Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, August 14, 1913, Image 5

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    "We Soli Tho Roal Earth"
Lakeview : Oregon
City Property
Good Values for the Land Seeker
7.W) Per acre for 320 acree on Thomas Creek, 11 mile from Lakeview.
$7.50 Per acre for SCO acree on Cottonwood Creek, 11 mile from Lakeview.
$li) 00 I'er acre for 240 acre on Muddy and Cottonwood Creek, 0 miles from
I 10.00 Per acre for 80 acres 5 miles from Lakeview.
50.00 Per acre for 240 acres Joining the O. V. L, Ad. to Lakeview, all In meadow
and (train, good water right, farm ImpHraents go with the place, build
ings cost $3."00.00, easy terms.
13000.00 Por 7-rootn liouno, a lot of fruit trees and about one acre of choice
Inml close In. Vuty terroa.
(2000.00 Taken a 7-room huuualow almost new, lot 100x150 feet, good location.
Easy tnrma.
$4000,00 Will buy ,w of the flnent honioe In the city. 7-rootn modern bungalow
with fl One lota, a bargain, don't mlsa It. Kaey term.
Vacant Iota tor aale In different parta of the city from $12fi.O0 up.
Xnhc Count? Eyamlncr
You can get your lunch Friday and
Saturday at the Sweet Tea Pair head
quarters. Chaa. Wallace thia week returned
from Sacramento where he went a
few weeks ago.
W. Lair Thompson, P P. Light and
on, Amos, and W. P. Urob yesterday
went to Ft. Warner In Mr. Thompson's
1'or J tent or Hale Sewing machines
latent tyli. low cut prices. II. B
Alxer, tint door eust of Photo Cal
lery. tl
Por Sale or Kent The Walters Hex
Idt-uce, Cor. Bollard and Walters til.
9 rooms, Lot 133x262 ft, terms iilveu.
W. P. I'alnu & Co., Aula. jy 3 tl
JE. Bannister and family last week
passed through Lakeview from Colusa,
Cal. enrouts to Paisley where they ex
pect to make their future home.
The Alturss New rJrs reports that
Eil i tor Shsrtsl of the Modoc Kepub
lican bss gone to Ssn Francisco to pur
cnass a linotype machine for his office.
f.'iOO will buy a S-paHaonger 30hore
power HiuiMiaki-r fourlng car just
overhauled mid painted. Kvcrv part
gurantMd except tires. Southstone
Bros. Jy 17-tf
The new Ambsmartor to Uermany
complains that the Lmtassy at Berlin
iint' large enough to permit a visit
from his mother-in-law. A splendid
The Fort Kock Times ssys that real
southern hospitality wss dispensed by
Mr. and Mrs. Uuy Smyer last Sunday
when they entertained W. Roche Pick
at dinner.
Dr. L. M. Anderson, Pastor-Evsnge-list
of Southern Oregon, will occupy
tho pulpit of the Preabyterian church
in Mssonio Hall next Sunday morning
and evening.
Tom P. Cslderwood rsoently pur
chased 152 acres of Isnd belonging to
the Samuel E. Sloan, deceased, estste.
The property lies near Adel and Is all
first class meadow land.
Ladles wishing to engage a com.
petent nurse in confinement will do
well to call on or address Mrs. P. D.
Smith, Lakeview, Ore. Also board
and rooms If deslrnd. Aug. 7 2t
O. T. McKendree Tuesdsy morning
left for Ssn Frsnciico witn a train
load ot mutton and wool which he pur
chased of Lake County growers. The
mutton was consigned to the Oakland
Meat Co.
1 have in my possesNiou one iron
grsy horse, branded open A () on
bi t xboulder. Any one calling aud
proving property can have same ly
paying charges. W. M. Harvey, 1 ake
view, Oregon. Al-i-Gt
David Young of Warner Lake was
in town this week making final proof
on a desert claim before the U. S.
Land Office. He named as witnesses
James Conlon, John Wsll and James
and Edwsrd Young, all of Warner
The Chewaucan Preaa states that
Whitney, the eastern wrestler, threw
H. K. Oilmour of Paisley twice, the
rirat in 16 minutes snd the second In
four minutes, in the scheduled match
between the two last Saturday night
at Paisley.
The Examiner ia indebted to Mr.
T. B. Vernon for a feaat of cherriea.
The tip end of a limb which hi present
ed this olllce contained 36 cherries,
they being in one solid cluster. The
cherries raised in this valley grow to
mammoth size and their flavor is par
excellent. A recent press dispatch trom Alturns
ssys; Beef buyers and hay buyers
are very much in evidence in Modoc,
Lauaen and Eastern Shasta Counties.
