fa. HAS THE CIRCULATION- PRINTS THE NEWl REACHES THE REOF Vz THE EXAMINER IS THE OFFIGIAL PAPER OF LAKE C OUNTY VOL. XXXIV. LAKEVIEW, LAKE COUNTY, OREGON, AUGUST 21, 1913. NO. 34 DRY LAND FARMER HAS GOODSAMPLES Oats Estimated Seventy Ave Dushels Per Acre Wheat 30 Bushels. C. E. Trink, who ( farming tne John r'lynn place on Cottonwood, waa In town Monday and left a aampla of oata and wheat at thla office. Tba oats are of the Tree variety and while tbey do not atand quite aa high aa aome that have been left here, the grain aeemt to be bcaTier and the stem more rank than any oata wo have aeen In tbia valley. The wbeat la a ap'andld apeclmen of Blue 8 torn Spring grain, the heads averaging better than four Incbaa In length. Mr. Trink eatlmatea that hla oaU will yield 75 buabcla to the acre, and the wheat to go tatter that thirty buabela. He harrowa bla grain in the Spring after it atoola and aayt be flnda thla baa a very bcnificlsl effect. By plant ing the teeth of the harrow back at an angle of about 45 degrees the ground ia looaened without destroying but very little of the grain. Tbia culti vates the product and keepa the mole ture at the top of the ground. FAIR BOARlHAS BEENELECTED Tentative Dates Are Set For the First Week In October. A County Fair Hoard computed of Harry Bailey, of Lakeview; 8. B. Cbandler. of Crooked Creek t" and F. A. Remington, of Lake baa been ap pointed by the County Court, o have charge of the Lake County Fair to be be Id in Lakeview tbia year. No definite arrangementa have been made aa yet but tbe tentative time baa been set for the first week In October. A school fair, comprised of agricul tural exhibit and acbool room work, will be made a feature of tbe fair, as will likely a livestock exhibit be made in connection with the agricul tural aamplea. The Board will aoon begin In making all arrangementa and preparing the premium lists wbich will be published in tbe Examiner aa soon aa completed. While it ia not expected that tbe School r'air can make any extensive abowing tbia year, owing to not having prepared for the work, it la expected that by beginning at thia fair, which will be made an annual event there after, a start can be made In estab lishing permanent farm demonstration work by the various school districts over tbe county. VALUMPRiZES AT IRISH PICNIC Great Preparations Being Made For Event on Labor Day. In the neighborhood of 300 worth of prizes will be given away on Mon day, September 1, when the Irish re sidents of the county will hold their annual picnic at the Hog Ranch, Camaa Prairie. Tlio Picnic will be held under the auspices of the newly organized local division of the Ancient Order of Hibernians, and is open to the public. The list of sports and the prizes to be given to the winners lollows: Horse Race Excellent Llnkvllle Tree saddle, rope border stamp, turned. Horse Race Cowboy Bridle, full Span ish bit and spotted headstall. Horse Race Cowboy Bridle, with half breed bit and spotted headstall. Horse Race Cowboy spurs, brass plat ed, with silver-spotted spur leathers. 100 yards dash 15 Jewel Elgin gold filled wateb, bunting case. 220 yards dash Heavy gold-filled link watch tob, with aafety chain. 440 yards dash Gold-filled watch fob, with safety chain. High Jump Gold-filled watch, 16 sue. Running long jump Set of diamond cult buttons, tie holder and scarf pin. Standing high jump Quadruple silver. SCHOOL TO OPEN HERE SEPT. IITH MANY IMPROVEMENTS OVER LAST YEAR Large Attendance Assured Corps of Efficient Teachers Em ployed, and New Branches Will Be Added Supt. O. M. Gardner, oi our Lake view Schools, arrived in Lakeview last Saturday evening and la busy getting ready for the opening of school, Thurs day, Sept 11. Mr. Gardner on hla trip east has visited many piacea ot Interest and haa aecured pictures and souvenirs wbich will te used In tbe school work tbia year. He has alao visited many school buildings ard consulted with ID m LS U. M. UAIIDMKll.Cltjt KuiHrlntnilfnt some of the leading educators In re gard to school work, snd comes back to oa with great hopes for tbe success of the Lakeview schools lor tbe com ing year. Our High School building la one of the best arranged buildinga in Oregon, for successful high school work. The Assembly Hall in which tbe High School Studenta will study la a large hall seated to hold 600. Tbia room containa tbe stage wbich ia well ar ranged for school work, and with ita piano and other equipment tbe room ia ideal for study and for entertain ment work. From this room tbe pupils will pass to their varioua class rooms Continued on putfe emht 20 POlDWCEL CAN NOWBE SENT New Postal Regulations Afford Better Opportuni ties for Farmers. An amendment to the parcel poet regulations which raised the weight limit of parcels of fourth-class mail matter for delivery within the first and second sones from 11 to 20 pounaa went