(ri.-i1;: '- v ; -4' aaaaaaaaaa"J . I With tb to y .iLL&aM If three of the leading makes of Artistic Player Pianos are guaranteed for one year each, what do yon conclude is OUR OPINION of the Behning Play er Action when we guarantee it for Ten Years? SHEPHERD & SONS Ashland Klamath Falls Send This Coupon Today It will bring you information as to how YOU and your entire family can visit the San Francisco Exposition in 1915 on the dollar-a-week plan. Not only that, but everything will be of the best, everything reserved and it will cost you less than if you pay when you go. CURTIS & UTLEY, LAKE VIEW, OREGON Agents for SAN FRANCISCO EXPOSITION TOUR CO. You may send me free literature about the San Francisco Exposition Tours. Name , Address THE PALACE BAR O'CONNOR & DUGGAN - - PROPRIETORS A Gentlemen's Popular :: Resort :: PHONE 32 CHOICE BRAND WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS Fall and Winter Woolens Now that we've got our wondefrul line of Woolens ready for Autumn and Winter .wear, we hope you are not going to let them go by you without getting some of the benefit. You could'nt possibly want better values and styles than the kind we give. Come in and give our display of Woolens an X-Ray examination. Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing. LAKE VIEW TAILORING CO., Next to Stage Office HB 'rqrw THAT FATHCR FOR SALE Six hundred Lincoln Buck Lambs, first of Sep tember delivery. For particulars in quire Pyramid Laud & Stock Co., Reno, Nevada THi ODDEST JM-TABLIKHrD CCA LTV KIHM.1N BOtllflJiENlOKtGON ONE TO 12,000 ACRES OF LAKE COUNTY BEST LANDS For sale either for stock or agrl cult ural puriosea. J. W. MAXWELL & SON LAKKVIKW, OHKOOM .1 F eaa't forget BELIEF IS FA THER'S WISDOM iscommon among boys. They live in hopes of being like father. A nil if the sons as they grow up, learn to welcome a drop of pure liquor now ami again it will not hurt them. The longest lived people ha ve been careful drinkers af pure stimulants We handle nothing but the purest and most whole, some of Liquors, but we charge only reasonable prices for them, KENTUCKY SALOON POST & KING, Proprietor c1iiii4iijjMii!ui:Uhiii;,li.:.j.tjiliij::iiiiaui' 1 TheBeaulu 8 of Your Fiiwre j im) b Real izecb 1 3)orccy (aslom (ocsd B hade rxpREssnf f on, yoif , Si H A New Cum FmuU Tim, U lh EUfcUy Cumiim: U a Su, Should Hum m B.V. Wuhia Yo of PuduM IW Send for thia beautiful Fliioo Booklet ahowing l).e Uucat atyica in ruu, vjowiu) And loiarta OARCLEV CORSET CO. MbWAHK N. X M f! aaffl:wiuiiiM!iifl'a!ai!Biiii!iiiiiEraai Mm J. Chan. Smith, Main ritreet, Lakevlew, Oregon, will le pleaded to cull upuu you and take yoar measure ments (or the Barcley Custom Made Coreet la the privacy of your borne. imllllllllMIIIIII'MlllllllS 'wS BC9T lUUIIIIIiilllllllillllli FIVE MEASURES TO DEVOTED ON Voters Will Soon Receive Official Pamphlet for November Election. Five referred measures two Oregon University appropriation bills, the sterilisation act. the County Attorney bill, the workmen's compensation act will appear In the publicity pamphlet to be issued by Secretary of State Oleott for the special referendum election to be held November 4, under the Day bill. Already a few copies of the pamphlet have been printed, and next month the full quota will be ready for oistribution among the voters. Under the terms of the bill providing Tor the special election the Secretary ot State shall ml later wsn 30 days before the dste of the special election cause the pamphlets t be orinted. and within 10 dsys therestter shsll msil a copy to each registered voter. The workmen's compensation act is included In the psmphlet for the reason that the Supreme Court prob ably will not reach the matter before the pamphlet Is issued. In the Cir cuit Court Sslera Judge Galloway sev eral weeks ago dismissed suit to restrsin the Secretary of State from issuing the pamphlet, and an appeal to the Supreme Court from this decis ion is now being perfected. The Day bill provides tbst argu ments lor and agslnst a measure re ferred at the election must be filed of the referendum petition. Proceeding under the general statute on the sub ject, none, ssve those objecting to a reference of the university measures, uresented their arguments until after the expiration of the 12 days with the result that the Secretary of State re fused to accept them. One of the Oregon University bills makes an appropriation of 1100.000 for tne construction of a modern fire proof administration building, and the other appropriates $75,000 for re pairs and additions to buidlings of the institution. Argument against a ref erence of the two bills are presented in the pamphlet by the board of re gents of the school. Governor West, the Alumni Association and the Peo ple's Higher Education Lesgue. It also contains resolutions adopted by the Stste Grange againBt the consolida tion ot the university with the Agri cultural College, and resolutions adopted by the Willsmettte Valley division of the State Press Association condemning the attempt to refer the bills. Petitions asking for their refer ence were tiled by H. J. Parkinson, secretary of the Oregon Higher Ed ucational Institutions Betterment Lesgue. Parkison was the leader of the movement which two years ago t rought about a reference of bills ap propriating money for the