , mediately locate on the ranch, engag ing in general farming, featuring tha i raising of grain and alfalfa. Wo, Harvey, the horse buyer, re . cently returned from a trip over 11 a r ney and other counties where he ' bought 75 bead of boraea. While re turning with the stock to thla valley be met with a misfortune which re sulted in much trouble and inconven- - ience. Tbe horaea were placed in a field on the Warren Laird ranch and - during the nlgbt tney broke down tbe fence, all getting out and atarting tack to the various placea from which they had come. Mr. Harvey says - every anlmal'out of the 75 got out ex ceptmg one mule. It took aeveral . daya to again round up the band and , be ii itlll out aix bead. New line of coats for ladles and mies. Mercantile Cn E.tra nloe lot of all the neweet drraa and coat goods. Mercantile to. Mrs. Nannie O'Nell and eon, John, were up Monday from their borne at New Pine Creek. J. 8. Branch, a Lake Coon'y aheep grower, was a buainesa visitor In the city this week. It cost the state of New York II, 250,000 to Impeach Governor Sulzer, not Including the expenses for counsel The Embroidery Bhop will be located one door Houtn of trie Matchlcaa Htore, oppoalte he 1 O., alter Nov, lrt. Mrs. n. B. Alger. O30 tf. Have Edler, the well known aheep baron of Lake and Klamath counties, waa a buainesa viaitor In Lakevlew tbia week. Fifty bead of blooded Durham bulla have Juat been pot on tbe 7T ranch In Warner. The stock waa bought in Southern California. Tbe Northwestern states that Uoy Nyawanar of Lakaview baa moved to Klamath Falls where he has taken a position at the Goodman Feed and Livery Btablee. George W. Syron, an old time rest dent of tbe Warner Valley and whoae poatoffiee addresa ia now Warner Leke, waa a business visitor in Lakevlew tbe first of thla week. Father P. P. Kern, pastor of tbe local Catholic Church, last Sunday an nounred hla intention of resigning from this parish. He expects to go to Alaska when a aoccessor arrives to take hia place here. On November 11 Cleveland, Ohio, waa under 21 inchea ot anow, and ita inhabitants are in imminent danger of Buffering from lack of food. Trans portation and communication facilities are greatly impaired. From tbe Great Lakea to Florida and from New York to points weat of Chicago, the east waa In the grip of a enow, aleet and wind atorm the hrst of thla week. Several livea were loat and communication traffic suffered aerioualy. Word has been received that John H. Wyatt, formerly a resident of tbia place, now of Grants Paaa, recently Buffered severe fraoture of hia arm. While tbe injury la necessarily very painful Mr. Wyatt ia doing as well as can be expected under the circumstances. The Lakevlew C. L. S. C. will meet at the home of Mra. J. D. Ventator. Monday evening at 7:30 o'clock. Progam: Roll call. Current eventa. Kamblea and Studies in Greece; Chan ter XII, Miss Minnie Vernon, Chapter Xlll Misa York. Chapter XIV. Mrs. Harry Bailey. J. M. Fulton, assistant general freight and passenger agent of the Southern Pacific, came up from Reno laat Saturday. It waa hia intention to remain here until today looking after buainesa for his line, but left Monday morning on account of receiving a telegram suddenly calling him to San Francisco. Mra. Chas. E. Rice and two children came up laat week from Alturaa to have her little daughter treated by Dr. Smith of this place. Mrs. Rice's mother, Mrs. Gibbons, acccmpanied them and they were the guesta of Mra. James Judge. They returned home Monday morning, the little girl being greatly improved. The social held last Friday evening by the local order of Encampment in tne l.O.O. F. hall proved a very pleas ing success. There, were over 100 members and Invited guesta present and the evening was pleasantly apent in dancing and other forma of amusement after which light refreshments were served. The sooials will be continued monlbly throughout the winter season. As a matter of auggeslon, if vou are unable to bave various prepared apple dishes on your table next Tues day, Oregon's Apple Day, you can find a nicely prepared menu of tbe lavorite fruit at the Hotel Lakevlew. '1 hla is tbe first occasion of tbe kind ever to be observed in the atate, and the people should show their faith in the famoua Oregon product by featuring apples on their tablea next Tueaday. M. C. Currier, Wm. Dobkina, Mar tin Lauritscn and Carl Holder of Paisley brought down 200 bead of beef cattle the first of the week, which they and a few other growers of tbe Pale ley vicinity aold to Ben Cambron, buyer from Reno. The atock waa purchased for the Roth-Blum Co. of San Francisco, and a shipment waa mad today over the N.