Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, August 07, 1913, Image 1

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Premium Will De Award
ed cind Many 8lde At
traction Given.
lb I !! of the M. E. Church arc
completing th plant for tha "Sweet
ra" Fall to be bald Aug. IS and 16.
Tba room ona door north of B.iil'i
alortj will ba prettily deooratad and tha
sweet paaa entered for premluma will
ba tba center ot attraction. Varioua
bootha will ba In evidence presided
over by tha different eoramltteea. A
lunch counter, where ona may obtain a
good hioeb of horoo-eoohad food will
ba provided far both daya. Alio on
Saturday there wilt be a cooked food
ealo where ona may obtain delicaolca
for tha Sunday dinner, without being
obliged to cook at home In tba heated
Tha fair will ba open to tha publio
at 10:30 a. in. Friday. Thoia bringing
eweet peaa for entry tor premluma
will please bring them early Friday
morning, ao that tba committee will
have ample tlma to arrange the dia
play. An admlition fee often centa will
be charged for thia fair. Come and
aee the aweet pea and the (sweet)
bablea aa there will be a baby ahow
on both daya of tha fair.
Charles Moran Makes Trip
of Inspection to Fairport
Fairport, Calif., Aog 5 (Speclal)
Cbarlea Moran, of Maw York City,
identified with the Morans, ownera of
the) Nevada California-Oregon railway,
waa here yesterday accompanied by
T. F. Duiiawav, vice-preaidont and
general manager of the road. The trip
waa purely one of inspection and Mr.
Moran expreseed hlmaelf aa being well
pleased with the progreaa mad by the
various sectiona along the line of the
"I am pleaaed at these evidence! of
progreaa", he remarked. "Condition!
appear to ba more favorable than they
were lest year. .The settlement of the
varioua aectiona along the line of the
road mutt ultimately mean much. The
Madeline violnity and the Gooae Lake
Valley ahow unmiatakable evldenoca
of progreaa.
"Gooae Lake ia, Indeed, a beautiful
body of water and compares favorably,
in a acenle aenae. with Champlain and
the famuua lakea of tha East. There
ia no logical reason why thia should
not become the favorite resort point
for the people of the three atates tra
veled by the road. You have every
thing demanded to make it an import
ant point."
The party will leave tomorrow for
Reno, Mr. Moran returning to New
Recommends Cutting Out
and Use of Strong Spray
Twice Yearly
Deputy County Fruit Inspector J. L.
Hampton of Paisley,, writea tha Exam
ner under date of August 5, that he
baa just completed an Inspection ot
practically all of the orchards in Lake
view and wltn few exceptions he found
tbera affected with blight. Down the
valley tha oonditiona are the aame,
and ao below the atate line, atates
Mr. Ilampton. Ha further writea:
"I bava written tha Inspector of that
district to cooperate with oa In stamp
ing out the disease. The people bava
without any exception promised prompt
aotion. Tba disease affecting tha apple
and crabappla ia a fungua growth and
should be cut out and burnal.
"Clean culture la very essential to
the orchard. Spray with a atrong
solution of lime and sulphur In lata
fall and early Spring with from 140
to 160 pounda pressure, which will also
kill tha aphis.
Destroy the Weeds
On account of tha late aommer rains
during . tnv present season injurious
and noxloua wetda on summer fallow
aa wall aa vacant fields and lota and
along tha publio highway In the
country and towns, bava become more
rank than for several years. Tba
county and atate aathorltlee should
call the attention of all ownera and
lessea to tha 1918 atatute requiring
ownera and laaaea to deatroy tbeaa
weeds. A maximum penalty of 160
fin la provided for tba first offense in
allowing aucb weeae to grow on the
place or on tba highway In front of
a place. For tacb auccesive offense
tha maximum penalty la 1100 fine.
Sageof Central Oregon Is
. Royal I y Entertained In
the East.
Entries in William Hanley'a diary
for the last few weeks that, ia if he
keepa a diary resembles a "Wbo'e
Who" directory, for in these last few
weeks "Hill" who stopped in Port
land recently on bia way to bia Harney
County ranch from a trip "back East"
haa been hobnobbing with some of
the notables of the Nation some ot
"the boys." aa he calls them, aaya
tha Uregonlan.
He went East primarily to go fishing
with J. J. Hill, which is a .are distinc
tion in itself, but it didn't swell the
site of "Dill's" bead. Me atopped on
the way to aee hia double," whoae
Brat name rlso is "Bill" and who now
ia holding down the job of Secretary
of State In Preaident Wilson'a Cabi
net. Mr. Hanley and Mr. Bryan are
close friends. He met Preaident Wil
son In Washington and tilled luncheon
ngagementa with a group of mora or
leaa distinguished Senators. Army
offlcera and awar-atateamen, all of
wboaa asms bekdees not now recall.
