Reading About Meat ant would tblnk they are onfy , within the rftu'h of th very rich, Hut m visit to thin market will refute any aueh argument. For our priced will be found reasonable and our mea t at the choleeet grade. Kven the culled cheap cut are finer than the bent of thoae from lower grade utock. Lakeview Meat Market HAYES t OftOB. MOFfl THE PALACE BAR O'CONNOR & DUOQAN - - PROPRIETORS A Popular Gentlemen's Resort PHONG 32 CHOICE BRAND WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS - Through Night Train Dally EACH WAY BETWEEN CENTRAL OREGON AND PORTLAND SIMffBW mmm. CENTnAL OREGON LIME . TOURIST SLEEPING CARS AND First Class Coaches To Oontrml Oregon Point Iave Port I h nd 7:ti0 I'M A rrlve Madras 0:00 Ait AMollus (1:15 AM " Culver tl: MAM " Terrebonne 7:0.1AM " Redmond ...,7:33 AM " Ih-scbutea 7:1-1 AM " Itend 8:00 AM From Control Orogon Point Lcn ve lieud " lteschutea.... " Itedmoud...., " Terrebonne., " Culver , ' ' Metollous ... " Madraa Arrive Portland ..... .. S.-.W I'M ,. S:4S I'M . U: 10 I'M .. 9:i4 I'M .10:02 I'M ,.10.20 I'M .10::i0 I'M ,. n :10AM I'onuectlons are made In Portland to and from Willamette 'iilley, Puget Sound polnta, Spokane, Montana, Colorado and Eastern points. Fares and ached ulea and details will be furnished on apidlcntlon or by letter. R. H. CROZIER, Aaat. Can't Pat a. Agent Portland, Or: J. H. CORBETT, Agont Bond, Oro. W. C. Wllkoa, Aaat. Gon. Frt. &. Paaa. Agont, Portland, Oro. TO GET BEEF- OR. PORK of ordinary quality is easy enough. But we do better than that. The flesh of no animal that has passed its third year is admitted within our store. The finest cuts of beef come from the young steer. Juici ness, tenderness and tastefulness are combined. There's, little bone or waste. The meat is well "marbled," fat and lean being in layers of right proportion. . . Goose Lake Valley Meat Company R. E. WINCHESTER, Proprietor P.OLK'S- OKEGON and WASHINGTON Business Directory A Diruutnry of each Olty, Town end Vllluge. giving dmcrlptlva akstcb of eucli placet, location, population, tela trnrili. ahlppln and banking- point I ali Cliualllnd Directory, compiled by miulncij and proroaalon. It. t. i'OI-K CO., BKATTTB THi OLDEST KBTABL1HHKD RKALTY riKM IN BOUTHKKN OKKUON ONE TO 12,000 ACRES OF LAKE COUNTY BEST LANDS For sale either for atock or agri cultural purp oaea . J. W. MAXWELL & SON LAHKVIMW, OH MO ON TowersFishBrand PommelSlicker Keeps both rider And saddle perfectly dry. Hade for rough we ar and long service in the wettest '(weather.. Satisfaction guaranteed 1 OFEXCEUXNCE $5.50 tVERYWHUUS j&, Towe CuuDUwIn laaurt. Sll E SUBSCRIBE FOR THE EXAMINER. i TEXTBOOK LIST FORTIUS YEAR Old School Books and Cash Can Bs Traded For New Ones. One In (Is ytsrs, sometimes often cr, the Oregon Text Book Commission eompsls tbe pirente of 'children to pay for m tomplet cbsnge' of book. Toe book publishers are also compelled to take old books In part exchange for new onea. Following le tbe Hat of old booka d If placed, the new onee ordered and the amount of eath required in eaob case. The liat will fbe raluable to aobool patron and aboold be pre served for uae when school operjs. Cyr Fourth Header and 20 cents for Waeeler Fourth Reader. Cyr Fourth Resder and 25 cents for Wheeler Fifth Reader. Cyr Fifth Reader and 30 centa for Elson Tblrd Reader. Cry Fifth Reader and 80 cents for Elson Fourth Reader. Reed Word Lessons and 12 cents for Hicks Champion Speller. Buehler Modern English Lessons and 18 cents for Kimball Elem. Uoglisb, Book 1. Buehler Modern English Grammar and 28 cents for Kimball Elem. Eng lish, Book 2. Smith Primary Arithmetic and 21 centa for Kigler Arithmetic Step by Step. Sirith Practical Arithmetic and 30 cente for Watson & White Complete Arithmetic. Natural In trod. Geography and 60 cents for Tarr '& McMurrsy World Geography. Natural School Geography and 60 cents for Tarr & McMurrsy World Geography. Krohn First Book Hygiene and 23 cents for Ritchie Primer of Ssnitation. Thomas Elem. History U. S. and 36 cenie for Bourne & Benton Introd. American History. Doub, U. S. History and 50 cents for Mace School History U. S. New Outlook Writing Booka 1-2-8 and 15 centa for Palmer Writing Les sons Prim. Gradea. New Outlook Writing Books 4 to 7 and 20 centa for Palmer Method Busi ness Writing. Powers & L. Bookkeeping, Part 1, Text, and 30 eenta for Bexwell & Nich ols Bookkeeping. . Prang Drawing Books, psper, 1-2-8, and 9 cents for Applied Arts Drswlng, 41 to 43. Prsng Drawing Books, paper, 4 to 8, and 12 cents for Applied Arte Draw ing.' 44 to 48. Prang Drawing Books, cloth, 1 acd 2, and 9 cente Applied Arte Drawing, 41 and 42. Prang