into effect August IS. Following is the text of the amend ment to the parrel post regulations: On and after August 15, 1913, the limit of weight of parcels of lourth class mail for delivery within the first and second zones ahall be increased from 11 pounds to 20 pounds. The rate of postage on parcels exceeding four ounces in weight shall bo 5 cents for the first pound aud 1 cent for each ad ditional two pounds or fraction there of when intended for local delivery, and 5 cents for the first pound and 1 cent for each additional pound or frac tion thereof when Intended for delivery at other offices within the first and second - zones. The pound ratca of pontage in the first and second tones are as follows : Oontinued on page four . plsted shaving aet. Tbe list of events will also include a Fat Men's race, Fat Women's Race, Three-legged race and others not fully decided on. Appropriate prizes will be given for all. Darnell's Rand will furnish music for tbe occasion, snd there will be apeecbea by several of our prominent men as well ss singing and recitations. TboBe who come should not forget to bring along tbelr lunchee--and the committee will guarantee to U very good time. FAIRPORT RESORT IS AJUSY PLACE One Month's Sale Records Over 95,000 In Town Lots. Fairport, Calif.. Aug. 20. (8peclal) Tbe present season is eatabliahing fairport aa the favorite summer place for Northern California, Nevada and Eastern and Southern Oregon.. Tbe Fairport Inn, conceded to ke tbe "nest hotel in this section of California, has been filled during the paat two months. Parties from ban Franclaoo, Oakland, Sacramento, Reno, Alturas. Laksview aid every other tributary point, have enjoyed tbe fishing, boating and bathing in (loose Lake and at tbe present time many banting parties are making tbe place headquarters taking the trip across the lake in launches to tbe deer territory. Several ne bungalowa are tinder construction at the preaent time and several others will be built during the present summer snd f sill. It is report ed thst over 15,000 worth ot lota have been disposed of aurlng tbe past month and that many of these will soon be improved by mordern business build ings. Several automobile excursions from Reno, Alturas and other pointa were booked for the near future and the Nevada-Callfornia-Oregon railwav haa made week end ratea to Fairport and return from all points along the line of the road. A. D. Moran, of, New York City, principal owner of tbe railroad; Colon el Hamilton, of tbe aame olace came in Monday evening with Vice Presi dent and General Manager T. F. Dam way bv anecial train making a tour of Inspection. Mr. Moran and (blonel Hamilton were pleased with; tbe im provements shown ail along the line during tbe paat year. Tbey left Tues day for Reno. ACCIDlTALlOT ENDSJBOY'S LIFE Me'lvln Vernon Dies Of Wound From .22 Calibre Rifle. A fatal accident occurred at the S. P. Vernon borne a few miles below town last Friday afternoon when Mel vln, their four-year old son was ac cidentally shot with a .22 calibre rifle. The gun was in the handa of a brother a few yeara older than the unfortunate child when the fatal shot occurred. Tbe boy stepped into a house to pro cure tbe gun to shoot a hawk. He waa followed into the building ty little Melvin, and apparently upon turning arounnd the gun waa discharged. Tbe rifle was loaded with a .22 short cart ridge and the bullet entered the ab domen and apparently lodged in tbe muscles of the back. The child waa given all medical at tention possible, but without perman ent results, as on Sunday night the remaining threada of life were flitted out and the little soul took its depar ture into eternity. The funeral ceremonies, st which Rev. A. F. Simmons of Lakeview officiated, were held Monday afternoon at four o'clock and the bndy waa inter red in the cemeterv at New Pine Creek. The sudden ending of child life, such as in this case, is indeed sad, and the bereaved family have the sincere sym pathy ot the entire community. Successful Convention Today closes tbe present session of the Central Oregon Development Lea gue at Klamath Falls and from all re ports it waa the most successful con vention of the League ever held. Many prominent people from over the atate were in attendance, and Klamath Falls had arranged an elaborate program for tbe entertainment of the delegates. , Those attending Irom Lakeview were: County Judge B. Daly, Father P. P. Kern, F. P. Cronemtller and family. Deputy Sheriff E. E. Rlnebart and wife and Mrs. J. E. Norln. . The attendance from here was .not ss large as first expected, aa many were detain ed from going because of the present bosy season, and various t business cares wbich kept many people at home. SWEET PEA FAIR GRAND SUCCESS i. Beautiful Array of Home Grown Flowers Put o',n Exhibition. Dy bolding a Sweet Pea Fair tbe Ladies Aid of tbe