-C-O. The price all around is aald to be 12 1-2 centa. James Dodion retorned to Lakevlew laat week from a trip to Aricona. Motor Cycle, In good condition, for sale cheap. See Curtie & Utlev. A7-t Al Smith baa been working in tbe County Clerk 'a office durina- tbe pres ent rush of business. Supervisor Brown, of the local For est Office, left laat week for Klamath Falla on official business. 11. Z. Dangberg and C. U. Dangberg of Minden, Nevada, and W. O. Sims, an attorney of San Franciaoo, were in Lakevlew tbe first of tbe week. Mrs. U. E. Sherlock will leave next Saturday for Los Angslea where ahe will to joined later by ber husband and they will apend the winter. Deputy Game Warden LaSater of tbe Silver Lake district Isst week came down to the county aeat. be having brought tbe election returns from hla precinct. T. J. Sullivan, proprietor of tbe Plusb Hotel, waa In Lakevlew last week on buainesa connected with se curing a liquor license which waa granted him by the County Court. W. P. Vernon, a prosperous young farmer and stockman, who livea a few miles south of town, returned aeveral daya aince from a abort pleaaure trip to Oakland and San Francisco where he attended the Portola Festival. Tbe County Court baa been busily engaged in preparing a budget of the current expenses for the coming year. Tbe budget, from which tbe 1913 tax levy will be made next month, will be printed in next week'a issue of tbe Examiner. Last Sundsy afternoon a deer cross ed down into the valley at the Frank Duke ranch below town. It aeemed lo be in no particular hurry, and cross ed into the Cronemiller place and from there over Into the Vernon ranch and on down to the tules. A. H. Hammersley waa in town laat week, be having come in from Rock Creek wbere be haa been tbe past aev eral weeks with bit brother. Wm.. trapping coyotes and bob eats. He reports they have bad very good sac- ceei thus far tbia season. All the atage linea operating in and out of Laaeview have now changed back to boraea and coaches, taking place of automobilea that were used during the aummer. The Western atage waa the last to make the change, which waa done last week. A. C. Lowell, tbe Bidwell merchant, baa an order from a San Francicso syndicste for thirty thousand pounda of alfalfa seed, and is busy aecuring the required amount of seed from Sur prise Valley farmers, aaya the Alturaa New Era. Tbe price to the growers will be nine centa per pound. Mra. Edna Bass, a well known Susanville and Honey Lake Valley resident; committed euicide one day last week at ber borne near Auburn by hanging herself from a tree. Mra. Bass, and her bUBband, from whom ahe waa later divorced, waa at one time steward and stewardess of the Lessen County hospital. The Pacific and Atlantic terminals of the Panama Canal will take a large part of the S37.O00.0O0 to be appro priated for that waterway, estimates of the bulk of which already bave been submitted on appropriations. The S37.0O0.O00 will make up the total of the 11175,000,000 contemplated as the total cost of the canal. The first Christmas reason of the parcel post system is near at hand, and Postmaster-General Burleson pro poses to see that all Christmas parcels shall be delivered on or before Christ mas day if possible. A notice of "Mail your Cbriatmsa parcela early" in large letters will be posted in every postoffioe in the country. On Deoember 8-13 tbe Pacific Inter national Livestock Exposition will be held at the Portland Stookvarda and, although tbe opening date is still dis tant more than a full month, breedera from all parts of the United States and Canada are already sending in tbeir fancy atock. Fifeen thousand dollars in cash premiuma will be paid out at the cloae of tha ahow. the lar gest aum ever offered at an exclusively livestock ahow on the Patfiflo Coast. That tbe Presbyterian Sunday school Is gnwing is noted by tbe fact tbat on laat Sunday they had their largeat attendance since the church was or ganised two years sgo. Mr. Piper, a graduated a teacher's training acbool and an experienced Y.M.C.A. worker makea a flrat class superintendent. Tha lateat addition to the Sabbath school is the orgsnixstion of a msn's Bible clas with an enrollment ot nine men, and that department also ex- I pecta to grow. Try a hot tomato nectar for a bracer thee cold days at the Kandy Kitchen. Mra. Agnes IJolbrook yesterdsy left for Ssersmento, Cal, where ahe will visit for an Indefinite period. Tom Young Is erecting a dwelling on his ten-acre tract on the Drenkel Addition In the Booth end of town. George Noland yesterdav returned to bla borne at Klamath Falla after apending several days In Lakevlew. Senator Chamberlain haa introduced a hill appropriating 1100,000 for purchas ing a site and constructing