Drawing Books, cloth, 3 and 9 cents for Applied Arts Drswlng, 43. Wells Algebrs Second. Schools and 60 cents for Wells & Hsrt New High School Algebra. Wentworth P. & S. Geometry and 78 rents for Wentworth & S. P. & i. Geometry. Powers & L. Office Methods, part 1, text, and 48 cents for Lyons Book keeping, part 1. text. Powers & L. Office Methods, part 1, text, and 80 centa for Lyons Book keeping Complete, text. Powers & L. Office Methods, parta 1 and 2, text, and 60 centa for Lyons Bookkeeping Complete text. " Myers General or Ancient History and 90 centa for Myers Med. and Mod. History. Chsnnlng U. S. History and 70 cents forJsmos & Ssnford American His tory. Herriok & D. Com p. and Rhetoric and 34 tents for Brooks English Comp. book 1. Herrick & D. Comp. and Rhetoric and 45 centa for Brooke English Comp. book 2. Buehle Modern English Grsmmsr and 23 cents for Kimbrall English Grammar. Newcomer English Literature and 81 cents for Long English Litersture. Newcomer American Literature and 60 centa for Abernethy American Lit erature. Strong & S. Civil Government and 65 centa for Forman American Kepub lie. Bergen Elementa nf Botany and 57 cents for Hunter Easen. of Biology. Hutchison Phys. and Hygiene and 57 cents for Hunter Essen, of Biology. Bergen Elements of Botany and 78 cents for Bergen & C. Practical Bot any. Tarr New Physical Geography and 68 centa for Hopkins Physical Geog raphy. Mlllikan & G. First Course Phys. and 75 cents for Mlllikan AG. First Course Phys. Rev. Hutcblson Phys. and Hygiene and 66 eenta for Conn & B. Advs., Pbys. and Hvg. Hubs German Reader and 50 oenta for Spanhoofd Eiementsrbuch. Joynes M, Gemarn Grammar and 64 cents for Manley Ein Sommer in Deutschland. Halo First Latin Book and 41 centa for Pearaon Essen, of Latin. Hale & Buck Latin Grammar and 48 FEDERAL LAW FOR GAME REGULATION Nsw Regulation Would Bs corns Effective October First This Year. Much toes been ssld regsrdlng the new national law to protect birds, but tbe most detsllei description Is given below which 'ecentiy appeared in the Portland Journal. On and after Uctooer 1 a federal law for the protection of migratory blrfsj such as wild dueka, geese, pigeons, brsnt and snipe, goes Into effect, ana supersedes all state regulations gov erning open and closed hunting seasons wherever stabs codes conflict, with tbe government's ststote."lTtoe federsl code likewise extends 'protection to e number of snorelbirds, fart' some esses declares a five year closed season. The new law will terminate all spring shooting of mlgrstory birds throughout CBe United States, and In Oregon will make tbe banting season extend from October 1 to January 16, provided tbe recommendations of State Game Warden Finley are followed. Otherwise tbe hunting season for this stste will bo from September 16 to December 16, as tentative regulations just issurd by tbe government provide. Congress enacted the measnra last spring, and it was approved by Presi dent Tsft March 4, It was enacted as a result of agitation of tbe National Associstion of Audubon Societies of America and tbe American Game Pro tection and Propagation associstion. Because the bunting regulations of vsrious states were so arranged that migratory birds were afforded little or no protection on their northward ana southward fights, tbe two orgsnisa tions orged tbe ensctment ol,a uni form lew on tbe ground thst it was the only way to prevent tbe birds' ex tinction. This was followed by the ensctment of 'be Weeks-McLesn bill, which provided, among other things, tbst the department of agriculture be authorized to draw up auitable reg ulations for tbe birds' protection. The department turned tbe work over to tbe bureau of biologicsl survey which hss arranged tentative regula tions subject to revision before being put up to President Wilson for bis p provsl October 1. Immediately after the president baa approved them they will become effective. The regulationa as now arranged divide tne country into two tones. Zone 1. known as the breeding tone, comprises all states lying wholly or in part north of 40 degrees latitude. The wintering rone, or tone 2, includes all states south of the line. In tone 1, the open season on water fowl Is fixed between September 1 and December 16, except in Oregon and New York, where tbe season extends from September 16 to December 16. In tbis connection State Game Wsr- den Finlev bss recommended the open season be changed to negin Ootober 1 and close January 16. He talked the matter over with Henry W. Hensbaw, chief of the bureau of biological sur vey when Mr. Henshaw was in Port land recently, and received assurances that every