High prices are being paid and with
the present prospects ahead money
expected to be looker than it has been
for some months.
The Fort Bidwell Mews reports that
the condition of Mrs. F. W. Hlcker
son pioneer resident of 'that place,
is reported aa greatly Improved, which
will be pleasing news to her many
friends In Modoo County. Mrs.
Hickeraon is the mother of Mrs. Peter
Post and A. J. and Lloyd Hlukerson
of Lakeview.
The CHse ot Charles Walker, charged
with assaulting his 15-year-old sister-in-law,
Oskla Coburn in Barnes Valley
near the Klamath-Lake line, is to be
appealed to the supreme court. Walk,
er whs found guilty tn Judge Benson's
court at Klamath PbIIj and sentenced
to serve from three to' twenty yesrs
iu the penitentiary.
Hee Curtis A Utley for two good re
llmjalnhiueuts. Jy 24-tf
The Band will play at Sweet Pea
Fair Friday and Saturday.
Bring your baby over 16 months old
and under 8 years to ths Baby Show
Saturday at 3 p. m.
FOU HALE-Barrlngton I'.aiich. To
be Hold at once. Cash only. Kn
(j a I re at the ranch. 3t
F. O. Ahlstrom, county trcssurer,
left on Monday's trsin for Reno on a
short business trip.
Cottonwood Lumber Co. High
grade, yellow plnu lumber. All kinds
ol ilrui-wil lumber on band. .11 2-3 in
Dopuiv Game Warden LaSater of
he northern part of the county is
spending a few days in Lskeview this
Wm. Poit and wife and Mr. and Mrs.
Lloyd Hickeraon returned Ssturdav
from a short camping trip on Deep
W. J. iiolbrook snd family, accom
panied by his father and family thia
week departed for Ashland where
they expect to locate permanently.
Lost In Lakeview, Saturday, Ang.
9, Ladles brooch enameled, Inlnld
with gold, property of Mrs P. L
Young. Pludtr ple leave at Hotel
Lukrvlew, Ut
Mr. F. L. Young, of ths American
Soda Products Co., sccompanied by
his wife arrived last week in their
auto truck from the sods mines at
Alkali Lake.
Leland Parker and sister. Miss Vera,
were in Lskeview last week from Adei,
Miss Parker being enroute to Berkeley,
Cal. where she will attend school the
coming Winter.
Auto Stage to New Pine Creek,
leave Lakeview every Monday, Wed
nesday and Saturday mornings at 10
o'clock. Pare, round trip, 3.&0; one
way, $2.00. Kouthafme Bros. J12-tf
Warren Laird, a well known stock
msn of Wsrner Valley, waa in Lake
view last week and consummated a
deal for the Jim O'Connor's place in
the northern part of Warner, consist
ing, of 160 acres.
Pred Keene and family have been
spending ' several daya in Lakeview
from their ranch at Summer Lake.
He .e ports crops good in that section
but ssys the rabbita are becoming !
quit numerous. j
Morris Southatone and George Stork
man and families returned Monday
evening from a seversl dsys outing
spent on Sprague River. They made
the trip in Mr. Southstone's car and
report a most enjoyable vacation.
U. S. Mad Auto Stime Leaves
Lakeview for Painley every day ex
cept Sunday, at 7 . tn. l'HHsengtrs
please book at Joe Fuller's stage
olllce. Kb res, one way $4 00; round
trip, $7 60. Southatone Bros. J12-tf
K. G. Roberts, of Lewellen, Neb.,
writes the Examiner that there are
about three carloads of Shorthorn and
Red Polled dairy cattle for sale in
that neighborhood. Any one wanting
that atrain might find it advantageous
to correspond with him.
This psper extends thanka to R. A.
French, aecretary of the Dorria Park
Association of Alturas for compliment
ary tickets to the ball grounds. Grand
preparationa are' being made for the
week's grand celebration at Alturaa
beginning September 22.
The company taking Klamath Falls
city bonds under the new charter for
refunding tho oity indebtedness has
declined to tske the bonds for citv
hall and other improvements becsuse
the election waa called under the old
charter. This will make another bond
I election neoessary.
I Alleeiuar that Governor Suiser of
New York State made a false and
fraudulent report to the secretary of
state regarding the expenses of his
election campaign and for wilful and
corrupt conduct in oltlce, a legislative
committee has filed resolutions for his
impeachment from office.
Walter A. Sherlock "came up from
Alturaa thia week to get his automobile
which has been here the past aeveral
weeks awaiting the arrival of aome
parts from the factory. Ths Shetlooka
and some friends came up In their
machine to attend the last ball game
between Lakeview and Atluraa and the
car was broken on the trip.
