Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, August 14, 1913, Image 4

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    Lake County Examiner
Official Paper of Lake County, Oregon
Kpffuur nmortlnf Kl $1.00 an Inch, lnl
eolnmn ipon, por month. All standing kit.
chuirvd fre twlre a month. Cwt ol compool
t on chairrd lorkll xtr chnirc. Alt (pedal
poutlont extra. All abort lrm ads. extra
Rnulen, Inrm rolnmnm, loo. pr Una oh In
onion. Want !. to. line each Inarrtton
Card of tbanka 11.00. KeatMuUona o. condo
lence, 1140 and upwafda.
(VTranalent AdTertialof and Job Print
ng.cMh In adTanoa.
All billa muat b paid Uia Bret of aach month.
Lakerlewi Oregon, Thursday, August 14 1013
Bourne to Visit Oregon
Jonathan Bourne. ex-Senator trom
Oregon will return to tnis state next
week. Bourne ia now chairman of a
commission which ii preparing legis
lation for good roads, by means of
wh;ob the government is to assist in
the construction of a system of roads
throughout the country, tie will make
a complete tour of the state visiting
Central and Eastern Oregon, tie has
given out word that his trip here is
to gather data for his good roads cam
paign. But as there is belief that he
intends to be a candidate for the
United States Senator against Cham
berlain next year, his visit ia viewed
by some as a possible fence-baildmg
Will Inocculate Rabbits
A. L. Thornton yesterday received
a culture of Bacillus from the Oregon
Agricultural College to be used in
escalation of rabbits in this county.
While only a small amount of the cut
tare was sept it is sufficient to make
several tests to determine whether or
not the experiment will prove success
ful, and in that event more can be
secured from the college. It ia Mr.
Tnornton's idea to catch a few of the
pests and keep them in capture to
' watch the effects of the Bacillus, and
thus ascertain whether it will justify
to make inocculations over the country
in general.
Band Dance
The members of Darnell's Band are
cow putting in some hard work prac
ticing for the all-night Band Dance,
which they expect to give at New Pine
Creek on Friday evening, August 22.
It is expected that a large crowd will
attend trom Lakeview as well as Wil
low Ranch and Uavin Creek. Tbev
have some new up-to-date dance music
which will olease all who attend. The
boys will likely give a street concert
in Mew Pine Creek before the dance,
The proceeds will go toward baying
new music and new instruments for
the band. 4
Demurrer Overruled
Keno Journal : Judge Moran has an
nounced decision in the case of Frances
Burrus and others against the Nevada-California-Oregon
railway on the de
fendant's demurrer. The demurrer
was overruled and defendant was
given twenty days to anawer tbe com
plaint. In tie case of Eugenia A. Hayden
against Pearl I Head and others
p'aintiff was permitted to file an
amended complaint pursuant to rtipn-1-ition
betwee.. ihe parties.
The dog-cone days are here and our
thoughts involuntarily turn mountain
wards. Everybody who in anybody is
taking a vacation, whether tbey have
the price or not. Only the farmer and
the editor remain at their posts. The
farmer ptays because be is making
money, and the editor stays because he
is not. During the month of August
the farmer reaps his golden harvest.
Tbe editor never has one to reap. Yet,
tbey say "every dog has ois day."
We sell
Famous for their surety of re
sult. Ansco users here in town
are producing most beautiful
pictures. Come in and let us
show you some fine samples.
eras oi professional quality. Superbly
made and easy to operate. Priced trom
$2.00 up.
ANSCO FILM-Alway uniform. Full
chromatic balance, color value, shadow
detail and freedom tium halation.
pared to be used Willi Ansco i'ilm and
Cyko Paprr. We always have a fresh
CYKO PAPER The prite winner
which gives rich, soft prints that never
iade pcrlcct reproductions ol the
jmbiect. '
On rear. In adrance,
(x tnentha, '
Three month.
It not paid In adrauce, I J. 50 the yoi
Notice to Snbacribera
SntwcriDori to The Kxamlner who remore
from one locality to another, or chanm
their pontorflr addrem ehould rememlier to
drop thla office a card ao their pa iter can be ad.
dreuied to the right poaiotnoe.
Decimal Causes Blunder
Klamath Herald: As a reault ot an
error in using the decimal point in
figuring the 1912 taxes of the Southern
Pacific, that company overpaid Klam
ath County by $17,380.45.
The company has asked for a refund
of that amount, and this has been
taken by the county court, following
the statement of the assessor's office
that it was at fault in the matter, and
i the statement of Charles 1'arrish. w ho
experted the county's bonks.
Mrs. Frank Harris, who has been
spending several days in Lakeview
under the care of Dr. Kuasell, last
Sunday returned to her home at Sum
mer Lake, greatly improved in health.