1 hen tie atopped In New York and
visited for a brief few minutea with
hia friend, Mayor Gaynor, and inci
dentally met a number of the Gover
nors returning home from the recent
Gettysburg reunion.
On the way Weat he waa captured
at St. Paul by hia friend, Louis W.
Hill, who took him on an automobile
trip to Glacier National Park, where
be met another distinguished company
of particlpanta in thereoently conduct
ed Glidden tour.
While in Portland be waa enter
tained bv Carl K. Gray, president of
the Great Northern, and J. II.
Young, president of the Nortn Bank
Commission Orders Swe
eping: Reductions In Par
cels Everywhere.
A dispatch from Washington, D. C,
under date of August 4. aaya: The
Interstate Commerce Commission to
day ordered sweeping reductions in the
express rates on parcels everywhere
In the country. These tanu from 10
to 60 per cent. The order becomes
effective October 16tb.
The commissioners declare that for
two years the rates will be experimen
tal. .Practically all tha rates on par-
oela under fifty pounda are radically
lowered. In the case of small pack
ages carried mora than JOO and leaa
than 8,000 miles, the rates are nearly
all lowered to the parcel post rate.
Over 8,000 miles the express and parcel
post ratea are identical.
The order of the commission sim
plifies tha tariffs. It establishes the
block or zone system of tariffs.
A committee, composed of members
of tha commission and representatives
of the express companies ia organized
by the order to devise the beat avenuea
of transportation, .and eliminate cir
cuitous routes.
The commissioners asert that tbe
express companies give away $2,000,
000 In free aervice each year through
T. J. Sullivan, a aubstantial tuslnesi
man of Plush, apent aeveral daya In
Lakevlew tbia week.
George E. Chamberlain Will Again Be Can
didate for U S. Senator Governor West
Says He is Through With Politics
We are led to telieve by tbe Portland
Telegram that tha political pot for
next election ia beginning to elmmer,
and tba situation la partially lined up
tbaaly : According to intimate irienda
and political aaaociatea of Governor
Weat, tha Governor will not at the ex
piration of hia Gubernatorial term
become a candidate on the Democratic
tlcfet for United Btatea Senator, nor
for re-election aa Governor, but will
enter instead Into the Chautauqua.
lyceum and magazine field.
W. N. Catena, who served aa private
secretary to Senator Chamberlain
when he oc-upled the Governor's chair,
ami wbo Is now circuit juoge in jnuit
nomth County, ia grooming himself
for the Governorship, snd will before
long announce hia candidacy.
Senator Chamberlain has already an
nounced that he will be a candidate to
succeed himself aa senator, and be and
Catena will head tbe Democratic ticket
at the next general election, if tha
political torecaata of the frlenda of
Walter M. Pax ton Has
Bullded Ideal Country
Home'at Profit.
Thai diversified farming can be sue-
cessfully and profitably practiced in
thia vallev has been thoroughly demon
strated hy Walter M. Paxton. who
owr.a an ideal country home a tew milea
north of Lakeview. Mr. Paxton and
family have been living at their pres
ent home but comparatively a ahort
time, tut t"e many improvementa that
hava been made emphasize tbe fact
that energy haa been the chief factor
in bringing about these developments.
Their original holdings consisted of
40 scree but tbey bava since acquired
80 acrea more, giving them 120 acrea
of land which laya both above and be
low the main road leading north of
town. Mr. Paxton thia year haa 25
acrea of oats, a sample from wbiuh
now in the Examiner office measures
5 ft. and 8 inchea from root to tip.
In addition to this be ia raising, wheat,
alfalfa, potatoes, garden atutfa and ia
experimenting with Bald Barley, which
glvea Indications of producing a fair
yield snd of becoming a staple product
in this valley.
Mr. Paxton is quite extensively en
gaged in the chicken business from
which ha realizes a substantial profit.
He also has nearly 100 head of hogs,
and baa milch cows from which be sells
milk and butter. Young colta can be
aeen in the barn yard, and in fact near
ly everything can be found on the
plaoe that ia a revenue producer. In
thia way can be aeen the real advan
tage of diversified farming. The stock
la fed and fattened by produce grown
on the ranch; the different modes of
production are adopted that best wora
in conjunction with eaoh other: there
la alwaya something to sell and little
to buy hence the profit.
