Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, July 31, 1913, Image 2

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A complete line of
wagon and bnggjr
harness, whips,
robes, bits, Hates,
purs,quilts, rose
ettes, etc., etc.
Successors to S. F. AHLSTROM
Our Complete Tract Index
Insurost Accuracy, Promptness and Reliability
Such an Index is the ONLY RELIABLE system from which an
Abstract can be made, showing all defects of title.
We Also Furnishl j&VKiK5sr
Daily Service Reno to Lakeview Except Sundays
No. 1 Arrives Lakeview at 8:35 P. M.
No. 2 Leaves Lakeview at 7:05 A. M.
Daily Except Sunday
Pullman A BufTettService Between Lakeview and Reno
We Sell,
In Any
Part of
Lake or
j Lakeview Steam Laundry
We give efficient service and do
good work. Send your
washing and give
us a trial.
We are now ready to roll your Barley at any time
Ever thing in the
line of carriage
and horse furnish
lugs, ltcpairlug
by competent
How about that real estate you
have been trying to sell for years. We
can find a purchaser, or sell any other
kind of property you may have to offer.
We handle real estate of any kind
anywhere, and will guarantee satisfac
tion. Our services are at your disposal.
Perhaps you have been looking foi
a farm, ranch, city realty, a summer home
or a business to engage in. If you wish
to buy, lease for grazing or any other
purpose tell us what you want and
where you want it. We will find it for
you and buy or lease it at a price that
will please you.
We will be glad to supply detailed
information to anyone interested in
buying, selling or leasing realty of any
description. Blanks for buying, selling
or leasing property may be had on ap
plication at this office. Send for a com
plimentary copy of our listed property
and terms.
Curtis & Utley
Lakeview - - Oregon
Ths Only Successful and Sf Way ta
Tranaaci Business, "
"No man can do business of any mag
nitude." as Ul a retail tunn recently, "or
would care lis for that mutter, without
credit but trie very enso with which
credit may be ol'talncd may be a pit
fall and on Into which a good many
retail merchants luive fallen and unions
human nature chances are likely to
fall In the future.
"But there la oua safe course to fol
low which at least will prevent com
plications arising as a reault of eare
leaaness, and that la to adopt a rule to
pay every bill and Interest account
when It Is due. Many a bill has been
let run over when to pay It would be
Just as easy as to omit doing so, and
loose ends of debt accumulate In a way
that Is surprising when a full summing
op Is made of tbein.
"Then. too. It Is true that If tho debts
are left at loose ends some ono may
take It into his bead to gather tho
loose ends together and so tie up tho
mau who should have looked after
them. This may be a bad metaphor,
but It Is certainly good logic.
"So, ns I said In the beginning," snld
the merchant, "the best thing to do Is
to pay all bills when due. even if to do
so you shall have to borrow the neces
sary money with which to take care of
them, since doing so at least has the
merit of concentrating the Indebted
ness and placlug it where provision can
be made for Its handling easily when
opportunity offers to take It up."
New Schemes Often Effective
Stimulating Trad Activity.
Nothing wins so well as constant
work. Often we bear a merchant com
plaining about dull timed. Terbapa his
neighbor Is doing a rushing business,
for the simple reason that bis neighbor
keeps busy. If customers aro uot com
ing In so rapidly as he might wish tbe
busy man takes time to get busier and
devises some new scheme to bring
trade to the store.
I'ernaps tie busies himself In rvnr-
ranging his goods In attractive mnniicr
on the shelves anil hi the showcases.
If he finds some of I lie i lerks who tiro
complaining nf lis Ix-.ui.' "lull he Imme
diately gets i1iom i-lcrks liiisy (rotting
out old coori.-t uml iiiT.-injIng them In a
manner that he can curry on a rlenu
Ing tip sale to od ntnn
There Is ninny Mm -if work to do
How many times ! we tind merchants
who complain of iIuMiihs sitting Insldt
and vainly endenvnnns to look through
windows ruv errd with d'.ist and dirt'
How many times I we find the mat)
who says there Is nothing to do look'
Ine at a dWiilnv of dirty foods!
