Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, August 07, 1913, Image 2

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    Lakeview Saddlery
A complete Unol
wagon and baggy
barnei( whips,
robe, bits, rits,
spnrs,qnilts, ros
ettes, etc., etc.
Ever) thing In the
lino of carriage
and horse furnish
lngs. Repairing
by competent
Successors to S. F. AHLSTROM
Our Complete Tract Index
Insurost Accuracy, PromptneMM and Reliability
Such an index istbe ONLY RELIABLE system from which an
Abstract can be made, showing all defects of title.
We Also Furnish $7SX
Daily Serwe Reno to Lakeview Except Sundays
No. 1 Arrives Lakeview at 8:35 P. M.
No. 2 Leaves Lakeview at 7:05 A. M.
Daily Except Sunday
Pullman & Buflett Service Between Lakeview and Reno
We Sell,
Lease or
How about that real estate you
have been trying to sell for years. We
can find a purchaser, or sell any other
kind of property you may have to offer.
We handle real estate of any kind
anywhere, and will guarantee satisfac
tion. Our services are at your disposal.
In Any
Part of
Lake or
Perhaps you have been looking for
a farm, ranch, city realty, a summer home
or a business to engage in. If you wish
to buy, lease for grazing or any other
purpose tell us what you want and
where you want it We will find it for
you and buy or lease it at a price that
will please you.
We will be glad to supply detailed
information to anyone interested in
buying, selling or leasing realty of any
description. Blanks for buying, selling
or leasing property may be had on ap
plication at this office. Send for a com
plimentary copy of our listed property
and terms.
Curtis & Utlcy
Lakeview - - Oregon
Lakeview Steam Laundry
We give efficient service and do
good work. Send your
washing ad give
us a trial.
We are now ready to roll your Barley at any time
Estimated That a School Fire
Occurs Each Day,
AsMrtlen Mad That 250,000 Boheol-
house In This Country War Built
ta Bum and That 000000 Pupil
Ara In Peril Dally Publi Soheela
th 8afat.
rerilout conditions prevail la school
alldlnss of fully 400 cities of this
country, according to a surrey Just
niaJa by a 0r Insurance authority. In
the published Hat. In which practically
every state in tho Union is represented.
It Is pointed out that even In the
largest and most progressive cltlos
the public authorities hare much work
to do to protect school children from
the dangers of fire' and panic. And
this notwithstanding the fact that fre
quent Inspections bare been made or
are being made and Improvements
continually ordered by those In' au
thority. An analysis of conditions surround
ing schoolhoose construction In the
United States and Canada, combined
with a scrutiny of a list of school Ores
published In Insurance Engineering,
covering the years 1911 and 1012 and
two months and a half of the present
year, Is the basis of that Journal's as
sertion that more than 250,000 school
houses In this country bave been "built
to burn."
Every state In the Union and many
Canadian provinces are Included In
the investigation, which comprises
nearly 400 cities. The conclusion
reached is that most of the 20,000,000
school children and students in the
roll of cities enumerated are In con
stant peril from fire and panic because
of the fact that they are boused In
buildings that are fire traps.
Within the period and area covered
the estimated average tire fosa per
acbool fire Is placed at $25,000. In
1911 the value of school and college
buildings destroyed by fire was ap
proximately $3,000,000 A considerable
increase over this Hirnre wns recorded
in 1912, and the prediction Is made
that if something la not done tu alter
the style of construction the Ore losses
In school bulldlnzK fur 1013 will be
nearer the il.nftuxxi m.-irl;
Estimates of (lie I'.revni'.ing frequen
cy of tires In school lire as high as ten
a week, although the Incompleteness of
the reports makes It Impossible to place
the figures exactly It Is considered
safe to nay, however, that a school, col
lege or some other sort of educaUonal
building burns partially or completely
each day In a school year.
