Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, July 31, 1913, Image 1

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Eection Will Be Statewide to Vote Upon
Petitions for Referendum on Various
Measures Passed at Last Legislature
Supreme Court Decides
la reoent decision of Um Supreme
Court in which tbe constitutionality of
Um Day bill, providing for the special
election to be held In Oregon this fall,
was tested, the measure was held to
be constitutional, thus reversing the
decision of Judge Galloway.
The opinion Is written by Justice
Burnett, who holds thst the legislature
can do anything which the constitution
does not prohibit. The opinion Is
based upon the principle laid down In
the opinion, that "the legislature it
self, acting directly, could rave refer
red to the people any or all the laws
enacted, and It is not perceived why it
could not with equal propriety annex a j
lawful condition to a referendum of I
the ssme bills ordered by petition. J
It Is held thst the act sufficiently
states the messure upon whioh a vote
will be so taken, that there was then
actual material In existence subject to
the referendum, and that it was com
petent for the legislature to provide
for the referendum of its own measures
It is alio competent for the legisla
ture to anticipate a condition likely to
arise in the future and consequently !
Only MetKod Is to Cut
Diseased Parts From
J.L. Hampton, deputy County Fruit
Inspector yesterdsy csme down from
Paisley to investigate the blight di
sease which Is ssld to De quit preva
lent in thia section. He Informs the
Exsminer thst this affection is becom
ing spread all over the county, and to
day ha went to New Pine Creek to in
spect the orchards there.
The peer or fire blight Is the most
serious of all the diseases which at
tack the pear and apple. It is a con
tagious disease of bacterisl origin,
which, under proper conditions, msy
sttack any psrt of the tree. Besides
the pear and apple, the quince, wild
crat-apple, and other trees are subject
to attacks of the disesse.
The blight is caused by a minute or
ganism belonging to the bacteria and
known technically as Bsccillua amy
lovrua. It is a rod-shaped, motile germ
which divides very rapidly by simple
fission and is found In immense numbers
in the diseased tissue. The germs ate
minute and are visible only under the
highest magnification of Hie compound
Beginning in the spring the first ap
parent damage produced by the disease
in an affected orchards the bligntlng
of the blossoms. 'Infection is brought
about by insects, which after visiting
a esse of holdover blight and becoming
covered witn the organisms contained
in the sticky exudation that develops
under favorable conditions from old
cankers in the spring, inoculate the
flowers In their search for nectar. One
of the moat fruitful sources ot Infec
toin has been the pruning shears or
saw. In pruning, if an autive canker
is cut into, the tools become infected
and serves as inocualtlng Instruments
to spread the disease throghout the or
chard. Inspector Hsmptoo states that the
only method for treating diseased trees
is to cut out the diseased parts, gray
ing is of no value as a control measure.
Bummer cutting must be prscticod
constantly. The trees should be fre-
' Continued on page eight
to provide legal rulea applicable to
soon a contingency.
The opinion disposes of the conten
tion that the law takes effect upon the
happening of a contingency briefly,
holding the law does not so depend, its
going into effect at once, but the elec
tion may depend upon a contingency.
The opinion is exhaustive, covering all
points of the case, and sustains the
constitutionslity of the law through
out. The result of which is that there
will be an election held next Novem
ber. Petitions for referendum hsve been
filed in the office of the secretary of
state, ssking that the following meas
ures, passed by the last session of leg
islature, be referred to the people for
approval or rejection at the November
Sterilization of habitual criminals,
degenerstcs or perverts.
Creating of the State Industrial Ac
cident commission, and the Workmen's
Compensation act.
University of Oregon appropriation
tlOO.000 for additional building.
Provision for County Attorneys in
each county, and eliminating the office
of District Attorney.
Portland Chamber of Com
merce Head to Visit Us
Phil S. Bates, Publisner of the Pac
ific Northwest who was in Lakevtaw
last week with the "Myng Squad" ot
Portland, stated that he would return
here about the 13at of August in com
psny with President J. M. Averill of
the Portlsnd Chamber of Commerce.
The Itinerary of their trip will include
about the same territory as that re
cently eovered by the "Flying Squad."
