Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, October 16, 1913, Image 5

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    "We Sell The Real Earth"
Lakeview : Oregon
Good Values for the Land Seeker
140.00 per acre for a good Weat Bide lOO-acre ranch. Improved frith buildings and
orchard. ,
13000.00 Fora7-rooin house, a Ipt of fruit trooa and about one acre of choice
land close !n. Key terma.
12000.1)0 Take a 7-room bungalow almnat new, lot 100x150 feet, good location.
Eaujr Unix.
14000.00 Will buy one of the finest home In tbe city. 7-room modern bungalow
with I fine lot, a bargain, doa't mlsa It. Easy terms.
Vacant lot lor aale In different parti of tbe c!ly from 1123.00 op.
121.00 per acre for a 280-acre ranch fire mile from Lakeview, 70 acr In flrtt crop
inn '
this tear; splendid elope for Irrigation and within half-mile of O.V.L.
$10.00 pr acre for80acree Ave milt a Veet of leaker lew, Irrigation dlt.h croaavt
one end which glvee aome water right.
A Urge number of 10-aere tracta with five-acre water right, at right prices.
City Property
Xafee Count? Examiner
TlIURHDAY.OerOBKrt 18. 1913.
John Moffltt and E Pollett ware up
from New Tine Creak Saturday.
Chaa. F. ralmerlee of Vlatillaa waa
doing bualneia In town lait week.
Dr. T. V. Hall arrived the first of
the week from Hanta Crui on a abort
bualneia visit.
Mr. and Mra. M. Bsrry of Plush
hive been spending several daya In
Lakeview tbla week.
Mlia Dorothy Blsber departed yea
tcrday morning for San Francisco
where aha goea on a abort visit with
Adolphus Uuscb the EL Louli brew
er died laat Friday in Uarmany, leav
ing an estate worth' aavaral millions
of dollar!.
Prof. J. A. Richards ot Paisley
came down the first of the wear to be
in attendance at the annual Teacbera'a
Institute which cloeed laat evening.
F. u. Soreneon, who hss a home
stead on Camp Creek arout ten m ea
from Lakeview, waa transacting bull
neaa In the city the first of the week.
B. II. Crow and wife who have been
spending aeveral weeka camping In
big Valley Monday morning left on
(heir return borne at San Jacinto, Cat.
Manual Sanders last week delivered
at Lakeview 2000 head of lambs which
bo sold to Arthur & McKendree. They
were shipped to San Francisco the
first of this week.
J. S. Rose last week returned from
Klamath Falls where he went with a
drove of beef cattle belonging to J. C.
Mitchvll. The slock were from the
7T ranch in Warner.
D. J. Wllcoa. of the First National
Bank, and S. F. Moss last week went
to Paisley to attend a meeting of the
Moss Telephone Company, in wbiob
each were re-elected to offices for
the coming year.
A. V. Oliver and family this week
a-rlved from LaGrande, Or., to locate
in tbia valley, probably on the Cove
ranch on tbe West. Side of, the lake.
He la a brother of J. U. and C. E.
Oliver of thia place.
Cobb Henkle retarned Monday oven
ing from a few weeka visit in the atate
of Nevsda, viewing tbe towna of Reno,
Fallon, Carson City and other placea.
He says he had a very pleasant trip
and atayed until he got ready to come
A ben at the Agricultural College at
Corvailia now holds the world'a egg
laying record. The fowl laid a total
of 284 egga within a year, which la two
better than the former world'a record
and three better than the United
States' record.
Cnaa. Watklna baa erected a new
atore bouse on bia property at Goosa
Lake, savs the Alturaa Plalndealer.
The building baa a capacity for atoring
26,000 aacka of potatoea, besides other
products. Friday night with a -rand
ball the building waa chriatened, to
which everybody waa invited.
Klamath Falls Herald: Uncle Nate
Merrill appeared at the Herald office
thia afternoon with something in his
arms that looked like an oak stump
roots, and all. Examination proved
the object to be a mangel-wurtzel beet
. raised on Mr. Merriii'a ranch near
Merrill. The specimen weighs S3 -l
Dr. E. D. Everett went to Reno
Mondsy to attend the tenth annual
meeting of tbe Nevada State Medical
association. The program for the
aeveral days session began Tuesday in,
the Commercial Club rooms and will
be concluded with a big feed for the
visitors at Uncle Dan Wheeler's ranch
near that place. Dr. Everett will
return Saturday evening.