The requirement of making payment
at the time of application for the sale
of an isolated tract at the U. S. Land
Office has been done away with by the
Department. The new regulations
governing such aalea have not been re
celved as yet, but it is presumed that
the old regulation whereby no deposit
was required will be again in force.
Bring your baby under 15 months
old to the Baby Show Friday 3 p. ro.
Our first showing of Fall Street Hats
at the Parialan Mlllnery Main street.
Cooked Food Ssle Ssturdsy at Sweet
Pea Pair, one door north of B. & M.
Mrs. Hsrry Vernon Is spending a
few weeks visiting with her mother,
Mrs. Pred Snyder, at Pt. Bidwell.
Keo ('lark A Ounley for cement work
of at! kind. Hpeclul prices given for
hurt time. Phone XXI. J 13 tf
J. K. McDonald of Paisley is spend
ing seversl dsys here visiting with bis
son, Rolla and family.
Vor SmIc One wagon, team nnd har
ness. Tean weight 1300; wagon a
good as new. 8 J. W. Mikel. A7-t4.
Our Fall snd Winter book of Fash
Ions for suits, crats, skirts and dresses
Is now on display. Parisisn Millinery
Msin street.
Mrs. C. W. Reynolds entertsined !
Mrs. T. S. Fsrrell, Mrs. R. Crosby,
Miss Dorothy Bieber snd Miss Hazel
O'Neill at her home on the West Side
for the week end.
John Arzner and family returned to
Lakeview last Saturday evening from j
San Diego, Cal. where they recently !
went, with the expectations of remain-'
ing permanently.
Ior 8a e Cheap Tbree buggies, one
rubtxr tire, with net of heme; one
pbeUi, aluiOHt new, and one alnitle
seat buirgy. Enquire Wm. Harvey,
Lukevlow, Oregon. j
Miss Lers Duke, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. J. P. Duke of this valley, J
has returned from Monmouth, Oregon ;
where she has been attending the sum
mer course of training school.
The Valley Hotel st Bieber, Cal.
waa destroyed by re last Thursday ;
night. The origin ef the tire ia un
known and this waa the aeventn build
ing to be burned in that town during
the past two years.
The greet scsre about the removal of
the atockyarda to the "Y" seems to
have been uncalled for, inaamuch aa
work waa commenced laat week in
building them at the aite originally
aelected on the Norin ranch.
T. B. Vernon laat week purchased
the Ford automobile belonging to
John Lull who with bfa family have
been visiting at the Hanson ranch on
the West Side. The car was prsctie- i
sllv new, it only having been driven i
from Aahland to Lakeview.
Henry Boydatun who has been farm-'.
ing Mrs. Anna Harvey's ranch on ihe j
West Side has disposed of his cropa
to J. F. Hanson and sold his stock to .
Lymon Hopkins, with the expectations :
of leaving this fall tor Chico, Cal. .
where he and tamily will locate. j
Oregon lumber ia also enjoying a ,
aeasnn nf great popularity in foreign I
countries, judging from the present j
brisk demand. In one day the past
week five vessels were chartered to J
carry Oregon fir from the Columbia
River, tbree to Australia, one to New j
Zealand and one to England.
Fort Bidwell ia planning on holding
a big celebration October 8, 9 and 10. ;
By that time the crops will have been ,
gathered and they have christened the j
celebration "The UarvesFFestival."
They will have on exhibit agricultural j
displays aa well as mineral samples
from the High Grade mines.
Mrs. A. L. Thornton and children
thia week returned home after having
spent aeveral weeka camping on Deep
Creek, Mr. Thornton having gone out
to meet them last Sunday. Mrs.
Smith and children remained for a
longer stay at the camp, they being
located near the Cressler rancn.
The older and younget members of
the Sunday Sohool of the Baptist
Church enjoyed a day's outing and
picnic last Friday on Cottonwood.
There were seventy-five participated
in the merriment and it required five
vehicles and an automobile to convey
the parties to and from the grounds.
Refreshments, consisting of ice cream,
lemonade, cake and various sorts of
delicacies were served and from all
standpoints the picnic was pronounced
a great auccesa. It ia the intention
tu make it an annual affair.
A dispatch from Corvallis to the
Oregonian says that thirteen O.A.C.
cadets, members of the graduating
classes of 1912 and '13, have been reco
mmended for commissions in Oregon
National Uuard, among Walter Dut
ton, and Guy D. Cronemiller of Lake
view. This procedure ia In conformity
with a general order of the War De
partment Issued in 1909 providing for
auch recommendations in the oases of
students wno show special aptitude
for military aervice and have satisfac
tory college reoords.
Motor Cycle, In good condition, for
sale cheap. Bee Curtis & Utley. A7-tf
Our first showing of Fall Street Hata
at the Parisian Millinery Main atreet.