The Porland Chamber of Commerce
is composed of the heads of the biggest
Jobting, manufacturing and shipping
interests, and their work is largely
carried on with the national lawmakers,
taking np such big problems ss trans
portation, shipping, harbor and river
improvements. This will be the first
trip through this section representing
the orgsnizatipn which is indicative that
the Portland business men are begin
ing to awaken to the wonderful pos
sibilities of Central and Southeastern
Oregon, and the immense trade which
Is steadily growing larger. This trip
of Mr. Averill's and Mr. Ba'.es' will no
doubt do a great deal toward Interest
ing influential men in the development
of thia region.
U'Ren a Republican
W. S. U'Kn. single tsx advocate
and at the Inst Presidential election a
aupporter of Theodore , Roosevelt, is
admittedly basing his csmpalgn for
Governor of Oregon largely on the hope
of receiving the Republican nomina
tion at the primary next May. ' There
has been considerable doubt heretofore
as to whether Mr. U'Kwi would aspire
to the highest office in this stste as a
Republican, despite bis flirtation with
the Progressive camp last November,
or as an Inaependent candidate, buti)e
bis now quoted as having put them all
at rest, and will make the race on the
Republican ticket.
It is reported that Fred Moore, the
aotor who is well known looally, re
cently suffered a breakdown at Susan
ville and as a consequence the Moore
Either troupe which was headed for
Lakeview, was disbanded at that place.
N.-C.-0. TO MAKE
Commercial Agent of Road
Q I v e s Encouragement
on Recent Trip.
T. E. Giller. Commercial Agent of
the Nevada-Callforna-Oregon Railway,
was in Lakeview last week from bis
nesdqoaters at Reno. He was looking
over the territory adjacent to the line
soliciting tonnage for outshlpments.
The N.-C.-O. is making special effort
to Induce local farmers to ship their
produce to outside markets, and Mr.
Giller statad that as soon aa this busi
ness was started bis road would estab
lish joint rates with tbt Southern Pa
cific and Western Pacific lines to justi
fy the transportation of tonnage from
thia section.
This mstter wjll be received with
great interest by farmers of this valley
aa it will afford a market for their pro
duo at a price which will encourage
the.:: to increase their acreage and
yields. Heretofore without the assur
ance of these joint rstes producers
couldn't depend upon fhlpping out
their commodities aa the freight rates
have prohibited them from netting
reasonable returns.
Relieved of Prisoner Who
Was Lynched.
Ashlsnd Record: Attorney W. J.
Moore of Ashland and many others In
this region were well acquainted .with
Albert Heminger, former marshal ot
Lakeview. whose body wss picked up
on the Southern Pacific right of way
near Dorris recently. The coroner's
jury decided that death was duo to fal
ling between cars in going from dne to
the other. Attorney Moore tells sn
interesting story of how Heminger wss
marshal at Lakeview wnen a mob held
him up and took away a murderer
named Thomoson and lynched him.
The affair unnerved Heminger and he
disappeared, being lound wandering in
the hills. He was sent to Salem where
a cure wss effected. He afterwards
left for Klondike and was on hie re
turn trip when he met dissster. He
had on him the sum of $2040. which
had diaappeared when his effects were
searched at the Klamath Falls bos
National Highway Associ
ation Official Coming: By
Writing to the Editor of the Lake
County Examiner from headquarters
at South Yarmouth, Mass., Charles H.
Dsvis, president of the National
Highway Association, atstes thst Mr.
A. L. Westgar3, vice-president of the
ssme Association, will shortly pass
through Lakeview on bis 17,000 mile
trio by motot car which he is taking
under the auBpicts of this Association,
in the interea's of Good Roads Every
where. In his ride through Utah, he
was accompanied part of the way by
Governor Spry, and while in ..Nevada,
was joined by Governor Oddiu.
"This trip he is taking," writes
President Davis," is creating wide
interest everywhere, as every city,
town, and hamlet ia snxioua to share
in the good work that the National
Highways Association is planning to
do. Good Roads all over the country
mean development all along the line."
In addition to the letter a pamphlet
and map showing the outlined high
ways to be traversed by Mr. Wrstgar i
was Inclosed. According to the map
the proposed route directly affecting
this country leads from Walla Walla,
Wash, down the Columbia river to
Wasco Oregon, thenca south across the
state, touching Prinevilie, Silver Lake,
Paisley, Lskeview end Alturss snd
out to San Francisco by way of Rad
ding. Toe exact date that Mr. Westgard
First Churning Turns Out
Three Hundred and Fifty
Pounds Choice Product.