university. The petitions requesting that the sterilization act be referred were filed by Mrs. Lora C. Little, vice-president of the Anti-Sterilization Leagae. of Portland, and the county attorney act petitions were led by J. E. Craib, of Portland. Wilfred E. Farrell, of Port land, Bled the petitions invoking the referendum on the workmen's com pensation act. The ch'ef argument urged against the county attorney bill is that it allows the Governor to appoint the eounty attorneys' beyond the next elec tion. It providing that those appointed shall bold until 1916. Those opposing the sterilization act declare that it is not a bumane measure that society cannot be reformed by the "butcher knife" and that it will increase instead of diminish crime. The main argu ment advanced in favor of a reference of the two appropriation bills for the university is tbst it ought to be consolidated with the Agricultural College and no further buildings ought to be erected until the oeople can vote on the question of consolidating the two at the next general election. Consolidation, say those opposing the reference of the bill, would not serve the best interests of the two schools of learning, nor the people at large, and is not feasible. Horsy "Why is a horse that can't bold Its head up like next Wednesday?" "Don't know." "Why, because it's neck's weak." "Oh, I heard that )oke about a week back." Sacred Heart Review. COSTLY TREATMENT. "I was troubled wltu constipation and indigestion and spent hundreds of dollars for medicine and treat ment," writes C. H. Hlnos, of Whit low, Ark. "I went to a Ht. Louie hoHpltal, also to a hospital la New Orleans, but no cure was effected. On returning home I began taking Chamberlain's Tablets, and worked right along. I used them for Home time and am now all right." Sold by all dealers. Notice Notice Is hereby given tht 1 will not be renponsible f r any debts con tracted Id ray oarue without a written order from roe. It. II. BOYD8TUN TOJEOF LOGS Plant Drawn For Novel Structure at San Fran cisco Exposition. Oregon is to have a log building to Douse lis exnirus at ids i anaina rue-, itic Exposition. The d.sign for the buiMing has been selectel by the OiciAin Commissioners fur the Oregon building which will be part of the Fair at San Francisco in 1915. Tents tive clans pn pared by the architects show a huge log building of novel de sign, the building being so constructed in accordance with the wishes of the Commission and In keeping wiih a pronuui.ced pupular demaid Inas much as the exposition ittelt will nut give space to a seperate forestry dis play, it is believed thst Oregon can attract much attention in to is novel and striking manner to one of its chief industries. This log house will be characteristic and a truly magnificent structure su'h as rould be obtsined with no other native material. D01NC1 THEIR DUTY Scores of Laaevlew Headers are Learning the Duty ol the Kidneys. To rlhei the blood la the kidneys' duty. When they fall to do this the Kid neys are weak. Backache and other kidney ills may follow. Help the kidneys do their work. Use Doan's Kidney Pl!ls the test ed kiduey remedy. Proof of their worth In the follow ing: Frank Turugste, C St., Jackson ville, Oregon, say a: "I have used Doan's Kidney Pills and they have beeo used by another ol my family. I can any they are a Hue remedy. Doan's Kidney Pills did mo a great deal of good, when I was suffering from kidney weaknens. The. deserve public endorsetiu lit." When your back Is Lamt Remem ber the name " Don't .Imply ak for a kidney remedy ask distinctly for Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mr. Turugate had fiOc all atoren. Foster-Mllburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. SIOOO Dollars Reward We, W. F. Detert and W. I). Duke. own all the cattle branded 70 or XL and formerly owned by Cox & Clark and the Heryford Land & Cattle Company. These cattle are now on the ranges ot Modoc and Lassen Counties. For Information leading to the arrest and conviction of any party or parties Illegally branding, killing, driving off or dis posing of any of the above cattle we will pay ONE THOUSAND DOL LARS and the costs of arrest and prosecution. Send all Information to E. II. Day, Alturas, Modoc county Cel., or to us at Latrole, Kl Dorado County, Cal. If guilty party might es cape, promptly notify the Sheriff ol the county In which the Illegal act wan committed and advise us by wire at our expense. W. K. DETEKT, W. D. DUKE. No Way Is Easy Some weeks ago considerable public ity was given a case of accidental poisoning from bichloride of mercury tablets. The case was ao "featured" as to lead the public to infer that corrosive sublimate poisoning was not only a sure but alao a painless route to ths other world. Since this acci dent, the papers have chronicled, almost daily, cases of suicide in which bichloride of mercury wss the drug used. There is no doubt that many unstable persons who, in fits of de pression contemplate suicide, are re strained from taking the fatal step by the dread of the unknown agony they may suffer in committing it. To such, the knowledge of a sure and painless method ot death removes the only restraining influence left. It Is fit ting, then, says The Journal of the American Medical Association, that the pudio ahould know that there