a public building at Klamath Falla. Mlsa Dorothy bieber returned last Saturday evening from San Franciaoo wbere she baa been on a few weeks visit with relatives aod friends. We will bave on display a nice line of Holiday Goods. It will pay you to look them over before sending your orders away. Tbe. Kandy Kitchen. Dr. Ruaaell yesterdsy performed an operation on Mra. Gilbert D. Brown. Sbe ia at tbe Lakevlew Hospital and ia reported to be getting along nicely. J. S. Rose, foremao of tbe 7T ranch In Warner, baa been aaperintending tbe driving of considerable beet cattle to Klamath Falla. be having left laat Sunday with 250 bead. Tbe cattle were purcbaaed by J. C. Mitchell. Erie K. White, who baa charge of tbe Reno office of the Remington Type writer Co., arrived in Lakeview yes terdsy. Mr. Wbite'a former home ia at tbe White Station between Bly and! Bonanza, and he haa been enjoying a month's vacation on tbe ranch. The homemade cake and candy aale given recently by St. Martba'a Guild waa a success both socially and finan cially. Tbe Guild ia now planning a Christmas sale and musicale to be siven the Friday afternoon following Thanksgiving in tbe Masonic Hall. Governor Felaer of New Hampshire honored the requisition of the State of New York for the extradition of Harry K. Thaw. Tbe case is now tranaferred automatically to the Fed eral Courts, wbere a writ of habeas corpus on behalf of Tbaw ia pending. . Ira McCoul and wife have removed from tbe Hurley Vernon place below towrr to tbe McCoul dairy ranch weat of tiown. 'They now bave a herd of twenty milch cows, and will engage in tbe dairying business, disposing of their product to the local creamery. Circuit Judge Henry L. Benson of the Lake and Klamath district yester dav departed for hia borne at Klamath Falls. Tbe Judge waa feeling quite badly, Buffering from a sever cold, and in order to avoid a long auto ride to Klamath Falls returned home bv rail going by way of Sacramento. R. A. Clara and family bave remov ed from tbe V. L. Snelling residence to W. B. Snider'a bouse on Main Street. Mrs. Snelling who haa been spending the summer with her husband at Fairport will return to Lakeview, Mr. Snelling dividing bia time between bete and bia interests at Fairport. A writer in the Washington Post tella of an old lady who remembered living at the White House with Mr and Mra. John Quincy Adams. Mr. Adams ate with hia fork, and Mrs. Aoams apologized for it, saying tbat he bad acquired the habit during a soiourn in France. Mrs. Adams and the other guests used tbeir knives. Alturaa Plaindealer: We received a pleasant visit this week from Joe Shirk, formerly of Guano Valley, Ore gon. He informs as that be baa sold hia propertv out there and will shortly move hia family to the 'San Joaquin Valley. Joe ia a good young man, a model citizen, and we wish bim suc cess wherever his lines may be cast. The Lakeview merchants have been sending out large amounts of supplies for sheepmen of late. Last week Chsa. Newman came over from Dave Edler'a camp at Keno, Klamath County, and loaded here with 14,000 pounds ef supplies for the different Edler camps on the desert, Mr. Edler having removed hia aheep from Klam ath to that aection for the winter. Tbe new road up Bullard canyon ia a great advantage to the atockmen in conveying tbeir auppliea east. George Bigham, of Oregon City, was killed two weeks ago on Trail Creek in Jackaon County. He waa one of a party out hunting and Wilbur Kime, of Medford, mistook him for a deer and fired the fatal shot. Mra. Guy Causey, formerly of Lakeview la a daughther of Mr. Bigham'a while L, P. Klippel, of Summer Lake ia a nephew. Mr. Bigbam waa a member of the pioneer family of Bigbama tbat resided in Surprise Valley, and will no doubt be remembered by num rerous early aettlera of this section. ; Wm-F. Paine & Co REAL ESTATE LAKEVIEW -:- OREGON New "GORDON" Shapes Something nifty. Price only $3.00. Rival of any $5.00 Hat on the market New Mackinaw Hats, price $2.00 Cloth Hats, price at $1.50 A variety of other styles of Cloth and Fur Caps The Home of Walk-Over Shoes BRITTEN & ERICKSON NEW SUITS m m 'IIP Iff Wm ' Mat- m m We have Just recsived a new line of Ladies Suits by Express this morning, and we in vite you to call and look at them. Every one new, nobby styles. Also, we have a very large line of Ladies heavy and medium Dress Goods that are selling every day. If. in need of any thing in this line we can please . you. Big line of Ladies and Misses Sweat er Coats, Ruff Necks and Norfolks, all sizes. Many other new goods in Winter weights that cannot be mentioned in this space. You will find the prices lower than many others are asking for them. V LAKEVIEW MERCANTILE COMPANY k ye s