The Lakeview Creamery was started
laat Friday and Manager Troest man
ofactared 360 pounds of butter at the
Drat churnlnar. Thia starter waa vers
) encouraging to the management as he
did not expect to receive so much
cream at the beginning. Ha atated
that it waa one of tbe choiceat lota of
cream lie ever handled, the quality of
tbc product folly attesting this fact.
The first product was plaoed oa sale
Monday mornng in the various local
stores. The creamery ia paying the
farmers 80 cents per pound for the
butterfat, and the atorea are retailing
the product at 65 cents per two-pound
Mr. Troest presented the first roll
of butter manufactured to F. O. Bunt
ing, who In turn gave it to the Lake
view Commercial Club. The brick
waa aold by aucion to the highest bid
der at the Good Roads meeting in the
court bouse Saturday night, and it was
knocked down to the Lake County
Examiner, the bid being $5.00.
get seed wheat
N.-C.-O. Is Selling Choice
Grain to Farmers on
Easy Terms.
Agent Claas of the N.-C.-O. informs
the Examinner that he haa thus far
received orders for only a half oar
load of lead wheat which the road ia
sailing, on easy terms, to farmers of
this section. He slso state thst it
will be necessary for farmers to plsce
their orders for seed by next week in
order to insure safe delivery for this
Fall's sowing.
The eompsny is selling two varieties
of wheat, Turkey Red and Gold Coin,
the famous Utsh Fsll grain, but a
marked preference is being shown the
tormer kind by farmers here, inas
much aa they are more familiar with
that variety. Mr. Class ssys the price
is approximately 2 1-2 centa per pound
This move on the part of the railroad
affords growers a splendid .opportunity
to secure choice seed grain, and they
should heed the warning to place their
orders for the same with Mr. Class
by next week.
Shores of Goose Lake Will
Be Made Pleasure Re
sort. New Pine Creek, July 30. (Special)
New Pine Creek is to have a per
manent pleasure ground on the shores
of Ooose Lake, situated st a point just
north of the State Line at the Amick
Thia will be the finest lucation avail
able for picnicB, as there is an sbuno
ance of the best shhde trees that aie
to be found at any point on the tench,
A pier ia provided where motji
boats and other boats may lsi.d, and a
motor boat servioe will be at the dis
posal of the public, as well a several
row boats.
The grounds will be dedicated with
a grand opening picnic which will be
held in about two or three weeks
when tbe grounds are ready.
Everybody will be welcome and no
effort will be spared to mskc it an en
joyable time for evtryone.
Swings are to be provided, bath
houses etc., and it is planned to hsve
a house witn stove where those desir
ing it may prepare hot coffee or Uher
Thia ground is reached by a pretty
drive over good graveled road, and ia
about 1 1-4 miles from New Pine
will reach Lakeiew ia not given but
inasmuch as he bss recently covered
tbe state of Nevada it is quite likely
that he will be here at an early date.
Washington Boulevard and Lincoln National
Thoroughfare to Connect Here Good
Roads Advocate Blazing Route
From Omaha to Seattle
Colonel Cbas. W. Tbateer. the weU
known apostle of Good Roads, arrived
in Lakeview lsst Sstorday on schedule
time and was given a monster meeting
at the court hoose here in the even
ing. He wss well entertained in
Lakeview and Sunday continued on
his wsy to Klamath Falla leeling very
grateful toward Lakeview eitizena.
the hoaoitality ot He ia traveling,
in his fsmons and peculiar 'Good
Roads" wagon propelled by a span of
mules, in tbe interests of the Lincoln
Highway Aaeociaion, a branch of
which is proposed to intersect this
state by way of Lakeview.
In an interview with Col. Thatcher,
he gave out the following to an Exam
iner representative for publication:
"Tbe main route of the Lincoln Na
tional Highway starta at Washington,
D. C, going via Baltimore, Cumber
land, Wheeling, Columbus, Indians,
St. Louis, Kansaa City. Denver, Salt
Lake City and Reno to San Francisco.
Tbe Portland and Seattle division
leavea the main line near Gerlscb,
Nev., going via Eagleviile, Cedarville,
Alturss. . Lskeview, Klamath Falla,
Crater Lake National Park. Eugene to
Portland and Seattle. To Portland
Limit Is Reduced to Three
and Tags Must Be Used;
Issned By Clerk.