are few modes of suicide more painful and in which the agony is longer drawn out then that due to the taking of bichloride of mercury. If this fact were given the same publicity that was acoorded the case of accidental poisoning, there is little doubt that the corrosive sublimate method of self destruction would cease to be the fatal fad it baa recently became. nOW THE TROUBLE STARTS CouHtlpation 1 the cauae of many allmeuts and disorders that make life miserable. Take Chamberlain's Tablets, keep your bowels regular and you will avoid theHS diseases. For sale b all dealers. TRESPASS NOTICE No bantiug or treHptsiiliiK will bo allowed ou the premlites oi the under signed. Any person or persons doing so will be proHecuUd. THE LAKE VIEW RANCH, L. L. Hopkins, Bee, aud Treaa. COURT PROCEEDINGS Contlouod from page two Sealer of Weight! and Measures," la mandatory upon County Courts of the seversl counties of the Stsle to ap point such County Otllcer: The mem bers of this Court deplore the fsct that this law Is msndstory, for the resson that In the smaller counties of the State there Is no necessity for suoh an Officer, and the only excuse there can nosslbly te for creating such an Olfice. especially In the smaller counties. Is the addition of one more public official to the already over burdened pay-roll ot each county. The tsxpsyers of Lake County are foriunste, however in the fact that our County School Superintendent, Mr. C. E. Oliver, has consented to acrept the appointment of County Sealer ot Weights and Measures and to perform thedu'irsof such office without any expense to the County. It is there tore, hereby ordered that U, E. Oliver te and he is hereby ap pointed County Sealer or Weights and Measures to servo without pay. The report of P. W. Pavne, County Clerk of Lake County, Oregon show ing thst during the months of July and August, 1913 bounty had been paid through bis ssld office on 48 coyotes, and 18 bob-cats, amounting to 1 108 00. Coming on for consideration on this date, and the Court, atter counting the required number of scalps and front feet, finding the report to be correct approved the same and destroy ed the said scalps and feet, as by law provided. In the mstter of the law regulating the hours of employment on public works. It Is hereby ordered thst the County Clerk be and he Is hereby authorized and directed to mail one copy of the rosd laws to esrh Road Supervisor of Lske County, and to write to each of ssld Supervisors a letter calling his atten tion to that part of faid Koad Laws regulating the hours of employment on County Roads and of the ne.-easity of each of the said road aupervisors com- TO TEMPT And nourish the system our Meats cannot be excel led. Our Meats are procured from packers who have a reputation for furnishing prime Meats. The tenderness, freshness and delicious flavor of each piece purchased here, is hound to prove highly satis factory. Goose Lake Valley Meat Company R. E. WINCHESTER, Proprietor WHEN BUYING HARDWARE cultivate the habit of economy, but not stinginess. You know that below a certain price it is impossible to manufacture Good Hardware of any kind. When you're offered an article for less than we ask it is inferior. We don't handle poor stulf, yet our prices will bear comparison with any other house, T. E. BERNARD "EVEUYTlllSO IS HARDWARE ASH FARM IMPLEMENTS" LAKEVIEW, OREGON with Ha nrovlilons. In the matter of Agricultural and Farm Demonstration work for Lske County. It Is the Intention of the County Court to levy a tax, when other taxes are levied for 1014. nereassry to comply with Chapter 235 of the Gener al Laws of Oregon, Session 1913. pro viding for the looatlon maintenance and management of Demonstration Farms. C urt sdlmirned until 0 n'cloek a. m. Sept. fl, 1913. County Judge. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Lake County. Saturday, September 8, 1913. Court convened pursuant to adjourn ment of Sept. 5. 1913, ssmo olllcors piesent, when the following proceed ings were had to-wit. In ihe malt, r of claims against Lske County, Oregon. The following clalma were examined allowed and ordered paid nut of the General Fund as by law provide I, to-wit. Chss. Umbsch, justice fee In cere of Slate vs. Lsmb and Parker 3 66 W. P. Dykemsn witness In Jus tice Court State vs. Lsmb and Parker 1 CO M. Whorton same 1 60 T. B. Wakefield attendsnce at County Court and mileage. ... 33 00- F. E. Anderson same V4 00 To be paid out of the General Koad Fund : Woodcock & Leonard for repair of road tools, etc C6 95- KKMARKAULE CUKE OP DYHKNTKRY "I wsa attacked with dysentery about July 15th, and uwd the doc tor's medicine and other remedies wnh no relief, only letting worse all the time. I was unable to do au.Vtliing aod my weight dropped, from 14 to 123 pounds. I suffered fornliout two mouths when 1 was mlvl-tMl to uce i hainlHirlHln's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. 1 lined two txltlH4 of it and It K"v " lermiinent relief." writes li. W 1 1 111 of Snow 1 1 tit. N. C. Poraale by alt duRlers. THE APPETITE The Meat Question is easily answered If you buy it here. For we sell the pilwest grades only and experienced women will tell you that the cheapest cuts from such meats are far choicer than the most expensive from Inferior stock. Lakeview Meat Market HAYES A GROD. prof3