II. C Charcb Inaug urated a movement in Lakeview that sboold be made an annual event. Many unique and elever designs were used in displaying tbe sweet peas, and until sarb an arr iy was msde few people realized th I so many varietiea of tbe fragrant rTowers were grown here. " Tbe blooms snowed hardiness and a healthy growth, and gave evidence that local soil and climatie conditions are very favorable for tbe flowers. Tbe room wss tastefully decorated with tbe flowers and festooning, and it not only made a pleasing sight to tbe eye but gave forth a most fragrant odor. In addition to the Sweet Pea exhib ita varioua booths were installed frotn wbich candies, fruit punch and cooked foods were sold. These were well pstronized and tbe ladies realized from all a net profit of 1 101. 8.1. Premiums for tbe sweet peas were awarded aa follows: Lavender, first Mrs. W. Bernard; second. Mrs.j H. O. Kubl. White, first, Mrs. Stone: second, Mrs. C V7. Combs. Pink, first. Mrs. W. Bernard: second. Mrs. R. J. Swift. Red, first, Mrs. Swift; second. Mrs. Cbas. Arthur. Purple, first, second, Mrs. 'Stone, Mrs. Chss. Arthur. Vsrigated, first, Mrs. A. E. Florence: second Miss Mabel Snell Ing. Mixed, first Miaa Marie McComba ; second. Post Twins. Special collec tion, first, Mrs. H. W. Drenkel; sec ond.. Mlu Corbett. Special Salmon, Mrs. Swift 'Special ftfbr blooms to stem, four blooms to stem, first. Miss Hszel O'Neill. Special pieces, M. E. Church, first. Mrs. N. Trscy; Doll Continued on page eight STATEllLLlLP :" 'TO RIDRABBITS Committee Appointed To Devise Means for Eradi cating: Pests. Portland. Ore.. Aug. IS (Speoial) The state authorities hsve recently launched a movement designed to as sist in the extermination of jackrab bits wbich have been on the increase in Central and Eastern Oregon for years past. So serious bas the rabbit pest become that Governor West some time ago appointed a committee to take charge of the matter and if pos aible devise means for the relief of farmers in the afflicted counties. The meeting wss attended by State Game Warden Kinley. State Veterinarian W. H. Lytic. L. A. Lewis, and Prof. H. W. Hcnshaw, of Washington D.C., chief of the biological survey of J the deparment ot Agiiculture. Mr. Henrhaw has made a life study of animals and bas given particular attention to the rabbit pest in Austral ia. He save it as his opinion that the theory of inoculation has little, if any, practical value. Game Warden Finley stated that the value of the rabbit drive had been demonstrated in East ern Oregon, between 16,000 and 18, WO having been killed in three drives. It is said that the great inorease in the number of rabbita is due to the killing off ot the covotes. As the coyote force diminishes that of the rabbit increases and at the present time they are caus ing immense dsmage to crops and gardens. Sulzer Impeached Governor William Sulzer of New York was Impeached last wees by the democratic majority in tbe assembly of the New York legislature. The vote, 79 to 45 csme after an all-night session and after the governor's wife had made an eleventh hour effort' to aave him at the risk of sacrificing her own reputation. He was charged of having appropriated campaign contri butions to bis privste use and having made nnder oath false statement as to bis campaign receipts. The governor will resist removal from office and haa refused to recognize the Lieutenant Governor as acting governor. The hearing of the charges were set for September 18. LAKEVIEW TO HAVE HOSPITAL MODERN EQUIPMENT AND FURNISHINGS Institution To Be General Ready for Occupancy September 15, Under Supervision of Dr. and Mrs. Russell Work waa commenced Monday of thia week on a large addition to tbe Henry Newell property on West Street, occupied by Dr. and Mrs. J. Irving Russell, which will be osed for hos pital purposes. The work is in charge of Contractor I. A. Underwood and it will be ready for use by September 15th. Tbe institution will be known ss the Lskeview Genersl Hospital, ana while it will be under the supervision of Dr. and Mrs. Russell, the latter of whom ia a graduate nurse, it will be open to the other physicians of Lskeview ahonld they desire its use for their pat ients. It will be constructed to smply care fur twelve patients at one time, and trained nnrses will be provided for their care. Tbe apartmenta will be furnished throughout with hospital furnituret and a modernly equipped surgery will be installed. The rooms will be plastered and all the interior finished in white. Thia property ia considered a good location for- - (be "purpose, aa while it ia near the center of town, it ia far enough out to insure quiet and rest for patrons. A hospital for Lakeview will certain ly fill a long felt need, and that it will justify ia attested by the fact that Dr. Russell, alone, finds that he haa not sufficient quarters to csre for