Don't you forget It If you have an j
bnslnesa to look after you have some
thing to keep yon bnsy all tbe time
Nothing like keeping busy about tb
store. It la sore to pay In tbe end,
Even the novice can keep busy reading
some good trade paper and posting np
on commercial ideas and make a win
nlng thereby.
University of Illinois Takes Uniqui.
Method to Reach Public
The University of Illinois has been
seuding out an "Australian ballot for
fanners." upon which tbe following
ten items ure listed opposite squares tc
be checked after the heading "I Will'
and returned to tbe university:
"Plant or improve my windbreak;
screen unsightly objects; save old trees
on la n n. roadside or field; plant some
thing to attract friendly birds; plant
bushes and vines against foundations
of my bouse; make a good, open lawn;
Improve views of my bouse and the
prairie: help the children make a Bow
er gardeu; plant a border sacred to na
tive trees, Illinois shrubs and prairie
flowers; repluo my home grounds.
Without agreeing to pay anything I
seriously desire help on the above mat
ters, and If I get it I will tell you what
Improvements I make and the cost"
The University of Illinois is also
waging an active campaign for tbe
planting of all roadsides with trees and
bas a department for that special work
under the leadership of Wilhelm Mil
ler, Ph. D., assistant professor of land
scape horticulture.
Every one who bas tbe Inter
est and health of his community
at beatt should do battle with
tbe deadly insect wherever It
goes. In the city of New York
alone tbe total number of deaths
from diseases that have been
traced directly to the fly for an
average of five years ending Jan.
1. 1912. are as follows:
Typhoid fever 6T6
Tuberculosis (all kinds) 10,742
Cholera Infantum t,&
Cerebrospinal meningitis ...... 404
Diphtheria 182S
Scarlet fever 1,024
Uronchltls 1,448
Eraallpox I
In addition are the follow
ing diseases: Bubonic plague, pel
lagra, Asiatic cholera, leprosy,
anthrax, conjunctivitis, ophthal
mia and infantile paralysis. The
last Is not classified as such by
the city board of health, but tbe
x state board of health reported
forty deaths In 191L
Cotieluilptl from last week)
Lakeview Transfer Co. drayage,
ete io 60
Dick KingnUy, board and room
for Guy Drury, (insane) 8M
Henry Jnss work on Court
house grounds 75 00
K. U. Ablstrom Telegram.... 2 55
J. Q. Wilms Tenchcra examina
tions 3 days 9 00
Mrs. Augusta Stratton same 4
days 12 00
A. J. Foster stamps.,.., v. 100
F. W. I'ayne stamps expressage
etc 191 75
T. b. Vernon clerical assistance
in Assessors office 120 00
Kathleen O'Neill same 100 00
Clarence U. Snider same sheriff
office v 100 00
tiailey & Masslnglll road sup
plies general road fund 21 97
Woodcock & Leonard repair of
road too's general road fund... 88 50
Embody Lumber Co. Lumber
for road work general road
fund 17 00
J. A. Morris supplies for road
work generst'rosd fund 6 70
E. G. Graves Lumber for road
work general road fund 23 37
W. E. Christie Lumber for road
work general road fund 1 75
Arzner Bros, repair of road
tools etc 29 50
Austin Western Road Machi
nery Co. extra for road Grader
(General road lund) 1 55
To be paid out of the road fund ot
road Dist. No. 1 :
tl. B. Brewer road work 142 50
Lon McCrany same 50 00
F. O. Bollinger same' 61 25
K. K. Ward same.. 49 00
Ed Chapman same 54 00
J. L. Stratton same 3 75
George Mikles same 3 75
Fred Oleham same 12 60
E. G. Graves same 2 25
K C.Allen same 3 75
EJ Milum same 12 50
To be paid out of the road fund of
Road Dist. No. 2.
J. D. Clark road work 36 00
Clyde P. Clark same 15 00
To be paid out of the rond fund of
Road Dist. No. 3.