Robt. McKee, wife and son, Ted,
arrived in Lakeview the first of the
week from Corvallis in their Stude-
baker car, enrouteto California points.
and they will probably continue their
trip into Mexico. Tbey are former
residents of Lakeview and tbia valley.
and have relatives and numerous
friends here whom tbey will visit the
next few days. Mr. McKee has been
in poor health for some time and the
present trip is being made principally
for his tenefit.
Sheriff W. B. Snider accompanied by
Miss Joyce Johnson, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. George W. Johnson of this
city, returned home Monday evening
after spending a tew weeks in Berke
ley and San JKrancisou where he re
cently went with his father-in-law,
Geo. M. Jones who was afflicted with
heart trouble. Mr. Jones is now at
the Boyes Hot Springs and is greatly
improved In health. His daughter,
Mrs. Snider, wbo has been in Berkeley,
is now with him.
Tbe new California alien land law
concerning the ownership of land by
Japanese in that state, is now in effect.
Individuals now holding laid may con
tinue to do ao during their natural
lives, but may not devise it to Japanese
heirs. It is seated that the law was
not intended to forqe Japanese now
owning land to part with it at once or
within any fixed time, but is to pre
vent an increase in the amount of alien
holdings and gradually to break-up the
colonies now existing.
Dan funk, who delivers garden pro
duce in Lakeview from his place down
the valley met with a quite serious
accident last Saturday near tbe batb
house.. His team was frigbtened by a
box falling from a wagon just ahead
of them and they suddenly plunged
over the grade, throwing Mr. Funk
from the wagon seat. Be was thrown
in trort of the wagon which passed
over his body, breaking three ribs.
He was brought to town and treated
by Dr. K. H. Smith.
Frank Bethel, eldest son of Mr. and
Mrs. C. O. Bethel formerly of New
Pine Creek but now of Susanvllle,
Cal.. was killel last week at tbe
(Jrowder ranch at Davis Creek. The
unfortunate young man was working
on a hay stack just being started
when the boom gave way letting it
fall with a load of hay on him. He
was killed almost instantly. Mr.
Bethel was 24 years of age and had
lived at New Pine Creek the past six
or seven years. Tbe funeral took
place at Da7is Creek.
Frederick C. Venator of Bakerstield
Cal. was accidentally killed last week
when his automobile was struck by
the Southern Pacific northbound flyer
near Tipton. Deceased was a son of
Mrs. Eliza Venator, and a brother of
Attorney J. D. Venator and Mrs. L.
Vanderpool of Lakeview. He was 45
years old and is survived by a wife
and family. He had been in the cattle
business in California for the past
twenty years and reputed to be very
well to do. He was president ot the
V7 Cattle Company and associated with
C. C, Cox. Tbe remains were inter
red at Bekersfield.
W. M. Harvey, the horse buyer, ac
companied by Mr p. Harvey last week
returned from an extensive trip by
automobile over Central and South
eastern Oregon. He reports that he
bought 75 head or horses which he will
take to Surprise Valley. They had
some bad roads to contend witb, espec
ially coming down tbe Warner moun
tain from the "V ranch. This. Mr.
Harvey says, is almost impassable
since the heavy rains which almost
completely demolished all the road
there ever was. It was a hard trip
on their Buick oar but with the did of
a few patches it brought tbem safely
Hcdentary habits, lack of out door
exerclHe, fnaufliclimt mastication of
food, constipation, a torpid liver,
worry and anxiety, overeating, par
taking of tood and drink not nulled
to your age and occupation. Correct
your habit and take Chamberlain's
Tablets aud yon will noon lie well
attain. For sale hv all dealers.
live hustling reprpsetitatlve In this
rrction to take order tor our goods.
The most complete stock on the
Pacific Coaat. We furnish pros
pectus nod puy cash weekly. Write
todav. Pacific Nursery ;o 300-30.S
Stock Exchange Bldg., Portland,
Or. A 15 ttt
There will be a stated com
Tuunication of Lakeview
Lodge 71 A. F. & A. M. this
Saturday evening Aug. 10th
at S-00 P. M. A fnll at-
tendance deeirrd. Ylalttns hrothern
always welcome.
H. M. NOLTE. Feey.
No. I56.
Report of the Condition of
The Lake County Loan and Savings
Hank at La ko view, in the State of the clow of business Aug.