Nearly all the hillside land on thlb
ranch, that can be done so convenient
ly, ia farmed to Spring wheat which
will aurely produce better than 25
bushela to tha acre. The remainder of
the bill land will be utilized for rang
purposes for dairy stock, and thus nu
part of the plaoe will lay Idle. Now
that he baa tha producing elements of
the ranch under development, Mr. Pax
ton will be able to devote more time
to convenient and luxurloua improve
menta about the house. (However, no
apologies are required for present con
ditions, as tbey now hava a beautiful
thia Democratic triumvirate are ful
filled. Landing credence to tbeae declara
tion and political predlctlona ia the
fact that recently Gatena conferred
with Governor Weat In Salem, getting
from bim tbe atatement that the Gov
ernor would not ae a candidate to aoc
cead bimaelf, and announced later to
the coterie of politiciana who now
father proohecies that with West out
of the field he would become a candi
date for Governor.
Repeatedly within the iastaix months
Governor West haa Istiued declarationa
that he would not be a candidate to
aucceed himself. Coming on the heela
of the Democratic victory In the Na
tion and a rumor that Senator Cham
berlain waa scheduled for a federal
appointment, these deniala were con
atroed to mean that the Governor was
making preparatinne to aucceed the
Financial reasons are given by the
Governor'a Irienda for hia decision to
retire from politics.
Operators and State Of
ficials Envolved In Road
Grant Scheme.
The devioua processes by which the
Federal timber lands paa-cd from the
ownership of the people to that of tbe
Southern Oregon Company, a private
corporation, ia related in a bill of com
plaint filed in a auit in equity in the
United Statoa District Court, which
impticatea besides tbe company. Gov
ernor Oawald Weat, and A. M. Craw
ford, Attorney General of Oregon. Tbe
complaint sets forth that atate officers
are named because tba State of Oregon
baa been negligent in fulfilling a trust
imposed in it by Congress, which in
1869 granted to the state a atrip of
land approximately VI milea wide ex
tending from Koseburg to Coos Bay,
on condition that a military wagon
road be constructed between those two
It was provided that the land grant
ed, some of the best timber and -agricultural
land in Oregon, be sold to
actual settlers in quarter-section tracts
to each settler, for not more than 2. CO
an acre.
The complaint alleges that all terms
of the gratt hive been violated and
asks that the titlo to the land now
held by the Southern Oregon Company
ba returned to the Stale of Oregon.
The complaints auk the court to set
tle the case de'in tely by ordering me
Southern Oregon Cunipauy to quit
claim to the laid It is a so atd
that an injunction be is.-ued against
the further cutting of timber from the
land and that a receiver be Appointed
to collect for all the timber that has
been out.
Approximately 100,000 acrea are
affected by the present auit.
home.) Preparations are being made
to install a gasoline pump and tank
at the well to make water available
for Ught Irrigation purposes aa well
as more convenient for domestic uses.
What haa been accomplished by Mr.
Paxton can be emulated by every other
farmer in the valley, aa all conditiona
in the virgin atate of tbe land are aim
ilar, if not identical, to those aa they
wore on thia plaoe. Diversified farm
ing, including the raising ot ataple
products, stock, hogs, cnickens and
dairying can be carried on successfully
in the Goose Lake Valley. All that
ia required la tbe push, energy and
management like baa been applied In
bringing about tha development of the
Walter Paxton ranch.
W. P. Is Stronger
Complete abaorption of the Western
Pacific railraod by tha Denver it Rio
Grande ia the lateat big finance-railroad
plan. It ia proooaed by Preaident
Benjamin F. Bosh of the Missouri
Pacific, which owns both roads, and
while It ia not definitely aet forth, the
probability ia great that all three
linea aoon will be united into one sys
tem. President Bush la now in New
York City, where be went to present
bia plana to tbe bankera who finance
tba ayatem. Bia refinancing proposi
tion incladea a plan thereby ah tbe
mortgages, and bonds now beld againat
the Western Pacific will be assumed by
the Hio Grande.
Alturas Is Planning a Big
Tournament and Shoot
Next Month.
Tbe Lakeview ball team met their
Waterloo last Sunday in tbe game with
Altutaa. There were 62 tieketa aold
at the Lakeview depot and all wbo
participated in the excursion report a
good time. Tbe home boya offer no ex
cuse for losing the game other than
just "bum" playing on their part and
clever work on the part of the Tigera.
K. A. Clark, the regular Lakeview
twirler, waa unable to go owing to
having . met with a slight accident
which injured hia thigh, and Paul
Drenkel aubstituted in bia atead. Paul
waa also slightly incapacitated on ac
count of a bad thumb and waa unable
to pitch up to his usual standard.
The Lakeview nine aucceeded In
making one tally in tbe first inning,
which fortunately they old not load aa
it waa tbe only one in (he entire game.