Cbas. Gavlord road work 7 31
D. B. Conrad same 182 75
W. K. Marcheck same 57 19
Geo. Koster same 35 31
E. J. Davis same 66 31
Sam Murry same 40 00
T. J. Evans same 51 25
J. K. Ueckman, same 40 00
H. W. Witham same 50 93
Earl Landon same 46 25
C. W. Keene same 13 75
Arthur Stanley same 35 00
Henrv Oheim same 1 27 81
Valley Falls Merc. Co. ssme of
Henry Oheim 12 60
To be paid out of the road fund of
Dist. No. 4.
S. B. Chandler road work 60 35
To be paid out of the road Jfurd of
Dist. No. 6. j
Frsnk Koggers road work 201 00 j
Leland Crump same 109 25
J. B. Cleland aame 62 50
J. Messner same 63 75
P. A. Gaffeney same 43 75
Wm. Alford same 10 00
Pelletier same 6 25
C. J. Bennett a -me 83 25
J. W. Kenfro same 11 25
W. O. Grisel same 1U1 25
J. M. Peters same 11 25
F. Crumn same 11 25
To be p-iid out of the road fund
of Road Dist. No. 6.
M. H. Caldwell road work 45 00
C. F. Caldwell same, 12 50
W. H. Caldwell aame 33 00
L. Caldwell same 15 00
To be paid out of the road fund of
Road Dist. No. 11.
Post & King road work of Teas
Pratt 27
Bank of Lakeview same of Flint
Vernon 16
Bailey & Massingill same of J.
D. Todd 12 40
Jesse Vernon same 7t 80
Flint Vernon same 157 92
E. S. Arthur same 50 40
Cbas. Eccleston same 17 60
lo be paid out of the road fund of
Koad Dist. No. 12.
Creed Pendleton road work 760 65
Albert Moore same 25 00
C. II. Pendleton same 81 20
Pat J. Anglard same 33 00
To he paid out of the road fund of
Road Dist. No. 14.
H. O. Carmaok road work....... 2 50
Court adjourned until July 3, 1913
at 9 o'clock A. M.
County Judge
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Lake County, Thursday
July 3, 1913.
Court conveynei pursuant to adjourn
ment of July 2, 1913, with the same
officers present, when the following
proceedings were had, tp-wit:
In the matter of the regsignation of
A. A. Farrow as Justice of the Peace
for Paisley Precinct Si, 3 of Lake
County, Oregon.
It is hereby ordered that the resigna
tion of A. A. Farrow as Justice nt the
Peace of Paisley Precinct No. 3 of
Lake County, Oregon be and the same
Is hereby accepted.
In the matter of the appointment of
a Justice of the Peace for Paisley
Continued on Page Seven
BE1I OKE you buy a biff game rifle, by all means
ask your dealer to show you the Remington
Autoloading Rifles.
They are five-shot repeaters operated by the
recoil. Always a shot ready for the emergency, for
the cripple, for the deer that is getting away, or the
charging beast that promises to be troublesome if
you don't get him quick.
The Remington Autoloading Rifles and Shot
guns arc the latest Achievement in iiinrty-six
years of producing fine firearms.
Remington Arms-Union Metallic Cartridge Co.
299 Urosdwsy J New York
lXE HAVE JUST RECEIVED a car of extra
v StarJuA" Red Cedar Shingles and Red (Doug
las) Fir Flooring and Ceiling. We also carry a
completeyine'of California White Pine, Rustic, Floor
ing, Ceiling, Mouldings, Shiplap, Rough Dimcsnion
and Boxing, inffact everything in the lumber line
used in a building, and our prices are right.
Come in and let us talk over that building you
are intending to build; maybe we can help you with
it and we know we can save you some money.
Yard on Center St.
Phone 722
Is a great factor for success. It
enters the private office of the large
financier as well as the home of a
possible customer.
decides the question. Is it attractive?
Does it make a favorable impression
so its message will be read, instead
of being thrown in the waste basket?
"The examiner job printing
Is one of the best. Experts are ready
to furnish estimates and advice to
produce for you, Printing with Origi
nality, Taste and Design Printing
that will attract business for you.
Job Printing Department-Phone 521
CON BREEN, Proprietor
Special Attention to Transient Stock
Horses Boarded by the Day, Week or Month
Always Open Phone 571
Artier hlM Thm Riminito CaSe
arrr mm Amlmlm4t
Lakeview, Ore.