S, 1U13:
Loans and Discounts $103.r.:iii W
Furniture and fixtures 1,12112 50
Due from appro veil re
serve banks 18,302 04
Cash on hand 3.S10 75
Total $120,!ti2 18
Caoital stock raid In t 40.000 00
Surplus fund 4,000 00
Undivided profits, less ex
penses and taxes paid .. 2.236 81
Dividends unpaid 2) 07
TiniH certificates of derioslt 60.W5 6
Savings deposits 1H.783 03
. Total $12t5,9ti2 18
State or Oregon,
Coowtv or Laek
I, W. H. rbirk, president of tbe
above named bank, do solemn
lv swear that the above statement Is
trne to the best of my knowledge and
Correct Attest:
8. P. MOSS
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 13th day ot Aug,. 11)13.
Notary Public for Oregon.
No. 7.244
Report of the Condition of
The First National Bank at Lake
view, in the State o f Oregon, at
the close of business, Aug. 9th,
1913: 4
Loans and discounts,....,.
Overdrafts, secured and
S204.N30 73
United States Bonds to se
53 44
cure circulation .". 60,000 00
U. S. Bonds to secure U.
Deposits 15,000 00
Bonds securities, etc 1,609 85
Banking; house, furniture.
and fixtures 21,997 26
Due from National Banks
(not reserve agents) 8,242 52
Due from approved re
serve agents 69,147 93
Checks and other cash
items -
Notes of other National
Fractional paper currency,
nickels, and cents
Lawful Money Reserve
is Bank, viz :
3,191 39
3,673 00
2 10
12,947 45
Redemption fund with U. S.
Treasurer ( 5 percent of
circulation) 2,500 00
Total $393,197 07
Capital stock, paid in $50,000 00
Surplus fund, 50,000 00
Undivided profits, less ex
penses and taxes paid, 4,629 89
National Bank Notes out
standing 48,650 00
Due to other National
Banks 1,275 70
Due to State and Private
Banks and Bankers 538 30
Due to Trust Companies
and Savings Banks 18,392 04
Dividends unpaid 608 6
Individual deposits, sub
ject to check 196,150 SO
Demand certificates of de
posit 8.147 92
United States deposits, 14,808 26
Total t 393,197 67
Statb ok Obbgon,
Lakb. J
I, W. H. rxhlrk, Prenldent of
the above-named bank, do solemnly
swear that the above statement is
true to the tient of my knowledge and
Skal W. II. SHIRK, President
Correct Attest :
ti. P, MOSS j: Directors
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 13th day of Aug., 1913.
Notary Public for Oregon.
No. iS3 .
Report of the Condition of
The Bank of Lakeview at Lake
view in the State of Oregon, ai
the close of business, Aug. Otb,
resources. dollars, cents"
Loans and Discounts $460,373 DO
Overdrafts, secured and
unsecured 1,874 68
Bonds and warrants.... 34,779 06
Due from banks (not
reserve banks) 410 34
Due from approved re
serve banks 48,498 54
Checks and other cash
Items 284 43
I Cash on hand .' 20.0(1(1 B0
Total a7'J.8S7 95
i.uiui.rriKH. not. la its era
Capital utock rild In flOO.IXK) (HI
Surplus fund 150,000 JO
Undivided profit, Ions ex
penses and taxes paid... 14, HOI 83
Pimtal savtnjpt bank de
posit oou r9
Individual deposits suit-
oot to chock 215.771 39
Demand certificates of do
poult 6.323 08
Time certificate of deposit 84, Mi 10
Liabilities other than
those above stated ...... 1 ,bC0 00
Total r72.tS7 O.'.
Static ok Okeoon
County or Lak
I, P. M. Miller cashier of the
above named bank, do solemnly
swear that the above statement Is
true to the best of my knowledge and
F. M. MILLER. Cashier.
Coirect Attest:
Signed J. D. I1ERYFORI),
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this ISth day of Aug. .1913.
Notary Public
Serial No. 05406 Contest No. 602
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Otllcf Lakeview, Oregon, Aug
ust , 1913.
To Henry VV. Hughes ot uokuown
uddress, t.'ontestee:
You are hereby notified t hat Fred
M. Sheer who gives Lakeview, Ore-
Kn, as bis poet-otllco addresa. did on
July 10. 1913, file In this otUce hi
duly corroborated application to
contest aud oecure the cancellation ol
your homestead, Entry No., Serial
No. 05490 made March 26, 1912, for
theSWJ. Sec. 24. Township 39 H.
Range 18 b. Willamette Meridian
and as grouuds for his eontest be
alleges that you havo never estab
lished residence on atd land: that
you have never cultivated or luiprov
ed the same in any manner whatso
ever; that yon have abandoned said
land aluct) March 26, 1UI2, aud for
more thao one year last Dast.
