0-W. II. & N. WILL Established 1862 IPkm Mces OU have often heard the expres-' sion that "pianos are so much cheaper now." However we know of over 20 makes which justly sell for more today than ever before. Mere wood and metals vary little in cost but brains command larger salaries today than ever before in the world's history. The Behning is the product of such brains and genius and is offered the public at a modest profit. If you are critical about piano tone we invite your inspection 'of thelBehning Grand. SHEPHERD PIANO DEPOT Next Door to the Post Office KLAMATH FALLS HOLD CORN SHUNS The corn crop of Oregon, Washing ton and Idaho la not only Urea, but tha quality la superior to what wn believed would Da grown. Yields of a hljrh aa 125 bushels per aero of matured corn are assured, and from ten to thirtf ona of eorn ailage to the acre ia being out. Tha atatement of tbo O.W.R. & N. Agricultural Department that corn would prove a profitable crop, and that it will soon equal the wheat yield of the atatea of tbo Pacific Nortbest, ia borne out by tbo crop produced tbia year. The plantinga aro widely acattered, and the area devoted to corn la not known, but during December two eorn shows are to bo held and aome idea aa to the acreage will be gained. There will be exhibits of corn from all parta of Oregon, Maabfngtun and Idaho. In addition to tbo value ot the crop. the growera aro to receive prizoa in caab. farm Implementa, live atock and wurka on agriculture and horticulture, valued at over $25, (HK). J he datea of tbo abow at Colfax for the States of Washington and Idaho are December 2 and 8, and tbo show at Pendleton will be bela on tbo 6tn and 6th days of December. Every grower of eorn who makes an exhibit either at Colfax or Pendle ton will bo in lino for a prize, and be will farther emphasiro tbo fact that eorn can bo grown in in& racinc Northwest. Ita production meana much to every land owner in the atatea named. VAST DIFFERENCE BETWEEN METHODS There ia a difference between tbo initiative and the referendum a vast difference. Yet it is not clear to many people, who appear to think that tbe function of these two distinct devioea of legislative reform ia identical. The initiative is an Instrumentality of popular government tbrougn which the people propose and enact laws or adopt constitutional amendments with out regard for any Legislature or any other representative or delegated body. The referendum ia a plebiscite by wbich the people as a whole approve or reject any measure pieviouaiy adopted by the Legislature, or re f cr ied to them directly by the Legislature. All measures under tbe initiative are a demonstration oi me original law-makine function. All measures under the reierendum are a demonstra tion of the law-approving or law- rejecting function. If any citizen disapproves of a par ticular measure submitted through the initiative or it be desires to record himself in disaoDroval of the use of the initiative machinery, be votes no. When he ia in doubt, he usually, votea no. If any citizen disapproves ot the usee of the referendum on any particu lar measure be votes yea. If he ap proves the measure aubmitted through the referendum ho votea yea. All the bills to be aubmitted to the people on November 4 are under the referendum. When in doubt vote YES. CENTRAL OREGON LINE The Owl for Busy People DAILY TRAIS EACH WAY BETWEEN CENTRAL OREGON POINTS AND PORTLAND. TOURIST SLEEPING CAR (BERTHS $1.00). FIRST CLASS COACHES. SA VEADAY EACH WA Y FROM CENTRAL OREGON Leave Bend 830 PM " Vesch utes 848 PM " Redmond ......... 9 10 PSI " Terrebonne 9 24 PM " Culver. 10 02 PM " Metollus 10 20 PM " Mad 10 30 PM Arrives Portland 810 AM TO CENTRAL OREGON teave Portland 7 00 PM Arrive Mad ran 8 00 AM " Metollus Oli AM " Culver 28 AM "s, Terrebonne 7 08 AM " Redmond 723AM " Deschutes 743AM " Bead Jt 00 AM Prompt tie patch of freight, fletweoo Central Oregon and Portland and Portland and Eastern cltle. Connection made In Portland to and from Willamette Valley, Aatorlm and Clatsop Beacb point, Paget Sound, Spokane, Montana, Colorado, St. Paul, Omaha, Kansas City and Chicago. Fares, time schedules, and other Information by letter, or upon ap plication to R. II. CROZIER, A.Q.P. A.; W. C. WILKES, A. G. F. A P. A., Portland, Oregon. J. II. CORBETT, Agt., Bend, Oregon. CAUGHT A BAD COLD "Last winter my son caught a very bad cold and the way be coughed wits something dreadlul," writes Mrs. Sarah E. Dunoan, of Tipton, Iowa. "We thought sure he was golutc into consumption. We bought just one bottle of Chambei Iain's Cough Item ed? aud that one bottle stopped hU cough and cured hi cold completely." Foi sale by all dealers. Excursions to California During the coming winter a aeries of excursions will be conducted by the Oregon-Washington Kailroad & Navigation Co. from British Columtia and the Inland Empire to California. Four excursions have already been announoed, the first starting from Seattle, with tbe British Columbia people, on January 6th. Following, tnelr excursions will start from Spokane on January 6ib, 18th and 19th. DIARRHOEA QUICKLY CDRKD "I was taken with diarrhoea uud Mr. Yerks, the merchant here, per suaded me to try a bottle ol Chamber Iain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. After taking one dose of It I was cured. It also cured others that I gave it to," writes M. E. (iebhart, Oriole, Pa. That ia not at all unusual. Ad ordinary attack ol diarrhoea Can almost invariably be cured by oue or two doses ol this remedy. For sale by all dealers. E r-. GOOD CARPENTER'S TOOLS are a specialty with us. Wc handle only the kinds which make good work possible. Whether you be: professional or amateur, it pays to uset only good tools. And ours are better than good. They are. I- the very best to be had. , T. E. BERNARD "EVERYTHING IN HARDWARE AND FARM IMPLEMENTS" LAKEVIEW, OREGON FOR THE TRAVELER h "companion bottle" is almost essential. Traveling is fatiguing work, and an occasional "nip" is often appreciated. But you want to carry the best- and purest of Liquors, the kind that does no injury to the system and lea ves no bud after effects. That is tbe kind we keep tbe best grade of liquors distilled. . Our wines are equally pure and superior in grade. KENTUCKY SALOON POST & KING, Proprietor Great Combination Offer The Examiner management has made arrange ments with the Portland EVENING TELEGRAM whereby we can give subscribers the advantage of a gigantic combination offer for a limited period. You can get a Metropolitan evening paper with all the latest news from all over the world and the news of Lake County in the EXAMINER at a re markobly low price. THE EVENING TELEGRAM is the best paper in the state, market reports unexcelled, Saturday edition contains a magazine and comic section in colors. The Portland Evening Telegram The Lake County Examiner - - $5.00 per yr. 2.00 per yr. Total - $7.00 per yr. Both papers through this office if paid in ad vance for 1 year on or before Dec. 31st, 1913