Tbey kept Alturas tu tbe "gooae egg"
column, however, until tbe end of the
fourth inning when the Tigera got
turned looae and from then 'to the end
of the game ma4e nine rtngeraj. maK
ing a final acore of 9 to 1 in favor, of
Tha trsp a'hoot contest did not take
place owing to the local team being
unable to attend. Tbia waa due to
varioua reasons., principally on acount
of the present busy aeason and because
some of the sportsmen were out of
Alturaa ia making arrangements to
hold a large base ball tournament in
September, beginning tbe 22nd. There
will be $1125 bung op in purses, and
it ia expected that aeveral teama will
enter, including Lakeview. Thia will
be tbe time ot the Modoc County fair,
and in addition to the ball tournament
and other amusements, a trap shoot
conteat will be held with a puree of
$50 or 9100 and the entrance teea
for the winning team.
J. A. Donovan Brings Deer
Into Town and Pays a
J. A. Donovan, who ia well known
locally, having formerly come from
St. Joseph, Mo, last Monday came to
town a deer after a few days
hunt near Burnt Creek east of town.
Owing tn the hide and carcass having
been to mutilated that it waa impos
sible lo discern the sex of tho animal,
Otmu Warden McKimmens arrested
Mr. Donovan who paid the mini
mum fine o' 925 for the charge. Other
members of his party said the deer
waa a male, and Warden McKimmens
elated tbfit he ww reasonably sura of
this fact, but owing to the atipulation
of the law, It was necessary to tine
the slayer on the charge of mutilation.
The Oregon code on tbia reads aa fol
lows: "It ahall be unlawful for any person,
after having killed . any deer, to ao
mutilate tha dead carcase thereof in
any manner ao aa to intentionally dis
guise the sex thereof, and prevent the
aame from being ascertained or deter
mined." . .
Klamath Falla bai decided not to
change the datea for the convention of
tbe Central Oregon Development
League on aocount of tbe arrival of
Secretary of the Interior Lane. The
meeting will be beld on the datea of
August 19, 20 and 21. aa originally
Work Will First Be Taken
Up With County Clerks
Over State.
VVork on the state 'a uniform account
ing ayatem, provided for by act of the
laat legislature, baa been actively
started ty State Insurance Commis
sioner J. W. Ferguson.
Tbe first work to be done will be to
deviae a oniform, simple method of
handling accoonts of the clerka and
atate Inatitotiona. Tbe new law pro
vince that tba new system must ahow
details of the source and amount of
all expenditure and receipts. Tbe
ayatem must also be ao simple and ao
easy to under tarn that any outsider
can go into any office and with a little
studying become perfectly cognizant
with the work of the institution or
Ona of the first t Sg practical jobs
that these men will ondertake will be
the auditing of the county books. Tbia '
will not Le started for several months,
and possibly not until early In 1914.
At any rate, whenever tbe work ia none
it will be thorough. Home industry
will be patronized in this line of work
and public accountants of Oregon will
be employed.
stociuiarRet has
dull appearance
Beef Prices Decline and
Demand For Sheep Is
Receipts for the week have been;
Cattle 1887: Carvee 215: Hogs 2479;
Streep 48fl2fHorsee 7. ,
Heavy receipts of cattle tor tbe
week, and the fact that tha beat stuff
was not offering baa caused the mar-
' ket to decline from 25 centa lo 50 centa.
Good choice stuff is in demand and
would still bring at good price, tat
( there ia no demwri for poor quality,
which just demoralizes the market.
The dehorning of rattle is 'strongly
urged, aa in many instancea shippers
receive from 25 to 40 centa leas on
account of the bruised condition of the
stuff offered. $3.25 ia the top on
steers when good ones are in evidence.
One extra choice lot of cowa brought
7.50, but good cowa are selling around
6.75 and 7.00. Fancy heifers would
bring good pricea but there U a wide
range in tbe class offered, as in tbe
ease with steers. Calvea steady and
bulla a shade lower.
The hog market baa dropped from
ten centa to 19.70 for best light swine,
and will probably go lower, as packers
needs are temporarily supplied.
The sheep house wsa slow and
draggy, probably due to the hot weath
er. Not any receipts. Good ewes
would bring 3.50, top . wetbera 3.67 to
4.00, and top last of the mountain lamb
5.50 to 5 75 but a general apathy
exists in tbe sheep trade.
Funds Will Be Placed In
Large Banks and Dis
tributed. Secretary McAdoo bas prepared to
distribute the promised $5,000,000 to
$50,000,000 of Government funds to
the agricultural regions of the south
and west. The aeoretary ia receiving
information as to tbe needa of distrlcta
where harvesting; is now under wsy,
and expeeta to have the money in banka
in ample time for the movement of
the cropa. It ia expected that the
Secretary'a plan would be a powerful
faetor in averting or relieving the
prospective tightness of money char
acteristic of the crop-moving season.
The money will be placed in the banka
of tbe large cites in the agricultural
regions of the aoutb and west on the
condition that they will distribute the
money to the country banns at reason
able ratea of Interest.