Htate Came Warden Flnley la
cautioning buntera to remember that
the new Weeka-McLean gam atatuta
provides a closed season on all nigra-
tory blrda that fly from one atate to
another between the hours of sunset
and aunrlse. Under the new law six
federal warden in tbla atate will ba
appointed by Mr. Flnley, to be select
ed from the present eorpa of deputy
Nome, Alaska, the moat northerly
elty in the world, built on the shifting
aanda on the ahore of Bering sea, was
half wracked last week from the
effects of a gale that piled tbe high
tide watera deep in tbe streets of the
elty. There were 600 buildings wreck
ed, but only one life lost. The town
of Solomon waa also devastated by tbe
storm and SOU inhabitants jrenderea
(Jood line of lad Ins wool dreaaes
jtiat in, Mercantile Co.
For Sale Ten head of milch eowa.
See J. C Oliver, West Side. A 28-tf
Harry Bailey and family Sunday
made a trip to Davia Creek in their
James II. Owena, a prominent stock
man of Bly, waa a business visitor in
Lakeview laat week.
O. E. Pratt last week Bold 16 bead
of choice beef ataera to George Swana
ton, the Sacramento buyer.
Wm. Harvey last week made a trip
to Merrill on bualneaa connected with
the aale of soma horses to Guy Merrill
of that place.
recently returned
be delivered 2400
were to be ship
G. L. Ilolbrook
from Band where
bead of lambs that
ped to Montana.
WOOD We are now prepared to
take ordera for . your Winter's wood
In anr quantities, at $0.00 per eord.
O'Neill A Donlap. Jr 10-tl
At a meeting of the towa council of
New Fine Creek held Tueaday evening
Marshal Henry Cook resigned and
(Jeorge Wendt waa appointed to tbe
The Alturaa New Era aaya Dave
Kice proprietor of the Apax saloon,
haa tranaferred bia license to J; P.
Mullln who will conduct the place
Mr. and Mra. P. W. Jonea returned
to Silver Lake laat week. Mra. Jonea
haa been here aeveral montba receiving
medical treatment . and ahe returns
home greatly Improved. '
The Antlera Club will hold a dance
and aoclal in their club rooms next
Saturday evening, at which all mem
oera and their laay mends are re
quested to be present.
The Cedarvllle Record says D. L.
Shirk brought . in about 600 bead of
cattle Ust week that be aold to Geo.
Swanaton, and they are now being fed
on tbe Patterson Cottonwood ranch.
Before securlog your Winter sup
plies sheepmen andatocktntn can save
money by purchaalng their beana,
cabbage, onions, potatoea and applet
of Sherrard Brothers. McCulley
Ranch. - Oct 9-t3
E. P. Bo8bysbell and daughter, of
Loe Angelee who have been apending
few daya on tbe J. F. Hanson ranch
on the Weat Bide, yesterday left on
their return home by way ot Klamath
Falls. Mr. Boayahell is an uncle of
F. and Stanley Hanson.
Mra. Fred Grob, who for the past
several weeka haa been vialting here
with her aon, W. F. Grob and familv,
last week returned to ber home at
Dorris, Cat. She returned rather
unexpectedly owing to the illness of
her daughter at that place.
Guy McKune waa down last week
from the Foster ranches at Summer
Lake, bringing a load of late Alberta
peachea that be soon disposed of to
local people at $1.00 per box. It waa
very choice fruit and Mr. McKune
reports a large crop tbia aeaaon.
L. F. Winaleraan, a former resident
of Lakeview and who at one time
conduoted the Oregon Hotel here, est
week arrived from Pasco, ' Washington
where be baa been the past aeveral
yeara. He looka aa though time had
dealt kindly with him and waa warmly
welcomed by many local frienda. He
i brother of C. L. Winkleman of
thia city.
Rev. George Feese, newly appointed
pastor of the local Methodist church.
with his family arrived last Friday
evening from Klamath Falls. His
first sermon here was delivered Sun
day morning and he waa greeted by a
large audience. Rev. Feese comes
to Lakeview with the best of recom
mendations, and we trust bis work will
prove both pleasant and successful In
his new field.
Curtia & Utley report that the deal
for the large Bowera ranch at Joseph
Creek. Modoe County, haa been prac
tically completed, both partiea being
satisfied and the deeds are now In
aacrow. The property which consists
of 1648 acres will be taken, by a Loa
Angeles party, involving a transaction
of (about 160,000. The ranch will Jbe
used for raiaing atock and ia consider
ed one of tbe best for the purpose in
Modoe County. " '
Deputy Game Warden MoKimmena
last week returned from Harney
County where ha has been the paat
few weeka on business connected with
his office. Saturday ha and bia wife
In company with S. G. Jawett, of tbe
Biologic Survey, and Harrv Telford
Reserve inaoector of the State who
have bIbo been In Harney, went to
Klamath Countyjwheretheyjwlll remain
for aeveral days.
New line of coat a for ladles and
nilsaes. Mercantile Cn
Chaa. D. Arthur laat week bought
800 lamba from John Davia of Davia
Darnell's band will give an all night
dance at New Pine Creek, Thuraday.