Conditions typical of those wblcltPob
tain generally have been disclosed by
investigations of the state factory in
spector in Iowa. Ills report showed
that one-half of the school buildings In
that state were totally unfit for use in
one way or another. And the investi
gators of the education department of
the Sage foundation found the same
conditions to the schools of the second
richest community in the United States.
The dangers are not confined by any
means to the public schools. On the
contrary, out of 203 fires counted in a
period of twenty-seven months nearly
GO per cent were In private schools and
Overcrowding, Insufficient ventilation,
an safe beating apparatus, combustible
construction, wooden stairways and
doors swinging Inward are given as the
principal sources of danger to school
children. The most recent menace Is
said to be the Introduction of motion
pictures In the schools.
Another indication that conditions
are to become rapidly worse Instead of
better is pointed out In the character
of the specifications for school build
lugs to be erected within the present
year. It is asserted that only 10 per
cent of these call for fireproof construc
tion. Between Jan. 1, 1913, and the
middle of March school construction
was particularly active. In all 888 cit
ies bave been named In the building
periodicals as being engaged in erect
ing schoolhouses. But In only a small
proportion of cases bave the authorities
shown any appreciation of the fact
that school buildings contribute heav
ily to fire losses and more than any oth
er class of public buildings need to be
fi reproofed.
On Man Powr Profitable.
There wns a town In Maine that
found it was constantly getting deeper
and deeper into debt, and the people
appealed to a certain man to take the
office of chairman of the board of se
lectmen, ne refused unless they would
elect blm to every other office In the
town at the same time. It was found
that It could be done under the law,
with the exception of two other select
men, and the men taking these places
agreed to buve nothing to do with the
town affairs and let the one man run
the whole thing. He took bold of the
matter, and at the end of two years,
without Increasing taxes, the town was
out of debt and had a surplus In the
treasury. Jean O. Mlchaud, the man
who did that thing, says that be ac
complished the work by "supervising
expenditures." That Is the one thing
needful in all city, county and stats
government There Is no such super
vision anywhere bow, and because
there Is not taxes are high. Onoabs
BankCahldrOfTre Wager
That Work Start In 60
Silver Lake Leader: Eart B.
Houston, of Bend, who came In with
a load of passengers Monday evening,
says ttat things up that war point to
ward railroad building south from Bend
In the near future. The passenger
trains for the past fsw days have been
hauling an extra ooach for oflloiala of
the road, and men with timber hold
ings to the south have been on the
ground. As another evidence he says
C S. Hudson, cashier of the First
National Bank of Bend, offers a two to
one bet that railroad construction will
begin within sixty days. We are not
wanting . to see snyone lose a bet,
but tht people in this section would
like to see railroad building beaded this
wsy. The cry of "the wolf is com
ing," hss been berslded so msny times,
the people sre beginning to Chink there
is no wolf.
A division of the Ancient Order of
Hibernians was organised at Lakeview
July 4 by Dan J. Curran, county presi
dent of Multnomah County. Fifty four
members were received and thets is
promise that the number will reach
200 in a short time. It is estimated
that there are at least "500 eligible men
in the county.
Daniel O'Connor, editor of the Irish
News, wss chosen president of the new
division. Daniel F. Brennan is re
cording and finanoisl secretary. Wil
liam K. Barry is treasurer. Mr. Sul-
livsn, of flush, Oregon, was elected
county president. Father Kern, S. J.,
of Lakeview, who has taken an active
interest in the promotion of the divis
ion, will be the county chsplsin.
Cstholic Sentinel, i'ortlsnd.
Klamath Has Road master
The county court of Klamath County
has appointed a roaamaster. In which
capacity he will have supervision over
sll of the higbwsy work in thst
county. Ssm T. Summers wss appoint
ed to the job and his duties will csrry
blm to all parts of the county and he
will be held responsible to the county
court for the condition of the road
wsya. He is required to see thst the
improvements ordered are properly
carried out and the right materials
used. This position which wss Created
by the last legislstare, is considered
one of great importance to the highway
systems ol all the counties of the state,
as under the guidsnce of one msn it
is believed that the work will be more
uniform, and the appropriation money
will be spent where it will net the
best results.