You are, therefore, further notified
that the said allegations will U taken
by this otliw as having been confixed
by you, and your said entry will be
canceled thereunder v ithout your
lortber riant to le heard therein
either hefoie I lilt office or on appeal, If
you lail to tile in this orilre within
twenty days after the fourth putdica-
tioii ot this notice, a shown below
your answer, under oath, specifically
meeting and responding to theao al
legations of contest, or if you fall
within that time to file in this office
a lie proof that you have served a
copy of your answer on the aaid con
testant either In person or by regis
tered mall. If this service ia made by
the delivery of a copy of your answer
to the contestant In person, proof of
such service must be either the said
contestant's written acknowledgment
of bis receipt of the copy, showing
tbe date of Its receipt, or the affidavit
ot tbe persou by whom the delivery
was made stating when and where the
copy was dedvered; if made by regis
tered mall, proof of such service must
consist of the affidavit of the person
by whom the copy was mailed stat
ing when and the postnfBce to which
It wrs mailed, and this aihdavlt mnst
be accompanied by tbe postmaster's
receipt lor the letter.
You should state In your answer
tbe name of the pneto thee to which
you deHire future notices to be sent to
JAS. F. BURGESS, Register
Date of first publication Aug. 14, 1913
" second " 21, 1M13
" third " " 28, 1013
" " fourth " Srtpt. 4. l'.M3
In the Circuit Court of the State
Oregon for Lake Comity.
FredT. Elsey, Piulotiffj
Sir Thomas Buchaa-
Heppburn, Jane Roe Bu-
cban-Heppburn, his wife
Suit to
quiet title
and all otber persons or
parties unknown claim
ing any right, title, es
tate, Hen or luterest in
the real estate described
In the complaint herein
To Sir Thomas Buchan-Ileppburn.
Jane Roe Buchan-Ileppburn, bis
wife, and all other persons or narties
unknown claiming any right, title, es
tate, lein or interest in tbe real estate
descrilied in the complaint herein:
In the name of the State ol Oregon.
You are hereby notified and required
to appear and answer the complaint
of Plaintiff on file In the above entltl
ed cause within six weeks lrom the
date of the first publication of this
summons, which date la hereinafter
stated, and you are further notified
that If you fall to appear piaintm win
apply I to the Court for a decree
aiiBlriht you as prayed for In his com
plaint, to-wlt:
Declaring uud adjudging that you
deit-ndants and neither of you, have
any estate or Interest In the South
west quarter of the Southeast
quarter; aud lot one of Sectiou
18; the JNorthwest quarter oi me
Northeast quarter, and lot live of Kec.
19, and lot one of Section 20, all in
township 33, south, range 19, East of
the Willamette Meridian, in Lake
County, Oregon, and that the above
named plaintiff, FredT. Elsey, has a
good aud valid title thereto In fee
simple. Also forever eujoinlng the de
fendants, and each of them, from as
serting any claim whatsoever to said
premises adverse to said plaintiff, for
plaintiff's coHts and disbursements
herein Incurred, and foi such other fur
ther and general relief as may seem
meet with eqnity.
JJv order ol the uonorarjic itenry l..
Benson, iudure of the Circuit Court ol
tbe State of Oregon for Lake County,
made on tbe 8th day of August, 1913,
this Summons is served upon you by
publication thereof for six consecutive
and successive weeks In the Lake
County Examiner, a newspaper of
m-neral circulation.
The date oi the nrnc puouuimon
this Summons Is August 14. 1013.
Attorney ol Plaintiff
A Good Shoe
ULv MAJKSTIC, a stylish, serviceable shoe lor
men. Mtulc of select leather, over an easy
last that retains its neatness as lonas worn.
This shoe is carried in stock in IMucher and
button styles, and may he had in either Gun Metal
or Russia Calf stock. Made with military heel and
heavy single Goodyear welt sole. A real value at
Our stock of Women's Hoys' and Girls' Shoes con
tinue tojplease a long line of customers.
Send This Coupon Today
It will bring you information as to how
YOU and your entire family can visit the
San Francisco Exposition in 1915 on the
dollar-a-wcek plan. Not only that, but
everything will be of the best, everything
reserved and it will cost you less than if
you pay when you go.
Agents for
You may send me free literature about the San Francisco Exposition
Grand Celebration
Base Ball Tournament
$2000.00 in purses and prizes will be given
Remember Date, Week Beginning Sept. 22
nours rtryn rru itiw mran aam-
Read The Examiner Want Ads
. We Have Often Had
a Show
to liamllo huriifNs thit would
puy tin a lift tvr profit than the
kind we do liiindh. An an extra
proIt, however, mltfht he ut
the vont of it n accident to our
nelflihors mid friends we don't
want money hud enough to
ttike It. Come and see the liar
nena that pays uh Ilhh profit,
hut kIvvh more Hutlnfiictlon In
the Belling and you In the using.