Tbe open season for deer with horna
begins in Uregon tomorrow, August
Int. and will end October 31. Ucder
the terma of the new game code en
acted by tbe 1913 legislature the bag
limit is three instead ot five as here
tofore. County Clerk Payne ia now
issuing the new tags witb game licen
ses, three in number, and one of which
must be placed upon each deor slain
during the sesson. Should a hunter
kill a deer and nut put one of these
tags on it the assumption will be that
the buuk just slain is the fourth one
of the sesson, and tberebv places tbe
slayer liable to fine and imprisonment
Those who bought their ileensea esrly
in the season can get tne tags by cal
ling at the office of tbe County Clerk
and showing their licenses. Such per
sons arts r i quested to get their tags
and thus avoid possible erabsraBsment
from Warden McKimmens and his dep
uty sleuths.
Children unoYr 14 yfars tf age can
not n' a iicnue aid aie i.oi il'uw
ed to I. nut wnn a gun on lsnd3 ottier
iI'imi their own premies or those of
i. i-Kitiii, relative or gunniian.
War Against Rabbits
A Salem dispsch under date of July
24. ssys: Stating thst rabbits are be
coming a serious menace to farmera in
Southeastern Oregon, Governor West
today appointed W. L. Finley. stste
gsroe warden; Dr. W. H. Lytle, atate
veterinarian, and P. D. Beckwith,
professor of bscterology in Agricultur
al College, as a commission to investi
gate tbe situation and to devise means,
it possible, to exterminate the pest.
According to complaints made to the
Governor, farmera are no longer able
to cope with the pest, and must hsve
Win McCoy tbia week arrived trom
Klamath Falls to take a position in
the Lakeview Garage. He has been
connected with the Southern Oregon
Automobile Co., proprietors of the
Lakeview Garage, at Klamath Falls.
and Seattle over the entire route we
find a far superior coarse than ia found
byj going over she Emigrant Pasa,
which is closed to travel a large part
of the year. I'D Crater Lake roite
ia sure to become poooiar because of
tbe rare and gorgeous scenerv along
entire route," said Colonel Thatcher.
"I regret to find tbe roads from
Lakeview to Klamath County line in
a bad condition. Tbe sections where
the adobe land exists could be graded
ia a ahort time and with a light coat
ing of gravel would be passable all the
year. Lake County cannot afford to
let this matter go by without attention.
If this is not done travel naturally will
go by Alturss direct to Klamath Falls
where soil conditions are better suited
for all year travel. But by giving your
route tbe necessary improvements it
cannot be excelled aa a scenic course.
And this will mean millions of doilsrs
to Lakeview.
"The moat Important National High
way ia tbe Washington Boulevard from
New York: via Chicago to Portland and
Seattle. This highway will consist ot
a nomDcr ox aivisioea wnion win con
nect the main roadway with other Im-
... Continued on cage eight
A.Y. Beach, Former Editor,
Sends Congratulations
Upon Advancement.
Portland, Oregon. July 26, 1913.
Editor Examiner,
Lakeview, Oregon.
In perusing tb pages of tbe lsst
issue of the Examiner, the headline
"We Have Moved', impels mi to
make a few remarks, with your kind
After a continuous residence in Lake
view, trom 1885 to 1904, and during all
that lime doing duty on Tbe Examiner
(beginning as devil and tecoming
editor and proprietor in 1893,) you can
see 1 still have some interest in the
movements of my long time friend.
The Examiner never was much on the
move, except fur tbe uplift of human
ity and the good will of all. This is
the second move that I can recall.
The first was in 1894, when all hands
carried the old hand press serosa tbe
street to the new Masonic building,
which wss then considered very com
modious and modern quarters.' It
might be adued that there waa also in
cluded in the moving a juo press, a few
esses of type suit a large pair of
shears. Tbe Examiner prospered in '
its new home, and laid the foundation
for what is now the best eonntryjweek
ly in Oregon.
The most crushing blow the Exam
iner ever received waa in May, 1900
when the entire business section of
Lakeview was burned. Nothing waa
left to tell the tale except a smsll job
press, a few handtula of type and a
can of red ink. One aide of the paper
had already been printed the Saturday
before, and thia having alao been sav
ed, permitted The Examiner to come
out on its regular publication day, the
day following tbe tire. It was some
what shrunken in size, and hardly
readable, but proved The Examiner's
ever readiness to serve its readers
with every issue on time. We were
greatly interested in seeing the first
psge of this famous issue published in
The Examiner a few weeks ago.
There were troublesome times with
the publication of the paper for many
Continued oa paga eight