effort would be made to have tbe datea changed to coincide with Mr. Finlev's suggestion. "I believe the federal law is a long step toward preserving our game birds," ssid Mr. Finley. "It will bring about a uniformity in regulating hunting aeasona, and will give the birds a chance to multiply. I am a member of tbe advisory committee ap pointed to assist the executive com mittee of the bureau to compile tbe regulations, and am in complete accord with its actions. "In Oregon several changes in the open season will obtain when the reg ulations go in force. Tbe lust legisla ture enacted measures making different open seasons for Oregon. Under the state code, tbe open season extends from September 15 to Decemter 31, in Multnomsh, Clstsop, 'Columbia, Til lamook, and Cooa county. The open season tor other Willamette valley counties extends from November 1 to February 15, while in Lake, Harney. Malheur and Grant counties ducks, geese, etc., can be bunted rom Sep tember 15 to March 15. "Under tbe federal law the season will open acd close in all sections at the same time, after it goes into effect Octoter 1. Until then, the state reg ulations will hold. "I intend to have a bill introduced at the next legislature, changing the open seasons to conform with the fed eral regulations in regard to migratory birds, and this will remove all elementa of conflict. "As the federal coda provldea a daily closed season from sunset to suinise, It will nullity our present law which allows duck and geese hunting half an hour before sunrise and half an hour alter sunset. THE MAN BUYING TOOLS cents for Bennett Latin Grammar. Allen & U. Cicero'a Orationa and 75 cents for Qunnlson and H. Cicero's Orations, " Greenough & E. Virgil's Aeneid and 70 eenta for Falrclough & B. Virgil's Aeneid. is often induced to purchase what he doesn't need. That is not our way. We hare the high price pat- ' cnted articles if you require them. - But we do not coax you to buy them. We sell you what we be lieve will prove most serviceable and satisfactory. You will come again then. T. E. BERNARD 'E VER YTIIISO IS HARDWARE AND F'ARM IMPLEMENTS" LAKEVIEW, OREGON HOTEL LAKEVIEW ERECTED IN 1900 MODERN THROUQriOlT FIRST-CAL55 ACCOfinODATlONS SAJ1PLE ROOfl I 4 Q rOT WW! 11 ICKWIALttn ; COURTEOUS TREATMENT LIGHT & HARROW, Proprietors F. P. UQHT GEO. HARROW 1 I III I I I II I f a I JmA. -T.A. . . 'M LAKE COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY Incorporared. A Complete Record We have made an entire transcript of all Records In Lake County which In any way, affect Real Property in the county. We have a complete Record of every Mortgage and transfer ever made in Lake County, and ever Deed given. Errors Found in Titles In transcribing the records we have found numerous mort gages recorded in the Deed record and indexed; and many deeds are recorded la the Mortgage record and other booka. Hundreds of mortgages and deeds are sot indexed at all. and most difficult to trace op from the records. We have notations of all these Errors. Others annot flod them. We have pat Hundreds of dollars bunting np these errors, and we can folly guarantee our work. J. D. VENATOR, flanager. . THE TRAINED ATHLETE who baa to taste ' little liquor now and again. Insists on bavin! tbe best quality. He geta in when be buys from us, for we keep only the jturest and most wholesome liquors ever distilled. Brandy. Whiskey Giu. Rum and Wines of all kinds are here in great variety and at moderate prices. We ask a Srst trial of these goods, know ing that it will result In your be coming a permanent customer. KENTUCKY SALOON POST A KINO, Proprietor WALLACE & SON ( Wm. Wallaco, Coroner for Lakm County) UNDERTAKERS PROMPT ATTENTION AJD SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Parlors, next door to Telephone Office WATSON BUILDING Lakeview Ice, Transfer and Storage Co Telephone No. 161 J. P. DUCKWORTH, Manager Suss to Meet All Trains. Transfer and Dray age. Storage by day, Week or Month "OUR CUSTOMERS ARE OUIt ADVERTISERS' ODaiwrFael tralad U bwTTutlliilloM of A-.rt 4 Jt.roiiT W. k .WvoU o Mrs their wb wmr- lJormltnrj (,, txl- OkrfrttM la fi.iMc, aieellaatranoandtnaa. W ""' fuad of quarter mUlloa dollar. WR11B U. M. UUMiKS, VreakJ.ut. Albany CaU Albany. Orafoa sf t avsia W IN CATTLB UftCLV PRBVINTCO CUTTER'S BLACK LEG VACCINE California' Uroille. lb mo si uc cessiul, aaaieal Uaed and loweit priced r liable vaccine mads. Powder, string- or pill form. Writs (or frt Black Lei Booklet. THI CUTTEB LABORATOKT BuKKaXKV. CAU . If your druirgit Soea not atock os raceme, older direct iroio a. Let The Examiner Figure on Your Next Job Printing