October 23.
George Conn arrived in Lakeview
Tueaday evening troro Oakland, having
returned on court business.
V. Conn of Paisley yesterday even
ing arrived in 'Lakeview enroute to
Portland on a businesa trip.
M. R. Hart, who reoently diapoaed
of his saloon Interests to Jack Burke.
will leave ahortly for Utah where he
expecta to locate.
Mra. J. F. Hanson nad daughter re
turned Saturday evening from Loa
Angelca where they have been the
past aeveral days.
George Stork mann, the local cigar
manufacturer, laat week made at trip
to Prinevllle on business connected
with aome land matters.
Prof, and Mra. J. V. D. ' Patch, who
have been visiting their son bare tbe
paat aeveral montba, Tueaday morning
departed on their return to St. Joeeph,
Until further notice. The Embroi
dery Shop will be situated iu tbe
building formerly occupied by Mra.
Neilon'a Millinery Store. Mra. II. B.
Alger. tf
Hugh K. Gilmour and wife Monday
came cown from Paislev and while
here Mr. Gilmour did aome good boost
ing for the fsir which la tt be held at
PaiBley October 21, 22 and 23.
The Wool Warehouse Association
his let a contract to I. A. Underwood
to have the building removed from ita
preaent aite to the railroad track, a
distance of about 100 yarda west.
Among those going from bere to
Paialey yesterday to attend the Demo
crat rally to be held at tbat place
tonight, were : 1 . B. Vernon, O. C.
Gibba, S. P. Moaa and wife. B. B.
Alger am S. L. Bailey.
The art collection which will be ex
hibited 1n tbe High School did not'
reach bere yesterday aa expected, but
it ia expected to arrive oo today 'a
freight train and will be likely ready
for Inspection tonight.
A. E. Florence ia havinar an addition
made to hia house on Dewey Street
and tbe building otherwise remodeled
throughout. The new improvementa
will greatly add to tbe appearance and
convenience of the home. , I
A. L. Porterfleld, dealer in second- j
band goods, last week bought tbe
F. tre nice lot of all tbe neweat dreat
and coat goods. Mercantile to.
John Fitxwater waa in town Tueaday
from hia ranch on tbe West Side.
Motor Cycle, In good condition, for
sale cbeap. See Curtia & Utlev. A7-tf
Miss Lera Duke who is teaching a
Summer Lake school waa bere tbe first
of i he week attending tbe institute.
Mrs. M. E. Russell, of Eugene ar
rived bere Monday on a visit with her
aon. Dr. J. Irving RusselL and wife.
J. C. Dodson arrived in Lakeview
last evening from Silver City, Mexico
where be baa been the past several
Wanted : Papila on all Brass Instru
ments Mandolin, Violin, Guitar,
I'lano and Harmony. Apply to Jaese
Dsrnell. 8 25 1m.
John Flynn Friday returned from
Bend where be delivered bia mutton
abeep that be recentlfy aold to J. H.
Green, of Billinga, Mont.
Some editorial . wit haa said that
every time yon aneeze you take tbe
name of tbe new president of China in
vaio. It ia Ynan Shi Kai.
Phillip Cahill, a repreaentative of
the Cudahy Packing Co., of Kansaa
City, Kas., apent a lew daya bere laat
week looking over tbe country.
On November 24 Klamath Falla will
vote on a bonding issue for S5u,000
which amount will be used to construct
a city ball in the event the issue ia a
Wm. W. Brown, the well known
horse raiser of Eastern Oregon arrived
bere tbia week from Wagontire .and
will remain until after tbe Fall term
of circuit court
If you have a cold and probably
have get a box ot Lax scold Tablets
and a bottle of Nyal'a Cherry Cough
Syrup at Snyder & Revnolda atore.
None better.
J. B. Auten, E. E. Woodcock, J. O.
Kubl and J. B. Brockleaby today went
to Warner where they will remain
until Sunday, enjoying duck abootlng
and Ashing. Tbey made tbe trip in
Mr. Aoten'a car.
For Sa'e Cheap Three buggies, one
rubber tire, with eet of harness; on
phaetoii almoet new, and one single
aeat boggy. Enquire Wm. Harvey,
Lakeview, Oregon.
J. D. Farra formerly of Faialey but
now of Anderson, Cel., Tueaday re
turned bere to appear on businesa
before the circuit court. He will re
turn to Anderson where he and his
tamily will epend tbe Winter.'
Henry Conn, brother of George
Conn, now ot Oakland; V. Conn of
Paisley; and Attorney L. F. Conn of
Lakeview Variety Store atock of gooda. i lhii cltVj tbii week arrjVuli here from
belonging to Mra. Louia Collins, form
erly Mrs. May Batchelder. Mr. and
Mra. Collins have taken op their resi
dence on their homestead on Muddy
The Silver City. N, M., Independent
containa the following Item: Six in
dictments wen returned against J. C.