County Superintendent Oliver ia thia
week visiting the vsrlous schools in
the northern pert of the county.
The committee will be at headquar-1
ters early Friday morning to receive !
Sweet Peas entered for premiums. I
A new modern Lakeview renidence.
worth $3000 for exchange for Lake C. j
dairy farm. Curtis & Utley. A7-I3 j
Our rail and Winter book of Fasb-i
ions for suits, coats, skirts and dresses!
is now on display. Psrisisn Millinery j
Msin street. ,
WOOD We era now prepared to j
take orders for your Winter's wood
In unr quantities, at $0 00 per cord. !
O'Neill & Dunlap. Jy 10-tf j
According to the Klsmsth Fallal
papers Arthur W. Orton, until recent- j
ly register of the Lakeview Land ;
Office, and who with Mrs. Orton baa
teen in Portland since leaving here!
will remove to Klamath Falls and lo
cate where be will practice law.
Little Nellie McDonald was hostess !
at a birthday party given yesterday
afternoon at the home of her parents
Mr. and Mrs. R. M. McDonald. The
happy affair waa in honor of ber aixth
birthday, and was appropriately cele
brated by a group ot young friends.
T. E. Bernard and family and E. E.
Woodcock and family Monday morning
departed in their autos on an extended
outing trip to Lake Udell and other
retreats in the northern psrt of the
county. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard will
meet their daughter. Miss Margie, at
Bend on her return from Monmouth.
forest Supervisor Gilbert D. Brown
returned to Lakeview Tuesday even
ing from Silver Lake where be haa
been auperintending the construction
of a telephone line from that place to
Lakeview, touching the stations
through the forest enroute. He states
tbatthe line will be completed in about
ten days.
All aliens who boy a hunting license
in this state must also pay $25 for a
gun license before they can be permit
ted to carry a gun, according to an
opinion recently given by Attorney
General Crawford to State Game War-!
den Finley. . Non-residents of Oregon
must pay 1 10 for a hunting license in
the stste.
The Christy Comedy Co. will appear
at the Snider Opera House v Friday,
Saturday and Sunday evenings. These
people are well and favorably known
having toured, this country several
seasons ago. Their repertoire consists
of good clean comedy plays, exoellent
music, good singing and all styles of
A very interesting game of base ball
was played last Sunday between Susan
ville and Alturas at the latter place.
The score was eight to six in favor of
Susanville, and those going from here
to witness it pronounced it the best
game of the season. Alturaa ia plan
ning on coming to Lakeview a week
from next Sunday to compete with the
local nine.
Tom Watson, a local painter, baa
produced on hia lot below town a 'lorn
Hannock bead of lettuce which meas
ures 60 inches in circumference, 15
inches In beishth and weighs five
Doundaand 12 ounces. Thia may sound
like aome lettuce atory but Tom sure
had the goods and states that further
more he can show any doubting jay the
place where he grew it.
Word haa been received from John
Odum, whojis well known here, that
he is now located in Klamath Falls.
He recently returned from a trip to
his former home in Georgia where he
took unto himself a bride, a sweet
heart of younger days. His many
friends will rejoice to bear of hia good
fortune and wiBh for Mr. and Mrs.
Odum many years of happiness.
C. F. Blaca and family of Oakland,
near Roseburg, Oregon, where he owns
a farm, last week passed through
Lakeview by private conveyance on
an outing trip through thia part of the
state. Mr. Black and Attorney T. S.
Farrell of thia city attended eohool
together and the two bad a moat pleas
ant time discussing incidents of former
dsys, during their short visit here.
Dan O'Connor and Cbss Duggan.
two well known young men of thia
city, laat week closed a deal for the
purchase of the Palace Bar from J.
P. McAuliffe, who has conducted that
place the past two or three yeara.
The new proprletora have already aa
sumed charged of the resort. Mr.
McAuliffe will devote his attention to
sheep raising in which business he
is associated with D, P. Malloy.
.-. Contracts taken for all kind of Concrete
and Cement Work
Sceptic Tanks, Walks and Foundations a Specialty
Cemetery Work, auch aa Vaults, Curbs and Fencing
Phontt A D If O
832 vsft.trarv oc
Neckwear specials
A splendid showing of Cheney Tubular
Cravats, regular 50c values, now 3 for
Keiser Barathes and Broadsilks in plain
and-fancies 50c
Washable Ties in white with fancy fig
ures and stripes..... ."T. ...50c
Britten &
The NEMO is the Standard
Corset for wear and com
fort. None better at.jthe
price. One price all over
the world. When in need
of a Coriset let us show
you a "Nemo."
AllfM C Phon
vuobci 332