From The Irish Xews
Dennis Lane has sccepted s position
ss bsrtender st the Plush Hotel.
Dan and Con Murphy, of Paisley,
were among thnse who joined the A.O.
H. on July 3.
Charles Duggan, the well known
sheepman, has accepted a position as
night bartender at the Palace Saloon.
Charlie is well liked by the public In
genersl and should make good.
Con Fitzgerald is receiving congrat
ulstions ou the birth of a son, who
made his advent into this world on
Friday ot last week. Both mother
and baby are getting along nicely.
Jack Burke, one of our greatest
boosters, has sold out his interest in
the business at the Mud Creek stage
btation to Jere Murphy. Jaok states
that he expects to devote his. time
from now on to philanthropic works.
Michael P. Barry, the Guano Valley
rancher and stockman, wss in town
last week on business and pleasure.
Mr. Barry's visits are few and far
between which makes them all the
more welcome when he does comejjto
Fstber Kern was a visitor to Klam
ath Falls during the month of July.
On the return trip he was accompanied
by Father McMillan and Attorney C.
M. O'Neill and wife, of Klamath Falls
who remained here for a few days
looking over the sights.
The Mud Creek Stsge Station is now
in charge of Tom Murphy and Jere
Murphy, both of whom are well and
favorably known to residents of this
section. Mr. Murphy, the junior mem
ber of the firm, recently bought out
the interests ot Jack Burke in the
Mrs. Kerrigan and daughter, were
local. visitors during the forepart of
July as the guest of Mrs. W. K. Bsrry
Mrs. Kerrigan will be remembered ss
having visited with ber sister on a for
mer occasion, but this wss the daugh
ter's first trip to Lakeview.
III TV I ..fW ft - . , t'J.
' V
7. A.mMr Cat ffmf
mHtm rr fc
'fir A NEW
A uinu pnwm RlPl.F..
I l K.111 m -aar v v js ss e m m s mmm mmm
Tkt Reminiton.VMC Sltdt Action Keptattr
GETTING In touch wllh th shooting fraternity ell
country, as w do, w find very considerable number of
Keromgton user wno warn a iMmimi -
peater in a high powtt moM one heavy enough lor practically any
type of game that it found on this continent.
The anawor to tlii demand U the new Reminston-UMC Minn Power
Slide Action Repeatinf Rifle. During the lew months theee rtllcs have
been on the market, teveral hundred ol them have been put into um.
The testimony ol the owner it that they are emphatically a success.
Yoor RnnifiatM doalw r... iK frrin nlU. la Meek ar will an.
Doa'tW a hiK powar itpwa until rou !. Man 0. It w Uia un you want.
Rtwioalo Artn.-tr.loa Metallic Cartridge Cc 4 Browlaay, New Vera
'E HAVE JUST RECEIVED a car of extra
Star." A" Red Cedar Shingles and Red (Doug
las) Fir Flooring and Ceiling. We also carry a
complete Unef California White Pine, Rustic, Floor
ing, Ceiling, Mouldings, Shiplap, Rough Dimesnion
and Boxing, UTfact everything in the lumber line
used in a building, and our prices are right.
Come in and let us talk over that building you
are intending to build; maybe we can help you with
it and we know we can save you some money.
Yard on Center St.
Phone 722
Lakeview, Ore.
Is a great factor for success. It
enters the private office of the large
financier as well as the home of a
possible customer.
decides the question. Is it attractive?
Does it make a favorable impression
so its message will be read, instead
of being thrown in the waste basket?
Is one of the best. Experts are ready
to furnish estimates and advice to
produce for you. Printing with Origi
nality, Taste and DesignPrinting
that will attract business for you.
Job Printing Department-Phone 521
CON BREEN, Proprietor
Special Attention to Transient Stock
Horses Boarded by the Day, Week or Month
Always Open Phone 571