Dodson, tbe alleged offenses being in
connection with tbe business of the
Highland Cattle Company, of which
Dodson waa formerly manager. By
agreement of counsel all of these cases
were continued nntil the next term
and aet for trial on the aecond Tuea
day of said term.
Oswald C. Hansel, of Aatorla who
waswbo found guilty ot murdering
Judge Taylor recently at that
place, was aentenced to hang at
the slate penitentiary at Salem on
Friday, November 14, and now hia
hia borne at Roaeburg and will spend
a few daya bere visiting with relatives.
U, S. Mail Auto Stage Leavee
Lakeview for Paialey every day ex
cept Sunday, at 7 a. m. PaMuengi rs
pleaae book at Joe Fuller'a atage
office. Fares, one way $5 00; round
trip, $8.00. Southatone Broa. J12-tf
W. H. Lvtle, atate veterinarian, of
Salem and H. E. Pinkerton head of
the Federal Stock Inspection service
of thia district with headquartera at
Walla Walla, Wash , arrived bere this
week and will spend a few daya in
this arction on business connected with
their offices.
Tbe ladies of the Presbyterian Aid
last Tuesday sacked about 500 bushels
of potatoea on the O'Neill & Dunlap
ranch a tew miles west of town, re
ceiving for the labors about S25.00.
onlv alternative depends upon the'""'"4 " V.
clemency of Governor West. The ' -u" ""ul --"
crop thia year,
An urgent efficiency bill, carrying
provisions abolishing the oommerce
rnnrt on TWemher Slat, removing
According to the Silver Lake Leader j deputy colleo,or, and depaty field
doomed man swooned when sentence
waa pronounced and be had to be car
ried from tbe court room.
a move ia on loot lor tbe establish
ment ot a creamery at tbat place. A
meeting waa recently held and a com
mittee appointed to ascertain the num
ber of cows that can be relied upon to
aupport a creamery. The citixena are
marshala from the civil service, haa
passed the senate. Aside from abol
ishing the commerce court the house
also passed legislation removing the
preaent court judges from their jobs.
i The senate provision retaina these
confronted with a propoaltlon from an i ,nAa,. .,.,, thmlr riutle. ... termlnet-
expenenced dairyman tbat if they will; cd b elthef rignatior)t daalh or
guarantee 100 eowa, to furnish milk
eight months In tbe year, be will give
them a creamery and cheese factory.
Rev. H. Smith, one of the moat
Among the prominent educators here
thia week to attend the inatltute waa
Dr. . Clifton Freemont Hodge of the
highly respected citixena of Lake , University of Oregon. Tbe Doctor ia
County, haa been seriously 111 for the I an eminent biologist and hia services
paat aeveral weeks, pot at preaent hia ar0 tbia year at the dispossl of towna
condition ia reported aa being aome- an(j villages of tbe atate. He tells the
what improved. Mr. Smith ia well children and grownupa the aecreta
along in yeara, and aa a consequence 0f (he toad, the birds, tbe mosquito,
hia illneaa baa bad a telling effect upon the house flv and of aome of tbe un
til m. However, if well-wishes will tamed animal creatures tbst are fam
assist in bia recovery be should be out iliar afghta on Oregon f arma and fields.
on the atreeta again In few daya. for " t wn,n5 ?J"
. . ... ,., illustrated lecture here on tbe evils of
everyone that heara of hie Illness ex- ;be hou, fly, Dr. Hodge ia really the
presses the wish that be will aoon be promulgator of the "swat tbe fly"
well again. I movement in thia atate.
Wm. F. Paine & Co,
32-in. Coat, made of a good grade
mode duck, sheepskiri-lined, knit wristlet,
price, $5.00
32-in. Coat, made of drab mole
skin, lined with bark tanned sheepskin;
good, big storm collar, knit wristlet,
price, $7.50
32-in. Coat, made of olive brown
Fustian Cloth, sheepskin-lined to the
edge; best Beaverette collar, knit wristlet,
price, $8.00
New Coats
We have just received a big shipment
of Ladies' La Vogue Coats', Ladies'
Dresses and Children's Coats. They
are all up-to-date and good, heavy ma
terials. You. will have to see them to
appreciate the values.
Brocade Velvets and Vel
veteens. Bulgarian Silks for Trim
mings. a
) A big line of heavy Suit
ings and Cloakings 58 and
60 inches wide.
Nice line of Ratine to cho
ose from at 60c and $ 1 .25.
These are all up-to-date
J9J3 goods and we be
lieve we can please you.
Watch Our Windows for
New Goods
Lakeview Mercantile Co.