bis patients, and by making it an institu tion accessible to all local physicians, it will prove a great public benefit in general. Dr. Russell ia to be commended upon taking tbe initative in the establish ment of a hospital here, as it will pro vide a necessary adjunct to the town and community. HARRYllHAS BRJEFLIBERTY Escapes from Asylum for Criminal Insane; Caught In Canada. Harry K. Thaw, who killed Stanford White on the night of J une 25, 1906, eacaped from the hospital for criminal insane at Matteawan, New York last Sunday morning. He made the escape by cleverly laid plans. An automobile was stationed just outside an open gate, and Thaw dashing by the only guard in sight, was speeding away in the machine before the ex cited guard had time to grasp the sit uation. The machine kept at break neck speed beaded for the Conneticut state line 80 miles distant. Once beyond tbe state's boundaries Thaw is free, only that he be adjudged insane in the state to which be has tied. The police of United Statea and Canada are in pursuit. They do not seek hlra as an escaped lunaticnor as the slayer of White, but on a warrant issued charging him with oonspirlng with the aged keeper and five men who managed the asylum delivery. Years of residence at tbe asylum and repeat ed declarations by Tbaw that he would never attempt escape, except by legal means,.' had .established him as a "trust;," which aided him In making his sensatlonsl escape. -; . , Thaw's flight was cut short Tuesday wbei) he was arrested at Quebec, Can ada. ' He cow facea deportation on the ground that be is an undesirable lien and extradition on a warrant charging him with bribery. The warrant has already been issued in New York on the conspiracy charge. ALTURAu'.IGERS COMING SUNDAY Lakeview Won From New New Pine Creek In One sided Score.! By winning the tall game last Sun day from the New Pine Creek team, tbe Lakeview boys have eight games of this season to their credit. wUh but tbe loss of om which wi won by Alturas a coops of Sundays ago. Tbe score of last Soadsy's game which was played here was 16 to 2. Tbe Alturas Tigers will come op next Sunday on an aeorslon train and endeavor to give tbe Lakeview nine tbe second walloptsg. The locals are planning on making a strong effort to redeem themselves for losing the last game, and as a result a warm contest will ensue. It is expected tbst quite a number of fans will accompany tbe visiting team. Tbe train is due here at 10 30 o'clock and all auto owners wbo can conveniently do so are re quested to be at tbe depot at that time to convey the visitors to the hotel or otter pieces in town wbere they desire to go. CLOUDBURST ON THE CHEWAUCAN Paisley Akin to Lakeview ' In Her Sufferings F r o m The Elements. ... Chewaacan Press : Paisley and vi cinity was visited by. a severe tbuqder and rsin storm, Monday soon. It was of snort duration but while it lasted tbe rsin fell In torrenU and some of tbe crashes of thunder were entirely too close to be comfortable. There mast hsve been a cloud burst in the bills not fsr bsck ot the town, for soon after the rain ceased the Cbewaucan ran thlek with mud. Trout were killed by tbe thousands and many people gathered along tbe banks and caught them as they floated past. ' Those not slready dead were floating on tbe surface gasping for brestb and it was no trick st sll to rske them out, either by band or with garden rakes. It is very probable thst sll tbe trout of any size which were below the place where the cloud burst occurred, were killed. The smaller fish seemed to be atle to withstand the choking effect of the mud, aa tbey were seen in tbe water some time after the laiger onea had floated down stream. to exterInate . the rabbit pest West Side Farmers Have Called a Meeting: For This Purpose. It is desired that ranchmen meet at Cottonwood Bridges ranch on the West Side next Sunday morning for a rabbit drive. We would like to catch about 150 rabbits. It is also desired .that several ranchmen bring a fit receptac le to take home several rabbits each, some of which are to be turned loose where rabbits are the most abundant and also hold several at each ranch to determine tbe virulence of the disease. Several ranchmen wbo can spare time should donate a tew hours this week with Mr. Arthur in building the corrsll. Thia rabbit culture was donated by the Corvallis Agricultursl College as a test to determine whether it will be possible to eradicate the rabbit pest wbich is prevalent in the State of Ore gon, i Signed Weat Side Ranchmen. County Judge Betttie and County Commissioner Blair of Clackamas ' County were recalled last week at an , election at Oregon City In wtcwPm;tocio en's votes were said to brdcrWcct Uom h. prominently. Judge T "' Zl ' ensed of iwsbandli ',"- , ' .. ' EUlr we? wdr Nsxt Job Prlntlnc liquor on Sf case on recorc ' ' of county ,? ' . s ' ..